Supergirl and the Military Exercise

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Another chapter of some harsh sexual abuse here but some plot developments at the conclusion with Mezwani which are perfectly safe to read. After the set of three asterisks for the squeamish.

Chapter 13

Supergirl’s mental capabilities over the course of the past hour have been the source of considerable misery for her. As Terry Sykes had gruffly reminded the general through her ball gag, the toxic dose of Xanax inserted in the Kryptonian’s rear end had done quite the number on the powerless champion. Not only had it heavily sedated her defiance, her muscle coordination, her cognitive abilities and her energy, it had also eroded her memory and enhanced her feelings of despair.

Even her attempt to fight back, in and of itself a heroic surge of hope through the fog of her diminished brain, had been swiftly crushed. She’d forgotten to pull up her panties before taking on her captors. It may not have made much difference considering the badly-compromised state of her reflexes and awareness, but it certainly didn’t help. She’d barely scrambled clumsily to her feet before being instantly knocked back down with a hard punch to her face.

And now the beaten heroine is back where she was before, with her panties down around her thighs, her shimmying ass heavily prepped with slick grease for impaling, and her body barely able to stay upright on her scuffed knees. Her head rolls idly on a rubber neck even as she vaguely senses General Daniels getting down on his own knees behind her. She hears his zipper being pulled.

By the time Supergirl puts two and two together, a hand reaches around and clasps her exposed left breast, squeezing it firmly. She bucks spastically in place. Whether this is resistance or mere muscle reflex, it does her no good. Supergirl is easily pulled backward by her tit. With the soft mound of flesh firmly in his palm, Daniels grins and draws the lethargic beauty’s slouching figure close, holding her tight against his hard physique. She can feel the rigid length of his exposed cock resting lightly between her bare butt cheeks, almost tickling her.

“I’m guessing you didn’t start this day expecting a penis to be shoved up your ass, Supergirl, but that’s where I wanted you so that’s where you are!”

…he’s right…brought me…easily… to this…so…ashamed…so…useless...

With her sphincter greased, her powers drained away, her mind stunted by drugs, and with no energy left after the stunning blow to her face and her pride, the famous Maid of Steel can’t offer a shred of resistance to the man holding her tight. It happens quickly. His hard, hot muscle easily slides half its impressive length up into her rear end. With her passage fully lubricated, the thick shaft powers its way deep into her channel, causing Supergirl’s neck to arch and a prolonged guttural moan to stream from her pursed lips.


“And, so it begins,” Daniels gloats, “the well-deserved butt-fucking of the so-called invincible Supergirl.” He pulls her close and speaks into her ear with venomous elation. “You’ve EARNED this, bitch!”

Kara feels his bulky penis begin to push its way into her, its rigid warmth exploring her rear pathway. Clamped against his body, she’s too dazed and weak to resist. The pulsing prick edges forward insistently, expanding through her back-channel, slowly gaining interior ground inch-by-painful-inch. With her limp head on his shoulders, Supergirl’s eyelids flicker and shake, the irises sliding upward showing whiteness, seeing nothing but the bright glow overhead that has drained her powers dry.

“How does it feel, hero, to be so completely dominated?”

The surging shaft is tenacious, inflexible, undeniable. She can’t tell how much of him has embedded within her, but it seems like a lot. She feels the wide head of his member advancing even further, jostling the dildo buried within her vagina. The two stiff shafts jam her tight avenues with stubborn, uncomfortable traffic.

…everything…stopped up…inside me……and he’s not……stopping…

As if reading her mind, Daniels taunts her with a lecherous snicker, “You feel my nice big cock exploring you, don’t you, Supergirl?” Pressing his hips forward, the general penetrates another inch in.

… filled…my anus…into my rect…AAAHH… too much…too far…!...

“…stretching out your cavity…pushing your butthole to the limit.” Daniels holds her and presses his dick yet further.

…splitting me…suh………large..!...

“UUUNNGHH!” The mighty heroine face tightens into a grimace as her rear is badly abused.
“I’m completely defiling you, missy: feeling up your tits, reaming your ass, even stuffing your precious twat with a big thick dildo. Best of all, I accomplished all this without encountering a shred of resistance, hero.”

…s’true……...can’t… fight him….

Her arms dangle limply, her head filled with a thick smogginess, a combination of weakness and pain.

The general pushes his dick another two inches in and this pulls another groan from the Last Daughter of Krypton as his member occupies all her attention, all her awareness.


“I’m violating your hallowed hole all the way up your righteous rectum, Superbitch! Feel my steel, hero!”

…please….Rao…all this pain…no…more…!...

At last, Daniels decisively pulls the limp form into his enclosing arms one final time. His right hand firmly grips her boob and his left arm surrounds her waist. Her metallic Kryptonian belt jangles with his yank. Having her pinned, the general rocks his pelvis forward, shoving his dick up within the helpless heroine’s rear to its final measure. His shaft drives its full length, burying it to its hilt inside her. Her chin bumps against her chest, then settles down. Her mouth gapes wide with gasping despair, breathless with this brutal impalement.

…owww……ohhhhh…owwwww…his cock…!…his cock…!…his cock…!

“I want you to live in this moment forever, you condescending cow: penetrated and powerless - just as my son Matthew experienced!! I’ve made our encounter here my mission in life; sculpted your fate to bring you to this ultimate dishonor, Supergirl. May this ass-reaming burn in your memory ‘til your dying day, bitch!”

With a quick wave of his hand, Daniels motions Sergeant Bernard to take side pictures of him violating Supergirl’s rear. The sergeant does so, taking a variety of close-ups, mid-range and full view photos of the two kneeling, hunched-over tightly-paired figures: the general and the helpless heroine. Daniels continues to clutch the Supergirl’s body firmly to him and jerks his pelvis against the defenseless beauty for the camera. The befuddled blonde’s head uselessly bobbles in place, her disheveled hair bouncing up and down. Meanwhile the famous costume dress’ hem jitters and dances above Supergirl’s naked ass; one that is shaken, bumped and penetrated by the shining stiff penis entering her anus over and over in relentless abuse.

Click. Clickety. Click. Click. Click.

Supergirl’s irrefutable disgrace is captured for the record. With her shapely blue-costumed figure clamped in place, all the data of Daniels’ rod repeatedly ramming in and out of the heroine’s thoroughly-greased balloon knot is sent to the Cloud.

…helpless……doesn’t end…lost…so…...lost…

Over in her chair, the tightly-roped Terry Sykes is an absolute mess, dripping fluids from everywhere. There’s drool from her ball gag, tears from her eyes, snot from her nose, tiny beads of blood from her breast wounds and excited juices from her crotch. The scene before her is one she’d never imagined in all her life and the reality of it overwhelms the reporter with an impossible flood of emotions. She dully watches the wolfishly-grinning General Daniels ratcheting his pelvis back and forth against Supergirl’s butt and can’t believe it’s real. She’s horrified, aroused, terrified and exhausted. Finally, she lets her head drop, her chin resting on her bared chest as she closes out the world out to save her sanity.

* * *

Frank Delancey, the redheaded young corporal, sits on a wooden crate in silent surprise as one of the drones from the failed weapons test suddenly taxies forward out of the hangar and lifts off into the sky without a single radio report about what’s happening.

The blister on his belly is painful but he’d taken the bandaging with a stoic wince and stayed at his post, refusing to be relieved until so ordered by General Daniels. All he’d been told so far was that the general and his aides were still in his office in conference with Supergirl and some reporter. If this were another test starting, he’s certain he would have been informed. He pulls his cell phone out of his pants pocket, suspecting he knows who’s behind the unscheduled liftoff of a very expensive drone.

“Hello,” Lieutenant Mezwani replies on the first ring of his vibrating cell quickly grabbed off his desktop.

“Falak, tell me its you directing this drone,” Delancey says, falling back on the friendship the two have formed over the past several months. The other soldiers in the hangar are at the other end of the building engaged in a noisy game of poker.

“It’s me,” Falak says softly into his phone. Most of the rest of the people in the control room are busy on their own phones, contacting their spouses and friends, alerting them to the delayed end of their shifts with apologies and promises.

“Planning on shooting any more people, sir?”

“Hopefully not. Just a quick test flight to make sure the…uh…software I’ve corrected is responding as I programmed.”

“I’m calling bullshit on that, Falak. What are you up to?”

“Just a reconnaissance flight, Corporal. Nothing major. All by the book. The drones were put through their paces pretty hard and, uhhh, they’re extremely costly. So…uuhmm…I just want to be sure they’re okay… in case, you know, the general orders another test tonight. Just being proactive. You know me.”

“I do know you, Falak. It’s been a hell of a long debriefing. You wouldn’t by any chance be trying to sneak a peak into the general’s office, would you?”

“I need to be thorough about the drone’s flight capability, don’t I?” The slight smirk that Mezwani offers he quickly squelches.

“Well, you’re going to be disappointed, pal. I’ve got my binoculars trained on a particular window even as we speak and I have to tell you, the steel shutters over it haven’t been opened all night. Not since even before the test.”

“Do tell?” Falak thinks for a second, stymied, and then smiles. He pulls up the control screen for the drone’s command list and highlights its infra-red vision capability. “No worries. I have a way around that. Call you back when I know something.”

The view on Mezwani’s screen is the sodden airfield, the long grass blowing in the wind on either side of the long tarmac. The drone is following this runway toward the control building. As it gets near the building, the lieutenant veers the autobot off to the side and aims the camera toward the end of the building where the general’s office is located. Falak suddenly has to shield his eyes as his computer monitor flares to blinding white right up to the edges of the screen.

“Aagghh! What the hell!”

People turn their heads toward him and he loudly mumbles, “Damn feedback capacitors. That’s the third time this week!” People quickly return to their phones and duties.

Falak quickly steers the camera and the drone away and it takes a moment for the monitor to adjust until the view is replaced by the base’s access road far off in the distance. He sets the autopilot on automatic circle with a mile diameter to give himself time to think.

What the hell would cause that kind of flare? Some sort of incredible radiation source must be bathing that room! Could Supergirl be using her X-ray vision in there? Or her heat vision? What the hell?!! Is she keeping General Daniels as her prisoner somehow?

“That’s crazy,” he murmurs. “If anything, it’s more likely that Daniels is doing something to….ohhh fuck…!”

It’s the lamps. Infrared lamps. In his office. Has to be. Like the red ones in here that he used on her. But that flare…those babies are much higher power. OHH FUCK!!!
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If the Supergirl Tv Show was just half as good as this story.
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As SHiP goes, it doesn't get much more peril than this one. I actually find myself wondering what Falak will do... :)
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Once again, lots of hard sex in this chapter but the Mezwani portion is completely safe to read.

Chapter 14

With Supergirl thoroughly defeated in body and spirit, General Simon Daniels unleashes his righteous fury on the limp heroine held tightly in his grasp. He drives his penis back and forth within the exposed white buttocks warming his crotch. The clinging soldier pushes his rage into his victim’s ears as surely as he pushes his dick into her butthole. Her mind barely fathoms his words, it’s his contempt her body comprehends.

“Your ass is mine, little lady. Mine to command. And yours to suffer…just like my son. Every thrust you feel is another jolt of justice, Supergirl.”

Indeed, the blonde beauty’s head whiplashes back and forth on her neck, her hair flowing first frontward and then backward as her body is slammed again and again by the general’s thrusting hips. Her bright red cape is draped off to the side, shaking slightly now and again as her body is banged like a drum.

…dear Rao…he’s splitting me in…half…


“…doppid..” the gagged Terry Sykes implores from her chair. “DOP…EEEEZ…doppit!”

The lurching general ignores both women, continuing to batter away at the heroine’s shimmying ass to his absolute pleasure, both sexual and mental. This culmination of his righteous anger is bliss to him and he lets his victim know it in no uncertain terms.

“…this is me collecting the…UUNGH...interest payment on all that…HUNFF.. pride of yours, Supergirl,” the wolfishly-smiling Daniels declares through grunts and thrusts. “Now you know… GHUUHH … how it feels to be…HUUNFF…treated as a worthless object …nothing more than a…HUUUH … convenient empty vessel…HOONFF…for someone’s jizz!”

…is he…right?...about my pride? ...was I that arrog…?...AAGGHH!…my ass…help… someone…I need help…

Help is the last thing the besieged heroine receives. Daniels suddenly bends his whole body forward, forcing Supergirl face forward onto the floor. Her forehead bangs forcefully against the wooden boards.


Her body, badly stunned, goes momentarily limp. The general’s arm leaves her waist and moves up to her head, his palm twisting her skull so that he’s now pushing the heroine’s face to the floorboard, her right cheek crushed flat.
“…uuuuuuuuhhhgghhhh….” The groaning Maid of Steel is barely conscious.

With his dazed prey completely helpless, Daniels rears up, quickly pulls down his pants, exposing his hairy thighs. Then, after shoving the annoying cape aside, he uses both hands to hoist Supergirl’s naked rear high in the air. Now it’s the back of her dress somehow clinging to her hips and partially obscuring his view that riles Daniels. He angrily takes the silken fabric in his hands and rips it asunder, tearing the blue dress from the hem all the way up to the belt. That done, he knocks the flaps of fabric off to either side and bends determinedly over his prize. He meticulously guides his ramrod back into her loosened pink anus and, holding her hips firmly in place, begins to jerk his own hips at a blistering pace against the defenseless butt before him. The slapping bare flesh fills the room with the repeated sound of Supergirl’s absolute defeat.


The sound yanks at Terry’s curiosity and she lifts her head off her chest, only to have her heart broken by the bewildered expression on her friend’s face as her costumed body is held helpless with her rear hoisted up high while she is repeatedly cornholed by the jubilant general.

“Now that’s an ass fucking!” Captain Shavers declares his appreciation of the scene from behind her chair. “Too bad you’ve got that ball gag stuffing that yap of yours, Sykes. This is getting me real horny. I’m stiff enough to fill your mouth so hard my dick could blast out the back of your head.”

Terry merely whimpers at this and stares in horror at Supergirl’s pounding defeat. It’s made even worse when Daniels reaches out a hand and grabs a clump of sweaty blonde locks and pulls the helpless heroine’s head a foot off the floor. Her jaw drops slackly, the tongue lags out, a line of drool slides to the floor and the eyes once more show only white as the beautiful champion is repeatedly reamed. Supergirl’s limp forearms jerk helplessly on the floor as her body is repeatedly pummeled.

“No happy ending for you…UUNNGHH!...Supergirl…! Only for…HUUNNH…ME!”


The general presses his attack with the vehemence of a much younger man. The man’s energy levels are off the charts with his hunched body hovering over the limp blonde. He holds her hair in one hand and her waist in another and thrusts his hips at her like a rutting dog in a park.

