Aurelia - Gwardian Goddess: Enticed and Ensnared

A darker, full bodied blend.
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And now for something a little different (at least for me). This is a collaborative story between myself and flirty_but_nice - who I shall from now on refer to as Flirty - and it concerns her Aurelia character and universe. There is quite a lot of lore and backstory to this, which we will pass over a little bit in the first part, but if you want a short-hand guide to all of this then just think 'daemonic vampires being hunted down by a sexy, ancient being that they have descended from' because that is essentially what is going on. The very dark and gothic nature of this makes me sad we couldn't post it for Halloween... so just think of this as a *very* late Halloween tale. I have to say I personally enjoyed writing a story with no limits - and I am now fighting the temptation to just stick with putting stories in the dungeon.

This is actually the first half of the story. Expect the second half... some day.

We hope you guys enjoy! Feedback - good, bad, or ugly - is most welcome.

P.S If you don't want to slog through all the lore, just skip to the second part.

Aurelia Enticed and Ensnared

The Long Purge

The Long Purge had come to Chicago.

Tonight was simply the latest in a war that dated back to when mankind still lived in caves and was just learning to harness the use of fire. It was the flickering embers of what had once been a raging inferno; a war once waged in heaven between the divine.

The Gwardians’ war against the Taint.

The Goddess had seen the war from its beginning all the way to this night.

She had been there when the Taint perverted her people and when the war laid waste to all that she knew. She was there when the Taint sought refuge in the nascent people of mankind to recover itself and begin again. She was there when the last of her people fell in the final battle to kill the Progenitor. She watched the light fade from the unspeakable being’s eyes as she ended it herself and consigned it to oblivion. She had fought the Taint as it had tried to claim her very flesh and she had played her part in spawning the Taint’s final effort to infect humanity. She was there to witness the birth of the sixteen blood lords; the final disciples of the Progenitor and the avatars of mankind’s contamination. She was there when the blood lords first sired their infection into humanity and began the cycle of corruption anew as the dying remains of the Taint clung on to existence.

She had initiated the Long Purge to stamp out the abominations that plagued mankind. She had hunted the Tainted ones down through the ages, diligently scouring each successive generation as one brood sired another like a malignant cancer. As much as the Taint evolved and changed to try to return to its former glory, the Goddess was there to stifle it at every turn. Each successive generation the infection took away from the Progenitor saw it weaken just a little more, making the more recent abominations mere shades compared to their Tainted forbears.

Humanity gradually came to know the sickness that stalked them over the years, though for the most part it was locked in myth, religion and superstition rather than true fact or history. In mankind’s lore they called their Tainted kin vampires, daemons and a host of other titles. Most grew to have an understanding of the abominations in their midst, but vanishingly few ever believed it to actually be true – and fewer still of those believers were tolerated to live by the Tainted ones.

So it had been for hundreds of years. The Long Purge had saved humanity from the worst predations of the Taint and more than that had seen the demise of twelve of the mighty blood lords, leaving only four of the original abominations.

And now the Goddess’s hunt had come to Chicago.

This particular brood were a splinter of Gideon’s progeny, the fifth blood lord. The Goddess had executed the devious archfiend over seventy years ago, but still the work of stamping out his bloodline went on – with this latest brood being the eleventh splinter she had tracked down to eradicate. They were separated from their patriarch by two generations of sires, making them pale imitations of Gideon’s might, but they had grown powerful and confident feeding on the people of the city over the years.

Their confidence had been their undoing.

As more cases were reported throughout the city of people going missing, and of strange, withered bodies being found, it was blindingly obvious to the Goddess that a brood was loose in the city. The moment she arrived in Chicago her preternatural senses detected their Taint like a foul odour, and the closer she got to their den the more she sensed her quarry. She could feel them, almost like the beat of her own heart, until she could even detect the scent of their blood – recognising the subtle indicators that revealed them as Gideon’s misbegotten children.

Tonight the Purge will continue in Chicago. Tonight the Tainted Goddess, last of the Gwardians, will cut another tendril of the Taint, bringing Gideon’s line one step closer to extinction.

It all starts with the ceremony…


Blood Sigh

Sly Mitty Cortez always had his finger on the pulse of the city, and he read the people bustling about its busy streets like the back of his own hand. He knew trouble when he saw it, and he knew opportunity.

He had clocked the pretty brunette as she came up the stairs from the subway into the cool night air, looking lost and meek. She had briefly made eye contact with him as she had walked past, her vivid green eyes catching his attention before she nervously averted his gaze and marched on down the street with her head down. Cortez’s eyes had crawled all over the beautiful woman, drinking in every inch of her from her stylish punk boots up to her short bob of thick brown hair. Her short black skirt left her long pristine legs on display and he enjoyed the sight of her walking away from him. Above it she wore a close-fitting, short-sleeve, dark green shirt that clung around her lithe figure, buttoned up to just above her modest bust. Around her hands she wore elegant lace fingerless gloves, which screamed how out of her element this girl was in this neighbourhood.

With a ‘professional’ eye he also took in the details that marked her out from the crowd. Her vintage silver watch had that brand quality that Cortez just knew meant it would be worth a king’s ransom, and the same could be said for her classy silver earrings, or the sleek, ornate-looking necklace around her neck. Around one of her shoulders was an expensive-looking small black satchel, which the woman clutched as though it were her most prized possession – causing Cortez’s imagination to run wild with the possibilities.

She was absolutely perfect. Fellow prowlers of the streets like Cortez gave the derogatory name of ‘whales’ to finds such as her. Those rare cases where a victim had everything a man like Cortez could hope for.

She was carrying tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of prospective loot, she was lost and alone, she was helpless, and she was the sexist piece of ass Cortez had ever seen. Her body language and the deer-in-headlights look she had given Cortez as she had walked past was the final straw for him – he was absolutely going to take this woman for everything she had.


Cortez had detached himself from the wall he was resting on and trailed the woman from a dozen or so meters behind her. He enjoyed the nervous glances she gave around herself every now and then, making it painfully evident that she was out of her depth in this part of town.

It was like blood to a shark; her fear attracted Cortez to her more and more.

He had been in this game a long, long time. Cortez had lost count of the number of women he had raped and stolen from – so he knew to be patient with this brunette. She was a special prize but he would risk ruining his ability to enjoy all of her if he rushed this. He needed to get her alone, when there was no one around who could interrupt.

After patiently tailing her down a few more blocks, they started to enter into a quieter part of the downtown area, with less and less people around them. It made it harder for Cortez to seem inconspicuous, but it also mattered less and less as the dark-haired woman’s window to call for help grew smaller and smaller.

Then, after one last nervous glance around herself, the woman turned off the street and made her way down a narrow back alley. Cortez grinned as he watched her move in to the alley, amazed at his fortune.

This girl really was perfect. It was like some sort of divine gift.

Cortez glanced around briefly to check none of the few people on the street were watching and then he followed the girl into the alley, increasing his pace to a fast walk. His smile grew even wider as he saw the alley came to a dead-end at a locked metal fence.

The woman seemed not to notice until she walked right up to the fence. She gave a groan of frustration as she realised her error, sounding to Cortez’s ear like the exaggerated noise of someone who was quietly panicking because they knew they were in trouble.

As she turned around to go back the way she came, Cortez reached into his jacket pocket to produce his model 44 revolver while his other hand rested idly on the handle of the flick knife in his belt.

‘You look awful lost, lady,’ he said as she turned to face him, making her jump with surprise. ‘It’s a damn good thing I found you. A damn good thing.’

She looked him up and down as she took a step back away from him, ‘N-no… I’m f-fine, thanks.’ She brought her arms around in front of her body to defensively hug herself, making her look even more helpless.

‘Hey, it’s okay,’ Cortez soothed her, wickedly enjoying the way his night was going, ‘Why don’t I help you? I could give you advice.’ He stepped towards her and brandished his revolver, making the woman’s eyes go wide with fright as they caught sight of it. ‘My first piece of advice to you would be: don’t scream, or I’ll fucking kill you. Do you understand?’

The woman trembled as she backed away from him. ‘Oh god,’ she whimpered, ‘Please don’t.’

Cortez continued to walk towards her. ‘Tell me you understand, bitch, or I’ll kill you right now.’

‘I… I understand,’ she stammered. ‘Please… you don’t have to do this…’

‘Shhh, it’s okay,’ Cortez cooed as he came within arm’s reach of the woman. ‘You’re gonna be my good little princess for a bit, then, if you were a really good girl, I’ll let you walk out this alley – albeit unburdened of all that pricey-looking stuff you have.’ He rose up his other hand with the handle of the knife and flicked the release to produce the blade, making the girl jump again, ‘That’s a pretty good deal, right? You gonna be my posh little princess tonight?’

He reached up to stroke her cheek with the cold steel of the blade, making the woman quake in fear as she bowed her head down. Cortez licked his lips with anticipation as he took a step even closer to the woman, pressing her pert body up against the fence. He circled his hand with the revolver around her waist to possessively hold on to her as he pressed himself in harder against her, savouring the feel of her.

Her shoulders started shaking as she began to sob.

‘Aww, it’s okay, Princess,’ Cortez spoke softly as he used the broad side of his blade to raise her chin to make her face him again. ‘Why don’t you show me how good you can be by giving me a nice kiss? Only good girls get to survive, you know.’

The woman wasn’t sobbing. She was laughing.

As she raised her head to face him, Cortez could see she was smiling broadly as she fought to hold in her laughter. Her piercing green eyes looked into his with pure amusement.

This was unexpected.

Cortez furrowed his brow, not liking this bizarre change in character. ‘What’s so funny, bitch? You want me to cut you up?’

His words caused her smile to widen, revealing the points of two delicate fangs in the corners of her mouth. She licked her lips before she spoke, her tone husky and jovial, ‘You’ll do perfectly.’

Before Cortez could even process her words, the brunette pounced. Her knee fired up, hitting him in his crotch with enough force to push him back away from her. Her hands suddenly latched on to his wrists, gripping them in a hold that was insanely at odds with her slight frame, and she twisted both wrists inwards - literally. The movement produced sickening cracks from his wrists as they broke and then splintered under the horrendous force pushing them inwards.

It all happened in less time than it took for Cortez to blink.

Pain – like he had never known in his life – was only just starting to register for Cortez as the green-eyed woman whirled him around to face away from her and kicked the backs of his legs to force him to kneel on the ground. She wrenched back on his hair to pull his head back and leant in to mere inches from his exposed throat.

The pain hit with so much force that it nearly shut him down completely, going even past the point of screaming or crying out, he started to groan in horror as he was overloaded by the sensations.

She licked up the length of the side of his neck before whispering into his ear, ‘You’ve been the ideal catch, childling. You are fortunate – you get to contribute something now in death that goes some way to redeem you for your life wasted. Your disgusting vitae will actually be used to slay real, genuine monsters… You should be honoured, childling.’

Cortez could barely hear what she was saying, let alone process what it could mean as the pain threatened to knock him out. ‘Puh… please, god, no…’

‘I am a Goddess,’ she cooed into his ear, ‘And I say yes.’

With that she revealed her fangs and bit down into the arteries of his exposed neck. The sensation was painful but at the same time oddly pleasant – so much so that it numbed Cortez’s pain and started to flood his body with feelings of almost sexual excitement. He mewled helplessly as the woman drank from him, unable to move his arms and dumbstruck by the sensations of her bite.

Her arms wrapped around him like she were embracing a lover as she continued to feast, dragging her nails up his chest and stroking him like she would a loved possession. The soporific haze of the bite clouded his mind until he lost his conception of time, feeling almost like he had been here like this for an entire lifetime.

They remained in the sordid embrace for a further minute until Cortez gave one final groan of protest, sounding almost orgasmic, before he slumped altogether into the hungry arms of his murderer. The woman continued to feast on him for a further minute, making small moans herself as she enjoyed her meal, until she finally tossed her head back to take a satisfied breath. She released her hold on the husk that was once Sly Mitty Cortez and let it collapse lifelessly to the floor.

The woman stood for a moment as she savoured the post-delirium of feeding, before using her fingertips to demurely gather up the trickles of blood from either side of her mouth and bringing them to her lips to suck on them. She gave a contented sigh that misted the cool night air with a red vapour.

Aurelia, Gwardian Goddess and bane of abominations, unslung her satchel from her shoulders and opened it up to retrieve ornate leather belts holding exquisite, ancient-looking silver knives. Each of the blades was covered in a scrawl of delicate engravings, each unique from the rest. Working quickly she clipped the two belts around her waist in a crossed fashion, with each belt angled to slope down either thigh.

Having completed a ceremony she had practiced countless times before, she turned to leave the alley.

‘Now the hunt can begin.’


The Pleasure Feeders

Aurelia moved through the dark streets with purpose. This was not a hunt that required patience or scheming – it had been quite some time since she had required either.

They were animals she had hunted for the majority of her vast lifespan. She knew their behaviours and instincts even better than she knew her own, and it made them utterly predictable to her. Though there were many subtle nuances to them between the different bloodlines and even between broods, Aurelia had seen them all so much that she knew her foe like a book she had read, cover to cover, millions of times.

It didn’t matter how cunning they were or how the times changed to facilitate new types of behaviours. Nor did it matter if there were slight variations in the Taint between different broods.

She knew them like a god would know its creation – or like a mother would know her children.

Even without her preternatural senses she would still have found her first prey within the hour. As it was, it had barely taken her fifteen minutes to track it down.

On a long, dark night such as this the brood would send out at least one of their kin to gather some childling sacrifices to feed upon. Different bloodlines tended to have different methods of doing this but most preferred the use of bars and nightclubs set in troubled neighbourhoods. They sought venues with a rich selection of young, vital childlings for the brood hunter to choose between – often opting for those childlings who were least likely to be missed. It was an easy setting for them to set upon their prospective victims and enthral them before taking them away to be fed upon.

While some bloodlines had wildly different approaches to this cliché, Aurelia knew this particular bloodline stuck to it dogmatically. The progeny of Gideon only ever wanted young, attractive victims to feed from, utilising their acute telepathy to intoxicate their victims before using the victim’s pleasure as a means to link with them and absorb their life-essence – after which they would drain the blood from the withered remains of the soulless childlings.

While the Tainted ones usually received the title of ‘Vampire’ from the childlings, the more telepathically gifted bloodlines such as this was often titled by the childlings as ‘Incubi’.

They were even more predictable than their vampire cousins, being far more enslaved to their ever-increasing, perverted appetites.

She found the club with the best balance of potential human victims and concealment from the bustling city at large, and with her first pick she found the brood’s hunter.

It was embarrassingly easy for her.

She found him in the alley behind the club, having led two gorgeous blonde girls, barely older than twenty-one, out the back of the club to more deeply enthral them – as well as leech off their youthful excitement. He was consolidating their enslavement to his will, preparing them to be stolen away back to the waiting brood like lambs to the slaughter.

The hunter was a tall, lean man with dark and handsome features. His sharp attire at once picked him out to the eye and blended him into the background, acting as the perfect guise for him to go hunting in the city nightlife. From the scent of him he was around fifty - though he had the physical appearance of a man in the prime of his mid-twenties - making him an infantile creature by the standards of his kind and making it very likely he was a weak bearer of the Taint.

He had clearly seduced both girls to the point of becoming his puppets, no doubt having worked on them inside the club before leading them out the back. The two girls were likely college roommates, probably out to enjoy a night on the town, and under the vampire’s instructions they passionately made out with one another as though they were lust-crazed lovers. His craft was well practised and he manipulated the young girls effortlessly, but it still looked clumsy and impish to Aurelia.

She watched them from the shadows of the alley for a moment, grinning to herself as she watched the show unfold. It spoke volumes about the inexperience and weakness of the vampire that he still could not sense her even when she was this close, though Aurelia suspected that was largely because he was so focused on his task.

The hunter has the narrowest focus, she mused to herself as her senses took in the scene before her.

The telepathic spell he was casting seemed pretty weak as far as the Goddess could tell, but to the childling girls it was positively irresistible. Aurelia laughed out loud at the thought, tickled at the notion of such wanton helplessness and innocence.

The laughter drew the attention of the vampire as he finally dragged his focus from the subservient girls to seek out the source of the levity. His eyes were sharp enough to resolve the sultry figure of Aurelia standing near the entrance of the alley as she kept chuckling to herself. There was a slight red glow deep within his eyes that betrayed his Taint as his gaze drank in the sight of the Goddess.

Aurelia could sense his desire for her immediately.

The handsome man smiled at her, the small gesture was effortlessly attractive and inviting. He confidently responded to the interference while his two thralls pawed at him. ‘I didn’t see you there, beautiful. Are you enjoying the show?’ His voice was rich with charisma and warmth, somehow managing to be suggestive with every word he said.

Aurelia grinned demurely back at him. He still didn’t know who she was; he still didn’t know what was sharing the alley with him.

She walked further into the alley as she replied, holding the vampire’s powerful stare. ‘It is quite a show, I must say. You must get a lot of attention from girls, huh?’

His own smile grew as he enjoyed her confidence. He idly stroked the girls either side of him as his gaze on Aurelia grew hungrier, becoming smouldering in its intensity. She felt the subtle change come over her as he directed his telepathic charm from the two blonde girls on to her.

She was surprised to find he weaved quite a refined spell.

The influence of his aura was meant to be subtle; to seduce, subvert and beguile gradually so as not to be too jarring to the victim – so that his domination crept up on his victims without them realising. As with all auras it tried to make the victim more suggestible, and to entice their senses towards thoughts of pleasure and arousal. Aurelia had experienced many vampiric auras over the centuries, and certainly many far more powerful than this young one’s attempt, yet it was still more impressive than his age would suggest.

She recognised it immediately, being far too experienced for such a thing to ever sneak up on her, and she held in another chuckle as she felt the aura try to ease her mind towards submissive thoughts of sex. The telepathic assault made her body tingle slightly and she became mildly aware of a throbbing in her crotch – a warm need that beckoned fulfilment.

Not bad for one so young, she thought as she sampled the hunter’s subversive aura. Yet she knew it was hardly equal to the task of mastering one such as her – not even close. Her mind was much too powerful to be so easily manipulated.

‘I get my fair share of attention,’ the man said smugly, still holding Aurelia’s gaze, ‘I also love to give my attention to girls – especially when they are as captivating as you are.’

Aurelia continued sauntering toward him, still looking into his deep, compelling eyes. She knew some of his power came through his eyes, and she felt them trying to draw her in, to weaken her mind, but she resisted it with ease. ‘You are quite the Casanova,’ she chided playfully, ‘Flirting with me while you have two other girls clawing for your fancy.’

He was undeterred. ‘Come to me,’ he said commandingly, projecting his telepathic will into his words to make them more powerful.

The words and his impulsion hit Aurelia surprisingly hard as he used his will to direct her. I should go to him, the thought came to her unbidden as his will pressed into her mind.

It was enough to make her take a step towards him, momentarily forgetting herself before she shrugged off the power of his impulsion and discarded the thought as a fake. She knew her will, and she knew when a telepath was trying to pass their will off as her own.

It was impressive he had succeeded in making her take a single step, and it was enough to irritate her. ‘I don’t think so,’ she said dismissively, ‘I think you have enough on your hands, don’t you?’

The vampire’s expression flickered briefly to surprise as Aurelia’s rejection broke his composure. He wasn’t used to strong-willed women rejecting his will or resisting his aura.

Aurelia flashed him a teasing smile as she took in a breath to use her own telepathy with her words – to further humble the upstart, and to end the charade that she was just another helpless childling. Though a tiny shadow of what it had once been, Aurelia wielded potent telepathy of her own, and though greatly diminished it had been honed over hundreds upon hundreds of years of use. It sapped her essence to do it, but the Goddess felt like making a point as she focused her own will into her voice.

However the hunter recovered his composure and spoke up before Aurelia, shifting from casually trying to dominate her to fully committing to the attempt. ‘The only thing I want on my hands is you, little dove. I desire you just as you desire me. You want me to touch you, you cannot deny your attraction to me, and your temptation is all you can think about.’

His aura had grown in intensity as the hunter put his entire mind to the task, and Aurelia could feel it soaking into her, trying to cloud her thoughts in a haze of lusty submission. Combined with his powerful words, his redoubled efforts succeeded in surprising her a second time.

Aurelia’s smile faltered as his will compelled her. She felt her sense of excitement and anticipation mount – feelings that she had been harbouring about her hunt were now being mixed and confused with feelings of arousal. She was aware of his manipulation, aware that some of the lascivious thoughts in her mind weren’t her own and that her mild fascination for the hunter wasn’t entirely real, but still the thoughts and the feelings were there. They were harder to discount this time; he was attractive to her, she was faintly tempted to indulge him, and she was curious about his touch.

She lidded her eyes slightly as the hunter succeeded in stoking a sense of arousal in her. She knew well that arousal was the favoured tool to use for these vampiric hunters; that it was the silken rope they used to wind around their victim and ensnare them so that they were easy, perhaps even willing, supplicants to be dominated and ultimately drained. It was often the way of the Taint, but for Aurelia it was more than that.

It was the one, and only, weakness of the Gwardians. Though divine, nigh-immortal beings, gifted with many superhuman abilities, the Gwardians suffered from a trance-like intoxication to arousal or pleasure. They felt sexual excitement and pleasure to such a heightened pitch that it tended to flood their minds, drowning out any other thoughts or senses until they were fulfilled. The Gwardians had called the trance-like state of intoxication the ‘Laria’, and it had been a weakness used against the Goddess in the past. Aurelia was one of the exceptionally rare members of her race who could bear children, and her fertile nature made her far more susceptible to the Laria than most of her people. Once the fire of passion was kindled in her, the need for satisfaction could become overwhelming, and it took supreme discipline to maintain her reason when in such a state. Aurelia’s prolonged exposure to the Taint over the centuries had only exacerbated her own vulnerability to the Laria.

She could feel the fringes of it now, the soporific haze was in danger of descending over her as the hunter teased out her arousal, and she knew it presented a danger to her if her excitement grew too much or if she started to feel actual sexual pleasure – which the pleasure-feeder certainly wished to lavish on her as soon as he could.

‘Mmmm…,’ she groaned very quietly as it all washed over her. The hunter’s surprisingly powerful aura and skills at manipulation mixed with the very early effects of the Laria and Aurelia felt her heart quicken as her sense of excitement mounted. The beckoning warmth between her legs grew more persistent, moving from a very mild sensation towards something that was becoming difficult to ignore.

Yet she knew the feelings for what they were, and she knew the hunter was still a very long way from overpowering her mind – even if he had managed to turn her on a little. After savouring the effects of his spell for a moment longer, her confident smile returned to her face and she made flirtatious eyes back at the resolute hunter. She could see that he was now fully invested in mastering her, seemingly energised by the challenge of finally finding a woman whose will he couldn’t bend so easily.

She knew she should end the charade and resume the hunt, but she enjoyed taunting the young hunter. It tickled her that he still thought of her like the rest of the cattle he caught, and it was entertaining for the Goddess pretending to be a childling. She decided to play with the hunter for just a little longer.

‘My, you’re very confident, aren’t you?’ she said mischievously as she folded her arms over her bust. ‘But as forward as you are, your flirting leaves a lot to be desired. Telling me that I’m interested in you won’t change that I’m not, you know. Perhaps you should…’

The hunter’s charming smile grew wider as he relished Aurelia’s challenge. He spoke over her, ‘There’s no need to be coy, beautiful, I know you’re curious. Give in to your curiosity. Come and join me.’ He reached out an inviting hand, beckoning the Goddess to come closer.

