Rapture Videos = Feedback

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Now that we have gotten a few Rapture videos out to you guys, let me open up Pandora's Box:

What do you like, what don't you like, what do you want to see more of, and what do you want to see that we haven't done?

**this is not about fetishes. It's strictly about feedback and scenarios, etc.
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I'm confused, which group of videos are you asking about... Angel of Rapture was my guess but I only see 2 videos for it, which I did buy one, but it's not a "few videos". Lately all I've been seeing is HK and Wizard videos...
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Your videos are well done and your girls are real attractive, especially the blonde. Also the costumes are very creative, I tend to like masks on the heroine so the more variety the better.

As for con's I'd say the simulated sex doesn't do it as much for me, especially at the price. I tend to go with Primals videos more often. Add that next level to your girls and oh man...
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Nhoerst wrote:Your videos are well done and your girls are real attractive, especially the blonde. Also the costumes are very creative, I tend to like masks on the heroine so the more variety the better.

As for con's I'd say the simulated sex doesn't do it as much for me, especially at the price. I tend to go with Primals videos more often. Add that next level to your girls and oh man...
I hear you, but the girls we currently have would not go beyond simulated sex. We'd have to hire more adult actresses for that.. And be just F/F since most of them don't want to do B/G scenes anymore.
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Tuathal wrote:I'm confused, which group of videos are you asking about... Angel of Rapture was my guess but I only see 2 videos for it, which I did buy one, but it's not a "few videos". Lately all I've been seeing is HK and Wizard videos...
Heroine Kombat is our PG, not done through Rapture.

Rapture = Defeated Heroines, Superherone Ransom, The Wizard, and Angels of Rapture. I didn't count but there are like 19 videos out now.

Well done so far. High quality with great costumes. All your vids were always missing a certain sexual element because they had beautiful actresses and most times, believable heroines but often ended up being one long tease. Thank you for bringing life back to your xxx/rapture vids they are so so good.
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I like the work you have done so far and am glad you decided to continue with all the series under the Rapture name. The women are gorgeous and I appreciate the original costumes. In fact, I own several videos and have posted a few reviews on HM. I'd probably say you and Rye do some of the best unconscious (or death) scenes with groping, stripping and sex than just about anyone else. I'm not too picky when it comes to fetishes, but the unconscious stuff is one of my personal favorites. It's a welcomed alternative to the Heroine being stimulated into submission, which I also like if done right!

I'm also an un-masking guy... While I wouldn't complain about it in your videos at all. May I suggest it stay on as long as possible? Like maybe as the ultimate humiliation, even after a sex or forced orgasm or even a KO/Death scene?

One last thing... I get the whole full on xxx adult costing more & being a regulations headache thing. But does that apply to strap-on scenes as well? Because I see plenty of much lower budgeted stuff with still attractive actresses (non porn) doing it all the time. In fact, you had a gem with one of the earliest releases with "It's all a Haze". The production value (lighting, camera, etc) was definitely high quality with porn star women. I can only imagine the cost for a budget like that, and why you were initially turned off by the adult content. But how about a couple steps down from that?
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What I like are some of the videos of them being dressed in plain clothes before they change into heroine mode. It makes me think of them of having alter ego's. Your earlier videos had them, I think that was a great thing. I'm nitpicking more than anything else, everything has been enjoyable so far.
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"This is not about fetishes."
<Fetishes are requested.>

It's very difficult for people not to describe the specific fetish they want to see, because that's what gets people to buy.

I could tell you I like the way the Wizard is portrayed -- trying to be scientific and detached in his pursuit of a cure, but helpless to deny his baser enthusiasms -- but that doesn't matter one-tenth as much as getting the fetish elements right, or at least getting enough of them in there. I'm just like the Wizard :)

I push the button because the actress is attractive, the costume is a leotard with a daring cut, there's no hose, production value is high enough not to be distracting, and it looks like there's enough peril and explicit sexual content, including the heroine's sexual arousal. The rest is gravy -- and some of it is very delicious gravy, justifying a higher price or making it easier to take more of a chance on the next one, but still not something I'll have without some meat and potatoes.