“…uuunngghhh… uuunngghhh… uuunngghhh… uuunngghhh… uuunngghhh…” Supergirl is too weak and exhausted to do anything more than feebly grunt as she’s taken from behind. Bent over with her hair seemingly being yanked out of her head and her rear end being slapped hard by the general’s thighs, she can do nothing but grimace, gasp and groan in misery and pain.

Daniels’ resentment at this pretentious heroine had been contained behind his façade of civility for too long. The release of it feels like a pressure cooker bomb going off in the room. Even his two aides are feeling somewhat uncomfortable at their commanding officer’s behavior and his litany of verbal abuse.

“…take that…UUNGGH…you pitiful loser….HUUNGH…!...Feel me drill away at your…HOONFFF…greasy ass…over and over.”

…pain…defeat…shame…driving his penis…into me……such pain…!...

Yanking the listless figure upward by her hair, the general quickly gathers Supergirl once more into his arms and holds her upright now with her head lolling back against his shoulder. It bumps up and down, her mouth grimacing in anguish, her face ghostly white as his left hand once again encompasses her naked breast while his right holds her inner thigh. He pumps his body relentlessly against her, cooing his vengeance.

“…thought you were too famous…HUUNFF…too strong…HUUNFF…too good to be treated like this…HUUNFF…didn’t you, Supergirl?”

“OWW….ohhhhh….yes…YES!” The heroine’s squealing admission stuns the room.

…yes…I did…he’s right…dear Rao…

And then the general seals his victory with his final condemnation. “Well, I just… …GUUNGHH…proved…GUUNGHH…you’re NOT!”

….too much…it’s too…wait…he stopped…?...what’s happening…?...

“GHAAAAAHHH!” Daniels lets out a shout of indescribable pleasure as he cums hard in Supergirl’s ass. His triumphant yell lasts for just two seconds as the room drops into a dead silence but his penis continues its own victory dance. It silently jerks and squirts inside her, releasing thick streams of staccato joy deep inside her rear.

...Rao…no…no…he’s cumming…so much…cumming inside me…!...

The general’s body is rigid, poised in place on his knees as his stiff prick continues to shoot its generous spastic sprays into the Maid of Steel’s naked defenseless butt. Her upright body trembles pitifully in his arms, her bare tit cupped, the knees of her boots squeaking in soft protest, her guttural moans of defeat barely heard as yet once again she is photographed in all her disgrace by Sergeant Bernard at numerous angles.

Click. Click. Click. Clickety. Click. Clickety. Click.

“See that, Sykes,” Shavers says aloud in the hushed room. “That’s how you treat a superhero. Well, at least someone who used to be one. She look heroic to you now, Terry?”

The forlorn reporter looks at the slouching blonde beauty held before her by the sighing, satisfied Daniels. From the side, with her sweaty brow holding matted stray strands of hair out of place, her mouth murmuring pitiful moans, her exposed breast squeezing through the general’s fingers and her naked sodomized ass being held tightly against the bare groin of the conquering general, Terry had to admit, Supergirl didn’t look heroic in the least.

“Well?” Shavers goads her. “Does she?”

“..doh…” Terry Sykes answers softly through the ball gag, her heart heavy with anguish. And then she nods vehemently at the officer clinging slavishly to Supergirl’s backside with his pants around his ankles. “…bud den duh ‘en’ral oesn’d ‘ook ‘ery ‘en’ral-ike eider, ‘oes ‘e?!”

“Shut up, bitch,” Shavers says sourly.

* * *

Lieutenant Falak Mezwani is at a crossroads in his life and career and he’s almost frozen in his chair contemplating which direction to proceed. On his monitor there’s a white square glowing at dead center: it’s General Daniels’ private office, bathed in infrared radiation. He’s backed off the drone to a distance of two football fields and still that glow is the focus of the screen. It blocks out the feeble signs of all the people in the control room, their body images too faint in the room behind that glow.

Falak now realizes there’s probably only one feasible explanation for this white square on his monitor: Supergirl is being held prisoner, and most likely, her reporter friend Terry Sykes. The only question is whether the lamps generating that glow were due to a reaction by Daniels to some overt hostile action by the powerful heroine or whether, like the red lamps, they were a surprise attack. With those lamps being turned on for more than an hour it seems obvious that it wasn’t just a sudden angry flare up by Supergirl that was quickly counteracted and reason reestablished. With the lamps on, Falak expects the General’s intentions are more nefarious. But if he’s guessing wrong there could be a court martial for insubordination in his future.

Is there any way for me to see inside that damn room? The infrared lamps kill any hope of picking up heat signatures, steel shutters block any visual confirmation, magnetic resonance imaging won’t work on human targets. Hmm, possibly the drone’s sonar subsystem could work but there’d have to be some sort of opening in the shutters. Maybe if I can target a loose seam while in hover mode. Hmmm. Possibly camera system or sonar could peek through. Worth a shot!

Falak switches to the camera system and moves his drone in closer to the main building desperate to find out what’s going on inside the general’s private office.
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Is Falak bound to save the girl whose power was thought to be without bounds? Hopefully, not too soon!
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ksire_99 wrote:
6 years ago
Is Falak bound to save the girl whose power was thought to be without bounds? Hopefully, not too soon!
Hoping she isn't saved, hoping something ends his helping her. She doesn't doesn't need saving neither do.
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Posting a new chapter a bit later today.
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This chapter starts off with a safe-to-read section about Lieutenant Mezwani and then breaks for some very heavy sexual peril for Supergirl. Read that at your own risk.

Chapter 15

When he got the drone within 30 feet of the building, Falak put the slowly hovering aerobot into quiet mode and powered it forward as close to the long one-story main building as possible. Using the joystick to maneuver the unit’s camera he searched for any crease in the defenses, searching painstakingly for any gaps between the steel shutters and the window frame. It wasn’t until the point where he sent the drone round the corner that the old building had settled a bit. That's where it gave up its solid front, showing a small breech where the camera could see into the room.

“Ah, success,” he murmured to himself and brought the floating weapon as physically close to the concrete wall as he dared, pointing his camera at the tiny opening. His delight at his good fortune immediately soured since the gap was too small and the arms of the drone to far extended to make the best use of the camera.

Guess I’ll have to switch to sonar mode and see if that buys me any kind of visual image.

Upon doing so, he extends the sonar antenna to its maximum length and aims it at the gap between the window frame and the steel shutter. Mentally crossing his fingers, he switches the drone to sonar sense from the pull-down menu. After the selection is made the screen goes dark momentarily before a shimmering white and black image slowly resolves itself on the computer monitor. It’s difficult to make out at first but it seems like there are three distinct masses within the room displaying movement of some kind. One is a short rhythmic blob rising up and down very slowly, another seems to be a mass of equal size except taller on top and very rotund on the bottom. A third long thin mass, barely moving, is situated beside an unmoving squarish object, which must be the general’s desk.

Frustrated, Lieutenant Mezwani clicks on a small corner icon to expand the image to full screen. Another click refines the image a bit more sharply. Now the view before him was disquieting to say the least.

That has to be two pairs of people and what…a third single person standing in place?

The mass with the rotund bottom actually looks to Falak like it could be a person sitting with someone standing behind that person. The other mass shows no gap but it’s definitely moving. Based on the size of the first mass of two people, this second one indicates the pair must be joined somehow. That’s the aspect that makes it so disquieting.

Those two are so close I can only surmise that they’re virtually sharing the same space. God, could it be they’re having sex? I’ve got to do something! I just don’t know what!

* * *

If Supergirl had any illusions that her horrific plummet into endless shame, pain and misery was finally bottoming out, she was quickly disabused of that notion. Still impaled on General Daniels’ surprisingly unbending penis even after his ejaculation, the drained heroine feels the elder officer take her two limp arms by her elbows and hold them tightly pinned together behind her back.

“We’re almost done with you, bitch,” Daniels breathes nastily into her ear. “I just need you to feel two final indignities that my son had to bear before his fellow inmates decided their fun was over for the night. So, you’re going to undergo another forced orgasm, missy.”

Supergirl’s instinctive attempt to pull her arms out of her captor’s grip proves perfectly pointless. The infrared lamps have sucked every ounce of her super powers out of her, the extended abuse in this room has also drained her energy and the soporific effect of the double dose of Xanax has obliterated her will power and devastated her decision-making skills. The feebleness of her effort is laughable to the general.

“You’re about to discover the bottomless pit of degradation, dishonor and despair that rots your soul from the inside, champ, when you realize you are enjoying the most profound pleasure possible from being violated against your will.”

“…please…don’t…noooohhhh…” the pleading beauty whimpers, lost in disgust, dizzy with confusion.

“As for the second indignity, that’s a face-fucking finale that will break your spirit for good, leave you a mindless sack of shit suitable only for some hospital psyche ward.” The room is silent for a moment before Daniels instructs Sergeant Bernard to hand off the cell phone to Captain Shavers. The device that’s been used all day to capture Supergirl’s complete humiliation is available to capture even more by someone who will have a free hand. “Enjoy yourself, superhero,” Daniels taunts, “it couldn’t happen to a more deserving cunt.”

“…ATH’ARD!!” Terry screams through the ball gag. “...EEVE ‘ER A’OHNE!”

“Oh, hey, don’t worry, Sykes, I’ll make sure you have some fun too,” Shavers says from behind her. “There’s plenty of shame to go around. Let me show you.”

The tall captain squats down behind the reporter’s chair, wraps his arm around her waist for a moment and then slides his hand down her pelvis, over her skirt and between her legs. He rubs his palm between her thighs, feeling the sticky yellow panties against it as he circles his hand against her fragrant pussy. Her knees jerk apart with a spastic reflex before she tries to bring them together. The soldier’s big paw just mauls her crotch and the ropes stop Terry from putting up any effective defense whatsoever against this relentless abuse. She whines in frustration through her gag even as Shavers taunts her mercilessly.

“See your super pal there, Terr? She’s still got that big green dildo in her twat. It’s a safe bet the general turns it on again, don’t you think? Bet you wish you had a nice eight inches of hard rod between these thighs of yours, huh?”

Arnie’s roaming palm continues to rub away at Terry’s crotch for a good two minutes before he decides to tease the reporter even more by sliding his hand inside her panties. Without a pause he easily slides his middle finger deep inside the slippery vag and begins thrusting it in and out. Meanwhile, his other arm drapes over her shoulder and then his palm begins to slowly caresses the moaning reporter’s naked tit. Her flushed face is turned toward Supergirl who’s own face suddenly contorts with surprised pleasure when that long dildo embedded in her is indeed turned on by Daniels shifting the small black switch to the side. Both girls feel the slow rise of pleasure building within them and both are appalled to feel it.

Inside Supergirl’s rear, the general’s dick has finally slouched into a fat somnambulant bulge occupying her asshole with its disgusting heat. The shame she feels scorches even her dulled mind.

As Kyle Bernard ambles over toward Supergirl’s tightly-pinned body, he savors the view. The mighty hero’s boob is exposed through the rip in her costume, she’s a limp, sweaty mess and those bright blue butane eyes of earlier have been dulled down to a simple dusty blue of a broken robin’s egg. The confusion and alarm in those cloudy windows betray a soul lost in the ether. The keening whimper from the once powerful heroine delights Kyle’s to his core. He wasn’t sure the general’s plan was going to work when it was laid out to him but he had to give it to the old fellow, he was good to his word. The bitch was devastated and Kyle’s dream of face-fucking Supergirl was going to come true in the very near future. But first he has a job to do.

He squats down before the slumped blonde, palms her exposed titty and squeezes it. Staff Sergeant Bernard savors the warmth of her, the heft of her, barely believing he’s holding one of Supergirl’s jugs right in his very hand. He fondles her for a few moments, squeezing her, pulsing her softness and mauling the naked breast as much as he likes. Then the soldier begins to slowly tease her nipple with his fingers, gently twisting and pulling at it until it expands into a hard nub. His other hand works at the other nipple, teasing it through the silky-smooth fabric, ensuring that it tents the material very quickly. The long loud stuttering moan from the blonde beauty is music to the ears of all the men in the room. For a full minute, the sergeant enjoys fondling the famous heroine’s tits, squeezing them, abusing them, disgracing the emblem on her chest with wringing two-handed twists and yanks at it. He enjoys stretching the silky fabric firmly against her chest so that the shape of her breasts clearly shows through, down to the rock-hard nipples. This entrancing view elicits even more tweaking and twisting of the cherry nubs until Supergirl whimpers in distress.

From behind Daniels gloats in her misery. “I guess you Kryptonian twats are just as sensitive as Earth women when it comes to handling your goods, huh, Supergirl?”

Not receiving any response other than a mild twitch of the blonde’s head on the general’s shoulder, the burly sergeant places his other hand on her crotch. He feels the buzzing dildo on his palm and the moistness seeping out around the edges of its base.

“That’s an affirmative, general. The little lady is juicy as an overripe peach on a hot window ledge.” His finger circles around the dildo’s base before he gently squeezes the pulsing crotch. His palm comes away wet and slippery and he holds it up for all to see. “She’s sloppy happy,” declares Kyle with a wide grin.

“Then by all means, take her to the next level, sergeant. Let’s make the famous heroine weep with pleasure,” Daniels declares. “After all, a promise is a promise and I am a man of my word.”

“I was just thinking that, sir,” Kyle says as he reaches back down with his wet hand and teases Supergirl’s clit under its hood with a now slippery forefinger. She bucks in place with a gasp. With both her elbows still in Daniels’ grasp, the heroine is helpless to defend her honor at all. She feels the finger rubbing and circling steadily against the most sensitive place on her body. Coupled with the constantly thrumming plastic shaft buried within her pussy, the heroine suffers continuous tremors from her thighs to her knees that she can’t control. The soldier’s other hand manipulates her exposed nipple with insistent fingers and that draws moans. Supergirl endures an endless three minutes of this insanely erotic manipulation, trying to stem the sensations. It’s impossible. The feelings intensify within her exponentially and she writhes against the general’s body in a sultry swoon.


Within her rear, the coiled serpent that is Daniel’s penis begins to stir as the heavily stimulated champion’s body wriggles, twitches and quakes against him. With a quick adjustment, the general pulls out his cock, strokes it with his palm three times and shoves the rapidly stiffening pole back inside the slippery pink opening presented by the aroused beauty in his arms.

“Aaahhh!” Another gasp of surprise but tinged with a low note of pleasure. Supergirl’s body is now willing to accept visitors up her ass. The general’s prick surges forward like a hobo headed for a free buffet table.

“…oooooooohhhhh….” Supergirl’s extended moan is telling: breathy and excited with no suggestion of discomfort. The mighty Super Mare has been broken, tamed down to an accepting filly suitable for riding according to any master’s pleasure it seems. This master grinds away at her rear with intense delight, keenly savoring the generous warmth of her butt cheeks nestled against his groin; the tightness of her back channel gripping his dick; the wonderful friction all along the length of his cock as he holds her biceps in his hands and slowly reams her ass.