Aurelia took another step towards him. She struggled to contain her amusement at the hunter’s tenacity - and at her own enjoyment with this dalliance. In her mind she flirted with the prospect of indulging the hunter just a little bit more. She knew he posed no real threat to her, just like the childling thug she had sacrificed earlier, and she found the idea of playing his victim appealing. Just like with the childling she could make him think he had caught his prey – right before he realised that he was the one being caught in a hunter’s trap. She could savour the full effect of his seductive aura, and possibly even sample his skilful touch, at the same time as getting right in close to him with his defences down.

It seemed like a win-win.

‘You’re… very persistent,’ she said breathily.

Though the hunter had no idea quite what Aurelia was considering, he could tell she was teetering on the verge of obeying him. Sensing her willingness and her hesitancy, he raised the stakes.

Let us help you, little dove. You don’t have to do anything, just allow yourself to be taken.

With a silent, telepathic command to the two enthralled college girls they both detached themselves from his sides and started slinking over to the Goddess. Their eyes crawled over Aurelia’s body with shear sexual passion as they came closer, their lust-drunk minds being easily directed by the hunter to focus on her. They moved differently now, having been so completely dominated by the hunter that they were almost extensions of his will, being sexual and enticing with every movement of their young bodies.

At the same time the hunter’s aura shifted slightly in its focus, encouraging Aurelia to be attracted to the blonde girls while also manipulating her to feel submissive towards them.

‘Come and join us,’ husked one of the beautiful girls.

‘It will be amazing, come on,’ the other girl whispered enticingly as she reached out for the Goddess.

Aurelia didn’t move away or protest as the girls came to her. The young one uses his craft very well, she thought to herself in appreciation - and just a bit of anticipation. His brood must have honed their skills well in their time here. Perhaps I should sample it more… There’s no harm in indulging him and playing the victim until I can reach him… I think I would enjoy that…

As the two girls reached her, Aurelia made her decision to play the victim like she had earlier to the childling thug. She made a show of tensing up slightly when the two girls came in either side of her and pressed themselves in against her. They each took one of her hands while their other arms encircled her to intimately stroke their fingertips up and down her back, sending unexpected shivers of excitement through her body. She then pretended to be a little confused before relaxing into the embrace of the two girls, letting out a quiet sigh.

That’s it,’ the hunter encouraged, trying to tighten his hold over Aurelia, ‘Relax and go with it.’

The girls continued to lightly caress Aurelia as they started tugging on her hands, gently but firmly forcing her to walk with them back towards their master. They each leaned in on her to nuzzle her neck and plant light kisses on her up towards her earlobes.

‘You’re doing great,’ one whispered into her ear while the other softly nibbled on her lobe.

It all felt divine to Aurelia. It was all so sensual and arousing – it would be easy to get lost in it and forget that she was just playing along. She felt the toxic fog of the Laria creeping up in her mind as she grew increasingly drunk on the excitement and the pleasure. Under the constant ministrations of the hunter’s aura, her arousal continued to build and the sensation of finally being caressed was drawing in more and more of her attention.

Her amused smile left her face now as she started to actually enjoy herself, unconsciously obeying the command to relax. She made soft moans low in her throat as the attention of the blonde girls pleased her and she closed her eyes to revel in the momentary tide of bliss.

She was brought out of her reverie by the feeling of another pair of hands touching her lithe body. This time it was a strong, controlling touch that felt like warm electricity every second it made contact with her. She opened her lidded eyes to see they had arrived in front of the hunter and he had reached out to hold on to Aurelia’s waist.

Aurelia looked up into his handsome face to see his smug, lopsided smile – clearly impressed with himself that he had snared her. ‘Here you are,’ he said hungrily as his hands slid up from her waist to firmly rub up the sides of her torso, moving over her shapely figure like a pro and making her tremble with excitement. ‘I knew you couldn’t resist me,’ he continued as his hands worked their way in to roughly rub over her chest, moving over every curve of her breasts through the fabric of her shirt and possessively squeezing them.

The hunter’s forward, aggressive advances caught Aurelia off guard, sending unexpected waves of arousal through her body as he used his magical touch to control her. She hadn’t intended to allow him to touch her, but it was too late now to stop him as he took the initiative and worked on her with all his commanding charm.

The Goddess bit her bottom lip and groaned, not even acting now as she was pleasured by the domineering hunter and his subservient college girls. She locked eyes with him as he felt her up, her unfocused gaze being in danger of being swallowed up by his powerful stare as he continued to use all of his experience and ability to subjugate her with his aura. The girls either side of her pressed in even tighter against her, letting her feel the fullness of their tight bodies and writhing against her as they continued kissing into her neck and ears. They still held her hands tightly to her sides, using their own bodies to help keep them down, and their free hands continued to lightly caress around her back, every now and then straying down to squeeze her firm ass through her skirt.

‘Mmmm…,’ Aurelia moaned, feeling the fog of her intoxication rising up to cloud her thoughts. It felt so heavenly, but she knew she had indulged the hunter enough. To indulge him further risked actually losing herself to his control and to the lusty trance of the Laria.

Enough is enough…

She licked her lips to speak, tensing her right arm to reach for one of her knives concealed in the holsters of her belts. It was time to spring the trap.

The hunter acted first, sensing some kind of resistance building up in his latest meal. His hands rubbed up from her chest to massage her neck and shoulders, draining the tension from her body with each talented touch. One of the college girls pressed in more to hold on tightly to the hand trying to move, keeping it pinned with the weight of her body held against it. ‘Stop fighting,’ he commanded as his hands moved to her neck to cup her face, ‘Enjoy yourself.’

Aurelia only meekly resisted as the hunter moved in to kiss her, unable to turn her head away as he controlled it and momentarily unwilling to use any greater force to free her hands from the girls.


She was interrupted by his lips capturing hers, feeling firm and hot against her own. Without thinking she accepted the kiss, letting him take the lead as he passionately and demandingly kissed her. It felt amazing as his tongue entered her mouth and teased her own, making her melt into the kiss as each second passed by. Gradually the tension bled entirely from her body and she relaxed once more into the embrace of her lovers.

‘Mmmm…,’ she allowed herself to groan as the kiss gathered in intensity. The more she surrendered to it the more the hunter ramped up the domineering, hungry nature of it. He kept one hand on her neck to keep controlling her and slipped his other hand down to forcefully rub back down her chest and stomach to her waist.

Even in her state of growing intoxication Aurelia felt the telepathic connection between her and the hunter grow deeper. As he starting forcing pleasure onto her, he was now starting to feed off of it, ever-so-slightly sapping her essence and strength with each quiver of pleasure he inflicted on her.

This game needs to end… I’m losing myself…

As the college girls sighed sweet promises into her ears, the hunter drew back slightly from the kiss, capturing Aurelia’s glazed eyes in his depthless, exotic eyes as he roughly rubbed his thumb over her parted lips. ‘Good girl,’ he said lustily as his hand on her waist went under her short skirt to massage its way up her inner thighs ‘Surrender to the pleasure.’

Aurelia groaned low in her throat as the arousal fought to overpower her sense. She looked back at him with a mix of yearning and defiance.

She was starting to realise his domination had crept much further into her mind than it was supposed to, making her ache with desire and shiver with conflicted needs. She felt genuinely submissive now as she fought to reassert herself as the Goddess she was. What had started off as her pretending to be the dominated victim had now become a reality – she wasn’t pretending now as she tried to turn back from the tide of the hunter’s manipulation.

‘No… I won’t…’

He interrupted her again, guiding her lips back to his as he leant back in to kiss her. Her whole body strained against the three people pressing against her and holding her for a moment, before relaxing once more as the hunter’s hand pressed up her thighs to firmly rub his fingers up and down her crotch through her moist thong.

Aurelia sighed as new waves of intense pleasure coursed through her body and she closed her eyes as she allowed herself to melt into the kiss once more. The hunter’s touch was perfect, rubbing her throbbing crotch with just the right force and tempo to excite her and pleasure her. Her whole body went limp in the combined hold of her captors, momentarily becoming a willing supplicant to their whims as she freely returned the hunter’s kiss.

With her pleasure rising so too did the rate that the pleasure-feeder sapped her strength. It was still very gradual, only robbing her of a tiny fraction of her mighty power, but the more that the hunter took the more powerful he – and his aura – became. With each moment she grew a little weaker and he grew a little stronger, and the spell dominating her became more insidious.

Her tongue danced with the hunter’s for a few more seconds as he continued to expertly massage her through her thong, then he drew back once again to give her a satisfied grin, still trailing her saliva from his glistening lips.

‘Ugghh…,’ Aurelia moaned as her unfocused eyes fluttered in her head. She unconsciously ground her hips against the hunter’s hand, starting to be controlled by him without even knowing it. She gave a lusty, dirty moan as his fingers moved up to rub delicate circles over her thong where her engorged clit stood in wet readiness.

You like that, don’t you?’ the hunter teased as he savoured the look of ecstasy on Aurelia’s face. He sounded breathless and excited himself as he enjoyed the Goddess’s body - and the essence he was now draining from her.

Aurelia answered without thinking, ‘Aww… Yes...’

He started rubbing her slightly harder and faster through the drenched fabric of her thong. ‘You want me, don’t you?

‘Mmmm… Yes… I want you…,’ she sighed back, compelled to respond to him while lost in her intoxication.

The hunter’s fingers continued to expertly tease her while the blonde girls began kissing more passionately into either side of Aurelia’s neck. ‘You want to surrender yourself to me, don’t you?

No… I don’t want that… I don’t…

‘Yes,’ Aurelia moaned, ‘Surrender…’

Then let yourself go,’ the hunter whispered to her seductively as his hand moved up between her legs to push under the fabric of her thong and make direct contact with her burning, dripping pussy. ‘Give in to me.’

Aurelia tensed again as his talented, enchanting fingers touched her most sensitive area. This time her strain was enough to unsettle the girls around her, very nearly freeing herself from their determined hold. The immediacy of the feeling went some way to clearing her fog of need and arousal as she found herself squirming.

‘Ughhh... No…’

The hunter saw her building resistance and intervened while his fingers domineeringly rubbed the lips of her quivering sex. His hand on her neck guided her face sideways towards one of his blonde thralls, who eagerly claimed Aurelia’s gasping lips with her own luscious ones. ‘Shh, shh, lose yourself to your bliss, little dove.’

Aurelia didn’t resist as the blonde began kissing her, and as she felt the blonde’s tongue enter her mouth she began to absently return the kiss, just as the hunter wanted.

That’s it,’ he cooed as he watched, ‘Just like that.’ He rewarded her good behaviour by rubbing her pussy faster and firmer, occasionally flicking his thumb over her eager clit.

The Goddess began undulating back against the hand again as she began to lose herself in the kiss with the young woman. Her moans were becoming increasingly wanton and submissive now, as her body jerked with each new amazing sensation.

You are mine now,’ the hunter said with satisfaction as he guided Aurelia’s lips away from the blonde she was kissing to the waiting lips of the blonde on the other side of her. His smile widened as he watched Aurelia accept the kiss immediately, sending her tongue into the other girl’s mouth without prompting.

The hunter drank in the collective pleasure of the three women he had captured, favouring most of all the sweet, powerful essence he was draining from the mysterious newcomer.

Allow me to reward you for being such a good, obedient, girl,’ the hunter said softly as his finger went up to concentrate only on rubbing Aurelia’s sensitive clit.

Aurelia broke her kiss with the other girl so she could give a full, throaty moan into the alley, her voice now thick and heavy with her arousal. ‘Mmmmm, yes… Ohhhh yessss…’

She was now starting to notice herself growing weaker and more fatigued, having been drained of enough of her essence for it to begin affecting her. Conversely the hunter was growing noticeably stronger, and his aura was now considerably more effective than it had been.

You are so wet and eager for me,’ he taunted cruelly, ‘This is all you want now.’

With that, he slowly plunged two of his fingers deep into Aurelia’s pussy.

‘Ugggghhh!’ Aurelia threw her head back and moaned loudly, making no effort to pull away from her dominator. Her glassy, lidded eyes were drawn to his as his fingers started slowly pistoning in and out of her. She held his stare, returning it with a look of pure lust and submission.

Aurelia bucked and writhed helplessly between her captors as the hunter finger-fucked her for the next minute. She moaned and sighed shamelessly as she was brought closer to orgasm, submissively offering up her pleasure for her master to consume.

‘You are the perfect catch,’ he whispered to her tenderly. ‘Show me that you are mine,’ he commanded, withdrawing his fingers from her slick folds and bringing them up in front of her face.

She didn’t hesitate. Stilling holding the lusty gaze of the hunter with a submissive look of her own, Aurelia lowered her head and took his dripping fingers into her mouth, slowly and deliberately wrapping her full lips around them before sucking on them. Her tongue slid across them, tasting her own juices as she bobbed her head up and down, sucking the hunter’s fingers like it were a slow blowjob.

‘Yes…,’ the hunter breathed his own excitement, now on the verge of breaking his composure ‘Good slave.’


The word offended the Goddess. It broke through her pall of intoxicated thoughts like a shaft of sunlight through darkness. It angered her.

Still grinning, the hunter withdrew his fingers from Aurelia’s lips and moved to return them back to her skirt, moving back to her aching pussy.

I… have indulged enough, I think, Aurelia thought to herself, holding on to her offence as a means to drag herself out of her submissive, lusty stupor. I have dallied too long with this one.

She tensed once again, but once again was met with resistance from the girls pinning her arms. She could see in the hunter’s expression that he was surprised there was still any resistance in his prey. He had thrown absolutely everything at her, and still she seemed to shrug off his enthrallment seemingly at will. The Goddess saw in his face that he was going to try and manipulate her further to remove her will to resist him; to continue treating her like a wilful childling. His hand shot down to go under her skirt, to try and continue pleasuring her into obedience.

But the Goddess had truly had her fill of indulging him.


She projected her telepathy as hard as she could into her words, gathering it all together into one great outburst of will.

The effect was immediate. The two girls released her and fell to their knees in a dumbfounded trance, their tiny minds conflicted between the careful domination of the vampire and the irresistible demand of the Goddess. For the vampire’s part he was shocked by the outburst, his own mind was unprepared to defend itself against her will, such was its focus on mastering hers, and he went into a daze as he was compelled to back away from her.

The look on the vampire’s face was priceless as he stepped away from all three girls and took four faltering steps away from the Goddess. He immediately stopped casting his aura over her as his mind was momentarily compelled to obey Aurelia’s will. He shook himself out of his bafflement after a few more steps, his expression becoming considerably less attractive as he scowled at her.

The sight reinvigorated Aurelia, returning her confident smile back to her face. She had still sprung her trap and humbled the arrogant young one – even if she had done so much, much later than she intended to.

‘What the hell…,’ he began before trailing off. His eyes grew wide as the penny finally dropped for the hunter and he realised who it was that was standing before him. His eyes rapidly scanned over her as he reassessed who she was – as he reassessed what she was.

Aurelia beamed a wide, toothy smile at him as she watched his charming façade completely disappear behind a new visage of fear. The feeling of the Laria was now completely subsiding as the feelings of excitement began to return to matters of the hunt.

‘You…,’ he breathed as he took a step back away from her and defensively raised an arm in front of him, ‘It’s you.’ What was once a look of predatory hunger was now almost the exact opposite. He no longer thought she was a wilful childling beauty he could dominate on a whim – he now knew she was the Goddess of death and punishment for all his kind.

The Goddess stepped towards him as he backed away, still leering at him. ‘It’s me,’ she agreed.

Gwardian,’ he said, his face starting to twitch with tension and making his prominent fangs become visible in the half-light of the alley. He intoned the word as though naming a childhood terror or a revered god.

This was because, in both cases, he was.

‘Your time is up, young one,’ Aurelia said firmly, almost sympathetically, while still approaching the hunter.

‘No… NO!’ The man’s face took on a mildly bestial quality as he snarled at her and he let his Tainted essence show. He suddenly flashed towards Aurelia at a speed that should be impossible for a creature of his proportions and he lashed out at her in a series of savage swings. ‘I won’t let you!’ he roared at her, his voice now sounding decidedly unearthly as he dropped the pretence of humanity, ‘I defy you!’

She was still grinning as she moved, equalling the blistering speed of the vampire and even exceeding it as she dodged each of his strikes, flowing around each and being just a centimetre away from being hit.

Like a cat toying with a mouse.

‘It isn’t your choice,’ she said conversationally to the hunter as he franticly unleashed all his strength and speed into attacking her. ‘Though I admire your tenacity.’

She abruptly caught one of his swings and lent backwards to pull him forwards and off balance, before spinning around and firing a kick from one of her shapely legs into his unprotected chest. The impact lifted him and threw him against the nightclub wall. He tried to move forward but she followed up instantly by drawing two of the sleek knives from her belts and throwing them at him. The movement was so fast that the blades were more like two flashes of light coming off her hands, striking and impaling the hunter at the wrist of both arms to pin them to the wall either side of him.

The silvery metal of the blades seemed to sear the hunter’s flesh, causing the wounds to smoke faintly around them.

He growled in pain and tried to free himself, but Aurelia arrived in front of him to crush his neck into the wall with her forearm, before using her free hand to deftly draw another knife and insert it into his lower chest. The hunter’s eyes bulged in their sockets as his once-powerful body struggled to cope with the trauma. He convulsed against the wall as his strength waned, and with a shuddery breath he ceased his struggles against the Goddess.

Aurelia leant in so that her face was within an inch of his, capturing his unfocused eyes in her piercing stare. ‘Oblivion calls to you, young one,’ she whispered to him tenderly, her lips quivering with excitement, ‘But before I permit you to die, you will show me where to find your brothers and sisters.’

The hunter coughed and spluttered helplessly on the wall. It was his turn to look at Aurelia through lidded eyes and speak through trembling lips. ‘I… Won’t tell you anything…’

His words lacked conviction or strength. He didn’t even believe them himself.

Aurelia chuckled, ‘I could make you tell me anything, young one, but I am quite done with taking my time with you.’ Her gaze kept growing in intensity as she spoke to him, ‘There is a faster way to take what I want, and I believe you have some power that belongs to me – which I think I shall be reclaiming.’

The hunter’s eyes grew wide with fear as he realised what she meant, ‘No… not that… please!’

‘Hush,’ Aurelia whispered as she came even closer, easily handling the weakened hunter’s head to the side with her forearm. ‘Embrace oblivion.’

With that she revealed her small, delicate fangs and bit down into the hunter’s neck.

As the hunter groaned in horrified protest and spasmed against the wall, the two college girls started to regain some of their senses. As their minds returned to them they looked over at the sight of the Goddess feasting on the bestial once-man impaled to the wall, and they ran from the alley screaming – leaving their former master to his grisly end.

Last edited by Void 9 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Well, you know I love it! But of course, I admit to being rather biased. :-)

Don't let Void fool you when he says this story was a collaboration. Aside from the general framework of the Gwardian / Aurelia world, all of this wonderful writing if mostly all to be credited to Void.

I find it to be so exciting to surrender my Aurelia character to the imagination of another. I don't know, it's kind of like in my mind I have allowed myself to submissively surrender to the desires of another's creative mind.

And I have to say, Void, I think you are doing an amazing job! I am so jealous of how much better of a writer you are and how much better you are in weaving an exciting story and telling it in such a creative and talented way! Way beyond anything I am capable of.

I sure hope others here like it too, so that you may feel extra motivation to write lots and LOTS more in the perils of the Gwardian Goddess, Aurelia! Hopefully the "some day" for the "second half" will be a day very soon!
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Pishaw! You are much, much too kind - but I thank you for your charitable words! You also don't give yourself nearly enough credit.

It is fun to really cut loose and dive into a committed, dungeon tale that requires no punches to be pulled, I must say. It's quite liberating for the narrative to be gleeful and carefree; it's one of the things I like about Aurelia as a character. I'm also relishing the chance to go gothic and dark to such an extreme - it brings together a lot of different literary playgrounds that I've wanted to play in for some time.

I do admit the link to 'superheroines' is fairly tenuous here, but then DC and Marvel have both gone to similar places, so if it's good enough for them then it's good enough for me.

Work on the next half of this will start after the next Pariah update, I think, though there's already a pretty clear chain of events mapped out for it, so writing it up shouldn't take too long.
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I really REALLY hate the whole...The Good Gal wins...AGAIN :(
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And I really hate futility ^_^. Peril is meaningless if it is an inevitable loss, and in stories like this you can only lose once - otherwise it ISN'T losing - so it rather curtails the story... If the story is going to continue then the peril is better explored by sailing close to defeat but avoiding it. Not to mention, the peril of your heroine has no impact to me if she fails to establish herself - meaning she had better have a few wins to her credit before she loses. The same applies even if you don't care about peril and only care about defeat.

I get that your shtick is about the heroine losing early and then having a long, drawn-out exploration of her defeat and fall from grace - with no recourse for the heroine to come back or escape - but there's other ways to explore the same stuff, specially in on-going series. I suppose I disagree that the ending of the peril defines the journey, and I begrudge that you align all stories together if they don't end with clear, terminal defeat. It's unwarranted exasperation. -.-'

Anyways, there's a second half to this story... Perhaps it will end in the good gal losing?
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Void wrote:And I really hate futility ^_^. Peril is meaningless if it is an inevitable loss, and in stories like this you can only lose once - otherwise it ISN'T losing - so it rather curtails the story... If the story is going to continue then the peril is better explored by sailing close to defeat but avoiding it. Not to mention, the peril of your heroine has no impact to me if she fails to establish herself - meaning she had better have a few wins to her credit before she loses. The same applies even if you don't care about peril and only care about defeat.

I get that your shtick is about the heroine losing early and then having a long, drawn-out exploration of her defeat and fall from grace - with no recourse for the heroine to come back or escape - but there's other ways to explore the same stuff, specially in on-going series. I suppose I disagree that the ending of the peril defines the journey, and I begrudge that you align all stories together if they don't end with clear, terminal defeat. It's unwarranted exasperation. -.-'

Anyways, there's a second half to this story... Perhaps it will end in the good gal losing?

I agree with what Void said, particularly the bolded parts. For me, if the heroine is always losing, it gets kind of boring turning the peril into the same old same old dull defeat. Plus, if the heroine is established as all powerful, when peril DOES finally take hold, it is so much better, because it is so much more unexpected.

As an example, I have been reading a lot of the Ms. Marvelous stories that Void linked to in his Pariah # 3 thread. I am very much getting toward the end of all those stories and quite frankly, sadly, I am becoming bored of Ms. Marvelous, for every battle she is in she is right away exploited in the same way. It's like, come on girl, you know your weakness, think maybe you can come up with a strategy to guard against the inevitable assault upon that weakness?

As another example of this, take Lady Jane's Victory stories (Which I love, btw, and I really LIKE Lady Jane as an Author), but come on Victory, how many times do you need to have your power belt snatched away, thereby robbing you of all of your super powers, before you realize that you had better come up with a more secure belt locking mechanism so that it is not so easily snatched? I mean, I understand the need for it to be snatchable to get to the peril, but if it just keeps happening in the same old same old way, Victory becomes kind of a ditzy campy comic book character (which is fine if that's what the author is going for).

Ergo, I think you can only go to the well so many times before the well runs dry.

Personally, I prefer a story arc where a heroine learns from her mistakes, thereby becoming even more powerful. Thus, any future peril remains deliciously new and enticing.

