Amidst “The Little Mermaid” and “Rings of Power” backlash, studios FAN BAIT playbook is REVEALED

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For just the text of Dr. Siren's thread ... 75265.html

Good video discussing Dr. Thala Siren's explanation of the newer marketing strategy of fan-baiting. As Siren points out the intention IS to exact comments from a tiny minority of actual bigots to use as an excuse to dismiss legitimate criticism of plots, scripts, acting etc as all racist, phobic or hating. Its basically stuffing a cat into a bag of dogs and using the result as a tool.
“Fan-baiting” works. It brings in a new sympathetic audience whose endorsement is more about taking a public stance against prejudice than any real interest in the art. “Fan-baiting” also permits studios to cultivate public skepticism over the legitimacy of poor reviews. 8/10
The Little Mermaid pilot is a good example. The actress is being set up by the studio to take the heat for this tactic. The studio does this swap intentionally to get free marketing and interest and to be able to dismiss any criticism as racism.

Basically this is NOT about diversity. This is about typical corporate greed and using POC, women and LGBT as meat shields and props. This helps no one since now the well is poisoned and any POC, woman and LGBT will be questioned vs accepted and liked.

Any time a corporation does something like diversity or environmentalism or dealing with race issues, there is NO ALTRUISM. Its always about corporate greed. And worse, its about them avoiding something else. Diversity and inclusion masks insane profits and the lack of wealth redistribution. Fan baiting masks bad writing and being cheap on writers and plots and not following lore. Environmentalism masks them polluting somewhere else or trying to gate keep competitors. If corporations joined your fight.... you're being scammed.

And now there's a perfect excuse for any salon-racists to bitch and moan whenever they see a person of colour, or a gay person, or a trans person in anything.

I don't even necessarily think this is wrong. I just think it's another excuse to pat your belly and wax lyrical about how fucking smart and savvy you are. You basically have this pathologically narcissistic insistence that no-one gets to be right except you, that everyone else is either wrong because they're super-duper-KKK racist, or because they're namby-pamby liberals. Only YOU get to decide whether a film can have a black woman in the lead.
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Right right, and this YOUTUBER has the scoop on the whole thing. THIS guy, this... Edge of Midnight, is the sole paragon of reason and virtue and bipartisanship. The Hero of the interwebz. The voice of truth and justice across the entire Galaxy!

And In other news:

The moon landing was fake.

The Earth is flat.

JFK was shot by Elvis Presley.

Nixon was innocent!

There were NO sexual relations with 'that woman!'

Slavery never happened.

etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.....

I know conspiracy theory is a national pastime and all, but I suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure wish it weren't.
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Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
And now there's a perfect excuse for any salon-racists to bitch and moan whenever they see a person of colour, or a gay person, or a trans person in anything.
And that's what I meant about poisoning the well. This tactic does not help any of these groups. Its done out of corporate greed, nothing more. The well is poisoned because of this.

As for the rest of your comment, personal attacks are not an argument.

Femina wrote:
1 year ago
Right right, and this YOUTUBER has the scoop on the whole thing. THIS guy, this... Edge of Midnight, is the sole paragon of reason and virtue and bipartisanship. The Hero of the interwebz. The voice of truth and justice across the entire Galaxy!

And In other news:

The moon landing was fake.

The Earth is flat.

JFK was shot by Elvis Presley.

Nixon was innocent!

There were NO sexual relations with 'that woman!'

Slavery never happened.

etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.....

I know conspiracy theory is a national pastime and all, but I suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure wish it weren't.
Like I say, I'm not even sure the central thesis is 100% wrong. Yeah, the corporate world is a soulless monster. I absolutely believe that they'll exploit anything to make themselves look better or protect profits. What pisses me off is that CERTAIN PEOPLE then conclude "just straight whites in our movies, plz". What pisses me off is that a little black girl who gets to see this cultural archetype of femininity - a Disney princess - looks more like her for once is, what, supposed to feel bad?

You know what it is? It's like ads for sofas. I saw an ad for a sofa which was very conspicuously using a gay couple. And I had a moment of like "oh fuck you, you're being manipulative trying to seem all right-on." And then a moment passed, and I had another thought which was like: "Well... so what? What's the fucking harm if they're trying to seem right on, and the by-product is a slight increase in normalisation of the idea that gay couples are a normal thing?"

Yeah, the corporate world is shitty and insincere. But the way people on here are choosing to complain about it is by demanding that non-straight non-whites - even WOMEN - stay in a very, very specific lane, or become completely invisible.

Fuck that.
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Femina wrote:
1 year ago
Right right, and this YOUTUBER has the scoop on the whole thing. THIS guy, this... Edge of Midnight, is the sole paragon of reason and virtue and bipartisanship. The Hero of the interwebz. The voice of truth and justice across the entire Galaxy!

And In other news:

The moon landing was fake.

The Earth is flat.

JFK was shot by Elvis Presley.

Nixon was innocent!

There were NO sexual relations with 'that woman!'

Slavery never happened.

etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.....