Daniels is insatiable, slowly and methodically rubbing himself against his blonde prize. His hips begin to pick up the pace, to swivel, thrust, pull and push against the soft round cheeks that jiggle against his hard-working pelvis. His rhythm suffuses her being, intoxicating her with endless motion. He drives Supergirl into a mindless rasping pant to match his own. All this exertion is finally getting to Daniels and he’s ready to finish her off. Kyle Bernard foresees the oncoming climax and so does Arnie Shavers and Terry Sykes. In fact, Terry is neck and neck with the Kryptonian beauty in terms of sexual excitement. Her head is palmed by the powerful crouching captain so she’s forced to watch Daniels’ sodomizing Kara even as Shavers has his hand stuffed in Terry’s panties busily finger-fucking her.

“Your girlfriend actually seems to enjoy taking it up the ass, Sykes,” the captain suggests to the chunky brunette his wet knuckle is delighting. “All that moaning, all those gyrations. Looks like the general has fucked the hero right out of Supergirl. And, hey, since she’s let herself go, no reason you shouldn’t too.”

…no reason…?…his finger…so fast…too worked up………I can’t…I can’t…

Terry sees Supergirl’s head bouncing up and down on the general’s shoulder. She looks like a limp-necked rubber baby doll. Even her eyes act like a doll, the lids opening up to show placid blueness on the upbeat and closing shut tight on the downbeat. The lips are pursed, squeezing open and closed themselves with the breath being forced out of her by the heavy man jolting against her. He is jack-rabbit fast now, humping away at her at the crest of his sexual frenzy. At the same time, Sergeant Bernard’s repetitive fingers rubbing on her clit destroy all of the champion’s final defenses. Danvers, Sykes and Daniels all lose it at the same time.


…can’t….take it….


The climax is a three-way dead heat. Daniels releases a powerful hot stream of jizz up Supergirl’s rear. The mighty Maid of Steel helplessly releases a drawn-out ‘aaaah…aaaaaaah’, a sound much that a baby doll might make when placed down on its back. Terry’s body freezes in place as she sprays about three tablespoons of cum into Shaver’s now open palm.

The captain’s other hand no longer needs to hold the reporter’s head since she’s fixated on the view even as she tries to keep her fluttering eyelids open. He holds up the cell phone and immediately captures the aftermath moment of Supergirl’s orgasm from the side. He carefully frames her tightly-held body, her exposed boob held in the Shaver’s grip, and most importantly, that expression of absolute ecstasy that her face displays: eyelids clamped shut, mouth open, lips quivering, pure bliss radiating from her soul, her pores leaking sweet dewy surrender.

Click. Click. Click.

There’s no respite for the helpless heroine. Now that Kyle has helped bring the slut to orgasm, it’s time to get his. He takes his hands off her tits and out of her twat and places them against the back of her skull. It’s heavy in his palms as she’s still far too overwhelmed by her orgasm to hold up her own head. He doesn’t mind. Kyle likes the feeling of her hair draping over his hands as he bends down and commands her to open her mouth. She does not comply though. One hand comes away while the other moves to the back center of her skull and cradles it there with a grip of her blonde locks. He gently slaps the cheek of the oblivious heroine a couple of times to draw her back to reality.

“Open up wide, Supergirl. It’s time for your face-fucking!”

“…leave me…’lone…” Her eyelids aren’t even open. The light-headed blonde is too spent, far too weary to focus.

“Can’t do that champ. Won’t, in fact. You’ve had your fun. Now’s my turn!”

“….no…” She mumbles back at the voice.

This time the hard, stinging slap jolts her head sideways but Kyle’s hand holds the clump of hair tightly, not letting the girl’s head go too far. The blue eyes open and stare up in anger and confusion at this. She sees the Staff Sergeant looming over her, his large dick held out in the open waiting a mere foot away.

“Better do as he says, my dear,” Daniels warns from behind. “Kyle is not one to be trifled with.”

“Open up, slut.”

“…or your chubby gal pal here gets shish ka bobbed,” Shavers announces from across the way, his knife tip dimpling Terry’s bare boob a good inch inward.

Kara glances at Terry and her imminent peril with dismay.

…nothing’s changed…they still……hold all…the cards…

Supergirl opens her mouth and Kyle Bernard shoves his dick in it: quite a way in. In fact, so far in that the head blocks up the entire opening of her throat.


Both of Bernard’s hands are back to cradling Supergirl’s head as she is held tightly in General Daniels’ arms. Both of them are on their knees and Daniel’s head is buried in the nape of Supergirl’s neck, breathing in her sweat and fear and desperation while inches away the limp heroine’s throat is filled and emptied, filled and emptied over and over again by the Bernard’s plunging brown shaft.


Because all she can see and smell is a curly brown nest of ripe and sweaty man pubes pushing into her nose over and over and over, the faint and feeble Kara closes her crossed eyes and prays that the man cums before she dies. Her fractured frightened mind sends whispery signals that it’s going to be close. She barely cares anymore. She’s completely devastated. And then she hears a sentence stabbed in her ear by Daniels.

“You know, Supergirl, if you don’t want to be treated like a whore, maybe don’t dress like one.”

It fills her with rage, counteracts the Xanax and compels her to live.

And then Kyle’s floodgates open and a torrent of cum hoses down Supergirl’s throat.
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Naturally, this story in terms of how sexually extreme it is, is very much not to my taste.

That said, there's some very good storytelling going on here, and I really appreciate the disclaimers!
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First of all... hi. I have never posted here, but I have read things for a while now. I just wanted to say something this time. A lot of you will disagree with me, but that is fine. I am a Role Player, and I love to write erotic stories with Kara in them (either Kara).

I like your work, but I have to say that I want the bad guys to die a horrible death... like badly. That said, I always wonder why people always reduce Supergirl to normal girl standards? I mean, it takes away the power of the story and makes it just about rape. The whole Mob Story could have had so many other things happen, but it was chapter after chapter of no powered heroine being raped and drugged. If only she had powers, then the fights would have been more epic, I think.

But I guess that is what some people want. For me, I prefer a good fight, that is not hampered by the most known weakness known, and less sex. But you are a good writer, and your original Doctor Destroyer stories, I loved.
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Hi, Powergirl,

Thank you for taking the time to write and to comment on my work. It's important to me to hear alternative viewpoints expressed. I try to be open about my work and always think I'm striving to be better at my writing.

I will address your final point first about the Doctor Destroyer stories; which is to inform you that they are not mine. You should find that writer and express your appreciation to him about his work.

Regarding the fact that you want the bad guys to die a horrible death, I have to agree with you that all too often in my work they do not suffer such fates. I have been remiss in tipping the scales against them and will actually try to even the score in that regard in future works. Good should triumph in the end some times. Not every time but probably more often that I allow it to happen. I will work to even things up in that regard. I feel that for every reader who comments, they're probably speaking for about 10 or more people who don't speak up so consider yourself heard in that regard.

To your other point about why so many SHIP stories involve reducing Supergirl to normal girl standards, that is a tougher question to answer. Do you have a team of psychologists handy? Seriously, and quite honestly, it's a turn-on to me (and many other writers) to imagine the possibility of the purportedly "strongest woman in the world" forced to comply to one's sexual desires. It's the very fact the writer or reader can take the place of the imagined villain in a piece as the architect of her lost power that drives the excitement. At least it is to me.

Could there be erotic stories where there Supergirl is sexually entranced by a villain without drugs or kryptonite and walks on the dark side sexually of her own free will? Certainly there could be. I should probably try to outline just such a story now that I think of it. I'm sure you and many others would find it worthwhile. I will add that to my list.

Your critique about my Supergirl Captured By the Mob series is not your opinion alone. In fact I'm sure that there are several people on this site who would agree with you about the over-abundance of fights, sexual compromise, drugs and forced sex. One of my good friends here has held that point of view for years. And I would certainly agree with you that I certainly did overdo those aspects in that series.

With that point being ceded, I am proud of the fact that even though both Supergirl and Wonder Woman lost heart from time to time in that series, they both showed consistent character strength, humanity and even humor from time to time throughout the entire process and even grew throughout the series. I was very proud of that fact.

I would even say that the fact that neither woman had powers and yet still retained a strong sense of heroic purpose through their ordeal that it wasn't just another endless string of heroine porn moments but a challenge they met despite not having their powers. At least that's how I imagined their mental state when I was writing it. And the epilogue and their fight to save Superman at the end showed that they retained their superheroine qualities and those aspects shone through in both women at the end which makes it a work of value in my mind.

Finally, I hear you as well when you say you prefer a good fight that is not hampered by known weaknesses and less sex abuse. This Supergirl and the Military Exercise feels a bit like an exorcism to me in the fact that it has gone as dark as I've ever gone, I think, in terms of the abuse suffered by Kara. I expect that having plunged to the depth of this very murky pool that I will be surfacing back up to far less violent works in my upcoming stories. I think you and many others will enjoy some future works that embody peril without the severe violence and rage that this work entails.

I would hope you will stick with me and continue to enjoy the creativity my stories contain as the tales drift closer to the surface and the light.

With all sincerity,

Doctor Dominator
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I like the story and the dark tone of it. It's really well written and interesting to read. Loads of humiliation and horrible stuff going on. :)

Although I have to agree with powergirl that fights are more interesting then sex in stories about superheroines.
Supergirl stories are at their best when she meets a super villian who beat the shit out of her. No kryptonite or stuff, just being stronger and better :)
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Thanks lronRP for the feedback. Higher fight to sex ratio preferred. I prefer an even 50/50 ratio but I can make it 65/35 if people like more fighting. Anybody else care to weigh in?

I will say that when Mezwani finally does come to the rescue as it were, the fighting will resume.
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DrDominator9 wrote:
6 years ago
Thanks lronRP for the feedback. Higher fight to sex ratio preferred. I prefer an even 50/50 ratio but I can make it 65/35 if people like more fighting. Anybody else care to weigh in?

I will say that when Mezwani finally does come to the rescue as it were, the fighting will resume.
I'd say write what you enjoy writing. We're just happy someone is out there creating excellent material! :)

And I do think it is excellent, even if I too prefer more action and less drawn out sex scenes. Some of both, for sure. ;)
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To each his own I guess. While we all share the same interest here, everyone will have their preference as to how it goes. There's just no one size fits all here. I for one love the sexual humiliation of the superheroine, after she gets dominated in combat or in an ambush, maybe. HOwever, I do sometimes find myself skipping over the more "brutal" parts, preferring instead a bit more fondling and molestation prior to the inevitable. But that's not to take away from what Doctor Dominator has done (or has been doing all these years). The writing and attention to detail has always been top notch. I just sit back and enjoy the ride, or rather enjoy the specific parts I like wherever I can get it, that is.
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Thank you for responding to me on this. I want to make a point that I do love your work. You put in details in your writing that a lot of writers should learn from. I have learned things from you, myself. I do some writing too, and I have considered posting some of it here. I am just nervous about it.

But on the points about sex and humiliation. I am fine with it, as long as the heroine is not just a rape doll. I mean, I want her to fight back, but can still be beaten. Just not with only magic green crystals and such.

Did you know there are a lot of other ways to beat a Kryptonian?

Red solar energy (blocks their powers)
Kryptonite (weakens or can kill, with time)
Magic (same effect as on a human)
Mental powers (they have horrible mental defenses)
ultrasonics (can knock out Supergirl with one blow, and has in comics)
electricity (like powerful, as it messes up their bioelectric aura and can render them unconscious)

To me, when you depower her, you made her just a girl. And if she is that, then the bad guy needs no skill at all. In fact, as I saw in some of your work, she was less than even the hookers. I understood it, but Kara did have some serious training on Thymiscira, remember. She is not totally helpless, even without powers. I am sure she could kill this guy in this story, right now. Kryptonite or not. But that is my opinion.

Like I said, I do lots of writing with Power Girl and sometimes Supergirl, and even Black Canary and a few others. It is more RP than stories now, but I have written pretty long "short" stories too.

Anyways, thank you for writing your stories. You really are good, and I am happy I found this site. I hope to read more and hope that Supergirl blocks once in a while and sends the bad guy to lala land, hehe. She can be captured again, of course, hehe. :)

P.S. I did love how Supergirl and Wonder Woman redeemed themselves in the end, to save Superman. And I was glad to see Tony bite it... hehe. Even though Supergirl had some serious Stockholm syndrome going on with that guy.

Edit: Forgot to add. Yes, 65/35 fight/sex ratio would be nice to see. :)
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Firstly, I don't really like interrupting a story thread to discuss and debate the story.. By all means we can have a thread on one of the other boards to discuss and analyze story content
But, seeing as I'm here I don't think we should be telling the doctor what he should be writing. It's his story, if he thinks 50-50 then that's what it is.
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tumkar wrote:
6 years ago

Firstly, I don't really like interrupting a story thread to discuss and debate the story.. By all means we can have a thread on one of the other boards to discuss and analyze story content
But, seeing as I'm here I don't think we should be telling the doctor what he should be writing. It's his story, if he thinks 50-50 then that's what it is.

While I appreciate your concern regarding interruptions, I don't consider comments offered within a story thread as interruptions at all. It's feedback. And frankly, the more the better for us writers. While it may end up stalling a story's readthrough or make it annoying to a reader who just wants to read the story and not be sidetracked by all the chit-chat, that chit-chat is a writer's reason for being at times.

I think I speak for virtually all the writers on this site when I say that getting comments, even constructive negative ones. is an important part of what helps us get better. Specifically, I found Powergirl's comments most constructive and insightful and, in fact I did go create another thread for continuing that discussion.

I appreciate you standing up for me but if it's at the cost of getting feedback, I'd just as soon have the thread "interrupted." And thanks for your comment, too.
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Yeah feedback is Golden, however the author gets it. I wrote a over a dozen works of heroine erotica in my time, and maybe got three emails on any of them. Its why there is a "quick reply" field after all...

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JohnFeer wrote:
6 years ago
Yeah feedback is Golden, however the author gets it. I wrote a over a dozen works of heroine erotica in my time, and maybe got three emails on any of them. Its why there is a "quick reply" field after all...

Ouch, JF, that sucks :(
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This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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There's a lot of action and plot development going on in this chapter. Regretfully, for those who aren't into heavy sexual descriptions, the scenes detailing the aftermath of SG's sexual abuse are interwoven within the second section. You'll just have to skim past them as best you can. For those who enjoy such scenes, enjoy! As always, thanks for your patience and support.

Chapter 16

Those infrared lamps have to go! I’ve got to kill them somehow.

