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General discussions about superheroines!
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Posts: 1369
Joined: 9 years ago
Location: Vegas, Nevada

Well.... we went from $89 to $59
this was because a few people got pissy that I asked everyone to bump up from $1 to $5 because people wernt joining in large enough numbers to justify the low pledge.

Some people even went as far as to decrease their pledge from $10 to $5

well... guess they showed me.
now because of them i cannot give out 15-20 minute movies, and cannot afford to give out 2 girl or 3 girl movies.
oh well.

Im gonna stop pushing this Patreon as much as I have. I tried and there just isnt any participation even though you guys still buy my full clips from this forum.

for whatever reason paying $5 for full movies isnt your bag of tea so this is what im going to do.

Im going to decrease my output from one 15-20 minute movie a week on clips 4 sale to 2 movies a month.
Eventually I'll be narrowing that down to one movie a week.

Eventually the only way to get a movie from us will be via the Patreon page.

And I'm going to go on a ledge here and reveal a littler about my personal feelings even though that seems to be the kiss of death with producers on this forum.

The superheroine sales are ok, they are not fantastic but it makes double what we put into them so they are lucrative.
but this is alos not our only niche.
we produce

all of them (with the exception of pantyhose and feet) make more than the superheroine genre
so why do i put this much money into costumes and props and models?
because I honestly like making something challenging.
but what bothers me the most is the lack of interaction.
unless you're correcting my grammar or calling me ming I get nothing no matter how much I try.
I do not want to quit the genre but I lack communication so ive grown bored and feeling like the successful nerd at high school reunion who's doing well for himself but isnt popular.
So Im going to eventually phase out the weekly updates and narrow my releases to 1 a month and then the Patreon
I'm going to stop asking for input. Stop asking for ways to make it better. Stop replying to the constant requests to get shiny cowl and gloves
Im going to stop looking for interactions and just make the movies I want to make and do what every other producer does. tell them to fuck off when they try to ask for something outside the producers wheelhouse.

I'm only going to listen to input and suggestions from our Patreon page since those seem to be theonly people who give a rats ass so they are the only ones Im giving a rats ass about.

I'm gonna stop interacting here and stick to just releasing updates.
You can now start the flood of
"good riddance" replies
I wont argue, you'll just confirm my thoughts.
but dont celebrate too hard.
Im not quitting.
im not the producer who whines about little interaction and threatens to quit if people dont buy his movies
Im just going to stick where Im wanted and continue interacting with the patreon base that actually gives a rats ass.

So guys.
heres the deal.
join the patreon if you want $5 movies.
or dont if you would rather spend $1 a minute at clips for sale.
Im no longer going to beat my head against a wall trying to understand why you're willing to pay full price and not take the exact same movie for less.

Im done trying to figure it out
Im done asking why you wont join.
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