Vince McMahon and crossing the line

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I believe we’ve all felt disgust and repulsion with the recent Vince McMahon allegations and the sordid details. We all hope he’s brought to justice and held accountable.

Which leads me to ask: do you feel uncomfortable that there is some overlap in the allegations and the very core of SHIP? How do you separate those things in your mind?

Love to hear your thoughts!
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Not a defense of him, but don't presume guilt without a hearing and his chance to present a defense

Remember Johnny Depp and others who were falsely accused
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I don't think any of us condone the alleged behavior, but yes, it does align with some of what we write and make films about. Including a little human trafficking.

I view what we do here as pure FANTASY. Flights of imagination, but on a more primal and intense nature. I personally would never hurt another person, especially a woman. Do I love SH in Peril? Yes. Does it sometimes push my limits? Yes. But as long as we don't cross the line into RL if is just entertainment. I also love action moves like John Wilk, but I would never shoot someone for killing my dog. I cheer John on when he did.
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emile wrote:
4 months ago
I believe we’ve all felt disgust and repulsion with the recent Vince McMahon allegations and the sordid details. We all hope he’s brought to justice and held accountable.

Which leads me to ask: do you feel uncomfortable that there is some overlap in the allegations and the very core of SHIP? How do you separate those things in your mind?

Love to hear your thoughts!
I had a friend once who worked at a 'mom and pop' dinner. One of her managers one day handcuffed her after her shift and assaulted her.

Ever since then - I refuse to eat at a breakfast place (thats a poor taste joke btw)

Just cause a rich guy likes to rape people - doesn't mean we need to feel bad about our kink. The best thing you can do in the world that we live in is too engage in consent. Be upfront with your partner, create a safe space to partake in your fantasy, live an honest life

Like someone else has stated here regarding John Wick - you are allowed to enjoy violent content and that does not mean you should compare yourself to murderers. I've never shot anyone. I don't own a gun. I love Rambo
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Honestly this is nothing new, The sexual assault allegations have been hanging around Vince for decades now along with him covering up assault cases of some of his wrestlers. There's a Podcast called Behind the Bastards that had like a five part series on all the evil shit Vic did and some of the other nefarious shit in wrestling history. Spoiler alert, I hope you're not too attached to Hulk Hogan.

As to whether this effects the way I feel about my fetish, not really. Being able to draw the line between fantasy and reality is vital. I know that half the things I find hot are only so in the realm of my imagination where there are no consequences. I feel no connection or relation to anyone who commits actual assault or other sex crimes anymore than I feel connected to gangsters while playing GTA.
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If someone told me right now that Vince McMahon was a serial killer, I would believe them. I think I always knew Vince was a terrible person, but maybe not to the degree I know he is now. I think we all know that our fantasies and kink are just that, fantasies of scenarios rolling around in our brains and dirty minds, LOL! I would never even in a million years think of making those fantasies reality and hurting someone else in the real world. Dreams, thoughts, and fantasies dancing around in our head are OK as long as that is as far as it goes and doesn't inform on our real world behavior. I think these types of conversations are good to have for folks with our fetish.
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"If you want to test a man's character, give him power," Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying. McMahon had absolute power over his business empire and it's hard to imagine anyone within the company, short of his family, calling him on the carpet for misdeeds. If these allegations are true, he crossed the line and deserves to have the judge throw the book at him.

All that said, I'm heartened that this group knows not to cross the line. Sure, we all gaze over the line and maybe lean over it, but that's as far as it goes. If I ever crossed the line, I wonder if I could get back because of some of my personality traits. I'm perfectly fine not finding out.
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I have written some pretty awful, abusive things for my heroines to suffer. I have watched porn where make believe characters pretend to punch a another character in the face. When I come across more realistic depictions (much less real) I usually skip past it quickly. I have never watched the Saw movies or the Hostel movies... I really don't bother even with characters like Chucky. The women in my stories seldom get more than a pain free nose bleed. They never suffer the long term emotional impact associated with real abuse. I know that a woman tied in a masserating vat or a sex machine would suffer real trauma. I think of my writing as more about directing a movie on the page. All my characters are actors and when the scene ends, they shower and go home. They, like me, are play acting. I have empathy for them and would never do something to them where I think they would be hurt or traumatized EVEN THOUGH THEY EXIST ONLY IN MY HEAD.
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I like spy and action movies that doesn't mean I want to blow people up and shoot people in real life. And just cause some woman reads a rapey romance novel doesn't mean she wants it in real life.
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emile wrote:
4 months ago

Which leads me to ask: do you feel uncomfortable that there is some overlap in the allegations and the very core of SHIP? How do you separate those things in your mind?
I don't really feel uncomfortable. The things that appeal to me about SHIP and DID content are the cartoonish, camp, and fantastical elements. Hell, a LOT of the stuff that I personally find attractive are things that can only happen in an unrealistic setting. Even if my intentions for it involve adult tastes, what I like is content that is silly, lighthearted fun. I don't personally enjoy the grittier, more realistic content. Counterintuitive as this might sound, I find the overtly sexual aspects of the content to be kind of a turn-off, and that goes double for sexual violence.

I get that that isn't universally the attraction to this content, nor does everyone have the same level of dissonance on the topic as I do, but for me, it's a very wide divide between the fantasy of SHIP and the grim reality of what McMahon is accused of doing.
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