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The Sandman Scheme While the Wonder Duo Dreams

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:16 am
by franco99
The Sandman Schemes While The Wonder Duo Dreams. Part I

Twenty four year old Jennifer Sampson seemed to have the world at her feet. The tall, buxom blonde has had success as a pop singer, model, and actress and dated a veritable who's who of male celebrities. For all her fame and sucess, she did have a rather well known problem: insomnia. After visiting the leading specialists worldwide with little help, Jennifer was referred to a relatively unknown Gotham City doctor that was said to specialize in sleep disorders. Her trusted friend and personal assistant, Tiffani Meyers, recommonded this Dr. Somnabula of Gotham City upon their arrival for Jennifer's Gotham concert. After hearing Tiffani return with glowing reports of this miracle doctor, Jennifer Sampson quickly made an appointment.

At the downtown Gotham offices of sleep pathologist, Dr. Somnambula, preparations were being made for Ms. Sampson's arrival. The good doctor was a handsome middle-aged man in a clean white doctor's smock and white slacks. The distinguished Dr. Somnambula was flanked by two pale gentlemen in the oddest of outfits, long nightshirts with nightcaps. In addition to their odd apparel, both men were oddly shaped with bags under their sleepy eyes. The one they called 'Nap' was short and portly while the other, 'Snooze,' was tall and skinny. Joining them was a voluptous blonde bombshell in a very tight white nurse's uniform. The uniform top was was too low cut and the skirt was far too short to pass muster in a normal doctor's office and this young lady was practically falling out of this revealing outfit. In Dr. Somnambula's office, she was called Sandi, but she was better known in criminal circles as 'Sleeping Beauty.' The assemblage of cartoonish characters meant only one thing...Dr. Somnambula was none other than the famous European supervillain Sandman.
"What do you plan to once Ms. Sampson arrives, Sandman?," asked the curious Nap. "How are you going to get her to sign over her vast fortune?"
"Patience, my sleepwalking sidekick," Sandman countered. "After placing Ms. Tiffani Meyers under my spell, I knew she'd give Dr. Somnambula a glowing recommendation to the lovely Jennifer Sampson."
"Is she gonna fork all that cash over today?," inquired the dim-witted Snooze.
"Fool...once Ms. Sampson enjoys relaxing moments of deep sleep, I will be her savior and personal physician," Sandman hissed. "Once our sleep deprived pop diva falls deeply under my control, then the bilking of her vast fortune will commense in earnest."
"Yeah, take all the time ya want," cackled the gum chewing nurse, Sandi. "You think the IADC hasn't been tracking our movements since we arrived in Gotham?"
"Ah, my green with envy beauty, do not fear as Ms. Sampson could never fill my heart as you do, my sleeping beauty," Sandman purred. "And for this IADC, I'm well aware that they are watching my every move. In fact, they have dispatched their top agent for this case...a strikingly lovely raven haired goddess named..."
"Diana Prince!," interrupted the angered Sandi, angry her boss is so smitten with not one but two other women. "Don't think you're so smart, Sandman. Remember, wherever Diana Prince goes, Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl don't seem to be far behind."
"Not to worry, sweet Sandi," boasted the aloof Sandman, "since the beautiful Ms. Prince has been watching me, I have taken the time to watch her. Now that I know where the IADC has been hiding her, a special delivery in one it's way to to our pretty little secret agent. Once the delightful Diana Prince is under my spell, I'll have my own perfect little 'sleeper' inside the IADC."
"Why didn't you tell us about this, Sandman?," inquired the surprised Nap.
"Because the less you two knew, the less chance they was that you could mess it up," spat the indignant European supervillain. "Now Nap and Snooze, you two should be off to the apartment where Ms. Prince is staying. Take the mattress truck and bring her back to the office. Sandi and I will take care of Jennifer Sampson's scheduled appointment."