Anyway, to each their own. For people that prefer simply to read of a heroine's ultimate defeat, then I would say that an ongoing series with one main heroine character will always disappoint. As for this particular story of Aurelia that Void is writing up, I have no idea where or how far he is going to take things ... and I am wet with anticipation to read where it's going to go! At the end of the day, though, I am not yet prepared to allow my cherished Aurelia character be killed into oblivion from which there is no possible resurrection. :)

Back to Voids comments, one of the key things is, will it be an ongoing series? If so, I don't really see how you can have ultimate defeat of the heroine, for such would end the series. If it is meant to be an ongoing story arc, ultimately the Heroine has to somehow emerge victorious if she is to remain the focus of the future adventures. For me, it is that journey of peril that she faces that is the exciting part. I suppose there is also the question, WILL she ultimately prevail or not? Maybe we just don't know if the story will continue. Maybe a series WILL ultimately be terminated due to the heroine's defeat, but for as long as a series is to continue with the same heroine character, ultimate defeat is simply not feasible.
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I'm glad you enjoyed the Steven Bell and Lady Jane stories, Flirty. The Ms Marvelous stories are great at what they do and I will always tip my hat to Steven Bell for running that character by as many villains and situations as he could think of - but it was indeed often the same type of peril in various guises, again and again. To be fair to him, I think one of the reasons he stopped adding to them was precisely because it had gotten repetitive and he had taken Ms Marvelous everywhere he wanted to go - so he stopped short of ever being *too* repetitive, which meant he left behind a sweet series of stories that left me wanting more. For what they set out to do, they're pretty perfect in my books, but there isn't a whole lot of depth to it and you never get the impression Ms Marvelous ever thinks about how to avoid these problems in future. I'm with you on that one... I don't like the reader thinking the heroine is being dumb or incompetent.

Lady Jane's stories are all good fun, but I think she admits herself that her interest is more in what comes after the heroine is captured - so she skips over the defeats quite quickly and often in the same way. Again, for what she sets out to do I think she does it very well.

Personally I enjoy stories that bring it all together with depth in character and a really credible heroine being believably defeated -followed by a really detailed, sordid account of the consequences of her defeat. Bringing it back to the recent discussion, I don't really mind whether or not that defeat is *ultimate* or *temporary*, though I tend to favour temporary for its ability to return our heroine back to the action to face future peril. Ultimate can be really powerful and fun, though, as long as you play it carefully... For me such stories often run the risk of becoming explorations of futility, with the heroine often thinking and behaving more like a victim than a hero - often right from the start. I know some people love that. I really don't.
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Somewhat unrelated, for those that are having trouble picturing Aurelia based upon the descriptions I have provided in the stories I have previously posted or by the description by Void in the story above, though I don't want to undermine the perception that anybody may have drawn in their own imaginations, I offer the following, which pretty closely resembles the perception I have always had about Aurelia in creating her as a character ...

The pic of it below, which is a Luis Royo creation, fits my perception very cloesely. Hopefully it fits yours, too. :-)

Luis Royo AV.jpg
Luis Royo AV.jpg (14.38 KiB) Viewed 27610 times

The only difference for me might be, I'd have her hair just slightly longer, maybe just slightly smaller boobs ... and of course, in my stories she is generally more clothed, at least initially. :cool2:
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If there are any others out there that have read and enjoyed this story so far, fret not, for I have been badgering Void to write lots more and I can tell you that he is making good progress. I would anticipate that he'll soon post more to this story. :-)
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While we wait for the next story update, how about another wonderful Luis Royo picture ... this drawing once again captures the essence of how I visualize my character creation that is Aurelia :
Luis Royo 7.jpg
Luis Royo 7.jpg (194.92 KiB) Viewed 27065 times
Note - these Luis Royo drawings were of his own creation. By coincidence, they just happen to capture the essence of what I imagined for the Aurelia character.
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Alrighty then. So this story continues to do its thing... and it is a pretty niche thing, I must say, but hope you guys enjoy it! This update doubles the size of the story, and yet there's still quite a lot to come - so my ambition now is for this to come in three parts, with the next part concluding the tale. No promises when that will be... but my intention is for it to be in the coming weeks. I actually have a decent amount of the next part already written up. The whole story is dark and violent - really getting its dungeon funk on - but brace yourself for a pretty scandalous third part!

Again I must tip my hat to Flirty - this is her narrative universe and much of the ideas in play here belong to her.

We welcome all feedback. I'm particularly keen to hear if you guys are following the story, or if you feel it alienates you with too many concepts that aren't well explained. I think it's clear... but I'm not a fair judge!

This part may still need some cleaning up, but I will get on that when I get the chance.

Monsters In The Dark

She had been drifting in and out of consciousness more times than she could count. Adrift under a heavy ocean of exhaustion and pure carnal satisfaction, she had found it difficult to tell the difference between her dreams and her rare waking moments.

She felt so weak. So very, very weak.

There was confusion, too. A faint flicker of understanding that this pall of pleasure and tiredness was not all there was. There was aching desire and immediate, ultimate gratification, but she was distantly aware that there had once been other elements to her life.

Her eyes opened, leaving behind a lurid dream of sighs and lovers, and she saw a dark, candle-lit room surrounding the lush red sheets she was laying on. Her whole body throbbed with arousal, even while it still tingled with heavenly satisfaction, and the strange mix of powerful feelings caused her to moan softly as she rolled over to rest her weary head. She closed her eyes once more as she snuggled up next to another soft body lying in the sheets with her.

Slumber threatened to take her into its sweet embrace once more, but her growing awareness and confusion compelled her to search her memory.

Why was she here?

Her mind faltered and resisted, but slowly she dragged her memories back to her through the dense haze of fantasy.

Her name… Her name was Anabel Walker. She had gone out with her friends to celebrate something… She was getting married. It was her last night to hit the town as an unmarried woman, and her friends had taken her out for a night of partying and drinking.

Anabel stirred from her dreamy state as the memories returned to her; as she surfaced from the ocean she had been drowning in.

They had been approached by a group of men while they revelled at a club, and the men had flirted with them. It had been a funny encounter with young, handsome devils that flattered them and openly desired the mostly-married group of women. The girls had laughed and enjoyed the hungry attention of the young studs, goading each other to indulge the scandalous advances of their admirers.

And then… They had started to give in to the seductive young men. It went from a risqué joke to being genuine, passionate lust as the men continued to caress them. Each of the girls had forgotten about their partners waiting at home, forgetting even about each other as they lost themselves to the lascivious demands of the increasingly domineering strangers. Some girls had resisted or protested, but each was soothed into submission under the tempting words and sensuous touches of the men.

Anabel had protested most of all. She had resisted them and clung on to thoughts of her fiancée, but somehow it hadn’t mattered. The men had been so gorgeous, so provocative that she couldn’t help but be convinced by them. She had been worn down under their sultry promises, gradually being persuaded to give in to temptation even while she still spoke words of protest.

They had been taken home by the men and then…

Anabel moaned again as she recalled the night of debauchery she had enjoyed. The things the men had done to her, the things they made her do and say… The delightful, sinful things she experienced were as many as they were dirty, and she had surrendered utterly to it.

She hadn’t known such heights of ecstasy were even possible.

Her friends had enjoyed the same treatment. They had all remained together as they were each dominated and perverted beyond their wildest dreams. Many had even been made to do things with each other that were debased and unthinkable – yet they had all wantonly complied. Anabel had given – and received – oral sex from her fiancée's sister, a girl she been friends with since high school. She had sucked her friend’s love juices off of one of the men’s cocks and licked his cum off her breasts – receiving the same attention and more from her friends herself.

It was perverse madness, and it had become all they knew.

All the girls had grown weaker and weaker as the experience seemed to drain them. Then… Then the men had started to bite the women. One by one they had been bitten, and one by one they had given off a final moan before going still and cold. Anabel herself had been bitten on each of her wrists by two separate men; it had felt so steamy and divine, and then…

She had blacked out; sinking into the dreamy ocean she had just been adrift on.

Thinking about it now, Anabel was starting to get a sense of the wrongness of it all. Guilt and shame started to swell up within her as she began to process the things she had done in the night, but even that powerful sensation was dwarfed by an even more pressing feeling as she recalled watching each of her friends falling limp into the arms of the demonic creatures feeding off of them.


As if waking from a nightmare, Anabel suddenly bolted upright in the sheets and gasped loudly. Finally thinking clearly she glanced around the candle-lit room to see that she was lying at the centre of a pile of cold, dead bodies.

Her friends’ bodies.

Unable to vocalise a decent response, she cried out a garbled mix of distressed noises and hastily crawled away from the pile of bodies. Her naked body struggled with the simple movement, feeling like she was trying to move through sand.

She shuddered with shock and revulsion as her addled mind tried to piece together sense from her horrific circumstances. The contrast of shifting from a living sex-dream to a living nightmare was jarring in the extreme. She stared disbelievingly at the lifeless collection of her friends that she had just emerged from, feeling the sight rekindle more memories of the night. They had all screamed and moaned with unadulterated bliss as they had died – she remembered doing much the same before finally blacking out.

A sob escaped her lips as she tried and failed to understand her situation, sounding like a plaintive animal wail. She sank to the floor and sheltered her head in her arms to block out the view of the room.

She hoped against hope that she could just wake up from this hell – but a deep part of her knew that this, somehow, was reality.

A storm of emotions threatened to shut her down as she struggled to cope with it all. Waves of adrenaline was carrying her through the moment, allowing her survival instinct to take over in an attempt to remove her from this nightmare - to get here anywhere but here.

Anabel distracted herself from the distressing thoughts by focusing on the task of clothing herself. She knelt down to a pile of discarded garments sat next to the red sheets and collected a random assortment of clothes to climb in to. It was a patchwork mix of clothes that the group of girls had worn when they were led to this room, and Anabel did her very best not to think about it as she shifted her attention to the room around her.

The room was a large, lavish lounge of some kind, with lots of comfortable-looking pieces of furniture pulled back to surround the heap of red sheets where the girls lay. The circle of candles was only enough to light the centre of the lounge, leaving the fringes of the large room wreathed in shadows, and Anabel could vaguely make out multiple doorways exiting to unknown parts of the building.

She tried to recall how she had gotten here but the memory of being led here was just a blur in her mind.

There was a sound somewhere, like a mix between a growl and a snort. Something moved in the darkness of the lounge.

Anabel gasped and whirled about herself in search of the noise. She felt her sense of panic rising as she cast her gaze rapidly back and forth around the room, seeing only unreadable darkness. She clung to herself defensively as she tried to endure a crushing sense of total helplessness.

Then she saw him.

He was just a dark silhouette, but her eyes just managed to pick him out sitting in a luxury armchair barely metres away from the red sheets. He was sat motionless, watching her with eyes that glinted a subtle red light, and smiling with sadistic amusement. The stranger inclined his head to the side as he saw Anabel finally notice him.

‘You are still alive,’ he observed softly, his voice sounding deep and intoxicatingly rich. The mere sound of him sent quivers through Anabel’s body even though she was terrified. ‘You are strong – and you have a terrific appetite for indulgence…’

The man rose from his chair, making himself marginally more visible in the candle-light. He had a tall, broad frame that made him loom large in the darkness. Anabel could see he wore a fine white shirt that was completely unbuttoned, revealing the rippling muscles of his exquisite torso. His painfully handsome face was framed by long, thick brown hair that had been pulled back into a tight ponytail.

‘…You would make a fine addition to the family, sweet Anabel.’

Anabel took a step backwards as the grinning man stepped further into the light. She could hear other sounds now around the lounge and the building beyond. Other things were starting to move around in the darkness, and she heard sinister murmuring along with more animalistic noises. She jumped as something snarled somewhere off to her right, and then she whirled the other way as she heard a wet cackling sound.

In the darkness around her Anabel could now see multiple pairs of faint red lights similar to that given off by the eyes of the man approaching her. Raising her arms up as if to try and ward the room away from her, Anabel shot a pleading look at the alluring devil coming toward her.

‘Oh God, please… Please let me go…puh…’

The man raised his hands in a placating gesture, ‘Hush, Anabel, hush… Your wretched life is already at an end, but you can be born again, Anabel, you can become something wonderful.’

‘No! Leave me alone!’ Anabel screamed back at him. She decided then and there that she wanted to survive – she owed it to her fiancée and to her friends. If this hell was going to be her end, then she wasn’t going to meekly accept it like she had the sins of the night – she was going to at least fight it this time.

Anabel span on her heels and ran away from the man’s open arms. She bolted into the unknown of the darkness and was rewarded with an open set of double doors leading into a similarly dark corridor.

Behind her she heard the man laugh loudly. ‘Where are you running, Anabel?’ he called after her, ‘What life awaits you even if you could return to it? The darkness holds you now, Anabel; you belong to us.’

Other creatures were now moving around in the building. Anabel could hear their frighteningly loud and fast footsteps as they moved, giving off primal, bestial hoots. She could hear their heavy breathing, sounding harsh and demonic as though she was being pursued by a pack of hell hounds.

She ignored it all. She put her head down and ran for all that she was worth down the corridor. She passed multiple doors leading off to her right and left, but she ignored them all in favour of running for a door at the far end of the corridor. The door was lit from around its hinges a dirty orange colour, indicating there might be street lights on the other side – meaning it could lead outside of this nightmarish building.

Every now and then she caught glimpses of shapes moving in the doorways she passed. Things were reaching for her from the darkness, and they got closer and closer with each passing moment. She could hear the sounds of her pursuers right behind her and she braced herself to be grabbed at any moment.

As she got within reach of the door something snarled in her right ear and she felt a hand run its fingers through her hair.

‘No!’ she cried out as she threw herself at the door. She burst through the doorway into a side alley of some kind, only marginally better lit than the interior of the building by stuttering street lamps.

She landed on her hands and knees on the hard paving of the alley, feeling her weakened body starting to give up in the face of her exertion. Still fuelled by desperation, Anabel crawled along the ground as she tried to scramble back to her feet and resume her flight from the monsters.

However as she dragged herself back to her feet she came face to face with one of them.

She recognised the young, charming features of the man as being one of the men who charmed her into leaving with them from the nightclub. There had been no one standing there less than a second earlier, but somehow he had soundlessly managed to appear there in the eye-blink that Anabel wasn’t looking.

He smirked at her as he firmly took hold of her wrists to bring her closer to him. Her exhausted body had nothing left to give to her defence as she was easy handled by the beautiful charmer. Anabel was helpless but to look into the man’s angelic face as he reeled her in, feeling confusion at the dissonance between his current visage and the horrendous noises she had heard chasing her.

The charmer laughed flirtatiously, ‘You like playing hard to get, don’t you?’

Anabel shot a glance over her shoulder as she heard sniggering behind her. Three other gorgeous youths had stepped out from the doorway to follow her. Two were incredibly attractive young men, while the third was an exotic and enchantingly voluptuous woman – each gazed at her with smouldering sexual intensity as they sauntered towards her. Though there was no sign of the bestial qualities implied by the noises they had made earlier, there was still a very faint red hue deep within their eyes.

Anabel returned her attention to the man holding her as she hopelessly tried to wrestle free from his grip.

‘Please…,’ she sobbed, ‘What are you people? Why are you doing this to me?’

His eyes lit up with amusement as he watched her struggles cease and horrified resignation sink in across her face. He lent in to her and answered in a sultry whisper, ‘You ask two questions, and they both have the same answer.’ His smile widened to reveal sharp fangs in the corners of his mouth, ‘We are hungry.’

The three other creatures chortled along like a pack of hyenas.

Anabel gazed into the eyes of her murderer, feeling terror like she had never experienced in her life. The laughter grew louder as the charmer effortlessly guided Anabel’s head to the side to expose her neck to him. He was chuckling himself as he brought his face down to her neck.

‘Fear not, Anabel… Your end will also be your sweet beginning.’

She shut her eyes tight as she prepared for whatever new torment was about to be inflicted on her. The sounds of the sadistic laughter echoed around her – the jubilance of monsters the last thing she was ever going to hear.

A new laughter joined the chorus.

It was a delicate giggle but it pierced through the hyena’s laughter, sounding altogether more entertained and amused. The other laughter suddenly ceased, but the newcomer’s chuckle continued long and loud.

Anabel opened her eyes to see there was a beautiful woman standing in the shadows of the alley a few meters behind the charmer’s back. Her graceful features were touched with amusement as her piercing green eyes locked on to Anabel. The man holding Anabel seemed to realise someone was there, and he twisted his face away from her neck so that he could look behind him.

The green-eyed woman winked at Anabel.

The charmer suddenly rocked as though he been shocked and he immediately released Anabel. She looked from the woman back to him and was startled to see two elegant silver blades embedded in his body – one at the centre of his head and the other at the centre of his chest. The charmer gave a groan of distress and then his whole body immediately turned into some kind of black sand, standing like a black statue for a second before the dark particles collapsed into a pool on the ground, leaving behind only his garments of clothing to rest on top of it.

The silver knives dropped from the empty space that had once been the charmer and landed noisily on the paving of the alley. Anabel hadn’t even seen a movement from the woman to indicate she had thrown the blades.

The creatures standing behind Anabel were no longer smiling. They each stepped backwards towards the doorway they had emerged from, each now with something like fear written across their face.

Anabel had no idea what to do with this bizarre turn of events. She simply sank to her knees next to the ashen pile of what had once been the charmer that had seduced her.

One of the creatures launched itself past Anabel and toward the newcomer. It was one of the attractive men, though now it looked far less beautiful and far more demonic. The thing moved with such speed that Anabel’s eyes could barely keep up with it as it fired itself at the grinning woman.

Anabel watched in stunned disbelief as the green-eyed woman casually caught the creature by the throat in a blur of motion, before slamming it down to the ground with enough force that Anabel actually felt the ground shake. The woman’s other hand fired down into the creature’s chest, punching a hole through its upper torso and then instantly yanking back. Anabel’s jaw dropped open as she saw the woman had literally ripped the creature’s heart from its chest.

The woman’s gaze swept up from her defeated foe to look at the remaining two creatures standing behind Anabel. She flashed them a challenging smile as she idly crushed the heart in her hand, causing the creature beneath her to shudder in pain before exploding into black ash just like the charmer had.

The remaining creatures backed away another step, now clearly showing signs of fear.

‘Go tell your master that death has found him,’ the woman said menacingly, her voice sounding husky and lyrical all at once. ‘On you go,’ she said, waving her ash-covered hand at them.

The creatures needed no more encouragement. They both turned tail and ran back through the doorway into the building, disappearing into the inky darkness within without so much as a backwards glance.

The woman chuckled and then walked over to where Anabel knelt on the ground. She reached down and picked up the two silver knives lying on the ground before deftly returning them to holsters on the belts around her hips. She paused for a moment to incline her head and study Anabel, seeming to evaluate her in some way, before swaggering on towards the doorway.

It was finally too much for Anabel. The bundle of emotions that she had been holding back now swept over her in an overwhelming wave. She burst into hysterical tears and hugged in to her knees as the emotion poured out of her. Her mind simply stopped trying to deal with events and instead focused on rumination.

The green-eyed woman hesitated on the threshold of the doorway. She turned her head to look back over her shoulder at Anabel and then looked back into the awaiting darkness of the doorway. She let out a soft groan before turning back toward Anabel and making her way back over to her.

‘Forgive me, child,’ she said gently, ‘Sometimes the hunt makes me forget my decency.’ She knelt down to face Anabel, her smile replaced with a look of pained sympathy. ‘You have been touched by torment beyond the ken of your kind, and for that there are no appropriate words of apology.’

Anabel recoiled slightly as the woman reached her arms out to embrace her, but the woman persisted and brought Anabel into a tender hug, cradling her head to her chest like a mother comforting a child. After another moment of resistance Anabel clutched on to the other woman and accepted her comfort, weeping uncontrollably in her arms.

The green-eyed woman stroked her hair as she soothed her, whispering gentle kindnesses as she allowed Anabel to let her flood of emotions out. Anabel could hear ominous sounds coming from the building behind her - monsters stirring in their lair - but the woman seemed oblivious to the increasing din of frightening noises. She was altogether unhurried as she rocked Anabel back and forth.

After a while Anabel recovered enough of her composure to draw back away from the other woman’s comfort. She gazed up at her with tear-filled eyes. ‘What’s happening?’ she croaked.

The woman smiled warmly. ‘You have been the victim of demons,’ she said softly, ‘And you have lost much to their predations.’ She wiped the tears from Anabel’s cheeks with her fingertips, ‘I cannot return to you the things that have been taken, but if you wish I can take your memory of it all. I can save you from being tormented by the memories of this night, if you desire it. At least that way you can return to your life sheltered from the trauma. Would you like me to take the pain away?’

Anabel searched the green eyes of the woman staring down at her. Given the night she was in the middle of experiencing, she absolutely believed this woman could do as she was offering. It seemed that she was a monster even to monsters – Anabel was willing to believe this person could do anything.


The woman’s eyes widened in surprise at her strong response. Anabel surprised herself as well, but the answer boiled up from somewhere deep within her being and it came with total clarity.

‘No, thank you.’

The woman raised an eyebrow at her, ‘You wish to keep your torment from this night?’

Anabel choked back another sob before she answered, doing her best to articulate the raw feeling that had spoken for her.

‘I… I can’t let tonight go… It… It has to mean something… It just has to. If I don’t remember it then it will still have happened but it would mean nothing to me – and it should mean something.’

The smile returned to the other woman’s face as she listened. She nodded her head in acceptance, giving Anabel an admiring look. ‘Very well then, child, your bravery does you much credit. You have impressed me.’

A particularly loud noise came from the darkness of the building, causing the green-eyed woman to look away from Anabel.

‘I’m afraid I have business that I must now resume,’ she said apologetically as she returned her focus to Anabel. ‘You should run for safety, child.’ She stood up and turned back to the doorway, ‘I wish you luck living with your memory of tonight – I know it won’t be easy but perhaps you’ll manage to bear the burden.’

Anabel tentatively returned to her own shaky feet. ‘What are you going to do?’ she asked the mysterious woman as she made her way back to the threshold of the building.

The woman spoke back over her shoulder as she disappeared into the darkness of the doorway.

‘I’m going to deliver death.’


Death and Punishment

It starts as an itch. A dull sensation throughout the body that needs fulfilling, even if what that fulfilment entails is elusive, and it is a sensation easily overlooked or ignored. There is warmth to it, at first, making it almost pleasant – perhaps even making it intriguing.

Then the feeling starts to grow.

It becomes an ache, throbbing throughout both the body and the mind, until there can be no mistaking it or ignoring it.

Something is definitely wrong, and it is getting worse.

The bodily sensation continues to grow in intensity until it has moved from pleasant warmth into searing, agonizing burning. There is no relief or even visible evidence for what is happening, but there is no mistaking, or escaping, the fires of change as they envelope everything. A body, once so familiar, now becomes completely alien and unknown as liquid alteration cascades from one organ to another in a torrent of transformation. Something insidious and ancient grows in strength and influence as it inveigles itself into everything, utterly unstoppable as it corrupts from within.

The physical sensation is meaningless in the face of what is happening in the mind.

Darkness is opening up that swallows everything it touches. The yawning emptiness expands until all there is in the world is a bottomless chasm that will never be filled. It is the most horrifying and disturbing death of all that there once was. Memories and identity fall like water into the dark void, slipping out of the mind under the pull of a force beyond reckoning into total nothingness.

She knows it is happening; she can feel the change rippling over her. She recognises that she is losing herself, her very personality pouring out of her like blood from a grievous wound, but she can do nothing to hold it back. Like sand through her fingers, all she can do is vainly hold on to her identity as it falls away into the darkness.

She gives a final scream of pain and anguish as her body is fully reshaped by the shifting design of the sickness. The darkness within her claims everything in her world.

It swallows all that she is and was. All her decency, all her love, all her compassion – everything is taken.

Until only hunger remains.


The brood had chosen a lair befitting of their hubris and their predilections. The building had once been a brothel of sorts, catering to the city’s sleazy underbelly by offering a sanctuary in which pleasure could be both bought and sold.

It must have attracted them like a moth to a flame.

