Batgirl - Bride of Penguin

A darker, full bodied blend.
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It was an abnormally quiet night for Batgirl aka Barbara Gordon. The young superheroine had just finished her first semester at Gotham U. Normally, she would work the weekend evening shifts at the university library. It kept her away from the party scene since she already had enough on her plate with her studies and keeping the city streets safe as Batgirl. Besides, Barbara was never one to partake in a wild lifestyle if it didn't involve fighting crime, her one true vessel to let loose. However, the holiday break left the library closed. There wasn't much more action on patrol either. The hustle and bustle of the gift buying season left many citizens far too busy to be up to nefarious deeds.

Sailing from rooftop to rooftop Batgirl finally came to a landing on a run down warehouse. It was a clear, crisp, and cool night. Snow had fallen the previous day. Batgirl's latex boots crunched as she tread through nature's untainted canvas. Tonight, the moon was out in full force. She was practically glowing in the heavenly light, illuminating her flawless curves being hugged by her purple, latex costume. Out of all the benefits of being a caped crusader her favorite thing was the costume. Latex was not the most modest choice for a young woman so chaste, but she told herself that the tight fitting nature of the suit provided the best functionality for crime fighting. Deep down she knew she just loved the way the latex outfit made her look. It was quite flattering, even some bad guys made mention of it. Hell, even the smell of the material was enthralling. This guilty pleasure was of course something she always kept under wraps. Her boots, gloves, utility belt, the inside of her cape, and of course the bat symbol across her breasts were all yellow while the rest of the outfit was purple. It was bright and bold, more representative of her true personality she always thought. Batgirl was the part of her personality Barbara Gordon could never reveal. The two must always be separate.

Feeling unfulfilled, Batgirl was ready to call it a night. She approached the ledge of the building where the Bat-Cycle was waiting below, ready to take her home. The albedo from the snow added to her angelic aura of perfect porcelain skin accented by her fiery red hair and ruby lips. The Bat Beauty was ready to descend when she heard a cry in the distance. Finally, some work! The howling came from two buildings away, another abandoned structure in the outdated industrial district. There was a single light that was showing through the 20 foot windows of the top floor. Without effort, Barbara glided onto a fire escape where she was able to peer through the frosted panes. Bound inside she could see the epicenter of the raucous was none other than Catwoman!
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Batgirl managed to slip inside the building unnoticed. She secures a prime view in the unlit rafters, surveying her surroundings before rushing into anything. Catwoman had been both helpful and a hindrance in previous encounters. This could be a trap, Barbara thought. Catwoman stood below in the soft light surrounded by darkness. The feline frenemy was tied to a beam. Rope wrapped around her ankles, torso, and neck. Her cries no longer clear, they were now muffled thanks to a red ball gag. A low hum was also eminating from the same spot. Immediately, Batgirl spotted what appeared to be a vibrating microphone attached to...Catwoman's crotch?

Something told Batgirl that this wasn't a microphone that had Catwoman singing. Barbara would be the first to admit that her alter ego lifestyle kept her somewhat sexually naive, but she could fully well tell that the noise that brought her here was due to pleasure rather than despair. For a moment Batgirl was motionless, mesmerized by the scene. Barbara was as aghast of the situation as she was subconsciously envious. Catwoman's form fitting black, latex outfit sparkled just a little extra as drool slithered down the ball gag onto Catwoman's generously sized, encased breasts.

Batgirl could see Catwoman's eyes roll back into her head due to the relentlessness of the device. Batgirl's mind began to run wild. Who could have done something so...cruel? It would have to be a villain most capable. Not even Batman was sly enough to get the drop on Catwoman. A queen of stealth and master of awareness, Catwoman only appears when she wishes it. At that very moment Batgirl received her answer.

"Quack, quack, quack," smuggly came from the shadows as the Penguin entered the light.
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Nice start!!!
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Very good start. Looking forward to more.
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"Having fun, are we?" remarked the flightless menace to the his captive feline. Her response was muffled, but the writhing of her body in her bonds gave him all the response he was looking for. "Well, I have plenty more in store for you, Kitty Cat! Quack! Quack! Quack!" Leaning to his left side on his umbrella he snapped his right had. Two henchmen appeared from the shadows. The first began removing the wand and the ball gag. The other prepared a blindfold.

Catwoman may not be my best friend, but I can't let Penguin continue to torture her like that! Batgirl knew it was time to swing into action. She landed a kick sufficiently knocking the wind out of the bandit with the blindfold and connected on an uppercut to the jaw of the other goon. Both were incapacitated for the time being. With swift precision Barbara tossed a Batarang in Penguin's direction, freeing the umbrella from his grip. She didn't want to take a chance with any tricks like gas or explosives. In the past that weapon of his had been full of both of them.

"Put a pause on playtime, Penguin!" Batgirl exclaimed victoriously. "Catwoman's coming with me!" Batgirl finished freeing the feline only to be thrown completely off guard.

"Butt out, Bat-Bitch!" Catwoman shoved Batgirl in a manner that represented how much she was frustrated and annoyed with the superheroine interfering in her affairs. Barbara was unprepared for the push. Unable to maintain her balance, she stumbled backwards onto the floor. Looking up dumbfounded at Catwoman. "So much for gratitude," was all the response Batgirl could muster.

"Quack, quack, quack," chuckled Penguin. The shock in Batgirl's countenance left Penguin amused. "Leave it to a do-gooder to mistake pleasure for pain. You are as naive as you are beautiful, my girl." Immediately blushed from embarrassment. But was it because she had misinterpreted the situation or was it that Penguin called her "beautiful" and "his girl?" Villains and civilians alike had catcalled her plenty of times. Why should this be any different? Before Barbara could finish psycho-analyzing the situation Catwoman interjected.

"I don't know, Oswald. Maybe she liked what she saw. Got a little jealous. Maybe...she just wanted to trade spots with me. Victim instead of voyeur?"

"I...I...I...what are you talking about?" Batgirl was stumbling worse through her words than she had when Catwoman shoved her earlier.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Batgirl!" exclaimed Catwoman gleefully. "No one gets the drop on this clever kitty! You were up in the rafters, gazing at me for at least five minutes before Penguin returned. If you really only wanted to "rescue" me then we would've been out of here before he ever got back. Admit it, Batgirl! You were enjoying what you were seeing."

Batgirl's face now matched her lipstick. " help. I was just here to help!" How could Barbara expect Catwoman and Penguin to believe her if she wasn't even sure if she believed herself.

"Now, now, my Bat Beauty," Penguin said patronizingly. "Us villains aren't always out committing felonies. Sometimes we just like to Wouldn't you like have some fun, Batgirl? You sure seem like you could use it. I would be happy to oblige a slutty little superheroine like yourself."

"Slutty!?" Batgirl was bewildered. She had never slept with a man, let alone barely kissed one. " That would be reprehensible and unbecoming of a heroine. Next time, keep your private affairs more...private! And stay out of...crime. OK, this conversation over!" Batgirl shot her grappling gun through one of the large windows, shattering it. She fled the scene as quick as possible, with her tail tucked between her legs. She couldn't process the night's events right now. It was time to go home. All she wanted was sleep.

Still standing in the dim light of the warehouse was Penguin. He had several encounters with Batgirl before. Most of the time she was just there to assist Batman though. He never really had the chance to focus on her like this. He knew she was a gorgeous young woman, but tonight's events had made a permanent imprint on him. Her naivety, her purity, her curiosity that got her in trouble made her all too divine. Beautiful, young, and impressionable he thought. She could be molded into something quite extraordinary. An evil smile crawled up Penguin's lips.

Catwoman saw Penguin's face and it read his transparent expression. "She's ripe for the taking, Oswald."

Still staring out the window Batgirl had exited, only one thing was on Penguin's mind now. "Batgirl will be MINE."
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That was great. This story is enjoyable. Looking forward to more.
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Back at Penguin's headquarters, The Iceberg Lounge, the criminal mastermind and his accomplice, Catwoman, sat down to an early dinner to discuss devilish deeds. There was a hustle and bustle about as the two sat in a rounded booth front and center of the main stage as the staff was preparing the club for opening, but Catwoman's attention was all on Penguin. Penguin had made it clear now that he planned to sweep Batgirl off her feet, shackled or not. As much fun as toying with a bat could be Catwoman would need some incentive to help fulfill Penguins deviously lustful but heartfelt fantasy.

"Well Oswald, we've always agreed on good seafood, and the Iceberg Lounge is second to none. However, fine dining is not the reason I'm here. You want the Bat-Brat. If you seek my assistance this better be something better than cash. I enjoy being on the Big Bat's good side now and again when it suits me. If one of his acolytes goes astray you can be sure that all of us will be getting an unsolicited knock on the door. In other words, this better be good."

"Quack, quack, quack. It's more than just good, Ms. Kyle. What if I told you that you wouldn't have to worry about any bumps in the night from The Big Bad Bat...unless that's what you wanted?"