I know conspiracy theory is a national pastime and all, but I suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure wish it weren't.
If you find an edge case of racism, bravo but that doesn't mean everyone criticizing a movie on bad writing, plot etc or pointing out obvious shock tactics is a racist. If you read Dr. Siren's twitter thread he points out this is the exact tactic; get some actual bigot to make a comment then paint the whole critic community as bigots to dismiss any criticism.

Why all the jumping to extreme claims? This is corporate greed in action, I doubt now that even woke people are involved in this.

Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
And now there's a perfect excuse for any salon-racists to bitch and moan whenever they see a person of colour, or a gay person, or a trans person in anything.
And that's what I meant about poisoning the well. This tactic does not help any of these groups. Its done out of corporate greed, nothing more. The well is poisoned because of this.

As for the rest of your comment, personal attacks are not an argument.
You got the comment you quoted backwards. I'm saying that the BITCHING is giving salon-racists an excuse. You, and people like you.

You know what? I've gotta stop doing this. I've gotta stop being drawn into these fucking arguments. I hate what this fucking place has become.
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Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
And now there's a perfect excuse for any salon-racists to bitch and moan whenever they see a person of colour, or a gay person, or a trans person in anything.
And that's what I meant about poisoning the well. This tactic does not help any of these groups. Its done out of corporate greed, nothing more. The well is poisoned because of this.

As for the rest of your comment, personal attacks are not an argument.
Well it's a conspiracy theory. One that succeeds or dies based on if people keep paying money or not... which is contingent on people's actual factual desire to watch these properties or not, which is NOT controllable by a 'tactic' on any sort of timetable. This sort of tactic would have a five to ten year shelf life MAXIMUM before it saw diminishing returns as the actual factual human beings who decided they didn't care for these films anymore quit them. To me, that puts this firmly under the umbrella of conspiracy theory. Without a smoking gun, I don't buy into this sort of shit. This isn't news from a reliable source, it's from a guy whose youtube library is CHUCK FULL of targeted, politically aligned attack pieces. Just look at the library of his f'kn thumbnails. That's a laundry list of pictures he's been guided toward utilizing for a VERY specific crowd.
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Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago

Yeah, the corporate world is shitty and insincere. But the way people on here are choosing to complain about it is by demanding that non-straight non-whites - even WOMEN - stay in a very, very specific lane, or become completely invisible.

Fuck that.
I get that. I agree. However what is "white washing"? How many times do we hear other groups say "only x can play x"? Only gays can play gays. Only trans can play trans? Heck one black actress got criticized for not being black enough to play a character ( I think it was Harriet Tubman). The guy in Breaking Bady got criticized for playing a paraplegic. Midgets complained CGI actors played small people in the Huntsman and Tolkien.

Do we let anyone play anyone? If so that has to apply universally. If so John Depp should be able to play Tonto.

Maybe we all need to take a deep breath and realize that people are being played against each other by profiteering soulless people and there is no altruism here. I know it can hurt the perception of altruism and maybe someone believes they are giving someone a chance but that isn't what's happening here. That mermaid actress is now just being used as a prop and the studio has set her up to take the heat while they get free clicks.
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Femina wrote:
1 year ago
Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
And now there's a perfect excuse for any salon-racists to bitch and moan whenever they see a person of colour, or a gay person, or a trans person in anything.
And that's what I meant about poisoning the well. This tactic does not help any of these groups. Its done out of corporate greed, nothing more. The well is poisoned because of this.

As for the rest of your comment, personal attacks are not an argument.
Well it's a conspiracy theory. One that succeeds or dies based on if people keep paying money or not... which is contingent on people's actual factual desire to watch these properties or not, which is NOT controllable by a 'tactic' on any sort of timetable. This sort of tactic would have a five to ten year shelf life MAXIMUM before it saw diminishing returns as the actual factual human beings who decided they didn't care for these films anymore quit them. To me, that puts this firmly under the umbrella of conspiracy theory. Without a smoking gun, I don't buy into this sort of shit. This isn't news from a reliable source, it's from a guy whose youtube library is CHUCK FULL of targeted, politically aligned attack pieces. Just look at the library of his f'kn thumbnails. That's a laundry list of pictures he's been guided toward utilizing for a VERY specific crowd.
I also posted the source of the direct twitter thread he quoted. By all means ignore the video if that's how you roll.

As for conspiracy theories, stating a movie is disliked because nearly all the audience and critics are raging racists is also a conspiracy theory that is unproven.

sorry but I do lay this whole debacle at the feet of the woke who, when practicing activism, poisoned the well. This ultimately hurt POC, women and LGBT. It will take time for people to not be suspicious they are being punked by a character swap. But it doesn't help when ANY criticism is labelled as "Well you're just racist". That just feeds the suspicion that putting that actor in place was done to illicit a response and not to give that an actor a fair break.

Also note, Hollywood IS PROGRESSIVE and left leaning and has been for decades. ANY so called bigotry of role selection is THEIR fault, they run everything, not the fault of some fly over country red necks. So maybe the people screaming racism should stop externalizing and do some inner reflection instead.
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Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
I also posted the source of the direct twitter thread he quoted. By all means ignore the video if that's how you roll.

