Fuchsia Fox : "Hostage!", by Centurion

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Here's the next Fuchsia Fox story by Centurion. My apologies in taking so long to post it.

If you're enjoying Centurion's Fuchsia Fox series, please don't be shy in posting your feedback or if you prefer, PMing me so that I can pass along your feedback to Centurion. :)

Fuchsia Fox: "Hostage!"

Chapter 1 -- Washington, D.C.

"Just be natural," said Keri Keller, fluffing out her shoulder length red hair with her left hand, while her right hand was busy thumbing a message on her smart phone. The beautiful young television reporter's curvy body was clad in a clingy carmine red dress with broad white trim and a modest v-shaped neckline. "Pretend that it's just the two of us having a pleasant chat. If you run into trouble, keep your eyes on the teleprompter. Above all, try not to be nervous."

"I'll try, Ms. Keller," said the pretty brunette girl facing her, wearing a knee length blue skirt, a white camisole and a matching blazer. Jennifer Fletcher patiently sat still while the make-up girl powdered her face and touched up her lipstick. Both young women were sitting in comfortable armchairs on the channel 3 morning show set, with potted plants behind them framing a backdrop of the Washington skyline.

"Call me Keri, for goodness sakes," Keri was saying, putting away her phone and giving a slight tug at her bodice. "Last week I had a guy from the Treasury Department. I thought he was going to faint." She flashed Jennifer a warm smile, reaching over to pat her knee. "You'll do fine."

"Thanks, Keri," Jennifer said, returning the smile as her brown eyes scanned the studio a little apprehensively. The glaring spotlights, the heavy cables underfoot, the electricians and cameramen bustling about, finally the glass booth where the producer and technician controlled everything, were very intimidating -- especially the three cameras which would send her image to hundreds of thousands of television screens and online devices throughout the Washington area. Jennifer wanted to assure Keri that she was no stranger to being interviewed, that she had in fact sat in this very same chair twice before, but she couldn't. Both of those times she had been wearing the purplish-pink costume of her super-powered alter ego, the Fuchsia Fox!

As if to reassure herself, Jennifer caressed her wrists, touching the golden bracelets that endowed her with her superhuman powers. For several months they had been locked in place so that she couldn't remove them without her husband Martin's intervention. Now that Jennifer could take them off whenever she wanted, she decided at the last second to remove the bracelets and slip them into the pocket of her blazer.

"We're live in ten seconds!" one of the crew warned, as the make-up girl scurried away out of sight. The men behind the cameras got ready. "...four... three... two... one..."

"And we're back, Washington!" Keri said brightly, smiling at the camera. "With me this morning is Jennifer Fletcher, assistant curator of the National Archives. Good morning, Jennifer! What's going on at the Archives these days?"

"I'm glad you asked, Keri!" Jennifer responded. "We're so excited about our new exhibits showing how Washington has grown from its very earliest days until the present. In the O'Brien gallery we have the original plan drawn up by Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant in 1791, as well as documents and photographs taken during the construction of each of the iconic monuments all over our nation's capitol."

"Now the nation's capitol wasn't always in Washington, was it?" Keri asked.

"No it wasn't," said Jennifer. "In fact, there was a lot of controversy about choosing the site..."

"Camera two, you're too tight on her face," said the producer, Steve Corbett, inside the control booth. "Pull back just a whisker." Thank God the Archives had sent a pretty spokesperson Corbett thought. He wasn't actually paying attention to what the girl was saying, but she had a lean, alluring figure, and there was no doubt the cameras LOVED her. As soon as he could, he switched back to camera three, to get a look at both women's legs. For a second he held his breath, but Keri had an instinct about this sort of thing... yep, with flawless timing she crossed her sensational stems, giving a not-quite-unnoticed tug at the tight skirt of her dress.

Corbett was too preoccupied to notice the man in a green jumpsuit slip silently through the control booth's glass door.

"And that exhibit runs until October, you said?" Keri was saying, as the interview wound to a close.

"That's right, October 15th," Jennifer confirmed.

"So be sure to drop by and see that when you get the chance, Washington!" Keri concluded. "Up next we have--"

Suddenly a loud BANG! like a pistol shot echoed through the studio. Startled by the noise, both women nearly jumped out of their skins, looking around for the source. They didn't have long to wait as a man wearing a green uniform and a mask joined them on the set waving a handgun.

"Hold it! Keep that camera on!" the intruder demanded, gesturing with his gun toward the men running the cameras. Keri gasped in fright, the technicians and assistants all murmuring in random panic, while Jennifer immediately noticed the odd patch on the man's sleeve with red lettering which said, "Guardsman". Glancing across the room, she saw another Guardsman in the control booth, holding a gun at the producer's head.

Oh no! Jennifer had run into this dangerous paramilitary group before! She was out of her chair in a heartbeat, taking advantage of the confusion to sidle off the set and toward the dressing rooms while her left hand reached into the pocket of her blazer. If she could only slip away and make a quick change...

"Going somewhere, missy?" said a male voice, as a third man grabbed her left wrist before she could complete the gesture. His other arm looped tightly around Jennifer's slender waist, pausing only to take an impertinent slap at her pert bottom. "Get back here where I can see you."

Jennifer gasped. He was the only one of the intruders who wasn't wearing a mask, and she instantly recognized Magruder! In addition to his Guardsmen uniform, the leader of the paramilitary group was also wearing an earpiece transceiver, as well as a teleportation harness much like the one she had previously seen on the operative they had called the Bull! Jennifer was so startled by Magruder's appearance, it didn't occur to her to resist as he manhandled her back to join the others. They were being herded together by a total of five armed Guardsmen, two of them carrying Uzi submachineguns.

"Put that camera on me!" Magruder ordered, dragging Jennifer's slender frame along with him to the center of the set. When the cameramen only stood waiting for orders from Steve Corbett, he drew a pistol from his side holster and pressed it against the girl's head. "Do it NOW!"

