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Mr. X wrote:
4 years ago
Hospitals are closing. People are being let go. Lots of hospitals sit empty. Plus it pushed out patients who had other diseases. The curve is already flattened.
Mr.X, after 2 months I think some apologies are due right now ... :unsure:
tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
I passed 400-500 people today only myself and one other person had a mask on. Doesn't bode well.
You are 100% right. And this post of yours reminds me a video that I watched some days ago: in the early seconds I actually thought it was a satyrical video.... but no, those people are actually believing what they are saying :crazy:
I did not know that wearing a simple mask was lethal ? This woman on the preview especially must be a total conspiracy theories nutcase.

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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
I passed 400-500 people today only myself and one other person had a mask on. Doesn't bode well.
That sounds bad!
So I guess there are no laws for wearing masks at all in the UK?
Here you have to wear masks in shops and public transport all the time. Plus in small shops there are limits to how many people can be in at the same time.
Vist my blog and its Youtube channel:

Masked women in action! Superheroines, burglars, villainesses are waiting for you...
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In England its the same, public transport and inside, and that's starting in Wales on Monday.
Generally the Welsh govt has handled things better than England in all this but not the use of masks, they have just been bloody stupid
Shops have had limits and distancing for 4 months (for pharmacies and essential shops like supermarkets) and all supermarkets have hand gel, but pubs etc aren't opening until 3 Aug in Wales. I'm chronic asthmatic and a carer so I only go out once a week but you are allowed out twice a day for exercise and shopping and there was a limit of travelling no more than 5miles from your house but that has now been lifted, to visit family and friends. You are allowed to gather with one other household with no limit on numbers (in England rather stupidly that was brought in as a limit of 8 people initially, so what can you do if you are a family of 5 trying to meet a family of 6? It was unenforceable and pointless)
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Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
Better to lose your livelihood than your life.

Opening up when you clearly don't have it undercontrol in the first place is just asking for it to be prolonged
That will mean you stutter along and take much longer to recover.

Can I just ask people not to make personal attacks on other forum members. Disagree with them by all means, but keep it civil and avoid disparaging judgements when we all have different personal circumstances that the rest of us don't necessarily know about.
I will not engage in the person attacks, but most business people think we can go to phase 1.
"Most business people" have no relevant expertise, and have a vested interest (however forgivably) in early openings for the sake of their livelihoods. Medical professionals, specifically experts on infectious disease, are the only ones to whom any attention should be paid (and, I suppose, economists who could say at what point the economy would implode to such a disastrous extent that no-one would be producing anything and the mechanisms of the state would collapse). The opposite end of that, of course, is that the self-employed should be much, much, MUCH better supported than they are being. I quite understand that, in the absence of such support, many people would be pretty desperate to reopen. But that doesn't mean that reopenings wouldn't be injurious to public health.

It is not one of the other. There is a Mayor in Somerville, MA who is refusing to open things up even though the state is inn phase 3.
He does not care about the business people losing their livlihoods.

No one in the public sector has had to give up anything yet.

bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
My president today said that it was patriotic to wear masks.
If you are referring to his text on that subject, he actually didn't say that. He said "many people" are saying it's patriotic. Then he said he's the most patriotic. But he never actually said it was patriotic to wear a mask and he didn't say people should wear them.

Later, at his debut of season two of the Presidential Covid Briefing, he did actually say people should wear masks where appropriate. In late July after 140,000 American deaths.
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1000 dead yesterday Stateside and 65000+ infected. People don't appreciate the majority of problems this causes isn't in the deaths but in the thousands of problems caused in those who recover. People are looking at the death rate as small but acceptable but you add 10-20 times the deaths as people with lung scarring, emphysema like symptoms and it's going to be years for them to recover fully if they ever do at all. Just seems to me that people think if you survived you are fine and most people survive so therefore it's not an issue. You hear of people who had it and didnt know they had it or haven't had any symptoms and it's easy to be dismissive. With 3m infected and 150,000 dead, there has to be at least 500,000 of those infected who will now have ongoing health issues, in many cases for the rest of their lives.
At least now Trumps fade away Scenario seems to have shifted somewhat.
People still just don't seem to appreciate just how bad this is, even after 5 months of it.
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Contact: ... 68x712.jpg
BLM crowd as of June 6th. ... rticle.jpg
Not seeing a whole lot of mask wearing here at this BLM protest.!/ ... rotest.jpg
Is this an example of social distancing at this BLM protest? ... 33ddc.html
July 16th. ... distancing
Young people not wearing masks

WHO is not wearing masks? WHO is not social distancing?

