Stardust: Intergalactic Avenger - Stardust Vs Necro part 1

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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 180
Joined: 4 years ago

Stardust vs Necro

She was the best of the best. The most elite member of the Star Rangers, an intergalactic police force that worked closely with the Union of planets. Her most recent mission however had been a disaster. She was sent to sector 2864 in a system known only as the void for its lack of stars. The Last thing she remembered was her ship entangled in a tractor beam. It was dragged closer and closer to a strange looking obelisk shaped space station. It was dark coloured and its appearance struck her spirit with feelings of dread. What a macabre monstrosity to be floating in the depth of space. The tractor beam had a strange effect on her body sending her into unconsciousness.

Stardust was known for her abilities. Most Star Rangers are recruited for their unique and uncanny attributes. But Stardust belonged to an almost extinct warrior race. Her skin was pale, her hair blonde, and her naked flesh was decorated with the marks of her people. Ancient symbols and sigils. She found herself completely nude and bound. Normally her enhanced strength would enable her to break free of her bonds. This time however, she could not move, nor was she able to tear her way out of the bonds. She noticed two things: The first was a great weakness consuming her body. Secondly the bonds were metallic yet tentacle like and versatile. They wrapped like snakes around her ankles, shins, and thighs. They pressed and squeezed her wrists into her legs, and another coil ensured her arms were immobile. A last encircling bond secured her shoulders. Her wonderfully shaped breasts and pink nipples were displayed in between the last two silvery serpentine restraints. Her eyes were covered by some kind of visor. The device was doing something more than simply making her sensory deprived. She was unable to use her astra omega powers, which enabled her to manifest energy bolts from her hands and body, release offensive beams of light and also soar throughout space like a comet. She was confused. But she sensed a figure close by. A man.
“What is the meaning of this?” She cried out. “How dare you hold captive a Star Ranger, release me at once!”
“Not so soon, I want to enjoy this moment” said a deep baritone whisper
Stardust remembered her files. This was none other than the mysterious criminal known as….
“Necro!” she said.
“It is an honour to make your acquaintance. Who would have thought that I would capture the mighty Stardust. There is no point struggling, the tech is designed specifically for your body’s weaknesses. I have studied you and your species for many years. Galateans were a powerful race indeed, it is indeed a shame what happened to your planet.”
Stardust ignored him. She was already trying to plan her escape. Without her power and strength she would have to use her mind. There were many rumours and legends about Necro. None of it pleasant and some of it seemed to be unreal and supernatural. Stardust refused to believe in such nonsense. She was often logical. But in this place of chaos there is no place for logic. Something she would soon discover.
“You do indeed have a magnificent body” he said whilst caressing Stardust’s shoulders.
“How dare you!” she shouted in defiance.
“I am sure you Space Rangers have researched my perverted methods” he said with a devious tonality in his voice.
Stardust remember Necro’s file. His strange ship would suddenly appear and he would capture females that he had selected all over the galaxy. He would always make sure they were the powerful and strongest of females for he was a connoisseur of breaking the feminine spirit. The women disappeared and it was unknown as to whether they were killed or held captive.
“Sooner or later I will find out” Stardust thought to herself. “And when I get the first chance I will end this creature once and for all”.
“Remove your hands from my body you vile scum!” she commanded as Necro began caressing her breasts.
“I think it is time that you learn some discipline” he said.
Stardust laughed. “Im afraid I’m too strong willed for you”.
“well….I have invented a number of devices” Necro responded. Stardust could hear a noise as Necro picked up a round metallic collar.
“The collar of submission…….this will make you obedient and respond to my commands. You will become my slave”
“pffft, I will never be your sla……..” as Stardust was in the middle of her defiant outburst she suddenly felt a wetness around her left breast and a strong suction.
“uuuuugh” she whimpered as Necro sucked on her pale coloured mamary and pink nipple.
“I am also aware of how sensitive you Galataens are” Necro grinned. Her species were all about the body. Powerful and physically strong, a warrior race. However they also had an extremely sensitive body, especially to sensual touch and erotic stimulation. Most Galateans go through intense mental training to control their libido and sexual energy. Unfortunately for Stardust, despite her being one of the most powerful of the Space Rangers and one of the most famous warriors of Galatea; her will power training was interrupted by the destruction of her planet. Since then, Galataens have been scattered all over the galaxy.