Inside the booth, Corbett nodded reluctantly.

"We are the Guardsmen!" Magruder announced to the city. "We are patriots whose goal is nothing less than the reclamation of America's Greatness from the Feminists and fellow travelers who have made us weak! We now control this television station! We have armed men on every floor, and everyone in this building can now be considered a hostage! Play ball with me and no one needs to get hurt! But if the police try to assault this building, I promise you that people are going to die!"

Jennifer squirmed in the terrorist's strong arms, her heart thumping, her bosom rising and falling with her gasps of fright. Her bracelets of Ishtar would give her all the power she needed to stop this situation cold... but what could she do in front of all these witnesses, with a live camera feed on her? The only thing she could do at the moment was play along and hope for some opening she could exploit...

Magruder suddenly took hold of the lapels of her white blazer and yanked it off her smooth bare shoulders, so that the sleeves pinned her arms by her sides. His right hand held the cold barrel of his gun against her swan-like neck. Jennifer felt his hard body pressed against her behind as his free hand moved along the front of her lean torso, cupping the supple mound of her right breast and giving it as squeeze through the thin fabric of her camisole and bra.

"We have only one demand," Magruder stated for the camera. "The Fuchsia Fox! If that whore is listening to this, she has exactly one hour to surrender herself. If she doesn't... people are going to get hurt."


Chapter 2 --

In the Pentagon, Captain Martin Fletcher was at his desk in the office he shared with a handful of other officers. Watching the show in order to catch Jennifer's interview, he had seen the whole thing, including the terrorist leader holding a gun to his wife's head. As the screen went to a blank Channel 3 test pattern, he sat at his desk, stunned and almost gasping for breath. A few moments later, Major Barbara Wright swept into the office.

"I just got off the phone with Homeland Security, Fletcher," the beautiful blonde said. "The D.C. Police already have an SRU team on site. The television station is five stories high, so if they really do have men on every floor, we're looking at a dozen men, minimum. Have you called her yet?"

"Called who?" Martin said, feeling a little dazed.

"The Fuchsia Fox!" Wright said in a tone of exasperation. "In case she hasn't heard about it! Didn't you tell me you have a number where you can reach her?"

"Oh right," Martin said, reaching for his phone. "I'll give it a try, major. But I'm pretty sure she probably knows about it already."


The Guardsmen acted quickly. While the two men with Uzis stood guard, the other two bound everyone else's wrists and ankles with duct tape. The only ones left unbound were Jennifer, Keri, and Steve Corbett. With the dozen or so technicians, reporters, and assistants huddled together on one side of the room, one of the men carefully set up a small, flat, rectangular metal box about the size of a shoe box, with one of the broad sides facing the hostages. Once he had finished and stepped clear, Magruder let go of Jennifer long enough to reach into the pocket of his uniform for a remote control unit. At the click of a button, a red light chirped on the rectangular box.

"That is a claymore anti-personnel mine," Magruder explained to the hostages. "It is now active. If your dim-witted super-bitch gets any ideas into her head about taking on my men instead of surrendering, all I have to do is press this button, and every single one of you gets turned into fresh hamburger."

"What kind of person ARE you?" said Keri suddenly.

Jennifer bit her lip. What are you doing, Keri? she wanted to say. Don't antagonize the men with guns!

"Didn't you hear?" Magruder answered. "I'm a patriot."

"A patriot?" the redhead scoffed. "I see nothing here but a bunch of little boys playing with guns... hiding behind masks and terrorizing helpless people."

Magruder's cheeks turned red. He seemed to be holding his temper only with difficulty. "You're hardly in a position to say things like that, missy," he said tightly. "We'll see how brave you talk once we've humiliated your hero the Fuchsia Fox on live television."

"That will never happen," Keri said confidently. "Because the Fox has more courage in one little finger than all of you so-called 'Guardsmen' put together."

"I see that you're one of those uppity Feminists," Magruder said after a pause. "Maybe you think you know better than men how to run the world? Do you know what we Guardsmen say to that?" He grinned. The four other men with him also grinned underneath their masks.

"Norton, Sweeney; knock yourselves out," Magruder said.

Two of the men holstered their guns and advanced on Keri, grabbing her from both sides. "You keep your hands off of me!" the sexy redhead protested, struggling in vain as the men overpowered her, lifting her feet off the floor as they dragged her over to the morning show set. "Put me down! Let me go!"

Jennifer's stomach gave a sickening lurch as she watched the henchmen roughly unzip Keri's red and white dress and rip the material down the back. She had to DO something! But what could she do without her bracelets? She felt so helpless! If only she was wearing her Fuchsia Fox costume underneath her clothing, she could summon them to her wrists. But from the moment she had chosen her white camisole to wear for the interview, that had been out of the question; the bright colors would have shown through. Desperately she tried to wriggle her slim arms into a position to reach the pocket of her blazer, struggling to get her hands on her bracelets...

"Stop squirming!" Magruder snapped, tightening his grip on her. The hand holding the remote unit hooked around Jenn's left arm, keeping her pinned in place while his right hand clapped his pistol against her right breast.

"No! Please!" Keri cried as the men tore her dress off, dropping it to the floor and flinging her into one of the armchairs where she lay trembling, now clad in nothing but her bra, panties, and high heels. Jennifer's heart was beating so hard, she could feel her pulse pounding in her ears. She couldn't just stand here and watch this! She had to do something!

"Leave her alone, you coward," the brunette hissed, driven to desperation.

"What is it with you mouthy bitches?" Magruder said in amazement. "This ain't one of your self-empowerment seminars, missy. This is the Real World, where real men are stronger than women. Where real men can do whatever they want with sluts without worrying about some namby-pamby sexual harassment lawsuit. I've a good mind to--"

"Coward," Jennifer repeated. "Spineless, yellow, chicken-hearted little twerps, all of you. You're all afraid of real women. That's why you're afraid of the Fox, aren't you? Because you know she'll whip your little booties, every last one of you--"

"That's enough!" Magruder shouted. "Norton, Sweeney; let the redhead go. It looks like we have a new volunteer!" He pushed the brunette forward, grabbing hold of her white blazer, in the sleeves of which her arms were still trapped. Jennifer stumbled slightly as her arms pulled free, leaving the garment in his hands... along with her bracelets of Ishtar!

