Hot Wings: Cold Cash

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The air was getting cold as October turned into November chilling her as she sped along the streets. Carefully, she took a hand off her bike grip and went for the zipper of her leather jacket. With a quick tug, Black Canary zipped her coat shut and went back to concentrating on riding.

She was a bombshell in every sense of the word. If Canary hadn’t been riding her motorcycle one would have been able to see she had a well built athletic body. A dark leather jacket was worn over a black sleeveless leotard with a high neck. Since she was riding Canary also had on some black gloves. Black Canary’s most memorable feature however were her fishnet tights encased legs. Her tights looked even better since Canary wore those fishnets over a pair of sheer pantyhose. More than once had the heroine caught men both good and bad (and some ladies) staring at her legs. It often bought her a few seconds to deliver a stunning blow. Finally some black boots completed the outfit.

At the moment Canary was traveling along the Gotham River near the narrows. Always a source of trouble she made sure to start her patrol close to the area. She wouldn’t be going into the narrows tonight; Batgirl had that part of the city covered. A quick check of the police scanner revealed nothing much was happening. So she turned left at the next light heading downtown.

As she drove, Black Canary switched from the police band to the one that covered silent alarms. Unlike the Girl of Steel or Powergirl, Canary needed some technological assistance to listen in on those frequencies (which was pretty easy when one had a Bat-modified cycle). Nothing was on the alarm band. Well guess this will be a slow night, the heroine thought. Just as she was about to switch it off, an alarm sounded. Canary quickly pushed a button on her cycle. It showed the source of the alarm to be an office building on 31st and Main St. Suddenly the alarm stopped.

False Alarm? She thought. It could be nothing, an accident, someone sorted the power grid. The alarm could be a number of things. Well it can’t hurt to make sure, I mean if everything is okay I just drive on, the heroine decided. Gunning the engine she headed towards the building.


They had planned out the mission in detail. Claire had got the building information, Sally the security pass, and Molly brought the equipment as always. Lisa was in charge with Ellen backing her up double checking everything. Sally and Sarah would back them up ready to fight. The girls were standing on top of the Clarke Building across from their objective.

“Okay M, take the shot.” Lisa said. They never used their own names while out. Molly kneeled at the edge of the building. She looked fabulous in her uniform the same one they all wore. A black leotard with matching tights showed off Molly’s curves. Armed with the grappling gun, she took careful aim. Her eyes squinted through her black eye-mask. Once on target, Molly fired.

The grapple lanced through the air and across the open space between the two buildings landing securely in the roof of their target. Quickly Molly rigged up a zipline and they were ready. Each of the girls took their slider and hooked it on the line. One by one they slid over to the roof. Landing gracefully, each woman quickly checked to make sure the area was clear.

Sally ran over to the maintenance door located in the north corner of the roof. With a swipe of the security card they had access to the building. Waving them forwards, the girls headed downstairs.


Black Canary parked her motorcycle in an alley and activated the security system. Turning the motor off, she then pulled off her helmet. This revealed her red lips, blue eyes, and blonde wig. If someone close to her had to look they would recognize Dinah Lance. A while ago she had been a simple florist but now Dinah spent much of her time fighting crime.

Looking around she didn’t immediately see any signs of criminal activity. She was about to leave when Dinah glanced up. Black Canary saw a thin rope line between the buildings and on one of the very top floors was some light sources moving around. Bingo.


Lisa was a little concerned. Molly had been cracking the safe a few minutes earlier but during the process had briefly set off the silent alarm. Although they had quickly silenced it the blonde was worried that it might have alerted someone.
“How much longer M?” Lisa asked.
Molly was busy using the electronic cracker, “five more minutes boss.”
Sally, Ellen, Claire, and Sarah were standing guard. Lisa checked her watch one more time and was getting worried.

Claire had gotten their information straight from one of the designers in the building. They needed to grab it fast before something went wrong.

“If I remember correctly Halloween was a few weeks ago.” Lisa turned and saw who was on the floor with them. It was the one and only Black Canary. She looked powerful and confident standing in front of them. Luckily, she didn’t have tell the girls what to do.

Sarah and Sally went into the attack. Both girls jumped forward and tried to attack Black Canary with follow up kicks. The girls were outclassed, Dinah had been trained by some of the best martial arts instructions and she easily dodged both girls’ strikes and then counter-attacked. Ducking under the first girl’s strike she grabbed her tights encased leg and pushed her off balance. Sarah went falling right onto her lovely spandex covered behind. Dinah then leaned back to avoid Sally’s strike. Canary countered with a sweep of her leg that swept the black clad brunette off her feet.

Ellen had waited for Sally and Sarah to strike and used the distraction to get around to Canary’s rear. While the heroine’s back was turned Ellen reached out and seized the blonde’s neck. Applying a viscous sleeperhold, Ellen hoped to wear Canary down and knock her out. Dinah grunted as the black leotard covered arms wrapped around her neck and squeezed. She grabbed her opponent’s arms and tried to yank them off without success.

“C, S and SH!” Ellen cried as she tried to hold the struggling Black Canary. Claire attacked while Sarah and Sally got up and aided by deliver a joint stomach blow to Canary while Claire slammed her fist across Canary’s face.
“Ouf!” Dinah grunted as the blows hit home. The assault and sleeper had taken their toll. She needed to get this attacker off her otherwise she’d go out. Dinah waited for the two girls to her front to close. They came forward to give another punch to the gut, and Dinah threw her body forwards.

The moment in her move and the suddenness of it, caused Ellen to get pulled off her feet and over Canary’s back. This caused her to land right on Claire, Sarah, and Sally. All three girls were stunned by the move and unable to get up, resulting in a small pile of leotard and tights clad bodies.

Lisa saw her girls needed some help. Molly was still trying to crack the safe so it was up to her. The blonde leader rushed forwards and went on the attack. Black Canary just managed to block the new girl’s opening assault. Using her arms, Dinah blocked the blows coming from Lisa.
“You’re pretty good.” Canary told the girl as she blocked a neck strike and tried to deliver a left hook.

Lisa deflected the blow and managed to get a knee in. Dinah took it in the gut and doubled over. The black clad thief then clenched her fists and slammed them down on Black Canary’s back. Dinah went down and tried to catch her breath. By this time, Ellen, Sally, Sarah and Claire were back on their feet. They encircled the heroine on the ground. Lisa was confident, this cape wasn’t so tough.

Canary seeing she was outnumbered decided to pull out her ace in the whole. Taking a breath she then turned to the nearest girl and screamed. Dinah had practiced this ability since she was a girl. Her vocal cords were capable of delivering a powerful and debilitating blast of sound. The noise from her Canary Cry could disorient a person or knock them out. Dinah decided to go for the former.

