Input about custom videos

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Hey guys n gals

I'm worried this might be an open ended question with no definite answer but I'm going to ask it anyway.

I've never really considered ordering a custom, always thought it would be out my budget. But I've never really stopped to ask how much one costs, so thought I might ask if anyone whose had a custom made could share their experience.
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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Hey there,

I've ordered a custom twice now through TBFE and they've been quite detailed about where the money goes.

When I send them the script, they would give me back a quote with details on where the amount was coming from. Sometimes, if the value is way too high I can adjust the content of my custom to fit my budget (based on either length, villains, models and content). Some producers might also consider payment in instances as well if you don't have the money all in the same time. (I'm not sure about this).

But rest assured, customs will be great as long as you keep being detailed with the producers. Communication is important to get your message to them and for them to be on the same page with you.
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Many sites give prices and break up them in various components (how many models? how many minutes?), so I wonder why you need to ask this question in the forum.


Anyway, last time I did that I had a short custom done for about 150 $ [ IIRC ]
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Arkane that's likely true, but my knowledge of which sites do customs is limited, as I mentioned above I never bothered looking in to it due to assuming it was out of my budget.

Thank you for the info though and $150 is actually within my price range. Can I trouble by asking how long it was or the content of the video? What it involved?


A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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It was a short fight between two models, one of them ends up KO. Just about five minutes or so.
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That does clarify a few of the questions I had :-) And 1k to 4K while sounds a lot, is probably the bare minimum required for some productions. Certainly out of my means though lol

Thank you to everyone who has replied thus far, I was hesitant to post this and appreciate any and all info given :-)
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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Odd the previous post I replied to has vanished :-/
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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hiddenevil wrote:
7 years ago
Hey guys n gals

I'm worried this might be an open ended question with no definite answer but I'm going to ask it anyway.

I've never really considered ordering a custom, always thought it would be out my budget. But I've never really stopped to ask how much one costs, so thought I might ask if anyone whose had a custom made could share their experience.
It's a good question to ask and I can understand asking it here rather than asking a producer because it's an awkward question, producers vary quite a lot too so there's no good indicator.

In my experience, of about five or six different producers, you can generally get a two model movie for about $300 for ten minutes. There is some variation on that, some are cheaper, some more expensive, but that's where I'd say the standard price is from my experience. And to be honest, if somebody charges much more than that, I would look elsewhere cos, I mean, priorities innit. :)
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Well it's the lounge :-) A place to kick around and discuss anything and everything. So I figured if I was going to ask, best do it here and cross my fingers lol
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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Basically all this stems from the fact I noticed there was a serious lack of any Stephanie Brown Batgirl vids. A favourite heroine of mine and one I'd like to see in a video which led to some chin rubbing and me thinking "Could I afford a custom?"
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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You might be able to afford it, it all depends on what you would like to see. Why don't you post some details about your idea, is it story based? Does it have nudity? If yes, is there anything with hardcore sex? Or is it light fetish or maybe no fetish at all?
How long do you want it to be?

How many actors do you require?

Things of that nature
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Also try to do a story idea that is unique. Having merely two girls kiss can be found anywhere on the net.
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It's mostly likely been done.

I wrote a story a while back where Batgirl aka Stephanie Brown is lured in to a trap by the joker. The jester of crime has invented a serum for invisibility. Hoping it would give him an upper hand dealing with the caped crusader. His trap lures the wrong bat, but not one to miss an opportunity he decides to have some fun with batgirl. Letting his goons play with her.

So you'd have one visible character, the actress playing Batgirl. Simulating getting groped / raped by the jokers goons, who toy with Batgirl pulling at her costume, peeling back her cowl and slowly cutting off her costume.

Does it contain sex? Yes, the story is all about Batgirls defeat and humiliation and becoming the Jokers plaything, it's primary focus is costume loss with the goons removing / defiling the crime fighters costume as they strip it off. There are some hardcore elements which I'll leave out for now as I don't know what I can post here and I respect 'rape fantasy' is everyone's thing :-)
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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I'm writing this in the morning before Ive had my coffee and still a bit asleep with a moutain or editing ahead of me so forgive if this comes off as harsh or pointed.
Its not my intent.

First off is set aside the amount you're comfortable spending and then set aside a number that is the absolute most you're able to spend
"I can spend $150 without a problem, but maybe $200 if it absolutely needs to be"

once you have that number write your perfect script. the one that has all the elements you want.

then start contacting producers and just submit the script and say:
"how much would this cost"

make sure at the top of the story you have the following:
length of custom
how many model
is it nude or non-nude
is there sex
are there special props/ costumes?

