Wunder Woman Undercover (Christina Carter Productions)

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Doctor Outcome
Posts: 518
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Location: Wesker Laboratories

Hey gang, how’s it going? Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving the past week and I hope everyone’s gearing up for the holidays. I know I’ve been away from the review office for a while now (mainly because I’ve been working on some custom scripts to post up in the story section). But now, I think it’s time for me to get back to my favorite past time: reviewcology.

And I think I may have found some material that just might spark the interest of a few Wonder Woman fans:

Plot: Diana Prince goes undercover as a lovely housekeeper codenamed ‘Christina’ to infiltrate the home of a lovely rich girl named Heiress Emily who supposedly has stolen financial information on her hard drives. For Diana, it should be a simple assignment, but with Heiress Emily watching her every move like a hawk, the brunette haired maiden may need to call on some help from Wonder Woman in order to complete this mission…

Danger Will Robinson! Spoilers Ahead...Read at your own risk!
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-Well, let me just say first that the story for this vid was well-thought out and deserves an ‘A’ for creativity. It was interesting to see Diana Prince go undercover in order to infiltrate the enemy’s stronghold, almost like a secret agent and to try and locate her objective. The writer’s didn’t start the story off with Diana getting captured right away…they let the story play out with her infiltrating and then beginning her search for the hard drives.

-Fabulous outfits with Heiress Emily wearing a business suit and skirt and barefooted and I really loved Miss Carter’s French maid outfit. It would’ve been nice if she had some pantyhose to wear with it (I think hosiery with a maid outfit is just erotic), but given that her character was doing some floor scrubbing it was probably a good idea for the hosiery to be out as that would’ve ruined them.

-Great acting from both fetish models in this vid. Miss Carter played the undercover role extremely well and she had Diana use the codename ‘Christina’ for this. Not sure why Diana chose that codename for this particular persona, but I think it works well for her character. In order not to raise suspicions to her target, she scrubs the floor and does some dusting all while looking for the hard drives that Heiress Emily had stolen.

This vid was my first exposure to Emily Addison (who sadly, as I’ve been told, has retired from fetish modeling). *sigh* Why do all the great ones always leave at their prime I wonder? But either way, she puts on a very convincing performance with her portrayal of Heiress Emily: Emily was kinky, naughty and maybe a little perverted and I suspected that her character had some sinister plans for Diana later on, especially when we see her preparing a chloroform cloth for her in the bathroom. Emily even exposes her entire body in front of the camera and she wasn’t shy about going nude at all. Very talented young lady with a curvaceous body to match.

-Great fetishes in this ranging from knockout via chloroform to Emily feeling Diana up while she’s unconscious to bondage scenes (which was a bit of a con which I’ll explain later).
wwWWAiressEmily (Diana taken advantage of).mov_snapshot_06.06_[2015.11.30_18.29.57].jpg
wwWWAiressEmily (Diana taken advantage of).mov_snapshot_06.06_[2015.11.30_18.29.57].jpg (15.78 KiB) Viewed 2740 times
-Miss Carter does a fantastic Wonder-spin transformation complete with thunder sound effects, Wonder Woman theme playing and an excellent transition between shots to show Miss Carter becoming her Wonder Woman persona. When she transforms into this character, she becomes a take-charge lady ready for action and when Heiress Emily sees Wonder Woman, she thinks it’s the maid playing dress up and she gets giddy with excitement. Boy was she in for a huge surprise when Wonder Woman got that lasso of truth around her. Emily’s reaction when the lasso is around her and when Wonder Woman gets a little rough with her was exciting to watch: her eyes get wide, she moans with pleasure and excitement, thinking that it’s all just a game.
wwWWAiressEmily (Wonder woman takes control).mov_snapshot_09.57_[2015.11.30_18.33.18].jpg
wwWWAiressEmily (Wonder woman takes control).mov_snapshot_09.57_[2015.11.30_18.33.18].jpg (22.52 KiB) Viewed 2740 times
-Best part of this vid: they played with the outcome of the story. Now in some of Miss Carter’s later vids when she plays Wonder Woman she loses quite badly to her adversaries, particularly enemies who don’t really pose much of a threat, but here that’s not the case. Here they explore with the possibility of a loss on Diana’s end and quite possibly being a victim of sexual torture at Emily’s hands, but that gets reversed later on.

-A semi-happy ending in this one (which was also a small con) but still made the vid enjoyable.


-Emily’s bondage scene was about four minutes (and they used that as the means for closing the story). I was a little worried that they were going to use the majority of the vid to show Miss Carter struggling and that would’ve been a little tiresome to watch if they had done that…good thing they didn’t.

-The ending was rather cut and dry, kind of like they ran out of ideas and just ended it with the villain being captured. While I have no complaints with the villain getting captured, we don’t learn what Heiress Emily’s fate is or even if Wonder Woman found what she was attempting to locate during her mission. They used the remaining four minutes of the story after Emily’s interrogation to show her tied up and gagged in the same closet that Diana was left to struggle in.

Diagnosis (What could’ve been better)

-If Emily had some sinister plans for maid Diana, it would’ve been good to know what they were. Did she plan to sell her as a sex slave or was she going to keep her around for her own personal pleasure? ‘What was Emily planning?’ is the question that I needed answered.

-I would’ve had Emily be a little defiant toward Wonder Woman and if by chance the lasso of truth didn’t work, Wonder Woman could take the gloves off and use sexual pleasure (force orgasm and maybe oral sex) to get the answers she needed out of Emily. In the future, Miss Carter should show Wonder Woman going a little further in her duties to break the enemy, since the bad guys always get the opportunity to do it to her. It’d be nice to see what Wonder Woman would really do to make a villain ‘break’.

-There’s part where Emily tries to hit Wonder Woman, who mocks her and asks her ‘is that supposed to hurt me?’ They should’ve had Emily make the hits look a little more real and maybe use sound effects to simulate a hit on Wonder Woman.

-A better ending for next time: maybe Wonder Woman takes Emily in to the authorities or she finds the hard drives, contacts the police and then leaves Emily tied up (after she knocks her out with her Wonder-sleep technique)

Final Outcome

Well, this story had one or two flaws to it, but it still made for an interesting superheroine fetish vid. And the best part is that Miss Carter’s character didn’t get eviscerated at the enemy’s hands this time, which made me smile even more. Emily Addison was a fantastic supporting character for this vid and like Miss Carter, she shines as bright as sterling silver in this story. Shame she retired…it would’ve been nice to see her and Miss Carter together in other stories.

Final Score for ‘Wunder Woman Undercover’: 9 ½ out of 10. Definitely a superheroine vid worth checking out.
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wwWWAiressEmily (Emily subdued).mov_snapshot_10.25_[2015.11.30_18.34.05].jpg (26.09 KiB) Viewed 2740 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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