As for conspiracy theories, stating a movie is disliked because nearly all the audience and critics are raging racists is also a conspiracy theory that is unproven.
Ohoooo is that so? So the GENERAL CONSENSUS is that all complaints about said properties are entirely cause of racism or sexism and that NONE of the complaints are valid are they?

That's the GENERAL consensus and not just the loudest? Hmm?
sorry but I do lay this whole debacle at the feet of the woke who, when practicing activism, poisoned the well. This ultimately hurt POC, women and LGBT. It will take time for people to not be suspicious they are being punked by a character swap. But it doesn't help when ANY criticism is labelled as "Well you're just racist". That just feeds the suspicion that putting that actor in place was done to illicit a response and not to give that an actor a fair break.
You're stating a lot of opinion as fact here and just, like, dusting your hands off for no good reason. You say this shit's poisoned the well and hurt people....... but I see a lot of movies and properties starring a multitude of people whom resonate with a multitude of people and then, as you say, are complained about by a LOUD minority. What about the rest of the worlds response? It's not in the loud minority. If their voices aren't loud enough to be swallowed up by an accusation of racism with the rest of of the audible response then we have NO IDEA what their reaction actually is. There's MORE LGBTQ+ representation now, there's MORE PoC representation now, there's MORE leading females now than EVER before..... so you tell me? WHOSE well is poisoned? From my perspective the only well you're worried about is your own... and from my perspective, the only reason you're worried about it is a conspiracy theory presented by the vocal minority.

The solution to me, to end this conspiracy theory, would be for that vocal minority to quiet down a bit so that the masses opinion can better be heard... but they don't want that do they? The video says so itself, the loud minority are ACTUAL bigots' and thus the RESPONSE to that vocal criticism is NOT necessarily incorrect. When 'WokegoBrokeMedia' posts their Rings of Power video declaring Tokein's grave rolling over his prize damsel Galadriel's fall from grace into a warrior sexist hot take.... and the response to that criticism is 'that's just a sexists criticism' then it's a valid rebuttal and its the sexists own fault that only his voice is being heard if he's shouting so loud that nobody can hear anyone else.
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Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
Like I say, I'm not even sure the central thesis is 100% wrong. Yeah, the corporate world is a soulless monster. I absolutely believe that they'll exploit anything to make themselves look better or protect profits. What pisses me off is that CERTAIN PEOPLE then conclude "just straight whites in our movies, plz". What pisses me off is that a little black girl who gets to see this cultural archetype of femininity - a Disney princess - looks more like her for once is, what, supposed to feel bad?

Yeah, the corporate world is shitty and insincere. But the way people on here are choosing to complain about it is by demanding that non-straight non-whites - even WOMEN - stay in a very, very specific lane, or become completely invisible.

Fuck that.
Wokie-backed corporate execs demand specific lanes.
And the only ones who are really feeling bad are the Danes.

That's my little couplet for the day. Watch out, Shakespeare!
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I'd be more concerned with the failure of animated characters brought to real life shows and movies(I am not talking superheroes) can be very bad

Dr Suess The Grinch and Cat in the Hat
Mario Brothers
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Josie and the Pussycats
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Yeah honestly... this whole thing where Disney is remaking EVERY animated film ever in live action is ITSELF something of a tedious trend I think. I'd rather the effort go to NEW animated shit.

P.S. - Also 4 episodes in and I can say Rings of Power is actually GOOD...... so the crybaby bitching about it is more moot than ever.
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The real question is, when she turns into a human in the remake, will she be wearing pantyhose? :)
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Everything woke turns to shit! I will vote with my wallet and will be passing on this movie. The state of DC Comics is also complete garbage. I dropped all my monthly titles because of woke activists who can’t write for shit. I’m looking at Vita Ayala, Tim Sheridan, and at Stephanie Phillips.
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Double post
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Most movies suck…. They are unoriginal, poorly written or poorly acted. Most of them go out and fail, partially fail or succeed for all the wrong reasons. Streaming services are filled with them.

Blaming a bad movie on being “woke” is ridiculous. Disney made 50, FIFTY, 5-0 white Princesses in there first seventy years, before they made the first non-white heroine. So get you panties out of a bunch. They are not building ovens for all the white people and little white girls are going to have white girl role models that they can relate to… like every major TV show and movie made to in the last century.

Mermaids are make-believe beings that don’t exist. If you can’t imagine them being chocolate flavored, that is the lack of imagination on your part…. Same thing goes for elves. If a black fish-girl isn’t your thing, just say you are not into it and save your money. The wife of a good friend is dying to see a black Arielle, she is black and very into fantasy movies.

If the movie sucks, it sucks, they didn’t have the right actress, not because she wasn’t white. Or it was poorly written, or directed…. Good movies come from a lucky combination of the right people at the right time. How many Fantastic Four movies sucked, despite having a white cast? Black Panther wasn’t great because the cast was mostly black. Pluto Nash sucked despite having one of the best black comics in the lead. Don’t blame the success or failure of a project on being too “woke”, it probably sucked for a dozen other reasons first…
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Seems like most of these posts have fair points. As I read it, one of the issues being discussed and debated is the contrived manner of using actors combined with the excessive claims of racism in today's world, The insane focus on identity politics and the obsession with race, gender and sexuality have created a climate that has made people suspicious and seemingly on guard against anything going against their ideology and perspective. I'll admit I am certainly not immune to this, though I try to understand the perspectives in an honest way as best I can as a moderate.

