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Since that last post has been locked due to the ridiculous rants about "who do I think I am, being conceded, writing in 3rd person, blah blah blah"... I guess I'll have to reply here..
I'll try to keep this clean so MH doesn't want to kill me..

It's called marketing...but I don't expect half of you to know anything about that. And no..I don't have the time to make up names and talk nice about myself..or have anyone else do that for me. I have a life outside of this forum and industry. To all that said nasty things..you disgust me. I work extremely hard to put content out there to make you happy and keep you entertained. Shame on you. I pretty much promoted Axel's new movie above anything else...gave my point of view..and then a reminder of yes..I do this too. Do I think my clips are good?..fuck yeah..otherwise I wouldn't make them. Does that make me conceded? I think not.
I am great friends with many of the other girls that play WW in the fetish world, did you want me to post all there pics and promote them too?? I could do that..lol.I'm sure they would love it.
Talk bad about me if you'd like...say nasty things.. if you do not like me..quit reading my posts. Period.

Thank You-
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Christina Carter wrote:
...being conceded
The word you're looking for is conceited
Christina Carter wrote: It's called marketing...but I don't expect half of you to know anything about that
You may also want to look up the word condescending
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Sorry, but you asked for a response to our 'ridiculous rants'. Thanks for calling all the people who supported you and paid good money for your products 'ridiculous'. Thankfully, I am not one of them. That sound you just heard? it was probably a lot more people who once bought into you walking out the door and shutting it behind them.
While you call it 'marketing', most others who read your post, including myself, saw it as shameless self-promotion and one-upmanship (or womanship) and saw how cheap and tacky it was to attach your comments and product endorsement on the back of another producer/director/star. Kind of back-fired, didn't it?
Sorry if anything I said 'disgusted' you, but you haven't done anything for me and haven't put out any material that I would be interested in, so don't work 'too hard' on my behalf, seriously. Only speaking for me, of course.
When you get a costume that looks anywhere near the Kimberly Kane or Lynda Carter seasons 2/3 costume, and then maybe go back to the days when you liked men, then I will be interested and buy your products.
And oh yeah--Happy Easter!
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If you were promoting his film there was no need to post 17 photos of your own work directly beneath it and then make some of the remarks you did about "If you wantt superheroine fetish you come to Christina Carter." If you can't see how your post came off as condescending towards the other person's work as well as the work of others in this fetish while trying to self promote your own, than I'm not sure what to tell you. As someone who has worked in marketing for several years, I'm really not sure what you were going for with those comments and I'm sure the people on this board are more familiar with marketing then you give them credit for. You can defend yourself all you like and that is fine, but in that post you came off as very childish and insecure. Just my two cents. Personally I really enjoy the majority of your work, but there are also other producers and models out there that I like as well. You're one of the most famous fetish models out there, I hardly think you need shameless self promotion on a message board. *shrug*
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I gotta rewatch that movie.

Ms. Carter, not all of us see things the way the complainers see things. I for one appreciate the work you do.
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:lol: - The board really is becoming full of trolls.

Got all varieties from grammar nazi through to the meer nit pickers.

Come on guys "Waa, you showed me too many pictures of you dressed up as Wonderwoman" - seriously?! Take a chill pill.

Sure, perhaps a little krass - but it was blown well out of proportion.Can't really blame someone for defending themself against so many flames - but to jump back on it?

:laugh: Trolltastic!

*Gets out popcorn*
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Actually, her fanboys are the absolute worst. They are probably worse than her. The sad thing is, they probably defend her because they think they have a shot with her, lol. Apparantly, if you disagree with her or them, you are a troll and are not allowed to comment...smh.....
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DevilMan38 wrote:
Christina Carter wrote:
...being conceded
The word you're looking for is conceited
Christina Carter wrote: It's called marketing...but I don't expect half of you to know anything about that
You may also want to look up the word condescending

Oh shit..did I just spell something wrong??? HA....now I'm going to hell aren't I? ...damned for not watching my auto spell check?!

Thanks for being douche bags..you guys are just great!!!

Funny thing..you still feel the need to rant, bitch and comment even when you don't like me or my work.

Bitch all you want...it's not going to bother me.