Falak Mezwani knows there’s something desperately wrong going on inside General Daniels’ office. His commanding officer had shown no signs of stress of any kind until today’s exercise but his actions during the failed field test were slightly suspect and whatever was going on inside his office felt more than irregular, it felt dangerous. There was too much evidence stacking up against the man and his aides. Supergirl’s life could be on the line in there!

Looking at his monitor, the young lieutenant makes his decision and pulls down a screen showing his weapons options for the drone hovering outside the office window. He chooses lasers at maximum power. Then he toggles back to the viewscreen showing the rough sonar image he’s been getting through the tiny gap between the steel shutter and the window frame.

Carefully nudging the joystick control, he lowers the drone’s hover ever so slightly to get an angle of the office ceiling. He knows he has to target the laser through the gap and try to hit the square objects protruding just past the ceiling surface: the lamps. He has to switch back and forth between his sonar and his camera view and it’s not going to be easy.

There’s also the concern of potentially bringing down three 30-pound lamps on people’s heads! If not the whole damn ceiling!

The warm sweat beading over Falak’s eyebrows feels cold in the air-conditioned control room.

* * *

Supergirl is a pathetic mess. Slumped mindlessly on her knees in the arms of Army General Simon Daniels, the blonde champion’s chin presses against her upper chest as thin white streams of cum drain out from both corners of her mouth onto the famous emblem of the House of El. From the impoverished hollows of Appalachia to the lofty mountains of Tibet, Supergirl’s adopted world has come to recognize this symbol of hope. There is almost no place on the planet that she or her cousin can go and not have that emblem recognized. And now that red and yellow diamond is drenched with sweat and reeking of spent jism. Its edges are creased and stretched, its bright colors dulled and obscured by slimy trails of thickly seeded shame that drip down from the dazed face of the wearer.

Directly beside that famous emblem, a naked breast droops through the ripped fabric, a milky white line of cum draining down its soft inner curve. The pink nipple is still engorged, distended by the ragged lust imposed on the heroine the world adores.

Staff Sergeant Kyle Bernard lifts the heavy head by its sweaty blonde locks and looks into the vacant blue irises half hidden under heavy lids. His face beams with dreamy satisfaction after having blown his load. The heroine’s expression is one of mute stupidity and exhaustion. She’s on the edge of consciousness, drifting back and forth over that line.

“You were really terrific, Supergirl,” he declares. “Anybody who doubts your skills as a superheroine, has no clue what it takes to swallow so much of my load. You took that face-fucking like a real pro. Gulped it all down like a champ, taking spurt after spurt. Bet you’ve got a belly full of spunk, huh?”

Tilting her head slightly to the side with his forefinger, the grinning soldier admires the thick dollops of cum he’d deposited on the pretty heroine’s forehead, eyelids, nose and cheeks with his final spraying shots to her face.

“Sorry about all that gagging panic I put you through but I kinda’ like to make my good times last. No hard feelings?” Kyle waits, scanning Supergirl’s expression.

The heavy head just hangs there by her hair, the eyes unfocused, the mouth draped open, no sound forthcoming.

“We’re done here, men,” says Daniels. “The cunt’s learned her lesson. Mission accomplished. Time to head out.”

Bernard releases his grip on the blonde hair at the same time Daniels' opens his arms with a theatrical flourish. Supergirl’s body flops face forward onto the floor with a loud thump and just lays there inertly, her arms at her sides, palms up. Slowly from her mouth a tiny white puddle of cum forms under her face. The remnants of all the jizz she’s been forced to ingest drips out of her mouth and down her bruised parted lips. Between her thighs, a similar small pool of white drains out from between the heroine’s twitching butt cheeks. Her body expels fluids from her over-filled rear and her over-stimulated pussy. Her own cum and Daniels’ creamy excess gradually spread out in a glimmering circle beneath her trembling pelvis. The room is silent at the scene.

Short of death, has any heroine been so thoroughly vanquished by her foes? If so, nobody present can think of such a time. All are silenced by the historic weight of the moment, a terrible tableau none will ever forget.

Yet again, the cell phone in Captain Shavers hands clicks as he circles around her inert form and squats, carefully recording this scene of Supergirl’s ultimate defeat from several angles. Turning the phone sideways, he carefully frames his final glory shot: the angled thighs, the rising curve of the heroine’s lovely naked ass, the glimpse of naked tit and blue costume panties pulled down and, of course, the spreading puddles. This photo of total sexual devastation captures the once-mighty heroine’s humiliation in vivid detail.

Finally, one concluding shot is prepared by Shavers. He reaches over with his right hand, firmly grips her right butt cheek and pulls it to the side to better expose the blonde beauty’s greasy puckered anus. He gives the glute a firm shake and digitally captures the moment as a clot of semen pushes out of Supergirl’s ass and gradually oozes down through her pussy lips into the puddle between her thighs. That extreme close up symbolizes the blonde’s total defeat as much as anything else that had happened during her long and calamitous day.

Just as the captain rises from his crouch with a satisfied nod, out of nowhere a brilliant beam of red light sears from the window across the room to the far wall, burning a black hole there two feet down from the ceiling. A curl of grayish smoke from scarred paneling and plasterboard drifts in the air as the room explodes into activity. All three men duck low and go about their assigned tasks with a coiled energy they’d rigorously trained into their bodies for just such an eventuality. General Daniels was a master strategist and frankly, he’s a little surprised he’s had as much time with the golden-haired bimbo as he’d been afforded.

He heads for the open safe to gather up the items he needs while his two aides duck walk to the small but heavy conference table, lift it together and move it several feet to the side. Just as Bernard is tossing aside the corner of the eight-foot tan area rug to reveal a trap door inset in the floor, a second beam drills a new hole in the wall, this one only eight inches from the ceiling.

Dammit! He’s going for the lights, thinks Daniels. Falak, you brilliant son of a bitch, you’re making me proud!

Bernard lifts up the trap door for Shavers who moves past him and climbs down three rungs of the ladder attached to the side of the exit tunnel. The captain stops and waits. Looking up, he sees a neon red beam strike one of the three infrared lamps in the ceiling, sending a cascade of sparks down to the floor where, fortunately, nobody is standing. The room gets a tiny bit darker as that one overhead light fails. If there’s any improvement in Supergirl’s condition, it’s not apparent. She lies there on the floor, unmoving and almost unconscious while cum continues to leak out her exhausted orifices, enlarging the thin white puddles beneath her.

Terry Sykes looks up at the ruined lamp and actually smiles with hope for the first time in over an hour. The general sees the smile and stops just as he reaches the escape hatch.

“You think you and your friend are saved, fatty? Not quite. Listen close! If that blonde bitch comes after me or if you write up a story for your newspaper or for a blog, you’ll both regret it. You send out so much as a tweet about anything that happened here today other than the basic test of these drones and I will be publishing, too,” Daniels threatens. “It’ll be a full-color expose with plenty of pictures of Supergirl sucking cock and taking it up the ass. You know I’ve got beautiful closeups in my camera. Shavers,” he says, holding out his palm.

His aide places the phone in his hand and the general reaches into his pants pocket and quickly inserts a memory stick into the slot at the bottom of the phone. He touches his screen a few times before he says, “Just to be safe, I’m backing up those pictures right now.” He watches the screen closely and jerks a little as a second overhead infrared lamp takes a direct hit from the drone outside the window. This new shower of sparks rains down upon the Maid of Steel but there’s no reaction from the silent figure whatsoever. The room gets even gloomier with just one infrared lamp left and only six regular ceiling fixtures to light the large office.

“Are we clear, little lady? No pursuit and no story about any of this. It was all just a nice little drone test that all went smoothly and that’s all!”

The frustrated reporter nods her head, a begrudging consent. “…eth…”

“Good, now Staff Sergeant Bernard is going to stay behind with you gals. You and the drippy cum queen there will verify Kyle’s story that he wasn’t any part of things here. You tell Mezwani that we held a gun on him and forced him to do what we said. Got that? Otherwise, I’ll hear he’s in the brig and those pictures of Supergirl gulping dick will go viral. You with me, girlie?” Terry nods again.

“Thanks, Sykes. You’re a peach. It’s been fun. Gotta’ run.”

Daniels nods at Shavers who descends down the ladder followed by the general who stops with just his head above the hole. “Kyle, you know the plan. I’ll see you at our meeting place for your final payment.”

“I’ll be there, general.” Bernard salutes

With a returned salute, the general disappears down the hole just as a third beam takes out the final infrared lamp…along with three acoustic ceiling tiles. The room gets darker yet and then there’s a dangerous groan from the structure overhead as the integrity of the suspended ceiling begins to fail. Terry looks up with alarm as does Kyle. The burnt tiles bend and warp, the heavy lamps sagging through the charred edges now.

The soldier dashes from where he was standing, sprinting over to the escape hatch. He quickly pulls it shut and throws the folded corner of the rug back in place, covering the hatch. With a grunt, he lifts the small but heavy round conference table and drops it with a thud onto the rug before shoving it back into the exact place it was. Just as soon as he gives the table a final nudge he hears a screech from Terry and turns to see all three lights, several ceiling tiles and several metal suspension frames come crashing down on the securely bound reporter and the helplessly depleted Maid of Steel.

* * *

The enormous sound of something crashing inside General Daniels’ office draws a huge reaction from the entire control room. Everyone is startled: some dive for cover under their tables; others run toward the General’s locked office door at the end of the room to pound on it and unsuccessfully try to yank it open; and three non-coms bolt for the exit at the other end. Lieutenant Mezwani continues to sit at his monitor staring at the screen, his face gone very pale.

“What have I done?” His voice is unsteady and his forefinger taps on the desk like he’s trying to send an urgent message on some missing telegraph key. “My god, have I just killed Supergirl?”

Hearing this, Jeff Nelson, the red-headed technician at the station right next to his superior officer, turns to Falak and grimly adds, “…And maybe that reporter, too. What’s showing on your screen, sir?”

“A mess, Sergeant. A fucking mess!” Falak switches modes and quickly commands the drone to land right below where it’s hovering, then switches back to sonar view on the monitor. He turns to Nelson and gives his order. “Jeff, man this monitor for me. If you see any more bowing of this part here, this is the ceiling…” he says, touching the screen for the nodding soldier, “You let me know with a shout! Got that?” The man nods briskly and replies “shout.”

Falak stands up and quickly heads toward the general’s office door. It’s time for some hard truths about everything that’s gone on today and he means to learn them, whatever it means for his career from this point on. He just hopes he hasn’t waited too long…or, god forbid, completely misread the entire situation.

* * *

There’s not a lot of light in the long-forgotten tunnel leading from the general’s office to an exit hatch outside the base perimeter. The line of dusty bulbs stretching into the distance is just enough to show the way from pale yellow glow to glow.

Broken bricks and chunks of concrete litter the ground along the way as Daniels and Shavers move down the tunnel. Pulling the cell phone from his pocket as the two cautiously make their way through the dim passageway, Daniels touches the screen. It offers a bright rectangle of light and shows the general a single bar. Nevertheless, the phone connects its call.

“Yes, hi. It’s me. Everything I planned has gone off virtually as expected. I’ll meet you where we discussed. Be there ASAP. We may be getting company. You know what to do. See you soon.”

Daniels disconnects his phone and smiles, even going so far as to slap Shavers on his back.

“Relax,” he advises the nervous captain walking by his side. “We’re golden, Arnie. “I’m very pleased.”

“If you’re pleased then I’m pleased, General. I’m just not a big fan of tight places.”

“Could be worse. This could have been a sewer pipe.” The general guffaws, then, as he walks, he presses his belt buckle just so and stashes the memory stick with all the photos of Supergirl on it into the hidden compartment behind the left wing of the brightly polished brass eagle attached there.
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I think I can say that this entire chapter is safe to read. Enjoy!

Chapter 17

By either the grace of the gods or pure dumb luck, neither Terry Sykes nor Supergirl has any of the three infrared lamps fall on them. One of the bulky shapes crashes mere inches away from the cum-splattered face of the unwary blonde before bouncing another foot in the opposite direction. The gouge in the floor is raw and white against the dark brown wood. The two remaining lamps have plummeted down on either side of the bound reporter’s chair saving her from a fatal injury. Unfortunately, the metal framework and heavy acoustic tiles dropped as a unified mass on the back of Terry’s hastily bowed head, rendering her completely unconscious.

Seeing that result and hearing the thumping blows on the office door and urgent calls to open it up, Sergeant Bernard makes a calculated decision to improve his chances of getting out of this predicament. He runs over to Terry, tips the chair with her still bound in it over on its side, and then lies down next to her. He arranges the tangle of debris next to his head then he reluctantly but purposefully slams his head against the floor to raise a noticeable lump, then closes his eyes and feigns unconsciousness. He slows his breathing and awaits what happens next.

After almost a full minute, from a few feet away, apart from the loud banging on the office door, Kyle hears some low groaning from the face-down heroine. It’s followed by the sound of rustling fabric, more groaning and then a thump of a body dropping. The battered bitch was having a devil of a time rousing herself even with those special power-sucking lamps knocked out of commission. He chances a sneak peek to see the very lethargic heroine with her forehead on the wood floor and her ass in the air struggling to pull up her panties. When that’s done and she starts to look up, Bernard clamps his eyes shut and forcibly suppresses a smile as more groans from the vanquished doll drift his way.

After hearing another failed attempt to gain her feet, Kyle catches a squeak of a boot sole, a slap of a hand on a desk and a few faltering steps as the woman from the stars achieves an upright position. Slow tottering steps accompany a mumbled “I’m coming” before there’s the sound of the lock disengaging and the office door swinging open.

Bernard hears Mezwani’s voice over the clamor of many people pouring in the room. “Supergirl, are you alright? What’s that on your face? What on earth happened in here? Where is the general? Where is Captain Shavers?”

The dazed Supergirl who’s holding tight to the leading edge of the open door for support puts her hand to her face and her palm comes away sticky. Horrified, realizing the disheveled state of her ripped costume and her spunk-splattered appearance, she blurts out “Dear Rao!” before turning away from the lieutenant and vigorously wiping her face in her cape. When she opens her eyes and sees the dark stains smeared in the bright silken red fabric, she gulps hard and clamps down on her emotions with the vehemence of slamming jail door cell. Looking down, she tucks her breast inside the ripped blouse as best she can and pulls it tight with her hand before turning around to face Falak with a glaze of professionalism to her features.

“General Daniels? I’m not sure where he and Shavers went. I was barely conscious over the past five or ten minutes, I regret to say.” Looking around the room for the first time, the baffled heroine sees her friend Terry surrounded by army personnel and next to her Staff Sergeant Bernard being roused on the floor beside her. Looking up at the gap in the ceiling, a nervous Kara calls out hesitantly to the group surrounding the pair on the floor, “Terry. Ms. Sykes. Is she okay?”