But to address one point in the previous post, I don't think most people have an issue with a non-white mermaid. The issue is with re-casting characters as a different gender or race than the original (I.e. Ghostbusters and Oceans 8 for the male-to-female example). My guess is the issue with The Little Mermaid is the change in race of the character, not the race. If Arielle were Chinese to appeal to the large Chinese audience, the reaction would probably be the same. It's not racist, it's the contrived nature of the change. It would be the same disapproval as if Black Panther were made white. Instead of creating new characters, the industry merely repackages the same character but as a different gender or race so as to be diverse. It's practically the opposite--how condescending is it to suggest there's no way to create good new characters who would be [insert non-straight.white male qualifications here], so instead a formerly straight white male (or female, in the case of Arielle) character will be made into a [once again, insert non-straight, white male qualifications here]? How about creating new characters? Put some effort into making new stories and daring to design new characters. To some extent, Disney did that with The Princess and the Frog (though when they did that, there were claims of racism because Disney's first black princess was turned into a frog and that was racist because the princess' race was no longer visible; perhaps Disney is playing it safe with repackaging old storylines instead). Disney has created more diverse characters with Star Wars too.

As to the idea that a company is using claims of racism to dismiss criticism, that would not surprise me one bit if that were the case. It's quite a clever ruse. Find the post or comment that can be labeled racist and then extend the label to all criticism as being some sort of dog whistle for racism. Then anyone who wants to virtue-signal would slather praise all over the movie; others would keep quiet for fear of being labeled racist; and critics sure would not say anything negative as they tend to all lean left anyhow and would jump at the chance to show off their virtuosity in that realm by praising the work. In a way, it's similar to the way Democrats are donating money to Trump-supported Republicans in Republican primaries because they believe those Republicans will be easier to defeat in the general election even as they claim Trump and his supporters are a threat to the democracy. If they actually believed that, they would not play politics the way they are. But by making sure the Trump-supported Republican wins, the Democrat candidate can galvanize his or her base by emphasizing the Trump element.

So to return to the manipulation of racism: We already see racism used to boost one's exposure. Just look at the Duke volleyball player and how she used racism to her advantage and had ESPN immediately elevate her status by unquestioningly praising her courage and running with the story without even looking into the incident despite the clear signs of it all being made up. So why wouldn't movie producers do the same to further their ends? Seems logical to me. And that isn't to say there aren't racists who would object to a movie due to their prejudice. It's just that those people can be useful idiots used to further promote a product by galvanizing people whose hearts are in the right place.

I also sense many people have become skeptical with the diversity topic because of situations like Biden openly declaring he was going to nominate only a black woman for the Supreme Court. Had he simply nominated Jackson without making the overture to black Americans, he would have removed the stigma of the seemingly affirmative action hiring. Apart from that, the act is illegal as hiring based on race is illegal, yet it was supported by about half the country and was clearly an act of pandering. My impression is people are tired of the excessive focus on identity politics and want to focus instead on merit, talent, ability and other factors and aspects of a person that truly matter when hiring someone for a position or signing them to a role. But the more the focus is on race or gender, the longer people will be skeptical of the legitimacy of the hiring or signing as being entirely based on merit.
Ignore any virtue-signaling; it's clearly just you.

Ignore any activism; it clearly doesn't exist.

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"The Little Mermaid" is an old story in the public domain. Back when the cartoon film came out, there were a load of other versions in shops that were piggybacking on its success, and were presumably legal. Similarly, Winnie the Pooh is now public domain, and there's a new horror film coming out - I understand they have to avoid getting too close to whatever Disney added to the IP - likenesses, new characters, new stories etc.

Enterprising souls might seek to just build their own Little Mermaid film, live action or otherwise. You might want to know a good lawyer. Maybe the Daily Wire will have a go. Starring Gina Carp-ano. I'd watch it.
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I find the amount of grown men pretending to give a shit about the Little Mermaid now a little too disingenuous to call it fanbaiting in this case, I don't think most of these people were ever fans. At most they liked Under the Sea and felt their dicks twitch for the first time during the Ariel foot scene.

I don't know that I disagree with fanbaiting as a concept in its entirety, but if I had to take a less malicious stance in this it's simply that Hollywood is creatively bankrupt. Execs would rather kill their firstborn child than take a risk with a completely unknown property/talent and so most of what we get fed now are remakes. But politics have also changed since the time these products have been made, there have been more calls for minority representation, something you can't get if you just remake the same 30-60 year old properties and aim to make the characters identical. So you do some race swapping with the characters, some handle it as well as they could while other botch it and some will hide behind the race swap to protect them from criticism.