"You mean...taking down both Bats? We wouldn't be the first that have tried. And what about the bird boy?"

"My dear pussycat, I may be enamored with our little Domino Dare Doll, but my interest in her is to not be merely just be a plaything. Eventually, with our help, I believe she will come around to see the new Gotham landscape from our point of view. Many have tried to take down Batman and his disciples by simply destroying them. I want to change them. Transform them, if you will. Through my plan we will bring about the demise of the entire Bat Family and see the rise of a new era in Gotham where the villains of this town run the show, under my leadership of course. Batgirl is the key. Once she has embraced her new life by my side, she will provide great assistance in bringing down the other two. Instead of attacking from the outside we will bring the Bats down from within. In the aftermath you may do with Batman as you please. The same will go for the other that has agreed to help us dispatch Robin. Quack, quack, now are those terms up to your standards?"

Catwoman paused as if she actually had a decision to mull over. For once she, Selina Kyle, could be free to be as evil as she pleased. Free to live like Gotham Royalty. She could still enjoy the company of Batman who she was never able to fully pin down. He would be hers to toy and play with, and for once she would not have to be lectured about doing the right thing and helping others. Yes, this was the deal she had been waiting for since she became Catwoman. Selina finally opened her sultry lips. "Me. Ow. Ozzy. Where do we start?"
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It had been almost been a week since Batgirl's embarrassing run in with Catwoman and Penguin. She had tried to keep her mind fixated anywhere else. Though each night before bed her thoughts came back to that incident. Her emotions ranged from shame to arousal...Barbara would almost subconsciously start pleasuring herself, wondering what it would have felt like to be bound at the mercy of the Penguin. He wasn't conventionally attractive, but he wasn't a complete horror either. There was just something about the way he carried himself, the way he seemed to have a mastery over Catwoman when they were fooling around...but as soon as she would drift off into to curiosity Barbara snapped back to reality even quicker, feeling even more ashamed.

What was happening to her!? Now she even felt guilty because she couldn't move on from that stupid night. She was a superheroine. Dignified and respected by her community. Someone for young women to look up and aspire to. How could she find any type of enjoyment from such a filthy situation. She spent her entire life standing up for a good, morale lifestyle. Such depravity could not be tolerated, and she needed to do whatever it took to flush all of these thoughts and feelings from her mind, even if there were just ones of curiosity.

Unfortunately crime was still in a lull and classes were still out. Christmas was right around the corner, but aside from a brief get together with her father, Police Commissioner James Gordon, she didn't have a bunch of friends and family to celebrate with. It wasn't the funnest time of year for Barbara. She couldn't wait to fast-forward to next semester.

The sun had just set. An eager beaver to do anything to get her mind out of the gutter Barbara dawned her Batgirl costume from the secret compartment behind the bookshelf in her flat. She slid down the fireman's pole that led to the Batcycle's garage. The headlights came on, the engine roared, and she pealed out as soon as the lifting door gave her enough clearance. Instead of heading for the more popular destinations for Gotham's citizens she headed toward some of the more disenfranchised areas of the city. Hopefully she would be able to land a decent thug there she could take her frustration out on.

Once Batgirl found herself in the slums of Gotham she made sure to hide the Batcycle in a discreet alley. She took to the rooftops. One of the few places she really felt free. Bounding from building to building she finally caught a bit of luck. On top of a nearby apartment complex she spotted someone being harassed by a small group. There were only four of them. The victim was a young woman. Just before the thugs were about to lay hands on the lady Batgirl spoke up, "I think you fellas need a lesson on keeping your hands to yourself!"

Surprised by the intervention the men turned their attention to a smug looking Batgirl, hands on her hips in stereotypical superheroine stance. "Now why don't we leave the nice woman alone, and you ruffians pick on someone who can handle your nonsense?" Immediately the assailants charged at her. Dodging and diving Batgirl used their own attacks against them. Eventually they all ended up in a motionless pile. She even kicked the final attacker in the crotch to drive home the message. This was child's play. Batgirl approached the woman huddled on the ground wrapped up in her coat and hood as she still appeared to be in shock. She reached for her arm to reassure her. "Miss, you have nothing to fear. Everything is OK now."

As soon as Batgirl's yellow glove made contact with the woman's coat she spun around. Batgirl was caught off guard. The woman's other arm brandished some sort of container. She depressed a button with her index finger, and gas immediately engulfed Batgirl's face. Batgirl fell to the floor. Her eyelids were collapsing almost as fast. Before she went unconscious she was able to see Catwoman removing the hood. "Purrrrrr. Thank you, Batgirl. Everything is definitely OK now."
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This is moving along very nicely. And two postings in one day, no less! Today's first posting might have been my favorite of yours so far. It really sounded like the old Batman series, a bit camp but fun. And the second installment for today was a nice blend of psychological set up and action, albeit I think you could have drawn out the fight scene and gassing a bit longer. Still, keep up the good work!
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This story is pretty good. Please keep going.
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Thanks for the feedback and encouragement! It's much appreciated. I'm definitely going for the 60's aesthetic with the characters while I view the scenery as more of Batman the Animated Series. Dr. D is right, that fight scene was a missed opportunity. I will make sure to extend and detail the next one that should be out in the next few posts. I know it's a lot of build up right now, but I'm glad you're all enjoying!
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Batgirl groggily began to come out of her fog in a dimly lit, open room. Slowly, she started to recognize she was not waking up in a normal predicament. Attempting to get up Batgirl found herself restrained, arms and legs extended spread eagle! Holy Hang Up, Batgirl, what have you gotten yourself into Barbara thought. Taking in her surroundings she could see that her ankles and wrists were chained to metal stakes pinned to the floor. Batgirl also noticed she was laying upon a giant white shag carpet, an oasis of comfort in the sea of darkness the room was shrouded in. Who could've done something like this!?

Wait, it was starting to come back to her. Catwoman! Batgirl had been tricked! She thrashed about, trying to free herself from her bonds. Her efforts were to no avail. What a wicked feline! Barbara meant to scream in frustration, but to her surprise her voice was muffled by a juicy, red ball gag. OK, things are now getting out of hand. Bound and gagged by one of her worst enemies, how could things get any worse? For a moment, Barbara rested trying to gather her thoughts and plan some form of escape.

Burrrrrr Batgirl! It sure is chilly in here. But if there's a draft there may be an opening in this blasted building. It shouldn't be to difficult to ditch out once I'm out of these chains! That breeze though! A shiver ran down her spine...all the way to her perfectly perky Bat-Bottom. Wait! She had no pants! No panties either! Oh no, were there any other garments gone!? Was her secret identity revealed? No...not yet. She could still feel her cowl brushing up against her face. The gravity of the situation was starting to sink in. Bound in the middle of the floor, vulnerable and exposed. Barbara. Was. Terrified.

Heels clacked against the wood floor in the distance in even rhythm, gradually getting closer. Catwoman strutted into the light. Batgirl shook with fury, trying to condemn that cursed cat.

"Purrrrr. What's a matter, Batgirl? Cat got your tongue?" Catwoman knelt down beside the bound bat. She brought her lips to the side of Batgirl's head as if to whisper a secret when instead she delivered one sensual lick to the girl's cheek. Catwoman loved toying with her prey.

Batgirl's eyes widened. "MMMMMMMPH!" she shrieked.

"Now, now, Batgirl," reassured Catwoman in a mocking yet soothing voice. "Don't you worry your pretty little self about any of this. You see, I'm not here to do you any harm. In fact, I'm here for your benefit. I think you'll find our little visit tonight to be just what you need. It'll be just purrrrrrfect."
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This is getting good. Now the fun begins.
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Bronson881 wrote:
5 years ago
This is getting good. Now the fun begins.
Indeed it does! What can that dastardly feline foe be up to? She's quite a cunning linguist. I'm guessing she may try to whisper sweet nothings into Batgirl's.... ear?
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"Batgirl, I knew you were a pretty little thing, but I really underestimated your assets." Catwoman used both hands to caress and explore Batgirl's body. She was just warming up the heroine. Nothing like a good tease she thought, especially as someone as sexually inexperienced as Batgirl. The poor young thing doesn't have a chance. "Meow, Batty. Just relax. Your trembling will soon be one of ecstasy rather than fear. Just give it a moment."

Catwoman wanted to stay away from Batgirl's sweet little pussy for the time being. She needed to get the rest of the girl's body in tune first. The fact that Batgirl was already latex encased with her costume on her own doing just added to the fun. The villain stimulated poor Batgirl's nipples until they were nice and erect, adding an extra yet tiny couple of curves to that delicious purple latex.

Barbara's fear was starting to subside slightly, if only because of Catwoman's nurturing touch. Still, she wasn't going to be molested without protest. Catwoman's touches were being accompanied by shrieks of anger and pleas to stop the torture. That's when a shock ran up her spine, straight to her brain! Catwoman was pinching her nipples! "CFWMNPH! NMM!!"

