Protecting your tweets. (and don't play favorites)

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Doctor Outcome
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Hey gang,

I know I've been away from the forums for a while but I've been trying to catch up on some things here and there and helping a few people with custom ideas (including Nameless). Anyhoo, today's rant involves the subject of producers 'protecting their tweets'. Personally, I'm not really a big fan of twitter as I've said because it only brings out the evil in us all when people don't utilize it with the proper discipline. Some producers and fetish performers have made great use of the 'protect your tweets' option on twitter because they know that with a lot of popularity they're going to have to endure 'drama' either from other performers, producers or even fans. Now you're probably asking what brought this subject up. Well here it goes (fasten your seat belts please):

While on my day off yesterday, I was cooking breakfast for my girl while she was listening to some house music and going through her morning emails when she suddenly said. "OH...My...GOD!" Curious, I go in the living room and she showed me a bunch of emails from various individuals who were very irate about the moderator from Heroine Universe. Now, I know what you're thinking: somebody's got a problem with a producer, that ain't nothing new. :yawn: But this was a little different.

Now as you all know at one point, I had respect for the guy that ran that site but after hearing some of the horror stories from various people (including Nameless') with how they got their requests turned down, I had to turn my back on this dude as I refuse to support anyone who doesn't treat their customers like equals. This guy just made that situation worse because he's now playing 'favorites' with who gets to utilize the talent that comes by his studio. When I heard that I was like 'jigga what?' I was like, what kind of foolishness is that? Apparently, this guy has some veteran talent coming by his studio and only his well-known customers are allowed access to them with their custom requests. Any newcomers who come along requesting Christina Carter or anyone else is off limits and they're not permitted to ask for them. That's a real 'bullshit' kind of rule. I didn't understand it but I said, 'okay, I'll swallow that one...for now.'

The next couple of emails I received involved something very unusual. One person who is on twitter said that he got 'blocked' with no explanation and when he emailed the H.U. moderator about it, he didn't get a response.
What the hell.jpg*t.
What the hell.jpg (139.12 KiB) Viewed 3044 times
My homegirl reached out to some of her contacts and asked about why this guy is suddenly on a 'blocking rampage'. This was the response they showed to her:
For a guy who's into mental health, he sure is paranoid.
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Paranoia #2.jpg
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I tried my hardest to 'bite my tongue' because I think this guy has pissed somebody off and gone 'paranoid' to the point where he's just blocking everybody for the hell of it. I mean, 'pretending to be the opposite sex', 'making multiple accounts', etc. Something about this still didn't feel right, so I reached out myself and a couple of people explained that this guy is getting a 'swelled' head with his business now to the point where he can't see or even think straight. To illustrate their point, they showed me this:
Passive-aggressive..jpg what?
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If this guy was so 'hard-up' about people retweeting his stuff without permission, why didn't he come forward and say something about it before blocking this individual or anyone else? Plus, I don't really see what being 'passive-aggressive' has to do with anything. Hell, that's better than being 'a**hole aggressive.'

Honestly folks, I don't know what's happened with this guy (why he's blocking people consistently for no reason and acting all paranoid and stuff) but I believe these customers and fans are that Christina has returned and he's got more veteran talent popping by his studio, his success has 'literally' gone to his head. So much to the point that he's started playing 'favorites' with his own customers and I don't know any fetish producer who would do such a despicable, dishonorable thing.

As far as the blocking thing goes, if this guy isn't prepared to take the pressure that comes with having famous performers like Christina coming by his place and people demanding her performance through twitter or other social media, maybe he should just go private and 'protect his tweets' . Less fuss, less muss. That way if he still wants to play 'favorites', at least he can do it in private. I mean, people are not gonna stop demanding to see Christina and trying to commission her for requests because somebody else feels that only certain people are allowed to see her while others are not.

As I've said before party people, I support the fetish industry and the creators and performers in it. But I absolutely *will not* support anyone or purchase content from people who play favorites like this and fail to show respect to any customer.
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If you don't trust him then don't buy from him is the only thing I have to say about this except that.... Twitter is dumb. People need to let Twitter die. All Twitter can do for you is blow you up. It may seem beneficial at first, you blow up from small to big, but you don't ever stop blowing up, and eventually you pop. Realistically, he's well within his rights to block whoever he wants, its his twitter account, but he ought to block himself. Cut twitter entirely, nobody needs it, its cancer.
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Femina wrote:
5 years ago
If you don't trust him then don't buy from him is the only thing I have to say about this except that.... Twitter is dumb. People need to let Twitter die. All Twitter can do for you is blow you up. It may seem beneficial at first, you blow up from small to big, but you don't ever stop blowing up, and eventually you pop. Realistically, he's well within his rights to block whoever he wants, its his twitter account, but he ought to block himself. Cut twitter entirely, nobody needs it, its cancer.
I agree Femina. Twitter is dumb. It has it's benefits but it's bad when people abuse it's uses.