Her cry erupted in a series of sonic waves. Claire was the first to feel its affects and the girl clutched her ears and staggered away. Going in a 360 motion, Black Canary swept across the black leotard clad girls around her. The cry caused them all to stagger away or fall to the ground. Dinah got off the ground and went on the attack. With a series of kicks and punches she laid out each of the girls. Ellen tried to attack Canary, lunging forwards trying to tackle the heroine.

Dinah smiled and spun on her left foot. Her right leg went in a sweeping kick and knocked Ellen right to the ground. She smiled all five of the girls were no longer a threat. Black Canary placed her hands on her hips, “Time to get you girls ready for the police….AHHH!”

Molly knew she had to act with all the girls down on the ground. She pulled the tazer out of her backpack and got Canary while she was distracted. Since the heroine’s jacket covered her arms and back, Molly shoved the device right into Black Canary’s signature fishnet tights. Dinah cried out and arched her back as electricity shrugged through her system.
“What…what the…hell?” Canary said to no one in particular. She sank forwards and landed on her knees. Molly was surprised that the heroine was still awake. The thief moved to deliver another debilitating shock when Canary tried to attack. Dinah turned at the waist and grabbed the black tights encased legs of her attacker. She then threw her weight forward and brought the girl down. Dinah landed on her attacker’s legs.

Dinah was still stunned from the tazer. Her move to knock the thief off her feet had drained what little energy she had. Molly tried to push Canary off her, but the heroine refused to let go of her legs. Dinah grabbed the girl’s tights and pulled putting a run in the thief’s hosiery but didn’t let go. Molly kicked Canary away and managed to move away at the cost of ripping the end of the feet of her tights.

“You are…not…getting away that easily.” Dinah said. She started to get up herself when a phone connected with the back of her head. The office device was heavy and blunt; it knocked Black Canary right out. Dinah fell forwards, her arms stretched out in front of her.
“Good hit boss.” Ellen said getting up. Lisa was standing over the heroine. She was still a little woozy from the Canary Cry but had managed to get to her feet.
“Bitch she ripped my tights!” Molly complained. She delivered a quick kick to the heroine. It caused Black Canary to roll onto her side. Arms draped across each other, supporting her head.
“That’s the least of our worries. Did you get the goods?” Lisa asked Molly. The black haired techno wizard nodded, “In the bag boss.”

“What do we do with her?” Ellen said pointing at the KO’d superheroine. Lisa smiled, “Let’s leave her in a bind.”


Canary wasn’t the only heroine out that night. Returning from the narrows viva her own motorcycle was Batgirl. Her costume blended in with the night. A black unitard covered her from neck to the yellow boots that were a dirty from her recent action in the slums. Yellow was also the color of her gloves and the utility belt that was Batgirl’s main tool in fighting crime. Her cape was fluttering in the wind along with the red hair that poked out from under the distinctive bat-cowl that hid the crime-fighter’s identity.

Little did anyone know that the famous Batgirl’s secret identity was none other than Barbara Gordon college student and daughter to Police Commissioner Jim Gordon. Babs (as Kara loving called her) was heading home. She had spent most of the night dealing with a drug bust. Tracking down the site of the deal and then breaking it up. Her shoulder was still a little sore thanks to a hit from one thug’s crowbar.

A nice long bath and then see if Kara is still on AIM, Barbara thought as she turned towards her apartment. As she came up to the center of the city her bike beeped. Babs checked her bike. The small LCD screen built into her ride showed an IFF nearby, Black Canary’s. Batgirl slowed as she came near the bike. Pulling up to the alley, the red headed superheroine could see no one was home. Hmm might as well make sure Canary doesn’t need any help, Babs thought. Activating her comm system, “Black Canary, this is Batgirl how are things going.”

No response. She tried again, and again there was nothing. Now Batgirl was slightly worried. Consulting with her bike’s computer again she searched for Black Canary’s located beacon. Each communication set had one. It marked Dinah’s position inside the building across the street.

Batgirl hopped off her bike and reached for her belt. Pulling out her grapple gun she fired off the grappler and hooked onto the building. With a whirl of a powerful motor, she went skyward. After going through an unlocked window and traveling two floors down, she reached the area Black Canary was.

Searching the floor, she saw it was a typical office layout and saw no sign of Canary till, “HMMPH!” Batgirl turned her head and tried to locate the source of the sound. Another cry went out; Babs recognized it someone trying to speak through a gag. Running towards the noise she found the Canary.

Black Canary was tied lying on her back. Her leather coat and boots had been removed and tossed a few feet away. Phone cord had been used to tie her hands together behind her back, pin her arms to her chest, thighs together and her ankles. Duct tape covered her lips.
“Dinah what happened?” Babs asked as she bent down to remove Canary’s gag.
Ripping the tape off Batgirl watched as Dinah coughed and took in a few breaths of air, “Ugh! I got my butt kicked.” Black Canary complained. She sat up and Batgirl began to cut the blonde’s bonds with a knife. With a few quick cuts, Barbara freed Canary.

Rubbing her writs, then her ankles Canary went on to explain what had happened. After a few minutes Dinah had given Batgirl all the info and was putting her boots back on. As she slipped her fishnet covered foot into the boot Dinah looked at Batgirl, “Worse part I don’t have a single clue on who they are.”
“Its okay Dinah you were outnumbered 5 to 1. Anyway I’m sure they will…” Babs stopped in mid sentence looking down.
“What?” Black Canary said standing up and throwing on her jacket. Babs smiled.
“Looks like we have a clue after all Black Canary” She picked up something off the ground. Dinah could see it was a piece of nylon fabric, specifically a piece of a pair of tights.


“Well that was fun.” Sally said as the girls reached their apartment. After tying up Black Canary the girls made their escape and headed to the hideout. All of the girls were changing from their black leotards and tights.
Her sister Molly wasn’t as glib, “I thought we were lucky. How did she find us?”
Lisa their boss was standing in her underwear another outfit in her hands. She faced the two girls, “We were lucky Molly next time we need to be more careful.”

Ellen was pulling on her shinny pantyhose and added her two cents, “Maybe its time to move on. We’ve been pretty successful thus far.”
“Are you crazy, the cover we have has been prefect. How many good scores have we gotten from this set up?” Claire asked. The red head was primarily responsible for most of the intelligence they got.
“I’d have to agree, with the profits we’ve been making, it be stupid to stop.” Sarah responded, she had her white tank top with its orange lettering over her chest and pantyhose and was holding her orange short-shorts.
Lisa who had taken the time to finish changing took a seat and put on her white socks and sneakers now fully in her uniform, “Okay” she replied, “We will stay but keep an eye out for the heroes from now on. Let’s get moving girls, we’re running late.”