Catwoman ignored the cries. "Batgirl, your tits are perky, proportional, and purrrfect. I'm going to play with them as long as I like." Pressure was being exerted on and off to keep Batgirl's brain guessing. Simultaneously the villain went for our dear damsel's neck, delivering passionate licks and little bites adding another layer of sensation attacking the poor girls brain.

Batgirl continued to squeal, but an experienced lover like Catwoman was able to tell that all those squeals weren't just from outrage any longer. Batgirl was even surprised how she involuntarily started to sound delighted. She could feel a warmth and wetness beginning to swell between her legs. Her brain and emotions were clashing. She couldn't understand how she could be feeling this way. The whole situation was completely perverted!

All of a sudden Catwoman stopped the attention, but Batgirl's body kept rolling momentarily after the fact. Once Barbara caught herself she blushed with shame and shook her head as if to scold herself.

"No, no Batty. It's OK to feel good. Shed the shame and embrace the ecstasy." Catwoman gently placed Batgirl's head between her paws. Leaning in, she held a kiss to Batgirl's lips then slowly pulled away, sucking on Batgirl's ball gag. The captor gave eyes to Barbara as if foreshadowing more sinister events. Catwoman slithered down Batgirl's body. She was now eyeing the girl's nakedness, which in the right light had a tiny glisten to it.

"Beautiful, Batgirl." Catwoman lowered her head to the pretty pink pussy petals to breath in her aroma, as if savoring a rose. "Smells like desire." A devious smile crawled up the cat's lips. She began kissing Batgirl's thighs. Starting low and building up to the precipuss only to offer heavy breaths upon Batgirl's sacred region...then she would start over and repeat.

Batgirl's body was responding. She knew the dastardly deviant was teasing the living daylights out of her, and she couldn't even control her reaction. The primal portion of Batgirl's brain was starting to take over. No one had ever done anything like this to her before. In fact she only had made out with Robin a couple of times, and one other guy in college she got to second base with. Not either of them had the presence, command, and mastery of Catwoman. Without the permission of Barbara's head, her body started to gyrate to Catwoman like it was begging for more attention.

After letting her beg for a few moments Catwoman knew it was time. She laid on her tongue like she was cleaning Batgirl. Barabara's hips rotated, showing her gratification. Catwoman had pinpointed the Bat Button. Her tongue was locked on like a heat seeking missile. Swirling and swirling until it's target would explode. The moans coming from Batgirl became higher and higher pitched. But before she could crescendo Catwoman pulled away again. Barbara couldn't help crying. She refused to give in, now all she wanted was to cum. How could Catwoman be so cruel. This was torture!

"As divine as you taste Batty, Penguin has something more special for you than a good old tongue lashing."
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Loving this!

Two things: a) I don't know if you purposely misspelled precipice to precipuss but I got a great laugh out of the pun there. b) Also had a hearty chortle over the "bat button."

Thanks for making my day, pun-wise and fun-wise.
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I aim to please. Puns are always intended. If you're going with the 60's theme you have to have a bit of fun.
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With Batgirl still writhing on the floor Catwoman retrieved a black suitcase. Setting it on a table not too far from her restrained captive she entered the code and the locks to the case clicked open. Resting in a styrofoam lining a handful of miniature oblong items and what appeared to be some sort of remote. Catwoman took one of the items holding it up to the light, examining it between her thumb and index finger. She then knelt down beside Batgirl, tilting the back of her head up to get her attention on the mystery object.

"Meow, listen up Batty. You've had a wee bit of fun so far with this pussycat playing with that pussy, BUT this little baby is going to take your night to a whole new level."

Batgirl's arousal had subsided enough where she could offer a little resistance again. Mostly, she didn't want to be built up and let back down all over. She shook her head in objection not really knowing what was to come.

"Oh Batty, consider yourself a fortunate girl. I haven't even got to savor the sensation of...Penguin's Eggs! Penguin made a point that his eggs were only for you, Batgirl. You see, Bat-Brat. Penguin and I saw right through you the night we caught you peeping. A young heroine sexually inexperienced and infinitely curious...mostly due to frustration I presume. The shackles of "morality" and "justice" forced you to repress your inner feelings, your inner self. We've seen you save so many others, Batgirl, but now it's time for someone to cum to your rescue. Penguin has taken quite an interest in you, and he has determined to set you free, the real you."

Barbara was more in shock because she could not completely deny all of Catwoman's words...even to her self. She still knew she was a heroine who believed in the fight for good...she was just a little curious. Yet she didn't want to explore herself and her body like this! Not at the hands of a supervillain! Was she that transparent? No. She had been steadfast and consistent in her presentation as "Batgirl." She had to hand it to her foes, they were keen observers of the human experience...and they knew how to use it against her!

"Once Penguin's Eggs are inside of you, Batgirl, they're really going to make your kitty purrrrrrr." Catwoman's hand began to move south. Batgirl defiantly convulsed. It made no difference. "Thanks for lubing things up so nicely, Batgirl...or should I just be thanking myself? Purrrrrrrrrrrr. Cheers!" Catwoman popped in Penguin's pleasure parcel penetrating poor Barbara's pussy.

The sensation was...unremarkable to Barbara. The egg was only about the size of a chocolate Easter candy. Besides the initial push in she didn't really feel much. That all changed when Catwoman grabbed the remote. Her hips trembled at the turn of a nob.

"You see, Batty. These things really pack a punch. This is the low setting. Just imagine what is still in store for you!" Gradually the setting went up at Catwoman's command. Batgirl's body responded accordingly each time, and there was nothing she could do. Batgirl was a puppet, and Catwoman was pulling her strings. With the increase of intensity Barbara was gyrating in no time. She was already more aroused than at any other point in the night. "And here, is what the highest notch on the dial feels like!" A tingling ripped through the girl's body. Her toes and fingers were on fire. Her hips bucked wildly in search of orgasmic release.

And then there was nothing.

"Meow. Better than advertised." Catwoman snatched the rest of the eggs from the case. While Batgirl was whimpering in agony she popped in a few more eggs. Each touch was quite tender to our dear damsel. In spite of their size, multiple eggs were starting to fill her up. The final egg was found circling around the Bat Bum. "Despite how tempted to insert the last of Penguin's Eggs in your other end, Penguin gave explicit instructions that this hole is his." The final egg joined the rest.

"OK, Batgirl. I release you from your agony!" There was no easing in this time around. Catwoman cranked up the intensity. Batgirl was practically seizing in her bonds. Her wailing moans filled the empty room. Barbara's body was so loud it practically shut her brain off. The only thought in her was YESSSSSS!!!!!!!! YES! YES! YESSSSSSS!!!!!! All of her frustration boiled up and was flushed out in wave after wave of cataclysmic orgasm. In her stupor she saw herself squirting all over. She didn't even know she could do that!

"Lucky girl." Catwoman turned the device off. Batgirl lay in defeat, exhausted, covered in sweat as well as latex. Catwoman relished the scene as an artist would admire her own painting. She returned to the case, grabbing one final item. Catwoman knelt back beside Batgirl. "Don't worry, dear. Your fun has concluded. You aren't taking those eggs with you, no matter how much you may want to. A fun little feature though is that I don't have to go digging around in your sensitive slit to extract the eggs. This little gadget here takes them right out. Think of it as a...pussy magnet." The eggs almost shot out of Batgirl attracted to the pull of the magnet. Catwoman finished packing the rest of her instruments.

"It's been fun Bats. When you find yourself wanting more, we'll be at the Iceberg Lounge." Catwoman gassed Batgirl like she had before, and Barbara's eyes drifted shut.
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Batgirl woke a couple hours later. Her shackles had been undone, her pants reattached. It was almost as if she had been living in a dream save for the fact she was still in the same warehouse. Barbara searched for an exit. She needed to leave this place as much as she needed to leave her own head. Walking further out of the light she approached some window panes dimly illuminated by the city's glow. She panned the the wall and noticed one of the windows had been busted out...the same window she fled from the previous week! So Catwoman brought her back to the start of all this? How poetic, she thought. Knowing her exit and her location, Batgirl fled the scene.
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Barbara crashed immediately after she made it home. Confusion and anger fueled her way home, but she wasn't going to stay up any longer wracking her brain over the night's events. She slept from sunup to sundown. When Barbara came to in her apartment she stepped inside a hot shower. Even as the steam crept over the bathroom glass she was unable to wash away her shame.

Arguing back and forth with herself she tried to convince herself that none of this was her fault. This was all on Catwoman. That vixen had tricked her! A trap she vowed not to fall for anymore. I'm the victim here. But the doubt had already set in. In the back of her mind she knew a part of her enjoyed last night. The vulnerability, the bondage, the latex. She used great caution reliving the sequence of events as to not find too much pleasure.

