Ashley Rose as Wonderous Girl

The Dark Side Of Superheroine Peril Discussion - 18 and older.
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Mid Feb is the rough shooting date for this movie and I am happy to try and include as many of your requests or suggestions as possible.

Please feel free to respond with your personal request or suggestion but please understand not everything with make it to the actual movie. I will choose the suggestions I think will compliment the story, and most importantly what I think I can pull off.

***The basic story build up thus far***

Villains United II
Special agent Diana Princeton is ordered to find question and arrest Synestra and Calista in relation to the disappearance of Superior Girl who was last seen over 30 days ago. Armed with only her business suit, glasses, and good looks she traces the clues and leads to a pair of twin sisters with no plans on giving up their master.

Diana is caught off guard by the daughters of darkness with no time to change into Wonderous Girl without blowing her identity. Standing little chance against them without her powers Diana is woman handled by their magic and bound for the sisters viewing pleasure. She fights the earge to transform as they humiliate Diana by exploring her body and slowly stripping her down to bra and panties. When Calista decides to take the sexual humiliation to the next level Diana almost gives up and transforms, but Synestra reminds her sister of their prior obligation.

Now alone Diana looks makes sure she is completely alone and wastes no time transforming into Wondeorus Girl. Once free she breaks her bonds and begins searching the room for clues to Superior Girl's location. Little does she know that all of this was captured on video by several hidden cameras... WG makes her way towards the exit and is greeted by the smiling pair of evil witches.

Calista and Synestra blast WG with everything they have to no avail... WG makes short work of the evil twins nearly killing one of them. Once neither girl poses any threat WG starts her interrogation and to her surprise both girls are forth coming with every question asked including the sad news of Superior Girl meeting her fate. It was really hard to accept that SG was bested by Calista and Synestra but she also knew that Superior Girl wasn't strong against magic. Given the details they knew of her disappearance she had no reason not to believe them.

As WG picks gets ready to lead the the evil witches to custody Calista asks what happened to agent Princeton and WG states she is safe and on her way back to headquarters. Synestra wickedly smiles at her sister and then WG which throws her off a bit.

As WG is escorting them to the exit Synestra stops and tells Wonderous Girl that she lied and must come clean before going to prison. WG stops and tells Synestra that the truth can only set you free, what is it that you must tell me?

Synestra looks down at the floor and takes a deep breath "We didn't kill Superior Girl.."

WG quickly asks who did and a massive hand come from the shadows grabbing WG's neck from behind. WG is lifted off the ground and slowly moved towards a familiar voice stating "I did..."

WG is tossed into a wall and the Jeckle Demon steps forward freeing both Calista and Synestra from their bonds. WG gets to her feet and gets ready to run him down like a freight train but she hears another familiar voice coming from behind her foes.

"Good show my dear Vunderous Girl.." says Dr Strangor stepping into the light with some sort of chemical weapon.

WG stands confident with hands on hips in front of the worsening odds. " I have defeated all of you before and not even Hades himself will stop me from avenging Superior Girl."

A thunderous and unfamiliar voice speaks out "But you have not defeated me.."
A flash of light floods the room and Ro'gash stands between WG and her enemies. "Welcome Ms Princeton... welcome to your personal hell"

At this point I plan to add a pretty epic fight between WG and all the villains that slowly brings WG to her knees followed by a complete and total sexual conquest of WG.

Please feel free to add your requests!

Thanks and happy writing!

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Here's a few suggestions to throw out there:

1. Given that Wonderous Girl is based, of course, on Wonder Woman, it would be great if you portray her as a more capable fighter than you've shown Superior Girl or Superia to be. I've always considered their equivalents, Supergirl and Powergirl, to rely heavily on their powers, whereas Wonder Woman has been trained as an Amazon warrior long before she ever obtained her powers.

2. Following suggestion #1, it would be great to see fight choreography of the caliber you presented in the first half of Return of the Jeckle Demon between Spider and Nova. That was fantastic work you accomplished there and benchmark I'd like to see you replicate here, especially given the character of Wonderous Girl.