Aurelia had taken much information from the hunter she found earlier in the night. Among her many unearthly abilities was the power to absorb memory from the blood of her victims – it was an ability that the Tainted ones imped to a much lesser degree. Of what she could glean from the hunter’s blood, this brood had taken over the establishment, enthralling and devouring the former patrons before using it as their nest from which to launch out hunts into the city. It had gone on, unchecked, for nearly three years now, and the brood had grown in both number and skill as their master directed them.

Similar to the devious blood lord that they were descended from, this brood’s appetite for sensual experience was voracious, and it was matched by their cunning. The brood’s master, known to the hunter as Seth, had guided them with a particular interest in training them and developing their abilities. Like Gideon before him, Seth was able to temper his ravenous hunger with a more long-term vision for building up the power of his brood – managing to keep his focus on siring the Taint into fresh candidates to join the family, further spreading the Taint. More than that, Seth had seen to it that the younger creatures were each schooled in the insidious methods passed down to him long ago by his own sire.

It was little wonder, then, that the brood had finally come to Aurelia’s attention. Ambitious nests like this one never stayed hidden for long. It also went some way to explain why the young hunter Aurelia had found by the nightclub had been so much more skilful than his comparatively tender age suggested.

For creatures so obsessed with destruction and self-indulgence, it was rare to find a brood-master with ambition to build anything. It was broods like this one that posed the direst threat to humanity if they were allowed to continue developing unabated. Like a malignant cancer or a wildfire, it had the potential to spread and destroy uncontrollably.

But it was all going to end tonight.

Aurelia strode through the darkness of the corridor, emboldened by the plight of the plucky childling she had saved. Having briefly halted her hunt to see to the well-being of the brood’s latest victim, the Goddess was now returning her focus completely to matters of the hunt. Her eagerness for the hunt had been further kindled by the poor condition of the impressive childling. There had been such strength and purity in the young woman, and the Tainted ones had clearly come close to stripping it all away from her.

The scent of death in the air made it clear the brood had succeeded in taking everything from plenty of other victims before her – including the woman’s friends.

Aurelia idly clenched her fists as she approached the opposite end of the corridor. The dark deeds of the brood ensured that she would take particular satisfaction in vanquishing them. The Goddess had sensed the deep pain and sorrow of the pure-hearted woman as she had consoled her, and it resonated enough with her that tonight’s hunt had now also become a matter of vengeance.

The earlier indignations of her encounter with the hunter had already offended her, and she was keen to mend her slighted pride at the expense of the hunter’s brood, one death at a time.

All things considered, Aurelia was already resolved that the brood-master would receive special punishment. He would die last, only after having watched his mini-empire, and legacy, broken over the Goddess’s knee. Then she would drain the life from him; meting out the same fate that he had inflicted so many times before, and absorbing his memories to better track whatever other broods he had encountered.

She had declared her arrival rather empathically in the alley, and her prolonged pause with the childling had offered the brood plenty of time to consider their response. Aurelia had expected them to flee; to scatter in every direction that they could in the hopes of escaping her wrath – as many other broods had done in the past when they realised she was at their door.

Instead, she sensed that the brood was gathering in the room ahead. She couldn’t contain a predatory smile from breaking out across her face as she realised they were intending to meet her challenge. This raised her estimation of them even higher - no Tainted had ever escaped her once she acquired the scent of their bloodline.

As she passed between a set of doorways, Tainted creatures lunged out at her from both sides, using the shadows as a hiding place to spring their trap. No doubt they considered themselves formidable predators of the night, springing out to terrify and overpower her like they had so many before her.

Clearly these ones did not yet understand the true danger that she represented to the brood. Perhaps they were the least intelligent or most brash among them – or, Aurelia considered, they were being sacrificed by the brood-master for some other purpose.

Ultimately the reason for their ambush was irrelevant. Aurelia didn’t even break her stride down the corridor as she drew a silver blade in each hand and jabbed them into the creatures’ unguarded chests either side of her, before returning the blades back to their holsters. The knives were back in her belts before the two creatures turned to black ash and crumbled behind her.

A third creature made the same attempt as she passed a final doorway, leaping out at her in a frenzied pulse of speed. She caught the swing of its arm by the wrist and violently punched into the hinge of its elbow to snap it the wrong way, before using her momentum to whirl around and swing a roundhouse kick to the creature’s stunned face. Its neck broke and its jaw dislocated as it was spun on its feet to face away from her, the fragmented remains of its teeth firing out into the room ahead. Aurelia stepped up behind it as it wobbled on its feet and kicked it hard at the centre of its back, crushing its spine in the same movement as crushing its heart.

It flew away from her under the force of the impact and landed in the candle-lit room ahead, scattering into black ash as it hit the floor.

Aurelia continued sauntering forwards, unmoved by the demonic grunts and murmurs filling the room ahead, and stepped through the doorway into the dull candle-lit room.

Looking around at the shapes of the pulled back furniture she supposed it had once been a lounge area for the patrons of the brothel to congregate, and it seemed the brood had continued to use it in much the same way. The centre of the room was marked by thick red bed sheets that lay in an inviting heap. The dead bodies of the brood’s recent victims still lay in the sheets, looking utterly tragic and forlorn to Aurelia.

Around the fringes of the room, standing in dark half-light, was the entire brood.

There were nearly two dozen of them.

Aurelia’s eyes swept over them all, hungrily taking in the sight of them. It was a large nest - certainly the largest she had found in a number of years. The gathered Tainted ones leered at her in a mixture of apprehension and anticipation – covetously attracted to her while also genuinely fearful. They had never in their lives seen or sensed anything even remotely like her.

Buoyed by the confidence of being with their whole nest, Aurelia could see that it was desire and attraction that was winning out over the faces of her prey. They couldn’t help but be excited by the new challenge that she offered, and the intoxicating prospect of conquering her.

She leered back at the assorted pleasure feeders. She knew their excitement wouldn’t last long; she almost felt pity for them.

Her eye was drawn to a figure standing toward the centre of the room. He was a tall, powerfully built man with strikingly handsome features. His beautifully sculpted torso was clearly on display through his unbuttoned white shirt, and it gleamed enticingly in the intimate lighting of the candles. He smiled warmly back at her as he met her gaze, immediately drawing her attention into his dark eyes.

She recognised him for what he was instantly. His more mature look, his powerful presence, his commanding body language, and most tellingly, his scent all confirmed it. This was the brood-master.

Aurelia grinned back him. ‘Well hello there. You must be Seth.’

The man’s smile faltered as he was identified, clearly shocked that she knew his name, but he recovered quickly. ‘I am honoured that you know my name, my lady,’ he called back to her, his voice like sweet honey in her ears. He raised his hands up to her as though he were presenting her, ‘And I bid you welcome to our humble abode, unfitting though it is for a Goddess.’

He took a confident step forwards as he continued gesturing toward her.

‘We are all so pleased to make your acquaintance, beautiful Aurelia.’

With effort, Aurelia tore her eyes from the brood-master to take in the measure of the gathered brood around the room. She had not expected there to be quite so many of them, and she realised that they actually offered a very credible danger to her in such numbers.

She licked her teeth as she considered her opposition. It was a rare, and slightly exhilarating, feeling for the Goddess to face a fight where the odds were stacked against her like this.

‘You know my name, yet you stand your ground,’ she said with a hint of admiration as she returned her gaze to him, ‘I wonder if it is ignorance or courage that compels you to face me?’

Seth gave an easy laugh. ‘Perhaps it is both? Or…,’ he made a show of looking over each shoulder at his amassed brood, ‘Perhaps it is just good judgement? I don’t doubt that you are a mighty adversary, magnificent Aurelia, but I think you have underestimated the severity of the spider’s web that you have walked into.’

The many figures around the room inched ever so slightly further into the room. Each of their eyes bore into Aurelia, lecherously crawling all over her lithe figure. Many were tensed in readiness to leap into action – actually shivering with barely restrained excitement.

His eyes twinkled with seductive menace, ‘You are outmatched, my lady.’

Aurelia grinned fiercely back at him, ‘You think so?’ Her hands rested idly above the hilts of her knives as she demurely craned her neck from side to side, preparing her body to unleash its full potential. ‘You certainly have been very busy,’ she said nonchalantly, ‘But your brood is young and their Taint is weak – your judgment to stand your ground was wise, but sadly after I claimed one of your hunters there was no choice you could have made that would save you.’

She boldly stepped into the room, swaying her hips as she swaggered toward the centre where the sheets lay. She held Seth’s hungry gaze with one of her own, ‘I am your doom, your richly deserved and long overdue punishment, and I have found you.’

‘Powerful words, my lady,’ Seth replied, his eyes straying down her body to look at where her hands hovered above her blades, ‘I know the many legends of the Gwardian; the Goddess mother of death and penance, but I have also heard that no living creatures feel such pleasure or lust as the Gwardian. I have heard that it is like a drug that quite debilitates the Gwardian – I wonder if that is true? I can think of few things more interesting than a Goddess that is enslaved by those who worship her divine body.’

Aurelia felt a thrill run through her as she realised the brood-master knew of the Laria, and her weakness to it. This one is too dangerous to leave for last, she thought to herself, I think I’ll start with him instead.

Her smile widened as her fingertips made contact with the hilts of her knives. ‘I’ll certainly take pleasure in ending you.’

She tensed and her hands gripped around the handles of her blades.


At a signal from their master, all the pleasure feeders in the room unleashed their aura, casting each of their seductive, insidious spells onto the Goddess to arouse and control her. Of the gathered crowd some had pathetically weak auras while others had surprisingly strong ones, but they were all incredibly skilled at wielding their power. Most powerful of them all was Seth’s, which would have been formidable even if it were alone.

With so many telepathic spells used in concert, the effect on Aurelia was powerful indeed. Thoughts of sex and submission flooded her mind as her focus was forced towards desire. With so many powers all trying to direct and subdue her, Aurelia felt it become hard to maintain her concentration, and her thoughts became sluggish as they moved about in the warm soup of lust that was being poured into her. Unlike the subtle domination of the hunter earlier in the night, this barrage was more like a hammer-blow.

Aurelia moaned quietly as the wave of telepathic subjugation enveloped her. She already felt it teasing out the early effects of the Laria, starting to stir the trance-like intoxication that further fogged her mind. Her body responded profoundly to the many influences that were priming her arousal and easing her toward indulgence. She felt butterflies in her stomach and a throbbing warmth surge around her crotch, making it sensitive and ache for attention. Her nipples stiffened into diamonds, becoming prominently visible even through the fabric of her bra and shirt as two hard little points. Already she could feel herself starting to moisten between her legs as her body reacted on a primal level to the array of sensations.

There was derisive laughter from some of the Tainted ones as they noticed her body’s clear response to their power. It emboldened them to see evidence that they could make the Goddess’s flesh yield to them, and none of them missed the glazed look of arousal in Aurelia’s green eyes that revealed they were equally affecting her mind.

‘Mmmm…,’ Aurelia sighed gently as she released her grip on the handles of her blades. She absently rubbed her thighs together as she fought to maintain her purpose against the seductive power bearing down on her. Her mind was continually drifting onto thoughts of sex and pleasure, and it was a constant effort to reel it back in to the task at hand. She could feel the Laria looming large in the back of her head as her animalistic urges for passionate satisfaction were stoked higher and higher by the brood.

Trying to resist one aura was easy to Aurelia, but resisting so many differing influences at the same time was proving to be overwhelming.

Seth’s eyes lit up as he watched her falter under the telepathic spell of his entire brood. ‘You like it, don’t you, Aurelia?’ he said with amusement, ‘Just relax and take it all in. Don’t fight it; there is no need for us to hurt each other when we could do something far more enjoyable. All you have to do is let us carry you away on a tide of your own passion. Wouldn’t you like that?

Aurelia groaned as Seth’s compelling words assailed her vulnerable mind. She couldn’t deny how shamefully appealing the prospect of being pleasured by the brood would be. There were so many, and they would each devote all their attention and energy into giving her sordid pleasure.

It would be absolute ecstasy.

‘Ughh… I must say you weave a powerful spell,’ she said softly as she couldn’t help but look over Seth’s handsome body. Her gaze was drawn up his body to look into his powerful eyes. ‘It’s… been a while since I last had to resist an aura as powerful as this… I’m impressed you’ve learned to work together like this. But…’

But nothing,’ Seth interrupted her, sensing that she was building up to an attempt to break free of their hold. ‘Why not keep admiring our spell, then? Soak it in, savour it, and fully immerse yourself in it.’

Aurelia laughed nervously as she listened to his words. It was unbelievably tempting to do as he was instructing.

Seth could see she was struggling with her desires. ‘It’s okay, Aurelia, you have needs that yearn for fulfilment. Forget about fighting it, just listen to my voice and focus on your body’s desires.

She felt like she was being crushed under the weight of the telepathic assault. It was exhausting work to fight it. ‘No…,’ she groaned as she gritted her teeth, finding she couldn’t look away from Seth’s eyes, ‘I…’

Touch yourself,’ Seth commanded, ‘Your body cries out for your attention – you must obey it.

Aurelia ran a hand down the curve of her body before she even realised she was doing it, lightly rubbing over the front of her chest as she trembled with arousal. She opened her mouth to speak words of defiance, but only a lusty groan came out.

That’s it,’ he encouraged, ‘Reach under your skirt, Aurelia. Pleasure yourself like you want to.

Her free hand moved as if with a will of its own to pull up under her skirt, tentatively rubbing her moistening pussy through the fabric of her thong. Aurelia moaned louder as she started to finally receive sexual stimulation, and she instantly felt the pleasure feeders around the room deepen their connection to her to begin sapping her power through her pleasure.

The feeling of the brood feeding off her pleasure stirred her somewhat from her daze. ‘Mmmm… you think I’m just going to sacrifice myself to you without so much as a fight?’ she asked breathily, as she continued to rub herself for the brood’s amusement.

You can’t stop yourself now,’ Seth replied as he held her lusty gaze, seeing the seeds of submission starting to take root in her. ‘You cannot deny our commands, just as you cannot deny the sinful demands of your body. Surrender yourself to pleasure, Aurelia.

Her breath quickened as she couldn’t help but rub herself faster through her thong, feeling the fabric get increasingly wet with her juices. She quivered with conflicting desires as she fought to regain control of her impulses and regain her sense of purpose. The indignity of debasing herself for the amusement of the brood served to equally ignite her anger and her arousal, and she felt herself starting to gradually weaken as they fed on her essence. She found she couldn’t break eye contact with the domineering brood-master, realising he had drawn her deep under his spell.

She bit her lip as she tried to resist. ‘I…mmmm… I’m not a lamb to the slaughter…’

Unbutton your shirt.

The hand not pleasing herself between her legs moved up her chest to begin shakily undoing her buttons. Aurelia’s eyes fluttered as she tried and failed to look away from Seth’s smouldering glare. ‘I won’t... Ugghhhh,’ she interrupted herself with a moan as the fingers between her legs masturbated her to a greater level of pleasure.

Good girl,’ Seth said warmly as she slowly undid her shirt. He could see the defiance starting to fade from her eyes as she was ever more ensnared by her own lust. She was becoming totally trapped in his manipulations. ‘You like to obey.

With her shirt open, Aurelia’s hand snaked in to rub around her bra, putting on quite the show for the brood. She was starting to sigh and moan now with every deep breath she took.

Play with your nipples, Goddess. You’ve come too far to resist us now; show us that divine body of yours.

She hesitated even less this time as she followed Seth’s commands – finding it increasingly easy to give in to his suggestions. She reached down to pull down on the cups of her bra to release her pert breasts to the view of the leering brood, and she shamelessly kneaded them with her hand, teasing and pinching her hard nipples with her fingertips.

Aurelia’s moans were starting to become completely uninhibited as she continued her dirty display. The brood savoured ever second of it, becoming increasingly excited themselves as they were intoxicated by her sweet essence and the sight of her pleasuring herself. They sniggered and muttered derisively at her as her body and desires betrayed her.

Her cheeks started to become flushed with arousal and embarrassment as she was compelled to humiliate herself. She gasped and shuddered as her hands worked over her sensitive body, trying to take back control from the submissive arousal that was crushing her but unable to stop her fingers from rubbing her most intimate area while her other hand played unashamedly across her bare breasts. The laughter of the brood made her blush more, but it also stirred her desire to resist.

Seth smiled as he watched her succumb to them. She had come with such pride and power, but now she was putting on a tantalising show for them, offering her pleasure for them to devour, and doing so by her own hand. ‘You are helplessly tangled in our web, aren’t you, Goddess?

Aurelia groaned low in her throat as her treacherous hands brought more and more pleasure to her, further pushing her into the silken embrace of the Laria. She wasn’t trying to stop herself now, instead starting to just enjoy the moment – but even so, she had not forgotten why she was here. Aurelia’s anger had been growing alongside her arousal. As the brood enjoyed her humiliating display, she was mildly aware they were putting less effort into their auras. The very power they were using to distract and conquer her had succeeded in allowing their master to puppeteer her, but now they were becoming distracted themselves, and their spell was waning in power.

Yes…,’ she sighed back to Seth, looking into his eyes with yearning. ‘But… this has to stop…’

Seth frowned. ‘Nonsense, this has to go even further – that’s what you truly want, Aurelia. Let us worship you like you deserve, great Goddess.

He signalled with his hand to one of the brood. ‘Take her.’

The one that stepped forward was a lean and beautiful man, stripped to his waist to reveal a network of exotic tattoos over his gleaming muscles. He grinned with pride at being the one chosen to take the Goddess and strode over to the centre of the room.

Aurelia was aware of his coming, seeing him move out the corner of her eye, but she couldn’t look away from Seth’s hold, nor could she stop herself from masturbating. Her excitement mounted as he approached, but also her survival instinct were triggered as a small part of her realised the trouble she was in, and it added further weight to her resistance.

‘Ugh… I’m not so easily taken…’

Yes you are,’ the tattooed devil spoke over her as he reached her, baring his fangs as he grabbed her by the throat.

Aurelia twitched as she struggled to break free of the brood’s control. She knew the danger posed by the Tainted one’s fangs; their bites not only drained lifeblood but they also imparted nefarious toxins that served to subdue the body and further intoxicate it. Thinking of the danger made it easier and easier for her to try and rein in her mind from both the Laria and the brood’s dominance.

Seth saw that she was starting to regain herself and he tried to soothe her resistance away. ‘Keep pleasuring yourself, Aurelia. You want this – just let it happen.

Aurelia’s face quivered as she fought the telepathic onslaught. She was right on the edge of either breaking free or completely surrendering, and she wasn’t sure which outcome she wanted more.

'Here, let me help you,' whispered the tattooed devil as he brought himself in closer to the Goddess. His free hand moved down under her skirt to firmly grip the wrist of the hand she was using to rub herself, and she didn’t resist as he guided the hand to move under the fabric of her thong. She lidded her eyes as her fingers made direct contact with her dripping slit, and she gave a primal moan as she starting rubbing herself more intimately.

That’s better, isn’t it?’ taunted the devil as he slid his own hand down to control her fingers, guiding her hesitant digits to pleasure herself to his liking, 'Rub your sweet little clitty for me.'

'Ohhh...yes...,' Aurelia mewled as she yielded to the devil's instructions, feeling her resistance starting to crumble.

While he made her further distract herself, he used his hand on her throat to push her head slightly to the side so that her neck was exposed to him. As she moaned louder, coming closer to orgasm, he brought his mouth down towards her neck.

Seth held Aurelia’s unfocused eyes as her moans became more dramatic. ‘That’s it, Aurelia, fuck yourself as you are captured. Climax as you are defeated.

Oh no…ohhhhhh noooooo…

She felt hot breath on her neck, and then she felt the fangs start to scrape her delicate skin.



With monumental effort she finally tore her gaze away from Seth’s and pulled her treacherous hands away from her needy body. Her telepathic scream of protest had hit the brood hard, momentarily disrupting their auras, and giving her much needed respite from their influence. Though her mind was still heavy and filled with a cloud of pure lust, she still had the wherewithal to rein it in – just.

She pulled back from the tattooed devil just before his fangs broke the surface of her skin. Then her hunter’s instincts took over, finally able to enact the will she had been withheld from for so long, and she deftly drew a blade and plunged it into the bare chest of her would-be captor.

Aurelia didn’t even wait for him to die; she pulled the blade back and threw it at the closest Tainted one, embedding it entirely in the creature’s face before it could even react. She flicked her hand over her bosom to house her luscious tits back into the cups of her bra and then shot her hands down to each draw a new blade.

Seth recovered quickly, desperate to try and reel the Goddess back under the brood’s control. ‘Stop, Aurelia, don’t fight us.

He and the brood both tried to reassert their aura, but Aurelia was already in motion now – and she was pissed.

‘Nice try,’ she snarled over him before he could speak again, ‘But now your end is at hand.’

She threw more of her blades into the gathered brood, catching them unprepared as they focused on weaving their spell on her, killing them with alarming ease. She ran towards them as she drew and launched more of her blades at them with pin-point precision and incredible speed.

The brood finally broke ranks as they each tried to respond to the onrushing Goddess and her glinting blades. Any hope of using their collective aura in concert was shattered as they franticly moved to evade the angry Goddess.

Her grin had returned to her face as she came to within an arm’s reach of her first victim, and she cried out wantonly as she indulged a different kind of passion. Her voice rang out around the building, sounding savage and elemental.

Prepare to die.


Wrath of a Goddess

It awoke, lying foetal on the cold ground, and gazed about itself in confusion.

There were tears in its eyes and down its cheeks yet it could not understand why they were there or what they meant. It struggled even to care. It was aware that a change had come over it – that it had been profoundly different only moments earlier – yet the details of the change were difficult to grasp or remember.

Its body had changed, and its senses now bombarded it with a cacophony of information that they had never used to before. It could hear every small sound around it in exquisite detail, and it seemed to be hearing from a massive distance compared to what it once had. Likewise it could see the world with far greater clarity, with each surface texture and colour being vividly defined, and the darkness that surrounded it seemed to do little to obscure its pristine vision. Stranger still, it could smell and taste the air around it in striking detail, receiving a chaotic mass of particular scents from kilometres around it that it seemed to be able to process more or less instantly.

It was all so utterly confusing.

Gingerly climbing to its feet, it ended up throwing itself to its feet and accidently running a few steps, such was the difference in the strength of its body compared to what it had expected. Every muscle in its body seemed considerably stronger and more responsive, giving it a strange sense of dissonance as it tried to learn to move in a way that used less effort than it had needed before.

As well as wielding greater strength, it also seemed to possess far faster reflexes and sensitivity across its body that resulted in an uncanny sense of balance. It was empowering to feel such surety of movement and poise, making it feel like it was experiencing the passage of time differently from what it had done before.

It felt a strange ache in its mind, like a pressure valve that it could regulate up and down, and as it focused on the bizarre feeling it seemed to open up a whole plethora of even more unknown sensations in its mind that it had absolutely no understanding of.

On a base and primal level it at least understood that it had gained new senses – and there was a power that it was tapping into that made it feel mildly euphoric. It giggled as it explored its own mind and flexed its strange new body, feeling playful enjoyment in the experience. It became increasingly curious about what else it could do.

Then a nagging sensation cut through its game. It felt a powerful and indescribable sense of hunger clawing at its body and mind, making it feel dizzy with voracious need. It hunched over as it tried to understand the soul-deep feeling that was shooting through it, feeling uncomfortable confusion descending around it once more.

It whimpered as it felt its body weaken under the pain of the unfulfilled need. It raked its fingers through its hair and cradled its head as it desperately tried to comprehend the undeniable imperative that was afflicting it. Unable to sate the debilitating need, it groaned with distress and was about to cry out a wail of anguish.

But it was interrupted by a number of loud bangs from nearby.

