Login Issues

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It's come to my attention that some of you are having login issues.

We think the problem might be stemming from automated software that scans the memberslist, pulls random usernames and tries to force login by "guessing" your password.
This ultimately fails but it forces the forum software to go into protect mode and you then have to answer the security question to login.

The fix for us is to get rid of the public memberlist which I don't think anyone cares about anyway.

If you DO, speak up now before it gets removed.

The second part of the fix is to login with your username and password, answering the security question.

Once you are logged in, immediately log out. Then login again and you should not get the security question again.

PM me with any issues.

Sorry guys,

As I'm sure you're aware, more login issues today. This mess was caused by some database corruption but I was able to repair the tables and everything is up and running as far as I can tell.

If you experience any issues, let me or the admin know.
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