Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

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Steve Trevor has to personally deliver the urgent message to HQ.
That doesn't answer why he doesn't fly up from Italy
And if you are gonna make up an airbase that didn't exist, is it such a big ask to make a tank that doesn't exist via CGI?

The exposition can be as long as you want to make it.
"Where are we going"
"Italy. Got a plane to catch"

Cut to landing in London. Or landing at Calais and another 5 seconds of them getting on a boat

And literally that's it. Now whilst Americans may lose concentration with such lengthy dialogue, for most of us we can cope with 10-15 seconds.

BTW, there's no chance WW84 will have an iPod instead of a Walkman*. Patty Jenkins is old enough, she lived through the Walkman phenomenon. They're much more likely to get cars or office equipment in the background wrong, either unintentionally, or because it was easier/cheaper and 9 out of 10 audience members don't know better, or because it delivers a look/feel that they want even if it's not technically correct.
*unless there's an altered-history aspect to the plot and they use an iPod to signal how altered history is.
Ah see now you have fallen headlong into the 'it -doesn't- matter -if- its -cool' trap. You CAN have an Ipod. You just have to want to put one in and its there. It doesn't matter if Patty Jenkins knows they weren't there. I suspect she had heard of a place called Italy, but it didn't stop her having a 4 week boat ride that takes a day and a night and ignores it.

BUT my point was IF there was an Ipod, it would jar the reality they were trying to create.
I look forward to comparing notes for all the inaccurate period details. :)

You are gonna have a long wait, as I'm not in any rush to see it. Gold armour just looks too silly. :giggle:
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
You are gonna have a long wait, as I'm not in any rush to see it. Gold armour just looks too silly. :giggle:
I agree. I'm not seeing anything compelling. We know WW always beats Cheetah in the comics. Wigg isn't all that spectacular (actually pretty old). Gadot for me is not all that spectacular especially from an erotic heroine point of view. From what I gather from the previews Wigg's character isn't evil, just wrong minded. Nothing sinister about her. The plot seems to be WW loses part of her power to bring back Trevor, WW gets beat by Cheetah, they have a final rematch and WW wears the gold suit and beats a fully changed Cheetah. Its almost a TV show plot.

Like westerns I think the super hero genre is dead.

Well there it is. The Ultimate Superheroines Forum has spoken. The highly acclaimed, wildly successful Wonder Woman movie was poorly cast, poorly written shit. The sequel is clearly worse. Thank goodness our highly refined taste has saved us from suffering through a big budget film about a superheroine. That would have been just too much to bear.
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It's fine. We all have our own tastes, even in Superheroine content.

I'm very much looking forward to Wonder Woman 1984. Saw the first WW movie in 2017 opening weekend in a packed theater and I thought it was a great movie, as did the whole theater it seemed (couldn't read everyones mind, but almost everyone!).

On Dec 25, 2020, I'll see Wonder Woman 1984 on a fine large TV and fine sound system. Hope it's as good as the first one. Hope the streaming is smooth cause tons of people will be watching on xmas. One week to go. :thumbup: :yahoo:

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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Like westerns I think the super hero genre is dead.
Grinchmaster X strikes again.
"Cinema is dead" and now "the super hero genre is dead."
Maybe your enthusiasm to see the super hero movies is dead....that's about it.
I agree that some more peril scenes could/should be included without endangering the standard rating they normally wanna achieve.
Yeah, these movies don't deliver to all of our.....fantasies....but that's not their intention as they want to be shown to teenagers and kids too.
If you would make these movies they probaly all have a new 18+++++ rating. ;)
The fetish videos are there to deliver for that....and some websites.

We are still in the golden age of super hero movies.
Even it's perhaps too much quantity right now for some folks.

Not all the marvel movies are gold, not all the dc movies are gold.
Not all the TV shows are gold.
But there are sooooo many good ones...... there is plenty to choose from.

And Wonder Woman 84 will be another fine example for good super hero movies.
(I don't know it.... but I BET on it)
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Maskripper wrote:
3 years ago
We are still in the golden age of super hero movies.
Even it's perhaps too much quantity right now for some folks.
Eh, I kinda think we've already passed the point of peak Marvel. I'm still looking forward to a couple of things like GOTG3, Captain Marvel 2, and a third Ant-Man movie, but overall I am expecting diminishing results as they run out of classic stories to adopt, and make the movies more like the current comics, which are not to my tastes.

l put the point of Peak Marvel at the end of Infinity War, for what it's worth.

On the other hand, I don't think we've hit Peak DC yet, but I'm not sure if we ever will.