The two Guardsmen immediately grabbed Jennifer, carrying her to the set. The brunette was silent, refusing to give them the satisfaction of her futile protests, but she couldn't suppress a feminine squeak of outrage as the men seized the waistband of her skirt and ripped it off of her, unveiling her long, silken legs and the pink Victoria's Secret panties she was wearing underneath.

Keri crawled out of the way, clutching her arms around her as the Guardsmen manhandled Jennifer into the other armchair, now dressed in nothing but her pink lace panties and her flimsy camisole and bra. The girl put as much of a fight as she could, but two men were easily able to overpower her, holding her alluring legs apart while they caressed her smooth, inner thighs, reaching for her panties...

"Wait a second," said Magruder, turning his pistol at Steve Corbett. "Turn on the cameras. We might as well broadcast this, to let people know what they can expect to see when we have the Fuchsia Fox in our hands."

The producer shook his head. "No way. If you think I'm going to help you--"

There was a loud click as Magruder pulled back the hammer of his pistol. Corbett was sweating. After a pause, the terrorist swung around and pointed his pistol at Keri's head. The producer let out a deep sigh of resignation. "All right! I'll do it!" he said as he got to his feet and staggered toward the camera.


Chapter 3 --

"I'm telling you, Fletch," Major Wright said from the passenger seat of Martin's Subaru, "this is a waste of time. The D.C. Special Response Unit has that building surrounded. They're not going to let you anywhere near it. I don't care if you are her husband--"

Martin Fletcher speed shifted as he threaded his car recklessly through the traffic onto the 14th Street bridge. He had hardly spoken since Channel 3 had resumed broadcasting and he had seen Jennifer thrust into the armchair in her camisole and panties by the two masked terrorists. Even now, his only reply was to reach out with his right hand, groping blindly for his smart phone which Barbara was holding.

"You keep your eyes on the damn road!" the major snapped, holding the phone closer so that he could see the picture being broadcast. "You're going to get us both killed!"

Magruder was hogging the camera at the moment, making another of his rants. "The Mission of the Guardsmen is to reclaim America's greatness from the pussies and Liberals who have ruined it! That includes the Feminist Nazi Conspiracy! You see it every day... women dress however they please, in tight skirts and high heels that show off their legs and their asses. They wear bras to make their boobs look bigger. But if men so much as notice, we get slapped with a sexual harassment lawsuit! And God help you if you actually touch the bitch and give her what she's asking for. Then you get charged with rape and thrown in prison, like YOU'RE the criminal!"

He paused to shake his head slowly as if in utter disbelief of the insanity of the situation. "It's high time these Feminist bitches were taught a lesson! And we're going to start with the biggest offender of them all, the Fuchsia Fox! Let me just give you a sample of what we're going to do to her, that is if she's brave enough to show her face!" He nodded, and the camera turned back toward the morning set.

Jennifer was looking frightened as two masked Guardsmen held her in the chair, wearing nothing but her camisole top and panties. Even on his phone's tiny screen, Martin could see his wife's face flushed with embarrassment, knowing full well that the picture was being broadcast live and thousands of people, if not hundreds of thousands, were watching her.

She let out a feminine squeal of terror as the two terrorists suddenly grabbed her camisole and peeled it over her head, pulling her bra off with it! Jenn tried to struggle, but Martin could see that she was overpowered in this situation. Her attackers dropped her garments and held her slender arms above her head so that her nubile young B-cups were in full view, naked and unprotected. Martin felt an inappropriate rush of arousal at seeing her rosy nipples, flushed and peaked as one of the thugs fondled her pliant boob. At the same time his blood was boiling with anger at the cowards who were doing this to her, daring to touch his woman.

A strong hand squeezed his shoulder. "It'll be okay, Fletch," Barbara Wright whispered gently. "You got a message to the Fox, right? She'll sort this out, trust me."

Martin swallowed hard, turning his attention back to his driving. He could see from the video that Jennifer didn't have her bracelets on. How could the Fuchsia Fox come to the rescue when she was already helpless in their clutches?


"Aww that's sweet," the Guardsman on Jennifer's left commented, roughly cupping her left breast in his hand, letting his thumb rub against her hard nipple. "Little titties always remind me of high school cheerleaders." The one on her right seemed content to just stare at her right breast, while his free hand slithered up and down her creamy bare thigh.

"Nnnnnn..." the girl groaned, her underclad body squirming against the plush upholstery of the air-chair as the men fondled and groped her. Refusing to look at her attackers, instead her brown eyes roamed the room. The hostages were shamelessly gawking at her predicament as if they couldn't believe what was happening. On the desk, a telephone was ringing silently, its white blinking light going un-regarded. It was probably the police, but clearly Magruder wasn't ready to talk to them yet.

Jennifer's eyes alit on her white blazer, lying discarded on the floor several yards away. Her precious bracelets of Ishtar were in the pocket. If only she could get to it...

At Corbett's request, a cameraman and a sound man had been untied. The two of them were operating their equipment under the watchful eye of one of the Guardsmen, while the producer himself was back in the glassed-in control booth, also with a Guardsman to watch him. With the two men busy molesting Jennifer, that left Magruder himself to stand sentry over Keri Keller. The remote device was held in his left hand, while his right clutched a hank of the television reporter's long red hair.

"You like what you're seeing, missy?" he said to her with a grin. "You want to be next?"

"Bite me!" Keri spat, clutching her dress in front of her. "When the Fox gets here, you guys are going to be in SO MUCH trouble..."