Barbara felt like there was something wrong with her that needed to be fixed. Immediately. Her mind drifted to Catwoman's parting words...The Iceberg Lounge! Was the invitation a trap? Most likely, but for better or worse the only way to put this behind her was to bring down Catwoman and Penguin. Walking in on them fooling around was their own business, but they made this personal. As a budding, young superheroine this was a defining test in her vigilantism. She needed to prove to herself and those criminals that she was not to be trifled with. Barbara knew she was the virtuous, proper heroine that she had trained to be.

Despite the odds, it had to be a solo fight. This was personal. Also, Batman and Robin didn't need to know any of the details leading up to this showdown. Cleaned up and ready for battle, Barbara donned the cape and cowl. It was time for a fight.
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Nice headclearing reset scene, although the pretty bat babe is about to learn her sexuality is not so easily compartmentalized.

By the way, in that next to last sentence, it's 'donned' rather than 'dawned.'
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Back at the Iceberg Lounge the sound of champagne glasses toasting rang throughout the majestic club. "Quack, quack, quack. A job well done my felonious feline friend." Penguin was simply smitten with the Catwoman's report. "All is going as planned. Are we prepared for the arrival of my Bat Beauty?"

"Of course, Pengy dear," Catwoman purred. "With the number I did on her there's no way the little Bat-Brat will be able to stay away. I imagine she'll arrive just in time to give you the Christmas present you always wanted."

"The only thing you two will be getting for Christmas is a lump of coal!" As if on cue Batgirl appeared out of nowhere. Standing on the ballroom floor between Penguin's booth and the stage, Barbara projected as much bravado as possible.

"Already wanting a little more playtime, Batty?" Catwoman said mockingly. "I knew you would be eager to make it back, but you made it here in the same day. What a very horny girl. I should have been able to tell what a little superheroine slut you were when I had you moaning."

A little more prepared for the catty quips this time Barbara didn't bat an eye. "This time it's you two who are going to be tied up...and then promptly handed off to the authorities. Surrender now, Catwoman and Penguin, and I promise I won't make this hurt...too much."

"Quack, quack, quack," Penguin laughed, mockingly. "My sweet, sweet Batgirl. Your resolve this time around is amusing yet admirable. However, I'm willing to bet there are plenty of smoke and mirrors hiding your true feelings. You know why you really came here this evening. You want more pleasure, and not just from my associate. You, Batgirl, need a man's touch, the touch of the Penguin. Let's forego the part where you attempt to salvage your reputation. Surrender now, and we can be on our way to the Penguin's Pleasure Palace, quack, quack, quack."

"I'll never surrender! And the only pleasure I seek is from seeing you two behind bars!"

"So be it, Batgirl. We'll take the long route. Just know all roads have the same destination on this venture." Penguin snapped his fingers. The ballroom lights dimmed. The curtain drew back on the stage revealing a whole band, and the spotlight went straight on our dearest dare doll. Barbara was able to hear what sounded like a conductor. "A one, a two, a one, two, three, four!" Big band music flooded the room as henchmen in black and white horizontally striped shirts poured in from both sides.

As the band really started to rock, Batgirl began to rumble. One thug came at her with a haymaker that she dodged with ease. Exposed, she clocked him right in the gut. POW! Turning to her blindside she used a forearm to swat away another blow that she finished with an uppercut. BAM! Barbara's head was on a swivel. Dodging back and forth, hitting left and right. CRUNCH! ZONG! BOOF! She was practically in rhythm with the percussion section. The final thug leapt at her. She delivered a roundhouse kick to his jaw sending him flying onto the pile of already dispatched Penguin Pawns.

"Quack, quack, quack. Bravo, Batgirl." Penguin slow clapped, bringing an end to the musical number. "I'm glad to see you have such stamina, but this needs to end now."

Catwoman got up from the booth, bullwhip in hand. She thwicked it at Batgirl, but Barbara caught her off guard. She was able to snag the other end. Batgirl reeled Catwoman in, winding up to deliver the deciding punch when a cloud of smoke protruded out of Penguin's umbrella from her blind side. The girl went limp falling to the floor.


Batgirl's eyelids started to lift. Oh no! Not again she thought. She felt the restraints and ball gag back in place. Panic started to seep in again. The only comfort was that her cowl was still there, but the rest of her wardrobe didn't feel right. Batgirl laid hogtied on the floor under a massive Christmas Tree. Her Batgirl cowl was intact, but all she could make out was that the rest of her was in some type of black and white latex outfit as if she were a penguin. The finishing touch was being wrapped in a giant red bow, like a gift under the Christmas Tree.
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WOW!! :)
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"Merry Christmas, Pengy!" Catwoman exclaimed gleefully.

"It's what I've always wanted, a Batgirl of my own! Quack! Quack! Quack!" They both laughed victoriously. Penguin's prize was writhing in her bondage on the Polar Bear Christmas Tree skirt. The two dastardly villains had made a merry display back in the living quarters of the Iceberg Lounge. Despite this area being only for the Boss Bird himself it was just as grand in scope and detail as the ballroom. As with the rest of the building it had a very polarizing aesthetic. This main room was adorned with chandeliers to imitate an arctic starry, sky. It was a place where Penguin would only entertain the most special of guests. Candlelight along separate halls led to a kitchen, Penguin's bed chambers, a playroom, and the throne room where he conducted business and held court for his criminal empire.

"She really will be the gift that keeps on giving, Ozzy," Catwoman smirked. After Batgirl had almost defeated her in combat Selina was going to make sure to rub in the heroine's defeat. "Oh come on, Batsy. Don't act like you don't want to be here." The fact that Barbara knew she had Catwoman dead to rights was the most frustrating thing about her new ordeal. She had almost won, yet now she was back to square one. But this time she just wasn't at Catwoman's mercy, Penguin looked to be the guiding force in all of this. "Meow. I know you purred at my touch. Just imagine what Penguin has in store for you!" Selina's eyes lit up at her own words. She knew all too well the level of sexual mastery Penguin possessed. It wouldn't take long for Batgirl's resistance to crumble in his clutches.

"The Kitten is right, Batgirl. We know this is something you've looked forward too, so why don't you just relax?" Penguin gave Catwoman a nod and snapped his fingers. Catwoman administered a shot in Batgirl's flawless ass. Two of Penguin's henchman entered the room waiting by the girl to make sure she would be controlled in case of a struggle. "Don't worry, my dear. It's just a little Christmas Cocktail to ease any tension you may have. Trust me, in due time you're going to love it here. Quack!" The sedative was starting to sink in. Batgirl wasn't passing out like she had before, it just made her tired. Mentally and physically she wanted to fight the feeling, keep her mind sharp so she could figure out a way to escape. It felt like a heavy, warm blanket being pulled over her. Relentlessly comforting. This wasn't a battle she was going to win.

"Now I know we still have a couple of days until Christmas, but I always like to open a present early, and I know just where to start this year!" Penguin sneered. He tilted Batgirl's chin up so that their gaze's would meet. With an ornery smile on his face Penguin soaked in all the beautiful features of Batgirl's face. This was the most exquisite creature that had ever fallen into his clutches, and he had no intentions of letting her go. The thing he noticed most was the look in her eyes. They were focused but the fire in them had died down...for the meantime. He knew there would be no struggle for now.

Gently, he let her head back down and turned his attention towards the bow. This was the most magnificent gift he could have asked for. As much as Penguin wanted to tear into her he showed great restraint. Slowly, he plucked and pulled at the bow that was wrapped around the hogtied heroine. We he was finished he dropped the remains, and they floated to the floor. Penguin snapped his fingers again. The henchmen began undoing Batgirl's bonds. Catwoman added the finishing touch removing the ballgag. A strand of saliva was pulled between the red rubber ball and the girl's ruby lips, it snapped back onto her chin when it could no longer take the strain.

"Stand her up, boys! Let me see my present!" Penguin commanded. Each brute took an arm and helped Batgirl to her feet. She wasn't in a position to put a fight. She stood there in her new outfit on full display, braced by both of the men. Penguin knew Batgirl was no stranger to latex. Being much of a fan of it as Batgirl, Penguin was more than happy to accommodate her with the new costume.

Black thigh high stockings covered Barbara's feet almost all the way up her legs. Her latex clad feet sat in shiny white high heels. Her bottom was wrapped in a white thong. On the front, there was a simple all black Penguin logo marking her treasure chest. The top of her thigh highs were adorned with white frills and garter straps connecting to her corset. There was a white, narrow hourglass pattern in the center with black symmetrically lining the sides. Similar white frill lined the top of the cups of the breasts. Sharp black shoulder pads that you would see on an evil queen connected to the top of the corset and also led up her shoulders sealing her neck in a black collar with a white Penguin emblem in front. Black opera gloves that ran nearly as high as the stockings completed the outfit. They were also topped off with the white frill, but the wrists had a white, encircling bands.

Penguin stood in awe. Even Catwoman could not help admiring Batgirl. Her red hair dazzled in contrast to the Penguin-themed costume. "Embrace the awesomeness of your beauty, my dear. You were meant to wear this costume. As we mold and discover your true self we will reveal your true identity and new moniker. But know this, you will be leaving Batgirl behind. You are to become a Penguin-Girl! Quack! Quack! Quack!"

