How do you value the importance of "story" in a porn video?

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How important is the set-up to you in Superheroine In Peril videos?

Poll ended at 4 years ago

A) If there's no creativity in the set up situation, it's a deal breaker.
B) I prefer smart setups but if the money shots are good, I'll consider a purchase.
C) If the villain arrives at the heroine's place with a pizza and she's ready, me too!
D) Setups don't matter at all as long as she's in a costume.
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So, I've been chatting with Geeky Porn Critic about the value of a good story or setup in a SHIP porn video, be that soft-core porn or hard core porn. Let's take it for granted that everyone eventually wants to see a money shot, as it were, of either the heroine giving head, being taken (either willingly or not depending on your preferences), and ultimately being defeated or winning in the end. The question then is, how important is the set up to those money shot scenes?

Do you like quick take downs that overwhelm the heroine and then right to the fun or do you prefer fighting and weakening and then onto the fun? Are intriguing traps that take some time to unwind worth your hard-earned coin?

Just wanted to know what people felt. It could be helpful to producers to know what you'd really like to see in a SHIP video.

Thanks beforehand to any of those who care to comment.
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Much as in my writing, I don't generally go in for outright penetrative pornography in my SHiP videos. For that reason, having a good story is a HUGE bonus, though if there are sexy things happening to a good looking model and the production values are decent, I might still buy a video even if the story is largely absent.

Nevertheless, I hold that peril fetish stuff, whether involving superheroines or otherwise, is a psychological fetish. The interplay of power, weakness, subversion of what "should" happen when a heroine gets into a dangerous situation, the surrender or lack thereof, the history between two characters - it's one of the reasons I think that it can work better in writing than on film.

I did not vote in the poll. I feel like the options do not reflect my position on the subject. Please allow me to explain.

I only watch hardcore superheroine movies. You may notice I did not say superheroines in peril. I will get to that in a moment. Sex with a superheroine is the first feature to sell the video to me. A video of at least 35 minutes with a story and sex is almost always an instant purchase. Sex is very important to me, and I also need a story.

The story does not need to be a masterpiece. It can be about a burglar taking advantage of a rookie superherione. As long as the heroine either enjoys it or is denial about liking it, then I am interested. I generally avoid brutal movies with very rough sex scenes with the heroine crying in pain.

A good story elevate sex scenes when properly executed. An entertaining plot makes the sex scenes more rewarding to watch. The heroine is placed in a unique peril that also leads to a steamy sex scene.

A great writer combines the elements of the story and sex together. A great example of this The Gift by Primal Fetish. The heroine is captured by a vile villain and he plans to turn her into one of his creatures as a hybrid of superheroine and beast. He can only accomplish his goal by arousing the herione and letting his beast have sex with her. It's a great movie that tells the story through the sexual peril. ... fate-1080p
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For me a good story is a must, the engine that gives the film it's foundation. if there is a weak or thin story, then the sex part or the happy ending (for us anyway) is sort of rendered meaningless, or at least the sex part does not resonate with me. The story is the main course of the meal and the sex part is the dessert and if you have a banana split for dessert without having the pork chops for dinner, well, I think each film needs a balanced diet with each food group represented for a healthy film.
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I don't know how to answer the poll. I think it's too clever for me.

Creativity is good. Smart setups are good. Pizza is good.
But a plot doesn't have to be smart or creative -- familiar and conventional is fine if it's well-executed.
And none of it matters unless the video avoids the Whammies and pushes one of my specific buttons.

Sure, sometimes I'll check something out just for its creative approach or exceptional execution, but that's more about appreciating the effort than looking for a new favorite. I really dig when there's added production value -- and it doesn't have to be lavish, just something that shows more effort than donning the stock costume on the stock set with the stock props and a stock edit -- an outdoor shot, a new costume, any prop unique to the plot, any special effect, new score, amusing bit player, great/unconventional makeup, different credits. Also added interest whenever it's not WW or SG, or there's a sexy/different twist on the standard WW or SG costume.

FWIW, I consider physical combat as plot, and beatdown elements and BJs as somebody else's fetish I'm sitting through. To me they're the seasonal vegetables of the restaurant meal -- maybe excellent and worth a congratulatory nod but not why I'm spending. In fact, even the meat and the dessert can be boring if they're just generically salty and sweet, now that I think about it. What makes the meal is a sexy heroine in a sexy costume clearly portraying interesting heroine psychology.

An example of what works for me: TBFE's "0.57% Unknown." The story is derivative, but there's a whole first act where the peril isn't from violence and the villain isn't even present, the dialog is specific, the fight has multiple clear reversals, there's a twist to the costume, and there's a denouement other than a newscast.
But Primal's Custom's "Midnight" and "Power Grl Turned Into a Slut" also work for me -- two scenes each, straightforward premise, hot chicks in hot costumes, mostly improvised, and yet there *is* a premise and it never falls to "look at us we're makin' a porno" like big studio productions do.
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I think it goes beyond this genre or even erotica, at least for me.

