Supergirl goes Goth-the conclusion

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Ok guys , here is the second part to my story. Im not sure what you all think, but please leave me some feedback. I wrote the entire thing in less than a couple hours, so forgive me if i mess anything up! Caint wait to hear what you think and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it. If you want more, please let me know!

Supergirl Goes Goth- The Conclusion

By Slavemaker

“Hurry the fuck UP Johnny!” Alex screams as he holds the cold steel barrel of his 9mm to the head of the bank manager. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch man!” Johnny replies, as he continues to drill into the banks safe door. It was supposed to be a easy gig, in and out, Alex thinks to himself as he looks back and forth nervously from the window to the vault door. They had planned it perfectly with a tip from one of the clerks, and hit the place on Saturday afternoon, when the bank manager works the place by himself for the lunch hour. Everything had gone perfectly too, until Johnny didn’t get the silent alarm turned off in time, and it managed to send out for a few seconds before he could kill it. Now here they are, not knowing if anyone got the alarm message or not, but knowing either way that time is short. “Come the fuck ON man….” Alex screams, just as the vault door pops open. “Fucking satisfied now? Fuck” Johnny says as he swings the door open. “I don’t blame Alex one bit, Johnny, I didn’t think you were ever going to get it open either” Says Supergirl as she steps out of the vault, smiling and taking her power pose. “The bank teller for a police informant guys, did you really think a day light robbery could be this easy? I’m not sure what was worse, waiting for you both in the vault since lunch or listening to you bicker like two old women. Now drop the gun and let’s do this the easy way.” Both men stand there for a minute, looking at Supergirl. Not only are they shocked at her getting the drop on them, but at her appearance. The maiden of might, Supergirl, stands before them, wearing jet black lipstick and dark heavy eyeliner, with a pink streak in her hair. After the initial shock, Alex makes a run for it but Supergirl grabs a bag of cash and clips him in the back of the neck right before he reaches the door. “I wasn’t done talking young man!” she grins, as Johnny lies down with his hands up. After a few minutes the police show up, and book the two felons. As they stare in disbelief at the appearance of their all American girl,officer jones, who had been on the force for years, speaks up. “Whats with the new look Supergirl?”. Supergirl smiles, seeming flattered at the attention she is getting, “oh, it’s nothing special, just felt like something different, and my boyfriend loves it! Good work today guys!”Supergirl smiles and flies off to meet Jimmy at his place.
It had been three weeks since that night that Kara came home to the sock on Lilith’s door and felt so alone she tried on the black lipstick, and unwittingly started her own demise. That same night she had pleasured herself three times to the thought of Jimmy, licking her lips across her newly dark lips as the dark eyeliner and mascara ran from her face as sweat poured from her blonde locks. She had spoken to Lilith the next morning, about how she could manage to get Jimmies attention. This was of course, what they had been planning all along, and Lilith played her part to perfection. “Well, Jimmy seems like he is a clean cut guy, but I know his type. He wants a girl who has a little bit of a “freaky” side, and isn’t afraid to show it. He won’t go for the “good girl”.” Supergirl thought about this as Lilith spoke, and it all seemed to fit. Her mind was slowly poisoned with the idea that she needed to change herself, and minutes later Lilith was helping her dye a pink streak in her hair, and showing her how to properly put on the makeup to get that “Goth” appearance, of pale skin with dark makeup. It, of course worked, and the mastermind played it up as Jimmy when he saw her, pretending that he couldn’t keep his hands off of her, and asking her out. After a few nights of heavy making out, Supergirl was completely smitten with Jimmy, and it only took her a week to become an “item” with him. Jimmy gave her a solid black ring to wear, showing that she was “his” and she took it eagerly. The night he gave her the ring was also the night that, with a little nudging from Lilith, that she told Jimmy she was Supergirl to establish “trust”. The Mastermind couldn’t believe his luck, he had, in a mere three weeks gotten Supergirl to not only fall in love with him but to follow him like a new puppy, all my massaging her ego and giving her the sexual experiences she was denied all her life. Mastermind was imagining how that, once he had taken her virginity that she would be all his, mind body and soul, as Supergirl flew in through the balcony window.
“Hey baby!” Supergirl smiled, brushing her blonde hair back as she sits down beside jimmy. “What ya watching?” The mastermind slowly smiles as her, seeing the dark eyeliner and lips “Oh nothing really, just waiting for you to get home. I have big plans for us tonight” Jimmy says with a wink as he pulls a duffle bag onto his lap, showing her the contents as he rubs her inner thigh. Supergirls eyes spring wide open as she sees a black collar, with all kinds of buckles, steel loops and rope along with other things she has no idea how to use. “I’m so sorry Jimbo!!” Supergirl says trying not to appear flustered, “I am supposed to show up as a charity speaker for the girl scouts tonight, and then I have to be on patrol.” She stands. Walking into the kitchen and poring herself a drink of water. She feels a sudden stirring in herself, thinking about the bags contents, and getting immediately warm and flushed. She imagines for a second how it would feel for her to be tied up with those ropes, for her to be the submissive weak one. Lilith had told her that that’s what guys like, for girls to be submissive and kinky, and so far she seems perfectly right. She thinks of what Clark taught her, that a man would love her for who she was, to be sweet and kind and wait for mister right. Then she thinks about what Lilith has taught her, her not deny herself or her feelings, to be a real woman. Who is right? Supergirl takes a drink as she looks down into the sink. “Listen Jimbo, I’m sorry about kind of storming out. “She takes another sip, gathering herself. “I really like the idea that you planned a night for us, and I love the stuff you brought and all the trouble you went to, but, I just don’t know. Sometime I don’t feel like its me, and I don’t know what I should be doing. I so want to stay here with you, but is it right? And how could I stand up the girls from the scouts? I Just don’t know, I feel like I might be losing myself…” with that Supergirl looks at her own reflection in the glass door of Jimmy cabinets. She sees the black makeup and pale skin, and the pink streak, now sure how she feels. “Maybe we should take a break, I need to think..” Just as Supergirl gets the word think out of her mouth, she sees the black collar close around her neck, and hears it click. She sees Jimmy standing behind her, holding the leash, and she slowly turns. She has a surge of emotions, anger, fear, confusion…but in the end, lust wins out as she falls to her knees in front of the mastermind. Something about kneeling to him feels right, feels perfect. She can feel herself getting wet and without thinking her hands go behind her back, and she sticks out her chest, keeping her head down. At first the words don’t sound like her, but they taste like pure joy “I am sorry Master. I was being foolish and putting other in front of your needs. Whatever you want I will do Master. I am nothing but a whore at your disposal Master. Supergirl the slave whore.” She feels a sudden surge of pleasure and a rush of arousal as she uses her title combined with the word whore. Wanting to touch herself, wanting to touch Jimmy so badly as she sits there, her ass resting on her soles in complete submission. “Good girl” The mastermind says with a smile. Now follow me to the living room.