3. You mentioned in another thread that this video would include a BJ scene as part of the sexual humiliation. Please consider adding the sound effect of a zipper being undone, or something similar, to indicate that the villain has removed his member from his pants. I can't speak for other members, but it challenges my suspension of disbelief during simulated sex scenes when after the villain has allegedly penetrated the heroine, we see that he's wearing spandex pants without a fly where he could have exposed himself.

4. You already mentioned you would in include this, but it's worth reiterating here - I would love to see more verbal insults / intimidation from the villains, particularly focused on the impracticality of Wonderous Girl's costume.
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I 100% agree and Im planning on making the fight scenes a step of head of Rise of the Viper which is a step ahead of Return of the Jeckle ;) I also want her to be portrayed as a badass amazon warrior.

As for the BJ I plan to make it pretty darn realistic in comparison to my old bj scenes. For one I want Ashley to actually be sucking on something, most likely a flesh colored dildo of some sort. So a zipper sound will probably be a real zipper :)

I've got some pretty fun dialogue planned for the villains so consider that done.
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Wow! I am really looking forward to this. :D

Since I don't see anyone else posting suggestions yet, I'll throw a couple more out there and see if they stick:

1. If you intend for this video appeal to the "hard" crowd under the "Punished Heroines" brand, as I imagine you do since you're announcing the project in this forum, then you may wish to consider adding blood. Now, before anyone skewers me for the suggestion, I do NOT mean to show GORE. I think there's a distinction between showing blood and showing something gory. For this project, I think it would suffice just to add a little fake blood dripping from Wonderous Girl's nose, or the corner of her lips, as you did in "Avalon" to emphasize the brutality of the fight. (And to be fair, it would be cool if you could show the villain's bleeding in this manner as well, to further promote Wonderous Girl as the badass you intend her to be prior to her defeat.)

2. Consider limiting the number of "low blows" during the fight, BUT making the ones you do include COUNT. What I mean by this, and which I tried to emphasize to producers, along with others, in my old thread entitled "Low Blows," is that oftentimes videos portray the heroine getting hit multiple times in a row in the crotch, yet eliciting no more than an almost sexual moan in response. It would be more shocking, or dare I say "perilous," if the villain(s) were to hit Wonderous Girl with a single low blow that leaves her stunned and immobilized for several minutes due to the pain, crying and clawing at her crotch, much to the delight of the villains.

If you include all of my earlier suggestions, I would be utterly giddy in anticipation for this video, but if you add these additional suggestions, this video could well top my list of all-time favorites. Perhaps others too . . .
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If I may offer a few thoughts:

1. Not too much of Ashley out of the WG costume, just enough to set the stage. That said, what about having her wearing a blouse where we can see a hint of the WG outfit? Or perhaps a few low angles revealing the blue star-spangled panties? I suppose it would be unnecessary if she just transforms into the costume--just a thought.

2. Have her in costume for as much of the domination as possible :) Love the costumes you make, and would love to see her taken in as much of the costume as possible.

3. More dialogue--internal if necessary--of her thoughts as she is abused.

4. Have the villain mock her outfit perhaps. For example, with the WG boots, have him laugh at how ridiculous it is for her to fight in such gear. Have him perhaps suggest that she wants to be captured and played with.

5. Perhaps have WG tied up.

6. Have her uniform tugged at as she is fondled.

7. Have WG taken from behind--always a hot angle--with her panties still on but just pulled to one side.

Thanks again for allow us fans to contribute our two cents. Can't wait to see early preview pics!

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This may just be my own personal taste but here goes...

- I'm with sugarcoater, your costumes are awesome. Keep costume on the heroine for as long as possible. It defines the character.

- Get the costume dirty! As WG is beaten and thrown around I'd love to see dirt and sweat soil her bright shiny uniform. A startling contrast to visually show how far the heroine has fallen. I think it really adds a lot of grit and darkness.

Vesta's 'Tales of Tiedsville : All Good Things...' does this very well.
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I completely concur with all the above suggestions. Wow! I'm so excited to learn that others also enjoy verbal insults aimed at the heroine's costume. (I had no idea this was a popularly shared kink!)