“She’s okay, breathing regularly now that I’ve got this gag out of her mouth,” replies a female soldier. “She’s still out cold, Sergeant Bernard is coming to. Both of them should be run through a concussion protocol, she when she comes around. They both have nasty bumps.”

“Yes, yes, of course,” Falak responds. “Supergirl, you should sit down. You don’t look well.”

“Perhaps I should,” the fatigued blonde replies, making her way over to a chair and plopping herself down on it, hands in her lap, her head wavering. “I just need a few minutes. Lights off will help. Infrared. Lost all my powers. Daniels and his goons got the better of me.”

“That’s exactly what I was afraid of. Uuhh, Corporal Zalisky,” he turns to the pretty brunette kneeling next to the two prone figures on the floor, “could you find a safety pin for this woman’s blouse.”

Supergirl looks down to see her breast almost falling out of her top again and pulls her blouse to her chest with a frown. “It won’t do any good, Lieutenant. With the lights off, the fabric will be virtually indestructible by now.”

Falak nods thoughtfully. “And you, Supergirl? Are you already back to being invulnerable?”

“Sadly, no. My cells need more time to recover than inert material. I’ll be back to full strength in 30 minutes or so. Do you have any idea where General Daniels and Captain Shavers have gone?”

“I don’t but perhaps Staff Sergeant Bernard does. How about it, Kyle, where’s the general?”

“…whuh…?’s that…whut…happened….?”

“You tell me, Sergeant,” snaps Mezwani, glaring at the stocky man as he is helped up to a sitting position on the floor by Corporal Zalisky. “Did you accost these women?”

Apparently gathering himself, the soldier admits he did. “But I was forced to at gunpoint, sir. Daniels and Shavers went rogue. I don’t know why! They made me tie up the reporter and then face fuck Supergirl. That’s my semen smeared on her emblem there. I had no choice.”

The silence in the room is as sudden as it is oppressive. It lasts a full three seconds.

“Liar!” Supergirl shouts. She immediately stalks over to the sitting Bernard who’s badly suppressing his smirk and kicks him in the forehead with the toe of her flashing boot. His face goes blank and his body jolts back hard to the floor with a loud thump. The man has a second lump on his head to match his self-inflicted one. He’s out cold and will be for quite some time.

“That didn’t help matters much,” Falak protests, giving Supergirl a shake of his head.

“It helped me,” grumbles Kara, looking around the room. She gives her x-ray vision a test but she’s still too weak to see through much of anything. She frowns at this. She’d been exposed to those strength-sapping rays for over an hour. All she could do was wait for her powers to return. And then she notices the table and the rug. “That’s not right,” she murmurs and walks over to the small conference table, circling it with a wobbly gait yet cold purpose. “This has been moved.”

* * *

“How do you like our chances of getting all the way to a safe haven, general?”

Looking over, Daniels sees the glum expression on Captain Shaver’s face in the gloom. This brings his commanding officer up short. He stops dead in the tunnel, turns and pokes his finger into his subordinate’s chest.

“I’ve planned this all very carefully, Arnie. I thought you trusted me.”

“It’s not you I don’t trust, sir. It’s that flying cunt back there. She may not play by your rules. Plenty could go wrong.”

“There’s better than even odds you could be right,” Daniels nods, using his boot to shove a loose brick off to the side. The tunnel’s state of disrepair seems to be worsening as the duo has been traversing its length. The initially clean ladder landing area has given way to plenty of red dust and vermin droppings. “Still we’re not without resources. I’m just hoping that Kyle does his part and stalls her long enough for this portion of my plan to work. I suspect my little extortion threat to publish photos of Supergirl sucking you off and me sodomizing her will fall on deaf Kryptonian ears.” It’s unclear whether the general’s mournful sigh is a reflection of his remembered climax inside the shapely blonde’s butt or the heroine bitch’s damned persistence. Either way, Daniels goes on with his musings. “The reporter seemed well cowed. I doubt the blonde bimbo is smart enough to leave well enough alone. Come on, this tunnel is dank and we’re only three-quarters of the way through.”

* * *

Supergirl stands over the empty void in the floor, peering down at the brushed concrete circle at the bottom of the ladder. She’s not secure enough to try flying down face first into the tunnel. She doesn’t feel nearly strong enough to be chasing after Daniels and his aide but she’s not about to let him get away.

“I don’t like it, Supergirl,” Mezwani argues. “You said yourself it would take you 30 minutes to get all your powers back. We’re barely at the 8-minute mark. What can you even do at the moment: Fly? Punch through a wall? Super freeze breath? X-ray vision? What?”

“I can run fast enough to catch up to him and give them the beatings of their lives!”

“That’s not your head talking. Let me send an armed soldier with you at least. Vickers!” Falak points to a 6-foot blond private with serious pecs and an equally serious face.

“He won’t be able to keep up with me, Falak. And I can’t wait any longer. We have no idea how long this tunnel is or where it leads.”

“All the more reason for caution, Supergirl.”

“There’s no more time to wait! I’m going.” Supergirl climbs onto the ladder and starts down its rungs, calling up as she descends. “Make sure Terry is taken care of. I’ll see you shortly.”

“Be careful. Daniels is very dangerous.”

“Preaching to the choir,” says the feminine voice drifting up from the hole in the floor as Supergirl dashes down the tunnel in hot pursuit.
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Elder Member
Elder Member
Posts: 443
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Okay now the story has gone 'off the rails'. Supergirl after all she has been through is going after her attackers? Please, she did not even take time to #MeToo or call MSNBC or anyone? Not realistic at all!

Thanks for continuing the story Dr. D. Looking forward to seeing what happens when she catches up to the General and his lackey.
Posts: 5
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I was cheering when she kicked Bernard in the head. I hope she does catch up with the general and rips him apart. But I know that will likely not happen, hehe. But I do like your writing, just not the most uh... extreme scenes. But I still am enjoying the whole story.

Oh, one thing, and this is just me being a comic geek. Red sunlight does not drain their powers, it only shuts them off. They do not lose anything, once the light is gone. But this is your story, and like I said, I am just a geek girl with comics. :)
Posts: 138
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I can't believe how much detail is in this story its amazing and made me stay up all night reading it! Well done I loved it xx
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This chapter contains no sexual peril, just violence, so it's fine. LOL

Thank you to everyone who commented. Sorry it's been a while since the last posting. Real life and the World Cup tournament have intervened. Anyway, enjoy.

Chapter 18

As the general and his aide continue down the murky length of the long oppressive tunnel, the older man with the silver brush cut reaches into his left jacket pocket and pulls out a cell phone and punches in his code. It doesn’t take. He grunts in silent acknowledgement. This wasn’t his phone, this was Sergeant Bernard’s phone.

As he’d planned it before his attack on Supergirl back in his office, the majority of all the compromising photos of Supergirl had been taken on Kyle’s phone, the same one that he’d downloaded to the memory stick in his belt compartment. This phone has a dark brown suede case but it is hard to tell in the dark. He puts Kyle’s phone back in his jacket pocket and takes out his own phone with its black leather case from his right pants pocket. When he punches in his code this time it works.

Daniels checks out his photos file and sees a group of four pictures of Supergirl’s pelvis being angled up just before her pussy is plugged with that green dildo. Those were the only photos he’d taken with his own phone. He stops walking forward for a moment in the glow of one of the widely-spaced yellow lamps. Shavers stops beside him.

“Arnie, I’m sending these four shots to Kyle’s phone, the ones I took of the blonde dimwit getting her twat stuffed with that dildo. Just to be safe, I don’t want any evidence on my phone. I’m going to delete them completely from my phone and my cloud account. Here, take Kyle’s phone,” the general says, handing the device over, “and re-save them with the rest of his picture folder. Lose any trace that it came from me, okay?”

“Yes, sir.”

After completing those tasks, Shavers returns Kyle’s phone to the general who dumps it back in his jacket pocket. The two men continue walking toward the tunnel’s exit. Suddenly they hear someone running at an incredible pace inside the tunnel in the far distance behind them.

“The bitch followed us after all. Doesn’t give a damn about her reputation I guess. Well, she’s going to regret that,” declares Daniels. “Now we play for keeps.”

“Kill her?” Shavers asks.

“If we can,” Daniels nods solemnly.

Both men take off in an urgent jog away from the pounding footsteps.

* * *

Kara’s speed as she races down the dark tunnel would be astounding for a human but it’s woefully slow by her Kryptonian standards. Nevertheless, she’s covering a lot of ground as she runs in long loping strides, her legs flashing in the pools of yellow light strung through the darkness. With every few yards gained she feels her strength increasing. If she were running in natural sunlight, she’d already be at nearly a third of her full strength in this short time. As it is, she feels as if she’s only at a mere fraction of her normal powers. She knows she hasn’t given herself nearly enough recuperation time but she had no choice.

Looking into the distance with only negligible super vision and straining with her inadequate ears she can barely make out the silhouettes of her two foes in the distance and cannot hear their heart beats. She stops straining to see or hear anything in order to give her body time to recover its strength, an agonizingly slow process down here in the dark.

Down near the end of the tunnel General Daniels and Captain Shavers have arrived at the ladder leading up to the exit hatch. The pounding of running feet is too close for both of them to be able to make it up the 15-foot ladder before that sound and the fury it represents would be upon them. Both men turn in place, their backs to the ladder, looking at each other. The general nods at his aide and Shavers takes the gun out of his belt, coming to a standing crouch with both arms out. He waits for the pounding sound to crash into view, to see the whites of Supergirl’s eyes before firing.

The young heroine speeds down the tunnel, dashing headlong through the dark.

Giving my position away. Might be running straight into an ambush. Time to see if I can fly!

The sound of running feet and their impending doom draws sweat from Arnie Shavers brow, the drips sliding around his eyebrows and down his temples…and then the noise disappears for two beats.

Here she comes!

It resumes for two more surprising beats and then he hears nothing at all but his own nervous breathing.
Daniels whispers harshly and urgently at him. “Raise your sights. Angle ‘em up! Now!”

Supergirl appears out of the dark, near the tunnel’s ceiling, flying with arms thrust forward, fists clenched. Her face glowers fiercely down at the two men at the tunnel’s end. Shavers sees that vengeful glare with only a fraction of a second’s warning and fires right at it. The gun’s explosion lights the tunnel like a strobe and Daniels sees the bullet’s impact against Supergirl’s forehead.

As if yanked backward by a rope tethered to her waist, the blonde heroine’s head jerks back, then her torso then her parted legs. Her boot soles disappear directly back into the darkness from where they came. It’s followed by the sound of something too soft landing suddenly against something much too hard. And then that same sound repeats.

Shavers runs directly forward into the darkness, looking to follow up his advantage with a coup de grace.

* * *

Terry Sykes is finally conscious, more than that, she’s agitated. She paces around the general’s office wearing a hastily retrieved camouflage shirt from a supply locker. In the bathroom, she’d changed out of her sopping wet white blouse into this rough linen blouse, its green and brown design clashing with her navy-blue skirt. She also had wrung out her sopping wet panties into the sink before pulling them back on with a grunt of disgust. The sensation was bad enough but there was also the shame involved at herself for why they were so wet in the first place.

From the moment she and Supergirl had entered General Daniels’ office, everything had gone wrong so quickly it seemed. Now Terry faces a real dilemma. She’d been unconscious at the time Supergirl had gone after the general. Kara had never been told what the horrid man would unleash on her. The heroine didn’t know about his warning that he’d release the photos around the world of Supergirl sucking on cock and other degrading pictures if the she pursued him.

Her reputation is going to be ruined and it’s all my fault!

Terry takes a long drink from the water bottle she’d been handed, stalling, trying desperately to figure out what the hell to do now. And how she should answer the nice lieutenant’s most recent question.

“Ms. Sykes, I understand that you’re distraught about this attack on you by Daniels and his aide Shavers,” Lieutenant Mezwani patiently rephrases his earlier query. “however, my question remains. Did Staff Sergeant Bernard there take a willing and active role in the abuse that you and Supergirl suffered or was he forced at gunpoint to comply as he claimed?”

Terry looks over at the soldier with a concerned glance. Bernard remains unconscious on the floor with a prominent red lump on his forehead the size of a small plum. If she doesn’t back up the manufactured story, she’s risking the possibility that humiliating pictures of Supergirl will be circulated on the Internet. Of course, since Supergirl is right now pursuing Daniels despite his warning, there seems to be no reason not to shred Bernard’s ridiculous alibi to ribbons.

“I’m sorry, Lieutenant, I’m not trying to be difficult, it’s just that this experience has been so traumatic. Yes, there was a gun, sir, but it was pressing against my head for the better part of the time. Not that bastard’s!” She points at the prone figure. “He damn well WAS a willing participant. Extremely willing!”

“Thank you, Ms. Sykes. That at least clears up that aspect of things. Private Vickers, please tie up Bernard with whatever rope you can find. There’s going to be a court martial in his future.”

As the sergeant salutes and departs to locate the rope, Falak’s cell phone rings. He looks at the phone and frowns deeply at the name of the caller on the screen: Daniels.

He takes the call, his voice filled with caution. “Hello. I'm surprised to hear from you. May I ask what you want.”

He listens for a minute, nodding gravely before he ends the conversation. “Yes, I can agree to that.”

Nobody has seen his phone screen. Nobody knows who that was on the line and Mezwani isn’t saying. In fact, his mind is on Supergirl. He doesn’t like her odds. He thinks he knows a way to improve them.

“Anybody know where I can get a plant light at this ungodly hour?”

“Plant light, sir?”

“Something that throws off ultra-violet light, really high-frequency stuff. Anyone?”

“I…uh…may have an idea on that, sir,” says the red-headed Sergeant Jeff Nelson. “Part of my anniversary celebration with my wife was, well, permission to speak frankly, sir?”

“Fast and to the point, Nelson,” Falak demands. “Time is fleeting.”

“I was going to stop off for some weed at Big John’s on the way home.”

“The liquor store?”

“Big John's wife, Simone, grows pot in his storage shed behind the store. She’s got to have “Grow lights” for in there…I mean, it’s strong stuff and….”

“Get me a couple of her bulbs from those lights,” Mezwani cuts him off. “Oh, wait? It’s already after midnight. When do they close?”

“It’s not just package goods and beer cases. There’s a small bar in the back so that allows them to remain open until 1:00 a.m, sir."

“Okay, break speed limits if you have to but get back here with those bulbs pronto.” Plunging his hand into his pants pocket, Falak pulls out his wallet and presses three $20 bills in the young man’s hands. “If this isn’t enough, put it on your credit card and I’ll personally reimburse you. Get out of here! You’ve got 7 minutes to get back here, Sergeant.”

The soldier takes off at a run. Falak pulls his phone out of his other pocket and calls Frank Delancey who’s playing poker in the hangar.

