Batgirl : In Double Trouble

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Batgirl pulled herself up to her feet by grabbing onto the chain dangling from the table. She shook her head to clear the cobwebs from the unexpected blow she took upon entering the room. Thinking to herself, she could not blame the two women from attacking her when she entered the room seeing what had been taking place there. Now looking around as she still held on hand to her head she was shocked to see so much bondage equipment in one location that was not an Adult Sex Shop. As her head cleared she continued around the room looking at the devices and pondering some of their uses. How on Earth, she said to herself, can some of these things be used and how? Batgirl then had the feeling it was time to get out and fast, those who had held these women captive surely wouldn't be gone too long so she headed out of the building and sped off on her Bat-cycle.

Once safely back at her home, the home of Barbara Gordon, she tended her poor battered head. Removing the cowl she noticed a small scratch at the base of her neck. Whatever had hit her in the head must have broken she figured and treated the wound and put a butterfly bandage over it. She thought no more of the injury, but instead she kept thinking of all the things that the two women must have suffered in that room. Later that night as Batgirl tried to go to sleep it was harder than ever to let go of the night's events, but eventually she did fall asleep.

***** ONE WEEK LATER *****

Batgirl's alarm went off at 5 AM as usual and she was up for the normal day's routine of running to the private gym and working out to keep her body in the best condition a crime fighting heroine should. She was proud of the fact that as a crime fighter she was in such great shape, but sadly regretted that her hidden identity didn't allow her the pleasure of having a lasting and fulfilling relationship. She grabbed her protein drink and gym bag after her morning stretches for flexibility and suited up in her running gear and headed out the door for the gym. She was not aware of the fact that a trap had been set for her there as in the gym she was only known as Barbara Gordon.

Barbra was glad she had the private gym all to herself as for many times in her workouts she would vent her frustrations about certain criminal masterminds that she didn't want others to overhear. Today was no different as she worked out in the boxer's gym and pounded the bags with ferocity. Exhausting herself of the energy the protein drink had provided Barbara decided she would have an extra long hot shower. As she peeled out of her spandex suit her body glistened with her sweat, she paused for a minute looking at her physique in the full wall mirror and smiled at the sight of her taut and toned body. Once in the shower she turned on the faucet for the comfort of the steamy water to drench her and bring some relief to her muscles. At first the water came out under the normal pressure but then began to pulsate at an odd intensity. At first she thought it felt good this little pressure difference, but then the pressure and steam from the water changed. The rate and pressure of the water became almost unbearable and Barbara felt as if it was trying to crush her to the floor. The steam also was having an effect on her as it seemed to choke the air and stifle her breathing. She managed to get the shower door open and escape the watery assault, but as she was trying to regain her senses two men barged in the room and threw a heavy cargo net over her body and the weight of it brought her to the floor with a THUD!

Batgirl or Barbara struggled in the net but the floor was slippery and she could not find the strength to escape out of the net. The henchmen laughed as they watched her struggling under the net but quickly quieted down as the footsteps of another was heard approaching. As they backed away, Batgirl's eyes flew open wide as she saw her captor leering over her.

"I am getting paid a pretty good price for your sweet little head, Batgirl, baby, otherwise I would do more to you than this," the criminal mastermind chuckled.

"S----s----scare-----", was all she could get out before the criminal Scarecrow sprayed her with his hallucinating nightmare spray.