Also, I don't buy from this guy anymore. I used to really support his work when Lady Diana, Akira Lane and Christina Carter were around. After they left, his vids just didn't have any flavor anymore. And after hearing about the way customers are getting treated when they try to make a request to see someone at the studio and they're getting rejected.

Yeah...he oughta block himself if he can't show better humility then what he's been giving out to people. I just feel bad for the customers and/or fans who are getting their hearts stepped on by this kind of treatment.
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Why was this posted in the PRODUCERS CORNER?

I will be moving it to miscellaneous
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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I don't understand why he is only allowing well-known customers to buy customs with Christina. It seems very strange.

Why is he upset with people retweeting his tweets? Please correct me if I missed something. Producers normally want retweets to spread the word about their product.

His customers should just move on and support a studio with good customer service.
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I agree with Outcome and Femina: Twitter is Dumb!
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tallyho wrote:
5 years ago
Why was this posted in the PRODUCERS CORNER?

I will be moving it to miscellaneous
Sorry tallyho. I got so 'heated' with this subject that I couldn't think straight. It happens. I just see 'red' sometimes like this guy:
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It wasn't intended to be as possibly aggressive as it read on my side
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

I am here to help one and all enjoy this site, so if you have any questions or feel you are being trolled please contact me (Hit the 'CONTACT' little speech bubble below my Avatar).
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
5 years ago
I don't understand why he is only allowing well-known customers to buy customs with Christina. It seems very strange.

Why is he upset with people retweeting his tweets? Please correct me if I missed something. Producers normally want retweets to spread the word about their product.

His customers should just move on and support a studio with good customer service.
That's what I thought too. I mean there's a thin line between someone who is 'obsessive' and someone who is 'devoted'. This guy obviously can't tell the difference between the two anymore.

As far as his 'mocking' people behind their back after blocking them, that's really not 'smart'. My first thought is, 'Hey man. You've blocked someone? Okay, hu-rah, good for you. There's no need to make a public display about it to the world.'

Burning somebody, blocking them and then trying to make them feel small in an arrogant display to show off your superiority does not make you a big shot.
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tallyho wrote:
5 years ago
It wasn't intended to be as possibly aggressive as it read on my side
I feel ya'. It's just...I'm very passionate about helping fans when they hit obstacles with getting custom work done that's all. So when I get a story like's hard for me to contain myself sometimes.

We're told to support the industry and the people in it, right? Gonna be kinda hard to do that if the rules apply to some but not to all.

It's like Chow Yun Fat said in 'Bulletproof Monk', "The prophecies must apply to everyone...or they mean nothing."

What is promised to one, should and must be promised to all...not just a select few.
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If demand outstrips production capacity, surely a producer has the right to choose what he's going to produce, and with whom he wants to work, as long as he doesn't violate the law. He might even be able to get away with being a dick to some people.

Your ability to support the industry is not impacted by one producer and a couple of performers choosing a more exclusive business model.

If you suddenly win the lottery, you can't just run to a Ferrari dealer and buy the hot new model. In fact, you might not even be able to get on the waiting list. But you can still enjoy an Italian sports car.
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Imagineer wrote:
5 years ago
If demand outstrips production capacity, surely a producer has the right to choose what he's going to produce, and with whom he wants to work, as long as he doesn't violate the law. He might even be able to get away with being a dick to some people.

Your ability to support the industry is not impacted by one producer and a couple of performers choosing a more exclusive business model.

If you suddenly win the lottery, you can't just run to a Ferrari dealer and buy the hot new model. In fact, you might not even be able to get on the waiting list. But you can still enjoy an Italian sports car.
I feel what you're saying imagineer. I mean it's his ship, he can run it how he wants and whether it sinks or swims is totally on him. But I think that a producer playing favorites with their clientele is wrong, it creates bad vibes and it's a surefire way to create bad business with people. That's like...granting all but one of your students in the classroom a cookie and when the student protests, the teacher sends them to the principal's office for questioning their judgement (especially if the student know it's bullshit). Then the other students are mocking them going 'nyah, nyah, n-nyah, nyah. We got a cookie and you got suspended!'