If people gather for 4th of July or a farmers market or a Trump rally they are criticized and or shut down. Why then can BLM and antifa gather? I thought this was a pandemic and we had to put a trillion dollar hole in the economy and put 60 mil americans out of work? How many elderly had to lose their retirements? How many will now run out of welfare and unemployment?

Walmart and Target get to stay open but small businesses have to close when they too can social distance?
No car dealers or furniture stores but Walmart is fine?
People out of work but gov workers not laid off in droves and they work in office buildings? Where are millions of out of work gov workers?

Can't keep people inside forever... unless you want to send tanks down the street, especially when they see these blatantly obvious double standards. Play by the same rules. Shut down businesses and put people out of work - shut down protests.

I will support any class action lawsuit against any city or state who forcibly shut down businesses and caused this massive economic damage and will use BLM and antifa as proof the shut downs and mask wearing was not taken seriously.
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I don't get the knobs protesting about bloody statues. Fine if you want to protest to get rid of them but not bloody NOW. they've stood for 100years plus, let them stand for a couple more months and then protest to get rid of them don't bloody do it now when you are risking your life and everyone elses
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Bert wrote:
3 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
My president today said that it was patriotic to wear masks.
If you are referring to his text on that subject, he actually didn't say that. He said "many people" are saying it's patriotic. Then he said he's the most patriotic. But he never actually said it was patriotic to wear a mask and he didn't say people should wear them.

Later, at his debut of season two of the Presidential Covid Briefing, he did actually say people should wear masks where appropriate. In late July after 140,000 American deaths.
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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago ... 68x712.jpg
BLM crowd as of June 6th. ... rticle.jpg
Not seeing a whole lot of mask wearing here at this BLM protest.!/ ... rotest.jpg
Is this an example of social distancing at this BLM protest? ... 33ddc.html
July 16th. ... distancing
Young people not wearing masks

WHO is not wearing masks? WHO is not social distancing?

If people gather for 4th of July or a farmers market or a Trump rally they are criticized and or shut down. Why then can BLM and antifa gather? I thought this was a pandemic and we had to put a trillion dollar hole in the economy and put 60 mil americans out of work? How many elderly had to lose their retirements? How many will now run out of welfare and unemployment?

Walmart and Target get to stay open but small businesses have to close when they too can social distance?
No car dealers or furniture stores but Walmart is fine?
People out of work but gov workers not laid off in droves and they work in office buildings? Where are millions of out of work gov workers?

And Antida is a domestic terror group
Can't keep people inside forever... unless you want to send tanks down the street, especially when they see these blatantly obvious double standards. Play by the same rules. Shut down businesses and put people out of work - shut down protests.

I will support any class action lawsuit against any city or state who forcibly shut down businesses and caused this massive economic damage and will use BLM and antifa as proof the shut downs and mask wearing was not taken seriously.

Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago ... 68x712.jpg
BLM crowd as of June 6th. ... rticle.jpg
Not seeing a whole lot of mask wearing here at this BLM protest.!/ ... rotest.jpg
Is this an example of social distancing at this BLM protest? ... 33ddc.html
July 16th. ... distancing
Young people not wearing masks

WHO is not wearing masks? WHO is not social distancing?

If people gather for 4th of July or a farmers market or a Trump rally they are criticized and or shut down. Why then can BLM and antifa gather? I thought this was a pandemic and we had to put a trillion dollar hole in the economy and put 60 mil americans out of work? How many elderly had to lose their retirements? How many will now run out of welfare and unemployment?

Walmart and Target get to stay open but small businesses have to close when they too can social distance?
No car dealers or furniture stores but Walmart is fine?
People out of work but gov workers not laid off in droves and they work in office buildings? Where are millions of out of work gov workers?

And Antida is a domestic terror group
Can't keep people inside forever... unless you want to send tanks down the street, especially when they see these blatantly obvious double standards. Play by the same rules. Shut down businesses and put people out of work - shut down protests.

I will support any class action lawsuit against any city or state who forcibly shut down businesses and caused this massive economic damage and will use BLM and antifa as proof the shut downs and mask wearing was not taken seriously.
People gather unsafely to say "hurrah 4th of July" or "re-elect Trump".
Response: not very sympathetic.