If it goes right to domination especially when it is a fat out of shape guy in a ski mask who could not take a non powered ordinary woman it does not work for me.

Likewise a action films that shows car crashes and fights with no plot does not interest me. As limited as the Fast and Furious films are, they do have a plot.
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I'm definitely a bit mixed on this one as well.

I'm more interested in the SHIP fetish aspects as opposed to the porn content, so the story in the video isn't really paramount but I'll take it if it's there. I'm typically interested in the Superheroine's Costume, Bondage Scenarios, "Torture" elements, etc. I do like a good story, but for me, I'm satisfied with "Superheroine is bonked over the head and taken away for torture by the Villain" and the majority of the story is them being forced to orgasm or them strapped down and tickled or something like that. It's a very basic setup and the rest of the "story" is that they are being tortured or brainwashed or whatever the villain wants to do with them.

That being said, I also liked a lot of the Jim Hunter videos where the models were dressed as Superheroines (basic costumes, but still appealing imo) where it usually a simple video where the model was tied up in his signature style and left to struggle in their Superheroine costumes. There wasn't any story to speak of in those videos (there may be some dialog but for the most part it was just the model tied up and left to struggle and maybe some bit where he would add more ropes to make their predicament a little bit worse) and I was also satisfied with those videos too.

If a SHIP video does have a story, I would prefer it to be a "good" story or have some thought put into it but I can be completely satisfied in some aspects without any story that satisfies the fetish elements.

Axel Braun's Captain Marvel parody is suppose to launch sometime today. I think his work is an example of trying to make the story important, but failing to deliver a good experience. His movies' stories are all over the place and are inconsistent. He tried to film a parody of Batman versus Superman, but they don't meet until the last scene. Wonder Woman randomly appears and have sex with them.

His movies seriously lack sexual tension. A good story in my opinion builds up the sexual tension with the villain's scheme, humiliation, and sexual peril. Axel Braun misses the mark on all of those factors. He does not film a lot of peril since his movies are mainstream porn. However, he can still build sexual tension with the story and hero's defeat. He just doesn't do that.

One of my favorite movies with good sexual tension is Black Adam - Rise to Power - Enslavement of Wonder Woman and Power Girl XXX by Primal Fetish. The tension builds when Wonder Woman is trapped in her lasso and is forced to admit her sexual fantasies about Black Adam. He proceeds to make her cum in shame, but also in delight as this is her fantasy. He uses this against her to make her his slave and she becomes Dark Wonder Woman. Dark Wonder Woman also breaks Power Girl in a more aggressive manner to add another heroine in Black Adam's group of superheroine slaves.
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I won't buy anything that is pornographic as well as any video with a weak storyline. I am a big fan of pure erotica. My customs (with DW and KAK) have comprehensive setups. For example some themes involve revenge, contract assassinations, or a nosey reporter doing an expose of illicit arms trading. I believe in a strong rationale as the lead in for the peril to follow. Some of the videos are as much 40 minutes long. Some scenes are outdoors. For example an abduction at the entrance of Le Louvre (Paris, France), a real fashion show or in a bar where the heroine is actually working. In all of these films I wanted maximum abdomen exposure. Call me an oddball.
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If I can be a bit frank and gross, I like there to be a story when I first get the video, but after that I just want the peril stuff.

A big part of the turn-on for me is feeling sympathy for the heroine. So I want to know what she wants, what she's afraid of, and how she feels about the peril she's in. But once I have that info, I don't need to watch it much unless it's an absolute favorite.

Basically, part of SHIP stuff is that there's peril and fear and danger. So that's a story for me, and that's essential. But the particulars? They're nice, but not a big deal for me.

Still, I like that it's there. Some of the better videos are pretty well written and acted, and I appreciate that effort. if I really like the heroine's personality, it makes the whole thing a little hotter. I want to fall in love with her a little bit. Still, if none of that is there, the "story" of a heroine defeated and humiliated is all I really need.
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I would say that story makes a SHiP video stand on its own two feet as something that can be enjoyed separate from the source material.

A lot of videos rely on our knowledge of Batgirl/Supergirl/Wonder Woman to cut straight to the chase and plunge the heroine immediately into peril. It's as if the mainstream portrayals by Yvonne, Melissa and Linda essentially act as "fluffers" for us before their SHiP counterparts deliver a climax.

As a fan of unmasking, I find that very few videos have the basic set-up that makes the pay-off satisfying to me. This could be down to budget and time restraints. It could also be down to some producers and some customers perceiving the set-up to be wasted time that could be spent on peril.

While the specific details may vary, this is the very basic story structure that I feel is required for an unmasking video:

:ybat: Secret Identity encounters Villainess and either witnesses her crime or suspects she's up to no good.

:ybat: Secret Identity finds a private spot to transform into Heroine. On-screen transformation.

:ybat: Heroine confronts Villainess. Show of confidence and strength.