I think if Wonderous Girl's costume is anywhere near similar to the comic book Wonder Woman's costume there is ample opportunity for the villain's to mock what she's wearing. (Hopefully it's high cut briefs - that helps!) I'm thinking making fun of her boots, if they're heeled, is great, as someone suggested. But also it would be great if her briefs wedged up her ass during combat and the villains took time to point this out and Wonderous Girl was forced to pull the fabric out of her ass to avoid further humiliation from it wedged up there. Or, another example, is Wonderous Girl could take a punch and one of her boobs pops out of her strapless top, and, of course, the villains make fun of this as well. But, IMO, I think this would only work if it was done not for laughs, but with the utmost seriousness. I cannot imagine a better costume for this than Wonder Woman's! :D

Aaahh - anyway, I digress. I'm just so excited for the potential of this video! Cheers! :D
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The story build up looks Great!

Request, WG forced to cream her costume, while cuffed or tied.

"As for the BJ I plan to make it pretty darn realistic in comparison to my old bj scenes. For one I want Ashley to actually be sucking on something, most likely a flesh colored dildo of some sort. So a zipper sound will probably be a real zipper"

If the dildo could deliver, The Money Shot, it would be Awesome, Totally Awesome!

Ejaculating Realistic Cock


Good if it was filled with a mixture of yogurt and cream.
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The inital premise sounds good but two things:

1) Cut the scene of Wonderous Girl falling into peril under her alter-go. In my opinion it just kills the peril later on in the movie and slows down the pace. I'd rather see the peril start with Wonderous Girl in full costume and character. If I wanted to see a girl in civilan clothes fall into peril, I would just go purchase a damsel in distress fetish movie. Plus how the hell are we supposed to establish the superheroine as being super if she falls into peril at the beginning in her civilian clothes? I want to see a dominate superheroine start off strong in the beginning and then slowly have the edge tipped in the villains' favor If you insist on having the civilian alter-go included, then just show a couple of scenes of Diana investigating and when she realizes it's Synestra and Calista, have her transform into Wonderous Girl. I want the majority of the movie to be Wonderous Girl in costume.

2) Save the best for last and have all the sexual elements and humilation at the tail end of the movie. Nothing kills a movie more for me than having all the sex stuff (fondling, crotch grabs, etc.) sprinkled all throughout the movie, instead of it being where it should be at the end when all hope is lost.

Hope I made sense there.
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Incubus wrote:The story build up looks Great!

Request, WG forced to cream her costume, while cuffed or tied.

"As for the BJ I plan to make it pretty darn realistic in comparison to my old bj scenes. For one I want Ashley to actually be sucking on something, most likely a flesh colored dildo of some sort. So a zipper sound will probably be a real zipper"

If the dildo could deliver, The Money Shot, it would be Awesome, Totally Awesome!

Ejaculating Realistic Cock


Good if it was filled with a mixture of yogurt and cream.
Heroine creaming her costume is a key factor when I choose to buy a vid.
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I have to second the notion that Wonderous Girl should not be subjected to peril/humiliation while in her alter-ego. I could not articulate the reasons any better than the other poster did, but in summation, if she's subjected to peril that early in the story then it loses some of its "oomph" when the peril climaxes in her battle as Wonderous Girl.
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Wanted to chime in and say I like the idea of her falling into peril in her alter ego... 2 reasons... Office clothes are sexy! And its always exciting to me to see a heroine escape then get put back in peril...especially if she comes back for revenge now thinking herself invincible with her powers or whatever...

So I for one am for the alter ego emperilment Rye.
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I agree with Lady Jane. Peril in civilian clothes don't bother me. A hottie in an office like outfit showing legs is a particular favorite of mine. BUT. The peril should not be as extreme as when she is in peril as WW. The villains could feel her up or make out with her. Taunt her and humilate her, but leave the extreme peril, like the torture scenes or extreme sexual torture scenes, for after the transformation.