“I….I am too strong willed…..I” Stardust continued to resist.
“I am afraid once the collar is activated you will become hyper responsive to me” Necro interrupted whilst fitting the collar around her neck. He flicked a switch on the collar activating a red light. Suddenly Stardust became docile, silent and starry eyed.
“so much for your iron will” Necro mocked. He released her from the bonds. She was completely aware of what was going on but was powerless to resist. He finally removed the visor from her eyes and head. Finally she could see this ghastly creature of a man. Skin as white as a corpse, a long bald head and red eyes. He dressed in black and his limbs were long as were his hands and fingers. He was at least 6 ft 2, however he looked frail and weak.
“Lets play some games!” Necro said with joy. “I would like to test this new toy.”
“Oh Gods” Stardust thought “not another intergalactic pervert obsessed with domination and power!”
“take 10 steps forward!” Necro commanded. Stardust was unable to control herself, her limbs moved to his words as she stepped forward barefoot upon his cold floor.
“Now turn and return to me”. She was angry with herself and her failure to fight the mental control of the collar of submission. She stopped in front of her new master.
“Lets see now” Necro said as he began manipulating her body as if she was a doll or action figure. He directed her limbs and body to create poses her wanted. He placed her hands on her hips and parted her legs.
“A most familiar sight…..the proud heroine!” Next he placed her hands on her breasts.
“Caress yourself there” he demanded, and Stardust could do nothing but massage her breasts. She was silent and robotic. It felt good as she knew exactly how to pleasure herself but she was completely quiet and unable to express her pleasure. Such was the power of the collar. Eventually Necro grabbed her right hand and directed it down south towards her clit. He gestured her to masturbate. She was slowly getting wet as she caressed her nerve endings in exactly the way that was best for her body. Necro however started to show disappointment. The performance was way too robotic for him and without passion or emotion.
“more emotion… me your pleasure” Necro ordered. Stardust was unresponsive and continued sexually stimulating herself.
“STOP” he cried. Stardust’s body immediately halted her activity and stood to attention.
“It seems as though the collar can either allow you to speak or move, but never both at the sometime. I will have to make some modifications. In the meantime I would like you to repeat after me…..YOU ARE WEAK AND DEFEATED”
The words rolled off her tongue effortlessly.
“I am weak and defeated” Stardust declared in a monotone yet feminine falsetto voice.
“Now repeat again” he continued….."YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR NECRO”
“I am no match for Necro” she responded.
Necro seemed displeased. “you will remain frozen to the floor but I will release your speech” He said.
“This is humiliating!” Stardust shouted “release me”
Necro ignored her protestations. “Although your defiance is a turn on… is your verbal submission that I wish to experience…..and one that is sincere with feeling” he walked closer to Stardust once again. He began sucking her breasts again.
“You disgusting creature, uuuugh! Just stop…..I must be in control of my body again!”
“hmmm….There is only one condition that would allow me to release you from the collar” Necro revealed.
Stardust’s eyes lit up, and the wheels and cogs of her strategic brain began to turn.
“what is it!?”
“you must eagerly and willingly be my slave” he declared “although I know that it seems that such a thing would be an impossibility……you are a proud and defiant one with a reputation across the galaxy. I think I will have to break you…..slowly…..and yet I feel that even that would fail as you would rather die. Even if I exposed you to the most torturous pain you would resist. Even if I unleashed the most pleasurable onslaught on your sensitive body…you may physically respond and cum, but your mind would never submit. I crave mental and verbal submission from all my defiant female slaves. My harem is full of former heroines and warriors…..all owned by me in body and mind. I wish for you to become the same”
“How did you manage to break them all?” she inquired
“perhaps they were simply weaker than you” he responded with a grin. Stardust was immediately suspicious. Still, she saw an opportunity to escape.
“What if I was to comply with your demand” she suggested.
“what do you mean?” he replied with curiosity.
“I enjoy the way you suck on my breasts…..perhaps being your slave isn’t such a bad idea” she said. Stardust noticed the enticed look on Necro’s face. Like all men, easily duped by the wiles of a gorgeous woman she thought.
“If you release me, I will be you willing slave” she smiled at Necro.
“I don’t trust you” Necro said.
“I swear, on my honour as a Galatean” She replied.
“You Galateans are known for speaking only truth”.
“Yes we swear upon it, in front of the God Shaaz and the Goddess Shalaria, deities of our warrior religion” Stardust explained.
Necro convinced himself that Stardust was trustworthy. He slowly deactivated the collar of submission and then unclipped it from her swan like neck. But as soon as Stardust felt her conscious control return she immediately delivered a strong pushing blow in the centre of Necro’s chest sending him to the ground.
“You tricked me! Deep down I knew you would!!” He screamed.
“You think I would ever be your slave” she said as she towered over him, hands on hips, still completely naked.