:ybat: Villainess defeats and captures Heroine. Heroine is bound.

So far, so mainstream. But I personally feel that set-up is necessary to make the SHiP pay-off work...

:ybat: Sexy peril with bound Heroine at the mercy of the Villainess.

:ybat: Teased unmasking followed by a full unmasking. Vitally, the Villainess recognizes the Secret Identity.

It doesn't require elaborate sets and a cast of thousands. Just something quick and basic at the beginning to establish the Secret Identity as a character in her own right. It's that basic storytelling that I feel is missing from a lot of videos. Often, if there is an unmasking at all, it's just a transformation from Masked Heroine to Unmasked Heroine with little or no time spent on the significance of the Secret Identity. Yeah, we all knew she had a face under that mask, but that only means anything (to me) if that face belongs to an established character.

Sorry for going off on a tangent about my own fetish. I just thought it was a good example of how producers often scrimp on the most fundamental requirements of storytelling.
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I probably represent an extreme, but I have no use for the stories, irrespective of how well they are done. After I purchase a video, I make a copy for myself where I edit out everything save the superheroine in the peril situations I desire. I edit out all moment when she isn't on the screen, so all shots of the villain/villains which do not include the heroine, are eliminated, along with setups, backstories and so forth.

This is just me, I would not try and persuade anyone that my approach is somehow or other "right" while theirs is not.
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We all watch a lot of porn. Right? To me, without a good setup, and creativity, AND acting, the movie just seems to be going through the motions just to get to the peril/sex or whatever "payoff" that comes at the end of video. For me, story and creativity, are what separate the good from the bad. Otherwise, it's just another porn/gonzo video.

Anyone can put on a costume, throw in a really bad actress/actor du jour, press record, and post on various sites, to lure in buyers. That, to me, seems like they're just doing this to get the money because someone heard that there's a market for it. Kinda like, the wave of fast food burger joints, offering the beyond meat burger, (blech) because they don't want to miss out. Sorry if this seems disjointed, having a tough time articulating my thoughts this morning. LOL!!! You know, 'what I've noticed? None of you have gone at each other's throats over this. I'm shocked!!! AND pleased!! LMAO!!!!
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The reason people are not going at each other's throats on this topic is because there is no right or wrong answer regarding this question. I totally agree with you on the importance of a good setup, creativity, and acting. In my mind, if those three aspects are not there, you just have a porn film with an actress or model wearing a superheroine costume, and I am sure there are many on this forum who enjoy that kind of film as well. When I watch a SHP film that has those three aspects I marvel at the time, energy, talent, creativity, and not to mention the financial capital the producers of these fine films spend to make it all possible, all the blood, sweat and tears, and hard work that goes into the making of a quality SHP film.

bigums wrote:
4 years ago
Otherwise, it's just another porn/gonzo video.
There are many things wrong with this statement. First, SHIP with sex (softcore or hardcore) is porn. I've never understood why so many people in the community think adult SHIP is above porn. It's not above porn because it is porn.

Another issue is gonzo is just a genre of porn. Porn is defined by being gnozo with random sex. Porn is defined by having sexual content in a movie. There are many porn genres such as role-play, SHIP, taboo, work fantasies, gonzo, etc. A porn video is not necessarily a gonzo movie. SHIP does not fall under gonzo.
bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
I totally agree with you on the importance of a good setup, creativity, and acting. In my mind, if those three aspects are not there, you just have a porn film with an actress or model wearing a superheroine costume, and I am sure there are many on this forum who enjoy that kind of film as well.
Those three aspects with sex are still a porn movie. If you have a model in a Wonder Woman costume and she randomly has sex (no story at all), then that would be a gonzo style porno.
bigums wrote:
4 years ago
Anyone can put on a costume, throw in a really bad actress/actor du jour, press record, and post on various sites, to lure in buyers. That, to me, seems like they're just doing this to get the money because someone heard that there's a market for it. Kinda like, the wave of fast food burger joints, offering the beyond meat burger, (blech) because they don't want to miss out. Sorry if this seems disjointed, having a tough time articulating my thoughts this morning. LOL!!! You know, 'what I've noticed? None of you have gone at each other's throats over this. I'm shocked!!! AND pleased!! LMAO!!!!
I don't think your comments represent SHIP very well. Many producers in this niche film some of the best actresses in my opinion. There are many wonderful and popular actresses such as Ashley Lane, Alex Coal, and Kendra James.

Also, the point of every business is to make money. Of course producers want to make money. That's the most unfair and illogical criticism to say about a producer.
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Look out here comes porn is my life guy who can't wrap his head around the fact SHIP doesn't have to be porn!!!!!