As a huge fucking nerd I do understand the desire to get as close to the original product as possible, but as Damslebinder pointed out, this doesn't really hurt anyone and as long as we're stuck in reboot/remake hell I have to choose between the world with some diversity or no diversity and between the two I'd take the former. Just know that if you bitch about this movie, but you went to see the Lion King and Beauty of the Beast remakes, you're part of the problem.
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ThatOnePervert wrote:
1 year ago
Hollywood is creatively bankrupt.
Bingo. And for all its virtue-signaling of its progressivism, as a whole Hollywood does not seem interested in creating original stories with diverse casts--it merely wants to repackage well-received stories and recast the roles with diverse casts.
Ignore any virtue-signaling; it's clearly just you.

Ignore any activism; it clearly doesn't exist.

Be very careful!
Don't be indoctrinated!
Ignore your common sense!

Everything is entirely normal and ignore the radical changes to culture.
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All adaptations take huge liberties with the source material. The depiction of Rorschach in Zack Synder's Watchmen, for example, takes a scathing satire of objectivism by a very left-wing writer and turns it into a glorification of objectivism from a huge Ayn Rand fan.

I have to laugh at the disingenuous notion that a new adaptation should somehow adopt the social mores of the era in which the original was created. FFS, most of the iconic superhero comics were created during the Jim Crow era. So I guess, for the benefit of the faux-outraged YouTube neckbeard grifters, all contemporary movie and TV adaptations will just have to carry forward Jim Crow era depictions into the 2020s. For 'purity' or something.
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Femina wrote:
1 year ago
P.S. - Also 4 episodes in and I can say Rings of Power is actually GOOD...... so the crybaby bitching about it is more moot than ever.
Wait until you get six episodes in. I wondered what the better part of a billion dollars spent on a TV show would look like, now I know. And it's fucking amazing.

As to the thread in general, baiting bigots to stir controversy and paint yourselves as the good guys isn't new.

Here's a video from somebody smarter about it from three years ago when this shit was already obvious, well known, and having videos made about it.

Almost nobody would have known, or given a shit, about the Little Mermaid if racist degenerates weren't pissing their pants constantly about it. That's why it was done. Disney doesn't give a fuck.
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Ron DeSantis may be the worst thing to ever happen to gay people in the last twenty years (I put in the qualifier because some really horrific shit has happened to gays), but he has pumped more money into the Magic Kingdom than any tax loop-hole ever could….

The Little Mermaid will be another smash hit of gorilla marketing, thanks to all the racist who think burning their shoes and boycotting a movie their granddaughters are going make them watch on DVD 300 times while clutching the licensed Barbie. The same outrage machine that sells Nike, may also make make DeSantis President…
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It shows if there is a cause out there, be it climate change or fighting racism, corporations have already gamed it. Regardless of the stance, these corps have set this up to make money. As Sneakly pointed out, DeSantis removed Disney's tax exception... yet where is the Disney out cry? You'd think they would be crying murder.
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sneakly wrote:
1 year ago
Ron DeSantis may be the worst thing to ever happen to gay people in the last twenty years (I put in the qualifier because some really horrific shit has happened to gays), but he has pumped more money into the Magic Kingdom than any tax loop-hole ever could….

The Little Mermaid will be another smash hit of gorilla marketing, thanks to all the racist who think burning their shoes and boycotting a movie their granddaughters are going make them watch on DVD 300 times while clutching the licensed Barbie. The same outrage machine that sells Nike, may also make make DeSantis President…
I thought politics was not suppose to be allowed here
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Dazzle1 wrote:
1 year ago
sneakly wrote:
1 year ago
Ron DeSantis may be the worst thing to ever happen to gay people in the last twenty years (I put in the qualifier because some really horrific shit has happened to gays), but he has pumped more money into the Magic Kingdom than any tax loop-hole ever could….

The Little Mermaid will be another smash hit of gorilla marketing, thanks to all the racist who think burning their shoes and boycotting a movie their granddaughters are going make them watch on DVD 300 times while clutching the licensed Barbie. The same outrage machine that sells Nike, may also make make DeSantis President…
I thought politics was not suppose to be allowed here
The video I was responding to was the use of “woke brand marketing”. The “they can’t have a black mermaid or elves” is really coming one part of the US political spectrum. The outrage directed at Disney is being lead by the governor of Florida about gays and Disney. I am not sure you could talk about “woke”, “Disney” and the race of the little Mermaid and not include him in the discussion.
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sneakly wrote:
1 year ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
1 year ago
sneakly wrote:
1 year ago
Ron DeSantis may be the worst thing to ever happen to gay people in the last twenty years (I put in the qualifier because some really horrific shit has happened to gays), but he has pumped more money into the Magic Kingdom than any tax loop-hole ever could….

The Little Mermaid will be another smash hit of gorilla marketing, thanks to all the racist who think burning their shoes and boycotting a movie their granddaughters are going make them watch on DVD 300 times while clutching the licensed Barbie. The same outrage machine that sells Nike, may also make make DeSantis President…
I thought politics was not suppose to be allowed here
The video I was responding to was the use of “woke brand marketing”. The “they can’t have a black mermaid or elves” is really coming one part of the US political spectrum. The outrage directed at Disney is being lead by the governor of Florida about gays and Disney. I am not sure you could talk about “woke”, “Disney” and the race of the little Mermaid and not include him in the discussion.
Sorry sounds like politics when you make a political attack on a leading contender to be the next President

Maybe it's just me
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Dazzle1 wrote:
1 year ago
sneakly wrote:
1 year ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
1 year ago
sneakly wrote:
1 year ago
Ron DeSantis may be the worst thing to ever happen to gay people in the last twenty years (I put in the qualifier because some really horrific shit has happened to gays), but he has pumped more money into the Magic Kingdom than any tax loop-hole ever could….