Standing up the short haired blonde looked incredible in her Boomer’s uniform. The white tank top hugged her chest, orange shorts barely worth the name showed off her long pantyhose encased legs, and she had the restaurant’s name written across her chest. They had done variations of this idea in several cities. By day they were simple decent girls working as waitresses, but come nightfall they were thieves stealing anything of value. Tonight they had robbed Clarke Tellcom of its new laser communication system plans. Any telecommunication company would pay a hefty price to get their hands on the plans, or even more to get them back.

Lisa smiled and thought, its good to be bad.

Just wanted to say thanks for Franco for letting me use his Boomer's resturant idea, Okona for helping out with the story idea, and SuperPics for the title. More to come later!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Very nice beginning, sg! =D> =D> =D> Black Canary and Batgirl are gonna have to put on their thinking caps to catch these beauties! Really looking forward to reading more of this one! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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“Okay this has to be the worst idea ever.” Dinah complained as they pulled up. Barbara chuckled, “No it’s a good idea, you just don’t agree with it.”
The brunette shook her head, “Yeah, well its still a bad idea.”

They had pulled up in front of a restaurant that was popular and it wasn’t cause of the food. Boomers, was an eating establishment that had long ago woven itself into popular culture. The waitresses wearing their small orange shorts, white tank tops, and hosiery had enchanted males and sometimes annoyed females. The two superheroines weren’t here to eat. As the two women got out of Barbara’s car, each looked great. Dinah had her brown hair tied in a ponytail and was wearing a tight black blouse with matching skirt and tan pantyhose. Babs was dressed similar only in white and her trademark red hair was now black. Their heels clicked on the parking lot as they went forwards. Opening the wooden door to the establishment, Babs went right pass the HELP WANTED sign. They were going in undercover, due to a clue Babs had found earlier.

Dinah was mad that she had allowed the thieves to get away. In fact she was so mad that the crimefighter almost went off on her own to track the girls down. Luckily Batgirl had been able to talk the woman down. Together they went to the Bat Cave to do some snooping. A search on the computer revealed six other possible robberies that matched the MO of the girls Canary had fought. All of the robberies had been for high priced goods or valuable information. Barbara speculated that the robbers were blackmailing as well as stealing, hoping to get companies to pay big money to keep their secrets safe. Whoever the girls were, they were professional and very organized.

The only physical clue available to Black Canary and Batgirl after the robbery had been the piece of hosiery Dinah had ripped off one of the assailants. Babs had the computer analyze the material. Turned out the tights were from a company that supplied almost all their hosiery products to the Boomer’s restaurant chain. A little more investigation and hacking showed that the only restaurant to have ordered the black tights in the area was the Boomers in Gotham. Crashing in on the place as Batgirl and Black Canary probably wouldn’t work out, so Babs decided to go for another idea going in undercover.

Working as a pair of waitresses, the superheroines could give the place a good look. Quietly investigating what a simple restaurant had to do with high scale robberies.


The manager of the Boomers hadn’t taken much convincing to hire Dinah and Babs. One look at their bodies, and legs, he had almost passed out. Since it wouldn’t do for the bad guys to learn the commissioner’s daughter was looking for them, the two girls were hired under false identities. Babs worked under the name Betty and Dinah under the name Jill.

“I hate this thing.” Dinah said to Barbara as they changed before their shift. Both girls were in the locker room they used to change. They had gotten out of their street clothes and were working on switching to their ‘uniforms’. Dinah adjusted the orange short-shorts and looked at her very tight tank-top. Babs smiled.
“Come on, we wear reveal attire in our alter-egos.” Barbara replied, in fact she liked how good she looked in the outfit especially her legs. Might have to hold on to this next time I’m at a costume party, Babs thought.
Dinah just shook her head. “Yeah but then I’m kicking but, not having CPAs staring at my ass.” Canary replied while putting her sneakers on.

The two undercover heroines had been working for about a week. So far they didn’t find anything to implicate the restaurant in the robberies. Babs had gone through the manger’s records, nothing. Dinah had also checked out his computer, other than visiting some sites he probably should be doing at home, he was clean. She had also gotten friendly with the kitchen staff, nothing there either. As far as they could tell the place was clean. It was getting closer to closing time and Barbara and Dinah were on break. The two girls had gone across the street to grab a drink from a coffee shop.

As they sipped their mochas’, Dinah and Barbara talked over what they found.
“Okay we’ve been here a week there is nothing here can we please quit!” Dinah pleaded, “It’s a dead end Babs, a good idea but…”

Babs wasn’t so sure, something had been bugging her, “I’m not so sure. There’s something I noticed while I was working yesterday. You know Claire the red headed one?” Canary shook her head, “Well I saw her talking to some of the boys from downtown.”
Dinah raised an eyebrow; the phrase was one the waitresses used for businessmen.
“So? She was probably flittering with the guy for a bigger tip.”
“Not this time, I sunk by and heard them talking…he was telling her about his company’s new wireless system, giving lots of details while she gave him a look at her legs.”

Now Dinah was curious, “Hmm think she’s working for our criminal gals?”
Babs nodded, “Yep how else did our robbers get their info? I also went back and checked some of the receipts from the past couple of months. All of the robberies we found out about had someone who ate here.”
“Okay sounds like we may have something.”

As the two heroines talked, another group of friends discussed things.

Lisa and her girls were working once again. Each one of them looked fabulous in their uniforms. Little did anyone know that the six girls who made men’s blood boil and served chicken wings with beer, were in fact accomplished cat-burglars. Ellen her second in command of their little group came over. Lisa and her were standing near the bar getting drinks for a table of frat boys from GSU, but they were also discussing business.

“We’ve got good intel on several items” Lisa told her partner, “Claire thinks we should start planning soon.” Ellen nodded but Lisa could tell something was bothering the brunette.
“What’s wrong?”
Ellen sighed, “It’s probably nothing but I’m not sure.” Lisa gave her a look urging her to go on. Ellen nodded and went on, “I was keeping an eye on Claire, that new girl Betty was keeping close to her.”
“So? Weren’t they working in the same section?” Lisa asked.
“They weren’t, Betty was taking long ways around to be near Claire. She was trying to get close.”

Lisa frowned. They broke up heading back to their respective tables but before long they found each other again, “You think we have competition?”
Ellen responded, “No. I think she might be a cop.”
A chill went down Lisa’s spine, “Any evidence?”
“You know how she’s always hanging out with that girl Jill?” Lisa nodded, “Well I saw Jill in the manger’s office, and she was checking his computer.”
Lisa swore, “Think we need to take care of them?”
“Might have too just in case.” Ellen said.