For other suggestions, I was thinking that after WW is defeated and tortured for a bit, the villains decide to get sexual. One villain starts making out and kissing WW's neck and grabbing her boobs while the other villains taunt and laugh maniacally. Then Synestra laughs and says says, "My turn" and grabs her crouch and starts rubbing WW's special area. The other villains watch in delight and taunt WW as she resists.

Then after that scene, the third villain says, "Cool, let me get some of that" and pulls poor WW and makes her give him a BJ. Once more the other villains laugh and make fun of WW. Meanwhile, Jeckle Demon's primitive brain can't stand it any longer and throws the third villain off of WW knocking him silly. The other villains including WW are like "WTF?" Jeckle roars keeping the other villains away too scared to get near him.

Jeckle stares at WW blankly and she wonders if she will release her. But Jeckle instead violently attacks her crouch with his mouth feeding on her womanhood. He then decides to take WW from behind violently. After he is spent, he goes away to smoke a cig or recover leaving WW with the other three villains. They taunt her and tell her she is free to go. WW crawls and stumbles to the door but just before she reaches it, they grab her and then all three gangbang the holy hell out of her. Yadda yadda THE END.

I got a little carried away but ya get the idea. Real quick, I really enjoy it when a costume is ripped up. It doesn't have to completely come off but seeing it torn revealing a nice butt or big boobs is very hot.
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Lots of great input guys, keep it coming!

I am considering everyones suggestions very carefully and I wanted to explain my vision for the opening scene with Calista/Synestra before everyone keeps debating it.

- I only think this scene is going to be like 2 or less mins of a 30min + movie so the vast majority will be in the WG costume ;)

- The "peril" in this scene isn't that WG is defeated.. Not in the slightest... she knows at any time she could transform and waste these girls. Its a choice she is making to protect her identity and almost pushes her to the brink of blowing her cover, but it pays off as she is left alone to transform. This struggle will be detailed through a minds eye inner voice during her capture.

So don't think of this scene as WG being defeated right out of the gate because she is very much in control of her fate at that point in the story and nothing really that bad happens to her. A little magic with some unwated attention from 2 horny villainesses and the scene is over.

The setup here allows for an extremely humiliating scene once WG realizes that everyone knows she is also Diana Princeton.

If this still doesn't sound like a good idea to some then let me know.

- Yes this will be a full on punished heroines shoot so skies the limit for what WG is subjected to.

- I do plan to have some battle damage as the fight becomes more in the villains favor.

- Ive had several people here and in private ask that the villains need to poke fun at her costume during the peril so that is a go.

- I plan on the sexual peril to start after a long hard fought battle. Some human bondage could be pretty fun here and there will be enough people to pull that off.

There are some other great suggestions Im not going to comment on now but I will once I decide exactly whats going in the movie.
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Rye, and everyone else, I wanted to provide some visuals of just how good a high-cut Wonder Woman costume could look since I know there's been discussion about Wonderous Girl's costume also being high cut. Obviously a great costume is paramount to the success of a heroine peril video and particularly for this video since so many fans have called for costume-specific humiliation. You'll have to forgive my incompetence at imbedding photos on the forum - I'm just provided links instead. ... ames01.jpg ... llery6.jpg (I particularly like the metallic look to the belt and tiara in this one) ... /06/ww.jpg ... n_0020.jpg
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The secret identity is a big part of the TV version of WW, and for many, a significant aspect of her appeal. It's a different kind of vulnerability, and a different challenge, and it's another thing that, if established, can be taken away. I dislike the idea of shortchanging Diana's civilian identity for a few more gut-punches. You know Rye's going to deliver plenty of punishment -- don't be greedy :)
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Real quick guys,

I was sold on my costume but I just found someone that makes custom latex outfits...

What do you think about a shiny latex WG costume? I could get it as high cut as I want and a custom red latex corset style top..
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As long as the material can be made form-fitting and it's high cut, I say it's a go. :-)
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As long as the material can be made form-fitting and it's high cut, I say it's a go. :-)

EDIT: I agree with the poster below me that you have to very careful with latex. I think the best option, of course, would be a high cut, form-fitting spandex WW costume, but since you were asking for a quick decision, Rye, I don't know how long you have to acquire the costume and if it came down to spandex with boy shorts versus latex that's high cut, I'd prefer the latter.
Last edited by HeroineFanboy 12 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Shiny latex could looks very cheap! You have to take care in the choice. I would go with the traditional.
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Well here are the spandex shorts I originally planned on... Try and picture them with a few stars on them.