Jennifer's chest rose and fell as the man on her right massaged her inner thigh, sliding his hand upward into her vulnerable cleft. The defenseless girl couldn't suppress a gasp of outrage as rough fingers indelicately felt up her snatch, rudely penetrating the moist inner folds of her pussy lips through the nylon of her pink lace panties. "No..." she whispered, shivering with helpless submission as his fingers stroked her prim mound. "D-d-don't touch m-my..."

"We're gonna do a lot more than touch you, slut," the man on her right hissed. Both men suddenly grinned and then stood up, effortlessly plucking Jennifer's slender frame out of the chair and flipping her around so that she fell face down across the back with her caboose thrust upward, facing the camera. Utterly bewildered, she couldn't understand at first what they had in mind...

"Assume the position, babe," said one of the men, giving a sharp slap to her defenseless butt. As Jennifer let out an involuntary girlish squeak of distress, both men laughed, taking hold of her silky smooth thighs. "That's it... spread 'em! Let's see that fine ass! Get ready to smile for the camera, babe..."

"Oh no," Jenn gasped, her heart sinking as it dawned on her what they were about to do. Brutish fingers slipped inside the waistband of her panties, jerking downward...


Martin's hands were clenched so tightly on the steering wheel, he almost missed their exit off the Southeast Parkway. He glanced at the screen of his phone as the two Guardsmen started to pull down Jennifer's panties... and just then the picture dissolved into static!

Barbara had to grab the wheel to narrowly save them from smashing into a water delivery truck. "What happened?" Martin demanded, clutching at the phone. "Get the picture back!"

"Calm down, Fletch!" Major Wright said. "The SRU probably cut the power to the building. Standard procedure, remember? Now, do you want me to drive the rest of the way?"


Chapter 4 --

"What the hell's going on?" demanded Magruder. The windowless studio had gone utterly, completely pitch dark as the power went out. The only lights to be seen were the steady red LED on the claymore mine and the white blinking light of the telephone landline.

"Don't anybody move!" the terrorist leader commanded. "Norton, get some light in here! You; come with me!" The last was addressed to Keri Keller, whose hair his right hand was still clutching. Giving her a jerk, he began feeling his way toward the desk with the telephone, muttering and cursing as he bumped into unseen obstacles.

One of the Guardsmen holding Jennifer released her. "Don't go nowhere honeybunch," he said, and set off groping in the dark. The other man turned her around and pushed her back into the armchair, but she could feel his presence nearby, hovering over her.

This was the only chance she was probably going to get to make a break for it! Could she find her blazer in the dark? Did she have a choice?

Silently Jennifer slipped out of her high heels. Holding her breath, she slithered downward out of the chair, for the first time grateful of the fact that she was wearing practically nothing, her smooth, bare skin offering little in the way of friction. Magruder and Norton were making plenty of noise to cover her, and yet keeping low, she cautiously began to make her way on all fours toward the place she thought her blazer was.

Just then Norton stumbled into one of the exit doors. As he threw it open, the studio was flooded with daylight from with windows in the hallway outside. It wasn't very bright, but it was good enough so that the man guarding Jennifer looked down and saw that her chair was empty. "Hey, get back here, bitch!" he shouted, lunging for her. She was nearly out of his reach, but by sheerest luck his fingers hooked the back of her panties.

Jennifer bolted. She felt his fingers slip off the sheer nylon on her undergarment, allowing her to break free. A second later as he tried to follow, he tripped over one of the cables underfoot and went sprawling. The girl scooped up her blazer and kept running, making for the dressing rooms.

"Never mind! There's no place she can run," Magruder said wearily as he snatched up the telephone. "Who is this?"

"Lieutenant McClary, District of Columbia Special Response Unit," said the voice on the other end of the line. "Am I speaking to Magruder?"

"As far as you're concerned, McClary," the Guardsman replied, "you're speaking to God Almighty. Turn our power back on! And do it right now!"


Jennifer ran full tilt through the dressing room area, one hand frantically feeling in the pocket of her blazer for her bracelets of Ishtar. The girl felt immensely reassured as her fingers closed on the cool metal, slipping them onto her wrists. Right away she felt energy flowing along her slender arms, rejuvenating her body. Even though she was still dressed in nothing but her pink Victoria's Secret panties, she felt hopeful.

But it dawned on her that she wasn't completely out of the woods yet. If she were to transform into the Fuchsia Fox in the middle of a building full of terrorists, immediately after Jennifer Fletcher had made her break, awkward questions might be raised. Somehow she had to make it look as though the superheroine had fought her way into the building. Slinging her white blazer around her naked shoulders, Jennifer crept past the elevators, the lights of the call buttons dark and useless with the power out. If she could get to the stairwell--

Suddenly a narrow flashlight beam cut through the dark up ahead. "Hey come on out, babe," a male voice called. "You can't hide forever. If you make me hunt for you, I'm going to be pissed!" Magruder had dispatched one of his men to search for her! As Jennifer shrank back, weighing her options, she heard clumsy footsteps closing in behind her! He had dispatched TWO of his men! What could she do now?

Just then the power came back on, and the fluorescent lights in the ceiling flickered to life, illuminating the foyer. Jennifer instinctively stepped backward against the doors of the elevator just as they whooshed open. Her bare feet scrabbled at empty air as she tumbled into the empty elevator shaft!

There was a moment of panic as Jennifer felt weightless, her slender body falling into the darkness. Anti-gravitons! she thought desperately, mentally activating her power of flight just as she crashed into the roof of the elevator car, at rest on the ground floor. She lay there stunned, clad in nothing but her flimsy panties as her white blazer belatedly joined her, fluttering down to cover her nearly naked form.


"Good work, McClary," said Magruder into the phone. "Try any more stunts like that and you'll be picking up people in body bags!"

"Are you ready to talk about your demands?" asked the police negotiator.

"I have only one demand!" the Guardsman insisted. "The Fuchsia Fox! Get her here!"

"Be reasonable, Magruder. We have no way to contact her."