As the night went on, Lisa and Ellen kept a close eye on Jill and Betty. Both of the other waitresses were keeping tabs on Claire. Nothing too obvious, but they were keeping their intelligence gatherer in sight. The two leaders talked with the sisters on their team, Molly and Sally. As they came to pick up an order they told the two twins to keep an eye on the new girls. To make some final plans, Lisa and Ellen took a bathroom break at the same time.

“So what do we do?” Ellen asked.
Lisa had decided, she explained her plan to Ellen who agreed with it and went to tell the others. Now all Lisa had to do was to get a favor from their boss.


Dinah and Babs were cleaning off tables. The restaurant had closed about and hour earlier. They had kept track of Claire through the evening but they hadn’t seen her hit anyone up for information. Now as they finished cleaning up the restaurant, the two girls decided on their next move.
“Okay once we finish up here we will head back to the barn and check if Claire has any criminal records.” Barbara said.
Dinah nodded and then quickly coughed a sign for them to stop talking superheroine stuff.

Lisa, the tall blonde waitress walked over to them and smiled, “Hey girls can I ask you a favor?”
Betty (Babs) turned and smiled. They had worked with Lisa and the other waitresses with no problems, all of the girls seemed nice enough. “What can we do for you?” Betty asked.
“The boss wants to put up Christmas decorations but he doesn’t want to do it himself. So if I can get some of the girls to do it we all get some overtime and some food on me.” Lisa explained. Dinah and Babs looked at each other, “Anyone else staying?”
“Ellen, Molly, Claire, Sarah and Sally.”

Hmm maybe we can quietly question Claire, Babs thought. Dinah must have been thinking the same thing, “Sure we’ll help out Lisa.”

Lisa smiled “Great.” Now we can find out what you two are up too, the criminal thought.


One hour later the girls were putting up Christmas lights and other seasonal decorations. Babs had the task of stringing multi-colored lights around the wooden beams that made up their ceiling. She was standing on table while doing this. Ellen walked up behind her, “Need any help?”
Betty turned her head and smiled, “Nope, I’ve got it.”
“Have you eaten yet? We’ve got some soup and sandwiches.” Ellen said. Babs thought for a moment, Dinah was working with Claire, so that was covered, plus she could see what Ellen and the others knew about Claire, “Sure I’ll have something.”

They went back to a table that was near the locker room. Unfortunately Babs failed to notice it was out of Dinah’s line of sight. Waiting at the table with the food was Lisa and Sarah.
“Hey Betty grab a seat!” Lisa said. Babs grabbed a seat next to the blonde. Ellen and Sarah sat across from them. There were a lot of choices. Barbara decided on a turkey sandwich and a Coke. They talked while eating, what they wanted after working at Boomers, men, clothes, typical stuff. Babs got only a little bit on Claire, the girls didn't know much.

After finishing her Coke, Babs was feeling a little light headed. She put a hand to her head. Why do I feel so strange? Her limbs became sluggish, vision blurred, and mind worked slowly.
“Something wrong Betty?” Sarah asked. Babs tired to focus on her, the short haired blonde kept blurring up in her eyes.
Babs tried to speak, “I…feel…funny…”

Lisa, Ellen, and Sarah all looked each other in the eyes and nodded. Lisa got out of her seat and grabbed Betty helping her up. Sarah got out and took Betty’s free arm. Both girls led the woozy waitress to the locker room. Ellen followed watching the rear. Once inside they took Betty and laid her down into a chair. Ellen went to her locker and pulled out a small syringe and a pair of handcuffs.

Ellen walked back over to the captured crimefighter and placed the cold steel bracelets on Betty’s wrists. Next she took the cap off the syringe and squeezed out some liquid, tapping on the needle to make sure no air bubbles were in the truth serum.
“Will this work?” Sarah asked watching as Ellen emptied the contents of the syringe into Betty’s arm.
Lisa replied, “This stuff is better than what the CIA can get. She will tell us anything we want to know.”
Ellen stood up and turned to Sarah, “Go get her Coke, make sure to clean it up. Don’t want anyone taking that spiked drink.” As Sarah walked out, Ellen kneeled and spoke into Betty’s ear, “Tell me your name.”

Babs was seriously drugged. First by the date rape drug that made her weak enough to capture and now by the truth serum in her system. There was no sense of urgency in her mind. Nothing to worry about, she couldn’t resist, “Betty Mazer.”
Ellen shook her head, “No its not, your real name.”
“Ba…Barbara Gordon…”
Ellen and Lisa’s eyes almost bulged out of their sockets and blurted out, “The Police Commissioner’s daughter!”
“Yes…” Babs responded although they hadn't asked her that.
Ellen regained her composure, “What are you doing here?”

Lisa swore. The blonde walked and few feet away. She turned her head indicating for Ellen to come over. Once by her side, the two spoke in hushed tones, “The cops are on to us.”
“Yep, bet 'Jill' is her partner?”
Lisa sighed, “Does the pope wear a funny hat? Its time to take care of our two spies.”


Dinah had been working on the decorations for a while. She had been casually asking questions to Claire. How’s your life, seeing anybody, etc. None of the girl’s answers suggested though that she was involved in the robberies. However some of Dinah’s questions had been deflected by Molly or Sally. Dinah was putting a plastic Rudolph in place when Ellen came over and whispered into Claire’s ear. The redhead nodded. She then looked at the two sisters who understood the unspoken command.

Sally started the diversion, “So Jill” she said using Dinah’s undercover name, “are you seeing somebody?”
“Yeah come on, with that body and your looks. Let me guess someone tall dark and hansom.” Molly followed up. Claire stepped out of sight for a moment.

Dinah looked at the two sisters. She didn’t think they were doing anything other than making girl talk. So she answered, “Well there is this one guy. Tall, blonde….”

While Dinah talked Claire came back with her hands behind her back. The redhead walked slowly towards them. She had removed her sneakers, and was quietly sneaking up on ‘Jill’ in her tights encased feet. Dinah didn’t notice she was too busy answering the twins’ questions. Claire waited for the woman to pick another decoration and then turn her back. Dinah did this just a few seconds later, putting up a snowman onto a shelf. The waitress waited another second and then struck.

Reaching out with her hands, Claire wrapped one around Dinah’s tank top clad chest, the other holding the chloroform soaked cloth went right for the undercover superheroine’s face! Dinah was just starting another sentence when her mouth was covered and then the arm went right under her breasts.
“MMHHH!” she cried out. Chloroform assaulted her senses. She could smell the sweet sleepy fumes. Claire held her tight, not giving any room for movement. Dinah’s next move was to try and grab the cloth. Molly and Sally played their part. Both girls grabbed Dinah’s arms and held them in place. Cursing through her chloroform gag, Dinah tried to fight but it was useless. The three Boomers girls pulled Dinah back and kept her from struggling.