Moments later, in the off campus apartment of her younger sister, Drusilla, Diana Prince (a/k/a Wonder Woman) was gathering as much information as she could find of the past crimes of the sinister Sandman. The IADC files she accessed on her laptop were quite extensive, but the Sandman's travels throughout the European Union made it difficult to get a complete picture. Belgian officials had one file on his aliases and schemes, while the French and English authorities had completely different information. Trying to connect these incomplete pieces of this confounding puzzle tested Diana's considerable intellect and her infinite patience.
Diana sat at the kitchen table, referencing and cross-referencing files on her computer. Her lovely blue eyes, behind a pair less than flattering glasses, strained as she had spent too many hours staring at the small laptop screen. Diana was using her sister's place to get some peace and quiet away from her downtown apartment. Since Drusilla was busy with her classes and other activities as a student at Gotham State University, Dru was rarely home to interrupt Diana's work. Clad in a simple tank top and skimpy shorts, Diana looked as if she had not even changed out of what she normally wore to bed. Her bodacious amazon body, highlighted perfectly in the satin tights she wore as Wonder Woman, was well showcased in the clothes she wore around the house. The raven haired beauty was deep in concentration when a loud knock was heard at the door.
"Huh?," gasped the startled Diana, "probably one of Dru's friends."
Diana bounced up from her chair and walked over to the front door. She cautiously spied the person outside through the peephole and saw a young man in a courier's outfit. The courier knocked again, but this time requested a specific person.
"Diana Prince?," the courier boomed. "Is there a Diana Prince there?"
Diana was concerned and more than a little cautious. No one, beside the head of the IADC, Steve Trevor, knew where she was staying. She kept the door locked, preferring to conduct this conversion safely behind the closed door.
"What do you want?," asked Diana, still keeping a close eye on the young man at the door through the small peephole.
"I have a package for Diana Prince," barked the impatient courier. "A package from a Mr. Steve Trevor."
"Just leave it at the door, please," ordered the ever cautious Diana. "I just got out of the shower."
"Fine," huffed the courier as he left the package at the door step and departed.
Diana watched the delivery boy leave the package and disappear out of view. She did feel a small sense of relief hearing that Steve had sent the package, but Diana wasn't convinced all was well. Diana opened the door slightly and retrieved the package, about the size of a shoe box, wrapped in basic brown wrapping. She carefully removed the brown paper and slowly opened the box to see it contained a book with a note taped to the cover. The book was 'The Interpretation of Dreams' by Sigmund Freud and the attached note bore a simple short message.
"Hope this helps with your research," the note read, "Best Wishes, Steve."
"Hmmm, that's strange," Diana thought to herself as she looked at the thick, leather bound book, "there is nothing in the Sandman's files about Freud. I wonder what Steve has stumbled upon back in Washington D.C."
With her curiousity aroused, Diana opened the book. Unfortunately for her, Diana didn't hear the hissing sound before opening the book in front of her lovely face. This was no book, after all, but a well placed Sandman trap. The book cover was an empty shell containing a smoke bomb that was activated once the 'book' was opened. From the open pages spewed a thick plume of white knockout gas, flooding the face and senses of the unsuspecting IADC agent. After a short fit of coughing and a soft groan, the mind-numbing effects of the sleeping gas overtook our surprised amazon. Her eyes rolled back as the booby-trapped book fell from her hands. Just as the smoke around her face was starting to clear, Diana's eyes closed and her limp body collapsed to the floor in a heap. The sleepy mist lingered in the air as Diana slept peacefully on the floor of Dru's apartment.
As Diana dozed, Nap and Snooze arrived as instructed out front of the apartment complex right by the Gotham State U. campus. Clad in the coveralls worn by movers, the henchmen looked like mattress deliverymen as they advanced toward Dru's apartment. Nap carried a sack as he pushed at the door where the Sandman told him he would find a sleepy Diana Prince.
"Nice, this agent gal left the door open for us," commented Nap as he was able to simply push the front door of the apartment without breaking the lock.
"She must have been so tired that she forgot to lock the door," giggled Snooze as he looked inside the apartment to see the IADC agent they were ordered to retrieve sleeping peacefully at their feet.
"Quickly, let's load her in this sleeping bag and get her back to the mattress truck before anyone sees us," ordered Nap as he closed the door behind them to discourage any nosey neighbors.
Nap and Snooze scooped up the slumbering amazon and slid her shapely bod into the sleeping bag. Once Diana was safely inside the 'nap'sack, Nap and Snooze exited the apartment and spirited her away into the awaiting mattress truck.
"Wow, seems like these secret government agents are getting prettier," laughed the amused Snooze as he carefully set the bagged Diana onto the mattress covered floor for the van.
"You said it, she's a real knockout," joked Nap as he closed the back doors of the truck and raced to the front for the short drive back to Dr. Somnambula's office.