So now that that's out of the way...

I like actresses who know what performance you're after and deliver it. Whatever your overall direction, casting, scripting, shooting, or rehearsal methods are, they work most of the time so keep refining them.

But... as much as the business is about checking boxes, when the story seems to muddle it's a bummer. What I mean is the journey of the protagonist should always be clear. A lot of it is about powers. These are all power struggles, right? So, does she have any powers? Are they being stripped, or drained, or overwhelmed, or turned against her? It looked like the heroine was hurt/scared a minute ago, why is she suddenly kicking ass with a confident expression? You don't need a lot of exposition, and it doesn't have to be really nuanced -- after all, you have to get a lot out of the little shooting time you have -- it just has to make sense. What has changed from the last shot, is the character up or down, why did the last move succeed/fail, what one or two words describe what the character feels. When shooting Groundhog Day, Bill Murray asked director Harold Ramis before each shot whether he was supposed to be "good Phil" or "bad Phil." Sometimes movies in the biz feel like a random sequence of fetishes that don't affect the character and that reduces them to "well, there's that two minutes that pushes MY buttons but that was an expensive two minutes" and I just don't watch them again. You're pretty good most of the time, but make sure every interaction leads to the next one and your videos will always be worth more.

Scenarios --
Is the Wizard working on a formula that links arousal to the suppression of powers?
Might he let a heroine escape after a powers-altering treatment to observe the results "in the field?" Or perhaps a heroine escapes when an experiment seems to fail, but has unexpected effects later?
Does he (accidentally or on purpose) turn a heroine into a villain? Lure a supervillain by offering a heroine-neutralizing inhalant, then capture her to study how villains are different? Use her essence to neutralize a heroine?
Try a fog that pacifies? arouses? A squirt gun with costume-damaging/strength-draining acid?
A hallucinogen that makes a heroine think she's a damsel-in-distress, intercutting her alter-ego lawyer's attire she imagines with the costume she's actually wearing?

Who's receiving the ransom videos? Is anyone expected to pay? Or are they really a terror campaign?
Instead of a single session of submission, what about a series of short ransom videos showing a heroine's breakdown over time? 11 o'clock news, Get Up America, Headline Lunch, 6 o'clock news; or title cards or intercut newsblog headlines for Day 2, Day 3, Day 6, Day 13, Day 27, Day 42 - Last Day.
Does the Wizard go after a ransom target? Out of the frying pan into the fire? Or does one steal from the other?

Might an angel of rapture be placed in a labrynth, with challenges or punishments selected by the votes of a live audience? Or might the Wizard have so many alternatives to try (pain ray, pleasure beam, cyber-ape, tropical virus, sodium pentupathol) that he auctions off the right to choose and conduct the next experiment?

Whatever you do, keep the costumers busy and the cameras rolling.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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as far as a general brush stroke, I like rapture it is really the only thing I have considered buying or your productions (no offense meant) ,,you do a little violence really well (I prefer no blood) , great sound effects and great acting, "some" x, well probably a weak x at that and your special effect, actresses costumes, production values and such are great,
if you went further with what you do already I would own all your productions, but by all means go with what you know, as I said I purchase a lot of Primal stuff, and xxxtremecomics, and a couple of yours, yours mainly due to the costume and the actress and really only because of how far you go with the "adult" part and the violence, if you followed through (xxx) I would own them all, you are also a little pricey but that too wouldn't be a deal breaker if you "sealed' the deal so to speak, other than that short fall, I think you do great stuff, I hear your issues but primal deals with the same problem set and still manage awesome stuff consistently and new actresses to boot, so issues or not prevent me from having your entire catalog as opposed to just 2.

this is not to criticize your art, simply more like a hint of one customers preference and intent to own what you do produce that skirts close enough to what I like and an admission of what I don't like about it as you requested.

you do produce some really high difficulty stuff and you do it very well.
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