The U.S. election

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The New York Times just published an explosive piece on Trump's taxes. Everywhere they looked, through two decades of documents, they found rampant evidence of cheating, deception and a man in increasingly desperate circumstances. Trump has close to half a billion dollars in personally guaranteed loans and taxes coming due over the next several years. His income from his reality TV programs has dried up and most of his businesses are losing a lot of money.

Trump's niece is suing him for tens of millions he stole from her inheritance.

Trump almost succeeded in forcing his ailing father into handing over almost complete control of his fortune to Donald when the future president was nearly bankrupt in the early nineties.

This is the man who refused to divest himself of his business interests when he became president. The man who has spent almost one third of his tenure as president at his own ailing golf resorts, forcing the Secret Service to shell out massive amounts of money renting cottages and fleets of golf carts to keep him safe. The man who profits daily from interests, foreign and domestic, who curry favor from him by renting rooms and holding events at his properties.

Seven million Americans have contracted covid-19. 205,000 have perished. Almost no developed nation has done a worse job of protecting citizens from the pandemic. Trump is not only doing nothing to protect people, he is actively making things worse - by holding rallies which purposely eschew social distancing and very few wear masks, by mocking Joe Biden for wearing a mask, by stifling government experts from offering good advice, by promoting unproven treatments.

Trump is openly trying to invalidate the November election. He installed a stooge as head of the Postal Service - a big doner, now under investigation for campaign finance violations - to slow down mail delivery. Trump consistently, without a shred of evidence, propagates the lie that mail-in ballots are fraudulent. He repeatedly encouraged his supporters to vote twice, by mail and in person - an illegal activity. He has repeatedly said there will be police and other officials "monitoring" polling locations, an obvious attempt at voter intimidation. He has revealed he plans extensive legal action after the vote to attack the process, counting on the 200 federal judges he has appointed and his stacked Supreme Court to deliver a legal victory where no democratic victory was possible.

Regardless of political affiliation, supporting this horror show of a human being is indefensible.
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You missed out the bit where he put children in cages.
Oh and the 4000 lawsuits he's been involved in.
And the umpteen women he assaulted.
And the between 5 and 23 times a day (depending on which source you use) that he has lied or repeated false or misleading statements.
And him declaring in the last election that not paying taxes was smart.
And him declaring himself a very stable genius (I mean come on if that isn't a signpost he's insane I don't know what is).
And him avoiding impeachment by the republicans refusing to hear the evidence that would have convicted him
And 10 counts of him being implicated in collusion
And... Etc etc - I will be dead of old age before I finish the list.

The IRS have repeatedly stated he is not under any special audit and can release his taxes but hey, one more lie when you are on 24 a day doesn't matter much does it.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Think MH may have said he doesn't want politics on here now I think about it so I will be deleting the thread shortly.
Sorry Bert.
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I thought MH decreed a no politics on this site. I guess some types of political talk are more "acceptable" than others. Different rules for different folks I guess. I should not be surprised.
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No you shouldn't considering 10 months before an election is too short a time distance for a democratic judge but less than 2 months is fine for a Republican one.

Read my second post I can't delete at the moment as I am on my cell phone and I can't see the options.
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Im locking this topic rather than deleting it to let others know we're steering clear of all political discussion.