People gather unsafely to say "can the police please stop murdering people."
Response: a bit more sympathetic.
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Speaking of masks ... tside-home

"The order, which allows for fines of up $1,000 per violation, won't be enforced on children under the age of 3 and people who are actively eating or drinking."

So if someone refuses the fine are you going to endorse shooting them like the guy in Wendy's in Atlanta who refused arrest for being drunk? Are you willing to have the very same cops, who you think are all murderers, shoot someone for not wearing a mask if they refuse the fine? Do people understand by making a law it has to be enforced.

"No officer I will not wear a mask"
"No officer I refuse the fine"
"No officer I will not show you my ID"
"No officer I will not allow you to arrest me"

And will this be applied to BLM and antifa protesters?

Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Speaking of masks ... tside-home

"The order, which allows for fines of up $1,000 per violation, won't be enforced on children under the age of 3 and people who are actively eating or drinking."

So if someone refuses the fine are you going to endorse shooting them like the guy in Wendy's in Atlanta who refused arrest for being drunk? Are you willing to have the very same cops, who you think are all murderers, shoot someone for not wearing a mask if they refuse the fine? Do people understand by making a law it has to be enforced.

"No officer I will not wear a mask"
"No officer I refuse the fine"
"No officer I will not show you my ID"
"No officer I will not allow you to arrest me"

And will this be applied to BLM and antifa protesters?
No I would not endorse shooting them because I do not think the police should be able to shoot people other than in self-defence or defence of members of the public who are being directly held to threat. I think they should be able to arrest people against their will for committing crimes, but that is by no means the same thing. It is, in fact, possible to think someone shouldn't be doing something without thinking they should be shot for doing it.

"Who you think are all murderers"? No-one thinks that. Again, it is possible to say that an institution is corrupt without saying that all - or even most - of its employees are corrupt.
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Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Speaking of masks ... tside-home

"The order, which allows for fines of up $1,000 per violation, won't be enforced on children under the age of 3 and people who are actively eating or drinking."

So if someone refuses the fine are you going to endorse shooting them like the guy in Wendy's in Atlanta who refused arrest for being drunk? Are you willing to have the very same cops, who you think are all murderers, shoot someone for not wearing a mask if they refuse the fine? Do people understand by making a law it has to be enforced.

"No officer I will not wear a mask"
"No officer I refuse the fine"
"No officer I will not show you my ID"
"No officer I will not allow you to arrest me"

And will this be applied to BLM and antifa protesters?
No I would not endorse shooting them because I do not think the police should be able to shoot people other than in self-defence or defence of members of the public who are being directly held to threat. I think they should be able to arrest people against their will for committing crimes, but that is by no means the same thing. It is, in fact, possible to think someone shouldn't be doing something without thinking they should be shot for doing it.

"Who you think are all murderers"? No-one thinks that. Again, it is possible to say that an institution is corrupt without saying that all - or even most - of its employees are corrupt.
My brother is a cop and he rolls his eyes at all of this police enforcement of mask wearing. I think the overwhelming majority of police want nothing to do with enforcing these must wear mask regulations. My brother says his job is tough enough during these racially charged times with criminals of all creeds and races feeling empowered during these troubled times to challenge authority with the feeling that many of these good cops are gong to be extra hesitant to pull their weapons or exerting their authority for fear of causing another incident that may inflame their communities. I think the more apt assertion is to say that perhaps an institution is not corrupt, but as in any profession or walk of life, there are good and brave people who do their job in a professional manner and sadly there are joined by a few bad apples in the mix who should not be in the profession. Let us not define anything, anyone, or any particular profession or ideology based on the indefensible actions of a relatively small number of ignorant or dangerous individuals that are not representative of the profession at large.

An institution is corrupt when it fails, time and time and time again, to punish its bad apples. No-one is trying to "define" policing with reference to racism and excessive force because that would be pointless. But the mistreatment of people of colour by American (not exclusively American, of course, but that's who we're talking about) is endemic. And racism aside, violence is endemic.

Here's some research to support what I'm saying: ... gures-data
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Ok let's all keep level heads people.

Let's move away from general societal issues and post about the virus

Hopefully we are another day nearer to a cure.

Try and stay safe whatever country you are in. Best weapon we have to fight this at the moment is common sense so please use yours.
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Ok let's all keep level heads people.

Let's move away from general societal issues and post about the virus

Hopefully we are another day nearer to a cure.