Unable to fight or flee, Barbara could only shed a tear.
Last edited by BatFan11 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Terrific chapter filled with precise description of the costume and the heroine's feelings -- with fun dialogue to match. A really fun read.
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Excellent!! This story gets better with each chapter.
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"Come now, my Bat Beauty. Those must be tears of joy for you are starting a new journey to a much more fulfilling life. Penguin turned around and proceeded to one of the many doors that led out of the living quarters hub. This door was dark and metallic. Reminiscent of an iron door leading to a medieval dungeon. Little did poor Batgirl know that the door was all too appropriate to where it would lead her. Penguin opened the portal. Batgirl, escorted by the guards followed with Catwoman bringing up the rear. The stairs curved down, down, down into the dark with the wall candles offering a dim glimpse of the passage. The walls were still sheets of ice like the rest of the Iceberg Palace.

In Batgirl's current state it seemed like they were traveling miles, but when they reached a similar iron door at the bottom landing she could feel her senses started to come to. In desperation without thinking she tried thrashing to get loose from the grip of the henchmen. It was no use. She was nowhere near full strength that it wasn't even a tussle. Foolishly, she had given any element of surprise away. Barbara knew next time she was going to have to be much more strategic and patient if she was going to seize an opportunity to escape.

Penguin pulled out a key and opened the door in a somewhat gentlemanly fashion. The guards escorted the Penguinette to be inside. Unlike the rest of the marvelous structure the walls were completely covered in full length mirrors except for three breaks on opposite ends of the room where there was a white penguin silhouette upon a black background. The black marble floor maintained the penguin theme; it had random patterns and streaks of white and grey. What filled the room was just as intriguing.

The center of the room was occupied by a grand, Victorian bed with majestic, white pillars on each corner. Naturally, the drapes were black and black and white checkers filled the bedding with matching penguin symbols for the pillows. Behind the bed next to the penguin on the wall was a Saint Andrew's Cross. By the next penguin to the right of the bed was a padded, reclined seat with stirrups as if you would see in an examination room. By the penguin to the left of the bed was a stockade connected to a bench where one's torso would rest and behind that two padded platforms were the legs would be locked in. On each side of the door she entered through were racks full with tools and toys surely meant for her degradation.

Barbara always imagined it might be fun to get kinky with someone special in the future, but seeing all this was not what she had imagined. The reality of her situation was quite frightening. It made her swell with shame, regret, and fear. After she had taken in the initial shock from examining the room she caught herself in one of the mirrors. Barbara was able to see herself in Penguin's outfit for the first time. Her gut reaction was not what she had imagined it would be. Seeing herself in the black and white, in Penguin's brand, made her Barbara looked like the bad girl she could never be...and it felt good. Her affinity for latex allowed herself to admire Penguin's work. Lost in the mirror, Penguin's voiced snapped her back to her cold reality.

"Admiring your new costume, I see? Quack! Quack! I'm glad you like it," said Penguin with amusement. Batgirl's face flushed red with embarrassment. How could he see through her so easily? Was Penguin in her head? "This room, my dear, is called "The Looking Glass." Yes, it is our play room, but it is no ordinary playroom. The mirrors here are not for simply echoing the splendor of your image. They are here to provide a deeper look within. They help reveal what you hide from the outside world. There are no masks or secrets in this room. Your deepest desires and true personality come to the surface when you step through The Looking Glass. In this room you are truly naked, Batgirl."

The way Penguin was able to read her made his words cut that much deeper. Was there truly something...magical about this room? Or was Penguin that perceptive and manipulative? It didn't matter she thought. He's like a bloodhound. He has my scent, and I just can't get away.

"Since you've stepped inside my ice palace, Batgirl, you've received somewhat of a cold greeting. My thugs can be brutes, and Selina has always known to have been a little catty. I reckon it's about time you have a warmer welcome." Catwoman made her way over to Batgirl. She struggled again while being held in place. Selina looked straight in the eyes, giving her a smile only a true vixen could. Seamlessly she yanked down Batgirl's Penguin Panties. Her sex and ass were completely exposed. The henchmen took her to the station left of the bed. Catwoman opened the stockade. The goons forced Batgirl into kneeling position on the bench. Metallic shackles locked her legs in place. Barbara's head and wrists were placed in the stockade and Catwoman locked her in.

"You can't do this to me!" Batgirl exclaimed. Barbara knew she was completely at Penguin's mercy. "Penguin, please. This isn't right. What do you want?" She aimlessly pleaded.

"Quack! Quack! Quack! Batgirl, you know exactly what I want." Penguin now spoke to her face to face, Batgirl unable to look away. "I want to see the real you, and then you will join me."

"Never will I join you Penguin. My body may be weak in moments, but I know who I am, Batgirl - defender of Gotham City!"

Penguin could not look more smug. "Those words become more hollow by the moment. Now, to get you started on the right path we need to begin your training. That way we can truly unlock Pandora's "box." If you enjoy being able to speak Batgirl I suggest you refrain from these infantile protests. The only thing that will get you is a gag. Understand?" With a look of temporary defeat Batgirl nodded in compliance. "Good! Let's begin!"

Penguin marched over to one of the racks, glossing over his weapons. Out of all of his arsenal he plucked a single but large, white feather. He approached Batgirl's backside. Slightly bending his knees he poked his head between her legs. He admired her petals like a rose coming to bloom. Barbara could feel his presence, he was so close but still not touching her. The tension would only grow from there. She could hear him deeply inhale. He was taking in her essence like a fine wine. Everything about Batgirl was simply intoxicating to Penguin. "Flawless." Was the only thing that came out of his mouth.

Penguin gently traced a trail with the feather down Batgirl's bald Mons then to her pussy. Delicately, he zigged and zagged along each little intricacy. It tickled and tantalized Batgirl at the same time. Occasionally when Penguin brushed over a delicate spot an involuntary tremor would run through Batgirl's hips, but she resisted showing him any other reaction, that is until her pussy started to glisten.

"See, Batgirl. When you relax good things happen," Penguin mocked. Batgirl blushed again, this time seeing herself turn red in one of the mirrors. She felt the warmth growing inside of her. How could her body betray her like this?

Finally, Penguin set the feather down. He returned to the rack. This time he grabbed something not so petite. A giant strand of beads. Batgirl only caught a glimpse in the mirror, but it looked like it went on for a mile. At both ends the beads started smaller then got more bulbous and they crescendo-ed to their center. Penguin decided to be merciful on our virtuous virgin and lubed the beads. He took his middle finger, caressing Batgirl's sex to make sure her motor was still running.

Then the first bead popped in! A brief pause and another one! Pop! Pop! Pop! Batgirl shuddered each time a new one entered. Stretching her out even further. She could hear Penguin quacking with delight at her body's response. Without noticed he slid the beads almost all the way out and then practically slammed them back in. She winced with pain, pleasure, and surprise. The in and out became more vigorous as Batgirl became more slick.

"Ooooooo!!!!" Batgirl moaned. Her hips joined in the rhythm. It was long before she would cum, and then Penguin just stopped. Batgirl cried out in frustration, she wanted more but could bring herself to beg for any. She was caught between a rock and a hard set of beads just sitting inside of her. Then a FLASH of pain seared through her like lightening. The motion continued, but not in the way she expected! Penguin did not warm up at all when the other end of the beads pierced Batgirl's virgin asshole.

"AHHH!!!" she cried. "Penguin, you...can'" Batgirl couldn't even finish her sentence, the sensation was so intense. Tears started to streak down her face. Just when she couldn't take any more Penguin started to move the bead's in her Bat Cave in concert with the ones in her ass. In, out, pussy, ass. Penguin's shoulders kept rolling back and forth like he was on an exercise machine. The pleasure mixed with the pain sent confused the signals going to Batgirl's brain. Eventually they melted into one incredible feeling. Her tears dried up, and the moans returned, building and building.

"Do you want me to stop now, Batgirl?"

She didn't want to disgrace herself, but she had been through so much that she would fall apart if she was let down again. Reluctantly, Batgirl gave Penguin the response he wanted.

"No! No...don't...sssstop."

"Tell me you want to cum Batgirl, cum at the hands of Penguin, and it shall be!"

With no fight left in her Batgirl managed to belt out, "You evil Penguin, MAKE ME CUM! PLEASE MAKE ME CUM!!"

Immediately Penguin ceased the rotating motion of the beads and started pouring them in and out of her at the same time. When they entered inside of her it was like to wires touching resulting in a brilliant spark. In and out. Faster. Harder.

"Now!" screeched Penguin. Catwoman pressed a button, and a vibration shook Batgirl to her core! One of the eggs Catwoman had used on her had been left behind, somehow embedded. It was a triple threat and Barbara couldn't take anymore, she erupted!