“Frank, I need you to bring Drone #6 into General Daniel’s office pronto…along with a full tool kit. You and I have got some critical adjustments and re-programming to do.

* * *

Arnie Shavers runs toward the cone of filthy light cast off by the dusty amber bulb hanging from the junction box in the ceiling. Lying face down in the pale oval spotlight is the inert figure of Supergirl. Her right arm is flung out perpendicular to her body, her left is bent at the elbow with her palm by her hip. Her torn skirt has fallen open, revealing a world-class ass covered in blue silk.

Arnie slows down as he passes into the light and carefully circles the prone body. He can see her chest rising beneath her and then he hears a low groan from the heroine. She’s still alive!

I can’t believe this bitch! Well, she’s not taking me to jail!

Shoving his foot underneath her belly, he roughly yanks his leg upward, flipping Supergirl on her back. Her right arm now gets pinned under her body as the left is flung away from her. Shavers gets down on one knee beside her and stares at her face, more specifically, the forehead with its circular dent right in the middle. Obscured in the dust in the floor of the tunnel is the glint of the bullet he’d shot her with. It’s completely flattened into a stubby lead plug.

Groggily, Supergirl moans once again and stirs as if to rise. Captain Shavers hastily stands up, pulls the gun out of his belt and fires down at virtually point-blank range at the blonde woman.

The sound in the tunnel is deafening; the light from the discharges blinding.


He empties his clip at her body, shooting her in the partially exposed breast and the stomach, then he aims at the pelvis, the knee, and the neck. Her figure rocks and jerks with each bullet. And when the echo of his unholy barrage finally fades, he looks down and sees more of the deep dents and flattened lead discs. There’s no blood.

The depleted heroine opens her eyes slowly with minimum comprehension. The army captain backs up two steps, concerned. Then he picks up a loose brick and starts swinging.
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I'm really enjoying this story. Interested to see where it goes.
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Thanks LtFA, I appreciate the kind words.

Real life has kept me unusually busy this past week so I'm behind on my writing. Hopefully I will have something to post either this weekend or by Monday night.
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Hey DrD. I’ve finally caught up with your story. Sorry it took me so long.

Although you go into much more graphic detail than I generally care for, I have to admit that the ongoing concept of the story has left me enraptured!

Tell your real life to step aside. ;)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Okay, for me, this chapter is just normal stuff: rough beat down and a quickly-described rape scene. Deal with it... or not. Plot moves forward. Enjoy.

Chapter 19

General Simon Daniels briskly walks out of the darkness into the soft spread of yellowish light from an overhead bulb to observe his aide Captain Arnie Shavers working over Supergirl’s face with a faded red brick. The tall blond soldier has Supergirl’s blouse gripped in his left fist, lifting her upper torso off the hard-packed dirt floor slightly while his right hand works like a pendulum. He swings it back and forth with brick in hand, knocking her head from side to side with the blunt end of the thing. Each downswing knocks the dazed heroine’s face in an opposite direction while drawing a simultaneous grunt from the vulnerable blonde.

The empty eyes, slack mouth and bruised nose and lips show that the Supergirl’s powers have been heavily compromised in order to keep her skin and body from splitting open from all the damage inflicted upon her. The toll has been substantial. Between the bullets hammering into her and the force of the heavy brick knocking her head around, it’s a testament to Kryptonian physiology that the limp blonde isn’t a bloody mess or worse; dead.

Although she’s conscious, Supergirl is unable to defend herself in the least. When the hard brick crumbles to bits in his hand, Shavers immediately yanks up on her shirt, drags her slack body to her wobbly feet, then spins her around. He grips her collar and pounds her face over and over into the cement wall which begins to flake and crumble, the hole growing larger with each blow. The stunned beauty can do no more than groan and gasp with every smashing impact. Her eyes cross as her face is rammed mercilessly into the cold gritty surface time after time.

In the aftermath of the eighth smashing impact, Shavers lifts up the drooping champion by a fistful of cape, turning her to the light to inspect her. The toes of her dusty boots dangle inches off the tunnel floor, barely swaying. He looks into the stupefied blue eyes, registers the pale skin and dust-filled nostrils of the still pretty face and seethes at the fact that there is still no blood, just the reddish graininess from crumpled brick camouflaging the reddish hue of bruises forming underneath. Disgusted, the soldier throws Supergirl to the tunnel floor where she tumbles and rolls until she lies in a jumble of arms and legs moaning softly.

“This bitch can take a beating. I’ll give her that,” huffs Shavers. All this pounding on the Maid of Steel is tiring him out. He hurriedly stalks around the dimly lit area, peering intently at the ground for any kind of implement to use rather than his fists on his victim. He knows he can’t give the Kryptonian any time to recuperate.

If I have to use another brick, then I’ll just…

“OWW!” Away from the light, barely seen in the shadows Arnie bangs his boot against something solid. He kneels down, grabs his boot toe and massages it roughly. The dimpled material pops back out and the pain abates somewhat. Inches from his hand, he spots what he needs: a length of steel conduit leftover from the lighting job. Wedged in between extended bricks along the wall’s edge, the short foot-long length of steel has Arnie’s eyes going wide with appreciation.

Oh, this will be perfect!

“General, sir, if you lift up our young lady there and pin her arms behind her back, I believe I can finally stop her from pursuing us. Most likely for good.”

“By all means, Captain, be my guest,” Daniels says with a satisfied smirk as he squats beside the awkwardly-positioned, badly-disoriented, aching superheroine. He grips her elbows and drags her to her feet. The bewildered blonde’s knees are tilted inward, she cannot stand on her own. Holding her tight, the general nods over at Shavers.

Kara sluggishly lifts her head off her chest, unsure of what’s even going on at the moment, thanks to the relentless onslaught she’s endured. Through her blurred vision, she can just make out the large form of Shavers coming into the light. He’s swinging something shiny.

…looks like…golden sword…izzat possible…?

* * *

Lieutenant Mezwani is steadily holding the Metal Halide bulb in position while Corporal Delancey efficiently solders the connection bracket to the base of the ultra-violet bulb. When that’s done, Falak gently presses the other end of the tube-like bulb into its own jury-rigged ceramic holding bracket until it clicks in place.

“Hand me that aluminum foil reflective shield you made for me, Sergeant Nelson, if you would,” asks Falak. Proffered, he arranges the shield around the bulb so it will maximize the beam of the light forward.

“There, that ought to work,” Mezwani says, duct-taping the shiny shield to the center of the drone.

“I hope so,” Delancey frowns. “I’m just afraid that Supergirl will already be out of action. According to you, it’s been more than 15 minutes since she went into the tunnel.”

“She went in with some super powers, we just have to hope she’s holding her own,” Falak declares. “This drone ought to help swing the balance back in her favor. It’ll generate about 240 watts right at her.”

“Hope that’s enough,” Jeff Nelson frowns

“It’ll have to do. Frank, take #6 down there and follow it as fast as you can, but be careful. We don’t know what’s going on down there. Either the general or captain is probably armed. In fact, Rogers, give Frank your piece,” Falak says to a nearby sergeant who complies. “Don’t use it unless it’s a case of life or death, Corporal. That’s an order!”

“Yes, sir,” Delancey replies, checking the safety and stuffing the gun in his belt.

“Good. I’ll handle the drone’s guidance from here. I’ve programmed the UV light to work off the original laser routine, but it’ll be very tight quarters. I’m not sure we’ll get more than one shot at giving SG the blast of light she’ll need to end this cluster-fuck! Good luck, Frank.”

“See you on the other end, Lieutenant.” Holding the drone under one arm and carefully climbing down the ladder, Frank Delancey makes his way to the bottom and sets the drone on the floor of the tunnel. Mere seconds later, it lifts off and heads down the tunnel. Pulling a small military-grade flashlight from his pocket, Corporal Delancey jogs quickly after the retreating drone.

* * *

As it turned out, it may not have been a flaming sword but it sure felt like one when the lead pipe struck hard into Supergirl’s abdominals. The impact knocked some of her breath right out of her and she bent over suddenly, lifting General Daniels right off his feet for a moment before he settled back down. Then he hefted her off her own feet just as Shavers wound up for another whack at her belly. She was more prepared for this blow as the thump of metal on her stomach resounded in the tunnel. It sounded much worse than it felt but even with her tenuous grip on reality, Kara knew she couldn’t endure this punishment for long. She tries to wrest herself away from the man clinging hard to her from behind, straining her arms instinctively as her brain slowly clears.

…so little power left…beating’s been brutal…!

A sudden thrusting jab from the sheared end of the lead pipe into her gut draws a grunt and a flinching spasm from the defenseless champion. She looks over at the grinning Shavers who’s enjoying this game. When the end of the pipe comes at her again, Supergirl kicks out and manages to knock it aside. She smiles briefly at her success and follows up on it, using Daniel’s tight grip on her for counterbalancing leverage. She swings her other leg high, lancing out with her boot to just miss connecting with the big blonde’s ducking cheek. The smile on the officer’s face disappears. He tosses the short pipe from his right hand to his left and angrily takes a hard swing at Kara’s dust-covered face. He connects with her right temple and stars explode in Supergirl’s vision as her head jerks to the side and she slumps feebly in Daniel’s grasp.

“Think this is a game, bitch? If it were, you’d be losing. But it’s no game. I’m finishing you off now, skank.”

The lead pipe swings fiercely into Supergirl’s chest, compressing it flat before rebounding violently back.

“Aaaagghhh!” The superheroine yelps in anguish at this blow even as Shavers loses his grip on the vibrating length of lead pipe. It goes flying off into the dark but the damage is done. Supergirl is nearly out on her feet, her eyes watering in pain. She hangs in Daniel’s arms, her body slack, head down, gasping and whimpering now. The gray-haired man releases her with a smile of satisfaction and she flops to the tunnel floor on her stomach, laid out and completely helpless. Her torn skirt has flopped apart and her shapely rear end, clad in sweaty blue panties pokes through, an open invitation.

“…ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….” Supergirl’s long wavering groan of misery says it all.

The two men look down at her and Shavers declares haughtily, “Maid of Steel, my ass! You’re no better than cheap aluminum, cunt. And you’re getting a nice goodbye fucking, to remind you that you can be had at any time! General, sir, you want in on this?”

“No thank you, Captain. She’s all yours but make it quick. Our ride will be here in…” He checks his watch with a press of the illumination button…. “10 minutes. In and out, Arnie.”

“That’s the plan, sir. In and out over and over,” Shavers chuckles.

Can’t fight him…too weak…too hurt…need time…have to let him in me…!...

* * *

Corporal Frank Delancey is young and fit but the tunnel is over two miles long. He no longer hears the drone which has gone on ahead. The tunnel is cool but his pace is fast and he’s been running for three minutes so the sweat is beginning to bloom in circles on his shirt under his armpits.

He’s jogging with a combination of hope and fear about what is going to happen over the next ten minutes or so. Will he be the one to save Supergirl? Maybe it will just be a mop up detail with her having gained the upper hand, putting an end to the general’s unholy attack on her. He’s half-praying it’s the latter when he hears a high-pitched scream of someone in unbelievable pain. At that register it has to be Supergirl. He blanches white and then kicks his pace into high gear, tearing off down the gloomy tunnel as fast as he dares.

* * *

Supergirl fights to stay relaxed as possible even as her face is pushed into the dirt floor by Shavers’ hand on the top of her head. Any resistance will use precious energy that she simply doesn’t have to spare. She hadn’t been close to being at the strength she needed to be before coming down into this tunnel and taking on two men and she’s paid the price for it. Bullets, bricks and a lead pipe have taken her down to the level of a mere human, a very battered human at that.

Forced to remain motionless and completely accepting of everything that Shavers chooses to do in order to allow her body to regenerate its powers, Kara has once again endured the humiliation of having her panties pulled down around her thighs, her dress hiked up to her hips and a man’s rock-hard cock thrust up into her saliva-glazed pussy. Arnie Shavers’ hand pushes at her thigh, bending her leg slightly as he continues to pump away at her body, exulting in the friction of her cooze gripping his dick as he saws it in and out of her. It’s already been a couple of minutes and the man is savoring his conquest with absolute joy.

“Uunnhh, uunnhh, uunnhh, uunnhh, uunnhh,” The heroine’s soft grunting as she is raped yet again echoes through the tunnel. General Daniels watches from the side, marking time and sighing with a mix of satisfaction and concern at what has come to pass today and what his life will become as a consequence of all the decisions he’s made that led him to this dark place underground. After two minutes, he speaks up.

“Okay, Arnie, wrap it up. Time to move out and be done with all this.”

“…just …aaahhh…finishing up…here…sir…Almost gravy ti..AIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!”

The scream sounds like the wail of a banshee from the very depths of hell itself. It goes on forever before cutting off.

Supergirl has finally gained enough power back into her body to do exactly what she’d planned several minutes ago: crush this big bastard’s prick to jelly inside her. She’s still squeezing down ferociously on his fat limp dick but there’s no need. Shavers is out cold, lying on top of her like a dead weight. Finally, Supergirl relaxes her vaginal muscles and pulls away from under the large figure, rising to see General Daniels holding the lead pipe in his hands, ready to do battle with this bitch who refuses to die.
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Love the update, hope you keep going on with this story. Like the darker heroine loses stories!! I like a lot of your work Drdominator9!!! I like a guy name Artdude dark Heroine art, especially this giant bat who bites off Supergirl's head after she had been constantly hi by a green K laser. Always hoped someone would write a story to these pics or a continuation with Powergirl being added to list of demise. Thanks and keep up the good work!
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When it comes to peering into military matters it is hard to know what any one man is giving in terms of respect to another man's rank or the man himself. This is only so elastic though, push subordinates too far and you may find their loyalty to their superior's rank is erased by their disrespect for the man that wears it. Is Falak approaching that limit perhaps? Either way SG is in a whole heap of trouble, her friend being there as blackmail fodder for her enemies to make use of. A clever trap, DrD!
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This story is so good Dr. I love how Kara finally did what I was hoping she would do the whole time she was being raped before. Perfect ending to his manhood. Though, I hope she can fight off the general in her state. It should be a great battle with lots of action, just how I like it. :)
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A short chapter that's completely readable, no sexual abuse. Sorry for the length. Will try to do better next post.

Chapter 20

“I made a big mistake with you, girlie. I should have turned that gun on you right after I fucked your cherry ass and been done with you permanently.”

“You’ll have about 20 or 30 years to contemplate that error while rotting in a jail cell, General.”

“Woah! You still believe you’re getting out of this in one piece, bitch? You haven’t gotten it through that thick skull yet that I’m always a step or two ahead of you. I knew it wasn’t the Xanax! You’re simply a moron.”