The Little Mermaid will be another smash hit of gorilla marketing, thanks to all the racist who think burning their shoes and boycotting a movie their granddaughters are going make them watch on DVD 300 times while clutching the licensed Barbie. The same outrage machine that sells Nike, may also make make DeSantis President…
I thought politics was not suppose to be allowed here
The video I was responding to was the use of “woke brand marketing”. The “they can’t have a black mermaid or elves” is really coming one part of the US political spectrum. The outrage directed at Disney is being lead by the governor of Florida about gays and Disney. I am not sure you could talk about “woke”, “Disney” and the race of the little Mermaid and not include him in the discussion.
Sorry sounds like politics when you make a political attack on a leading contender to be the next President

Maybe it's just me
It's not just you. Evidently some folks didn't get the memo. I hope the mods take that post off of the board, otherwise I will have a lot to say about that post.
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The whole fucking thread is politics. The only difference with sneakly's post is that it mentions actual real-world politics instead of the bullshit conspiracy theories that otherwise get a free pass here.

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NotUv2 wrote:
1 year ago
The whole fucking thread is politics. The only difference with sneakly's post is that it mentions actual real-world politics instead of the bullshit conspiracy theories that otherwise get a free pass here.
You may be right in that the topic may be too close to the sun here, but I will point out post the MH no politics edict, that we have had good conversations on here about subjects such as Marxist cancel culture without assholes interjecting actual politicians into the mix. If the mods think the topic crosses over into politics too easily for adults to contain themselves, that is for those folks to judge.
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The irony of whining about a political slant in somebodies post on a threat that includes a youtube video from 'Midnight's Edge' as part of the originating posts thesis statement is pretty funny to me. This thing was built on politics from the first rung.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
1 year ago
sneakly wrote:
1 year ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
1 year ago
sneakly wrote:
1 year ago
Ron DeSantis may be the worst thing to ever happen to gay people in the last twenty years (I put in the qualifier because some really horrific shit has happened to gays), but he has pumped more money into the Magic Kingdom than any tax loop-hole ever could….

The Little Mermaid will be another smash hit of gorilla marketing, thanks to all the racist who think burning their shoes and boycotting a movie their granddaughters are going make them watch on DVD 300 times while clutching the licensed Barbie. The same outrage machine that sells Nike, may also make make DeSantis President…
I thought politics was not suppose to be allowed here
The video I was responding to was the use of “woke brand marketing”. The “they can’t have a black mermaid or elves” is really coming one part of the US political spectrum. The outrage directed at Disney is being lead by the governor of Florida about gays and Disney. I am not sure you could talk about “woke”, “Disney” and the race of the little Mermaid and not include him in the discussion.
Sorry sounds like politics when you make a political attack on a leading contender to be the next President

Maybe it's just me
The original video in the thread explicitly mentions politics. I did not bring up any other politicians, but the “not my mermaid” campaign is occurring concurrently with the governor’s attacks on Disney for being “woke”. Bridgerton has a far more unrealistic depiction of race than the little mermaid, and did not (to my knowledge) receive anywhere near the backlash. That it isn’t a Disney product geared towards children may have a lot to do with it.

So far, 1:36 of the film has been released. There is really nothing to pan this film on. No Bat-nipples, you can’t say Natalie Portman is too tiny to play Thor. New songs and Gilbert Gottfried isn’t singing them. There is nothing in there to hate or love, just a black girl and the Disney name…
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sneakly wrote:
1 year ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
1 year ago
sneakly wrote:
1 year ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
1 year ago
sneakly wrote:
1 year ago
Ron DeSantis may be the worst thing to ever happen to gay people in the last twenty years (I put in the qualifier because some really horrific shit has happened to gays), but he has pumped more money into the Magic Kingdom than any tax loop-hole ever could….

The Little Mermaid will be another smash hit of gorilla marketing, thanks to all the racist who think burning their shoes and boycotting a movie their granddaughters are going make them watch on DVD 300 times while clutching the licensed Barbie. The same outrage machine that sells Nike, may also make make DeSantis President…
I thought politics was not suppose to be allowed here
The video I was responding to was the use of “woke brand marketing”. The “they can’t have a black mermaid or elves” is really coming one part of the US political spectrum. The outrage directed at Disney is being lead by the governor of Florida about gays and Disney. I am not sure you could talk about “woke”, “Disney” and the race of the little Mermaid and not include him in the discussion.
Sorry sounds like politics when you make a political attack on a leading contender to be the next President

Maybe it's just me
The original video in the thread explicitly mentions politics. I did not bring up any other politicians, but the “not my mermaid” campaign is occurring concurrently with the governor’s attacks on Disney for being “woke”. Bridgerton has a far more unrealistic depiction of race than the little mermaid, and did not (to my knowledge) receive anywhere near the backlash. That it isn’t a Disney product geared towards children may have a lot to do with it.