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You have to have her get chloroformed in this outfit! Dream come true if you do! And you said shes wearing nylons right?
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Rye wrote:Well here are the spandex shorts I originally planned on... Try and picture them with a few stars on them.


Ouch! Those are some tight hot pants! Wish they would have had those when i was on the dance team! We would have stolen the cheerleaders spotlight for sure!

If you have her creame these pants...i bet a lot of other people will too!(hand raised here)
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Those are definitely sexy shorts, but now that I've seen them I'm convinced more than ever you you should have a traditional high cut WW costume. It looks like those shorts would require you to have a two-piece WW costume and I really think it ought to be a one-piece like in the comics. So my vote still goes to the high cut latex that you're considering.
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HeroineFanboy wrote:Those are definitely sexy shorts, but now that I've seen them I'm convinced more than ever you you should have a traditional high cut WW costume. It looks like those shorts would require you to have a two-piece WW costume and I really think it ought to be a one-piece like in the comics. So my vote still goes to the high cut latex that you're considering.
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Superman246o1 wrote:
HeroineFanboy wrote:Those are definitely sexy shorts, but now that I've seen them I'm convinced more than ever you you should have a traditional high cut WW costume. It looks like those shorts would require you to have a two-piece WW costume and I really think it ought to be a one-piece like in the comics. So my vote still goes to the high cut latex that you're considering.
I second that notion. Love the one-piece.
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Again, I apologize for my ignorance of posting photos to the forum, but these images should give you an idea of the cut of the WW one-piece leotard you should aim for, Rye, as well as the fit. I think latex can sometimes look less form-fitting than spandex, but the outfits on these models do it right. ... ter=images ... x=72&ty=40 ... 0795857590 ... 86979.html
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lycan69 wrote:
Superman246o1 wrote:
HeroineFanboy wrote:Those are definitely sexy shorts, but now that I've seen them I'm convinced more than ever you you should have a traditional high cut WW costume. It looks like those shorts would require you to have a two-piece WW costume and I really think it ought to be a one-piece like in the comics. So my vote still goes to the high cut latex that you're considering.
I second that notion. Love the one-piece.

I third the notion. One-piece all the way
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Those are incredibly hot shorts. Are you sure they're shorts and not just metallic paint?

I don't have a problem with a two-piece, especially not when those shorts are one of the pieces. But... I wonder how they'll look over pantyhose, being cut so low. Might look... awkward.

Of course, the one-piece linked by HeroineFanboy would be hot too, albeit with a similar pantyhose-coverage problem. Of course you could skip the hose and some of us wouldn't mind at all :)
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LOVE the idea of LATEX! Too few costumes are made of that material, and it looks terrific with the lighting accentuating the curves and the shiny nature of the material. Definitely go with it Rye!

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HeroineFanboy wrote:Again, I apologize for my ignorance of posting photos to the forum, but these images should give you an idea of the cut of the WW one-piece leotard you should aim for, Rye, as well as the fit. I think latex can sometimes look less form-fitting than spandex, but the outfits on these models do it right. ... ter=images ... x=72&ty=40 ... 0795857590 ... 86979.html
PREVIEW before the pix are gone......
Image Image Image Image Image Image
I Love sexy superheroines in skin tight spandex, leotards, catsuits, unitard, tights, pantyhose, masks, gloves, and boots! go to for more!
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concur - definitely a fan of the high-cut outfits.
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I too would love to see a high-cut one-piece Wonder Woman costume. That's my favorite style costume to begin with, but I also think that look really compliments Ashley's body. Yeah, she looks great in anything, but with her height, those curvy hips, and that amazing butt, the extremely high leg just looks fantastic. I've personally never seen a better looking super-heroine than when Ashley's in the Power Girl-style costume.