Lurkndog wrote:
3 years ago
Maskripper wrote:
3 years ago
We are still in the golden age of super hero movies.
Even it's perhaps too much quantity right now for some folks.
Eh, I kinda think we've already passed the point of peak Marvel. I'm still looking forward to a couple of things like GOTG3 and a third Ant-Man movie, but overall I am expecting diminishing results as they run out of classic stories to adopt, and make the movies more like the current comics, which are not to my tastes.

l put the point of Peak Marvel at the end of Infinity War, for what it's worth.
While I guess you're probably right about being past peak Marvel, I think there's still a dragon's-hoard with of great stories to adapt. I, for one, would be very open to an adaptation of The Thanos Imperative. Hell, if Kevin Feige ever throws back a few quaaludes or something maybe he'll okay an adaptation of The Celestial Madonna.
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Film and TV genres go in cycles, so we may be peaking with super heroes, but they are still flooding the market as long as they are profitable. Westerns used to be every where in the 1960s and then were hardly done for 20 years. When that happened the stuntmen were living in retirement homes and had to train the next generation.

Disney rethought their Star Wars films after losing money on "Solo" and is now doing intertwined TV series with some success like the Marvel series. Marvel has shifted to doing more TV series that they can air on their own platforms after Netflix dropped the ones they were running. Warner Brothers is doing the same thing with the DC comics and pushing the film series that get the most money which is why they talk about Aquaman 2 and Wonder Woman 3 but not Justice League 2.
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i am so looking forward to getting this when it gets a 4k release can not wait love wonder woman.
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An interesting negative review of this movie: https://vanyaland.com/2020/12/21/wonder ... ng-return/
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This review compares WW84 to Superman III.

(Warning: a fair amount of spoilers here)

https://www.hollywoodintoto.com/wonder- ... 84-review/

I read the first couple paragraphs of this review and thought "what is this site?" It didn't take much investigation to figure it out. The tagline for the site is "The Right Take on Entertainment". Because yeah, I want nothing as much as I want a far-right slanted review of a Wonder Woman movie.

There are multiple websites devoted to old television test patterns, so I guess there's something for everyone out there. Personally, movie reviews are not something I need passed through some ideological purity test before I read them.

Bert wrote:
3 years ago
I read the first couple paragraphs of this review and thought "what is this site?" It didn't take much investigation to figure it out. The tagline for the site is "The Right Take on Entertainment". Because yeah, I want nothing as much as I want a far-right slanted review of a Wonder Woman movie.

There are multiple websites devoted to old television test patterns, so I guess there's something for everyone out there. Personally, movie reviews are not something I need passed through some ideological purity test before I read them.
"And what I most hate about the left is how they politicise everything, even reviews of movies that don't meet their exacting ideological standards!

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Gave it a look. Bit meh to be honest.
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I've seen it now. IMHO, it is well worth watching, and a must-see for superhero fans, but not as good as the first one.

Compared to other superhero movies, I'd say it was better than Age of Ultron, and much better than Justice League, but not as good as the top tier Marvel movies.

Like Age of Ultron, it is fairly long, it meanders a bit, and its underpinnings can be a bit rickety. WW84 is a lot better focused than Age of Ultron, though. It has just a handful of storylines and characters, and they all come together well. But still, I think less would have been more.

We do get to see Wonder Woman straight up lose a fight, though she is never knocked out.

There is a brief Lynda Carter cameo in the credits, much like a Marvel mid-credits scene. It is just a one off thing stuck in there as a nod to Lynda Carter and the fans. So watch the credits.
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Decent movie, but a letdown from the first. Just to many stretches where nothing happens, biggest issue for me was that it was just boring. Your movie is called Wonder Woman...let her be in it, lol. Just my opinion of it, still an overly decent film with some fun 80s nostalgia, but not a spectacular epic like the first movie was, at least for me.

Personally I feel like there will be burnout from the Superhero genre, I honestly could care less to watch another MCU film after Endgame and now it seems Disney is going to milk Star Wars and Marvel as much as they can with the 100s of new shows they seem to be coming out with. I just hope they don't stretch it to thin.
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Slight update to my previous review: Lynda Carter's cameo actually is tied into the rest of the movie.

She is supposed to be Asteria, the legendary Amazon from the past whose golden armor Diana dons for the climactic fight in WW84.
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RedMountain wrote:
3 years ago
Decent movie, but a letdown from the first. Just to many stretches where nothing happens, biggest issue for me was that it was just boring. Your movie is called Wonder Woman...let her be in it, lol. Just my opinion of it, still an overly decent film with some fun 80s nostalgia, but not a spectacular epic like the first movie was, at least for me.