Try and stay safe whatever country you are in. Best weapon we have to fight this at the moment is common sense so please use yours.
True and fair. Soz.
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It was a general appeal not directed against individuals. (But I do have a hex on you but that's been up for years :giggle: )
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70,000 cases and 1100 dead quoted yesterday by NYTimes. Think about that. If it keeps at that rate you are looking at 400,000 a year. Imagine going to a town of 400,000 people and everyone is dead.
God knows what the losses will be in places like India and third world countries, with very poor health services. And you still have wankers saying its a hoax.
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This morning I heard an interview with a woman from New York city. She was a local bartender who had been out of work for months. She lost her health insurance with her job (insurance that still cost her $800 per month). Having survived breast cancer, she was scheduled for her first yearly screening. She had to cancel the appointments because she had no way to pay for them. Her mother died from breast cancer, so the woman was justifiably worried about missing her screening appointments, but she had no choice.

Dying from covid-19 is obviously the worst case outcome, but there are millions of stories like the above, as well as tens if not hundreds of thousands of infected people who survive but only after being terribly ill and often having long-lasting or permanent damage to their health. The scale of the pandemic in the U.S. is almost unimaginable, but the president has done almost nothing to help. Yesterday, Trump said the primary goal of the president was to protect American lives. Bizarrely, he said it to justify sending troops into Democrat led cities to quell protests, while more than 1,100 Americans died alone and gasping from covid for the second day in a row. The U.S. is so screwed.
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helstar wrote:
3 years ago
tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
I passed 400-500 people today only myself and one other person had a mask on. Doesn't bode well.
You are 100% right. And this post of yours reminds me a video that I watched some days ago: in the early seconds I actually thought it was a satyrical video.... but no, those people are actually believing what they are saying :crazy:
I did not know that wearing a simple mask was lethal ? This woman on the preview especially must be a total conspiracy theories nutcase.

Gotta love the fuckwit who claims that mask-wearing is literally killing people. She had better warn every surgeon in every operating room in every hospital about masks being lethal.

Where exactly was the scientific evidence for masks being lethal published? Probably in the same journals that publish papers on the Earth being flat.
"A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen."
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Heroine Addict wrote:
3 years ago
helstar wrote:
3 years ago
tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
I passed 400-500 people today only myself and one other person had a mask on. Doesn't bode well.
You are 100% right. And this post of yours reminds me a video that I watched some days ago: in the early seconds I actually thought it was a satyrical video.... but no, those people are actually believing what they are saying :crazy:
I did not know that wearing a simple mask was lethal ? This woman on the preview especially must be a total conspiracy theories nutcase.

Gotta love the fuckwit who claims that mask-wearing is literally killing people. She had better warn every surgeon in every operating room in every hospital about masks being lethal.

Where exactly was the scientific evidence for masks being lethal published? Probably in the same journals that publish papers on the Earth being flat.
Doesn't it feel like a cult thing, this anti-mask movement? This reminds me of those anti vaccination people, just ignore the science and the facts and go with raw emotion and feelings. These people are woefully misguided.
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Heroine Addict wrote:
3 years ago
helstar wrote:
3 years ago
tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
I passed 400-500 people today only myself and one other person had a mask on. Doesn't bode well.
You are 100% right. And this post of yours reminds me a video that I watched some days ago: in the early seconds I actually thought it was a satyrical video.... but no, those people are actually believing what they are saying :crazy:
I did not know that wearing a simple mask was lethal ? This woman on the preview especially must be a total conspiracy theories nutcase.

Gotta love the fuckwit who claims that mask-wearing is literally killing people. She had better warn every surgeon in every operating room in every hospital about masks being lethal.

Where exactly was the scientific evidence for masks being lethal published? Probably in the same journals that publish papers on the Earth being flat.
Haven't watched the vid because I saw it at the time but right at the end of what I saw, some plank shouts she's tired of hearing we live in a democracy its a Republic!

If only someone would stand on a Make America Remotely Intelligent Again' platform.
Even has a catchy acronym MARIA.
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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Speaking of masks ... tside-home

"The order, which allows for fines of up $1,000 per violation, won't be enforced on children under the age of 3 and people who are actively eating or drinking."

So if someone refuses the fine are you going to endorse shooting them like the guy in Wendy's in Atlanta who refused arrest for being drunk? Are you willing to have the very same cops, who you think are all murderers, shoot someone for not wearing a mask if they refuse the fine? Do people understand by making a law it has to be enforced.