It was a sight Black Canary disguised as a Boomers waitress being chloroformed by another girl and held down by two more. Thanks to the cloth and Dinah’s weakening condition, she was unable to use her Canary Cry. The superheroine took a few more struggled breathes and then surrendered to the anesthetic. Canary’s eyes fluttered and closed.

“Is it done?” Ellen asked coming back. She could see it was. Dinah, they learned was Barbara’s partner. The woman was out cold on the ground. Molly, Sally, and Claire stood around the KO’d heroine.
“Out like a light.” The redhead reported.
Ellen nodded, “Good bring her to the freezer.”
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Very nice! =D> =D> =D> Love the opening where the two heroines are arguing about their course of action! Priceless! :-D Perhaps Dinah was right, this may have been a bad idea! Especially underestimating our curvy criminal cuties!

Nice job sg! Looking forward to more of this one! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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very cool story!!
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excuse me, Boomers :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: <----I think I've seen this guy in Boomers once in a while...

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Feel free to bust out the costumes!! You can never go wrong with those!!
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Claire watched as Molly and Sally carried the unconscious Dinah to the restaurant’s huge walk in freezer. Sally had her arms wrapped around the girl’s chest while Molly gripped the undercover heroine’s sheer hose covered legs. Entering the kitchen, Sally could see Ellen, Lisa, and Sarah waiting for them.
“Put her in here, you’ll see where.” Ellen ordered.

They carried their sleeping beauty inside the freezer. All the girls got a bit of a chill. Kept near two degrees, this was no place for standing around in nothing but a tank-top, shorts, and tights. This little fact was exactly what the villainous waitresses were counting on. Quickly the sisters brought Dinah over to where Ellen and Lisa had taken care of Barbara. The girl was semi conscious, tied to a metal shelves that had frozen pieces of beef and chicken.

Resting on her behind, Babs’ arms were tied to one of the shelves above her at the wrist. Rope also bound her to a shelf at chest level. Finally ropes had been wrapped around her thighs and ankles. The white sneakers and socks Barbara had been wearing were gone, revealing her pantyhosed feet. Dinah was laid by the twins, right next to her partner. Ellen returned carrying more rope and quickly got to work binding the prisoner.
“Man its cold.” Sally said rubbing her arms.
Lisa replied, “That’s the point, one night in here and these two cops will be frozen.”
“Sarah and Claire are making it look like a robbery right now. Once they’re done the slugheads at GPD will think these two were tied up by the prep and then left in the freezer.” Ellen finished.

Lisa knew they would have to leave town after this. After Dinah and Barbara were taken care of, no one would suspect them. Their little robbery of the Boomers would implicate the owner. Already Sarah and Claire had planted his fingerprints at the register, the chloroform cloth, and lock to the freezer. With him as the police’s main suspect, the girls could leave town. Murder usually wasn’t their thing, but the girls needed to keep Dinah and Barbara from telling the cops what they knew.

“Finished” Ellen declared. She stood up and looked down at the helpless girls. Lisa thought of one last thing, “Should we gag them?”
“Nah this thing is sound proof nobody is going to hear them.” Ellen answered. Her boss nodded in agreement, “Okay let’s go.”


She was shivering, it was cold. Did she go outside without a coat? Babs thoughts were random she shook her head. Then her eyes opened. Her breath was visible inside the freezer…
“OH MY GOD!” Barbara yelled as she realized what was going on. It came back to her, the drugging, questions, and being tied up! The Boomer waitresses were actually the criminals she and Black Canary had been looking for. They had gotten the better of the heroines and now they were trapped inside the restaurant freezer.

Her body was cold; unlike her Batgirl uniform the Boomer girl’s outfit didn’t offer any thermal protection. With a grunt Babs pulled on her restraints. Unfortunately the criminal waitresses had tied her bonds with skill. Struggling was useless. Babs looked over at Dinah. Black Canary was out cold, the lingering smell of chloroform on her face. Babs needed to wake her partner up.

Carefully she twisted her body as much as she could. Being tied at the waist and her arms above her head didn’t leave much wiggle room. However her legs while tied were not connected to anything. Sliding her legs over, Babs began to nudge Dinah. After a few minutes, it worked.

“Uhhh why is it freezing in here?” Dinah asked.
“Cause we’re in the freezer!” Babs answered. Her friend quickly shook the cobwebs from her head. Realizing their predicament, “What do we do Babs? I can’t get free from these ropes!”
“I have an idea. Your Canary Cry, it can shatter objects right?”
Dinah furrowed her brow, “Yeah but you don’t have any ear protection. I could knock you out.”
“A small price to pay otherwise we will freeze in here. Concentrate on the shelf, if it breaks one of us will be able to get free and untie the other.” Babs replied shaking from the cold. Dinah nodded and gave Babs a few second to get prepared.

Canary took in a breath and then cried out. The air shimmered gold as her meta-human power came out in full force. Babs passed out at the sound overloading her senses. However the shelves they were connected to shattered. Food and pieces of metal fell onto them, but Dinah was freed. Quickly the superheroine got out of her bonds and then faced the door. Another blast of her Canary Cry shattered the locks on the door. Finally Dinah grabbed Babs and dragged her out into the warmth of the restaurant.

A few minutes later the two girls were drinking hot coffee and wearing coats. Both heroines were also planning.
“Okay we now know who the badgirls are.” Dinah said.
Babs nodded, “Its brilliant, who would ever think a bunch of eye candy waitresses were actually a team of crack catburglars.”
“We didn’t….its time for some payback. I’m feeling normal, how about you?”
Babs put her mug down and stood up, “I think its time Batgirl and Black Canary to make an appearance.

It hadn’t taken a lot of digging. After a quick check of the restaurant’s records they found the addresses for most of the girls were fakes, all except for the one. Lisa the blonde who was the girls’ leader lived in a brownstone in the western side of the city. With their location pinned, Babs and Dinah took the dye out of their hairs and changed into their crimefighting uniforms. The black catusit, yellow utility belt, and cape for Batgirl; and the black leotard, fishnets, and leather coat for Canary. Both girls boarded their bikes and set off to arrest the criminal Boomer girls.


Back in their house, the girls prepared to leave Gotham. Packing had taken precedent over changing so half of the girls were still wearing their Boomers uniforms. Walking around in her uniform, Lisa supervised the operation. Claire was working with Sally and Sarah to get all their loot packed on the second floor. Everything was organized, items that needed to be fenced went into one container, blackmail items another, and their personal items into a different spot. Moving on she went to the third floor.

This is where Molly was working on packing her gadgets. As their resident techie, she had all the tools they needed for their work. Just in case someone found their frozen undercovers a little early, Molly was keeping out her various weapons. A tazer, chloroform, gas pellets, nets, firearms all were laid out in front of her. Ellen was also on the floor cleaning their rooms, getting rid of all their finger prints and other means of identifying the girls. So far everything was going to plan.