Bugsy wrote:
4 years ago
Look out here comes porn is my life guy who can't wrap his head around the fact SHIP doesn't have to be porn!!!!!
Please quote where I said SHIP must be porn in this topic. If you cannot complete this task, then please go use the restroom as you are full of shit. Thank You!
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Ok lets just avoid swearing at each other shall we.
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tallyho wrote:
4 years ago
Ok lets just avoid swearing at each other shall we.
How about people stop lying about what I said and stop derailing nearly every topic that I post in?
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
4 years ago
Bugsy wrote:
4 years ago
Look out here comes porn is my life guy who can't wrap his head around the fact SHIP doesn't have to be porn!!!!!
Please quote where I said SHIP must be porn in this topic. If you cannot complete this task, then please go use the restroom as you are full of shit. Thank You!
Because everything you talk about is porn!!!!
Look at your own history!!!!!
You have your own section dedicated to reviewing porn vids!!!! You constantly talk about discussing porn with the producers and other people! Although when some one asks YOU TO PROVE IT you get all test and go off sulk like a little baby!!!!

Oh by the way Skidmark! I can't be bullied unlike some others you tried here!!!!!

Bugsy wrote:
4 years ago
GeekyPornCritic wrote:
4 years ago
Bugsy wrote:
4 years ago
Look out here comes porn is my life guy who can't wrap his head around the fact SHIP doesn't have to be porn!!!!!
Please quote where I said SHIP must be porn in this topic. If you cannot complete this task, then please go use the restroom as you are full of shit. Thank You!
Because everything you talk about is porn!!!!
Look at your own history!!!!!
You have your own section dedicated to reviewing porn vids!!!! You constantly talk about discussing porn with the producers and other people! Although when some one asks YOU TO PROVE IT you get all test and go off sulk like a little baby!!!!

Oh by the way Skidmark! I can't be bullied unlike some others you tried here!!!!!
It appears my response was misguided as you sound very illogical in your reply. This is an adult forum, and some of us like myself talk about porn. People who order customs of course have spoken to producers, and I have purchased customs from one of my favorite producers. Some people email producers to tell them "good job" or "nice flick". Members here interact with some producers in threads. It's not a big deal or anything special.

It sounds like you are having problems Bugsy. I hope you get those issues resolved. I wish you the best.
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Is it porn, is it not porn, this is a very pointless, semantical argument. This topic is about what one what values in a SHP film. All this other nonsense about what is or is not porn is irrelevant to this discussion. The distinction I was trying to make was that in your traditional porn film there is very little setup or exposition, and they head right off to the races. I think having a good setup, creativity, and a good story is a different animal altogether. Is it porn? I don't know and I don't care, why is it important to label something one enjoys? What's the point? Notice I did not say better, superior, or more successful financially, just different. Different strokes for different folks.
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GPC just exactly the response I expected!!!

bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
Is it porn, is it not porn, this is a very pointless, semantical argument. This topic is about what one what values in a SHP film. All this other nonsense about what is or is not porn is irrelevant to this discussion. The distinction I was trying to make was that in your traditional porn film there is very little setup or exposition, and they head right off to the races. I think having a good setup, creativity, and a good story is a different animal altogether. Is it porn? I don't know and I don't care, why is it important to label something one enjoys? What's the point? Notice I did not say better, superior, or more successful financially, just different. Different strokes for different folks.
What makes a good set up? I think a good set can be as simple as a thug at a warehouse defeating and violating a superheroine. I also think a good set up would be a senator setting a trap for a superheroine. I think a story and set up need to be effective. It doesn't need to be fancy or over the top.

I don't want a movie with a heroine coming to the scene of the crime and gives up because the villain has a big dick for her to enjoy. That's a very lame set up. If the villain defeats her and temps her with his sexual charms, then we can write something good about of this.
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
4 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
Is it porn, is it not porn, this is a very pointless, semantical argument. This topic is about what one what values in a SHP film. All this other nonsense about what is or is not porn is irrelevant to this discussion. The distinction I was trying to make was that in your traditional porn film there is very little setup or exposition, and they head right off to the races. I think having a good setup, creativity, and a good story is a different animal altogether. Is it porn? I don't know and I don't care, why is it important to label something one enjoys? What's the point? Notice I did not say better, superior, or more successful financially, just different. Different strokes for different folks.
What makes a good set up? I think a good set can be as simple as a thug at a warehouse defeating and violating a superheroine. I also think a good set up would be a senator setting a trap for a superheroine. I think a story and set up need to be effective. It doesn't need to be fancy or over the top.