Hoping to goad the young heroine into a foolish rush attack at him, Daniels is dismayed that she doesn’t follow his plan. Instead, she holds her ground and beckons him forward with a wave of her fingertips, the two of them edging around in a circle, searching for openings. Daniels knows time is not on his side any longer. The blonde cunt’s powers will be coming back more and more the longer he waits. What’s more, his ride will be arriving on the outside of the tunnel’s exit hatch any minute now. It is Daniels who must press the attack.

He swings the lead pipe hard at Supergirl’s head, his arm creating a long horizontal arc right to left. She feels the swish of the pipe’s end barely miss her face as she ducks under it. She’s pleased at her returning reflexes until he steps in toward her. His other hand, hidden behind his leg suddenly comes up out of nowhere holding a brick that connects viciously with her jaw. Supergirl’s head snaps back, her eyes go dull and her body flies backward several feet until she lands on her back, stunned.

Daniels rushes forward to finish the job. The splayed heroine looks up in horror as he raises the brick over his head and brings it down viscously between her legs, looking to crush her womanhood to pulp. The dusty rectangular weapon never gets there. It smacks loud and hard into Supergirl’s palm. Not only has she been able to block the deadly blow but she’s pushing back against it. The shot to her jaw clearly stunned her but it’s also clear that her powers are returning at a faster rate than the damage being handed out.

Still holding the length of pipe, the desperate general chokes up on it and swings it at Supergirl’s head as a way to get her to release the brick from her tight grasp. She captures the pipe in her other hand, freezing that in place as well, creating a Mexican standoff at the moment. Both combatants are pushing and pulling on the weapons, trying to wrest them away from each other with neither having enough strength to succeed.

Out of the darkness, preceded by a soft motorized hum, one of the drones from the earlier military exercise darts into the light. Supergirl is badly unnerved at this, her earlier traumatic experience springing to her mind with a chilling wave of hesitancy and fear. From his perspective, General Daniels is no less distraught since he knows that Falak is undoubtedly working the remote.

The chances of Mezwani still being in the dark about his intentions isn’t worth the time for Daniels to consider. He immediately releases both the brick and the pipe and ducks down, dashing toward Shavers. He’s desperate to find the gun, suspecting it might be tucked into his Captain’s belt, behind his back, put there just before he began raping the defenseless blonde. He knows the weapon is currently holding an empty clip but he has an answer for that.

* * *

Peering at the monitor, Falak finally sees the familiar blue and red costumed blonde beauty come into view. His drone camera shows the heroine on the ground, battling with General Daniels who’s crouched above her, the two of them fighting to gain control of what looks like a length of pipe and a brick.

“Oh man,” Mezwani declares, “if she’s still not strong enough to easily yank those items away from Daniels, she must have had a really bad time down there.”
Terry Sykes stands behind the dour-faced Lieutenant, her own expression deeply concerned, her eyes glued to the action on the screen before her.

“She certainly needs a boost from the UV light,” murmurs Falak who’s hand is moving the mouse and clicking on the command menu line for the laser to fire. “Let’s light her up!”

Just as the general ducks out of the picture, the drone receives the command and Supergirl’s upper torso is bathed in a bright white glow with a hint of purple to it. Her arm goes up, the forearm shielding her eyes from the glow suffusing her chest. She’s not sure what this beam is and she’s frozen with fear.

Then, suddenly, Kara feels a renewing surge of energy that brings a huge smile to her face. Falak had found a way to empower her! Rao bless his heart! She stands up in place, settles her shoulders and lets the beam flood her with light.

Knowing that Daniels is too cagey not to have a backup plan, she looks over to where the general has retreated. She sees the horrible man pulling a gun out from an unconscious Shaver’s belt. Supergirl focuses her eyes on the gun and is thrilled to see the weapon glow red in the general’s hand.

Back in the control room, Mezwani pumps his fist and gives a hoot of joy!

“Yes! It worked!”

Daniels curses, lets the searing weapon drop down onto Shavers’ lower back, scorching the shirt. The captain grunts loudly from the pain the hot gun generates, his body jerking in place. The general blows on his burned palm while Shavers groans as he comes back to consciousness at last. It’s not a pleasant experience for the captain. His dick feels like it’s on fire and so does his lower back.

“Stand up against the wall, General. And you, Shavers, sit up against it,” Supergirl commands, pointing at the pair. “You’re both under arrest for assault, rape, misuse of government property and a list of other crimes I can’t even be bothered to think of right now. I hear a man coming down the tunnel. He should be here in a minute or two. You both stay where you are while I soak up this lovely glow.”

Both men grimace, staring daggers at the heroine who watches them with a sigh of satisfaction as the drone hovers just to the side, washing her in an ultraviolet gleam that suffuses her with renewed strength.
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Things turning Kara's way at last! A very well - if somewhat viciously - described fight scene. Very exciting back-and-forth stuff.
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WOW, Nice updates.

For a moment it felt like its the end of supergirl. But alas our heroine as usual is back on her feet. But I wonder will she let these men live? or they have broken her enough to break her no killing rule?

and what about the pics they stored away before getting caught?

So many things still under the blanket of suspense, Cant wait for next update.
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A very big break.... Please Update soon .
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darkguy wrote:
5 years ago
A very big break.... Please Update soon .
DrD has been a busy bee on multiple fronts but I know SG is his fave character to work with. Let him get this week out the way and I am sure he will be back on to it. In the meantime, if you are need of a DrD fix, keep an eye on the regular stories section - he will be making a guest star appearance there soon - it should be Wonderful!
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:
5 years ago
DrD has been a busy bee on multiple fronts but I know SG is his fave character to work with. Let him get this week out the way and I am sure he will be back on to it. In the meantime, if you are need of a DrD fix, keep an eye on the regular stories section - he will be making a guest star appearance there soon - it should be Wonderful!
What he said. ^ Except I disavow that 'Wonder' pun entirely.
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Love this story, sg’s costume
Part time story writer. :thumbup:
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Finally back to writing this story. Should be posting a new chapter in a couple of days. I appreciate everybody's support and patience.

If you want to read what has stalled this story, you can follow this link to Amazos and read my chapter there, and hopefully it will interest you enough to read more of that series. It's really good writing, people!


You might have to scroll a bit to find my chapter. Oh, and the sex scene is the second one in. Enjoy.
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Another short chapter but I'm getting back in the swing of things again so it shouldn't be too long before the next chapter. This one is completely safe and readable - sex-wise.

Chapter 21

A confident Supergirl is standing before the two Army officers enjoying the steady glow of the drone’s ultraviolet light beam when Frank Delancey comes jogging out of the dim maw of the tunnel. Gun in hand, he smiles briefly at the welcome sight before him before confronting Daniels. Covering the two men, he turns the muzzle directly at his superior officer.

“You are a great disappointment to your men, General.”

“My mission is top secret, Delancey. I can’t discuss it.”

“Well then, I’ll be listening to your side of things with keen interest during your court martial, sir. Stand up, Shavers. We’re going up that ladder.”

Supergirl puts her palm on the corporal’s shoulder. “Not just yet, soldier. I need a couple of items in the general’s possession.”

Thankfully, the Captain remains seated, his groin still hurting as he fights a slight wave of nausea.

Delancey nods at Supergirl when suddenly there’s a fizzling spark from the drone. The white beam coming out of the drone disappears and the entire aerobot drops to the tunnel floor with a loud thump in the dirt, completely dead. Everyone is startled but Supergirl raises her palm, calming Frank beside her.

“It’s okay, I’m fine. I’ve got more than enough of my power restored.”

“Yeah, the bulb probably taxed out the jury-rigged power supply to it,” Delancey suggests. “Just stay where you are, you two,” he adds sternly as both men before him shift in place.

“Your phone, Daniels, and the flash drive. Give them to me.” Supergirl steps forward, her arm extended, palm up.

Resignedly, Daniels takes his phone out of his jacket pocket and hands it over to the Maid of Steel. She holds it up with a sad shake of her head and then drops it on the floor of the tunnel before smashing her boot onto it. It shatters to dust.

“Bitch!” Daniels growls.

“Nice try, Daniels. Now let me have the other phone, the one in the brown case that was really taking all the pictures.”

The general’s eye twitches and his phony displeasure turns real. He clenches his fist but Delancey cautions him frostily, “Let’s not do something stupid, General. Do what the lady says. Now stand up, Shavers.” The captain does so, gingerly, his crotch radiating pain.

Taking the second phone, Kyle’s brown-cased one from his other jacket pocket, General Daniels despondently puts that in Supergirl’s waiting palm, expecting her to smash that too under her boot. She clasps it close to her chest though and issues a demand.

“The passcode to unlock it, General. I need it to recover what was sent to the Cloud.”

“Maybe you’re not as dumb as you look, blondie.”

“Stop stalling, Daniels. This is over. Tell me the code to unlock this phone. NOW!”

The shout echoes through the tunnel and everybody winces but her.
After another moment, Daniels coldly declares, “Go to Hell, bitch.”

Supergirl steps forward and lifts up Daniels by his throat, glaring at him, her irises going a shade pink.

“…hehh…hell…” croaks the general, his face quickly reddening. “…4355…”

The general is dropped down to his feet with a thump as Supergirl backs up a step and keys in the code. He straightens his collar and gathers in air, angry at the world. She nods with a smug smile as the phone shows its normal home screen. Tapping away quickly at the device, Supergirl goes into the cloud account, sees a folder labelled “SG pension fund” and opens it to see all the horrific images of her captured within it. She deletes them from the cloud and then drops the phone to the floor and smashes that device as well.

“And now the flash drive. I gather it’s located in that lead eagle belt buckle of yours. Give it over.”

“I had you, cunt! You may destroy all the evidence but you won’t ever forget my dick was deep in your ass, Supergirl. And my cock was crammed down your throat. Those images won’t be so easily erased from your mind, I assure you!”

Yet again Supergirl steps forward, this time grabbing Simon Daniels by his lapels and jolting him harshly up against the tunnel wall. He grunts with the pain of that.

“The flash drive, general. Before I break a rib!”

“Takes a secret button,” he says, reaching awkwardly to his belt buckle to release one of the lead eagle’s wings. After a nervous jittery shake, he finally gets the wing to pop open and the item drops into his palm. He pulls up his hand to Supergirl’s expectant face. Between his thumb and forefinger he pinches a glowing green bullet!

“No!” She blanches, her face draining of color even as her hands release his lapels futilely. Daniels jams the bullet into Supergirl’s gaping mouth and clamps his hand over it and spins her body around as a shield before Frank Delancey can react. Her body goes limp, the poisonous shell devastating her. Daniels keeps one hand over her mouth as his other arm cradles her body just under her chest.

Can’t swallow! It’ll kill me!

“Hand your gun very carefully over to Captain Shavers, Frank. This kryptonite so close to Supergirl’s brain may fry her permanently, there’s no time to waste. And if she swallows it, my guess is that’s fatal.”

Hesitantly, Delancey reaches his gun hand out and Shavers snatches it quickly away then turns it on the corporal, smiling for the first time in 15 minutes.

“Point it at the girl in the cape, please, Arnie. She’s the important one. Hands clasped behind your head, Delancey. Nice and careful.”

After the corporal complies General Daniels whispers in Supergirl’s ear. “You can spit out that nasty green death mint, my dear. Can’t taste very good, can it?”

Supergirl, head drooping, her eyes half-lidded in painful confusion, opens her mouth and the bullet falls into the general’s hand. As does a slippery amount of drool.

“Good girl, you’re back to being an obedient helpless moron.”
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Oh damn! Things not going very well for poor Kara! What a turnaround. :(

As far as quality of writing goes, it's well described and dramatic. Harsh for my tastes - but that's no criticism. That's what the genre is, and you write it very ably.
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Another turnaround! I was kinda expecting Delancey ending up loyal to the general and to turn on her, but there is nothing wrong with the classics! I'm surprised she had to be told to spit out the bullet though, you'd think the first chance she got it would be out of there!

EDIT: typo
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twd32 wrote:
5 years ago
I'm surprised she had to be told to spit out the bullet though, you'd think the first chance she got it would be out of there!
Well, right up to that point, he'd had his hand clamped over her mouth. He gave the command as he pulled his hand away in my visualization of the moment.

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Dr. D is the bullet the vibrating kind or the 6 shooter kind? I am visualizing the former! LOL

Great job as usual!!!
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Well, it’s been over two and half months since my last posting so to anyone who still cares about this story, I thank you for your patience. I have no excuse to offer for this delay beyond pure slothfulness and lack of initiative. Oh, and my pet rabbit died. No, that’s not true. I never had a pet rabbit. That was merely a brazen grab for sympathy. I’m shameless. Anyway, that said, here’s another chapter of my Supergirl story. Hope you folks enjoy it.

Note** After posting this chapter I had a serious hole in my plot pointed out to me by Clyde123 so I have edited the story to fix that issue. That edit is in a brighter blue color for those who don't want to reread the whole chapter. Sorry for the confusion... and many thanks Clyde!

It’s happened to her yet again! Once more during this seemingly endless night of humiliating defeat, Supergirl has been reduced to a limply sagging confused dupe in the hands of General Daniels. She groans pitifully in his powerful grasp, depleted to her core!

…the bastard…did…have…kryptonite…after all…

The general’s right arm clamps around her waist, his palm cupping the kryptonite bullet against her belly. The glowing green shell churns a deep nausea through her and the blonde heroine retches weakly. Daniels’ left hand pulls at a clump of her hair, holding her stricken face up to the light of the dim yellow bulb. From six feet away, Captain Shavers savors Supergirl’s drawn expression, her dulled eyes, her trembling limbs, her pathetic posture. His general has deviously outmaneuvered this shapely costumed babe yet again, humbling her to a position of defenseless misery.

With her powers drained away by radiation, the blonde icon can do nothing but slouch feebly against Daniel’s body and moan softly while his aide holds a gun on her that is now all too capable of putting a hole in her heart. She eyes the weapon nervously as sweat from her painful ordeal blossoms on her forehead and beneath her breasts, darkening the fabric there.

“Oh, poor baby, has it been a hard night for you?” Daniels coos, feeling the dampness from her costume top moisten the edge of his hand

The warm oppressive taunt blowing in her ear fills the blonde beauty with sick remorse but she can do nothing about it. The radiation lancing into her body is as cruel as the spoken words. It drains every ounce of strength, every fibrously tense resolve from her muscles. Pulled against his firm physique, Kara is repulsed to feel the man’s hard-on wedged between her butt cheeks. There’s even more disgusting warmth there. Her useless squirming does nothing but slightly engorge the offending bulge brushing against her skirt.