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...but yet you still come in here to see what was the latest thing said about you. Sounds like someone has a confidence issue? or is it just an over inflated ego that needs to be stroked? either way, you come across as a really pompous and arrogant person, who knows how to bite the hands that feed you. I'm glad I don't buy your $hit, because your attitude really sucks.
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BOTH sides of this argument have become stupid, redundant, and really off-putting.

Christina: MH locked the previous thread for a reason. A good reason. You should have let it go - the people bashing you in the initial thread came off petty enough on their own. There was no need to re-start this, and as a personal fan of yours, I found your post in this thread to be a major bum-out.

To everyone bashing Christina: you made your point and said your piece, many times over. Can we just drop it now? If you have a problem with what she's saying at this point, why not be the bigger person and let her words speak for themselves?

All I'm saying is, stuff like this does nothing to benefit the community. Flame wars and obnoxious, repetitious arguments just make the board a lame place to be, let's avoid that.

MH: Do us all a huge favor and lock this one up too.

Let's act like adults, y'all. This shit is way petty.
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Yeah normally I don't feel the need to comment on this stuff, but I've been around here for a while and all this negative stuff is really out of left field. I'd say the forum has been very open place and nearly all the members who participate are very decent people. We've had what three or four threads break down into this stuff lately?

Come on everybody you're all better than this. Alright that's my two cents.
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You know what ... after reading the 2nd posting from "Christina Carter", I don't believe it is actually her writing these posts. I bet she has someone, possibly a fanboy, that uses her screen name, and write this stuff on her behalf.
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I agree with staggerlee. Can we get this thread locked? It's a straight up continuation of the BS and flaming from the previous one. Both sides of this arguement should have taken the hint when the previous thread was locked. I'm not taking sides on this, but this isn't the type of thread that needs to clog this board.
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Christina Carter wrote: Thanks for being douche bags..you guys are just great!!!
Funny thing..you still feel the need to rant, bitch and comment even when you don't like me or my work.
The point that you're missing is this; some of us do like you and your work. I've followed you since your early O Girl stuff with Jim Weathers. In fact the only times that I subscribed to Bondage Cafe were when JW posted O Girl updates.
All the videos I've bought from MH have starred you.

The work you did with those guys was some of the best stuff out there, and it still stands up today.

Your own stuff doesn't do it for me, but that's fair enough; you're doing your own thing and you seem to be doing well with it.
Your attitude, though, sucks. In fact it reminds me of what some people in the BDSM scene call "Domme Toxemia". You're starting to believe your own publicity, and the sycophancy from your fan boys in going to your head.

Above all though, is a complete refusal to listen.

You're probably not listening now.
Christina Carter wrote: HA....now I'm going to hell aren't I?
No, you're just going down a one-way road to the 'where are they now?' file.

So long Christina, it was fun while it lasted.
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Totally agree with the sentiment to lock it, but the flaming on producers has to stop.

Flame me all you want - no skin off my nose, not running a business here. Just cannot be allowed with producers - it's unfair.

What sgz6 says is absolutely correct - having been a member of this board for coming up to 5 years I can confirm in the last year or 2 this type of thing is becoming ridiculously common.

Am I a fan of Christina's work - yes. Is that why I'm defending her side of the argument, no.

I would use douche, but I'd probably be accused of being in cahoots - so lets go with bi*ch

You have to be a bi*ch to flame on producers - they are in the public eye, and it's a loose loose if they defend themselves. Just makes the flamers feel big about themselves.

..and yes, it is flaming, this and the previous thread are clearly nothing about constructive criticism - which is all they should be if there are criticisms. Anything else should be going through the pm system/email.

There are certain members on this forum who have been involved in every instance of flaming recently, and some who come here solely to flame.

I've got to plead with the mods really, we need some sort of punitive measure. Locking is all well and good, but it's a sticking plaster for a more serious problem.

No, not permanent bans - that'd only push the problem elsewhere, perhaps a strikes policy. I don't knowv- but it cannot continue like this.

The karma system works in some cases - but not sure it'd apply here.

@DevilMan38 - To say Christina ignores fan feedback is utter rubbish,her work is generally customs (what the fans want). If you want her to follow what you say her productions should be - go ahead and order one. The first rule is pleasing the customer, and I've never heard a bad word from any of Christina's custom-customers.