"No officer I will not wear a mask"
"No officer I refuse the fine"
"No officer I will not show you my ID"
"No officer I will not allow you to arrest me"

And will this be applied to BLM and antifa protesters?
Personally I'd prefer that wearing a mask not be a law, and that people use their brains and just wear a god damned mask for their own well being and the well being of others. But as we have witnessed, people are stupid, the world isn't a happy fantasy forest of individuals all doing the very best thing for themselves and others... so law. I'm certain the irony is lost on no one that we must ask to enforce a law to wear a mask during a pandemic at the same time as so many are concerned about the enforcers of said law. We're all simply stuck dealing with the reality of the situation we are in...

That situation being that there is a pandemic and an illness killing people that doesn't give a flying fuck if your rights are being granted or taken away.


... for the record, I apply this hashtag to all. Rioters included. Rioters ESPECIALLY. Wear masks people, you're in giant crowds where contact isn't just possible but PROBABLE.
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Almost 74,000 infections and again over 1100 deaths in US yesterday.
Wearing a mask doesn't protect you as much as it protects everyone else from you.

Be safe everybody
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1694 dead in US with 60,000 infected yesterday. That keeps up, you got half a million a year. Likelihood is it may well get higher through winter months too.
Bleak days
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Here BoJo the clown has brought in an instant quarantine on Spain which had 64 deaths last week whereas UK had 424. So having encouraged people to go abroad they have to go into 2 weeks self quarantine on return. Many employers saying they won't pay wages.
If you saying to people go abroad you gotta offer testing on return. Not just whip the rug out from under them. Plus the people who are hit by this ought to have any lost wages subsidised. If they choose to go on holiday now knowing there are quarantine restrictions that's different but if you have just had it imposed on you when you are out there it's not your fault so why should you lose your wages.
Rather ironically Grant Shapps the UK transport and aviation minister flew to Spain on Saturday morning on holiday. :giggle:
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Something to lighten the grim mood
Screenshot_20200720-001549~2.png (858.23 KiB) Viewed 4099 times
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New York is doing very well and we've brought the number of infected WAY down. Governor Cuomo has done an AMAZING job taking what was once the world epicenter of the virus and getting it completely under control. NY is now in the top 15 states for lowest number of COVID-19 cases.

Florida, Texas, and California are now way up there. Florida has more cases than most COUNTRIES. But their numbers are (finally) leveling off and so are the Texas numbers. California numbers are still on the rise.

It's really all about leadership, IMO. The states whose governors dismissed the danger are the ones that are truly suffering now. DeSantis (Gov of Florida) was bashing Cuomo for HIS response to the virus as recently as 2 weeks ago. And now the shoe is on the other foot, he's begging NY for help.

I heard a staggering statistic today. If the U.S. had a 9/11 style attack every week for a YEAR, that's how many Americans have died from Covid-19 so far - in just 4 months.
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Pushing 9-10,000 dead a week now in US.
And bare in mind those figures are understated.

And you still have pricks like Gomhert saying crap like they think wearing a mask made them catch it. That guy is a waste of DNA
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It's absolutely revolting how nihilistic the Republican Party has become in the last year or two. They fell into the trap of not opposing Trump early on, and now they are committed to following through on his pathetic brainfarts that pass as ideas in Republican circles. 150,000 dead Americans - a number that will double before the November elections - and still the federal government is doing next to nothing to stem the carnage. America stands alone among developed countries in their total negligence to slow the pace of infections. The president clearly is only capable of contemplating what he believes is a path to reelection. The hundreds of thousands of Americans who have died or will die mean nothing to him.