Jimmy leads Supergirl into the living room, and sit on the couch as the maiden of might kneels before him. “Take off your boots Supergirl. Whores go barefoot in my presence. And then unzip my pants” Supergirl slowly unzips her boots and curls her long red socked feet under her ass, as she unzips his pants slowly with a “Yes Master” When masterminds cock springs out, she is shocked to actually see a penis for the first time. “may I touch it Master? Please?” Supergirl says with wanting in her blue eyes. “Yes Supergirl you may, but only with those black lips of yours” Supergirl looks frightened, but leans in and puts her now dark black lips around Jimmys hard cock, and starts to suck on it. She sucks long and hard, going down and taking it all in, using the tricks that Lilith explained to her. Jimmy is in amazement as she deep throats his entire cock for several minutes, her not having to breath like the rest of us being a huge advantage. After over an hour of sucking his cock, jimmy commanded her to stand turn and sit on his lap, but he didn’t let her remove her clothing. Jimmy slides his expert hands all over her young body, massaging her breasts through her iconic S shield, rubbing her taunt stomach and finally moving down to her super sex. Mastermind slowly and softly pushes her blue panties into her sex, fingering her like the high school cheerleader she is at heart, massaging her clit with the soft wet fabric. The maiden of might is putty in his hands, panting hard and almost drooling on herself, but not moving her hands from behind her back, being the perfect slave. Lilith had told her about orgasm, and a lot about sex in general, and she was growing slowly insane with lust, wanting to feel whatever it is that can feel better than this. Jimmy keeps it slow, keeping her on the brink of insanity, in and out. “Please Jimmy…PLEASE….will you fuck me, or lick me, please please just help me to get off, this is too much.” The mastermind smiles, finally able to enact the final part of his plan, ”I can Supergirl, but I am afraid that you will hurt me, that you won’t be able to control yourself with all of your powers” Jimmy continues to massage her clit, working her more into a slow frenzy “But please Jimmy…Master! I have to have it, I can’t take this anymore!” “Well…”.Jimmy says “I do have some kryptonite here in my bag of fun, I thought it would make things more exciting for you. If you want, we could put in on you permanently, like piercings, and then you could be mine forever…”jimmy leans into her ear as he plays with her super sex and whispers “ and I could fuck you Supergirl” Supergirl squirms and almost jumps off of Jimmy’s lap with those words, “yes, Please, yes, please..ANYTHING master, just let me get off”
Jimmy smile as Supergirl kneels in front of him, he allowing her to finger herself, even showing her how, as he stand before her with a piercing gun and box cutter. He leans and first takes the box cutter and cuts out two perfect hole for Supergirls nipples, and then smiles as they stick through hard and firm, like little periods at the tips of her S. He then takes the gun and slowly pierces each nipple with a kryptonite stud, and then does the same to her delicate ears. She whimpers and squirms at the pain, but dosnt cry out as he wipes away the small trace of blood and admires her work. Even with the kryptonite she heals quickly. “Now Supergirl, a few more things need to me addressed before we can be together” “Anything master! “Supergirl says, almost mindlessly as she fingers herself, a young naive girl lost in her first taste of lust. Lilith walks in, and Supergirl is surprised that she isnt embarresed, but more aroused by her arrival. Mastermind nods as Lilith takes the collar and helps Supergirl to stand, having to almost pry Supergirl hand from her pussy.”Toss your costume here, into this waste basket Supergirl, and then go with Lilith into the bedroom. She will help you “change” into something more comfortable. “But This is my costume…Im Supergirl…Im…” Supergirl starts to resist, but Lilith runs her hands across Supergirls pierced nipples as she traces her S. “I will go with her master” Supergirl says as she sudders from the touch, and removes her clothing and slowly drops it into the can, as mastermind smiles.
Two hours later, Supergirl returns with Lilith, wearing a long robe with a hood that covers her from head to toe, only her face exposed. “Kneel Supergirl, and let’s finish this.” Supergirl walks in front of the mastermind and falls to her knees in the robe. “Stick out your tongue, for the final touch.” As Supergirl does so, the mastermind pierces her tongue with a steel post, with two small green tips at the end. This time Supergirl does whimper, but soon recovers as she quivers. She regains her composure, her bleeding already stopped even with the kryptonite. “Now Supergirl, rise and show your new master the new you” Supergirl stands, and tosses back the hood as Lilith removes the robe and the mastermind sits down to look at his newest slave and creation. No longer was there an innocent all American heroine in front of him, gone was the red white and blue Supergirl, gone forever. Her boots, once red, were now black with a purple ring around the top, a purple midsized heel and purple laces up the front. A pair of fishnet stocking go from there, to a black leather pair of hot pants, with a diamond pattern steel belt, with a purple S logo belt buckle. The purple fishnets continue up her tight midriff, until they are covered by a small cut off tee shirt. The shirt is black with gray short sleeves, and in the middle is a parody of her iconic logo, now all in purple and gray, with chains going in and around the S logo, marking her a slave. Her arms are also covered with the sexy fishnets, they stop as they wrap around her thumb into a half glove, her wrists covered with short black leather gauntlets. Around her neck is the same black collar, again with the purple S logo, but on each side of the logo are the words SUPER and SLAVE. Her once proud mane of long blonde hair is also gone, and a short black sexy boy cut adorns her head now, with several purple streaks in it. She looks down at the mastermind, her eyes now purple as well, some more of Lilith’s handiwork. “I do rise master, but I am NOT Supergirl. I am Pandora.” With that Pandora kneels again at the feet of the mastermind, and holds out the handle of her leash. The mastermind smiles and takes it, as he looks into the eyes of a broken little girl, a broken girl of steel.
Sargeant 1st Class
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nice ending - can't wait for your next story.
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Uh huh! So... I guess no more stories about Supergirl, eh? :(
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Who says that? lol When I wrote a story, unless its part on an ongoing series, I always just restart it as if it never happened. "Out of continuity", basically. Thats part of the fun of writing stories or roleplaying, you can make whatever you want to happen happen! So if people want another supergirl story, I can provide it.Speaking of that, any ideas for my next project? I welcome any ideas or challenges!
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So no suggestions or ideas for a new story anyone?
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Sorry, been busy working on some writings and vid edits.