“We’re at the finish line here, Supergirl. I’ve gotten my long-sought revenge for my son and now I’m going to quietly slip away while you waste away in the knowledge that I dominated you in every way imaginable. You lost everything, cunt: your virtue, your reputation and your self-esteem. I made you pay the final bill for all your hubris. Now, see if you can live with all that humiliation rotting you from the inside…heroine!”

Daniels yanks Supergirl’s body tightly to his own and grinds himself against her to vehemently impress his point on her. Her neck arches as the weight of her head drops back against her captor’s shoulder and the famous beauty merely whimpers as she’s held in place.

“…n..n..nohhh more...please stop…please….”

Shavers notices Frank Delancey’s hands form into angry fists during her plaintive plea for mercy. He quickly swivels the gun at the defiant corporal.

“Easy there, pal,” Arnie warns, his eyes cold. “Dying while trying to act like some hero when we’re so close to the end would be plain stupid.”

“You can’t expect to get away with this, general?” Delancey stares at the general with complete disdain.

“I already have, Frank. Everything went pretty much according to the plans I laid out. I exacted every last bit of revenge I wanted.”

“Not all of it,” Delancey snaps back. “Without pictures Supergirl’s reputation…”

“Not all of it,” Delancey snaps back. “Without pictures Supergirl’s reputation…”

“You’re forgetting, sport," Daniels interrupts. "I still have the flash drive right here in the other side of my eagle belt buckle.”

Delancey’s face goes pale. Daniels was right, he’d forgotten about all the disgraceful pictures caught of her earlier.

“As soon as I get away from here,” Daniels crows, “I’ll be spreading pictures of Supergirl willingly sucking dick and taking it up the ass all over the Internet! All of her shameful acts will be shown as gifs from now ‘til the end of time. Little Miss Perfect’s skanky talents will have more views than all of the cute YouTube cat videos combined. Make no mistake, soldier, this pathetic bitch will take years to live down this defeat, in the public’s mind and in her own.”

Supergirl’s arms dangle weakly at her sides, sick at the truth she hears coming out of her captor.

“Hell,” Daniels suggests, “she may even win some sort of porn award before this is all…”

A sudden loud squeaking overhead from a rarely used steel valve being opened interrupts the general’s comment. And then a flashlight beam shines down, illuminating the steel ladder leading up to the escape hatch.

“Dad? You down there?”

“Yes, Matt, I’m here. I’ll be right up. I just have a couple of loose ends to tie up down here.”

“You need help?”

“No, I’m good. Another five minutes. Stay up there and keep the motor running,” Daniels calls, trying to look up at his son’s face. It’s obscured by the glare of the flashlight shining down in his eyes.

Capitalizing on her chance, Supergirl summons what little strength she has and stomps her heel down on Daniels’ instep even as her hand comes up and grabs his hand holding the kryptonite bullet. Despite the pain and weakness, she twists at his thumb with everything she’s got. The gray-haired man yelps in pain and the bullet drops out of the general’s hand onto the tunnel floor. The Maid of Steel kicks at the place she thinks it’s dropped, hoping to send it off in the distance. She can’t tell if she’s successful. She still feels so weak.

Alarmed at this turn of events, Shavers swings his gun back toward Supergirl with every intention of shooting her in the head but his commanding officer is in the way as the two of them grapple desperately for a physical advantage. From his left, Frank Delancey bull-rushes Shavers, knocking into his gun arm with one flailing hand as his shoulder slams into Shaver’s chest. Both men lose their balance and fall to the floor of the tunnel, with the corporal looming over the large captain and grabbing the wrist of the gun hand. He smashes it against the hard dirt floor which draws a pained outcry from Shavers who manages to hold on to the weapon, its muzzle pointing at Supergirl’s thigh.

Another yank and a smashing blow against the floor numbs Shaver’s hand, jars the weapon and jolts the trigger finger too. The gun fires, the noise sounding like a cannon inside the tunnel. The bullet whizzes just to the right of Supergirl’s arm, burying in the wall and sending sharp little brick chips rocketing into the back of both her scalp and the general’s.

“Aargh!” Daniels yelps.

“Oww!” Supergirl echoes in pain.

The two of them disengage, feeling the wetness in their hands as they reel off in opposite directions, the blood showing dark on their fingertips in the poor light. Unused to such pain, the staggered and tired heroine is too slow to recover. Daniels plants a hard fist into her gut and doubles her over. A second one from out of the gloom follows with brutal intensity and Kara gasps out a blast of air, falling to her knees as she does. Yet another fist rockets down toward her head but Supergirl manages to raise her forearm and block this knockout blow. She jabs out her other arm and lands a glancing shot to Daniel’s groin. This yanks a grunt from him and be stumbles back several steps, his eyes narrowed in hate at this insolent bitch kneeling before him with her own fury reflected there. Thankfully she’s still too powerless for those irises to be glowing red.

A third smashing blow of Shaver’s gun hand against the dirt floor finally knocks the gun out of the big man’s grip, the gun bouncing away in the shadows. Delancey pounds his fist into his burly captain’s ribs and feels a hard jolt in his own given in return. The grunting and growling of the combatants resonate in the air, animal-like, as they fight for any advantage now, flailing and punching like madmen. Delancey’s teeth are bared even as Shaver’s palm squeezes his throat with steel vice power. The big man’s back arches in an effort to buck the younger corporal off him but Delancey’s fist is grabbing the uniform shirt to keep from being thrown off.

The sound of the gunshot has drawn Matt Daniel’s face back into the dark circle overhead along with a flashlight beam that cuts back and forth across the ladder’s base, flashing desperately into the dim tunnel searching for any visual clues. Matt shouts “Dad! What’s happening? Are you alright?” The alarm in his voice gives it a raw tremor. “I’m coming down!”

“No! Stay up there,” Daniels orders. “I don’t want you hurt. I can take care of this!”

There’s no reply from his son. Just the worried face barely visible behind the glow of the piercing beam.

Suddenly there is an unexpected slashing movement in the dark. Then a piercing almost inhuman wail of agony echoes off the walls.

“Dammit, dad! I’m coming down.”

“Stay up there, Matt! Don’t worry, that wasn’t me. I’m fine.”

Clearly someone else isn’t fine. Someone is suddenly dying.
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Can't wait for next update
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

FYI, for those who dislike them, there are no more abusive sex scenes left in this story, just some heavy fight action and such. Enjoy this next to last chapter of “Supergirl and the Military Exercise”

Twenty feet down the tunnel from where Supergirl trembles tiredly with one arm outstretched propping herself up against a wall, Corporal Frank Delancey groans loudly on the ground. He clutches his side as blood seeps through his fingers. His brow is wet with sweat, his face strained.

Standing over him in a wary half-crouch, Arnie Shavers tightly grips the short knife he’d taken from his boot holster. The wide-eyed captain is ready to strike again, his hand on the knife quivering in readiness.

“…don’t…kill him….” The blonde heroine calls out in a weak rasp. She hasn’t regained all her wind yet from the two punches to her gut.

“Stand down, Captain,” Daniels adds. “We’re not here to kill people.”

“We weren’t here for that originally, sir,” replies Shavers angrily, “but things have gotten out of hand.”

“Nothing we can’t handle, Arnie,” the general declares, trying to calm down his frantic aide. “Our escape plan is still in place. We just have to go up the ladder and proceed as planned.”

“You think that bitch won’t try to stop us?” Shavers waves the knife at the grimacing blonde standing near the ladder.

“Her?” Daniels waves his hand at her dismissively and then takes a step toward Shavers with his arm out, beckoning for the knife. Supergirl straightens up slightly, relieved at the break in the fighting despite the insult from the general showing his back to her. She takes another deep breath, pleased to at least get a chance to regain her wind and strength while the general is trying to disarm his subordinate.

That is why she’s utterly taken by surprise when Daniels swiftly pivots in place and mule kicks her in the gut with his right boot. The Maid of Steel’s body is slammed hard against the ladder, her head hitting the steel with a loud clang that echoes throughout the chamber. She collapses face down onto the floor with her arms thrown wide apart, laying there stunned, completely inert. Her skirt only half covers her pert rounded butt. A tiny cloud of wispy brown dust plumes at her lips, stirred up by her gasping mouth.

Daniels looks down at the prone heroine with total disdain, “She’s no threat to us. She never has been!”

There is a noise overhead and a pair of legs is suddenly climbing down the steel ladder. The figure is nearly at the bottom when Daniels realizes the suit slacks are those of his son. He frowns at this but the deed is done and his son turns after climbing off the last rung.

The 28-year old with curly brown hair and surprisingly calm eyes takes in the scene before him. An enlisted officer with a knife stands over a pale-faced soldier clutching his side in obvious pain. His own father looms menacingly over the figure of a clearly beaten Supergirl lying on the tunnel floor with her costume in embarrassing disarray. Off in the distance a shattered drone lies in the dirt.

“What the hell have you done, Dad?”

“Only what I had to do to get some justice in this world…for you, Matt.”

“We talked about this before, Dad. You know I don’t feel about her the way you do. I don’t blame Supergirl for any of it! I let that all go years ago. You’re the only one here consumed with hate and revenge.”

“I’ve taken up your honor when you were too weak to bear it.”

“From what I see here, Dad, you don’t have much honor of your own left.”

General Daniels lashes out with a harsh backhand slap to his son’s face, the cheek red in the dim light as the side of his face glows with the indignity.

“I will have your RESPECT!” Daniels’ shout echoes around the walls.

“That’s something you have to earn, sir,” Matthew Daniels says softly, turning his head back and staring steadily into his father’s eyes now.

“We can discuss this later, boy,” Daniels declares, suddenly hurried. “Lieutenant Mezwani is going to figure out where we are before much longer. We have to climb up and drive out of here now! Head up that ladder and Captain Shavers and I will follow right behind you.”

Shavers motions at the prone heroine. “What about Supergirl?”

“She’s out of it: way beyond stopping us now. Besides, with what’s on my flash drive, she’s finished!” Daniels sneers at the disheveled blonde stirring in the dirt.

“What did you do to her?” Matthew Daniels takes a knee beside the softly groaning woman, pulling down the skirt so it fully covers her exposed silky blue panties.

“I put her down just like she deserved. We can talk all about it later. Climb up the ladder, son.”

“No, sir. I want to check to see if she’s badly hurt,” Matt Daniels declares, rolling the dazed beauty onto her back. He nods off toward the silent soldier lying on the ground near where his father’s aide stands. “And that man over there seems in bad shape, too.”

“They’ll both live,” Daniels says, angrily grabbing his son by his arm and hoisting him to a standing position and forcing him over to the ladder. “Climb, Matt,” he orders.

Yanking his arm out of his father’s grip, the younger man spins in place and glares at his elder with a mix of anger and pity. “I’m not under your command, general. I’m not obliged to follow your orders. You want to leave, go up with your pal there. I’m going to attend to these two.”

Fed up completely, Shavers starts forward suddenly, his arm out, ready to jab at Matt Daniels with the gleaming knife blade. The sudden obstruction of a kicked foot from the prone Delancey sends the surprised captain stumbling forward. Even as he trots headlong toward the trio in front of him, he is trying desperately to regain his balance, to avoid falling. He’s covered almost three yards in his flailing sprawl, the knife out, the shiny blade flashing in the dim yellow glow. His balance is completely gone however and he falls forward, one hand out with his palm wide trying to break his fall, the other with the knife plunging directly downward toward Supergirl’s face.

The bleary blonde heroine sees the steel blade coming right at her, a mere two feet away, arcing like a silver rainbow that will end in her right eye. She jabs her forearm out in a panicked blocking move and wrist meets wrist with a sickening snap. It isn’t the Maid of Steel’s wrist that breaks. That sound is followed by a second loud crackle as Captain Shavers’ fingers break as all his weight shifts over to that hand.

“Aaiieeeyeeeee!” Supergirl screeches in pain, the knife with all its momentum has buried itself to the hilt in her shoulder after Shaver’s spastic grip had released it. She may be slowly recovering her strength but she’s not strong enough to withstand knife points with all that pressure applied to such a small area.

“Yeeeowwww!” The follow-up shout from Shavers as he tumbles across Supergirl’s upper body joins hers in a chorus of agony. With her good arm, Supergirl shoves the sprawled Captain off her, using his momentum to roll him away and onto his back on the tunnel floor. Immediately his arms cross against his chest and shake there as the pain stretches his face into an agonized grimace. Just two seconds later the wide eyes go blank and roll up under his lids as he faints from the pain.

The shock at this turn of events had immobilized both the general and his son, both of them staring at the tableau before them. As usual, the general shakes off the horror of violence first and grabs his son by the lapel of his suit jacket, yanking him to the side. Matt drops awkwardly to one knee beside Supergirl, whose upper torso is raised on one elbow as she grips the hilt of the knife in her shoulder. Her eyes gleam with her own pain, her head wobbling weakly as she considers the prudence of yanking out the blade. Both of the young people on the ground are too overwhelmed to try to stop the general from ascending the ladder as he makes his getaway.

“Wait,” cautions Matthew Daniels as he sees Supergirl squint her eyes with determination and shift her grip slightly on the knife handle in preparation to pull it out of her shoulder wound. He whips out a clean handkerchief from his breast pocket and whispers “now” at the blonde heroine, readying the smooth white cloth to cover the wound. She pulls at the knife with a gasp and Matt quickly covers the wound, pressing it down to staunch the flow of blood.

“Press harder and hold it tight,” groans Kara, her eyes tearing from the pain and exhaustion.

So much has gone wrong tonight. So much.

One of the things that has gone right is the readiness of Lieutenant Mezwani to take the action required of him this evening. The moment that General Simon Daniels pokes his silver-haired head out of the escape hatch he is surrounded by a circle of rifle bores and handguns.

“Don’t twitch, General,” Mezwani declares, standing near the tunnel’s exit, unarmed yet totally in command. “You have a lot of angry soldiers here who think you’re a disgrace to the uniform.”

“How did you know where I’d be, Falak?”

“Well, Simon, as it happens, I got a call from your son who was concerned about your request to meet him here at a given time with a car handy, motor running.”

“The little ingrate!”

“Yeah, well, what can you do? Kids, eh?” Mezwani smirks at his scowling superior. “Now come on out of there -- slowly and raise your hands. You’re under arrest, General. You’re going to need a top-notch military lawyer.” The lieutenant looks at the glowing face of his watch. “I’m not sure who’ll take your call at 3 a.m. though.”

The emotional concluding chapter of Supergirl and the Military Exercise will follow soon. Thank you all for your continued support of my work.
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Elder Member
Elder Member
Posts: 443
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No more "abusive sex scenes"? WTH, you are getting soft! :laugh:

Your portrayal of Supergirl as a badass is very good. Pulling the knife out after all the abuse she has undertaken is not what one would expect. Especially from an invulnerable girl without real combat training.

I look forward to the final chapter to another triumphant story. (and hope for an epilogue)
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