Magruder glanced at his wristwatch. "Then you'd better figure out a way sometime within the next thirty minutes." He hung up the phone to find Norton and Sweeney waiting to report.

"The chick fell down the elevator shaft, colonel," Norton said with a smirk. "We couldn't see with this rinky dink flashlight..." -- he held up the little torch a quick search of the studio had turned up -- "...but no way she could have survived."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Magruder said. "What a waste."

Keri, cowering on her knees in front of him, let out a sob.


Chapter 5 --

Jennifer sat upright, clutching her blazer in front of her naked chest, feeling the reassuring weight of her bracelets of Ishtar on her wrists. So far, so good. Carefully she shifted aside the emergency exit hatch on the roof of the elevator car and lowered herself silently inside.

The doors to the car were locked in the open position. Cautiously she peered out into the lobby of the television station. Standing not three yards away from her was a Guardsmen, carrying a Uzi slung over his shoulder. He speaking into his earpiece transceiver: "This is Gillespie, ground floor. All quiet here, colonel."

In the lobby, Jennifer could see the glass front of the building looking out at the street. An empty receptionist desk was on one side. Ten hostages were sitting huddled together on the carpet, bound and blindfolded, with another of those claymore mines rigged up, aimed at them.

Only one Guardsman, though...

Jennifer stepped out into the lobby. "Excuse me?" she said timidly.

The terrorist snapped to attention, automatically reaching for the remote control unit hanging on his belt. He relaxed halfway through the gesture, and Jennifer saw his eyes grow wide with pleasure as they swept over her underdressed body, taking note of her bare legs and feet, her white blazer draped across her slender shoulders, her arms folded shyly across her naked boobs.

"Where did you come from, sweetheart?" he grinned, taking a step toward her. "Up with the hands, babe. I'm gonna have to frisk you."

Jennifer felt her cheeks grow warm. She bit her lip and did as he commanded, raising her arms. As she did, her blazer slid from her shoulders and dropped to the floor behind her. The Guardsman's eyes REALLY grew wide then, presented with the sight of her lovely pair of coconuts jutting out naked and innocent in all their glory.

He had only seconds to enjoy the view as Jennifer brought her right foot up into his groin with a satisfying crunch! The cry of pain and dismay he made as he fell over brought two other Guardsmen running from the next room. But Jennifer, wearing nothing but her panties and her bracelets of Ishtar, plowed into them like a tornado. Along with the martial arts tutoring she had been getting from Major Wright, she had gotten fairly adept at drawing enough power to enhance her strength without triggering a full transformation, so the fight was over quickly.

The blindfolded hostages stirred restlessly, hearing all this but unable to see what was going on. "Keep calm everyone," Jennifer said, using her most reassuring tone of voice. "You're safe now." As she spoke, she sank to her knees in front of the claymore. Carefully she shifted the metal box around so that it was no longer aimed at the hostages, but in her direction.

Her brown eyes studied the detonator mechanism. There was a small box connected to it, with a red LED -- presumably a link to Magruder's radio-controlled remote. She had to disable that. Gently she reached over with slender fingers, wiggling the connector loose...

The red light began to blink rapidly... beep-beep-beep-beep! OH NO!


Across the street at the SRU command post, McClary was arguing with two Army officers who claimed that one of them's wife was one of the hostages. The thunderous explosion in the lobby shattered the silence, spewing a concussion wave full of smoke and debris, the shrapnel from the claymore shredding the glass front of the building and spraying shards into the street itself.

For a moment everyone, police and onlookers alike, was too shocked to move. A news crew from channel 14, channel 3's main rival, focused their camera on the devastation, wondering aloud what had been the cause...

As the dust settled, a graceful female figure appeared, striding calmly through the wreckage on a pair of long, elegant legs ending with sexy ankle boots, silken brunette tresses softly caressing her exquisite shoulders. Her alluring body was adorned with hip-hugging purplish-pink briefs, elbow length gloves, and a matching halter top displaying a fox-head chest emblem.

"Let's get these people out of here!" the Fuchsia Fox called, leading the hostages to safety. A cheer went up from the onlookers.

Martin breathed a sigh of relief, hanging back with Major Wright as Lt. McClary and the Special Response Unit rushed forward to cover the captives' escape and secure the ground floor.

"I'm glad you're here, Fox," McClary said. "But where did you come from?"

"That's a long story, lieutenant," Jennifer said, thinking what a close call that had been -- transforming, summoning her costume and raising her force shield just in the nick of time. She watched as the police secured the three Guardsmen. "What can you tell me about the situation?"

"We did an IR scan of the building a while ago," the SRU commander said. "From the heat signatures it looks like they have two men on the second floor, two on the third, another two on the fifth. The main concentration of five on the fourth floor."

"Magruder has another of these mines on the fourth floor," the superheroine informed him, "connected to some kind of remote control unit. Er... according to one of the hostages."

"Radio-controlled you think?" McClary mused. "Or maybe tied into the wifi network. It'd be a bitch to--" He broke off, listening as a call was rerouted through his earpiece. "What do you want, Magruder?"

"I've been watching the news on channel 14," the leader of the Guardsmen said. McClary and the Fox turned to look at the rival station's camera crew, aimed in their direction. "I know that the Fuchsia Fox has arrived. Send her sassy little ass up here, right now! And McClary... don't try anything funny. I've got you covered. Look up."

Puzzled, the SRU commander looked upward, the superheroine following his gaze. At first all they could see was a cloud, hovering just above the building, but the image shimmered, and the next thing they knew, a big airship swam into view, previously hidden by a camouflage cloaking screen! It had a body like that of a big helicopter gunship, only about twice as large, supported by three gigantic hover-fans. Streamlined blisters along either side of the fuselage sported rocket pods and 60 caliber cannons!

"Oh crap," McClary sighed as in his ear he heard Magruder hang up. "I was wondering how Magruder expected to get away."

"Steady, lieutenant," the Fox said, laying one hand on his broad shoulder. "We can deal with this. But first we've got to make sure the hostages are safe."