Personally I feel like there will be burnout from the Superhero genre, I honestly could care less to watch another MCU film after Endgame and now it seems Disney is going to milk Star Wars and Marvel as much as they can with the 100s of new shows they seem to be coming out with. I just hope they don't stretch it to thin.
Yeah I think the burnout is coming. Nobody seemed to care about this movie. Nobody seems to care about many of the upcoming movies to be honest.

It doesn't help of course that the covid shutdown hasn't just cancelled a lot of stuff, it's fucked up a lot of stuff. Apparently production costs, particularly insurance, are multiple times higher than they used to be. Random example of an affected show was Fargo season four, the final episode ending up just over half an hour long. This is a big deal.

Without the constant hype train and speculation it feels like everything has sort of wound down.

And it doesn't help that WW84 specifically is kind of shit. Like maybe a better movie would have risen above this absolute non-event of a launch, but this isn't it.
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I would also say that Covid has people finding new avenues of entertainment and also pinching pennies in the budget, so many aren't willing to splurge for the stream options of the movies released on streaming services. Personally this past year I've realized I can survive without sports(and many other things I used to spend money on) and I used to be a huge football/basketball fan. For me the appeal of streaming was that it could replace cable, but now if you want to see all the cool stuff you have to subscribe to 3-4 different streaming services and that plus your internet is getting to be just as pricey as a cable subscription.
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To quote Diana: "So many things...so many things." As in, wrong with this movie. The main problems, though, are that it's far too long and boring, and the premise with Max Lord's wish doesn't work. Should have been a pure Cheetah script with one of her two possible Barbara Minerva origin stories (cursed dagger, or Urzkartaga plant potion). And Pedro Pascal didn't need another full-time job - he already has one.

Great to see Lynda Carter (that's not a spoiler, you've heard about that by now). However, there is absolutely no character called 'Asteria' in DC lore. In Greek myth, she is simply one of many Amazons that Heracles killed during his Ninth Labor while obtaining Hippolyta's belt. I'm sure that's where Geoff Johns got it.

Ideally..this movie would be just a cut of 20 minutes of Gal Gadot closeups smiling, full-body shots of the WW costume, that one brief peril scene, and that scene where she flies through the air. i wouldn't want to see any other part of it again. It was an exhausting
bunch of nothing. Give that little actress (Lilly Aspell) at the beginning an award, though - she really expressed some major physicality and should have a great future in "Spy Kids" style action movies (she's as good as Dafne Keen was as X-23 in "Logan").
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shevek wrote:
3 years ago
However, there is absolutely no character called 'Asteria' in DC lore.
I thought that was the name of one of the amazons that took Diana's place in man's world. Not Artemis but another girl. I think I posted a link to that some time ago.
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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
shevek wrote:
3 years ago
However, there is absolutely no character called 'Asteria' in DC lore.
I thought that was the name of one of the amazons that took Diana's place in man's world. Not Artemis but another girl. I think I posted a link to that some time ago.
I don't think that's Asteria you referred to? No trace of that name on ComicVine or the Wikipedia lists of Amazons.

I found an "Asteria" in DC Fandom, but she's an Elseworlds member of the Justice Society in a 1998 one-off comic, and has
nothing to do with Themyscira in the main continuity.

However, there is another reference to a mythical character named 'Asteria' who is talked about,but never seen:
"Another Asteria appeared much later in 2018. In Justice League/Aquaman: Drowned Earth Special #1 (by James Tynion IV and Howard Porter) and Justice League #11 (by Scott Snyder and Francis Manapul), a two-headed metallic bird named Asteria is introduced to the story. In Justice League #11, Diana tells Aquaman the name "Asteria" belonged to an ancient Amazonian "who fought against the gods. Her name means, 'of the sky.'"

The writer of the article from where I took that quote then theorizes that Geoff Johns talked to Scott Snyder and got the idea there. It's possible.

Would have loved to see some lesbian drama, though. For example, the Rebirth-era Amazon Kasia, who was Diana's lover on the island, and she was sad to leave her for Steve. Or the blacksmith Io, who has a crush on Diana in *all* incarnations of the character since the Silver Age. Unfortunately would never happen in such a mainstream movie.

Also...at 57:51: if anyone is an 80s punk rocker there are three classic T-shirts: Cro-Mags, Bad Brains & Exploited.
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Orana. That was the name of the replacement Wonder Woman.
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Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago
Bert wrote:
3 years ago
I read the first couple paragraphs of this review and thought "what is this site?" It didn't take much investigation to figure it out. The tagline for the site is "The Right Take on Entertainment". Because yeah, I want nothing as much as I want a far-right slanted review of a Wonder Woman movie.