"I'M CUMMING!!! OH GOOOODDDD!! I'M CUMMING!!!" Her warmth splashed onto the marble, and the glow of her orgasm washed over her as she passed out in exhaustion and bliss.
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This story is truely exceptional. Looking forward to more of this and seeing how Penquin breaks Batgirl.
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Batgirl wasn't able to rest too long though. When things started to come back into focus Barbara was able to feel that she was in a different position. She was upright, but slightly tilted back. Her arms and legs were all spread out and bound. She was on the St. Andrew's Cross! With that realization everything flooded back to memory. Disgust and disappointment were the first things that came to mind when she remembered begging Penguin for sexual release. Then Barbara remembered the feeling, the rush, the lack of control. It was embarrassing how good it felt. It was like Penguin had freed something inside of her. Just thinking about it she blushed out of shame for enjoying it so much.

Penguin had been waiting for her to regain consciousness. Sitting in an antique hand-carved wood chair staring at Batgirl, he arose and approached his prize upon her waking. Batgirl failed to drown the rosiness in her cheeks before turning her attention to Penguin. Face to face he brushed one of her cheeks with the back of his fingers, signaling that she could not hide anything from him. Barbara turned her eyes down as her face grew even more red. How did he do it? It's like Penguin knew her better than anyone. The fact that she could not conceal anything from him created all kinds of emotions, but mainly there was this cloud of dominance that hovered over her. It wasn't necessarily threatening, but she knew she couldn't escape it nor did she know if she wanted to, but it was time to flip the tables.

"Where did your goons and that alley cat scurry off too? Did she puss out on you, Penguin?" She tried to offer as much sass as possible, given the situation.

"Quack, Quack, Quack," amused, Penguin, as always, was prepared for a rebuttal to any of her quips. "No my dear. I sent them all on our way. You see, I wanted a little more intimate atmosphere from here on out. As we start our second station I think it's appropriate that we go one on one."

"Second station?" said Batgirl befuddled. "What are you talking about, Penguin?"

"Quack, Quack, I was hoping you would ask, my pretty little Bat," said Penguin in his usual smug manner. "You see everything in this room has it's purpose. The Purpose of The Looking Glass is to reveal one's true self. Now to expect you to immediately see the light after one mind-blowing session with me would be folly. In order to reveal your true self, for you to see that you're really a Penguin underneath the Bat Mask we go in stages. And that is why we have each station, marked with the Penguins you see on the wall."

Barbara panned the room. She could see the ones to her left and right, and she recalled the one behind her from earlier. "Ha, I think I can deal with a few unwanted orgasms, you foul bird! This Bat isn't going to break so easy!"

"Four," replied Penguin.

"What? If there's another one, where's the other penguin symbol?" Barbara said confused. Penguin pointed his umbrella toward the sky. Over the elaborate bed she saw the biggest symbol of all. It was almost a little imposing how large it was, looming there the whole time, and she had failed to spot it. An ominous chill ran down her back. "So what, another station of debauchery. Dish out as much as you want, it will just add to the charges when I bring you in. Like I said before, my body may fail at times, but you won't have my mind."

"Batgirl, my sweet," he explained. "It's your heart I am after. And I promise that you will give it two me freely once you have seen through The Looking Glass. And if I may point out, these stations are not just for your or my pleasure. They are for pealing back layers of that mask you've built up to conceal your identity."

"Shock. Doubt. Desire. Surrender. Those are the stages each station will take you through on your journey to revelation. And make no doubt about it, the second stage is about to begin."
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"What are you even talking about, Penguin?" Batgirl snapped back.

"Fine, my dear," sighed Penguin. "Let me lay it out for you. From what Catwoman and I were able to surmise it is clear that you are a sexual novice. Your body is willing, but your mind is lacking. I'm sure there have been many times you've handled yourself in the middle of the night, but you've never really explored the depths of pleasure that this beautiful body of yours can offer. Catwoman introduced you to some, but that was nearly a tease, and also a way to get my egg attached inside of you. Orgasms on demand, and a nice way to keep you in check if you should get loose. It also was a nice cherry on top for our first station. Stimulation from three different sources. It easily overloaded your brain and body, causing you to shut down. Just what I intended. Quack. Quack."

"That experience you went through in the first station. It was something beyond your wildest imagination. It's purpose was to open up new doors in your mind that you didn't even know were there. Think of it as the start of the avalanche that is your sexual awakening, Batgirl."

Get out of my head! Barbara almost screamed it out loud. She had made it obvious that she enjoyed the experience at the first station, willingly or not. But how did that blowhard bird know how and where her mind was going to wander. To save face Barbara had to feign some type of retort, "I may have you know that despite my weakness in succumbing to your torture that any further exploration of my...body, will be done with someone I truly care about when the time is right. Like any proper heroine, I have control over what goes. Being your prisoner is the only thing that gives you power, Penguin!"

"Quack. Convince yourself before you try convincing other people. That's one of the keys to a good lie, Batgirl." She knew he would never buy it. Her eyes remained fixated on Penguin as he paced the floor continuing his monologue. His top hat and monocle only added to the pompousness as he was coming across as the authority on Batgirl's sexuality. She couldn't stand how she enjoyed it just a little in the back of her head.

"Now that the seed of sexual exploration has been planted, you will begin to doubt your resolve. You've taken a bite of the forbidden fruit, Batgirl. That knowledge will never go away. You've felt how good it can be to be bad. I promise you once you give in it will get even better."

"No," was the only thing that softly came from her lips. As much as she wanted didn't want to admit it, Penguin was close to the truth. He was a serpent constricting around her brain. She had no room to think for herself. It was a weight that was quickly deflating the resolve she had built up.

"You see that, Batgirl. That's the doubt that's creeping in. You're starting to see the path that you were on may not have been the right one. You fight for a city in which the only awards you receive are bruises and sleepless nights. You deprive yourself of primal pleasures for a public who would turn on you in a moment just because they like to watch a hero fall. In the same moment they would be just as eager to raise up a new champion to replace you. That's not the case here. I see your beauty, your brilliance. I will appreciate and pamper you. You will want for nothing. Batman would have you think that I want to destroy Gotham, watch it burn." Penguin's face came within inches of Batgirl's. He lowered his tone, "He couldn't be more wrong, Batgirl. I want to build Gotham. With your help I can make this city better. We can sculpt it in our image. The only thing you have to do is find your inner self, and turn her loose."

Batgirl shed a tear. His words were too much to take in. There was so much confusion. She couldn't believe that he might even be right. Observing the tear trailing down her face Penguin came even closer, practically on top of her. In a moment of mixed emotion she moved her head forward and kissed him, not mildly but in a furious passion. A pleasant surprise for Penguin he took a hand to cradle the back of her head. He returned the favor with equal intensity. He busted his tongue through her mouth and met hers. They began swirling in a duel to master one another. Small moans of delight could be heard from both parties, but Penguin pulled away just as Batgirl was really getting into it. Her eyes showed her shocked and disappointment when he stopped so abruptly.

Penguin quacked gleefully. "Don't worry my dear, our lesson continues. You will receive more of what you desire, but you must learn that if you are to receive pleasure you must give pleasure." Penguin flipped a lever on the wall and the cross began to rotate. Making out with Penguin only heightened Batgirl's desire, further clouding her mind. She loved the taste, and she wanted more, even if she would regret it later. The cross came to a halt. She was completely upside down. Penguin pulled his zipper down, pulling out a fully erect cock. He was decent in length, but exceptional in girth. A nice representation of his stout figure.

Batgirl had never tasted anyone's manhood before, but she knew what he wanted. She welcomed the temptation although she approached it with much more caution than the kiss. She parted her lips and gradually took in the taste, texture, and smell. Barbara always imagined that the act would always be repulsive, but she found the whole thing suprisingly pleasant. She licked up and down his shaft then swirled her tongue around his head.

Penguin was pleased with how well she was performing as a first timer. "Good girl." She could hear his praise in between her slurping. It only turned her on more. As a top student she was a pleaser and always felt exhilarated when she knew she was doing a good job. Batgirl's enthusiasm grew as she continued. Her head began bobbing up and down, sucking and licking more vigorously. That's when Penguin joined in. Being upside down, Batgirl's crotch was also right by Penguin's face. She was already wet from working on Penguin. Since she didn't need to be warmed up he dove right in.

Both of them were enraptured with the pleasure they were giving and receiving. The good and the evil, they were the perfect yin-yang. Penguin's tongue would swirl and penetrate her pussy, but as he came close to coming he went straight for her clit. Alternating motions he was relentless against it. He could feel her hips buckling. Faster! Harder! She was there and he let go too. He couldn't have timed it any better, cumming in synchronicity. Penguin pulled his head away to see Batgirl a little overwhelmed with the size of his load, but she did her best to take it all down. Only a small strand made it down her cheek and onto her cowl. He pulled out of her mouth and bent down to kiss her. "Good girl." She tingled with excitement at the additional praise.
Last edited by BatFan11 5 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Wow That was great. The Penguin is in her head now.
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I wasn't sure that Batgirl wasn't a bit too quick and willing to take Penguin's member into her mouth but she is so confused and distracted and curious that I suppose it's possible she'd comply. In any case, it's a nicely developed chapter in a story that's getting better and better.
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As always, thank you for the support and feedback. I was definitely going for Penguin to take advantage of Batgirl's confused and upset state. I was also a little pushed on time, so that's why it may have come across somewhat rushed. Don't worry though, she will put up more of a struggle before the fall.