In America, life is very cheap. School shootings, suicides, drug overdoses, covid deaths, racial injustice, all par for the course. But my God, they'll move heaven and earth to save the "life" of a fetus destined for an ugly fate of destitution, crime, incarceration and servitude. Imagine, so-called Christians supporting the immoral orange sin-fest in the oval office just because he will appoint far-right justices to the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade and end abortion. America will cease to be a functioning democracy and become the laughingstock of the world, but some CINO's (Christians in name only) will get their wish so it's all good. You guys are so fucked.
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First detailed comparison of Covid death rates done by ONS (Office of National Statistics) and guess what? UK has the worst in Europe. What everyone has said for last 4months and govt has denied. In early stages of outbreak at Press briefings they showed death stats across Europe because we were less than Italy and Spain. (our outbreak started later) Minute we become the worst they stop because 'there are different factors in each country and you can't compare like with like'. BASTARDS. Well now ONS has factored in those differences and we STILL have the worst rate in Europe.
The only govt that's fucked it up worse than us are the US.
BUT WE ARE A FUCKING ISLAND it should have been far easier for us to get a handle on it than Europe. We had 6 weeks notice from outbreak in China, 2 weeks notice from outbreak in Italy. Did we have adequate PPE? No. Testing in place? No. Disinfection protocols? No. Priority targeted testing of key workers using the limited testing resources we had set up? No. Diverted UK companies to PPE manufacture when it's obvious that there is a shortfall? No.
We spouted twatty jingoistic rhetoric from the days of Empire and told people to wash their hands.
Quite cynically they quoted mis information, classing a single pair of plastic gloves as TWO pieces of PPE for fuck sake, and said how a world class track and trace app was to be in place by 1st June and that was vital to keeping the virus under control (it being British it didn't work properly and 2 months later we still don't have one) and hailed the 26000 track and trace staff they employed as amazing because they were contacting 80,000 people a week and telling them to self isolate. That's barely 3 a week per person we employed, and there's no follow up to see if those told to isolate actually do and the 80,000 WAS ABOUT 1/3 of people that needed to be contacted. Stories from the staff that they were sitting around being paid for doing nothing were denied because that's all you have to do these days is lie in the face of facts.
BoJo the clown heads a right wing populist government that says what he thinks people want to hear, lies to the populace about the situation, is completely inept and we have one of the worst virus outbreaks in the world.
Trump the incompetent heads a right wing populist government that says what he thinks people want to hear, lies to the populace about the situation, is completely inept and you have one of the worst virus outbreaks in the world.
Bolsano in Brazil heads a right wing populist government that says what he thinks people want to hear, lies to the populace about the situation, is completely inept and they have one of the worst virus outbreaks in the world.

Seeing a pattern?

Two weeks ago BoJo said we may even be back to something approaching normality by Christmas (reminiscent of World War 1 when the war will be over by Christmas. Say it every year and one year you will be right). Now we are getting surges in cases once again across the North and Midlands and the stupidity of that statement is self evident. Optimism doesn't cut it with deadly diseases, you actually need some degree of competence.
The US won't stay the country with the world's highest death toll for ever as there will be impoverished 3rd World countries with little health care who will lose more. Trump will then no doubt hail it as a success of his making.

Wear a mask, social distance, wash before you leave the house and on your return , and for gods sake don't inject yourself with disinfectant.

(And if you want to end this blight on mankind vote them out first chance you get.)
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Heh - yep!

This virus is cruel though - it lingers mostly invisible in the population and once you've had it you might still get it again?!
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Less than 500 deaths yesterday, admittedly weekend numbers are artificially low but still better to see it in 3 figures than 4.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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This is the most insane thing I've ever seen. The man comes across as, forgive me, genuinely senile. I'm past disgust and into a kind of horrified pity.
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Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago
This is the most insane thing I've ever seen. The man comes across as, forgive me, genuinely senile. I'm past disgust and into a kind of horrified pity.
Pity? I have no pity for him at all. If he doesn't get the Corona virus and die of it, there is no justice in the universe.
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I guess Trump is the kind of guy who thinks that if you aren't looking at it, it's not real.

He's just like...

'Death? What? You mean that death tally? That's not a real thing! I didn't see any of those people die. You have to look at the number of people we've actually SEEN... and we should really be seeing fewer people, I bet we'd have way fewer cases of Carona if we just stopped testing people for it.'
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I wish the interviewer had pointed out that with different standards of health care in each country third world countries will have higher deaths per cases found anyway, it's deaths per capita is the universal comparator
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
I wish the interviewer had pointed out that with different standards of health care in each country third world countries will have higher deaths per cases found anyway, it's deaths per capita is the universal comparator
Even if you were just being a standard, smarmy politician, you could have spun it. Something like:
"Yes, of course, the deaths per capita statistic is very worrying, but don't forget that on the deaths-per-cases count the USA ranks much better. What this shows is that simplistic analysis of the situation is very misleading; there is in fact a complex" etc etc etc.