"One other thing you need to know, Fox," McClary said. "The mayor's son is in the building. He's an intern at the television station. We can't rush them as long as Magruder has that remote. We've got to get it away from him somehow. Any ideas how?"

A delicate blush touched the superheroine's cheeks. "Err... that's going to be tricky."


Chapter 6 --

In the television studio on the fourth floor, the monitors were all displaying the channel 14 live coverage of the crisis. The hostages were crammed together like sardines, their numbers having grown to forty with the addition of other captives from the fifth floor and third floor. Two claymores were now trained on them in a crossfire, as well as two Guardsmen with Uzis. The initial sense of hope they had all felt at the arrival of the Fuchsia Fox had faded. Faced with these odds, how could even SHE rescue them without surrendering herself to the villains?

"This is Orson on the second floor," a voice reported in Magruder's ear. "The Fuchsia Fox is on her way up the stairwell."

"Pass her through but remain in position," Magruder ordered, with a grim smile directed at Keri Keller, who was now sitting with the hostages beside the mayor's teenage son, clutching her dress in front of her.

"Cusack on three," reported a second voice. "She's here, colonel. Passing her through."

Magruder made a gesture with two fingers. The two Guardsmen with Uzis scrambled down the hallway to take up positions covering the stairwell door. Flicking their selectors to full auto-fire, they waited for the sexy superheroine to step through the door.

Behind them the elevator doors snapped open! Before the two men could react, the Fox was charging through it, dainty hands grabbing at the collars of their jumpsuits. "Looking for me, boys?" the stunning super girl said smugly.

The Guardsmen swung their weapons around, but the Fox was too fast, kicking the muzzles aside. One elegant knee came up into one thug's solar plexus, and even as the breath whooshed out of him, the sexy super lady was already spinning around with a backhand left that clocked his partner in the side of the head. With her superhuman strength behind the blows, they both dropped to the floor groaning.

Two down already, Jennifer thought as she slunk swiftly but stealthily along the hallway toward the studio. But there were still two more and Magruder. She was going to have to hit them fast and furiously...

But just before the Fox reached the studio, two Guardsmen abruptly rushed out, while two more appeared in the hallway behind her, trapping her between them in the narrow corridor. As the two in front opened fire with ionic energy pistols, the beams glancing off her invisible force shield, the two behind her closed in, each wielding a long metal staff with a glowing, crackling ball of electricity on the end!

ZAP!! ZAPT!! "OWWWW!" the Fox cried, as nearly paralyzing bolts of pain stung her lissome body even through her force shield, making her neck hairs stand on end! The spunky young superheroine spun around as the staff men advanced on her, working as a team in the narrow corridor and keeping her at a distance with their long, rigid poles. As the Fox ducked underneath one thrust and grabbed hold of the weapon's shaft, ignoring the jolt of electricity transmitted through her gloves, instantly the other lunged forward and caught her in the ribcage. ZZAP! She had to let go of the weapon and fall back. Just then the girl felt the zing of the two ion pistols catch her right in between her shoulder blades, the double impact stunning her and sending her sprawling forward onto her face.

"That's enough!" said Magruder sternly. Standing safely behind his men in the doorway to the studio, he held the remote device where she could see it. "Are you ready to surrender? Or do you want me to push this button and send forty people into the next world?"

The Fox glared at him, feeling slightly outnumbered. These hi-tech energy weapons had taken her by surprise, but she could still do it. With her flying ability, She could steel herself and plow into them so hard, she'd slam them all into unconsciousness. But could she do it before Magruder had time to push the button and set off those mines? That was the question...

"You win," the Fox said, rising slowly to full height. "I surrender."

"I thought so," Magruder scoffed. "Just another weak-ass little pussy! Bring her!"

While the Guardsmen with the energy staves stood watch, the other two holstered their ion pistols. Grabbing the Fox's lithe arms on either side, they marched the superheroine up the corridor, following Magruder back into the studio.

"Plant her right there," the leader commanded, pointing to the armchair on the set with the camera pointed directly at it. Half the monitors were showing the view from that camera, proof that it was already broadcasting.

The Fox felt butterflies of apprehension in her stomach at the thought of what was likely to happen next. She wondered for a second if Martin were watching. Of course he was, along with everyone else in the Washington area, via television or live streamed online devices. It had probably even gone network! Jenn offered no resistance as the men manhandled her to the chair, but she didn't sit down. "Let some of the hostages go first!" she said, hoping that her voice wasn't really trembling as much as she felt it was. "Please?"

"Not on your life," said Magruder. "I want as many people as possible to witness this. I believe you remember these..." With his free hand, he picked up a set of steel manacles and set them on the desk in front of him.

"But before we chain you up," he said, "the first thing you're going to do is surrender whatever gives you your powers. The rumor is going around that you have some kind of technology. Take it off, right here, and hand it over to me so that everybody in the city can see that you're just like everybody else. You're not a heroine, you're just a girl who happens to have a weapon."

Jennifer felt her heartbeat fluttering like a snare drum! How could she allow the entire city to know that her bracelets were the source of her powers? She took a deep breath.

"Can't do it," she said evenly, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'd like to help you, but I just can't."

"Don't play games with me, missy!" the terrorist said, holding up the remote in a threatening way.

"I mean I literally can't do it," the Fox said. "My powers are inherent to my body. No weapons, no technology." It was a huge bluff, of course, but Magruder had all his eggs in one basket. How ready was he to push the button and throw away the only advantage he had?

"I don't believe you," he hissed. And yet for the first time, he looked uncertain, his eyes flickering up and down along her gorgeous body. "Those bracelets! Are they weapons?"

Jennifer forced her voice to remain steady. "These?" she laughed. "They're just decoration." As casually as she could, she took off her precious bracelets of Ishtar and handed them to one of the men standing guard. The guard held them in his hands, uncertain what to do with them.