I don't want a movie with a heroine coming to the scene of the crime and gives up because the villain has a big dick for her to enjoy. That's a very lame set up. If the villain defeats her and temps her with his sexual charms, then we can write something good about of this.
It's all subjective to what one prefers in a SHP film. What I may think is a good setup you may not like and vice versa. Some studios don't even try to make the effort. For my tastes, you simply cannot do an effective setup in under two minutes which happens in a lot of SHP films, and that is why to me a lot of those SHP films come off to me like those porn cliché films where the pizza delivery guy comes to the door and delivers more than pizza in 30 minutes or less. I need something more ambitious, more creative than just the changing of sexual positions. That does not count as being creative in my opinion. Some studios do a fast food version of SHP films and that simply does not interest me, I need something more if I am to part with my hard earned money.

bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago

It's all subjective to what one prefers in a SHP film. What I may think is a good setup you may not like and vice versa. Some studios don't even try to make the effort. For my tastes, you simply cannot do an effective setup in under two minutes which happens in a lot of SHP films, and that is why to me a lot of those SHP films come off to me like those porn cliché films where the pizza delivery guy comes to the door and delivers more than pizza in 30 minutes or less. I need something more ambitious, more creative than just the changing of sexual positions. That does not count as being creative in my opinion. Some studios do a fast food version of SHP films and that simply does not interest me, I need something more if I am to part with my hard earned money.
I have those feelings for XXXtremeComiXXX, and they rarely film videos these days. Their fast food process of SHIP movies hurt them in the long run. Most of their videos feature a guy defeating a heroine in two minutes, and they would proceed to a 12 minute sex scene. They're the perfect example of when SHIP becomes fast food.

XXXtremeComiXXX showed a lot of potential in their early days, and quickly declined to a really bad product. Their video quality improved, but their set ups, costumes, and models did not improve.
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I'm glad we're back on topic here of discussing the nature of what is a good setup in a SHIP film. And yes, frankly, it's all subjective regarding what one likes in a film about sex and heroines.
Then again, seriously, it can be a great setup and you're watching a heroine in just a horrible costume with a heroine emblem across her belly and all that great setup is wasted by horrific production values. So while setup is very important to me, it's not the only aspect that makes a SHIP video successful in my eyes, and worth purchasing. But without any setup, it makes it that much harder to convince me to purchase a SHIP film.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
The reason people are not going at each other's throats on this topic is because there is no right or wrong answer regarding this question.
You were saying.....? Just give it time... Someone will set it off.

DrDominator9 wrote:
4 years ago
I'm glad we're back on topic here of discussing the nature of what is a good setup in a SHIP film. And yes, frankly, it's all subjective regarding what one likes in a film about sex and heroines.
Then again, seriously, it can be a great setup and you're watching a heroine in just a horrible costume with a heroine emblem across her belly and all that great setup is wasted by horrific production values. So while setup is very important to me, it's not the only aspect that makes a SHIP video successful in my eyes, and worth purchasing. But without any setup, it makes it that much harder to convince me to purchase a SHIP film.
A horrible costume can ruin the mood for any video. I don't feel interested in watching the movie with a heroine in a Halloween costume. Some Halloween costumes look good, but we tend to see the bad ones in most movies. A bad costume that does not represent a classic superheroine such as Supergirl and Wonder Woman does not work for me. As Dr. D said, a costume with the "S" emblem on a heroine's stomach does not work. It does not feel like the character is Supergirl.

My feelings about softcore companies such as RYE and TBFE are well documented here. I must say their costumes are the best original costumes in SHIP. I love the Blue Swan costume. Almost every model looks amazing in it.
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
4 years ago
bigums wrote:
4 years ago
Otherwise, it's just another porn/gonzo video.
There are many things wrong with this statement. First, SHIP with sex (softcore or hardcore) is porn. I've never understood why so many people in the community think adult SHIP is above porn. It's not above porn because it is porn.

Another issue is gonzo is just a genre of porn. Porn is defined by being gnozo with random sex. Porn is defined by having sexual content in a movie. There are many porn genres such as role-play, SHIP, taboo, work fantasies, gonzo, etc. A porn video is not necessarily a gonzo movie. SHIP does not fall under gonzo.
bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
I totally agree with you on the importance of a good setup, creativity, and acting. In my mind, if those three aspects are not there, you just have a porn film with an actress or model wearing a superheroine costume, and I am sure there are many on this forum who enjoy that kind of film as well.
Those three aspects with sex are still a porn movie. If you have a model in a Wonder Woman costume and she randomly has sex (no story at all), then that would be a gonzo style porno.
bigums wrote:
4 years ago
Anyone can put on a costume, throw in a really bad actress/actor du jour, press record, and post on various sites, to lure in buyers. That, to me, seems like they're just doing this to get the money because someone heard that there's a market for it. Kinda like, the wave of fast food burger joints, offering the beyond meat burger, (blech) because they don't want to miss out. Sorry if this seems disjointed, having a tough time articulating my thoughts this morning. LOL!!! You know, 'what I've noticed? None of you have gone at each other's throats over this. I'm shocked!!! AND pleased!! LMAO!!!!
You think, that I think that SHIP is above porn?!?!? Please tell me that's not what you think. Do not let your internal voice project words in my mouth, for I did not say that nor did I imply it. Not to go all ad-hom on you, it just seems to me that you get all up in you feelings when something strikes odd. Then you attack from somewhere out of left field. I commented that I was a shocked to see that no-one was going at anyone's necks earlier, within a day, it's all gone. That's why I rarely post on these pages.