As Nap and Snooze were spiriting Diana back to the office, Jennifer Sampson was arriving for her scheduled appointment with Dr. Somnambula. Pulling a scarf away from her face, Jennifer revealed her lovely face and long mane of blonde hair. Standing in the receptionist area, Nurse Sandi walked in from the back to greet the new patient.
"Yes, Miss?," Sandi asked, feigning ignorance. "Can I help you?"
"Yes, I'm Jennifer Sampson," whispered the shy pop star. "I have an appointment with Dr. Somnambula."
"Ah, yes, of course," stammered Nurse Sandi, "I didn't recognize you with that scarf over your face."
"Well, the press follows me everywhere," Jennifer explained. "Sometimes I have to hide my face if I want to be left alone."
"Of course," nodded Sandi with a reassuring smile, "the doctor will see you now."
Jennifer clad in a stylish, but sexy, black business casual suit bounced down to hallway to the doctor's examination room. Inside, she found a plain white room with a comfy reclining chair. The handsome, distinguished Dr. Somnambula was anticipating her arrival.
"Ms. Sampson, so glad you chose to come by," cooed the Sandman. "Please, have a seat and make yourself comfortable. Your assistant briefed me on your problems getting a good night's rest and I believe I can help." "Oh Doctor," Jennifer sighed as she sat down in the plush leather chair, "I've had trouble getting a good night's sleep for the last four years. It's affecting my work, my moods, my relationships...I've tried everything..."
"Shhh...I completely understand," whispered Dr. Somnambula in a soft and comforting voice. "Please, just relax for a moment and let me give you a quick examination."
"An examination?," replied the confused blonde beauty.
"Yes, pressure points at the temples are so often the source of these troubles," explained the sinister Sandman as he drew closer to the seated starlet, grabbing the infamous stethescope he wore around his neck. "Now close your eyes..."
Jennifer did just as the doctor ordered, closing her eyes and relaxing in the comfortable chair. A sly smile crossed the Sandman's smug face as he placed the business end of the stethescope under the unsuspecting nose of the beautiful insomniac. Before Jennifer realized what was happening, a small blast of white powder shot from the stethescope into her face. The white powder left a residue on her nose and upper lip as she let out a small gasp. Jennifer was now, if even so briefly, under the control of Sandman's sleeping sand.
"Ms. Sampson?," asked Sandman. "Can you hear me?"
"Yes...yes, I can hear you," whispered the brainwashed beauty in a monotone voice. Her lovely blue eyes opened slightly, looking drowsy, as she answered.
"Very good," commented the Sandman, "all you know right now is that when I awaken you, you will feel as if you have had the most restful nap you have every had...and it was I, Dr. Somnambula, that made that possible. Do you understand?"
"Yes...I understand," Jennifer replied softly with no emotion, with a mesmerzied look on her face.
"Fine, you will speak to your people about my skills and tell them that you will not perform again unless I am retained as your personal physician," commanded the Sandman. "When you return to my office tomorrow at 11:00 am, you will bring your business manager along as well. Understood?"
"Understood," was the wooden, emotionless reply.
"Now, when I clap my hands, you will awaken refreshed," ordered the evil doctor, "and you will remember everything I have told you."
The dazed Jennifer Sampson simply nodded as Dr. Somnambula brushed the remaining sleeping sand from her face and clapped his hands.
"Ms. Sampson?," boomed the Sandman. "Are you back with us?"
"Yes...yes, I am," Jennifer exclaimed excitedly, now awakened from her hypnotized trance. "My goodness, How long was I asleep? I feel great. Its like I slept for ten hours."
"Well, it was more like five minutes actually," crowed the confident doctor, "but I was able to induce a little catnap."
"You're a miracle worker," gushed the appreciative pop diva. "I've never felt more well-rested, never felt more relaxed...I've seen the top specialists and you've done more in five minutes than they have done in three years."
"I'm glad I could help, Ms. Sampson," Dr. Somnambula said graciously.
"Help? You've done more than help," continued the rambling Jennifer. "You must work for me, travel with me, work as my personal physician. Name your price!"
"That's a tempting offer," reasoned the Sandman, "but my practice is here. Gotham is my home."
"I'll be back tomorrow, Dr. Somnambula," Jennifer noted forcefully, "and I'll bring my business manager. She handles all my affairs and oversees my entire staff. Once you see the offer we can make, I'm positive you'll change your mind."
"Ms. Sampson, I will see you tomorrow," Dr. Somnambula smiled, trying to hide his glee at the masterful brainwashing he had just performed. "But I doubt I can afford to leave my practice and go off on the road with you."
"You just wait and see, doctor," boasted a confident and grinning young blonde celebrity as she stood from the chair to leave. "And I just can't thank you enough."
"Please, Ms. Sampson," purred the sinister supervillain, "it was nothing."