"If you're going to do this, Magruder," the Fox said, pressing her one slim advantage, "let's get it over with! Don't delegate the task to one of these weenies. Do it yourself! This is your chance to show me what a Real Man is! Or can't you get it up?"

Come on, Jennifer thought, anxiously watching Magruder's eyes. I'm powerless now as far as you're concerned. You don't need the remote unit any more. Put it down and come ravage me. Put it down for just one second...

The leader of the Guardsmen grinned. "That would be my pleasure." He started to hang the remote unit on his belt, and the Fox tensed, barely able to keep from smiling -- but at the last second he thought better of it and handed the device to the Guardsman who was holding the Fox's bracelets. "Hold onto this. If she makes any attempt at all to escape, press that button."


Chapter 7 --

"What's the Fox up to, Fletcher?" whispered Major Wright, standing outside by the SRU command post watching the live television feed. She personally knew that the Fuchsia Fox's bracelets were the source of her powers, but she didn't want to say so in case that was a secret the heroine had shared only with her. "Some kind of bluff? Do you have any idea?"

"Not a clue," Martin said, hoping that Jennifer knew what she was doing.


Inside the studio, the Fox's heart sank with dread about what she knew was coming. How had she gotten herself into this? She had surrendered hoping to lull Magruder into setting aside the remote unit that controlled the claymore mines. Then she could summon her bracelets back and wipe up the floor with him. But now one of the Guardsmen was holding it, and he looked just as eager as his commander to push the button and kill the hostages.

Magruder wasted no time. The paramilitary leader strode forward and shoved the captured superheroine into the chair, her pert tail bouncing once in the seat as he climbed onto her, his right hand latching onto her left boob.

A feeling of helpless horror skittered up and down the Fox's spine. It was like deja-vu! As she tried to fend off Magruder's groping hands, two of the other henchmen grabbed her wrists and held her slender arms up above the chair's backrest. Not wanting to give away the truth, that her super strength had been taken along with her bracelets, the heroine had to submissively allow him to do as he pleased. She couldn't help squirming in her seat, and gasping out loud as the leader pulled upward on her halter top, letting her firm little tits peek out momentarily, their rosy nipples hard and erect.

To distract herself, the Fox glanced at the hostages who were staring goggle-eyed at their young rescuer's predicament, and at the other Guardsmen, supposedly watching Steve Corbett and the technicians manning the television camera, but who in fact where ogling her. She struggled for a moment as Magruder's other hand probed in between her creamy thighs, feeling for her crotch. The grinning henchmen licked their lips, as did the thousands watching the camera feed, Jennifer didn't doubt. Oh God, hundreds of thousands of people were watching this! For a moment her sleek body trembled with a crazy rush of helpless arousal just thinking of it!

"You like this, don't you slut?" Magruder said, noticing the sudden goose bumps on the superheroine's velvet skin as his fingers grazed her tender slit.

"Like what?" the Fox said flippantly, not daring to admit for one second that there might be some truth to it. "I haven't felt anything yet apart from a boy pawing at me. I had more fun playing spin the bottle when I was fourteen."

"You sure about that?" Magruder grunted, redoubling his efforts.

His right hand was squeezing her breast hard now, as if were trying to milk her. Jenn was surprised to feel the stirrings of unwanted arousal deep inside the core of her body. Seeing the henchmen staring, she couldn't help but be reminded of her webcam sessions, and the thrill she had felt at the idea of men watching her...

"Yessss," she sighed as she stretched her long, swan-like neck against the backrest of the chair, her spandex-sheathed butt sliding sensuously upward and downward in her seat as Magruder kept up fondling her. Her silken thighs parted, making an inviting inverted V, prompting the Guardsmen to move in for a closer look, abandoning their posts.

Magruder grinned widely as he let go of her breasts and both hands slid along her lithe, bare midriff, latching around her trim waist. He shifted position as his right hand moved into her moist cleft, fingers clasping over her vagina, stroking her through the thin fabric of her briefs. "There we go!" he gloated as her hips involuntarily began to quiver in response. He grabbed the waist of her clingy briefs with both hands, sliding them over her hips just far enough to slip his hand inside and touch her womanhood. "You little skank!" he laughed as his fingers brushed her neatly trimmed pubic hairs.

"Don't touch me," the Fox whispered breathlessly as he fingered the slippery flesh of her unprotected pussy lips. Her face was flushed, while tingling currents of unwanted desire were shimmering up and down her abdomen. Her satin flesh was perspiring slightly, her heart hammering out a rhythm of ecstasy. How much more of this could she stand?

"You want it now, whore?" Magruder said, as he released her and unzipped his pants. letting his trouser snake burst free. "You want this in your mouth? Say the word!"

The Fox was breathing heavily as she stared at the thick, pulsating thing, her nostrils flaring with the musky masculine scent of his lust. "What would I want with a cocktail sausage?" she said stubbornly, denying her deep down dark desires.

"You want it!" the villain declared, waving it temptingly on level with her face. "You want to put those sweet lips around my man meat and suck on it! Just say so! Say you want it so that everybody in Washington can hear you beg for--"

Just then there a squeal of feedback from the microphone overhead. The Fox perked up at once. It was about time!

"well that's about enough of that!" the superheroine announced. Her hands, being held by the two Guardsmen, suddenly seized hold of THEIR wrists, and with a jerk she lifted them off their feet and flipped them over her head, sending them tumbling off the set. As she sprang to her feet and tugged her briefs into place, Magruder noted with a sick feeling of dread that her bracelets had somehow reappeared on her wrists!

The Fox pushed him aside as she moved straight toward the Guardsman who had been left holding the remote unit. That man also experienced a feeling of fear when he saw the look on her face, but it didn't keep him from jabbing his thumb down on the button, triggering the mines!

Nothing happened. "Oh fuck," the man moaned just before a dainty, glove-sheathed fist collided with his jaw like a pile driver, knocking him out and sending him tumbling across two desks. The Fox breathed a sigh of relief. McClary's plan to locate and jam the Guardsmen's transmitting frequency had obviously worked!