I can submit the template I use for my clients. the majority of them know to submit it to me using this format to make things far easier

make sure you write down everything they say. when you get a reply write down how much it will cost. then move on to the next.

then reach out to those who were in your ballpark (and a few just outside your ballpark) and send them your number (the bottom one) if they cant do it for that stretch to your max number. if they still cant do it move on.

this is where it gets tricky.

be willing to compromise.
not all producers have unlimited wardrobe, props, sets, abilities.
if you need special effects and that producer cant do them consider losing the special effects.

remember you may have a perfect vision but your wallet may not be able to make that vision happen. if so its not the producers fault. things cost money. if they cant do it and you're not willing to compromise then its not their fault its yours.
if thats the case consider putting aside an envelope of cash you can keep feeding until you have the desired amount.

but remember you may have to sacrifice some vision for a completed project.
some producers have access to full sets and those cost money.
some producers hire cameramen and editors that costs money.
if you cant meet their cost consider moving to a producer who shoots locally and there are no charges for sets and stick to a producer who edits everything themselves (like me...wink wink)
some producers dont do anything but set it up and collect the money and have teams to film everything, teams to edit everything, and teams to scout for everything. these can get really expensive!

I have asked MH if there is a way to create a new category (not one thread but a full category) full of producers listed alphabetically with each producer being thier own thread where they can post all of their custom rates and details. this would make it easier for custom clients to find a producer that works for them.

theres a bit more i wanted to write but ive forgotten it because my brain is now begging for coffee so im gonna go give it what it needs before starting on a mountain of editing
(Ive got 59 customs that need to be edited and delivered before the end of the month so im gonna be swamped for a few weeks. lol)
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I would follow the Knights of Gotham guy's advice and just send the idea out to some producers to get some quotes. It may happen.

My initial reaction to your idea, in terms of pricing/practicality.
- Good: Due to invisibility, your actor count is low.
- Bad: Costume! You're destroying the costume, so it probably doesn't matter if a producer already has it or not. If it's not reusable at the end of the shoot, you're probably buying a new one for the shoot. Second, the point of the custom is that the character is underused. Looking around, I don't see a ton of pre-made costumes of that style that can just be bought so it might have to be custom made/assembled. Not impossible, but that might make it tough to stay within your budget.
- Something to consider: What do you picture the interactions with the invisible people and the costume looking like? It's one thing for an actress to fake being punched by a person you can't see, but for the costume to move on its own is another thing. Are you good with close-ups where someone off-screen is just tugging at the uniform? Or for cutting, are you ok with a quick camera swing to an already cut uniform? Or were you thinking of something more advanced? Producers may have some ideas to achieve this effect, but depending on how you do it, that may take additional time and factor into pricing. Just something to think about. I would definitely enter into the custom with some kind of general success criteria around what that effect looks like, so the producer can tell you if they can do it or not. Not to mention, you don't want to pay the money and have no idea what you're going to get for that whole piece, as it seems central to the idea.

I've seen some fun movies with invisible people over the years. It can be kind of a fun idea. Good luck with your custom!
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I have seen a BG costume on eBay that might work, but all thing are relative. Could easily make it a strip and not a destroy.

I think there are plenty of simply ways to achieve the effect of someone pulling on the costume, I don't think it would require anything overly involved or intricate. Alternatively I suppose another way would not to make a movie, but make it a series of photos. *shrugs* who knows, but this discussion has certainly been helpful. It's been great kicking the idea around, I've no idea who I'd approach about making it mind.
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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You didn't at all come off as harsh, it was informative. And yeah I do have room to budge on that $150, you have to negotiate after all, so both sides are happy.

I was hesitant to post what I thought was likely an often posed question, but I'm genuinely in the dark and you never learn if you don't ask. wrote:
7 years ago
I'm writing this in the morning before Ive had my coffee and still a bit asleep with a moutain or editing ahead of me so forgive if this comes off as harsh or pointed.
Its not my intent.

First off is set aside the amount you're comfortable spending and then set aside a number that is the absolute most you're able to spend
"I can spend $150 without a problem, but maybe $200 if it absolutely needs to be"

once you have that number write your perfect script. the one that has all the elements you want.

then start contacting producers and just submit the script and say:
"how much would this cost"

make sure at the top of the story you have the following:
length of custom
how many model
is it nude or non-nude
is there sex
are there special props/ costumes?