Two hours later, Drusilla arrived back at her apartment after a long day of classes at Gotham State University. The twenty year old perky college student had only lived in the "man's world" for a couple of years, but she was adjusting well. The cute brunette marveled at the endless opportunities for fun and all the handsome boys she was surrounded by. Still naive and a bit boy crazy after living a much more sheltered existence on Paradise Island as the daughter of the Queen, her time with Diana felt more like parole than an extended vacation. Her classical education on the Island left her well prepared for college and her amazon training left her well prepared to fight crime as Wonder Girl.
The first thing Drusilla noticed as she arrived home was that the door had been left unlocked and her sister, Diana, was nowhere to be found.
"This isn't like Diana," Dru thought to herself, "just taking off and leaving the door unlocked."
She saw the IADC issue laptop in the same place on the kitchen table as when she left that morning. With concern growing, Dru spied an opened book on the floor. Upon further inspection, she saw that this was no ordinary book. The book was hollow inside and there was a faint sweet smell that could still be detected. Drusilla's concern turned to panic as she realized what that smell was.
"Chloroform...knockout gas," Dru gasped, "released in this rigged book. Someone kidnapped Diana!"
Drusilla looked around, very cautiously looking around her small apartment for any clues. Her well trained amazon mind raced at the possibilities.
"Diana was researching some European supervillain that set up shop in Gotham City," Drusilla thought to herself. "Someone who specialized in sleepy themed crimes..."
Suddenly Dru shot a look at Diana's laptop to see the computer was still lit up and one name seemed to jump from the screen.
"Dr. Somnambula...33657 East 167th St....Gotham City," she read aloud as an angry look crossed her cute face. "It looks like I'll have to pay him a Wonder Girl."