Necro laughed. “Lets see what we shall do about that” he responded as he quickly moved along the floor. His mobility was uncanny, almost slithering like a snake as he lunged in with a kick towards Stardust’s breasts. She easily dodged his attack, moving so slightly to the side like a dancer replying him with a blow to the back sending him once again crashing into the floor but not before he slammed head first into a wall. Stardust walked slowly towards him, stepping her foot into his chest, pinning him to the ground. He simply could not get free, she was superior to him in strength and there was nothing he could do. She bent down grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the ground. He was choking as his feet dangled in the air. Stardust was no more than 5ft 9 but was able to lift the villain despite him being so much taller.
“I was thinking of bringing you in, the duty of a space ranger irks me to do so. However, my honour as a Galataen warrior also urges me with a strong desire to kill you. I could say that you was killed after you attacked me, its not exactly a lie is it?” She said angrily.
Necro could feel the constriction of his neck. It would not be long before his larynx is crushed but for some reason he was smiling deviously at Stardust. He snapped his right fingers.
“SECURITY PROTOCOLS ACTIVATED” A computerised voice said. Out of nowhere a tiny dart was fired into Stardust’s left foot and right breast. She felt a pain shoot through her body and she released Necro. Both bodies collapsed to the floor.
Stardust could feel a weakness spread through her body, but at the same time she was fighting the paralysing chemical that was slowly breaking her down. She staggered to her bare feet, and finally stood up. “uuuugh I feel so woozy, I must shake this off and finish this fight” she thought to herself. Her opponent arose from the ground ready for battle.
“You thought you could dupe me Stardust? I was prepared for multiple scenarios and I always knew breaking your will and enslaving you would be much much harder. Now lets see how you fight me when your power level is less than half”
Necro moved like a blur, feinted to the left and crashed his fist into Stardusts ribs.
“oooooh” she whimpered. He then launched an elbow to her head. Stardust was stunned and Necro saw a split second opportunity to open palm strike both of her ears squashing her head in between his hands. He grabbed her by the neck and threw her against the wall.
“By Shalaria and Shaaz! He is so much stronger now” she thought, but she knew her body was slowly recovering thanks to her accelerated healing abilities. Necro helped Stardust to her feet by dragging her upwards by the neck and then pinning her to the wall.
“See how the tables have turned” he mocked.
“I have to fight, I can’t just let him win!” she thought to herself again. She rallied her energy and will to begin her fight back. Suddenly she felt Necro’s fist again but this time it struck her left breast. She felt another blow upon her opposite breast. Not only was the blow painful and forceful, it did something else to her body and mind. Necro continuously launched a barrage of strikes upon her chest. She moaned and groaned in pain. Internally Stardust expressed herself:
“the blows…..uuugh……they are paralysing me……I can’t think……its not just the pain….but….but it also feels tantalising……striking my super sensitive erogenous zones…..I feel somewhat aroused……must fight this weakness…..but feel so dizzy, he’s weakening me with every strike….he is so dominant…..and I… it.” Her own thoughts shocked her spirit to the core.
Necro noticed Stardust’s eyes fluttering and rolling back as he beat her breasts with his fists and his flesh down below hardened as she moaned.
“You are beaten! I am defeating your breasts…..your weakness…..and your vocal expression are not only sounds of pain, but also arousal. Deep down you enjoy domination, it is a weakness of all Galataen female warrior, and I will beat you into enslavement” he declared.
Stardust knew she was beat and she had to think fast. She looked around and could see there was no way out of this situation. She dug deep, and pushed through her weakness.
“NEVER!” She shouted and launched a powerful kick towards Necros stomach sending him flying 5 feet backwards. Necro writhed in pain, slithering on the floor. Stardust slumped to the floor in a weakened state although conscious. Necro starred at Stardust with his blood red eyes.
“I see it was a mistake on my part to think that I could toy with you and get some enjoyment from it” he said struggling and gasping for air. Necro slowly stood up and ran towards an automatic door. As he disappeared through it, Stardust could hear him shouting, “Follow me if you dare!”
Stardust slowly stood up, panting.
“must fight this grogginess….Its time to end this once and for all” She said to herself as she slightly staggered and then walked hastily towards the door that Necro retreated behind. As the door slid open she slowly walked into the darkness. Stardust knew this was potentially a trap but she was confident enough in her skills and power. She moved like a cat, twisting and turning, trying to get a sense of environment with her sight gone due to the complete lack of light. Stardust was convinced she had Necro on the ropes.
“The darkness is my domain” Necro’s voice echoed. It startled Stardust as her body came to a standstill.
“Show yourself coward!” she demanded.
“Soon….soon….and you will see who I am” he replied. Stardust felt a chill. There was something different about him.

to be continued
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