Perhaps a mix of fetishes? I've been asked quite alot to do work with cheer girls as villains. I've been working on a story for a while with a gang of masked cheer leaders who terrorise Gotham city.

Perhaps they could take a break from Gotham city and move over to Metropolis for some fun making mayhem on the city's streets?

They're quite fun to write, just bear in mind the head cheerleader is no bimbo (she's outwardly so) - but really she's one of the most devious villains Supergirl ever would meet.

In other words - take the idea and run with it ;)
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slavemaker wrote:Who says that? lol When I wrote a story, unless its part on an ongoing series, I always just restart it as if it never happened. "Out of continuity", basically. Thats part of the fun of writing stories or roleplaying, you can make whatever you want to happen happen! So if people want another supergirl story, I can provide it.
That's a question of taste, I guess. A lot of fetish stories just stop with the heroine still captive, which to me feels like an incomplete story. I want to see how she gets out of her predicament! No biggie.
Speaking of that, any ideas for my next project? I welcome any ideas or challenges!
Hmmm. The only challenge that comes to mind is doing a Supergirl story without resorting to kryptonite, and you've just done that! Wait a second... how about a story with Mr. Myxyzptlyx or whatever his name is?
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Excellent story. I love the K making Supergirl less physical. :) Also I would recommend a Wonder Woman story where the her lasso is used to loosen her morals up some. :)
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I have been flirting with making a sequel for this story but before I post anything I want your permission to do so Slavemaker since it was originally your story
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I would love to see a sequel to this. (Heroine gothification is awesome)
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I was thinking the same thing I just wanted his ok before I posted one
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By all means , please feel free to write more! I love the idea of heroines having this done to them, and I would love to see a similar bimbo scene with supergirl. I'll even post of write some more, if people want me too. Kinda thought this story was forgotten, lol.
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Well you will probobly have more luck than I will. I'm stuck at the moment with the story. But this was not forgetten quite the opposite it's one of my personal favorites
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If your stuck, Please message me and ill help where i can. I would LOVE to help. Just hit me up with that you have, or the problem and ill see what I can do.
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