Diana awoke in the same chair Jennifer Sampson had sat in only an hour before. In the examination room of the sinister supervillain, the Sandman, she could see that she was joined by the bad doctor along with his nightshirted henchmen and his balloon-bod nurse. The chair had been modified a bit since Ms. Sampson left, metal cuffs extended from the arms of the chair to secure Ms. Prince's wrists and hold her in place. Diana tugged at the metal cuffs, but they would not budge. She looked at the crazed criminals eyeballing her closely as she sat helpless in her tight tank top and short shorts.
"Dr. Somnambula, I presume," Diana hissed, "or should I call you the Sandman?"
"Oh, a simple Doctor will suffice, Ms. Prince," the Sandman cooed confidently.
"What's the meaning of this?," demanded the angry Diana. "Why did you kidnap me?"
"With the IADC following me since my arrival in Gotham City," sandman explained, "I needed to take certain precautions."
"IADC?," gasped Diana in mock surprise, "What do I have to do with the IADC?"
"Please, spare me, Ms. Prince," sighed the insulted supervillain. "I didn't get where I did by allowing myself to be tracked by government agents...and, quite frankly, you are not as good as you think. I spotted you at the airport and had your full IADC dossier in my briefcase."
"Great, but I doubt you got where you did kidnapping agents in broad daylight," reasoned Diana. "The IADC will be looking for me as soon as I fail to check in."
"Yes, I did figure on that," Sandman continued, "but if you did your homework, you'll know that I usually have a mole, an informant on the inside, that clues me in to all their activities."
"No one on this assignment is in your pocket, Sandman," said a defiant Diana.
"No one yet, Diana," giggled the sinister Sandman. "Nap, Snooze, prepare Ms. Prince for a stethescopic examination."
Nap and Snooze closed in on Diana's sides and pulled her head back, holding it firmly in place. Diana strained to escape their grimy clutches, but she was still too weak from the sleeping gas attack earlier in the day.
"You think I'll help you?," grunted Diana, bound to the chair and held back under the weight of Sandman's henchmen. "I'll never betray the IADC."
"Young lady, you insolent behavior can only mean one thing," mocked the evil Sandman, drawing the sleeping sand stethescope forward and under the nose of the restrained amazon, "you need some sleep."
With that cryptic remark, a shower of white powder blasted forth into the face of the helpless Diana Prince. Her face went from defiant to complaint in mere moments as a drowsy numb look washed across her freshly powdered face. The dazed Wonder Woman, still acting in her civilian alter ego, was now under the Sandman's spell.
"The perfect 'sleeper' to infiltrate the IADC," the Sandman stated triumphantly, "and the perfect lure for Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl."

Part II coming soon...

Re: The Sandman Schemes While the Wonder Duo Dreams

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:17 am
by franco99
The Sandman Schemes While The Wonder Duo Dreams. Part II.