Fan feedback on a forum is all well and good - just don't expect the producer to cross the wants of their custom-ordering customer to follow the requests.
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I didn't say that CC ignores feed back from her fans, or from her custom customers. But what she does do is dismiss her critics as trolls and haters.
The 'la-la-la I'm not listening' attitude is what destroyed both Superheroine Central and Superheroines Demise. I've seen it ruin events on the S&M scene too.
Please your customers and fans, yes, but if you start thinking that you're beyond criticism then you're on a hiding to nothing.

Edited to add

I have commented on what I'd like to see CC do; remember the 'Wonder Woman vs Big Boss' thread Swampy? Where you and I were in agreement about the content and about what we'd like to see?
And do you remember what the response to that thread was? Complete silence.
So in fact she does ignore comments from fans.

Thanks for reminding me.
Last edited by DevilMan38 11 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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DevilMan38 wrote:I didn't say that CC ignores feed back from her fans, or from her custom customers. But what she does do is dismiss her critics as trolls and haters.
The 'la-la-la I'm not listening' attitude is what destroyed both Superheroine Central and Superheroines Demise. I've seen it ruin events on the S&M scene too.
Please your customers and fans, yes, but if you start thinking that you're beyond criticism then you're on a hiding to nothing.
^This. I'm sincerely hoping that the person posting as CC is not the actual actress/producer in question, because I was really put off by the first post in this thread.
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"It's rubbish, come back when you do the stuff I like."

Is not a critique of any value whatsoever, just a bunch of wasted words.
Hence the call for constructive criticism - people who meerly post the above are just haters.

Yes, sure sometimes critique doesn't make the cut - but it does far more than in real movies, IMO we should just be thankful for the opportunity to give feedback directly. Not a chance you get on many other occasions
Last edited by swampy170 11 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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swampy170 wrote:But..

"It's rubbish, come back when you do the stuff I like."

Is not a critique of any value whatsoever, just a bunch of wasted words.
Hence the call for constructive criticism - people who meerly post the above are just haters.
That's a fair point.

From a wider perspective though there are plenty of threads where fans post about what they'd like to see, and very few producers even bother to comment on them. Do they even take any notice? Or do they just come here to promote their product and take no notice of what their fanbase (or potential fanbase) wants?
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Answered that a little in the edit ;)

Mainly for promotion i'd guess - but as I say there is opportunity to give real feedback.

They don't have to listen at all you know - Hollywood certainly never does, look how wrong they got the Wonderwoman pilot. There was even a consultation before hand. They just didn't listen to the right voices.

Fetish producers, in my experience, bend over backwards comparatively - hence why I find saying they any of them don't listen, ridiculous.
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staggerlee wrote:BOTH sides of this argument have become stupid, redundant, and really off-putting.

Christina: MH locked the previous thread for a reason. A good reason. You should have let it go - the people bashing you in the initial thread came off petty enough on their own. There was no need to re-start this, and as a personal fan of yours, I found your post in this thread to be a major bum-out.

To everyone bashing Christina: you made your point and said your piece, many times over. Can we just drop it now? If you have a problem with what she's saying at this point, why not be the bigger person and let her words speak for themselves?

All I'm saying is, stuff like this does nothing to benefit the community. Flame wars and obnoxious, repetitious arguments just make the board a lame place to be, let's avoid that.

MH: Do us all a huge favor and lock this one up too.