Now, where in that argument, did I slam producers? I agree that there are "many" producers that do a fantastic job at their craft. However, for every great studio, there are a plethora of bad ones. Have you seen the offerings on C4S? Now, just because I don't like them, doesn't mean that no-one likes them. The poll "How do I value the importance of "story" in a porn video?", I happen to value it a lot. These are just my opinions.

I agree with your statement that every business is out to make money. They're just not going to get any of mine.

So don't get it twisted pal...

I apologize if this post doesn't look right, It's evidence my inexperience. LOL!!!

bigums wrote:
4 years ago
You think, that I think that SHIP is above porn?!?!? Please tell me that's not what you think. Do not let your internal voice project words in my mouth, for I did not say that nor did I imply it. Not to go all ad-hom on you, it just seems to me that you get all up in you feelings when something strikes odd. Then you attack from somewhere out of left field. I commented that I was a shocked to see that no-one was going at anyone's necks earlier, within a day, it's all gone. That's why I rarely post on these pages.

Now, where in that argument, did I slam producers? I agree that there are "many" producers that do a fantastic job at their craft. However, for every great studio, there are a plethora of bad ones. Have you seen the offerings on C4S? Now, just because I don't like them, doesn't mean that no-one likes them. The poll "How do I value the importance of "story" in a porn video?", I happen to value it a lot. These are just my opinions.

I agree with your statement that every business is out to make money. They're just not going to get any of mine.

So don't get it twisted pal...

I apologize if this post doesn't look right, It's evidence my inexperience. LOL!!!
You actually did imply SHIP is above porn. Here is your comment.
bigums wrote:
4 years ago
For me, story and creativity, are what separate the good from the bad. Otherwise, it's just another porn/gonzo video.
You said it's basically porn without creativity and if it is bad. Those are your words. That's your voice. I also directly quoted that statement from you in my previous post. You put SHIP above porn while SHIP with sex is also just porn.

As far as C4S is concerned, I don't consider the majority of clips as "superheroine movies". A woman wearing a costume and randomly masturbating does not count as a SHIP video in my opinion. I agree that is a cheap money grab without putting effort into a product. The only legit stores on C4S are from producers at this forum such as Anatassia Pierce, Kendra James, Primal Fetish, Cosplay Cuties, Cory Chase, and Tropic City Heroines. I may have left someone out and I apologize.
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Reminder: Ninety percent of everything is crap.

(Sturgeon's Law)
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In my opinion, porn without creativity is boring and cliché. It is just not what I am looking for. If it is what one is looking for, congratulations, there is a lot to choose from out there. To me, what separates traditional porn from the SHP fetish is context. I think the SHP fetish needs story, justification, and nuance to get the ball rolling and get to the good stuff. Traditional porn in general the need for context and story is no where near as important as it is for SHP, so it is hardly surprising that anyone on this site might say traditional porn is bad, boring, cliché, and unoriginal. That is why we are here. Keep in mind, this is all subjective anyhow, everybody is entitled to their opinion and my guess here is that people come to this forum to get away from that cliché run of the mill porn flick. It is not so much that we put SHP above porn as much as we declare a clear preference of one over the other.
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
4 years ago
bigums wrote:
4 years ago
You think, that I think that SHIP is above porn?!?!? Please tell me that's not what you think. Do not let your internal voice project words in my mouth, for I did not say that nor did I imply it. Not to go all ad-hom on you, it just seems to me that you get all up in you feelings when something strikes odd. Then you attack from somewhere out of left field. I commented that I was a shocked to see that no-one was going at anyone's necks earlier, within a day, it's all gone. That's why I rarely post on these pages.

Now, where in that argument, did I slam producers? I agree that there are "many" producers that do a fantastic job at their craft. However, for every great studio, there are a plethora of bad ones. Have you seen the offerings on C4S? Now, just because I don't like them, doesn't mean that no-one likes them. The poll "How do I value the importance of "story" in a porn video?", I happen to value it a lot. These are just my opinions.

I agree with your statement that every business is out to make money. They're just not going to get any of mine.

So don't get it twisted pal...

I apologize if this post doesn't look right, It's evidence my inexperience. LOL!!!
You actually did imply SHIP is above porn. Here is your comment.
bigums wrote:
4 years ago
For me, story and creativity, are what separate the good from the bad. Otherwise, it's just another porn/gonzo video.
You said it's basically porn without creativity and if it is bad. Those are your words. That's your voice. I also directly quoted that statement from you in my previous post. You put SHIP above porn while SHIP with sex is also just porn.