With everything in order Lisa headed downstairs. The first floor was pretty clean. A typical kitchen and sitting room was there. Lisa went over to her laptop which was on the coffee table in front of their TV. Typing a command into the machine, she opened up a hack to the security system they had set up. Small cameras positioned around the house kept watch of everything around them. The street was pretty clear, just parked cars and a few people moving down the sidewalks. Both buildings next to hers were empty on the roofs, finally the rear….

“What!” Lisa said aloud. She typed in another command. Her camera zoomed in. Two figures were pulling into the alley behind the homes. They stopped and hopped off their motorbikes. No one on their street owned bikes, so who was it. Activating the hidden camera’s night vision she saw, Batgirl and Black Canary. The two superheroines were talking and pointing, right at Lisa’s house.

Lisa got up and went right to the intercom, “Girls we have a problem.” She explained.
“What do we do?” Sally asked.
Sarah was next, “We fight, Black Canary ran into us once and got her but kicked. Batgirl shouldn’t be too much trouble either.”
“Agreed, we don’t have much time here’s the plan…”


Batgirl and Black Canary crouched low. They were looking at the back entrance of Lisa and her gang’s hideout. No activity was visible on the outside. The windows were closed and drapes prevented any good views inside. Babs tried listen in on the house with her directional microphone but got nothing.
“Great” Canary muttered, “Now we have no idea what they’re up too.”
Babs put her gadget into her ulity belt, “True but they don’t know we’re coming, we have the advantage of surprise.”
Canary rolled her eyes, “That’s what you said right before Catwoman gassed us both and then bound us with your own cuffs.”
Batgirl grinned nervously, “Well….maybe….”
“Let’s just do this quickly. First sign of trouble I’m unleashing the cry.”
The prodigy of Batman nodded in agreement, “No problem my cowl has special noise protection in it.”

Both heroines rose and proceeded to the door. Babs pulled out a batarang while Canary primed her leg. With one swift motion she slammed her black boot into the door. The lock shattered and the heroines quickly entered. Canary assumed a fighting stance while Batgirl had her weapon ready to toss. No one was in the back room.

“Well…that was anticlimactic.” Barbara commented. Dinah carefully took a look around. They had assaulted a kitchen. She moved forward cautiously. Batgirl was right behind her. As they moved through the connecting door to a sitting room, Black Canary caught sight of someone.
“Batgirl! There behind the couch!” she called out.
Babs threw her weapon which flew low in an arc around the couch. She was rewarded with a cry of pain.

“OW! Don’t shoot…I surrender.” Hands came up. The girl rose, revealing her to still be in a Boomers’ uniform. Black Canary recognized her as Sally. The criminal coed walked into to view, a run on her sheer hose where the batarang had struck. Dinah kept her distance wary of a trap.
“Sally, we’re putting you and your friends under arrest.” Batgirl declared.
The girl nodded, “Please I can’t go to jail….I didn’t know what I was getting into.”
Batgirl walked closer, ready to put cuffs on the girl, “I’m sorry but your crimes require you serve a sentence.”
Sally began crying, “Please isn’t there anything you two can do?”

Black Canary looked at Batgirl, her face advised caution. Babs agreed but she was willing to give this girl a chance. Moving forwards she took Sally’s hands and placed them behind her back speaking softly while handcuffing the girl, “Sally if you cooperate with us, it would improve your position with the authorities.”
“Okay, what do you want to know?” the brunette asked.

Batgirl faced her, “First where are the items you’ve stolen, and then your friends.”
Sally nodded, “Upstairs. I can show you.”

The handcuffed Boomers girl slowly walked towards the stairs. Batgirl and Black Canary followed. Dinah leaned inward and whispered to Barbara, “Sure this is a good idea?”
“No…but she is handcuffed Canary and one blast of your lovely voice will take her down, besides beats having to search this place ourselves.”
Dinah shook her blonde head, “I swear Batgirl you’re going to be the end of me.”

After going up the stairs, Sally headed for a room on the left. Batgirl and Black Canary could see the door was open. Inside was everything the girls had acquired all cataloged and arranged. Dinah whispered, “Nice. The evidence locker guys will love you Sally, they don’t have to organize anything.”

“Good job Sally, now your partners.” Batgirl said sternly.
The Boomers girl nodded, “Everybody is upstairs in their rooms.” She headed back to the stairs.

Arriving at the top, they could hear some voices. Sally turned to Batgirl and whispered.
“They’re all up here. Lisa and Ellen’s rooms are down there on the right, “Molly, Sarah, Claire, and I share one big room right here.”
Batgirl smiled, she had a plan. Quickly she looked one more time at the closed door and then at Sally, “Quiet or I’ll put you out right here.”
Sally nodded. Batgirl turned and conferred with Canary in hushed tones.

“Let’s take care of these girls first.” Batgirl started.
Dinah agreed, “How?”
“Sally here will open the door and go inside. Once she’s in I’ll toss a gas bomb inside. The fumes should put them out quickly.”
Canary smiled, “That leaves us with only Lisa and Ellen good plan. One change, I’ll stand guard near their doors. They might hear something and come running.”
Batgirl nodded, “And if they do you have them. I like this plan.”

The heroines turned back to Sally. Batgirl motioned for her to turn around. Once that was done, she removed Sally’s hand cuffs and explained her job, “You’re going to go inside and join your friends. Just act normal and I’ll do the rest.”
“What are you going to do?” Sally asked worried.
Batgirl just smiled, “It will be painless, no funny business.”

Sally shook her head a final time, she understood. The Boomers girl carefully walked to the door, her pantyhosed feet making no noise as she approached. Black Canary quietly moved down the hallway, positioning herself by the two head girls’ rooms. With a thumbs up Dinah signaled that she was ready. Batgirl nodded and pushed Sally forwards. The girl turned the door handle and opened it. As she stepped through, Batgirl went for her gas bomb….

“WHAT THE HELL!!!” Dinah called out. Babs turned her head; Dinah noticed four lines of black room descending form the ceiling, which had a opening in it. Barbara was about to shout a warning but it was too late. With a snap the net caught its prey, Black Canary. The blonde beauty was lifted right off her feet and into the air. Her limbs and legs became tangled in the webbing of the net, which then shot up into the ceiling. Dinah could hear a motor lifting her up and then she was suspended in darkness as the open hole in the roof closed.