So far, 1:36 of the film has been released. There is really nothing to pan this film on. No Bat-nipples, you can’t say Natalie Portman is too tiny to play Thor. New songs and Gilbert Gottfried isn’t singing them. There is nothing in there to hate or love, just a black girl and the Disney name…
In Bridgeton's defense, it literally takes place in an alternate universe where the level of racial tension and bigotries we enjoy today simply doesn't exist. There's even occasional mentions of the shows 'history' by the characters that illustrate some key events that have informed the direction of why the show's world is how it is that additionally inform the viewer that this isn't OUR English regency, just a visually familiar one. If anyone is honestly riffing on it for being 'inaccurate' now you can now inform them that they don't understand what they're talking about. You're welcome.
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First, let me say I appreciate this forum for what I get out of it, even if I rarely comment in it. But I'm here for the superheroine content (mostly news and previews of independent/fetish releases), and some of the original stories catch my eye.

And second, this isn't a complaint so much as it's an observation... and even then I'm fine with, and have no problem with the folks who run/admin/mod this board having the kind of discussion which they want to have (or allow) - thanks to all of them for the time, effort and expense given to keep this forum going.

But when I do take a look into 'pop culture/corporate media' posts like this, it's mostly for amusement about the so-called "no politics" rule in action, and various people venting over issues of the day, directly or with a thin veneer of distance from the real-life politics which many posters here apparently hold strong opinions on. To my eye, around 50-70% of the posts on this board are still political opinons.

Again, not really a criticism, just an observation. If everyone in charge is good with the way this has been going, I'd suggest just let your freak flag fly and own it, heh. I don't question people's kinks in term of the fantasy world of SHIP so long as it remains fantasy fulfillment (and within the law), so like the eternal struggle between the armies of "pantyhose" vs "bare legs" - I can mostly ignore the thinly-disguised political screeds.

(I've thought about saying this dozens of times, I guess today was the day I finally couldn't overcome the need to get it off my chest. But don't let me stop anyone from speaking their piece ;)
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In my opinion, Amazon has completely destroyed the Rings Of Power brand, this series gets a 1/10 rating
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To bring it somewhat back to the subject, I think we all can agree that Disney and Amazon clearly had plans behind their actions, and the plans aren't limited to a single reason or purpose. Clearly Disney knew there would be discussion with their casting decision. (The whole "Lightyear" kiss decision was an extended conversation within the company in which they weighed the potential outcomes from the decision. The company's machinations could be seen as they eventually came to their decision as to what to do.)
As I see it, I don't think there are "conspiracy theories" behind enormous entertainment companies' actions. Those companies are huge and have plenty of resources and personnel to think of as many outcomes of their actions than any fans can think of. So my impression is any "conspiracy theory" suggested has been considered by those companies as well. This is not to validate any particular theory, but I think dismissing various theories as conspiracies may be a bit too convenient and too easily done.
I just don't see major businesses like Disney as being 100% honest 100% of the time. I also see them doing what they can to make as much profit as they can, much like most businesses.
Ignore any virtue-signaling; it's clearly just you.

Ignore any activism; it clearly doesn't exist.

Be very careful!
Don't be indoctrinated!
Ignore your common sense!

Everything is entirely normal and ignore the radical changes to culture.
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Alice wrote:
1 year ago
In my opinion, Amazon has completely destroyed the Rings Of Power brand, this series gets a 1/10 rating
Amazon didn't do that, idiots and people spamming the 'downvote' button cause its popular to do so are the culprit. As someone whose WATCHED the show. It's definitively not a 1/10 show and anyone who thinks it is needs to take a good hard long look at the shit they've watched in their lifetimes and the ratings they gave those things and why.

99 times out of 100, 1/10 isn't a rating you give something validly, it's a rating you give something you're pissing on out of principle. Sure on rare occasion you really do find a 1/10.... but a 'Manos: The Hands of Fate' only comes along once every couple decades or so. Most things surpass 1/10 just by nature of being a production that someone TRIED to put together.
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this series generally only refers to the book Rings Of Power, everything is incompatible, they add characters that Tolkien did not create in general, so this series gets a 1/10 rating from me

Femina wrote:
1 year ago
Alice wrote:
1 year ago
In my opinion, Amazon has completely destroyed the Rings Of Power brand, this series gets a 1/10 rating
Amazon didn't do that, idiots and people spamming the 'downvote' button cause its popular to do so are the culprit. As someone whose WATCHED the show. It's definitively not a 1/10 show and anyone who thinks it is needs to take a good hard long look at the shit they've watched in their lifetimes and the ratings they gave those things and why.

99 times out of 100, 1/10 isn't a rating you give something validly, it's a rating you give something you're pissing on out of principle. Sure on rare occasion you really do find a 1/10.... but a 'Manos: The Hands of Fate' only comes along once every couple decades or so. Most things surpass 1/10 just by nature of being a production that someone TRIED to put together.