It shot its face around to seek out the loud noises, becoming suddenly aware of very strange scents in the area it was facing. It frowned as it tried to use its newfound senses to figure out what was going on. It considered the noise for a moment and suddenly it remembered what the noise was.

It had been gunshots.

The realisation brought back more memories through the haze, and a smile broke out across its face as it grew to understand what they meant.

Grinning through its discomfort, it prowled through the darkness toward the noise.

It now knew how to feed.


The Goddess had released her wrath.

The lounge of the repurposed brothel became a frenzy of activity as it became clear that the brood’s spell was broken. The assorted brood members let their more bestial qualities come to the fore as they shifted their focus from subjugating the Goddess to defeating her in combat.

Though gradually even that focus was starting to shift towards just escaping the Goddess.

Aurelia had dispatched five already out of the twenty-three strong brood, and she was only just getting started. Having already thrown half of her silver blades into the brood to dissuade them from casting their aura over her, she was now close enough to begin engaging them with her hands.

And her gaze was set firmly on the brood master, Seth.

The first creature she reached tried its best to launch a flurry of strikes at her, but she was too fast for it, catching one of its wrists and pulling it downwards before slamming her other fist into its unprotected face. She released it and carried on her momentum, spinning around to deliver a downward kick from one of her shapely legs to the back of the creature’s crumpled head. It was enough to entirely burst open the creature’s skull, and the creature exploded into black ash immediately.

She drew a new blade in each hand as she came back to facing Seth, already prepared to meet the next Tainted ones attempting to counter-attack her. She danced through the creatures as they clawed at her, gracefully slicing their throats before jabbing the blades into their chests at the same time. They both burst into a swirling cloud of ash that surrounded Aurelia in a haze of death.

She relished it. She was smiling as she came from the cloud of ash into the awaiting brood, throwing one of her blades at Seth. The brood master was fast enough to dodge to the side of the blade, though it still embedded itself deeply into his left shoulder, making him grimace with pain and show his first signs of fear.

Another of the brood arrived to challenge her, wielding two blades of his own – two gleaming machetes. He fared better than his brood mates, forcing Aurelia to dodge backwards from his blurry swings, but she swiftly kicked his arms to the side as he overextended himself and she followed up by punching her blade through his face.

She turned back to continue her charge toward Seth, but saw out the corner of her eye that one of the brood had drawn a handgun and was aiming it squarely at her chest. Her eyes lit with amusement and she leered at the foolish young one as he opened fire.

The room was lit with orange hues from each shot, accompanied with deafening bangs that resounded throughout the building.

Aurelia, making no effort to evade the attacks, was rocked by the impacts. They struck her chest in multiple places and she recoiled as though each was a hard punch. The shots punctured her torso in neat little red holes, each bleeding freely and releasing a small cloud of blood into the air with the explosive backwash of the wounds.

Then, almost instantly, the wounds knitted closed and sealed up, leaving only the blood that had escaped her body as proof that she had even been hit.

Arguably Aurelia’s greatest gift was her ability to regenerate all but the most severe of injuries, as long as her body was powered up with enough essence to do it. Like the Tainted ones that she was hunting, there weren’t many injuries that could ever be fatal to her.

The modern age of the childlings’ weapons of war ultimately meant very little to the Long Purge.

She was still grinning at the shooter as he watched her wounds regenerate almost as fast as he had made them. The wounds had hurt, but she was grateful for the pain, grateful to have a sensation to further clear her mind from the lusty submission that the brood had nearly made her surrender to.

The young one raised his gun to fire again but Aurelia cast her blade at him faster than he could even pull the trigger, catching him in the throat and sending him to the ground in a spluttering heap. It hadn’t been a fatal injury, but he was now out of the fight until she deigned to finish him.

His distraction had served to allow the brood to coordinate themselves against the Goddess’s onslaught. A pack of seven of them had gotten close enough to encircle her and attack together, seeking to use their superior numbers to overwhelm her.

There wasn’t time to draw her remaining two blades. Aurelia met them with more technique than she had needed to use so far, deflecting and dodging their attacks and launching her own counter-strikes to stagger them where possible. They tried to press in on her but she was too fast to be caught out, leaping right over their closing circle before turning back to meet their continued assault.

She was a whirling dervish of violence as she blocked, evaded, kicked and punched her way through the throng of Tainted ones. They came close to connecting attacks of their own, often being only centimetres away from hitting her, but she eluded each of their efforts. Her own strikes were finding their mark, and the mass of Tainted ones were becoming increasingly bloodied and wounded as they suffered blows from the Goddess. As their mounting wounds took their toll, the mob of attackers started to slow and become yet more vulnerable to Aurelia.

Aurelia began landing blows with the intention of doing more than staggering her opponents. A beautiful female creature was the first to die; perishing as Aurelia landed a series of sweeping kicks on its face before pulling it down to connect with her knee as she leapt at it, popping its head like a grapefruit. With more time afforded to her, Aurelia was able to draw her second-last knife and hammer it home into the chest of a Taint trying to climb back to his feet. As he died she launched a kick into the hilt of the blade that sent it flying through his ashen remains and into the stomach of another of her assailants, sending her to the ground clutching her wound.

Down to four, the remaining battered Tainted backed away from Aurelia as she turned to face them. The four hulking men cowered back another step as she swept towards them – clearly recognising they had lost their chance, if they even had one, of defeating the Goddess.

Aurelia sneered at them as she approached, ‘What’s the matter? You’re not laughing anymore - is this no longer entertaining? Does my company no longer amuse you?’

Before she could reach the beleaguered men, Aurelia saw a flash of movement off to her side and snapped around to dodge one of her own flying blades. The silver steel passed close enough to her face to slice along her cheek as she turned, burning and stinging her cheek before the wound healed itself, considerably slower than it had done with the gunshots.

As soon as the blade had passed she was met with a barrage of attacks from Seth and another of his brood, evidently one of Seth’s chosen sons. She could see that the brood master had pulled her blade from his shoulder and sought to return it to her with his own throw before charging in at her. Combined with the distraction of the bigger pack of Tainted ones, Aurelia was caught slightly off guard by this assault.

But her smile widened as she finally got to grips with Seth, feeling exhilaration that the brood master had been foolish enough to come to her.

He and his accomplice were faster than the rest had been, and they were more practiced in combat, managing to keep up with Aurelia and counter her attacks. They succeeded in pushing her back a few steps as she tried to avoid their blows, keeping her on the defensive before finally connecting a swipe to her jaw and staggering her. Seth moved quickly to capitalise on her brief moment of weakness, barrelling into her and knocking her off her feet.

They both tumbled down together in a heap as Seth took the fight to the ground. He landed on top of Aurelia and tried to use his greater weight behind his strength to overpower her while she couldn’t make use of her greater speed. Pinned as she was she had no choice but to grapple with the brood master.

As she struggled to heave off the strongest of the brood, the master’s apprentice came down to assist in Seth’s ploy to out-wrestle her. The daring apprentice grabbed one of Aurelia’s arms and put all his weight into pinning the arm away from her body. Momentarily robbed of an arm to grapple with the brood master that was straddling her, Aurelia was suddenly in a losing contest of strength and Seth used both of his hands to push her free arm down to her other side.

Aurelia growled in frustration at being pinned like this and tried to kick or knee Seth off of her, but his weight was too low on her body for her to have any impact on him with her efforts. The Goddess thrashed about to free her arms and was rewarded by steadily wearing out the two Tainted ones trying to hold her down. For their part, both Seth and his apprentice were pinned by their own efforts to restrict her, and were unable to do anything else but cling to her, leaving them exposed as Aurelia started to wriggle free.

Then another Tainted one joined the fray.

This one was another of those that had stood close to Seth, another of his more veteran minions, and it seized on the arm that Seth was pinning, doing much the same on that side as his brother was doing on the other side.

Seth held on only a moment longer to ensure his other apprentice had secured the Goddess’s other arm before sweeping across to grip Aurelia’s throat with one of his hands, pressing her into the ground and restricting the movement of her head. His other hand snaked down behind him to deftly draw Aurelia’s final blade from her belt, and in a flash of movement he stabbed down with the silver knife.

Aurelia read the move coming as soon as she saw Seth’s hand move down to her belts. She felt her heart skip a beat as she realised the master and his chosen apprentices had succeeded in manoeuvring her to this point, pinning her in a position where they held the advantage. She put all her strength into trying to free her arms, taxing the divine muscles of her slender arms to their limit as she tried to avert defeat.

She did not succeed in freeing herself – but she did succeed in gaining enough slack to twist her torso slightly to the right.

Instead of plunging her own blade into her heart, Seth’s downward stroke stabbed the blade just to the left of the mark. Aurelia snarled in pain and shivered with anguish as she felt the cold steel sear through her delicate flesh and perforate her lung. Her whole body convulsed as she arched her back and continued to thrash against the weakening apprentices.

Seth could see their hold wouldn’t last in time for him to stab again, so he used the Goddess’s pain as a distraction to leave her open to his next attack. As she focused on freeing herself, Seth twisted the blade inserted in her chest and pushed her head to the side with her other hand as he moved up her body to bite into her neck.

Aurelia cried out loudly from the burning pain, but she was not so easily side-tracked. She watched Seth come in close, seeing his gleaming fangs exposed as he sought to lay the final, debilitating, blow on her. As he came within an inch of her neck, she bucked her hips as hard as she could and flailed her head forwards against Seth’s grip as much as she was able.

The result was that Seth was thrown forwards into a savage head-butt from the gritty huntress. She smashed his teeth, breaking both his fangs cleanly in half, and stunned him with the force of the blow.

With the master temporarily out of the fight, Aurelia finally overpowered the weakened grips of her captors, shooting her liberated hands out to grip Seth by his shoulders and hurling the dazed master at his recently arrived apprentice. Though there wasn’t much space to generate force, she still succeeded in using Seth as a missile to knock both men a couple of feet away.

As soon as she released her grip on throwing Seth, Aurelia jabbed her elbows back towards the final apprentice, catching him on the forehead as he scrambled to get on top of her. Knocking the apprentice back, Aurelia whirled her legs around to kick him, and used the momentum to spin back to her feet. She punched the apprentice as he vainly flailed about to defend himself and hefted him to his wavering feet before spinning him around to face his recovering master.

Aurelia met Seth’s gaze as she wrapped an arm around one of his favoured sons, and she used her other hand to grip the blade embedded in her chest and yank it free, grimacing with pain at the effort. As her chest wound slowly regenerated itself, Aurelia swung the blade around and stabbed it through the apprentice’s heart.

A flicker of emotion passed over Seth’s face as the apprentice died – though if this was anger, sadness, or amusement, Aurelia wasn’t sure. Seth leapt back to his feet to resume the fight, but Aurelia was already moving. She flung her final blade through the air and once again forced the brood master into a desperate dodge to save his life. This time the blade found his other shoulder, lodging itself deep within the master’s flesh and sending him back down to the ground.

Seth couldn’t keep in a groan of pain, showing vulnerability and weakness for the first time in front of his own brood. He tried to rise back to his feet, but stumbled in the effort and required his other apprentice to help support him.

The grinning Goddess stepped forward to finish the master, but was interrupted by the arrival of yet another two of his brood, flinging themselves in Aurelia’s path to allow Seth and his cohort to retreat from her.

She sighed with frustration as the two younger Tainted ones attacked her from both sides, managing to land one or two decent hits on her before she reoriented to deal with them. She ducked under the guard of the first of them, sweeping her feet out from under her, before coming back up to fire a combination of kicks and punches at the still-standing attacker. He reeled from the effort of trying to protect himself from her attacks, and she delivered a spinning kick to his chest to lift him off the ground and propel him across the room to break through a pile of furniture. Freed from one of her assailants, Aurelia turned just in time to catch the female in mid-air as she threw herself at the Goddess.

The young monsteress bared her fangs and screamed at Aurelia in a futile gesture of spite, and Aurelia slammed the creature back down to the ground before pin-wheeling on the spot to rise up one of her long legs and hammer it down through the creature’s chest.

As it burst into ash Aurelia braced herself for yet another attacker.

But none came.

Glancing around her, the Goddess saw that the remains of the brood were hanging back, licking their wounds and looking to her with fearful hesitation. Realization was now written over all their faces that they were overmatched against Aurelia.

It had been a savage, rapid-paced, and frantic fight – but it was over now, and there was a clear victor.

Aurelia laughed derisively, the sound coming out of her as an animalistic bark of noise as she recovered from her own ordeals. ‘Is that the best you can do?’ she spat as she took a step toward the humbled master, making both Seth and his final apprentice take a defeated step backwards. ‘No one else wants to step up?’ she asked in a fierce challenge as she turned her attention around the room at the bloodied brood.

There were only two of the brood left who had not yet been battered by her body or kissed by her blades; they had held back all the way through the fight, no doubt looking for an opening to jump in. Aurelia was not surprised to see the man and the woman who had fled from her at the entrance were the hesitant combatants. The rest of the brood was grievously hurt: two were writhing on the ground as they struggled to survive the knives embedded in their cursed bodies; five were badly beaten from the fight they had endured with her; Seth was broken as a threat to her; Seth’s final apprentice was only slightly injured, but he was pinned in assisting his hobbled master; and twelve were dead, filling the room with a mist of black ash.

None of them seemed eager to resume the fight with the Goddess.

Aurelia’s breathing was harsh as she continued to recover from her own exertion, but she was still very keen to resume the action. She leered at Seth, drinking in the look of doubt and fear that was growing over his handsome features. ‘Just like the lord that sired your rotten bloodline, you are better lovers than you are fighters. Your schemes have failed, your strength has been broken and your brood lies in ruins; what will you do now? Die fleeing me, or die fighting me?’

Seth’s cracked lips curled disdainfully and his demonic essence started to bubble to the surface as his anger got the better of him. He stared back at her with a hateful look, ‘The night is still young, Aurelia… You haven’t bested us yet.’

Last edited by Void 7 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Lost in the night, and there is no morning.
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Just so y'all know, I have been hounding Void on an almost daily basis to write up more. He's making progress, but time has been hard to come by during the holidays.

Speaking of holidays, I hope y'all had a nice Christmas. As a present, hopefully Void will soon post the next segment. I know I can't wait. I hope some of you feel the same way! :)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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My apologies, but we seem to have hit some sort of void in updates. I am hoping for Void to soon fill the void. :-)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Okay, so here's an update on things ...

Sadly, Void has disappeared, apparently never to return, as he has not contacted me in almost a year now. I know I was really enjoying this story that he was collaborating with me on (well, basically HE was writing it, with my input and ideas). He had sent me more of what he had written, but he hadn't posted it here. I was waiting for him to do so. The most recent of what he sent me was incomplete, but I kept holding out hope that he'd finally contact me again to finish what we had started, but alas, he never did.

As a result, I am going to post the remainder of his work in progress that this story is. Hopefully if any of you enjoyed what he had posted up to now, you will like what he had added in private to me, but which he had not yet posted. Your feed back is welcome.
Last edited by flirty_but_nice 8 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Sins of a Goddess

Pain and need throbbed across its body as it staggered toward its goal. Its death, and subsequent birth, had drained it of so very much – and it felt its newfound strength leaving its body in great gushes with each breath it took. It felt bone-deep tiredness gnawing at it, threatening to drag it back into nothingness at any moment, and the effort of moving its ailing body was becoming monumental.

More than once it considered just stopping and embracing the slumber that called to it. It understood enough to know that its very existence now was some kind of mistake, and like a new-born child it required succour in order to endure the tumultuous transformation it had undergone. It was withering and dying because its birth had happened the wrong way, under the wrong circumstances – and there was no aid forthcoming to assist it.

Barely minutes into its life it was dying alone, just as it had done before.

But every time it faltered or stumbled, and exhaustion pressed down on it like a great ocean trying to drown the flickering light of its existence, it pressed on. With each fall it clawed itself back to its feet, with each new burden of pain from its failing, malnourished body it gritted its teeth and ignored it.

It wasn’t going to let go; it wasn’t in its nature to let go.

Though its progress was arduous and slow, it drew ever closer to its salvation, keeping its focus on the great prize that awaited it if it could just reach it in time.

Little by little, it retraced its steps through the dark streets toward the run-down building.

Toward succour.


Aurelia swept her eyes over the candle-lit lounge with a satisfied grin on her face. This had been a tough brood to crack, surprising her with both its size and the telepathic skill of its members, but they were broken now.

They had tried to snare her in their collective spell – coming close to drowning out her will and dominating her – but she had reined in her lust and batted away the Laria that had been building within her. They had tried to bludgeon her mind into submission with the power of their combined telepathy, but her own force of will was even greater than their collective one, and instead of weakening her they had angered the Goddess. She had been tempted to accept defeat – even allowing one of them to come perilously close to biting her and subduing her – but the immediacy of the danger had stirred her to action.

Their large number had made them a formidable challenge to Aurelia in a fight, especially with their ambitious brood-master at their backs, but the physical contest had been even less successful for them than had been the mental one. They had pushed her, even hurt her, but she had viciously and unequivocally defeated them in the ensuing fight.

From the moment she unshackled herself from the brood’s spell, the balance of power in the former brothel had been going only one way – her way. There had been uncertainty over who would be the victor, even in spite of Aurelia’s fearful reputation - the brood had even been cocky and confident at one point – but now they all knew who was beaten.

The brood-master, Seth, had been hobbled by his clash with her, and he now required the support of one of his veteran minions just to stand. Defanged and deeply wounded at both of his shoulders, the strongest member of the brood could no longer offer any physical threat to the Goddess – with the next best of them now lumbered with assisting him.

Five other once-men were badly marked by the violence Aurelia had meted out on them, and they hung back to the peripheries of the room, occasionally flicking their malevolent eyes toward the various exits out of the lounge. Rolling around on the ground were two other Tainted ones, suffering under the effects of the silver, finely-engraved knives impaling their bestial bodies. Their sounds of anguish as they writhed on the floor were the only noise to disturb the uneasy silence in the lounge now. Aurelia knew the ornate, sanctified blades ensured their wounds would not be healing any time soon – regardless of their innate ability to regenerate.

There was only two left from the brood who were as yet unhurt – a beguilingly handsome man and his equally exquisite sister. They had fled from Aurelia when she first arrived, running from her after they witnessed her effortlessly dispatch their brothers, and they had been reluctant to step into the conflict when the brood fought with Aurelia – perhaps because they had already seen first-hand how outmatched they would be. The pair had contributed to the effort to dominate her, but had edged towards the back exit the moment the contest became a physical one. Aurelia was surprised that they hadn’t yet abandoned their brood mates in a futile attempt to escape her.

All around the room there was a fine cloud of dark ash that gave testament to the fate of the rest of the brood. Minutes earlier they had been cavorting gleefully over their victims, even sniggering at the arrival of the Goddess, but now they were nothing.

Aurelia took a deep breath, still recovering herself from the ferocity of her fight with the brood, and returned her gaze to Seth. "You tried to play me like a childling puppet, to make me humiliate myself for your amusement and willingly accept your control," her eyes glinted with cruel purpose as she spoke, "Your audacity is matched only by your hubris. I want you to know I take great pleasure in humbling you like this, and I will take greater pleasure still in your imminent demise."

Seth gritted his teeth and snarled through his pain as he tried to back away from Aurelia. He had been horrendously beautiful and charming before, but his façade of humanity had slipped in his current state. His anger, fear, and agony had ruptured his composure and his manner was now far more animalistic.

"Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it, Goddess," he spat back at her, "I can see a small part of you regrets breaking free – I know that deep down you long for blissful submission. Even now you talk about pleasure, and we both know that your greatest pleasure of all can be found in defeat."

He spat blood, "It is I who will take great delight in humbling you, sweet Aurelia."

Despite his words the master continued to back away from Aurelia as she strode towards him. "Enough talk," she said with a smirk, "We’ve flirted enough, I think, so how about we get down to business?" She clenched her fists tightly as she approached, "Let’s test this confidence of yours."

Having scattered her knives around the lounge in the midst of the fight Aurelia was now down to just her fists to engage the brood, but she was more than happy to finish the brood with her bare hands.

Seth grimaced in pain as he withdraw her blade from his shoulder, leaving a searing wound that was almost symmetrical with the one on his other shoulder as he brandished the bloody blade defensively in front of him. His dark eyes rapidly scanned around the room as he desperately assessed what could be done to stop her.

Like a cornered rat, Aurelia thought with satisfaction, For once in his misbegotten life, he gets to experience the choking grasp of futility.
Her confident smirk grew wider as she savoured Seth’s troubled expression. "All your fancy words are empty, little master. Oblivion beckons you, and you are helpless but to answer its call – for you have been doomed from the moment I laid eyes on you."

She suddenly broke her stride and dashed toward the master and his apprentice. The sudden movement made the rest of the brood jerk backwards with fright, seemingly unwilling to step forward to Seth’s defence, and frozen with unfamiliar trepidation.

The apprentice at Seth’s side reached behind him to draw a chrome revolver from a holster on his belt, but the Goddess was on him in a flash before he could draw a bead on her. She caught his wrist with one hand before punching the inside of his elbow with her other hand to force his arm to fold over and point the weapon back in at his own chest. Seth tried to slash at her with her own blade but Aurelia batted his attack away with one of her long legs, doing so with enough force to take Seth off his balance. Aurelia heaved forwards on the apprentice to move him back a step and remove him from supporting his master, before firing her leg back out again to catch Seth high on his chest and launch him across the room to connect heavily with the far wall. Relieved of the master’s company, she stepped in closer to the apprentice struggling to free himself from her grasp.

"The weapons of the childlings mean very little to beings such as us," she tutted, "Here, let me show you."

Holding the apprentice in place, she reached her hand down to his own and forced him to trigger the revolver. The apprentice rocked and cried out in pain as she forced him to empty the weapon into himself in a series of booming flashes. His multiple dirty gunshot wounds would be fatal many times over to a childling, but instead it seemed only to hurt and stun the Tainted apprentice. Already the wounds ceased to bleed and began to very slowly seal themselves shut, showing similar - but far inferior - healing abilities to Aurelia.

She released her hold on the weapon and knocked his arms back as she swiped her hands outward and span to kick him in the neck. The apprentice flew backwards from the force of the blow and hit the far wall right next to his master, slumping down to join Seth as a wounded heap on the floor.

Seth is no longer a priority, she observed as she watched the two men stay down, wracked with their various injuries. Her piercing green eyes moved from their shattered forms to look over at the rest of the brood. Looks like I get to save him for last after all.

The brood gawked at the sight of their best being so casually taken apart. They each recoiled as Aurelia’s gaze moved over them, growling and hissing at her in a primal show of defiance – or perhaps fear. Her eyes finally settled on the unhurt brother and sister as they both edged towards an exit. They froze in place as though pinned by her eyes.

"Are you two going somewhere?" she asked playfully, "Do you imagine you will outrun me, or do you think somehow you will manage to hide?" She folded her arms across her unbuttoned shirt, "I should warn you, that’s never worked in the past – but I invite you to try."

The brother and sister looked at each other as they considered their options. Both seemed tempted to do exactly as the Goddess offered, just as they had done when she first arrived, but both seemed to understand that their best chance of survival was in Aurelia being defeated. They looked to the exit and then back to each other before finally looking back to the smirking Goddess.

"Well?" she asked, arching her brow at them.

The pair returned her smile, surprising the Goddess with their composure. The brother stepped forward and answered her, "Looks like we aren’t going to escape your attention, huh?"

"I’m afraid not," she replied, "You’ve both become quite conspicuous. So… fight or flight? You’ve got about five seconds before I decide for you."