The remaining Guardsman came running from the control booth, only to have the cameraman and soundman turn on him, tripping him up and wresting his gun away from him. Glancing at the monitors, the Fox saw herself, and immediately felt a quivering sensation in the pit of her stomach at this vivid reminder that the entire incident had been broadcast live! Magruder took advantage of her hesitation to hot-foot it out the door, making for the stairwell.

The Fox swallowed her humiliation and took off in pursuit, finding the stairwell blocked by the two Guardsmen with electro-staves. In her fury, they didn't hold her up long, but long enough for Magruder to reach the roof. By the time the superheroine arrived, he had rappelled up to the airship, which was hovering low to bring its weapons pods to bear.

On ground level, the police and onlookers watched appalled as the Guardsman aircraft opened fire, spitting out twin streams of 60 caliber bullets -- which nevertheless ricocheted harmlessly from the Fuchsia Fox's nubile young body. The stunning superheroine struck back like an alluring, spandex-clad missile, streaking upward, punching straight through the machine's metal skin and emerging from the other side.

Rotors whirring, the airship ponderously turned in place, but with a terrific wrench the Fox sheered off one of its three engines. The craft wobbled like a drunken goose, struggling just to remain airborne. The struggle was in vain. It nearly crashed into the building next door before the heroine caught it in her powerful arms and steered it with a thump into an empty lot.


Epilogue --

McClary had to call in addition police officers and a prison bus to haul away all the Guardsmen they arrested. There were a total of sixteen, counting the crew of the airship.

"What about Magruder?" Major Wright asked.

"He got away," the SRU commander said ruefully. "He and some of his key officers apparently had those teleportation harnesses. Still, capturing that aircraft had to have put a big crimp in their operations. All thanks to you, Fox... Fox? Dammit! Where did she go?"

"You ought to know by now, McClary," Major Wright laughed. "She never hangs around to take the credit."

"But the mayor wants to thank her for rescuing her son! What am I going to tell her?"

"You can tell her--"

"MARTIN!" called a shrill female voice, as a slim brunette jostled her way out of the milling crowd of released hostages and threw herself into Fletcher's arms, almost sobbing with happiness.

"Jenn!" he cried, hugging her tightly. "Are you okay, sweetheart? I was worried sick!"

Jennifer Fletcher was dressed in a borrowed blue police jumpsuit, a men's size which looked baggy around her shapely body, the cuffs flapping around her feet and the sleeves rolled up. "I was so frightened!" she gasped. "I got free when the power went out. They almost caught me again, but the Fox rescued me in the nick of time!"

"Yeah, she does that," Barbara Wright commented. "The Fox has a great body and she's not at all shy about using it."

"Major Wright!" Jennifer said, somewhat taken aback to see the beautiful blonde here with her husband. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Wright smiled. "Didn't you see? All of Washington saw how she kept Magruder and his men occupied long enough for McClary's tech team to figure out what frequency they were using. It seemed to me that she was being deliberately provocative, if you know what I mean." A delicate blush stole over Jennifer's face as Barbara let out a sigh. "And just as things were about to get interesting, the live picture mysteriously went off for about thirty seconds. I suppose while the guards were distracted, the producer took the opportunity to cut the feed. It came on again in time to show the Fox mopping up the floor with Magruder's goons."

Jennifer felt a surge of relief at hearing that news. It suddenly dawned on her what a close thing it had been. For all her super-powers, she had been totally dependent upon McClary to hold up his end. If he had taken longer, Magruder might have had time to-- No! It didn't even bear thinking about!

But was Barbara Wright looking a bit too intently at Jennifer's blushing cheekbones? Nervously the brunette tugged at the sleeve cuffs of her jumpsuit, to hide her bracelets from her scrutiny. "Oh gosh!" she said suddenly. "There's Keri Keller! I'd better go let her know I got out all right." And with Martin's arm around her waist, she scurried away into the crowd.

Last edited by flirty_but_nice 7 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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I really liked this one. It's always fun to play out the secret identity taken hostage, no matter what you're trying to do in your story. "Bruce Wayne Held Hostage," is what some people call that. It gets old if it's overused, like any good trope, but it's fun almost every time anyway.

The ending solution was fairly obvious and predictable, but it's fun to see a heroine get into some mild peril, but be competent and capable enough to easily deal with it. At least, if you're doing a recurring series with the same heroine. It helps lead up to writing darker and more serious perils where the heroine actually gets caught and doesn't have an easy handle on the situation. So hopefully Centurion keeps writing stories with this heroine.
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Another wonderful chapter in the Fuschia Fox series. And I agree with NoonShadow above, the heroine being taken in her secret identity is usually a fun peril to watch unfold. Well done, Centurian.
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Hi Dr. D and MoonShadow. Thank you both so much for your feedback. I have forwarded your kind comments to Centurion. If he has a reply, I will post it here on his behalf.

Your taking the time to post your responses is very much appreciated! :x
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Hi again Dr. D and MoonShadow. An enthused response / reply from Centurion.

Centurion's reply to me for sending him both of your replies ...

"Wow! I guess you were right them liking this particular theme. Personally I had my doubts. Maybe it would be a good idea to tease them with hints about the next two stories. ..."

And Centurion's reply to the both of you ...

"I'm really pleased that you enjoyed the story. I was trying to see how far I could take it without really letting my Angel get taken on live television (because this is a recurring series, after all). The solution might have been obvious to you, but what I liked about it was my heroine being willing to risk her personal dignity just to provide a distraction so that McClary could do his thing. Speaking of "darker and more serious perils", funny you should say that, because I happen to have two in the works right now. In the next story, what happens when the Fox gets roped into a celebrity auction for charity, and gets "bought" by a crazed fan with less than honorable intentions?"


And a note to everybody from me (flirty), see how nice feedback can maybe be encouraging and motivating to a writer?! Please, keep your feedback coming, for you have no idea how far such can go in getting a writer motivated!
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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