As far as C4S is concerned, I don't consider the majority of clips as "superheroine movies". A woman wearing a costume and randomly masturbating does not count as a SHIP video in my opinion. I agree that is a cheap money grab without putting effort into a product. The only legit stores on C4S are from producers at this forum such as Anatassia Pierce, Kendra James, Primal Fetish, Cosplay Cuties, Cory Chase, and Tropic City Heroines. I may have left someone out and I apologize.
Ok.... So if you want to get really technical about things... The poll does not specifically say "SHIP"! We all just assumed that, and the fact that it's in this forum that's an easy leap to make. However, You have, once again, taken the writer's written word, out of context. You know what? Who really gives a flying "f" if I put SHIP above porn?!?!?!? No one else here seems to have a problem with it! I've been reading this forum for a few years now, and I never thought I would post this much. The question in this poll, got me juices flowing and I couldn't help myself. And you know what, I kinda felt good about it. I even mentioned that no one here was going at each other's throats about the question, and BWB said it's because the question is an opinion, which made me chuckle a bit, because that hasn't stopped the conversation from turning ugly in the past. Not that this is an ugly conversation, by any stretch of the imagination, but I can see where some people on here get incredibly frustrated, with others when their opinion is dealt with criticism, not a conversation to understand. If you had said something like, "I'm curious, why do you feel that way? From how I read it, it seems that you put SHIP above porn....... Yada yada." You may have opened this conversation up a bit more, and really gotten to whatever/wherever this could have gone. But, you did what you often do, you disagreed, in a condescending manner, my paws went up, as if preparing to do battle, and the rest is history..... another back and forth between you and [insert poster here]. HELL, a simple "LOL" would go a long way to letting people know that you're somewhat cool, if bashing them isn't your intent.
So, I implore you, think before you beat the keyboard with disdain for your intended target, and flat out disagree with someone just to be heard/read. Find out where that person is coming from. You'll have a much better conversation with that person, and perhaps feel better about yourself afterwards. Furthermore, you may not even know that you're creating this type of atmosphere a large part of the time that you're on here. Or worse yet, maybe you do.

Your time is up...this session is over now.

Until I see a change in your exchanges, I will refrain from commenting on this site as best I can. This took 5 minutes of my time and I won't get them back. BUT!!! If this little rapport, makes this a better place for everyone to come here and voice their opinions without the feeling that they will run into a buzz saw by the pros and really dedicated, I think I've done good work.

bigums wrote:
4 years ago
Ok.... So if you want to get really technical about things... The poll does not specifically say "SHIP"! We all just assumed that, and the fact that it's in this forum that's an easy leap to make. However, You have, once again, taken the writer's written word, out of context. You know what? Who really gives a flying "f" if I put SHIP above porn?!?!?!? No one else here seems to have a problem with it! I've been reading this forum for a few years now, and I never thought I would post this much. The question in this poll, got me juices flowing and I couldn't help myself. And you know what, I kinda felt good about it. I even mentioned that no one here was going at each other's throats about the question, and BWB said it's because the question is an opinion, which made me chuckle a bit, because that hasn't stopped the conversation from turning ugly in the past. Not that this is an ugly conversation, by any stretch of the imagination, but I can see where some people on here get incredibly frustrated, with others when their opinion is dealt with criticism, not a conversation to understand. If you had said something like, "I'm curious, why do you feel that way? From how I read it, it seems that you put SHIP above porn....... Yada yada." You may have opened this conversation up a bit more, and really gotten to whatever/wherever this could have gone. But, you did what you often do, you disagreed, in a condescending manner, my paws went up, as if preparing to do battle, and the rest is history..... another back and forth between you and [insert poster here]. HELL, a simple "LOL" would go a long way to letting people know that you're somewhat cool, if bashing them isn't your intent.
So, I implore you, think before you beat the keyboard with disdain for your intended target, and flat out disagree with someone just to be heard/read. Find out where that person is coming from. You'll have a much better conversation with that person, and perhaps feel better about yourself afterwards. Furthermore, you may not even know that you're creating this type of atmosphere a large part of the time that you're on here. Or worse yet, maybe you do.

Your time is up...this session is over now.

Until I see a change in your exchanges, I will refrain from commenting on this site as best I can. This took 5 minutes of my time and I won't get them back. BUT!!! If this little rapport, makes this a better place for everyone to come here and voice their opinions without the feeling that they will run into a buzz saw by the pros and really dedicated, I think I've done good work.
Everyone has the right to disagree with anyone. I do not have to agree with your opinion. There is nothing wrong with a debate. Nobody needs to agree with any opinion. That's what make us different. I don't have to agree with anything that you say.

Nobody needs to use "LOL". That's a ridiculous point of view. I use proper English (I miswords since I'm thinking ahead of my typing), and do not often use improper "LOL". People like you are jumping to conclusions about my tone since I'm not "LOL".

You're very upset because I spoke the truth about SHIP. It is a very common defensive mechanism in the SHIP community (all SHIP sites). You're the first guy to make the claim of SHIP being above porn. A lot of people don't like it admit it is porn due to the nature of the content in most movies.

I wish you the best. Take Care

GeekyPornCritic wrote:
4 years ago
Everyone has the right to disagree with anyone. I do not have to agree with your opinion. There is nothing wrong with a debate. Nobody needs to agree with any opinion. That's what make us different. I don't have to agree with anything that you say.