The sister stepped up next to her brother, swaying her hips as she moved, "Looks like we don’t have much choice - and they aren’t great choices. We can’t beat you in a fight and we can’t outrun you; you’re far too powerful for us." Her eyes moved down over Aurelia’s unbuttoned shirt, and she bit her lip before looking back up at Aurelia flirtatiously, "But I wonder if we have a third option…"

Aurelia inclined her head at the voluptuous sister, "Oh? What would that be?"

Then she felt it. The brother and the sister had both been subtly cranking up their aura, trying to cast it out over her gradually in the hopes that she might not notice it. With each passing moment they raised the intensity of their telepathic spell up towards its full power. They weaved a fine charm, and like the hunter that Aurelia had dealt with at the start of the night, it surprised the goddess as to how well practiced their aura influence was. Despite the surprise, however, Aurelia hardly considered them as being a threat to her.

They both walked towards Aurelia, looking at her with clear desire and hunger. The brother spoke next, "Given that we’re clearly doomed, as you said yourself, we could just try to enjoy our final moments of life." His aura shifted towards its greatest intensity, slipping into Aurelia’s mind like a drug and tempting her towards indulgence, "You could also enjoy our final moments of life."

Aurelia felt a shiver run up her spine as her body reacted to the siblings’ manipulations. She ignored the goose bumps she felt, grinning at the approaching siblings. "This again?" she admonished, "I admire your bravery, but if your entire brood failed to ensnare me, I don’t know what you pair hope to accomplish."

The sister stopped when she reached the centre of the room. She ran her hands down her lissom figure as she held Aurelia’s stare with a lusty one of her own, now casting her aura at its greatest strength. She swayed her body provocatively and began a slow, sensual dance on the spot as she held the Goddess’s attention. "Who says we expect to accomplish anything?" she replied softly, her voice like velvet, "We don’t stand a chance against you, one way or the other, so why not try to enjoy the time we have left? We offer no threat to a Goddess like you."

Aurelia’s eyes unconsciously strayed down the sister’s shapely, exotic body as she danced.

It’s true, they certainly don’t pose any danger to me…

Around the lounge the five bloodied brood mates took a cue from the siblings and began to cast out their own auras over the Goddess, slowly weaving their pernicious spell as they remained in the shadows. They were all weaker telepaths than the siblings, and they were made weaker still by their sorry state, but still the five of them had an effect on Aurelia, gently encouraging her body toward arousal and her mind toward suggestibility.

Aurelia felt her body start to tingle again as the remains of the brood tried to kindle her arousal. She licked her lips as she watched the sister’s sultry dance, "Hmph, it amuses me that you would try to seduce me, even now. It’s tenacious, but it’s ill-advised." She dragged her eyes from the writhing body of the sister and gave a sideways glance at the five Tainted ones adding their spell into the mix. "I can feel your efforts, you know. I’m a little insulted that you would try to play me like a childling – you must be sorely desperate."

The brother spoke up, bringing Aurelia’s attention back to him as he walked past his swaying sister, "What else should we do, Goddess? You are far too mighty for us to escape or defeat, so why not enjoy our end?" He captured Aurelia’s gaze with his own, "If death is inevitable then we should just accept it and try to take some pleasure in it – to die as we have lived. Don’t you agree?"

Aurelia grinned back at him, feeling butterflies in her stomach from the way he looked at her. She swallowed hard before she spoke, trying to ignore the warm ache that she felt growing at her crotch.

I do agree.

"I do… I don’t think you’ll find any pleasure in the way I plan to kill you," she replied, sounding not quite as assured as she intended. "Your manipulations are beneath me, young one. Do you think you will flatter me to death?" She perched her lips as she returned her eyes to the hypnotic dance of the sister, "Or do you think that, with enough flattery, I will show you mercy?"

The sister smiled coyly at Aurelia as she ran her hands down her fine curves, "Perhaps we could seek a merciful death?" she sighed as she used her fingertips to lead Aurelia’s gaze across her body. "It was unkind of us to try and make you put on a show… Let me put on a show for you, great Goddess."

She guided Aurelia’s eyes down to her thick, creamy thighs before caressing up her body, over her gyrating hips and past her taut, exposed stomach, and demurely squeezing her supple breasts. "Doesn’t my body entice you, Goddess? Wouldn’t it amuse you to watch me dance for you? Let us entertain you before you end us." She rose her hands up above her head as she continued her belly-dance. "Just watch me, Goddess. Let me beguile you."

Aurelia lidded her eyes slightly as she allowed her gaze to roam over the gorgeous dancer. The dark girl’s whole body screamed sex and pleasure – it was no wonder that she had been picked up by the brood. Her gaze fell upon the sister’s succulent breasts, finding that she could see the girl’s stiff nipples protruding up through the thin, dark material of her tank top. She couldn’t help but enjoy the sight.

She is beautiful, Aurelia thought appreciatively as her gaze lingered.

"You… do put on quite a show, young one," Aurelia said softly, "It is pleasing to watch, but I refuse your offer…"

"No you don’t," the brother interrupted, "You have already accepted our offer; all we ask is for you to enjoy us before we die, and you are enjoying us." He was getting closer, but Aurelia kept her eyes on the sister’s erotic display. "You are feeling playful, great Goddess. It is why you didn’t just attack us, why you decided to give us a choice, and why you aren’t charging us right now. You’re enjoying yourself, taking pleasure in ending us – let us help you, let us enjoy it with you. Allow us to worship you like you deserve, mighty one. Accept our devotion."

His words washed over her, tempting her, and Aurelia groaned very quietly in her throat as she considered it. Her whole body was starting to tingle with need – a need that had been stirred, but not satisfied, twice already tonight. Her nipples hardened again as her mind wandered in to imagining how they might worship her – what terrible, wonderful things they would lavish upon her in their devotion. She unclenched her fists as she looked up the sister’s body once more and stared into the exciting, intoxicating gaze of the sister’s eyes. The sister smiled invitingly at her, twitching her nose with mischievous and shameless desire.

I do enjoy the show, she thought to herself as she smiled back at the sister, involuntarily returning the flirtatious gesture. Maybe I’ll allow it to go on a little longer…

She was startled from her daze by the feeling of the brother’s hands gently rubbing her shoulders. While she had been so distracted by the sister’s dance she hadn’t even noticed him circle around and come up behind her.

"Relax, Goddess," he cooed softly into her ear, "Just keep watching my sister. Watch her body as it dances for you."

Aurelia kept her eyes on the sister, but she now tensed her whole body in readiness as she felt the brother’s fingertips massaging her shoulders. "Mmm…You’re very presumptuous, aren’t you?" she said tersely, "You think I’ll allow you to touch me?"

"It’s okay, Goddess. I couldn’t hurt you even if I wanted to – you are much too powerful. You can end this whenever you want," he said reassuringly as he continued to rub her, his touch feeling masterful and exquisite to Aurelia. "You’re in complete control; just allow me to help you relax as you enjoy my sister’s show for you. I won’t take any liberties with your divine body – and you would kill me if I did." He leaned in closer to her ear as he expertly massaged the tension from her body, "Let me show you my devotion before I die – let me serve you, Goddess."

For a long second Aurelia was on the verge of snapping around and breaking his arms, but she relented and gradually relaxed her body again, allowing her shoulders to sag as the brother worked on her. She let out a soft moan as she accepted the massage, and the brother started more deeply working his fingers into her pliable shoulders, occasionally straying up to rub the back and sides of her slender neck.

Mmmm, serve me…

Aurelia’s eyes fluttered as she enjoyed the massage, and she absently craned her neck to allow him greater access as she continued to voyeuristically watch the sister’s enthralling display. She let out a long, shuddery breath.

"That’s it, Goddess," the brother whispered tenderly, letting one of his hands stroke lower down her back, trailing a finger down her spine and making her shiver with pleasure, "Just like that."

Mmm, just… like that…

Aurelia relaxed further as the brother’s intimate words slipped into her mind. Deep within her the Laria was being stoked into life once more, curling through her mind and body like a rope that bound her to her desires as the siblings carefully teased it out of her. Her heart beat heavily in her chest and she couldn’t deny her arousal or her mounting attraction to the siblings. Her eyes hungrily crawled over the sister’s body, unconsciously following the directions the sister was giving her with her provocative movements and her swirling hands.

The dance was becoming more erotic by the moment, becoming ever more enticing and scandalous as the sister perfectly danced for her. The sister drew in her attention more and more as Aurelia relaxed, becoming more hypnotic and lascivious with her movements as she gradually upped the tempo of her dance, almost mirroring the intensity of her movements to the intensity of Aurelia’s excitement. She sighed to Aurelia shamelessly as she touched herself, making the sexual dance start to transform into more of a sex show.

Aurelia groaned involuntarily as she felt the brother deeply knead her lower back before intimately caressing his hands back up to her shoulders. She tried to take her eyes off the sister but found she couldn’t help herself from following the sister’s fingers as they lightly teased her protruding nipples through the fabric of her top. She opened her mouth to speak, but the breath caught in her throat as the sister pulled her top off over her head to reveal her luscious breasts. She let out her breath in another groan as the brother massaged yet more of the tension out of her body, plying her flesh like a master musician would play his instrument.

"I… Ugghh… I’m still in control here," Aurelia said as she let out another long breath, "And I think we have all enjoyed ourselves quite enough now..."

His hands massaged up higher on her shoulders, using his thumbs to tenderly ply the muscles of her neck, "Of course you are in control, Goddess," he whispered into her ear, his alluring voice like sweet honey, "This continues only because you allow it, great one – you can kill us at any time." His hands strayed further forwards as he spoke, caressing over the tops of her shoulders to tenderly rub his fingers along the front of her neck. "Isn’t my sister beautiful?"

Aurelia’s train of thought shifted under the brother’s direction and she answered without thinking as she watched the sister sensually tease her own bare breasts.

"…Yes," she said softly, ‘Yes, she’s very beautiful."

The brother continued to caress the front of Aurelia’s neck, stroking the fingers of one of his hands along her graceful jawline. "Aren’t you enjoying our devotion, Goddess? Doesn’t our service please you?"

Aurelia sighed, sounding as though she was drowsy, "Yes… your service is very pleasing… I’m enjoying it…"

The sister licked her dark lips and began to pleasure herself more and more in her dance. Swishing her voluptuous body she started to dance towards Aurelia.

It was becoming hard to be aware of anything other than the sister, and the feel of the brother’s intimate massage. She bit her lip as she found her mind turning toward decadent fantasies of being serviced by the seductive siblings, and she let herself lean backwards into the brother as he continued to tenderly touch her.

The brother moved his head around to speak into Aurelia’s other ear as he slowly eased her backwards into his embrace, continuing to massage her neck and throat. "You said yourself that we are beneath you, Goddess. We don’t pose any danger to deity like you, do we?"

"No," Aurelia agreed absently, her voice starting to sound distant as her eyes dutifully followed the swaying hips of the approaching sister, "You are no threat to me… I’m too superior for lowly creatures like you to threaten me…"

"That’s right," hissed the brother into her ear, letting one of his hands slide down her neck and past her unbuttoned shirt to massage her bare chest just above her bra, "So there is no harm in indulging our service a little more, is there?"

Aurelia squirmed slightly as she felt the hand touching her more intimately, though it was more out of arousal than it was alarm or resistance. She was breathing very deeply now, taking long, slow breaths that she released with audible sighs that conveyed her pleasure – as well as her growing excitement.

"Maybe… Maybe just a little more...,"she purred as she watched the dancer draw ever nearer, her eyes beginning to glaze over with desire.

"Yes, Goddess, you want to enjoy our devotion a little longer," the brother encouraged, his tone becoming more commanding and domineering than the subservient one he had been using moments earlier. He boldly kissed her ear as he continued to massage the Goddess with the hands that had now encircled her. "Just relax, great one, and let us service you. Watch my sister’s magnificent body as it moves just for you, feel my soothing touch release the weariness from your divine form, and focus only on enjoying this moment."

Aurelia squirmed again as the brother started kissing into her ear but again she did not move to stop him, instead gradually accepting it and relaxing once more. Her sighs were getting slightly louder, now unmistakeable as she involuntarily vocalised her arousal. Her pale cheeks were starting to flush a slight pink and her nipples visibly stuck up within her bra, further revealing her physical excitement.

Yes… I want to enjoy this a little longer, she thought numbly, Relax… Watch… Feel…

"Aww… I… Okay…," she acquiesced quietly, almost timidly.

The brother grinned as he heard the Goddess accept his instructions, feeling her body become yet more compliant with his sensual touch. He could sense Aurelia becoming more suggestible by the moment as her defences were lowered by her arousal, and her mind was opening up to them. Though it was a process laden with risk, he and his sister were gradually teasing the Goddess into a state of submissive lust. The further they led the Goddess down that sordid path, the easier she became to manipulate, the easier it became to boldly and assertively take her even deeper into their thrall. He knew not to rush it – he knew she was still one wrong move away from snapping out of the spell and killing them all – this was a process that needed to be done slowly and subtly.

He already knew that the Goddess couldn’t be forced into submission, but she may yet be enticed into it – stripped of her will slowly and tempted into slavery.

The exotic sister now came to within a few feet of them, dancing now within an arm’s reach of the mesmerised Goddess, and the brother began kissing more passionately into her ear, bringing his hands up to massage freely around her shoulders and her exposed throat.

"You like my dance for you, don’t you, Goddess?" the sister asked, her voice thick with sultry promise.

Aurelia absently leaned her head into the brother kissing her as she answered, "Mmm…Yes…"

The sister smiled smugly as she led Aurelia’s gaze down to her glistening breasts, shamelessly massaging them and playing with her delicious nipples, "You can’t take your eyes off me, can you?"

"Ugh… I…," Aurelia faltered as she tried to deny the sister’s prompt, "I… can’t…"

Aurelia gasped quietly as the brother shifted from kissing her ear down to kissing into her neck, catching her by surprise with the pleasant sensation. His hands continued to massage her, though his touch was becoming more and more domineering as he soothed her. He muttered sweet nothings as he kissed her, seductively reassuring her as he planted deep kissed into her neck. She trembled with each kiss, instinctively bracing for action if he used his fangs, but she made no move to stop him continuing – she was too focused on the dancer to consider it.

The sister giggled, running a hand down her body even lower to dip under her own skirt and pleasure herself, "You desire me, Goddess," she sighed, "You want me. You want to touch me, to feel me, to taste me."

I desire her…

Aurelia’s hazed eyes watched unblinkingly as the sister danced and played with her pristine body, taking in every detail from her raven hair down to her beautifully painted fingernails.

I want her…

Aurelia took pleasure just from the sight of her, and it was all the more intoxicating that she was baring her body so brazenly and moving it so seductively. The sight of the girl pleasuring herself was unbearably hypnotic, and Aurelia couldn’t help but imagine what she would feel like or taste like. The prospect of the dance continuing, and becoming even more personal as the sister endeavoured to service her further, was shamefully appealing.

She offered such sweet devotion. What Goddess would deny this worship?

Aurelia stirred from her daze as the brother’s arms came forward and slowly pulled open her shirt, drawing it back with both hands as he tried to remove it.

"Ugh…," she groaned as she put her arms forward to stop the shirt from being pulled down them, "I didn’t permit you to undress me…"

"Shh, it’s okay, Goddess," the brother soothed her as he persisted in pulling the garment off, "It’s in the way; you’ll enjoy our service better without it. You don’t need it."

The sister stepped forward suddenly as Aurelia continued to resist, gently placing her hands either side of Aurelia’s exposed stomach and holding her. "It makes no difference other than allowing you to feel more pleasure," she whispered as she held Aurelia’s attention in her dark eyes. She brought her face forward to within inches of Aurelia’s as she raked her fingernails across Aurelia’s bare stomach, making the Goddess quiver with excitement to underling her point. "Don’t you want more pleasure, Goddess?"

Aurelia groaned softly and dropped her gaze down to the glistening dark lips of the temptress. Suddenly being so close to the sister was intoxicating, especially with the sensual caress she was already receiving. The Laria had been awoken within her, and her mind was becoming clouded with thoughts of carnal delight.

Briefly stupefied into inaction, Aurelia relented and allowed the persistent brother to pull her shirt down her arms and off her body, leaving her totally topless save for her black bra.

"Aren’t you more comfortable now?" the sister said with a satisfied grin on her face as she teased her hands around Aurelia’s sides.

Before Aurelia could respond, she felt the brother’s hands touching her body again, massaging her now exposed back and shoulders. "This is what you want, Goddess," he whispered into her ear.

The combined sensations made her moan with pleasure and shiver with need.

Ngghh… This…has to stop ..., Aurelia thought as she writhed between the two seductive siblings, savouring their expert touches, I can’t let this go any further...

"Oh, yes…," she sighed back to them, her voice husky with desire, "But we’ve played long enough…,"

She brought her hands up to grasp her two suitors, gently pushing at them to try and force them back.

"I… I won’t be seduced by creatures like you."

The siblings pressed themselves in against her, resisting her weak effort to push them away as they continued to rub and tease her body.

"Of course you won’t," the sister replied as she tenderly toyed with Aurelia’s bellybutton and ran her other hand up Aurelia’s side to run her fingers over her pouting lips, effectively silencing further protests. "You’re just indulging yourself, Goddess - enjoying your meal before you finish it."

The brother moved his hands up to her shoulders and then slid them down her arms to gently but firmly grip Aurelia’s wrists and pull them behind her back. "We only seek to serve you and to pleasure you – just like you want us to. Don’t deny yourself your own desire, Goddess. Your body aches for pleasure – and we yearn to give it to you."

Aurelia resisted, but only mildly, as the brother held her arms behind her back and made her more vulnerable to his sister. She flexed her muscles, feeling how easy it would be to free herself, but her attention was shifted to the sister as she pressed her voluptuous figure in against Aurelia.

"Here, Goddess, taste me," she commanded softly as she wrapped an arm around Aurelia’s waist and leaned in to kiss her, gently guiding the Goddess’s lips to her own with her other hand.

Aurelia obeyed the command without resisting, unable to deny her own hunger for the kiss as she tentatively accepted the dark lips of the sister and let the sister’s hot tongue push into her mouth and tease her own. Her struggled against the brother started to lessen as she melted into the steamy kiss, closing her eyes and soaking in the experience as she played her tongue back against the sister’s, tasting it just as she had been told to. The sister made the kiss increasingly lusty and demanding as Aurelia surrendered to it, raking her hands freely up and down Aurelia’s body as she stoked the Goddess’s lust ever higher with her delightful tongue.

"Mmmm," Aurelia groaned wantonly into this kiss as she allowed herself to indulge in the carnal pleasure more, letting go of her resistance and her reason as she just focused on enjoying the moment. It felt so steamy and hot to finally get contact with the girl that had been beguiling her and tempting her.

The brother brought his face down to kiss back into Aurelia’s neck. "That’s it, Goddess," he encouraged her, "Drink in the pleasure; delight in our devotion."

He licked up from her neck to her ear, nibbling and licking her earlobe as he pressed himself tightly up against her back, letting her feel his thick erection up against the cleft of her ass.

"Surrender yourself to sin."

By Void
(in collaboration with Flirty)
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So with that update, that concludes what Void had sent to me, almost one long year ago. Like I said, sadly it looks like he's not coming back to finish it up.

So, my question is, are any of you interested in reading more of this story? If so, then perhaps I will try to finish up what Void had started. I am sure I will not be able to even come close to the standard of what he contributed, but if y'all do want to read more, I'll give it a try and write up more, in the hopes of concluding this little indulgent story. Please let me know, though (either here or by pm if you are shy), so that I don't waste my time on something nobody is even interested in. :)
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Great story! I feel like it is a mix of underworld and true blood spiced with mccomix or mcstories flavor. The Void version of Aurelia seems to be stronger, with one weakness Laria, while the original version tends to struggle to fight/push off zombies or fall victim to vampiric compeling power. I would definitely like to see more as the story arc seems to go toward the way of the 3rd time is the charm. I am guessing Anabel has turned tainted and may join the fray soon; it is interesting to see how she reacts if Aurelia is defeated by the sibling.
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flirty_but_nice wrote:So with that update, that concludes what Void had sent to me, almost one long year ago. Like I said, sadly it looks like he's not coming back to finish it up.

So, my question is, are any of you interested in reading more of this story? If so, then perhaps I will try to finish up what Void had started. I am sure I will not be able to even come close to the standard of what he contributed, but if y'all do want to read more, I'll give it a try and write up more, in the hopes of concluding this little indulgent story. Please let me know, though (either here or by pm if you are shy), so that I don't waste my time on something nobody is even interested in. :)
I am interested, but to be blunt, only if the Goddess is destined to LOSE...i do not like teases and cliff hangers...I agree your story is outstanding, and woudl like to see more..but not if I am going to get disappointed by a story that suggests and does not cross the line :)
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cujo64 wrote:Great story! I feel like it is a mix of underworld and true blood spiced with mccomix or mcstories flavor. The Void version of Aurelia seems to be stronger, with one weakness Laria, while the original version tends to struggle to fight/push off zombies or fall victim to vampiric compeling power. I would definitely like to see more as the story arc seems to go toward the way of the 3rd time is the charm. I am guessing Anabel has turned tainted and may join the fray soon; it is interesting to see how she reacts if Aurelia is defeated by the sibling.
Wow, thanks cujo. So nice to actually receive some feedback. I think people underestimate how encouraging and motivating it can be for a girl to receive feedback on her slosh. :)

Anyway, much appreciated!
Last edited by flirty_but_nice 8 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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lordgriffin wrote: I am interested, but to be blunt, only if the Goddess is destined to LOSE...i do not like teases and cliff hangers...I agree your story is outstanding, and woudl like to see more..but not if I am going to get disappointed by a story that suggests and does not cross the line :)
Hmmm ma'lord, you pose a dilemma for lil'ol me. I mean, of course I am very excited by the prospect of my beloved character, Aurelia, to allow herself to be put into a position which causes her a degree of peril and submissive surrender, but she's not just some one off character, for I have fancy designs of all kinds for exciting, arousing adventures I'd like to involve her in (project my being in), so if she is ultimately defeated, then however might I write up more exciting stories with her? I mean, I am also not interested in just going on and on perpetually with her being simply victimized and hopelessly helpless. Thus, I am not sure that at the very end of the day that I can have her ultimately defeated. Survival of the heroine is necessary for perils of another day. :)
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flirty_but_nice wrote:
lordgriffin wrote: I am interested, but to be blunt, only if the Goddess is destined to LOSE...i do not like teases and cliff hangers...I agree your story is outstanding, and woudl like to see more..but not if I am going to get disappointed by a story that suggests and does not cross the line :)
Hmmm ma'lord, you pose a dilemma for lil'ol me. I mean, of course I am very excited by the prospect of my beloved character, Aurelia, to allow herself to be put into a position which causes her a degree of peril and submissive surrender, but she's not just some one off character, for I have fancy designs of all kinds for exciting, arousing adventures I'd like to involve her in (project my being in), so if she is ultimately defeated, then however might I write up more exciting stories with her? I mean, I am also not interested in just going on and on perpetually with her being simply victimized and hopelessly helpless. Thus, I am not sure that at the very end of the day that I can have her ultimately defeated. Survival of the heroine is necessary for perils of another day. :)
My Dear Flirty, just because she is ultimately defeated by ONE antagonist, does NOT mean he does not use her to fight, and defeat OTHERS... My Speciality is having my cake, AND eating it too
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LG, okay, I think I get what you're getting at ...

So as an example, let's say I have written up more of the story and in that, I have it so that Aurelia actually does become more mind enthralled, submitting to the twins. In that submission, she is left vulnerable and they feed on her, then releasing her to the other Taints that are recovering, thus further weakening her, with her being infected more and more by the Taint's vampire virus as more of them sample and feed upon the life force rich blood of the goddess. Hence, she now becomes enslaved by the brood, as they attempt to breed with her in the hopes of creating another generation of original natural born Taints.