Let's act like adults, y'all. This shit is way petty.
I totally agree. Trying to 'win' or have the final word in this sort of online argument is an exercise in futility. Let's face it, if both sides are throwing around accusations of trolling and sock-puppetry, there's not much chance that anyone can come out of it with an enhanced reputation.
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swampy170 wrote: They don't have to listen at all you know -
Agreed. But look what happens (in the case of SHC and Sooperhero) when they don't. It takes a long time to build up a fanbase, particularly in a niche fetish like this, but it only takes a short time to destroy it. Believe it or not I don't want to see that happen to CC or any of the other producers around here.
swampy170 wrote: Hollywood certainly never does, look how wrong they got the Wonderwoman pilot. There was even a consultation before hand. They just didn't listen to the right voices.
Yes indeed. Hollywood is compromised by focus groups,"demographics", pressure from studios and, quite often, a complete lack of understanding or respect for the source material. Wonderwoman was awful, and lets not even think about they did to Judge Dredd!
In this field though, producers can engage with fans and perhaps even discover a niche or a market that they weren't aware of. It's frustrating that so few of them do. As others have said "talk to us not at us".
swampy170 wrote: Fetish producers, in my experience, bend over backwards comparatively- hence why I find saying they any of them don't listen, ridiculous.
That hasn't been my experience, but I guess we'll have to agreee to differ on that.
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Just agreeing with one of the above; I love CC as O-Girl and I was also one of those guys who only purchased a subscription to bondagecafe whenever there was a new O-Girl story. It's not so much a 'Christina' thing as it is a 'heroine' thing. I think CC is perfect as O-Girl and will always be a fan of hers as O-Girl, but unfortunately, can't say the same about her recent interpretation of WW. I do remember many years ago at one of those CC sites there was a good photo set of her as WW being tied up with her lasso and tiara and I can't seem to find that anymore. The recent interpretation (maybe it's just the costume) doesn't do it for me. Not a complaint; not an insult, just my opinion on what I like to see and buy. I read the posts in this new thread and have to say that CC's attempt at putting out the fire probably only caused it to burn more, given the wording and the attitude in the comments. it's ok to put out a product that not everyone will buy; accept it and move on to the next project. It's not cool to come out bashing the fans for their input, however harsh it was at times. I remember some time back when someone said they liked Rachel Steele, but her tattoo was a turn-off. Rachel didn't fire back with attitude or name calling, she said something like "I'll try to cover up the tattoo next time" and someone else said something about her wearing pantyhose, so she said something like "I'll wear pantyhose" but my point is, and I'm only using Rachel as an example because I've had good experiences from her, she listens to fans and will try her best to give you what they want. Not everything RS does appeals to me, but what keeps me coming back as a fan is that she listens to your ideas and criticisms, and tries her best to work with them to give you a better product.
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hey, speaking of O-Girl, does anyone know what's going on with that storyline? the last few updates I've seen don't even feature CC as O-Girl and it's been someone being tied up in a dungeon or something. If CC reads this, maybe she can hopefully shed some light on it, but I was just wondering what's going on, if CC is still in fact playing O-Girl?
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You know what? I'm just going to apologize, I didn't mean to offend or piss anyone one off with my original post. That's not who I am or how I want to come off. Sorry guys.

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I was never offended by your original post, but thanks for the apology! :smile:
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Love your work, Ms. Carter. No complaints here. As for promoting your work and being confident about it, its what you have to do. In our marketplace you have to. If some people can't take that sort of aggressiveness, then they should grow the fuck up.

My two cents.
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you know what? I really was ready to let this go and move on, but I have to share with everyone here 'what really is', to borrow some of Ms. Carter's words....she apologizes in the public forum (albeit a half-ass one at that) but chooses to send me not one, but two emails to my inbox to call me a 'douche' and other things. Once again Ms. Christine Martin, or Christina Carter, or whatever name she chooses to use, goes out of her way to throw two petty emails at me privately, while she apologizes publicly. I guess to some degree we're all guilty of putting on our 'keyboard muscles' and saying things in a tough-guy way through the safety of the internet, but let me say this: in a real-world situation outside of this forum, if anyone wants to call me a 'douche' to my face, better be ready to back it up. Arrogance, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. One man's arrogance is another man's (or woman's) jealousy. I didn't go through some of the military's toughest and longest training and survived not one, but two tours of Iraq and Afghanistan, to be called a 'douche' in an email by someone who is boo-hooing because a stream of fans (or ex fans) have expressed their disgust or disappointment in the way she handled a shameful self-promoting video. Look--all I did was point out what several others obviously saw. No harm done. What really scratches me the wrong way is how you publicly apologize to people, but yet have the balls (as fake as they may be) to email me with some fighting words. Dude, I went through some of the Air Force's toughest schools and have extensive training and experience and did things not a lot of people will ever get to do, so call me what you want....I've been through far worse than Ms. Carter's behind-the-scenes emails. I wonder if anyone else got the same emails in their inbox, or was it just me because I happen to have the balls to say what I think and feel? Ms. Carter--you really showed your true colors and how fake and miserable you really are. You apologized publicly and try to insult me privately. You should have left it alone.
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^ sounds like AF Pararescue or Combat Control? either way, you have my respect! And if what you wrote is true, which sounds like it is, then it really does show a lack of class on CC's part. I saw that she apologized, but dropping you two emails in your inbox calling you out wasn't cool at all.