Batgirl stunned by the sight of her partner being snatched was slow to react. Turning back to Sally she was stunned by a blow to the face. With a lighting quick snap kick, Sally hit Batgirl right in the head. The dark angel went down like a ton of bricks. Before she could recover, the Boomers girl unleashed another devastating kick to Babs’ head. Batgirl was knocked senses by the assault. She stayed down, dazed and barely moving. The brunette’s next move was to reveal Batgirl of her weapon, the gas bomb. Still held in her hand, Sally snatched the device out and tossed it behind her to Sarah.

Sarah was standing in the entrance to the bedroom, clad in her black leotard and tights. Examining the device, “Very nice Batgirl, Molly will love adding this to her gadget collection.” Coming up next to Sarah was Claire, also clad in her criminal attire. In her hand was a white cloth.
“Excellent work Sally. You care to do the honors?” Claire asked handing the folded cloth over.

Sally smiled, “My pleasure.” She used a sheer hose encased leg to push Batgirl onto her back. Barbara sighed; she was still seeing stars from the two expert kicks to her head. The evil waitress got onto her knees and placed the chloroformed soaked cloth over Batgirl’s face, “Put me to sleep eh Batgirl? I much prefer to be one dishing out the knockout.”

Babs couldn’t fight it. The cloth covered her face and thanks to the blows to her head she was breathing heavily, sucking in a huge dose of the sleepy fumes. Sally smiled as Batgirl’s eyes fluttered and tried to stay awake. The brunette was having too much fun, “Go to sleep…stop trying to fight it.”

Batgirl unfortunately had no choice but to obey the sexy looking criminal’s demands. She took in more of the cloth’s fumes, and her eyelids sunk. With a few more breaths, her strength was gone and her mind. Batgirl’s eyes closed inside her cowl and the famed crimefighter was out. Sally removed the cloth and went for Batgirl’s famous utility belt.
Claire walked up as Sally stood up, “Good job. The boss will be pleased.”
“It was easy, she fell for the whole, I’ve done wrong please show me the way routine.” Sally smirked; she placed her foot on Batgirl’s symbol, a final show of triumph over the famed superheoine.
Sarah still eyeing the gas bomb spoke, “I think we can use this.”


Black Canary struggled. The net which had blended in with the dark hallway had caught her by surprise. Now it was proving to be quite effective at holding her. From what limited light there was Dinah guessed she was in an attic. The girls had rigged a motor to yank her up into the attic, snap the door shut after she was in, and finally drop her on the ground. The net had very small openings and was snug tightly around her body. It was almost like she was trapped in a pair of her famous fishnet pantyhose.

Her Cry would also be of little use. The thin nylon strands holding her couldn’t be shattered like a solid object. Dinah grunted as she tried to rip the net open pushing with her powerful legs. It was no use, the net was too strong.

“My seems we’ve netted the Canary.” A voice called out. Black Canary stopped her struggles and tried to spot the source of the voice. It was coming from a dark corner. With a scream, Canary unleashed her sonic power in that direction. Nothing happened.

“Sorry Black Canary, but we aren’t up there with you” the voice explained. Dinah now noticed that the voice had a bit of an electronic quality to it, definitely from a speaker, “You can keep struggling if you like, but you’ll find our fishnet is quite stronger than your tights. Might as well save your energy, nobody is coming to save you.”

Black Canary swore to herself. She figured Barbara was ambushed after they had taken care of her. Hopefully they hadn’t done anything to serious hurt Batgirl. Dinah was lost in her thoughts so she failed to notice a small slot opening in the floor. A hand held a small ball device. With a click they activated it and rolled the device at Canary. Dinah heard the click and tried to see what was coming. The small ball touched her netted body, and broke open with a hiss.

“Gas!” Black Canary said to no one in particular, immediately holding her breath. White gas continued to fill the small space as the bomb unleashed its payload. The white fog filled Dinah’s vision as she continued to hold her breath. As long as she kept from breathing, the sleep inducing fog couldn’t affect her. Watching through a small camera, Molly, Lisa and Ellen could see Canary’s struggle.

Each girl was now wearing their black leotard and matching tights. Observing the captured heroine through Molly’s laptop Ellen shook her head, “Hmm she might be trying to take us in but she’s tough.”
“How long has it been since we released the gas?” Lisa asked.
Molly consulted her computer, “Two minutes.”
“We should give her a little help.” Ellen suggested looking at her boss.
Lisa agreed and gave a commanding look to Molly. The black haired techno-babe smiled, “No problem boss.” She typed in a command.

Dinah was starting to feel lightheaded. She couldn’t hold her breath much longer. Black Canary had been hoping to find a way out before she could be overcome by gas, but the net was as strong as it had been. In fact it was getting tighter. Dinah pulled on the net, but it was constricting on her. Without thinking, Black Canary took a breath. The heroine could feel the affect the gas had on her. Her body became less tense, muscled weakened. Forced by the increase of pressure and her need for air, Dinah took in more of the gas.

Watching through the camera, the girls saw Black Canary’s final moments of resistance. She tried break through the net a final time, pushing with her boots and arms, but it was useless. Canary coughed once and then ceased all her movement. Her eyes closed and head came to rest.
“She’s out.” Molly reported.
“Vent out the gas, and then have Sally and Claire get her.” Lisa ordered.
Ellen watched Molly type and turned to Lisa, “What about Batgirl?”
“Make sure she’s secured and bring Black Canary to join her.”
Ellen nodded, “Got it boss.”
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Man! These chicks are seriously dangerous! The Bat and Bird are in deep doo-doo! Can't wait to see how this one comes out! Nicely done sg! =D> =D> =D> 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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A short while later, Lisa and her gang stood in front of the defeated superheroines. Batgirl and Black Canary were both out cold. They had placed them in a room upstairs. Canary and Batgirl were lying back to back bound together with a net similar to the one Dinah had been captured with. The caped crusader’s utility belt had been removed and was now slung across Molly’s waist. Each of the thieves now wore their black uniforms and the six girls admired their prize.
“Wake them up.” Lisa ordered Molly.

Molly nodded and used some smelling salt waved it under the superheroines’ noses. Dinah was the first to come to. Her eyes fluttered open and quickly realized what was going on. Canary’s first instinct was to use her power. Right as she was about to summon her cry, Dinah noticed the gag. A piece of Cloth had been shoved into her mouth then ducked tape covered her lips. She noticed the net too, it didn't let her move at all.

“Sorry Black Canary can’t have you singing.” Ellen said standing next to Lisa.
Batgirl was finally awake too, “What’s your game Lisa?”
The leader of the band of thieves smiled, “None. You two know too much about us and we can’t have that if we are going to get away.”
“So, how are you planning on getting rid of us?” Barbara asked.