"crooooow" she mumbled as the spray stung in her eyes and was absorbed into her skin instantly in her mind the netting turned into hundreds of snakes, writhing over her naked body. They seemed to entangle her arms, wrists, legs, and ankles, but this was simply the henchmen binding her up good and tight to be transported away. Then as she opened up her eyes, she swore she saw the Joker pointing a gun to her face and as the purple gas engulfed her, her eyelids fluttered and then she was out like a baby. Even though she was out nightmares continued in her head, but the nightmares were just beginning for our sweet little heroine....
Elder Member
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Nice start! :mrgreen:
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Millenium Member
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Oh yes...very nice start...can't wait for more! Sitting onpins and needles! Lol...(I wish)
Just sittin here in the cold black leather chair....
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Batgirl came to quickly... jerking she tried to get up but found herself firmly cuffed and chained to a table .... she glanced around the room and quickly realized it was the same one she was in a week earlier... Her thoughts began reeling, how did they find me and get me like this... She then noticed she was still naked from when her captors grabbed her from out of the shower.... The door opened to the room and she blushed knowing she was naked in front of men coming into the room... The last one to enter she feared the most... Scarecrow!

Scarecrow walked up to the naked heroine and stroking her hair calmly explained how all along this had been a trap to catch the Batgirl.... the kidnapped girls.. ahhh, they were just playing a role for their Mistress... well soon your Mistress too, little batgirl!!! He explained how in the attack when the one hit her over the head she was stunned long enough for the other to inject a small tracking chip into her neck and that they watched for the opportunity to set this final trap to have her lead them to her place to have all the Batgirl's little secrets and capture her while she was away....

"Why... why would you want access to my stuff and all my secrets?!!" Batgirl hissed at Scarecrow!!!!

Then before Scarecrow could get the answer out Himself a familiar voice came from the doorway, "Why so I could take your place as Batgirl and capture the Dynamic Duo as well as you, My dear!!!"

Batgirl looked in horror at the woman standing in the doorway!!! It was a perfect double of Batgirl herself.. and was wearing all of her actual stuff!!!!

"You fiend! You will never get away with it, Batman and Robin will sniff you out for fake in less than a minute, you ... you.. fake!!!" Batgirl cried out.

"Too bad they won't have that minute, Batgirl," she cooed, "Even they can't resist your specialized batsleeping gas!!!! Then they will simply join you here as My slave toys, much like you soon will be!"

"Never!!!" Batgirl screamed, but was quickly silenced by the spray of her own sleeping gas as the imposter laughed and taunted her as Batgirl's eyes fluttered...

"Ohhh, but yes you will, darling, and you will help Me train the Dynamic Duo into becoming Mine as well!!! Sleep well now.. " the Batgirl imposter whispered as Batgirl drifted into her sleep.... "Now, I have things to do, Scarecrow, I trust your men will guard her and keep her from escaping until I get back here with the Dynamic Duo!!!" She said looking with a smirk at the men in the room.

"You can count on it, Mistress Scarlett!" Scarecrow stated and at the same time His henchmen laughed and rubbed their hands together.. "you can count on them keeping her quiet occupied with things other than how to escape!"

"Very well," MS replied, "but I don't want her too broken before I get back, that is My job!"

Laughing Scarecrow replied, she won't be broken but she will be shall we say loosened up a bit??? As an evil grin came upon all the men's faces....

With an approving nod, Mistress Scarlett left the room and immediately the men began circling around the sleeping heroine. Each one giving their ideas of where and who should start first... Scarecrow told them to draw straws or each one a favorite body part first perhaps and he left the room for other business... With that the men agreed to each take turns playing with her together ... The sleeping Batgirl would awake and find herself in a much different mood perhaps than when she first went to sleep.... The dirty henchmen began their touching and exploring on the poor helpless Batgirl and then one of them said...

"Hey, guys, we have a room full of toys! Let's see how they all work on our poor damsel in distress here!"
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Is she masked at all? If not perhaps a shiny tight latex hood would be a nice addition, then the topping on the dessert would be an 8buckle ballgag or fullhead harness...bright red to stand out against the shiny black! Devious...what dasterdly toys will these pervs find to work on poor bats with!
Zara of Armestia
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OMG! Hunter42! Please write more of this and your other stories soon and mabye you can plan something for Zara? I would so love to see what you might do to her in the near future! :-D
"Kryptonite? Oh, oh no, please!!! have no idea what that does to me!"
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