My request content-wise is a wedgie. Not just a wedgie where the bottoms are wedged up for another purpose (like a spanking or fondling), but a good yank. And it doesn't necessarily have to be like a high school prank sort of wedgie... during the fight where the opponent tosses Wonderous Girl against a wall (for example) by the back of her costume would be awesome. Just a good tug basically. And actually showing her pick the wedgie and look a little humiliated would be cool. Seeing Ashley bear hugged by one of the female villains would be incredible too.
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Dark J - I think that's a great suggestion. An intentional wedgie is the perfect type of physical humiliation that goes hand-in-hand with the other requests for verbal insults aimed squarely at the Wonderous Girl costume itself.

So what is the status of this project? Been awhile since we heard back from Rye re: suggestions.
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Like the premise, and Dr Strangor in possession of some sort of chemical weapon sounds great!

Dr Strangor utilizing a net gun weapon as a follow up to his chemical weapon would be advantageously fitting.

A net gun that could remotely deliver a substantial electrical charge to the projected indestructible net, clasping its target.

Stunned, caged within the thin net, WG could be lifted, hoisted with ropes to an appropriate height.

There, she would be completely, vulnerable. Restrained within a torturous imprisoning sex swing, thats structure would not only allow but encourage random villains to take her through a multitude of openings.

As WG is systematically shocked, by an afar, ogling Dr Strangor, his villainous cohorts could unimpededly maintain their callous carnal confluence with the struggling heroine. Each protected by a worn, ring like, intricate instrument capable of nullifying the debilitating effects of the impervious damage distributing construct, trapping and tormenting WG. Rings allocated, and also worn, by Dr Strangor.

WG methodically electrified, while dually assailed sexually, would be a spectacle not to be missed.
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Red Latex be a hot outfit for calista and some hot long latex boots too.
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Any word on this? Saw Ashley Rose in BPD's new Liberty Girl movie and it reminded me of this.
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Indeed! I'd love to buy this one if it's coming out soon.
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Hey guys,

I have a ton of projects going on at the moment but I did manage to squeeze in a Wonderous Girl vid with Ashley. Its not the same story or the scale that I originally planned but its very dark and tons of great peril.

That being said I used a one piece costume I found and it looks pretty good for not being a custom made piece. I'll be posting a preview in the lounge in a while.

April is going to be crazy... keep an eye out for some big releases coming up including a parody I'm calling 1984 :)

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Is she ko'd in it and does she wear pantyhose?
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She is KO'd multiple times actually ;)

However... hoes didn't make it into this shoot. There just wasn't time for me to really plan that far ahead. Ashley is constantly traveling and calls me up and says hey im going to be in town in a few days, wanna shoot? And though I probably have to many projects going right now and should have pushed it out I decided to go for it anyway.

The villain in this episode is a really good actor that surprised me... I had him play a serial killer with multiple personalities.. anyway you will know more when I post in the lounge which will hopefully be tonight. I am trying to wrap up a script for a big shoot later this month and the deadline is today! Since I am a hired gun I really need to make sure its ready to review for the producers.

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That's great! I think if the majority of our suggestions from this thread made it into the final product then it will be worth the wait regardless if it follows your original plot outline or not.
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Preview and summary posted in the lounge ;)
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Do you guys have any suggestions for videos to purchase where the superheroine creams her costume and it is visible? The only one that really comes to mind is the knightwoman one from superheroine underworld and argon girl. I really wish more videos would have forced orgasm IN costume, not after she gets stripped. Then it is just a normal model getting vibed, which isn't as cool.
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tdurden12 wrote:Do you guys have any suggestions for videos to purchase where the superheroine creams her costume and it is visible? The only one that really comes to mind is the knightwoman one from superheroine underworld and argon girl. I really wish more videos would have forced orgasm IN costume, not after she gets stripped. Then it is just a normal model getting vibed, which isn't as cool.
I agree. I love seeing this! Giant gooey moist patch in their shiny costume.
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Will you do any whipping in this one by the evil villaness or the next few videos be any whipping?
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