Molly answered that one, “Notice your bindings Batgirl?”
Babs had noticed when she awoke. From her thighs to her neck she was encased in a tight net which also covered Canary’s body in a similar fashion. Molly pointed to a small black object attached to the net.
“This net contracts when it receives an electrical current. Once activated this net will squeeze the life out of you two” Molly explained.
Batgirl knew they were in trouble but there was a chance, she just needed to by some time, “You’re making a mistake Lisa. Let’s talk about…”
Lisa kneeled in front of Batgirl, “Nothing to discuss, it’s us or you” She punched Batgirl across the face, “and I’d prefer it to be you.” Black Canary cursed through her gag angry that she couldn't help her friend.

The girls began to file out. Right before she left, Molly clicked her remote control. Dinah could feel a slight shock, then the pressure of the net. As electricity flowed through the net it began to contract. Canary and Batgirl could feel the net starting to press down on their chests. Dinah struggled trying to free herself. Grunting through her tape gag she was wasting her strength. Babs was struggling but not to break the net.

Batgirl may have lost her utility belt but she hoped, prayed that the girls hadn’t done a proper search of her. Inside her left glove was a small knife. Problem was her other hand was pinned against her right side. She had to slide it over before the grip of the net became too strong. At first she had been making good progress, but now the net was making tougher. Just need to get to my back, she thought. The pressure was intense both women were finding it harder to breathe.

Dinah tried to stay awake but her earlier struggles had drained her stamina. Her eyes were beginning to flutter. Her breaths became more ragged she couldn’t hold out for long. Batgirl was feeling the constriction too. If she could just reach her glove… “Yes.” she hissed. The left glove was in her grip, she pulled on the hidden knife and pulled it out. Immediately afterwards she began stabbing at the net. With a few slashes she was able to cut it. With the net cut, it lost its killing ability and both girls took in a deep breath.

Batgirl got up and went over to Canary. She helped cut Dinah out of what remained of her side of the net and then removed the gag. Spiting out the wad of cloth, Black Canary swore, “That’s it time to kick some waitress ass!”
Batgirl helped Canary up, “Agreed how do want to do it?”
Canary smiled.


Lisa had her team loading the last few items. They were going to out to a van Sarah had acquired. Things were going smoothly. She would have to check on the heroines upstairs in a few minutes. Molly had told her that the net would finish off the two vigilantes in five to six minutes. Just as she headed towards the stairs, a boot flew into Lisa’s face. She went flying backwards and landed on her lycra-spandex behind. At the bottom of the stairs was Batgirl, “Hi, miss me.”

“Girls!” Lisa called out as she jumped back onto her stocking feet. Batgirl easily blocked Lisa’s punches and kicks. As the blonde leader unleashed a spin kick, Batgirl grabbed the black clad leg and pushed Lisa off her other foot onto the ground.

Molly and Sarah were the first to respond to their boss’s cry for help. They each rushed the Dark Angel. Babs was quick to put some distance between her and the attacking thieves. Doing back flips Batgirl entered the open family room, giving her more room. Molly was the first to catch up to her throwing a punch. Batgirl easily dodged it and stuck her leg out. The girl kept going forwards and tripped over Babs’ leg. As she fell forwards, Batgirl grabbed her utility belt and ripped it off.
“I’ll be taking this, thank you.” She smirked.

Sarah used Batgirl’s pause to deliver a quick blow to the heroine’s back. Batgirl grunted and lashed out with her still extended leg. The black clad assailant jumped avoiding the attack. Getting to her feet Batgirl went for a batarang. Whipping it out, she tossed the weapon. Sarah wasn’t able to dodge this time. The ballistic weapon hit her right in the chest and sent her down. Barbara caught the weapon as it flew back to her hand.

“Impressive Batgirl but you are still outnumbered.” Lisa called out. Batgirl could see Lisa was back on her feet, recovered. Next to her were Sally, Claire, and Ellen. Behind the Dark Knight’s partner Molly was back up and it wouldn’t take long for Sarah to recover. The ring of catbuglars closed in.

Batgirl wasn’t worried, “Yeah I’m outnumbered. But I have a certain force multiplier on my side.” Suddenly the room erupted into a high pitch sound. All the girls except Batgirl covered their ears and cried out in pain. At the top of the stairs, Black Canary was using her screaming cry to the fullest. Barbara was protected thanks to special insulation in her cowl. She backed away from the girls, who were all now heading towards each other.

Canary still screaming came down the stairs and stood next to Batgirl. Dinah cut off her sonic attack, “Well Batgirl seems things worked out well.”
“I’d say so Canary.” Babs replied.
Lisa was standing with her five partners still woozy from the Canary Cry, “You two…I’ll get…even…”

Batgirl went for her belt. Reaching into a compartment she pulled out a small ball object. Clicking it she looked at Lisa, “You guys always say that, why don’t you sleep on it.” With a quick toss, she sent the gas bomb flying.

The Boomer girls had no time to react as the sleeping gas weapon arrived in their midst. It blew on contact with Lisa’s tights encased leg. White gas spilled out over the girls. Each of them tried to cover their face or hold their breath, but it was useless. Lisa was the first to go. Being at ground zero she inhaled a good dose of gas. The blonde went out like a light and fell to the floor. Ellen next to her boss went next falling across Lisa’s abs. Molly fell into a sitting position coughing. Like a piece of grass in a breeze she rocked slightly. Then her eyes closed and the techie landed on her side next to Lisa and Ellen. Sarah and Sally the sisters grabbed each other trying to stay upright but quickly went down. They fell facedown onto their bosses still intertwined. Claire lasted the longest. She managed to come forwards a few feet weakly reaching out with her arms at the two superheroines, but fell forward. Landing with her arms still outstretched Claire fell onto the pile of her partners. All of them were out.

Dinah sighed, “Well that’s over.” She collapsed into a near by chair. Batgirl leaned against the wall.
“Yep, feel like waking them up?” she asked.
Black Canary rolled her eyes, “Bring them to the GPD? No let your dad earns his pay for once and come down here.”
“Sounds good to me, although we should make sure they can’t go anywhere.” Batgirl responded.

A couple minutes and flexicuffs later, each of the criminal cuties had been cuffed to the other. Batgirl had sat them all up. So the girls were in a big circle with their hands all locked together in the middle. Black Canary had already called a detective friend of her in the GPD.
“So want to get something to eat I know a good bar.” Dinah asked.
Batgirl raised an eyebrow, “As long as there are no waitresses.”

The End

A quick ending but I hope everyone enjoyed the story. Thanks to Franco for letting me use his Boomer's concept and to Okona for help with the outline. I know Time Crisis needs to be finished but I might start something else first. Hope you liked!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Nice, like you said sg, short ending, but nice nonetheless! Enjoyable story! =D> =D> =D> 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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I loved it
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Neophyte Lvl 4
Neophyte Lvl 4
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Great story sgz6! I like a good netting! Nice job! =D>
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Great story!
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