In her enslavement, perhaps Aurelia now has to have some sort of confrontation or involvement with Anabel.

So anyway, am I correct in that when you say you want to see Aurelia defeated, you don't necessarily mean killed or "forever defeated", but rather perhaps just defeated and enslaved and forced into doing the bidding of the Taint brood, for the time being?
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well yes you ARE correct, with one very MINOR point....she may indeed become a pawn of the Taint brood...but when they are not using her, she is free to adventure and keep..other rivals, away from the Taint brood :)
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Perhaps she can turn to dust as an eventual getaway device, similar to what happened in Fatal Encounter; she can even try to "kill" herself, for taking the dusting escape, when the brood is not paying attention or lessening the psych link. On the other hand, to expand from LG's idea and Void's setup, maybe Seth and this brood will want her taking out the remaining four blood lords. Or, in a crossover, she can join Femina to fight some mummies or other mythical creature.
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Hmmm, I have lots to think about. I've been so darn obsessed of late in working with Centurion to push him to come up with saucier and naughtier scenarios for his Fuchsia Fox character that I've put my own Aurelia character way on the back burner. Perhaps soon I will have to re-apply myself to reviving and further developing my Aurelia character and the Gwardian universe that I created for her. I mean, if I did that, I could do all the naughty little things my heart desires, without having to convince an outside author on the merits of my warped saucy mind's thoughts. lol

The only problem with that, though, is then I have to be the one to actually somehow write-up all of my scatter brained ideas into an interesting, cohesive, well written story ... and THAT is the problem, I just don't think of myself as a very good author as compared to being an outstanding little saucy story idea maven. <bats eyelashes>
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Okay, after much thought and deliberation, I think I have come up with a rough road map as to where I want this story to go. This was not an easy thing for me, because it was actually Void's story, before he abandoned it. Anyway, now having a rough road map, I will reread (and likely edit) the story additions I have previously made so far and then post them.

Thereafter, I will have to come up with all new stuff that steers this story to into the ultimate direction I have decided I want it to go. One of my major hang-ups here, though, remains with what to do with the Anabel character - the poor girl that has been victimized by the brood, now being transformed into one of them. With time I guess I will come up with something, though. :)

Anyway, thank you everyone for all of your patience.
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Well, here's the next part, which I actually wrote up quite some time ago. I just reread through it, making typo corrections and changing the wording here and there. In advance, I apologize for the drop in the quality of the writing, for this was all me with no contribution from Void. Sorry I don't measure up, but nevertheless, I hope y'all enjoy this next segment. I will try to add more in the not too distant future. :)


Still engaged in a deep kiss with the sister, Aurelia's body reacted with pleasure at the feel of the brother pressing his hard manhood up against her backside. The command of the brother for her to surrender herself to sin left Aurelia entertaining the thought, 'Mmm, these two are really good at this. Oh how I'd like to let them have their way with me, but the other five taints, this is risky.'

Meanwhile, the other five Taints had continued to also project their influence into Aurelia's mind, clouding her thoughts with their commands, their continued prodding ...

'Surrender yourself to the twins.'

'You are superior to all of us, let yourself indulge them.'

'Let them feel you, touch you, sample you.'

'You have nothing to fear, Aurelia, you are in control. None of us pose a threat to you.'

'Listen to your desires, let your body go to enjoy all that we have to offer to a goddess like you.'

Every time Aurelia tried to focus her thoughts, she found her focus betrayed by the foreign suggestions invading her mind. With the five Taints all working together to keep her distracted as the two siblings worked their magic both physically and telepathically, it was proving to be almost too much for Aurelia to deal with, especially with the intoxication of the Laria being drawn out by the collective efforts of the remaining brood.

The sister withdrew her tongue from Aurelia's accepting mouth and disengaged her kiss, while at the same time bringing her hands slowly and gently back up Aurelia's stomach, past her ribs, and overtop of the cups of Aurelia's bra, massaging her boobs and tweaking at her hard, protruding nipples. "Aurelia, your body yearns to be enjoyed. Your perky tits want to be engulfed."

As though her own words were a command, the sibling sister moved her hands back down, then up underneath the cups of Aurelia's bra, placing the flesh of her hands against the bared flesh of Aurelia's modest chest. "Mmmm, yes Aurelia, enjoy my worshipping of your boobs. Feel the flesh of a real woman's ample bosom against yours. Relish the feel of the most desirable, large breasts against your wanting body."

As she spoke the words, the sister brought her much larger breasts in tight against Aurelia's smaller endowment, moving her body up and down against Aurelia to maximize the stimulation of breast on breast, nipples touching nipples. Breathlessly, the sister gently moaned then added, "This feels so amazing Aurelia' doesn't it?"

In a daze, Aurelia focused on the question, then answered weakly, "Yes, it does feel amazing."

The sister was pleased with Aurelia's increasing indulgence. To amp things up even further, the sister reached out taking Aurelia's wrists from the hold of her sibling, guiding the Gwardian's hands up the front of her body, placing the growingly submissive Gwardian's hands onto her large tits, mashing Aurelia's hands against them, encouraging the goddess to enjoy.

While the sister did her best to draw Aurelia into her spell, the brother threw his voice into the chorus of commands, "That's it, Aurelia, feel my sister's wonderful boobs. Feel what a real woman's boobs ought to feel like."

While he continued to send additional words of encouragement into Aurelia's mind, with his hands having been released from holding Aurelia's wrists, the brother reached down to massage the backs of Aurelia's thighs, then moving his hands slowly upward, lifting up the back of Aurelia's skirt. Slowly, so as not to alarm the goddess from her enjoyment of the sister, the brother gently caressed Aurelia's firm butt cheeks, spreading them apart to allow his fingers to gently caress over top of her thong between the divide of her cheeks.

"Enjoy my touch of your cherished womanhood, Aurelia. Let your body react to the attention from my sister and myself. Let us serve you in bringing you stimulation."

Aurelia was having incredible trouble focussing upon anything other than all of the random commands to enjoy that kept invading her mind. At the same time, the Laria within her was growing and her body was reacting with more and more arousal as the sister caressed her boobs and the brother let his fingers brush against her slit.

'Mmmm, this is magical how these two can seduce and bring pleasure', Aurelia thought to herself, in no small way due to the increasing hold of suggestion the siblings and five other Taints were successfully weaving over her.

Suddenly, she let out a passionate gasp as in concert the sister squeezed tightly on Aurelia's stiff nipples at the same time as the brother's fingers found their way underneath of the thin fabric of Aurelia's thong, successfully penetrating Aurelia's now soaking wet pussy lips.

In an even more commanding tone, the brother encouraged Aurelia, "Continue to enjoy my sister as I explore your womanhood. Let me serve you by my touch. Let my fingers stroke you to new heights."

Aurelia's own thoughts were now focussed only upon the pleasure being brought out of her by the siblings, in her thoughts, Aurelia soothed herself, 'Oh god, mmmm, this feels so amazing!'

Aurelia's soft moans of pleasure signalled growing success that both siblings noticed. They could also feel Aurelia letting her body go more and more, letting herself be physically manipulated by the two seductive siblings.

Confident that they were indeed successfully ensnaring Aurelia into their web of control, as the sister continued to kiss and fondle Aurelia and continued to bombard her with telepathic thoughts of surrender, the brother removed his fingers from Aurelia's dripping pussy. With his body still against Aurelia from behind, he undid his pants and removed his ample, stiff member.

Moving his hands back onto Aurelia's butt, he reached out with one hand to again move her thong to the side, while with his other hand he guided his stiff rod against Aurelia's slit. Bending down slightly to position himself for an upward penetration, the brother grabbed hold of Aurelia by the hips and then pushed upward. Aurelia was overwhelmingly wet with excitement, facilitating the brother's love stick to easily make successful penetration into the Gwardian Goddess.

Aurelia let out a semi unconscious gasp at the feel of her womanhood being so penetrated. Her thoughts were not her own, though, when with the feel of the invading member inside of her, she thought, 'Mmmm, yes, that feels so good. I want to surrender to you!'

Indeed, once again her thoughts were false thoughts, cleverly implanted by the 5 Taints that continued to watch the seduction of control unfold before their sinister eyes. Almost in unison, they were all bombarding Aurelia with commands of submission ...

'Aurelia, submit to the control of the twins.'

'Aurelia, let yourself go into the abyss of being controlled.'

'Oh goddess Aurelia, you are now and forever to be subservient to the whims of the Taint!'

'That's it, Aurelia, become enslaved to the whims of those pleasuring you!'

'Aurelia, you are to obey all of the Taints that are now master of your free will."'

All of the Taints worked in unison, now achieving a level of subservient control over Aurelia, which she had before seemingly been immune to. With the siblings successfully stimulating the rise of the Laria within Aurelia, the intoxication of pleasure had clouded her thoughts. In such a vulnerable state, both of the siblings and the other five Taints had successfully broken through Aurelia's powerful mind, beginning to successfully take control of her free will, just like the Taints had done so many times in the past with normal, weak human minds.

Seemingly now defenceless, without protest Aurelia allowed herself to be pushed down to the ground on her knees, as the brother was increasingly pumping her from behind, doggy style. The sister laid back, opening her legs while using her hands to draw Aurelia's head down between her now open legs, toward her own now sopping womanhood.

Pressing the control of the Gwardian even further, the sister sibling commanded, "That's the way Aurelia, demonstrate your subservience to me by bringing me oral pleasure."

Seemingly now hopelessly ensnared, Aurelia dutifully complied to the command, kissing the sister between her legs, then expertly using her tongue to stimulate the sister's womanhood.

Being fucked from behind while practically being forced to eat the sister out orally, within Aurelia her own impending orgasm was growing precipitously. Then suddenly, Aurelia could feel an explosion of liquid filling her deep inside of her womanhood, as the brother sibling practically screamed out loud, "Yes! Aurelia, you are now our slave!"

While the brother continued to grunt in pleasure while aggressively pounding his meat almost out then back deeply inside of the Gwardian, filling her with his vampiric seed, Aurelia mindlessly felt the quivering and then almost spastic convulsion of the sister's body against her still lapping tongue and lips, as the sibling sister fell into her own orgasmic plateau. Enjoying her orgasmic reverberations, the sister commanded loudly to the Gwardian Goddess, "Aurelia, surrender yourself completely, body and soul. Give in to your carnal pleasure."

This final command seemed to be all that was needed to send Aurelia over the edge. Her body suddenly broke out into powerful quivers of her own, as a powerful orgasm overwhelmed the helpless goddess.

With Aurelia continuing to tremble in orgasmic pleasure between the two siblings, they eyed each other with knowing satisfaction in that they felt they had successfully ensnared Aurelia via their well schooled telepathic hypnosis. The sister stroked Aurelia's head in an almost motherly fashion, as she compelled further with her hypnotic spell, "Aurelia, we have proven to you our being trustworthy of your compassion. You are to be our minion and release us from all thoughts of demise that you hold toward the two of us and the Taints."

The brother added his influence to the equation, "That's right Aurelia, we could have brought our fangs to bare and attacked you with violence at any time, but we didn't. Instead we simply brought you the pleasure that your nubile body so yearns for. You are no longer to perceive us as a threat or seek to extract death upon us."

Understanding of the position of dominance the siblings had successfully engineered over their Goddess of Death, the other five Taints were all adding their telepathic thoughts of hypnotic influence into the equation in an attempt to further permanently ensnare the Gwardian Goddess.

'Aurelia, in return for the sibling's pleasure, you are to return the favour by submitting to their every command.'

'Goddess Aurelia, you are now a goddess enslaved to our Taint brood.'

'Aurelia, now submit to service all of our Brood's desires.'

'You, Gwardian Breeder Aurelia, are forever from now to serve the Taints.'

'Aurelia, let us fulfil your desires and in return you shall serve us into perpetuity.'

For her part, Aurelia was entirely lost in her intoxication of arousal. All of the thoughts invading her mind had, to her perception, truly become her own, as she laid helplessly and exposed as her body slowly came down from the orgasmic heights upon which the siblings had led her.

The sister reached out to take Aurelia by the hand, helping the Gwardian to her feet. Aurelia compliantly took the sister's hand, seemingly appreciative of her assistance. "Come with me Aurelia, follow me."

The sister began to lead Aurelia toward the other five taints whom had been joining in with their influence. Though still weakened from their earlier battles with the powerful goddess, the time that passed while Aurelia was being manipulated by the siblings had given enough pause for all five's regenerative powers to take hold and repair their tattered bodies.

While Aurelia was being led by the sister, the brother went across the room to check on Seth and his apprentice. Approaching the brood master, the brother spoke softly, so as not to let Aurelia hear, while she was preoccupied with the sister and the other Taints, "Master Seth, as you saw, my sister and I have saved the brood from the wrath of the goddess."

Almost arrogantly he continued, "The wrath of the goddess that had defeated you and could have in turn killed you, had she been so inclined."

Seth warned in reply, "Careful, young one, admittedly the Gwardian may have hurt me, but as you can see, I am far from defeated."

"I mean no disrespect, my master, but I feel my sister and I are owed a debt of gratitude." The brother motioned toward the scene unfolding beyond as the sister was delivering Aurelia into the middle of where the other five Taints now stood. Seth's eyes followed the brother's motioning to see the scene unfolding for himself.

The brother continued, " You can see, even as we speak, my sister is delivering the goddess Aurelia, cmpliantly into the hands of the brood."

"Yes, you and your sister have done exceptionally well. Even I must admit that it was an admirable display of mastery of influence as you captured Aurelia by your seductive spell.", Seth congratulated.

"For our service in saving the brood and delivering the goddess Aurelia into the influence of you, Master, I ask for but one thing. Our freedom."

Seth's raised his brow at the brevity of the young Taint, but then acknowledged, "Young one, you and your sister have truly proven your worthiness and indeed you are to be rewarded, but where would you intend to go? How would you propose that you and your sister are to survive on your own, away from our brood?"

"Seth, as our display of dominance over the Gwardian demonstrated, my sister and I are more than capable of looking after ourselves. We appreciate all you have given us, Seth, but we wish to pursue our own interests. Will you grant us our request?"

Seth thought long and hard. While doing so, his gaze again returned to the Gwardian goddess Aurelia, seeing a couple of the Taints taking hold of her, as they began to seductively stroke her arms and body, as if appraising their prey before moving in the for the kill. Finally, Seth ceded to the unusual request, "Fine, young one. You may have your freedom. But know this, if you leave, the brood will no longer protect you. You and your sister will truly be alone, cast from the brood."

The brother sighed in relief, but then respectfully gave thanks to his nearly defeated leader. "I thank you, Seth. WE thank you. Please, enjoy the Gwardian goddess."

The master and his student nodded toward each other, acknowledging the agreement they had just reached. The brother turned and moved toward his sister to share the news.

"That's right Aurelia, let your body be sampled by my Taint cousins. Submit to them as you did to me." The sister was going to continue, but then found herself distracted by the gentle touch of her brother's hand upon her shoulder.

"Come, sister, I have news." , the brother interrupted.

The sister's eyes grew large in excited anticipation upon seeing her brother's optimistic expression.

Before the siblings made their exit, the brother spoke parting words to Aurelia, who was now becoming the sexual object of attention by a third of the five Taints surrounding her, "My goddess Aurelia, we are forever grateful for your pardon. Remember, my sister and I will never be a threat to you. We both release you from our spell, into the hand of the Brood. Obey them as you have us. Adieu, my great goddess.'

Both the brother and the sister, excitedly left the main hall to make their exit, as they giggled and laughed with elation at their good fortune in staving off death at the hands of a powerful Gwardian and for gaining their freedom from the brood as reward for their masterful manipulation in capturing Aurelia into their web of seductive hypnosis.
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Hey Flirty:

Interesting, nice and powerful ending...i am concerned that you left the door just a LITTLE too widely open for a reversal..but otherwise nice job on this story, I am joy that at a minimum it ended on a note where the Brood has a win in their collumn.

i would say be a LITTLE careful with your vocabulary...boobs and "Love sticks" (And this is just a personal opinion here) are phrases I hear from naught kids and this story was more mature then that
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Hi LG.

Wow, thank you for the quick feedback. Just an FYI, this story is not yet finished. Aurelia will have to go through more use and abuse at the hands of the brood ... and there is the small matter of what she was really after in going after this brood. In pursuit of that mysterious goal, though, as events proceeded, she HAD to let herself be defeated by this brood.

Without divulging too much about where I want things headed, Aurelia IS going to be enslaved for a bit of a time, for their use and indulgence, but ultimately there is a bigger fish to fry than Seth, the brood leader, but to get to that fish, Aurelia may just have to completely give herself up to becoming one of them, to ever enable herself to be able to be led to the bigger fish. But the bigger question just might be, though, in all of this might she be digging herself in so deep that she will ultimately not be able to climb out of the mess she has put herself into?

In the spirit of how Void wrote this up to the point he did, my thought is that Aurelia planned on a different path to the bigger fish, but as fate would have it, she found herself actually really defeated by the collective telepathic power of the remaining brood due to them successfully conjuring up her Gwardian "Laria" and the vulnerability that creates in the Gwardian Goddess.

Also in trying to stay a bit true to the Story Void created up to the point he did, I still do have to figure out where things will go with that poor girl Anabel, with her in the process of being turned into a Taint.

Noted on your vocabulary comments. I was not happy with "Love Stick", but I use boobs all the time, especially in reference to my own. I usually say either boobs or breasts (or call them 'the girls'). I sometimes use "tits", but in my everyday life that just kind of strikes me as a bit graphic in reference to my boobs. ;-) I do admit, though, when I am feeling naughty and seductive, every now and again I may refer to my boobs as my tits. <blush>

Curious, in naming boobs in a story, what word do you prefer to use?
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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flirty_but_nice wrote:Hi LG.

Wow, thank you for the quick feedback. Just an FYI, this story is not yet finished. Aurelia will have to go through more use and abuse at the hands of the brood ... and there is the small matter of what she was really after in going after this brood. In pursuit of that mysterious goal, though, as events proceeded, she HAD to let herself be defeated by this brood.

Without divulging too much about where I want things headed, Aurelia IS going to be enslaved for a bit of a time, for their use and indulgence, but ultimately there is a bigger fish to fry than Seth, the brood leader, but to get to that fish, Aurelia may just have to completely give herself up to becoming one of them, to ever enable herself to be able to be led to the bigger fish. But the bigger question just might be, though, in all of this might she be digging herself in so deep that she will ultimately not be able to climb out of the mess she has put herself into?

In the spirit of how Void wrote this up to the point he did, my thought is that Aurelia planned on a different path to the bigger fish, but as fate would have it, she found herself actually really defeated by the collective telepathic power of the remaining brood due to them successfully conjuring up her Gwardian "Laria" and the vulnerability that creates in the Gwardian Goddess.

Also in trying to stay a bit true to the Story Void created up to the point he did, I still do have to figure out where things will go with that poor girl Anabel, with her in the process of being turned into a Taint.

Noted on your vocabulary comments. I was not happy with "Love Stick", but I use boobs all the time, especially in reference to my own. I usually say either boobs or breasts (or call them 'the girls'). I sometimes use "tits", but in my everyday life that just kind of strikes me as a bit graphic in reference to my boobs. ;-) I do admit, though, when I am feeling naughty and seductive, every now and again I may refer to my boobs as my tits. <blush>

Curious, in naming boobs in a story, what word do you prefer to use?
Hi FLirty:

I do try to give feedback as most people (I prefer the term "slime balls"...just kidding) will not comment at all.. they just read and enjoy and the writer's effort can be damned... I hate that

I kind predicted your reply...I have given up actually hoping that a story may go with the antagonists getting an actual win, I get a lot of "it's just temporary, a lot of "well I am being true to the other guys story" and a little "we'd run out of heroines if she lost" to go with when something like this is written, I like to just quietly comment on how much I liked THIS piece...and other pieces I just try to make constructive comments and complements on the over reaching plot or details...and hope someone appreciates my "I really liked THIS part" comments and one days picks up the ball and runs

As for the word(s) I like instead of Boobs...

Breasts works pretty fine in the generic, I agree Tits is better but over used... Now depending on the reaction I want to get from the reader...The terms "mammaries" or "Udders" but in the case of YOUR story, I think I woudl have focused on the nipples (aureoles) and let the reader fill in the breast of his choice..

Keep writing! you do well weather it's my "thing" or not
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Wow, the goddess finally fell into the trap, although the transition from foreplay to intercourse was IMO a bit fast. I was actually thinking all the semi-insulting commands might reignite Aurelia's anger and result in another physical combat before the eventual surrender. Yet, if she was playing the same game as her encounter with the brood hunter, further confrontation might still be in play since, with the siblings' departure, the brood still had Seth, six recovering and two knifed taints, a more balanced match, mentally and maybe physically. What I was wondering was, as the siblings didn't bite, how much her essence was lost-drained and whether the commanded orgasm release her from Laria or effected even more life force loss to the surrounding taints...?

The siblings' seeking to leave and Seth's approval were rather surprising and set up future possibilities quite nicely. Perhaps the siblings might take Anabel away and under their wing and started a new brood elsewhere.

Now that there are more twists and turns to this story forthcoming, I can't wait to see more of the Gwardian adventure, though hoping the seduction and debauchery to be in a more sensual and slower pace (and more close quarter battles).
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Hi cujo. Thank you so very much for your feedback. All the feedback I'vs started receiving (via private Message too) has caused me extra motivation causing me to start expending quite a bit of time day dreaming where to next take things.

LordGriff, do not give up all hope just yet. I am thinking you might actually enjoy the victory that this particular brood has scored! I am beginning to think that Aurelia just might prove to be quite the seductive vessel to be used by the brood. ;)
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Void has apparently returned!

From his Pariah thread ...

"It's a lengthy pain to format the story from a word document to this and I have very little time to dedicate to it, so it may be a week between updates.

I'm also keen to update other open-ended projects I have on this forum (hello, Aurelia) ..."

With any luck, perhaps this means he will read the small addition I have herein posted and then pick up the torch and continue this story!

IF I hear from him (which I have not yet) I will let you guys know.
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Okay, so happily, I have indeed heard from Void and he HAS written out the next segment! I figure that we can take that last chapter that I posted and discard it, and instead go with the following, which is the continuation of Void's story, by Void! Please feel free to let me / us know how you like his continuation. I know that personally, I thought it was much better than mine. :)


From Void's last chapter ....

Surrender yourself to sin.

and now his new stuff ...

Corruption of a Goddess
By Void

Ugh… Surrender…

Aurelia moaned softly into the sister's kiss, feeling the trance-like state of the Laria begin to enshroud her addled mind. It was so much easier to feel than it was to think, so much easier to follow the instructions of the brother whispering into her ear than to resist his commands – so much more desirable to savour the sister’s smouldering kiss than to do anything else.

The sister pressed herself in tighter against Aurelia, letting the Goddess feel every inch of her hot body, and began to make her kiss more domineering, commanding Aurelia’s compliant tongue to continue their dance. While the exotic Tainted one had never seduced a Goddess before, she knew well how to use her exquisite body to seduce and intoxicate mortals – and right now she was treating the Goddess exactly as she would any other enthralled victim.

As the sordid pleasure increased, Aurelia felt the subtle telepathic connection forming between her and the two siblings pressing in on her. Already they were starting to feed off of her pleasure, syphoning off her divine essence and stealing her strength. As yet it was still a very mild connection, draining only the most insignificant amount of power from her, but she knew this would only be the beginning.