Question to any of you readers out there...

I would really like someone to draw some scenes from this story, especially some scenes that are still to cum. If anyone knows a good artist with reasonable fees could you please send them my way?

Thank you and have a Happy New Year!
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When's the next part of this story coming? Love stories with Batgirl and sexual peril 😁
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absolutely fantastic story - looking forward to more!
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Batgirl did not make it difficult for Penguin to transfer for her to the next station. Barbara knew she should be filling guilt and remorse for so easily succumbing to that filthy bird, but she knew any of those thoughts would be artificial. Right now she didn't mind being captured, helpless, or used. The villain's verbal and physical manipulations were working like a charm. Penguin had tapped into the primal part of her brain; the part that sought out pleasure and attention. And it felt damn good. She was in almost a trance-like state, reliving her recent exploits and imagining new ones.

Before Barbara knew it she was seated in the third station, the examination chair to the right of the the bed. Her wrists were tied to the arm rests, her ankles bound in the stirrups, and her pretty little neck secured to the headrest. The entire padding of the chair and restraints were red leather. A stark contrast to the rest of the room.

"Comfortable, my beauty?" Penguin quacked. A soft "mmmmmm" was the only reply Batgirl managed in her current state. Smug as always, Penguin continued his verbal manipulation. "You can see this station sticks out a little more amongst the previous two, naturally by design. The feelings, the sensations running through you right now are full lust as red as this chair. You've tasted the forbidden fruit...and it's only natural to want more. Welcome, DESIRE!!"

The sound of gears came to life. The floor in front of the chair opened up and arose an impressive mechanical spectacle. It was a giant piston armed with a phallus in the mold of Penguin, pointed directly at the Bat Cave. Penguin wasted no time. The machine whirred as it shifted into alignment, approaching Batgirl. The device had certainly brought her to attention. She tensed up a bit as the dildo got nearer and nearer. It wasn't clear if her apprehension was from doubt or excitement, but it did not matter. There was no getting out of this situation.

Slowly, the head split her lips. The remaining moisture Batgirl gained from the previous station eased its entry. "Oooo," Batgirl quivered softly. Just as it was filling her up the machine retracted beginning a slow oscillation in and out of Penguin's captive. Batgirl closed her eyes and bit down on her lower lip as she took in the experience.

"I'm happy to see you like my friend here," said Penguin. "You two will get along magnificently. But please don't think of him as just a cock. He's more of a key. A key not just to open your physical gates, but one that unlocks the door in your mind that has shut away your most basic of instincts...desire." As Penguin went on the pace of the machine gradually quickened. Batgirl head, even restrained, started to slightly bob in unison with the repeated penetrations.

"When you allow yourself to want things Batgirl, those desires can become a reality. You will find that your most buried desires are the ones that are most satisfying when they come to fruition." As Penguin was speaking he reaching for a black wand that was mounted on the side of the machine. With the flick of a button it hummed to life. The pace was really starting to pick up now. It was reflected in Batgirl's breathing. The wand made its way to Batgirl. Penguin freed Batgirl's breasts from their latex encasement. One tit he teased with tongue and teeth in expert fashion while the other was victim to the relentless vibrations of the wand. Batgirl's mouth was held open by her unconscious moaning that climbed in volume and pitch.

After minutes of this Penguin removed his mouth to warp Batgirl's mind even further. He replaced his mouth with the pinching and teasing of his expert fingers. "Do you know how we make our desires a reality, Batgirl?" Penquin asked rhetorically. "We admit them!" The machine was almost going all out at this time. Batgirl could hear Penguin through the breaks in her moaning, but it wasn't her main focus at this point.

"Admit what you desire, Batgirl!" Batgirl's shoulders shook as her hips gyrated. She was shouting the "O's!" and "Yes's!". She was right on the threshold of climax...

And abruptly there was nothing! The machine shut down and Penguin removed the attention from her nipples. Batgirl's eyes opened as if she was in severe pain.

"NOOOOOO!!!" She screamed. Batgirl couldn't recall being more let down in her entire life. She needed to be fulfilled.

"Quack, quack, quack! I told you, Batgirl. You need to admit what you desire. Now you see there are consequences for not listening.

"Please, please! You can't do this to me!" Batgirl begged. Penguin starred at her silently. She knew that wasn't the answer he was looking for, and she was not going to get what she wanted unless she played his game. "Fine, I...I...I want to cum...I need to cum. That's want I desire, Penguin! You win!" Batgirl pleaded angrily.

The machine started up slowly like before. But Batgirl didn't want to go through all that again. Like a bratty, inpatient child she blurted, "No! I mean now!" Her protest made no difference. The machine could not hear her pleas. Like Batgirl would come to be, the machine only obeyed the will of Penguin.

"I understand that is what you desire right now, my dear," said Penguin coolly, yet slightly irritated. "But I want to know what your real desires are. What do you want down your core. I want to see the true Batgirl. That is my desire." The machine picked up pace. This time the build was slightly faster.

"I...I..." Barbara stammered. She wasn't sure if she knew the answer or even if she wanted to admit it. Her sole focus was in between her legs. "What I" Her thoughts were cut off by a new sensation. As the phallus protruding in and out it began to rotate. She was enthralled. In. Out. Spinning. A couple of minutes went by. Just went she thought she had adapted, it began to alternate speeds and directions...all this while the velocity intensified! Instead of answering she moaned again.

" you...desire?" Penguin asked again.

"I! I! I want to cum hard! I want to cum so bad right now! PLEASE MAKE ME CUM!!"

"Do you want to stop, again?"

"NO!! NO NOT THAT! I...I..." Batgirl was racking her brain, searching for the answer her wanted. She was only drawing blanks. Chills ran up and down her spine now this ride could come to a screeching halt when she was so close to sweet release. The machine was drowning in her juices.

"Stop trying to get the answer right. Stop thinking. Let the real Batgirl cum out."

Barbara tried to shut off her brain, but she couldn't. She was a natural thinker, and she needed to do anything to keep that machine from stop.

"Who is the real Batgirl, and what does she desire." Penguin turned on the egg inside of her. It ripped through Batgirl like lightening, shutting off her brain and her mouth spilled open with unhindered answers...



"There she is." Penguin maximized the intensity. The orgasm tore through Batgirl, almost splitting her apart. Her screams echoed in the chambers above. And then everything went black.
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Glad this story is continuing. I loved when Batgirl was denied pleasure. That's one of favorite aspects of sexual peril. My favorite is when the heroine lets herself go to enjoy it.
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That was great. Penguin is good in how he minipulates "Batgirl physically and mentally and breaks her. Glad you are continuing this story. Its excellent. Looking forward to the next chapter.
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Lovely continuation!!
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Oh gosh. The girl bat is broken. That's not good for her.

A fun retelling of a popular meme, Batfan. Thanks!
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Batgirl girl's eyes slowly stirred awake to an empty, dimly lit room. It took her a moment for recent events to return to memory. Penguin had overloaded her in the most satisfying and reprehensible experience of her life. Oh no! And those words she said! She didn't even consider them to be truth. They were vomit spewing out of her mouth under great pressure and duress from her body's betrayal. "No, I didn't mean any of that!" she thought. She detested what the Penguin had done to her...because it felt so damn good. She couldn't deny that, but she had to regain control of herself.

There was no sign of Penguin, Catwoman, or any other henchmen. This was the time to compartmentalize her mixed emotions and focus. She was still strapped in the examination chair, she had not been moved. There was no telling how much time had passed, but her body was no longer tingling, just exhausted. She surmised it had been at least a couple of hours since she had passed out.

That devilish device had receded back into the floor. All was quiet. For a moment, Batgirl felt hopeless, like it was just a matter of time before she could hear footsteps in the distance. Penguin would return, and she would once again be at his mercy. She shook in frustration to find one small detail had changed! The restraint on her right wrist was loose! She laughed audibly out of relief. Barbara almost wanted to thank Penguin! That earthquake of an orgasm must have loosened her bond, and that blowhard bird failed to notice. Batgirl couldn't just pull her hand out right away but with the right maneuvering...there!

Her hand was free! Finally a break had gone her way. Barbara began to undo the other restraints with ease. Batman had trained her on multiple occasions on how to get out of these types of situations. Capture was always a liability as a vigilante in Gotham City. Her training paid off as she was free in a matter of minutes. Only one more obstacle to overcome now. Batgirl needed an escape route. The iron door she originally entered through was locked. Penguin was not playing around. At this point though, neither was she. Every good superheroine knows that a lair usually contains a secret passage or two. She just had to find one!