There are multiple websites devoted to old television test patterns, so I guess there's something for everyone out there. Personally, movie reviews are not something I need passed through some ideological purity test before I read them.
"And what I most hate about the left is how they politicise everything, even reviews of movies that don't meet their exacting ideological standards!

Politicize happens everywhere. for any of you who read the Cotton Malone series by Steve Berry, his latest book has an obvious Trump like President who he spends every chapter attacking. He doesn't like Trump but no one reads Steve Berry for his politics
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Just saw it at the cinema and while the first half was pretty odd/ weak in some parts it more than made up for it later. Gal looks hotter in this one than the first WW. Her costume looks way better too - I don't know if they changed it much it if it's because the scenery is brighter than the trenches of WW1?

To the people who are whining about it- why waste your time? It's not often that a superhero film presents a hot as fuck actress with the looks and acting skills to carry off such a character.

After this awful year, this film was a delight to lose myself in for a few hours. Can't wait to comb through it later for screen caps. Again, Gal looks incredible and there were lots of unexpected shots of her in pain and anguish.
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And WW3 has been given a go-ahead.
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Supergirllegend wrote:
3 years ago
To the people who are whining about it- why waste your time? It's not often that a superhero film presents a hot as fuck actress with the looks and acting skills to carry off such a character.
From what I understand of reviews she's not actually in a whole lot of it and less as WW. First half is just boring. Also this sounds like "why don't men watch women's basketball cause it has women in it". Men aren't zombies. Story does count. Granted there were old movies in the past like 1 Million Years BC with Raquel Welch which was just her running around in an animal bikini for the whole movie but that's not happening in this movie.
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Nykron wrote:
3 years ago
And WW3 has been given a go-ahead.
Was the skirt just a digital creation?
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Imagineer wrote:
3 years ago
Nykron wrote:
3 years ago
And WW3 has been given a go-ahead.
Was the skirt just a digital creation?
More like it was probably bulky and so they would take it off when she was doing torso shots. Same with boots (my guess). When I did shoots we would remove the girl's high heel boots when we weren't seeing her legs so she wouldn't trip or feel uncomfortable. Also bare legs can get cold and it maybe a bit unnerving to be standing around with crew staring at her.

Could also be that's them doing prep work and not ready to do a shoot so again why stand around in full costume for like an hour. Or this could be a semi dress rehearsal.
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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Supergirllegend wrote:
3 years ago
To the people who are whining about it- why waste your time? It's not often that a superhero film presents a hot as fuck actress with the looks and acting skills to carry off such a character.
From what I understand of reviews she's not actually in a whole lot of it and less as WW. First half is just boring. Also this sounds like "why don't men watch women's basketball cause it has women in it". Men aren't zombies. Story does count. Granted there were old movies in the past like 1 Million Years BC with Raquel Welch which was just her running around in an animal bikini for the whole movie but that's not happening in this movie.
Well, as I said, the second half makes up for it in terms of story.
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Nykron wrote:
3 years ago
And WW3 has been given a go-ahead.
WW84 also made $19 million in theaters, which is the best news the movie theaters have had in quite some time.

Unfortunately, word of mouth has been fairly negative, so I would expect future box office to drop off.

With the movie coming out from WB, we'll probably get the blu-rays in fairly short order. (Where's my Mando discs, Disney?)
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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
More like it was probably bulky and so they would take it off when she was doing torso shots. Same with boots (my guess). When I did shoots we would remove the girl's high heel boots when we weren't seeing her legs so she wouldn't trip or feel uncomfortable. Also bare legs can get cold and it maybe a bit unnerving to be standing around with crew staring at her.

Could also be that's them doing prep work and not ready to do a shoot so again why stand around in full costume for like an hour. Or this could be a semi dress rehearsal.
On the first flick, she wore trainers for some action shots and they digitally swapped in the bottom of the boot.

Good points about not being in the shot or not being ready to shoot. And if she were ready to shoot like that and the skirt were all-digital, the bike shorts would likely be green, not black. I just jumped to the digital conclusion based on the boots trivia from the first flick, and how much of big-budget superhero costumes are digital, and how convenient it would be to control the way the skirt moves, avoiding any awkwardness and adding visual flair as they like. Though they probably do that after the fact anyway.