LOL! :laugh:

But you get what I'm saying though, right?
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I don't think your analogy is very good at all. You're not in class. You're not being sent to the principal's office. He doesn't represent an institution, let alone one of learning. And you're implying the reason you're not getting a cookie is arbitrary or inscrutable.

There's no need to come up with convoluted analogies. Ferrari is adequate.

Imagineer wrote:
5 years ago
I don't think your analogy is very good at all. You're not in class. You're not being sent to the principal's office. He doesn't represent an institution, let alone one of learning. And you're implying the reason you're not getting a cookie is arbitrary or inscrutable.

There's no need to come up with convoluted analogies. Ferrari is adequate.
I don't think you understand the issue that well. He has the right to choose who he wants to work with. Nobody is questioning him for that decision.

Doctor O is questioning why certain customers are allowed to request for customs with particular models (any model of their choosing) and everyone else must choose from a different pool of models. It's like going to McDonalds, and only their favorite customers can order a Number 1. Everyone else is only allowed to order a Number 2.
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Seems like a bad business practice to me, but if that's how he wants to run his business, I don't necessarily think there's anything unethical about it.

Businesses favor people who are known to be good customers. If I buy a custom from a studio and I pay on-time and don't make a pain-in-the-ass of myself with lots of last-minute changes and complaints, it's only natural for them to want to do business with me again.

I recently sent an e-mail with a custom to a producer (I won't say who) and got no response. Then I tried again about a month later asking if they had looked at my script and received an apology and an explanation that normally, repeat customers are moved to the top of the list, but since I had e-mailed them from a different e-mail address, they didn't catch it. And then I got my custom made. :)

This also relates to something that kinda irks me - when individual models ask for money just to READ a script! Some models expect you to send them tributes or a fee to even read a custom script. I absolutely hate this. But recently, I've started to see it a little differently, because a lot of these performers are just individuals and they probably spend a lot of time reading scripts from people who aren't really serious about the custom and so it ends up wasting their time. So I've kinda come around to the idea that if I am really sure I really want a particular model for a custom, I might have to shell out a little extra.

The ones that REALLY bug me are the ones who don't respond to my e-mails AT ALL. They don't ask for money, they just ignore my messages. This seems like a staggeringly bad way to do business, because they are not only losing one custom, they are losing all potential future business from me, since I will never deal with them again.

There's one particular model from whom I would LOVE to order a custom, but I've sent her several e-mails and messages on iWantClips with zero response. It's really infuriating.
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
5 years ago
I don't think you understand the issue that well.
I understand the objection. You don't seem to understand that "choosing who he wants to work with" IS, EXACTLY, accepting certain requests from some people but not others. And that the performers too are choosing with whom they want to work.

You're welcome to try to make the legal argument that a fetish performer is subject to public accommodation, but I doubt you'll win the day.
And you're welcome to try to make the moral argument that a fetish performer has an obligation to work for, or even take their time to consider offers for work from, anyone with money, above the performer's obligation to their own happiness, but I disagree.

And it doesn't matter how many times phrases like "bad business practice" are repeated, it doesn't create an obligation to serve.

If you think the performer is unaware that some people are being denied the opportunity to become patrons, contact them through whatever channel they prefer -- but be prepared for the possibility that they're not only aware, they're satisfied with the arrangement.

Imagineer wrote:
5 years ago
GeekyPornCritic wrote:
5 years ago
I don't think you understand the issue that well.
I understand the objection. You don't seem to understand that "choosing who he wants to work with" IS, EXACTLY, accepting certain requests from some people but not others. And that the performers too are choosing with whom they want to work.

You're welcome to try to make the legal argument that a fetish performer is subject to public accommodation, but I doubt you'll win the day.
And you're welcome to try to make the moral argument that a fetish performer has an obligation to work for, or even take their time to consider offers for work from, anyone with money, above the performer's obligation to their own happiness, but I disagree.

And it doesn't matter how many times phrases like "bad business practice" are repeated, it doesn't create an obligation to serve.

If you think the performer is unaware that some people are being denied the opportunity to become patrons, contact them through whatever channel they prefer -- but be prepared for the possibility that they're not only aware, they're satisfied with the arrangement.
No one is making any legal arguments. No one is complaining about fetish performers. So you aren't following the subject.

The producer is under criticism for his policy of only working with certain customers for particular models. Please take note of custom requests are only full accepted after the customer pays. It does not matter who the customer is. That's why his policy is being criticized.

I would be surprised if any model is satisfied with the arrangement because they would be losing work. No one in this business wants to lose work. Some models on Twitter complain why they are not getting work (this happens for a variety of reasons). Why deny paying customer A and only accept paying customer B? Why not accept both?
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