Using every bit of her intellect she scanned the room. What was out of place? Come on, Barbara! Put that Bat-Brain of yours to work! All that book reading has to be good for something. There had to be a clue in Penguin's words. The stations! She recalled vividly what they were...shock, doubt, desire...and submission. She shuddered at the experience of the first three stations and what would be her fate if she couldn't avoid the fourth and final one. Now, each was marked on the wall by a Penguin Symbol. She examined each of them one by one. Nothing. Her gazed turned towards the ceiling. Barbara reluctantly made her way toward the bed to get a direct view of the final symbol.

As she climbed on the bed she noticed her Penguin Panties that had been removed earlier by her captor. It wasn't the garment she would have preferred, but it would have to do. Covering her nakedness brought a little boost to her confidence. She now stood atop the bed, scrutinizing the last symbol. The lighting wasn't ideal, but she needed to make it work. Beak to bottom she ran her eyes up and down numerous times when she finally caught something out of place. The eye. It was different than the others. This one was red...with lust she presumed. The ceiling was too high to reach it. However, one of Penguin's prods on his rack of tools allowed her to push the eye in. The was a click and an unlocking sound by the front of the room. The full length mirror by the iron door entrance had protruded from the wall.

Batgirl came face to face with herself in the Penguin costume again. She didn't love what she saw, but she didn't hate it either. After bottling up her confusion this image was drawing it back towards the surface. She caught herself and concentrated on her cowl that remained on her head. She was still Batgirl, and it was time to go. Barbara slid mirror aside to another staircase. To leave this awful place she literally had to step through The Looking Glass.

"Poetic Bastard," she said as she exited the room.


Penguin was wrapping up business with Carmine Falcone in the throne room regarding their various rackets when Catwoman burst in, "She's gone! The Bat is gone!"

"What!?" exclaimed Falcone. "You had the Bat Brat in your clutches, and you let her get away?!"

"Quack, quack, calm yourselves!" Penguin ordered. "There's a reason I sit on the throne. Everything is going just as planned."

"Just as planned?" Catwoman questioned. "How is your prize escaping apart of any decent plan?"

"Agreed!" Falcone chimed in. "When you have an enemy at your mercy, you finish them!"

"Silence!" Penguin shouted. He backhanded Falcone across the face. Shook, Carmine cowered now in the presence of his superior. "Not that it is your concern as of now, but I will have you know Batgirl is not our enemy. She is our ally and much more to me. She is just in the process of seeing the light. In due time Carmine, my plans will be revealed. I have matters to discuss with my feline friend. For now, take your leave and mind only the business we have discussed. It's in your best interests." Falcone nodded and was on his way.

"As for you, my pussycat, I will not make every detail of my plans privy to you. Sometimes you will just need to let events unfold. Enjoy a surprise here and there. But to fulfill your catlike curiosity I will have you know this was only an escape in the eyes of Batgirl. If you truly love something, Ms. Kyle, you have to let it go. I released her."

This was one of few instances Catwoman was dumbfounded. "But why?"

"Our dear little Bat has revealed her true self not only to me, but she is seeing herself as she is meant to be for the first time. Her journey through the looking glass has taken her on a dramatic, paradigm shift that she is still grappling with. If I force the final stage of The Looking Glass upon her before she is ready she will either reject her true self or she will be ultimately broken. I have no use for either. Do I enjoy Batgirl as my plaything? Absolutely. But I need so much more from her than only that. Good things and devilish deeds take time. Batgirl will start to see the truth The Looking Glass has shown her in her everyday life. We she can no longer ignore it, she will return on her own accord. Then and only then, will she be ready for the final station. And besides...we wouldn't want Commissioner Gordon to spend the holidays all alone! Quack! Quack! Quack!"
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God there is nothing worse than being denied over and over and over until it is so painful that you will beg and do ANYTHING to cum...
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batgirl1969 wrote:
5 years ago
God there is nothing worse than being denied over and over and over until it is so painful that you will beg and do ANYTHING to cum...
Or nothing better :evil:
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I'm enjoying Penguin's long view here. I believe he may actually be successful in his plans. Excellent story so far, Batfan11. You're on quite a roll.
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BatFan11 wrote:
5 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
5 years ago
God there is nothing worse than being denied over and over and over until it is so painful that you will beg and do ANYTHING to cum...
Or nothing better :evil:
coming off a fresh trip of having this happen this weekend at motor city con, trust HURTS!!! or should I have said "cumming off" lol
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Oh, I believe you 100%! I just prefer stories where heroines give in as opposed to being mesmerized or brainwashed or what not. For me, the tease and denial is a fun literary device in getting a heroine to submit.
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Barbara knocked on her father's apartment. A visit to see her dad was always something she enjoyed but was certainly nonchalant about. Oddly enough, her stomach churned before the door opened. She was greeted by the first genuine smile she could remember in days.

"Merry Christmas, Sweetheart!" Commissioner Gordon exclaimed. It was always a gift to see his beautiful daughter. She was the apple of his eye and the only family he had left. There was no one in the world he cared for more. He also knew her better than anyone else, which is why he could immediately see something was off with her.

"Merry Christmas, dad," Barbara replied faintly. She mustered up a small smile. It wasn't that Barbara wasn't thrilled to see her dad, she just felt a giant streak of shame when he looked at her so lovingly. This was a look of someone who truly cared about her, and all she could feel was embarrassment and uneasiness because of the ordeal she had just been through. It seemed like she was standing at the door naked...or even worse, like she was still in Penguin's costume.

It had only been a few hours since Batgirl made it back to her apartment. The first thing Barbara did was bury that costume under a pile of laundry in her closet. She didn't want to see it at all. Next, she proceeded to clean herself off. All of her sweat and juices trickled down her skin and into the drain, but no amount of hot water or suds could wash away her emotions. For the most part she remained in shock, questioning if any of it had really happened. Was it just a bad dream? She wanted that to be the case so bad, but she knew the truth.

As she was drying off she glanced at her phone, realizing it was Christmas Day! She had understandably forgotten about the holiday, but she felt lucky she caught it before she could drift off to sleep. If she missed Christmas her dad would be thoroughly on her case, and she did not need him digging into any recent affairs in her life. Barbara proceeded to get ready, allowing her to brace the mental dam that was so close to bursting.

"Barbara, dear. Come on in! You're going to catch a cold." Jim Gordon wrapped his arm around his daughter and welcomed her in. He didn't want to press her off the bat. He found better success with Barbara talking to him when he didn't bring out his inner detective. "It's been a little while since you've come over. I trust finals didn't stand a chance against you."

"Huh?" Barbara was confused. It took her a second to realize her dad was talking about her first semester at Gotham U. School was the last thing on her mind. "Oh, yeah. Piece of cake. I'm off to a great start. The professors have all been friendly and really helpful. I'm definitely enjoying it."

"What about work? Has the library been abuzz?" The small talk continued as the two both sat down at the dinner table that was set for two. Commissioner Gordon had carved up a ham surrounded by various festive sides. It was a feast to say the least.

"No, it's been pretty dead since classes let out." Barbara was still reserved, off in space.

"Well there's got to be something that has you flustered. You seem distressed Barbara, what's wrong?" Commission Gordon couldn't help himself. He knew he blew it as his daughter's countenance came to life.

"Daddy! I'm fine. Things are going well, I'm just tired. OK!?" Barbara was even surprised by how defensive she was.

Now Jim knew he was right. Against his better instincts, he carried on. "Barbara, we both know that isn't true. Open up a little. Maybe it's something I can help with. You don't have to go through stuff alone, you know. You have the Gotham City Police Commissioner on your side."

Barbara was trying not to deal with her issues right now let alone open up to her dad about her giving into Penguin's sexual depravity. She stood up from the table. "Daddy, I'm sorry, but I'm feeling under the weather right now. You'll have to excuse me. We'll get together soon, promise. Merry Christmas."

"Barbara, please don't..." before Jim could finish his daughter was out the door. Smart, driven, independent...and stubborn. She was her father's daughter, and sometimes that bit him the behind. He knew she could take care of herself, and eventually she would come around. James Gordon sat back down to finish his Christmas dinner alone.
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BatFan11 wrote:
5 years ago
Oh, I believe you 100%! I just prefer stories where heroines give in as opposed to being mesmerized or brainwashed or what not. For me, the tease and denial is a fun literary device in getting a heroine to submit.
lol...Trust is a love hate relationship!! And I ALWAYS love to see it happen to another super heroine
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BatFan11 wrote:
5 years ago
Oh, I believe you 100%! I just prefer stories where heroines give in as opposed to being mesmerized or brainwashed or what not. For me, the tease and denial is a fun literary device in getting a heroine to submit.
Thought I was alone on this line of thinking. My favorite element of sexual peril.
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