Nobody needs to use "LOL". That's a ridiculous point of view. I use proper English (I miswords since I'm thinking ahead of my typing), and do not often use improper "LOL". People like you are jumping to conclusions about my tone since I'm not "LOL".

You're very upset because I spoke the truth about SHIP. It is a very common defensive mechanism in the SHIP community (all SHIP sites). You're the first guy to make the claim of SHIP being above porn. A lot of people don't like it admit it is porn due to the nature of the content in most movies.

I wish you the best. Take Care
I'd just like to point out that the above quote is not an attempt by me to mock GPC. LOL.
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WOW! and LMFAO! You’re too funny. YouR words read like the sound of the teacher from The Peanuts Gang. I seriously got a chuckle out of that.

Now I’m upset? Because of something YOU said?!?!? Buddy! You could be next door or in Antarctica, you couldn’t type a damn thing that would get me upset. Especially about PORN! Are you serious?!?!? Son, you put far too much energy into this for me to deal with. And it seems you think everyone shares the same fervor about the subject. Wrong buddy!! I don’t!!! I bow out to the omniscient, all knowing, PORN KING of the Universe! Who doesn’t know how... wait.. won’t stoop to using “LOL”

And there you go... using words like “ridiculous”. To use that word is a veiled jab at the person to whom you’re “debating”. You say you like debate, then effing debate! The second you attack the debater, (ad hominem), and not the argument, you’ve lost!

I’m sure you’ll find a morsel in here on which you will become fixated, and come out swinging with what you think is some Whitt’s rapporté but, I ain’t havin’ it.

I’m just asking you to chill a bit. Every time I start reading a thread, then I see that you joined, I think to myself, “how long before this cat gets pissed off and basically kills all enjoyment in this here thread?” The really ironic thing about all of this? I REALLY ENJOY YOUR REVIEWS ON VIDEOS! AIN’T THAT A HOOT?!?!?!?

bigums wrote:
4 years ago
WOW! and LMFAO! You’re too funny. YouR words read like the sound of the teacher from The Peanuts Gang. I seriously got a chuckle out of that.

Now I’m upset? Because of something YOU said?!?!? Buddy! You could be next door or in Antarctica, you couldn’t type a damn thing that would get me upset. Especially about PORN! Are you serious?!?!? Son, you put far too much energy into this for me to deal with. And it seems you think everyone shares the same fervor about the subject. Wrong buddy!! I don’t!!! I bow out to the omniscient, all knowing, PORN KING of the Universe! Who doesn’t know how... wait.. won’t stoop to using “LOL”

And there you go... using words like “ridiculous”. To use that word is a veiled jab at the person to whom you’re “debating”. You say you like debate, then effing debate! The second you attack the debater, (ad hominem), and not the argument, you’ve lost!

I’m sure you’ll find a morsel in here on which you will become fixated, and come out swinging with what you think is some Whitt’s rapporté but, I ain’t havin’ it.

I’m just asking you to chill a bit. Every time I start reading a thread, then I see that you joined, I think to myself, “how long before this cat gets pissed off and basically kills all enjoyment in this here thread?” The really ironic thing about all of this? I REALLY ENJOY YOUR REVIEWS ON VIDEOS! AIN’T THAT A HOOT?!?!?!?
That's a lie. I never said everyone has the same opinion or taste in SHIP. I also never said everyone must agree with me. I clearly stated I am open to debate on subjects. You are the person who is derailing this topic by lying. People such as yourself are so sensitive when someone disagrees with you or dislikes what you like. So many people today take their hobbies too personally and discredit anyone with a different point of view.

Not every person agrees with my thoughts, and that is perfectly fine. You don't see me discrediting their opinions. I don't call them crazy or mock them for their different views.
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Let's get back onto the topic folks! Or we could just wrap this up since almost everything of value has been said here. Maybe I'll start another topic that people can enjoy debating the merits of without getting into personal attacks and recriminations? Is that possible here? One wonders.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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DrDominator9 wrote:
4 years ago
Let's get back onto the topic folks! Or we could just wrap this up since almost everything of value has been said here. Maybe I'll start another topic that people can enjoy debating the merits of without getting into personal attacks and recriminations? Is that possible here? One wonders.
Well getting back to the topic.

There are people who need no story witness the many sites where such as Mean hand jobs which except for the performers changing is the same thing but must money

Likewise a certain multi channel studio that begin with a K does not have much of a story line in their product.

Than there are patrons like me who want variety and storylines.
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In general I would agree with your comment about storylines in the K productions. Nevertheless once in a while there is a video with a comprehensive storyline such as
Airforce K...... which also has plenty of serious peril.
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I love the storylines...makes the demise or sexual destruction of the captive, the heroine or heroines or even the me sometimes the dialogue makes me thrilled even more than the visuals....a good conversation about what is going on amd especially what the girls are going to do or have done is amazingly hot!!!
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