Thanks for sharing your experience as a producer.
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Lurkndog wrote:
3 years ago
WW84 also made $19 million in theaters, which is the best news the movie theaters have had in quite some time.
Yikes. In normal times, that would be a mediocre opening for low-budget action schlock dumped in February.
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85 Million $ in total sounds better ;-)
https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/r ... 9/weekend/
...which isn't so bad if you consider in how many countries the cinemas are all closed

+ the money they get through HBO Max subscribers....howsoever that can be measured or not
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Yeah these are changing times so what makes money or how its made may also change. However for $200mil this is a disappointment. CGI is much better now than in the past. Its like they are using 1984 CGI.
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https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/won ... 47150.html

This is now getting to be the first time movie openings are getting the addition of how many theaters are open and percentage of the movies seen at the time. HBO Max is giving subscribers watching the movies and estimating viewers per household. They had a jump in now viewers and compared to previous weeks.
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Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago
Yep, Wonder Woman 1984 was made to look like a 1980's movie. Especially noticeable in above shot.

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Actually read a fairly interesting review that talked about how weird it was that Diana was still so fixated on Steve even though he'd been gone for almost 70 years and how it just seemed she was so stuck in that past and that led to her just being a flawed/bad character in this film. Considering at best they only knew each other a couple of weeks...it is kind of an interesting point that she'd dwell on it so much. I can understand mourning, but for that length of time? It's almost creepily obsessive. She should have easily moved on and not been so infatuated with getting him back and wanting him to stay, not to mention how weird it is that
he was in another dude's body, lol.
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The protagonist is supposed to be flawed -- and eventually confront that flaw and change, which Diana does.
How long is 70 years to an immortal? How safe is it to tell yourself that you'll never find love like that again? How weird is it for a superhero to tell themselves they can't have relationships? Suspension of disbelief can be a yanny/laurel thing.

I'm more entertained by the thought
that it wasn't Steve Trevor at all. In fact, I'm going to go think about that for a while. I might need to start a thread about it later.
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Imagineer and Red Mountain

Done it for you.

Have a bit of sense with big plot reveals guys, please
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Gadot is going to have back surgery due to some of the scenes in the movie
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Imagineer wrote:
3 years ago
The protagonist is supposed to be flawed -- and eventually confront that flaw and change, which Diana does.
How long is 70 years to an immortal? How safe is it to tell yourself that you'll never find love like that again? How weird is it for a superhero to tell themselves they can't have relationships? Suspension of disbelief can be a yanny/laurel thing.

I'm more entertained by the thought
that it wasn't Steve Trevor at all. In fact, I'm going to go think about that for a while. I might need to start a thread about it later.
True. Could be he's what she THOUGHT was Steve Trevor. And did the wish stone give her anything at all vs it just used her own power to mind control some dude into acting like her vision of Steve Trevor.
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Just saw the movie, it was absolutely awesome, I love it
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I finally got to see this movie last night. It's . . . it's okay. The thing is, maybe I'm just really used to more recent superhero movies, but I wanted the movie to be an epic clash between Wonder Woman and Cheetah, where the two characters represent contrasting ideas. Maybe Cheetah wants to use to her powers to violently force the world to change, but Diana wants the world the change peacefully. I don't know, something. Anyway, the movie has no interest at all in setting up Cheetah as some kind of epic villain. It's more of a throwback to the sillier superhero movies of the past. If you can accept that going in, it's fairly enjoyable.
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I watched it and thought it was OK. Was actually well done for the Steve ark. I think it needed more action and less story/romance. The theater I saw it in had it for cheap, like $8 so that was a fair price. If they would have made the Cheetah thing more epic then it would have been a better movie. I also didn't notice any "messages" in the movie as far as political spectrum stuff is concerned.
The cheetah fights were way too short. I don't think they even added up to 20 minutes for both fights. If they had more fights like the one against the german soldiers in the first movie or like the Batman fight in BvS it would have made the movie more fun. Wigg actually did a good job. She sold the angry nerd very well and was only goofy Wigg in the beginning.
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I saw it last week. It was okay. I was entertained, but it's not memorable. Kinda like Star Wars: Solo - entertaining 2 hours at the movies and enjoyable overall, but not necessary to see again.

Spoiler Alert :
The thing that bothers me (as a person that likes to write and develop story) is WW1984 does what most superhero films do in the second story - play around with 'the abilities'. In Superman 2 starring Chris Reeve, the lead character loses his abilities and gets them back in time for the third act. In Spiderman 2 starring Tobey McGuire, the lead hero abilities diminish for a time. He gets them back in time for the third act. And in WW1984.... you get the idea. It bothers me that this 'trend' is the go-to for storytellers in the second superhero story. I've seen it before. Do something new. That's my only grievance (pain in the rump wannabe writers like me.....)

Oh, and I absolutely love that Lynda Carter made an appearance. :ww1:

-'it's suppose to be tight. It's called bondage.'
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