The fact that Trump just says "uhhh, no, you can't do that. You can't use that statistic" is just appalling.
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602 quoted as dead yesterday Stateside. That would still be 3,500+ a week, 175k a year.
Stay safe you crazy yanks. (and everyone else around the world)
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Over 1350 yesterday.
Sympathy to anyone here affected.

In Wales pubs opened on Monday, I haven't ventured out yet due to my own health issues
I work in government and we are bound by stringent data protection laws. Yet the tracing policy requires people to write name address and phone number on a pad at the bar that in most cases anyone can see or photograph with their phone camera. Not a good situation
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
602 quoted as dead yesterday Stateside. That would still be 3,500+ a week, 175k a year.
Stay safe you crazy yanks. (and everyone else around the world)
I go back to work in the schools here fairly soon... and our county is more affected than it ever was when we closed them down in the first place. Pretty sure the government just wants to take the opportunity to cull our numbers at this point.
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537 deaths Stateside yesterday and 760,000 World wide. I'd like to hear from the pricks who reckoned Its as democrat conspiracy just to stop Trump being elected.
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
537 deaths Stateside yesterday and 760,000 World wide. I'd like to hear from the pricks who reckoned Its as democrat conspiracy just to stop Trump being elected.
They're still around. Apparently, some of them think that Dr. Fauci personally developed the coronavirus himself. They're not big on evidence or logic.

Many of these types can still be seen throwing pathetic tantrums about being told to wear a mask at the grocery store.

No shoes, no shirt, no mask, no service. Fucking mouth-breathers.

I bet they usually defend the right of a business owner to refuse service to any group of people. (Meaning minorities they don't like.) Yet those Libertarian principles fly out the window as soon as a business puts them to the trivial inconvenience of having to wear a mask. Suddenly, every private business becomes a public utility and the morons claim an absolute right to flout the mask-wearing policies.
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Heroine Addict wrote:
3 years ago
tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
537 deaths Stateside yesterday and 760,000 World wide. I'd like to hear from the pricks who reckoned Its as democrat conspiracy just to stop Trump being elected.
They're still around. Apparently, some of them think that Dr. Fauci personally developed the coronavirus himself. They're not big on evidence or logic.

Many of these types can still be seen throwing pathetic tantrums about being told to wear a mask at the grocery store.

No shoes, no shirt, no mask, no service. Fucking mouth-breathers.

I bet they usually defend the right of a business owner to refuse service to any group of people. (Meaning minorities they don't like.) Yet those Libertarian principles fly out the window as soon as a business puts them to the trivial inconvenience of having to wear a mask. Suddenly, every private business becomes a public utility and the morons claim an absolute right to flout the mask-wearing policies.
That's a really big assumption to make, that because some dopes are a friggin morons who decide to make an idiotic decision not to wear a mask that automatically means they are racist assholes as well. Come on now, you are better than that. We do not know what is in this moron's heart, all we know is that he is a stupid and entitled asshole who could care less about the possibility of infecting another fellow human being with COVID-19 by refusing to wear a mask.

I think one sees the overall political point. Indeed, it may not be true of this man. But there is a somewhat suspicious correlation between the kind of people who, for instance, are happy to allow businesses not to serve gay customers with the justification that a private enterprise can do what it likes and refuse service to whom it likes, and the kind of people who are outraged when a business refuses to serve them for not wearing a mask.
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How about the thousands of people congregating together at those BLM marches not wearing masks? Are not those people also protesting in a sense not just the social justice part of that, but the mask thing as well, their very actions could have caused a dramatic spike in cases and deaths. Simply irresponsible. If I am consistent, then I call a pox on all of the houses and ideologies, regardless of skin color or cause who refuse to stay six feet apart, not wear a mask and congregate in great numbers in defiance of public safety COVID-19 regulations. I think that is the dirty little secret, that there are dumb assholes on the left and the right who refuse to stay six feet apart, wear a mask, and not congregate in numbers over 50. Wear a mask people!

Yup, protesting maskless is also pretty fucking stupid. Apparently the protests have not, in fact, caused major spikes, but it's still irresponsible as hell not to put the masks on. ... id19-surge
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Some things you can't put on hold for a pandemic, and protests is one of them.

The big killer is work anyway. Packing people indoors in factories and in particular meat packing plants has been devastating. This avenue of infection isn't getting the coverage it deserves because of course, we're not allowed to question the wisdom of putting lives ahead of the economy.

Incidentally schools will see the virus spreading a lot worse than any outdoor protests too.