Alice wrote:
1 year ago
this series generally only refers to the book Rings Of Power, everything is incompatible, they add characters that Tolkien did not create in general, so this series gets a 1/10 rating from me

Femina wrote:
1 year ago
Alice wrote:
1 year ago
In my opinion, Amazon has completely destroyed the Rings Of Power brand, this series gets a 1/10 rating
Amazon didn't do that, idiots and people spamming the 'downvote' button cause its popular to do so are the culprit. As someone whose WATCHED the show. It's definitively not a 1/10 show and anyone who thinks it is needs to take a good hard long look at the shit they've watched in their lifetimes and the ratings they gave those things and why.

99 times out of 100, 1/10 isn't a rating you give something validly, it's a rating you give something you're pissing on out of principle. Sure on rare occasion you really do find a 1/10.... but a 'Manos: The Hands of Fate' only comes along once every couple decades or so. Most things surpass 1/10 just by nature of being a production that someone TRIED to put together.
yeah well tolkien didn't put any elves (except Legolas) at the battle of Helm's Deep but I bet you weren't complaining about that back in 2002
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Alice wrote:
1 year ago
this series generally only refers to the book Rings Of Power, everything is incompatible, they add characters that Tolkien did not create in general, so this series gets a 1/10 rating from me

Femina wrote:
1 year ago
Alice wrote:
1 year ago
In my opinion, Amazon has completely destroyed the Rings Of Power brand, this series gets a 1/10 rating
Amazon didn't do that, idiots and people spamming the 'downvote' button cause its popular to do so are the culprit. As someone whose WATCHED the show. It's definitively not a 1/10 show and anyone who thinks it is needs to take a good hard long look at the shit they've watched in their lifetimes and the ratings they gave those things and why.

99 times out of 100, 1/10 isn't a rating you give something validly, it's a rating you give something you're pissing on out of principle. Sure on rare occasion you really do find a 1/10.... but a 'Manos: The Hands of Fate' only comes along once every couple decades or so. Most things surpass 1/10 just by nature of being a production that someone TRIED to put together.
There IS NO BOOK titled the Rings of Power! Therefore your opinion is a 1/10 from me.
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Femina wrote:
1 year ago
sneakly wrote:
1 year ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
1 year ago
sneakly wrote:
1 year ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
1 year ago

I thought politics was not suppose to be allowed here
The video I was responding to was the use of “woke brand marketing”. The “they can’t have a black mermaid or elves” is really coming one part of the US political spectrum. The outrage directed at Disney is being lead by the governor of Florida about gays and Disney. I am not sure you could talk about “woke”, “Disney” and the race of the little Mermaid and not include him in the discussion.
Sorry sounds like politics when you make a political attack on a leading contender to be the next President

Maybe it's just me
The original video in the thread explicitly mentions politics. I did not bring up any other politicians, but the “not my mermaid” campaign is occurring concurrently with the governor’s attacks on Disney for being “woke”. Bridgerton has a far more unrealistic depiction of race than the little mermaid, and did not (to my knowledge) receive anywhere near the backlash. That it isn’t a Disney product geared towards children may have a lot to do with it.

So far, 1:36 of the film has been released. There is really nothing to pan this film on. No Bat-nipples, you can’t say Natalie Portman is too tiny to play Thor. New songs and Gilbert Gottfried isn’t singing them. There is nothing in there to hate or love, just a black girl and the Disney name…
In Bridgeton's defense, it literally takes place in an alternate universe where the level of racial tension and bigotries we enjoy today simply doesn't exist. There's even occasional mentions of the shows 'history' by the characters that illustrate some key events that have informed the direction of why the show's world is how it is that additionally inform the viewer that this isn't OUR English regency, just a visually familiar one. If anyone is honestly riffing on it for being 'inaccurate' now you can now inform them that they don't understand what they're talking about. You're welcome.
I haven’t watched Bridgerton and was not disparaging it in any way. My point was simply that it did not attract the angry “woke” label and racial back lash of a Disney product. Why? First, it did not fill an expedient need to smear tar and feathers on a current strawman. If it had been associated with Disney or some other politically active target, it might have drawn some of the same attention. Second, it wasn’t geared towards children. Any time kids are involved, there is a temptation to club it with the “grooming” stick. Parents spend money on children’s entertainment, so it is easy identify something as unwholesome. This is nothing new. The comics code, the Hays code, the MPAA, the ridiculous rules applied to television in the 1960s, were all there to “protect the children”. Jeannie’s bellybutton and Lucille Ball’s pregnancy were just too much for children. None of them would have existed if it weren’t political points that could be collected by creating hysteria.
The left does it as well, but not to the extent that the right does.
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Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago

Basically this is NOT about diversity. This is about typical corporate greed and using POC, women and LGBT as meat shields and props. This helps no one since now the well is poisoned and any POC, woman and LGBT will be questioned vs accepted and liked.
It's exhausting listening to Americans hitting themselves in the face constantly and trying to justify why they're doing it.

You want authenticity in the little mermaid, they should all be speaking danish.

There is no point to this constantly tying yourselves in knots over something so soul crushingly stupid (sir lenny henry plays a hobbit, an actual knight of the realm from the most inbred hobbity part of the uk, but yanks are still up in arms!). Even if the 'studios are trying to trick us' argument made sense, the only way to win it would be to completely ignore it so it had zero impact.
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