Ugh… They’re feeding from me, Aurelia managed to form the thought in her mind as she sensed the connection deepening. The Laria… They’re trying to trick me…

With great effort Aurelia pulled back from the hungry lips of the sister, groaning with discomfort as she resisted her own powerful desires. She tensed her arms again, feeling the brother’s firm grip keeping her wrists behind her back.

‘No…,’ Aurelia protested, ‘That’s enough…’

Shh,’ the sister interrupted, gently but forcefully pursuing Aurelia’s retreating, trembling lips. ‘It’s not enough,’ she whispered as her hands caressed up Aurelia’s body to cup her face and deny her the option of turning away, ‘You want more.’

There was nowhere for Aurelia to turn. ‘No,’ Aurelia mumbled softly as she timidly tried to evade the kiss, ‘I don’t…’

She was silenced by the sister once again capturing her lips, pressing her irresistible tongue back into her yielding mouth. Aurelia tried meekly to pull away, but the sister’s hands kept her from going anywhere, and, after a moment, she succumbed to the kiss once more. Her meagre struggles lessened and she worked her jaw as she began hesitantly returning the lusty kiss.

Yes, that’s it, Aurelia,’ the brother cooed into her ear, ‘Give in to your desires.’ He sensed the growing weakness in the Goddess’s mind and felt the exquisite essence he was starting to bleed from her. ‘That’s a good Goddess,’ he encouraged her.

Oooh…. I… have to… stop this… I need… This…

Aurelia felt like she was drowning. She broke the kiss once again, pressing her head forwards to try and nudge the persistent sister away. It was like coming up for air.

‘Stop…,’ she whispered, her voice sounding small and weak, ‘Stop this…’

The sister relished Aurelia’s vulnerability. She delicately trailed one hand down Aurelia’s side while using her other hand to grip her chin. Brazenly she pushed her hand up under Aurelia’s skirt and raked her nails up her inner thigh towards her aching crotch. She captured Aurelia’s wavering gaze in her deep, dark eyes, savouring every nuance of Aurelia’s humbled expression.

It’s okay, Goddess, you can give in.’

She held Aurelia’s gaze as she assertively pressed her fingers up to rub Aurelia’s needy slit through the soaking material of her thong, causing Aurelia to gasp and whimper. Aurelia tensed up, but made no move to stop her. ‘Don’t resist,’ she whispered, expertly and forcefully rubbing the Goddess’s throbbing crotch, ‘Just let yourself go.’

She didn’t wait for a reply. The sister leaned back in and directed Aurelia’s lips back to hers. Aurelia sighed as she was swallowed back up into the erotic kiss, submissively offering her tongue up to the sister to play with as soon as the sister’s lips touched her own. This time she made no effort at all to pull away or stop it.

‘Mmmm,’ Aurelia moaned, increasing in pitch as she felt the fingers at her crotch rewarding her submission with greater tempo and pressure. Her body sagged a little as she relaxed completely, almost to the point that she would collapse if not for the siblings keeping her up.

Let… go…

All around the room there was an electric sensation in the air. Each of the Tainted creatures could sense it as they listened to the wet noises of the intimate kiss and the submissive moans of the aroused Goddess. The wounded creatures began to inch closer to the three lovers; their earlier trepidation already beginning to give way to sinister excitement.

Aurelia was surrendering.

Good girl,’ the brother whispered, grinding himself harder against Aurelia’s undulating hips. ‘This is all you want, Goddess.’ Gripping Aurelia’s limp wrists in one hand, the brother used his free hand to unbuckle one of her leather knife holsters from around her waist. Aurelia didn’t even notice as the belt was slipped off of her body, and she only let off a mild groan of protest as it was circled tightly around her wrists to bind her arms together behind her back.

Even quietly protesting, she made no effort to prevent her bondage.

This time it was the sister that broke the kiss, pulling away from Aurelia’s lips, trailing their mutual saliva between them and tempting Aurelia to pursue her. Aurelia’s tongue slipped from her mouth, still seeking to spar with that of the sister. ‘You’re so cute,’ the sister chided, drinking in Aurelia’s lust-drunk expression as she assertively slipped her hand inside her thong and directly toyed with Aurelia’s dripping pussy.

Aurelia squealed like a school girl as she felt the fingers finally touching her, skin to skin, and she shuddered as the sister went directly to rubbing her hard, excited clit.

They were being so very forward now. Domineeringly treating her like a piece of meat – like she was just their plaything.

Aurelia couldn’t help but love it.

‘Ugghh…,’ Aurelia moaned loudly, feeling the immediacy of the sensation serve to remind her that this was really happening, much as it felt like a wet dream. The draining effect of the pleasure feeders dining on her ecstasy was becoming more prominent, making Aurelia start to feel a little fatigued. ‘I… haven’t… permitted… this…,’ she whimpered between moans as she tried to reassert herself, straining her wrists against the leather belt that now bound them.

The sister giggled, ‘I don’t care,’ she taunted as she teased her fingers up and down the entrance to Aurelia’s slit. ‘You want it, don’t you, little Goddess? You want to fuck my fingers.’ She alternated between furiously rubbing Aurelia’s sensitive clit and forcefully tracing her fingers up and down Aurelia’s entrance, making the Goddess writhe in conflicted bliss. ‘Say it,’ she commanded, ‘Tell me you want this.’

Ohhh… I want this… I want this… Please, take me…

Aurelia growled as she fought down the urge to beg.

‘No…,’ she groaned, sounding almost confused as she struggled to pull back from the fatal temptation that now gripped her.

The sister decided to change her tact, realising she was asking for too great a submission too soon. She pulled her hand out from Aurelia’s thong, making the Goddess whimper with disappointment despite herself, and smeared the slick juices from her fingers onto her own hard nipples. Cupping one of her large breasts to offer it, she circled her other hand around Aurelia’s head and gently eased her down towards her bosom. ‘Then suckle me,’ she commanded.

Aurelia made a token gesture of resistance before timidly obeying the sister, leaning forward under the sister’s urgings and going to the proffered nipple like a babe to a mother. Her tongue lapped around the hard nub and tasted her own juices, before she took it into her mouth and greedily sucked on it, delighting in the perversity of it.

The sister grinned in satisfaction as she watched, and felt, Aurelia doing as she was told. ‘Ahh… That’s a good little Goddess,’ she sighed gently, stroking her fingers affectionately through Aurelia’s hair, ‘That’s better, isn’t it? You’ve wanted to taste my tits since you first saw them, haven’t you?

‘Mmmm…. Yes…,’ Aurelia couldn’t help but moan her assent as she dutifully licked and sucked on the sister’s delicious breast. The soft, sweet aroma of the sister’s perfume now filled the Goddess’s nostrils, further intoxicating her.

The sister chortled with cruel amusement before guiding Aurelia’s obedient mouth over to lick the juices from her other nipple, ‘Oh yeah… Worship me, little Goddess. Yield to me; savour my superior body.

Yes… Worship… Yield… Superior…, Aurelia thought blissfully as she continued to service the sister’s nipples, totally unable to prevent the sister’s domineering commands from slipping into her weakened mind.

The brother took advantage of Aurelia’s continued distraction. As she obediently suckled his sister he unbuckled Aurelia’s other belt and wound it around her elbows, adding an extra tight binding to restrict her arms and further incapacitate the pacified Goddess.

Aurelia murmured a mild complaint and shifted her arms slightly in resistance, but was shushed by the sister and directed back down to her succulent nipples. ‘Uh-uh, Aurelia, I didn’t say you could stop.

With her arms now totally secured and out of the way the brother was finally able to allow his hands to roam possessively over Aurelia’s shivering body. His touch now lacked any of the restraint or the reverence he had used earlier; he now caressed her slender form as if he owned it. His knowing, domineering hands raked around Aurelia’s body, freely rubbing her perky breasts through her bra before dipping down and reaching under her skirt.

Aurelia moaned with a mix of passion and shame as she felt the lowly brother’s hands grope her tight ass through her thong, forcefully pressing his fingers all the way down the cleft of her ass until he was pushing them along the underside of her quivering sex. Unconsciously, the Goddess bucked her hips back against the brother’s probing fingers.

The brother bared his fangs with amusement, ‘You need it now, don’t you, mighty Goddess?’ He casually slipped his fingers beneath the drenched fabric to tease Aurelia’s pussy directly while he boldly smacked the Goddess’s ass with his other hand, making her yelp submissively into the sister’s bosom. ‘You need to be our little slut.

I need it…, the thought came to her as if it were truly her own, easily sneaking into her mind through the toxic fog of the Laria. I’m… a little slut…

Aurelia stirred under the taunts, the battle taking place in her mind manifesting in her behaviour as she squirmed against her own belts.

The brother’s hand came down once more, spanking the Goddess and further shaming her, making her feel meek and helpless. All the while his fingers continued to flick across her pussy, teasing her erect clit in just the right way to entice her further. ‘You are our little slut, aren’t you, Aurelia?’

Aurelia blushed more as her humiliation mounted. She attempted to speak, to make some effort to protest the declaration, but the sister kept her head from moving and teased her lips back into compliance with one of her stiff nipples.

Don’t deny it,’ the sister soothed as the brother inserted his fingers deep into the Goddess’s slit and slapped her ass even harder. ‘You are a slutty Goddess. You are our slutty little Goddess.

Aurelia moaned in erotic anguish, feeling the pull of the Laria begin to overwhelm all her sense.

I am a slutty Goddess… I am theirs…

‘Yes…,’ Aurelia sighed quietly into the irresistible bosom of the sister.

They all heard it. The siblings looked to each other in a moment of mutual shock, before breaking out into large, sadistic smiles.

Gleefully, they continued the dance. Leading Aurelia to her demise.

The sister lifted Aurelia’s lips from her bosom and pulled the Goddess into another deep, hungry kiss. ‘Say it,’ she whispered seductively, the command oozing from the temptress with all the power she could muster. ‘Surrender.’

Aurelia wavered as she looked up into the depthless eyes staring back at her.

These were fledgling creatures with a weak Taint. It was unthinkable that the Goddess would ever succumb to the temptations of such lowly cretins. She was superior to them like a tiger was to an ant. It was impossible…

‘I’m your slut,’ Aurelia breathed hoarsely, the words bubbling out of her submissive mouth before she even knew that she was considering them – like a good puppet.

The sister beamed a wide, proud smile back at Aurelia, like a parent would look upon their child taking their first steps. ‘Yes you are,’ the sister agreed, ‘Good girl.’

Aurelia was pulled back against the brother as his own passion surged. He domineeringly reached around her and captured her jaw, pulling her face to turn back to him so that his lips could seize hers. She accepted his advances immediately, submissively taking his tongue into her mouth and dutifully serving it with her own. While the brother held her jaw with one of his hands, he kept his other hand inside her thong, pressing his fingers deeply in and out of her to reward her and making her moan weakly into their kiss.

This sister moved with the same level of urgent need. She pressed her hands up the Goddess’s body and snapped off the straps of Aurelia’s bra. There was no fear of reprisal as the sister slipped her hands around Aurelia and unhooked the garment, pulling it away in a flourish to reveal the Goddess’s naked breasts to the room.

Ahh, there you are,’ the sister cooed as she trailed her hands inwards to softly caress Aurelia’s breasts. Her fingers easily found the Goddess’s nipples, standing hard and erect, crying out for attention, and she rapidly flicked her fingertips over the nubs.

Aurelia broke from the kiss with the brother to let out a throaty moan that filled the room and echoed out down the corridors. Deprived of the Goddess’s lips, the brother instantly moved down to kiss and suck Aurelia’s neck, letting the hand on her jaw stray down to firmly kneading her breasts.

You’re small, aren’t you, Aurelia?’ the sister taunted cruelly as she gently pinched the Goddess’s hard nipples, ‘Like a little girl.’

Aurelia’s cheeks flushed a hot red as she watched the sister toying with her, feeling the insult fuelling her sense of submissive arousal even further. She bit her lip as she fought down the urge to answer.

You’re not full and luscious like I am, are you?’ the sister persisted as she massaged Aurelia’s breasts, lowering herself down to tease the Goddess’s excited nipples with her long tongue.

Aurelia mewled with ecstasy as she watched the sister’s tongue play with her. She was fully within the embrace of the Laria now, and her mind soaked in the demeaning words like a sponge. Where normally the proud Goddess would be offended she was now revelling in her own debasement.

You are so sensitive,’ the sister chided as she further teased Aurelia with her tongue and fingertips, making the Goddess gasp and moan like it was her first time. ‘Your body is so very obedient.’

Aurelia was helplessly hypnotised by the display, totally unable and unwilling to look away from the sweet torment of her body. The siblings played her like an instrument, and she sang to their tune. She couldn’t recall if her nipples had ever been this hard or receptive before.

Your small tits embarrass you, don’t they, Aurelia?’ the sister continued, taking them into her warm mouth and suckling on the Goddess, causing her to shiver with pleasure. ‘Don’t be shy – you can say it. You wish they were bigger.’

I… My breasts… My breasts embarrass me…, Aurelia couldn’t help but think it, powerless to stop the humiliating influence of the sister from exposing her long-hidden insecurities.

The brother kissed up her neck and whispered deep into her sensitive ear, ‘Say it – tell us all the truth.’ His soaking fingers pulled from her folds and went up to speedily rubbing her clit, sending vibrations through her tingling body. ‘Forget your pride. Let it all go.’

‘I… ugh… I...,’ Aurelia’s voice was weak and timid, ‘I wish… ooohh… I wish my breasts were bigger…,’ the Goddess’s self-worth and confidence gushed out of her with each demeaning word.

The Tainted creatures around the room sniggered. At the far side of the room Seth laughed loudest of all.

Good Goddess,’ the brother rewarded Aurelia with greater pleasure, bringing her right to the threshold of climaxing with his hand. ‘You envy my sister’s body, don’t you? You are so inferior to her, Aurelia. You are grateful that she shares her perfect body with your flawed one.’

Aurelia moaned louder, her wanton cries of submissive pleasure bathing the room and drowning out the sound of cruel laughter. Her mind was so completely caught in the Laria now. All her defences were gone, and she could not resist the terrible thoughts being dripped into her head like a vile poison. Her release was so close – it consumed her entirely.

‘Ughh… Ooooohh… Yes…,’ the humbled Goddess sighed, ‘She is perfect… I…,’ her voice faltered, ‘I am inferior…’ Aurelia looked down, meeting the sister’s gaze with subservient eyes, ‘I am not worthy…’

The sister smiled back at Aurelia with pure satisfaction as she came back to claim her lips in another sultry kiss. She pressed herself in tight against the Goddess, rubbing their naked, gleaming torsos together and letting Aurelia feel the disparity between their breasts as they pressed into each other. Her hands strolled down Aurelia’s body and replaced the brother’s hand under the thong, perfectly replacing his tempo and pressure at rubbing the heroine off.

The brother pressed himself in tighter against Aurelia as well, making her feel as if she were cocooned between the two Tainted siblings. His hands roved up to cup her breasts and forcefully massage them, teasing them against the bigger breasts of his sister.

Well done, Aurelia,’ the sister whispered between kisses, ‘We’ve reached the end, haven’t we? You are right where you want to be. Now you want to fuck my fingers, don’t you?

‘Yes,’ the answer came to Aurelia immediately, her desire something raw and undeniable. ‘I want to fuck your fingers... Please...’

Then give in to me,’ the sister commanded, ‘Feel me, Aurelia, and surrender to me. I am your mistress, and I will have you now.’

The sister’s hand quickened at Aurelia’s pussy as she broke from their final kiss and moved her mouth across to sink her fangs deep into the Goddess’s tender neck.

Aurelia stiffened and cried out as her flesh was pierced by the Tainted bite. Blighted toxins rushed into her body that corrupted her very essence and began to paralyse her. She felt her blood begin to flow in a torrent from the wound and into the greedy mouth of the temptress.

Conflicted desires flickered across Aurelia’s face as she felt the bite take hold, and she tensed her body against both her bindings and the siblings pressed in against her. For a tiny moment, it looked like she was about to break her bonds and kill them all – like they had finally pushed too far and awoken the Goddess’s wrath.

The brood held their breath, acutely aware that this was the deciding moment. The crux of everything.

‘Yes… mistress,’ Aurelia croaked as she relaxed her body, her eyes fluttering in their sockets as she felt raw, heavenly bliss.

That’s it, slut,’ the brother encouraged her, manipulating her breasts so as to tease her erect nipples against the stiff nipples of his sister. ‘The darkness has you now. Embrace it. You are home.’

The brother’s hands moved up to pinch Aurelia’s nipples together with those of the sister, feeling like the sexiest thing that Aurelia had ever felt in her long life, and he sank his fangs into the other side of her neck. The second bite flooded the Goddess with yet more Taint, and her precious blood gushed into his sucking mouth.

Aurelia’s eyes rolled back and she gave an animal groan of surrender as she finally orgasmed. She bucked and writhed within the sordid embrace of the siblings as she succumbed to her ultimate release. The climax was, in that moment, the greatest moment of Aurelia’s existence. It was pure, perfect, unstoppable euphoria.

I am home.
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Mmm, check that sweet formatting!

Just wanted to say a quick thanks to Flirty for having the patience of an actual saint in tolerating the *long* winter this story has suffered. I had good fun with this one, I really must say. Probably the most distracting material I've ever written. The keen eyed among you will probably spot that the story took a bit of a left turn from where I intended it to go, such was the seductive surprise of the Tainted siblings, but the hope is that the arc you expect will still reveal itself eventually.

Until then... There's the terrible, terrible consequences of Aurelia's submission. It's every bit as filthy as you'd expect. Maybe more so.

Poor Gwardian Goddess... It's a long fall from the top. The night is dark and full of kinky domineering group sex.
Lost in the night, and there is no morning.
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An even bigger wow! And the GOT paraphrasing is making the gothic and sensual story light-hearted yet refreshing. With the series finale of Penny Dreadful just aired, this latest chapter has such eriee semblance to the plot twist of the couple episodes prior to the show's 2-part finale. And I love both the TV seies and this story though this seems to be getting better instead of cutting to a sudden end.

Aurelia seemed completedly surrendering to the siblings' psychic links and the Lariat effect. Would she not develop some immunities to either the aura or the toxin thru numerous (and, I assume, a few temporarily losing) encounters during the long purge? Could her sweet essence be fully drained, if so, why didn't the Progenitor and the bloodlods do so? And how could the brood master recover without fang thus unable to obtain the life force via the toxic bite? I guess we will see more as the goddess falls into further debauchery.

On a side note, it seems the latest chapter contains repeated use of the word domineering...
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I've never before heard of the Penny Dreadful series. It looks like it might be interesting. I suspect I'll have to check it out.

Hmmm, interesting question about if she'd develope immunity to the Taint virus. I kind of figured that her immunity can overcome the "infection", but that it's kind of like the common cold ... when she gets infected, it can kick the shit out of her system for awhile, but her immunity ultimately can fight off the infection. The question at hand is, though, if she has become mind controlled and is continually infected due to ongoing, consecutive feedings, is it possible for her Gwardian immunity to simply become overwhelmed? This is still to be answered. :-)

I imagine that if Aurelia is bit into by another, Seth could then feed from that open wound, drawing life force in that way. I also suspect that in so feeding, his Taint power of regeneration would result in his fangs being restored, though this will be for Void to answer in what he next posts!

I do await his next part with GREAT anticipation! It is just SO exciting and arousing in surrendering my character to his imaginative whim. I am so excited for Void's return and apparent enthusiasm in continuing the story!
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Gazooks! Cujo is totally right - there may be one too many 'domineeringly's in there. I will endeavour to edit at least one of them out. Interestingly enough, the word appears much less than does 'submissively' but for some reason that doesn't stick out in quite the same way. Either way I've clearly come out with the hammer when it comes to the power play here - adjectives everywhere. But I really wanted this one to be an unapologetically wanton story.

I will indeed let the story answer the rest.
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Void wrote:...

I will indeed let the story answer the rest.
Hopefully sooner than later!

Hey, hasn't it been 18 hours? <wink>
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Well, it's been almost a month since Void told me he had the next part finished and he just needed to edit it. I haven't heard from him since. Hopefully he will soon make another return, without making us wait over a year again. Oh Void, come out come out wherever you are. <wink>
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Void wrote:And I really hate futility ^_^. Peril is meaningless if it is an inevitable loss, and in stories like this you can only lose once - otherwise it ISN'T losing - so it rather curtails the story... If the story is going to continue then the peril is better explored by sailing close to defeat but avoiding it. Not to mention, the peril of your heroine has no impact to me if she fails to establish herself - meaning she had better have a few wins to her credit before she loses. The same applies even if you don't care about peril and only care about defeat.
I agree. I do want a good, permanent defeat, but it has no weight behind it if your OC doesn't have any other stories. I have a tough time finding these kind of story series, where the heroine actually wins, establishes herself as credible and compelling, then has a few close calls before the final end. Then fun is you can still drag that end out quite a while. And then that character is done, and the author moves on because it really is the end.

Sometime I may need to start writing that series myself since I find so few examples that work.
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Void has been in touch with me a couple of days ago. I am holding out hope that the update / conclusion is as near as he had indicated. Fingers crossed.
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Just curious if there are still plans to finish this story, it sounds like there were at one time but maybe it got put on the back burner. Any update would be appreciated, thanks!
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A thousand apologies - it has indeed been a much longer wait than it was ever meant to be (again). I've been pinched for time, having to devote most of my efforts towards paying projects, but even so I feel bad. The finale to this story is actually mostly written - I just need to settle on an ending - and I will post it up after it has Flirty's blessing.

Sorry again!
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Void, I haven't read it, but you have my blessing! Please, oh please, post it!
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Void, darlin, you're killing me!
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Just to let y’all know, I am hearing encouraging things about the next chapter being released before the end of this month! Fingers are so crossed!
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Hey everybody. Jut a heads up that, sadly, I have written off the idea that Void will ever finish this story as he had so many times promised. So, should we just leave it off where Void left it ... or should I write up a conclusion to the story based on my own idea of where it might or should go next?

I do have some ideas. Just so sad, though, that Void didn’t come through with the conclusion which so long ago he said was nearly done. Anyway, if y’all are wanting, I’ll try to tackle more of this on my own.
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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You should probably get Void's written permission to write your own "Suggested Conclusion" post before putting it up here...and clearly labeling it as such in a very noticeable bold font introduction paragraph. He does own the legal copyright to it. After all, it's not like he isn't around here as a presence.

As a writer myself, it's a consideration I would appreciate from someone, because it sets a dangerous precedent. If you do post it that way, it leaves open the option for Void to one day write his own conclusion if he so desires.
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DrDominator9 wrote:
5 years ago
You should probably get Void's written permission to write your own "Suggested Conclusion" post before putting it up here...and clearly labeling it as such in a very noticeable bold font introduction paragraph. He does own the legal copyright to it. After all, it's not like he isn't around here as a presence.

As a writer myself, it's a consideration I would appreciate from someone, because it sets a dangerous precedent. If you do post it that way, it leaves open the option for Void to one day write his own conclusion if he so desires.
I appreciate your comments, Dr.D, but I do disagree. The Aurelia universe is MY creation and this story by Void was started with my approval. It actually started as a collaboration, and the first time I thought he had abandoned it, I wrote up my own continuation and posted it in this thread. . Not long after that, though, he unexpectedly submitted his continuation (which I liked better than what I had written).

Anyway, my character, my universe, and I was hopeful to incorporate this story take by Void as universe canon. Because of that, I have deferred writing more of Aurelia’s adventures for a couple of years now, while I waited for Void to finish it up. Also, I have messaged Void countless times about wanting this wrapped up, most messages of which go unanswered.

Hence, at this point, I don’t think I need to reach out anymore, for I have done so for a couple of years now already.
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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