I can submit the template I use for my clients. the majority of them know to submit it to me using this format to make things far easier

make sure you write down everything they say. when you get a reply write down how much it will cost. then move on to the next.

then reach out to those who were in your ballpark (and a few just outside your ballpark) and send them your number (the bottom one) if they cant do it for that stretch to your max number. if they still cant do it move on.

this is where it gets tricky.

be willing to compromise.
not all producers have unlimited wardrobe, props, sets, abilities.
if you need special effects and that producer cant do them consider losing the special effects.

remember you may have a perfect vision but your wallet may not be able to make that vision happen. if so its not the producers fault. things cost money. if they cant do it and you're not willing to compromise then its not their fault its yours.
if thats the case consider putting aside an envelope of cash you can keep feeding until you have the desired amount.

but remember you may have to sacrifice some vision for a completed project.
some producers have access to full sets and those cost money.
some producers hire cameramen and editors that costs money.
if you cant meet their cost consider moving to a producer who shoots locally and there are no charges for sets and stick to a producer who edits everything themselves (like me...wink wink)
some producers dont do anything but set it up and collect the money and have teams to film everything, teams to edit everything, and teams to scout for everything. these can get really expensive!

I have asked MH if there is a way to create a new category (not one thread but a full category) full of producers listed alphabetically with each producer being thier own thread where they can post all of their custom rates and details. this would make it easier for custom clients to find a producer that works for them.

theres a bit more i wanted to write but ive forgotten it because my brain is now begging for coffee so im gonna go give it what it needs before starting on a mountain of editing
(Ive got 59 customs that need to be edited and delivered before the end of the month so im gonna be swamped for a few weeks. lol)
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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I did a custom myself - bottom line is this: most info is on the producers site. But send in a script and 'talk it over' with the producer. You might find a happy medium. Good luck.
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Is there a section on the forum listing the producers and what they do?
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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You probably need to do a bit of leg work yourself, but if you look at someone link Anastasia Pierce she has full custom briefing page on her own site ... asiapierce
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hiddenevil wrote:
7 years ago
Is there a section on the forum listing the producers and what they do?
Theres the producers corner which has several producers publicising their work , their posts will give examples of what hey do and their signatures will have links to their sites if its not in the body of their posts.
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hiddenevil wrote:
7 years ago
Is there a section on the forum listing the producers and what they do?
just yesterday I asked MH if he could add a section just for Producers offering customs and he said he would look into it while he gets the new updates to the forum finished. then maybe he will look into the possibility of adding a new category for all producers who make customs to have their own section detailing info about customs. until then your best bet is to go through the commercial section and hit up each producer one at a time.

if you think this is a section thats important to have I suggest you contact him and ask him for it. the more people that ask for it the better a chance we can get it.
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While it feels a bit cheeky to ask, as i'v spent the vast majority of my time on here lurking in the rafters. I have to admit having a directory of who's who's and what they offer would certainly be handy. When i did try looking a while ago, I felt a little overwhelmed and not entirely certain where I should look on the forum to get the info i needed.
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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You're gonna have to do your homework. Start with producers that have vids that you enjoy. Just contact them with a script and a polite note. Be patient - they get a lot of scripts and inquiries.

Good luck with it. I got my custom done and I'm very happy with it.

-call me 'the guy that advised Tarkin to evacuate the Death Star before it blew up.'
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It would be interesting and helpful if someone did do a custom section/listing. I hope the site makes it happen.
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I think it would cut down on the amount of 'home work's needed. Making it a bit more straight forward. Which surely can't be a bad thing for producers wanting business :-)
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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hiddenevil wrote:
7 years ago
While it feels a bit cheeky to ask, as i'v spent the vast majority of my time on here lurking in the rafters. I have to admit having a directory of who's who's and what they offer would certainly be handy. When i did try looking a while ago, I felt a little overwhelmed and not entirely certain where I should look on the forum to get the info i needed.
Tell MH that you want this. if more people do then he will have more incentive to do it.
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Let me make it easier.
go to this thread.
its where MH and i were discussing the matter.
if you add your post as a reply to his he will see it and it will help get the section done
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Will do!

And thanks for raising it with him :-)
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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hiddenevil wrote:
7 years ago
Basically all this stems from the fact I noticed there was a serious lack of any Stephanie Brown Batgirl vids. A favourite heroine of mine and one I'd like to see in a video which led to some chin rubbing and me thinking "Could I afford a custom?"
I agree, I only recalling even seeing two pop up, one in Japan and what that's not in Japan.
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try sexyfantasies Brittany lynn she is great and has a great price range and will do your script justice and also will not sell your videos which is great try her out if you have the time.
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Where do I find her
A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock, and a sack of French porn.
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I've found a clips4sale link for her: ... -fantasies

I'm don't see how "she will not sell your videos" can be correct, as her c4s store is full of people's custom requests. The only way she could afford to not sell the custom video would be if the requester paid for the full production costs plus whatever profit Brittany required to make it worthwhile for her.
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