Under the influence of Sandman's sleeping sand, Diana Prince was revealing to the European supervillain and his motley crew the details of the IADC's investigation of the Sandman's U.S. visit. As the drowsy, brainwashed Diana answered each of the Sandman's questions, Drusilla made her way downtown to the address found on Diana's computer screen. Using her used compact car to make the trek downtown, Dru arrived in her civilian alter-ego, still wearing the clothes she wore for the day's classes, a midriff baring belly shirt and tight low-slung jeans. Drusilla looked about to locate the doctor's office and to find an isolated place to make her transformation into Wonder Girl. Finding Dr. Somnambula's office was easy, but finding a place to change would be a more daunting challenge. The downtown area was busy with plenty of foot and vehicle traffic. Spying a darkened alley closeby, Dru walked over to get a better look. Once seeing the alley was empty, she retreated back far enough to avoid the notice of anyone walking by on the busy sidewalk. Drusilla shot a last look from side to side before extending her arms outward and twirling in place. As the curvy college-aged crimefighter spun, she was quickly engulfed in a blast of radiant light. The t-shirt and jeans she wore magically disappeared once the flash faded and Drusilla was now clad in her skimpy Wonder Girl costume. Adorned with less decorative touches than Wonder Woman's costume, Wonder Girl's simple red low-cut tank top and blue briefs still looked fantastic on her shapely amazon body. Her golden tiera and golden power belt also appeared, along with her magic lasso and silver bracelets made from genuine femimnum metal. Wonder Girl's sexy legs were showcased in tan pantyhose and red go-go boots. Now in her form-flattering costume and wearing her power belt, bullet-deflecting bracelets, and magic lasso, Drusilla was ready to rescue her sister.
Wonder Girl beamed with confidence, feeling energized by the strength her golden belt gave her and the way she looked in her costume. Walking out of the alley and onto the sidewalk, Wonder Girl drew many startled stares from the masses walking by. As much as she loved being gazed upon in her tights, her mind was focused on visiting Dr. Somnambula's office and finding out if anyone there had any information on Diana's disappearance. Looking at the front of the building, there didn't appear to be any windows. The doctor's office looked more like a warehouse, a plain windowless two story structure, and this helped heighen Wonder Girl's sense that all was not right with Dr. Somnambula's operation. What she couldn't determine at first, was where or not the information from Diana's laptop was merely a clue or simple lead or if the Sandman was using Dr. Somnambula as an alias. There was only one way to find out. A surprise entrance via a window or from the roof was eschewed since no windows were visible and crashing into a doctor's office without a warrant could be trouble, especially if this doctor was on the level. Wonder Girl walked right through the front door into the waiting area where Nurse Sandi sat behind a receptionist's to greet her.
"Ah, yes, um," stammered the nervous faux nurse, "can I help you?"
"Yes, I'd like to speak with Dr. Somnambula," Wonder Girl stated proudly,placing her hands on her hips in her most heroic pose.
"The doctor is quite busy, um, Wonder...Wonder Gal," muttered the confused Nurse Sandi. "What is it you need to see the doctor about?"
"Ah, it's Wonder Girl," corrected the college-aged costumed crimefighter with a condensing tone. "...and this is concerning the whereabouts of Diana Prince."
"Diana Prince is not a patient here, Wonder Girl," Nurse Sandi explained. "and no one with that name has been at this office."
"Listen to me, Miss," Wonder Girl insisted, with a hint of impatience and malice in her voice, "Get the doctor for me...right now."
Nursi Sandi looked a bit frightened and reached silently for the intercom device on the desk. She pressed the button to alert the doctor of this superheroic young visitor in her garish red and blue costume.
"Doctor Somnambula," Nurse Sandi said matter of factly into the speaker of the intercom, "there is a Wonder Girl here to see you. She wants to talk about someone named Diana Prince."
The intercom in the examination room buzzed and the message was received by the Sandman and his henchmen. The Sandman was busy interrogating the very talkative IADC agent, Diana Prince. Under the Sandman's mind control sleeping sand, Diana revealed what the IADC knew about his operations worldwide. Just as he was to proach the topic of her relationship with Wonder Woman and just before there was a possibility of Diana revealing that she was actually Wonder Woman, the intercom in the exam room buzzed to interrupt this interview.
"What is this about, Nurse Sandi?," the Sandman answered, speaking into the intercom. "I am currently with a patient now."
"I'm aware of that doctor, but Wonder Girl is quite insistant that she see you now," replied the buxom nurse, looking up at Wonder Girl and quite aware she could hear the conversation.
"Very well," the Sandman huffed, "send her into the back office. Its vacant right now and we'll have time to talk privately. I don't want to startle my patients."
"Will do, doctor," Nurse Sandi affirmed as she look up from the desk. The voluptuous vixen in her tight nurse's costume gestured to the hallway, leading to the back office.
Wonder Girl was wary, but willing to walk back to meet the doctor. The costume the nurse wore looked more suitable for a Halloween party than a doctor's office and meeting the doctor in a isolated office didn't sound like the safest idea, but Wonder Girl had little choice but to play this little scenario out. If this Dr. Somnambula was up to something sinister, our college-aged heroine was certain she could handle herself.
The Sandman announced the arrival of Wonder Girl to his henchmen and gestured for them to exit the exam room via a door that joined the exam room to the vacant office. This entrance allowed the Sandman and his men to enter the vacant room with Wonder Girl seeing them in the hallway. The European supervillain would have to resume his interrogation of Diana Prince later as there were much more pressing issues at hand.
Nurse Sandi led Wonder Girl back to the vacant office as directed and opened the door for the heroine to enter. The room was completely vacant with freshly painted white walls.
"The doctor will be with you in a moment," Nurse Sandi said cryptically as she departed, closing the door behind her to leave Wonder Girl alone in the room.
Wonder Girl looked around at her surroundings as she waited for Dr. Somnambula to arrive. The young heroine wouldn't have to wait look. In less than a minute, the doctor arrived in his white lab coat and slacks with his nightshirted henchmen in tow. The doctor's cocky demeanor and the prescene of outrageously outfitted aides let Wonder Girl know that the doctor wasn't coming to talk.
"Dr. Somnambula?," Wonder Girl announced, again adopting the confident hands-on-hips heroine pose. "You and your bedwetting flunkies know where Diana Prince is and I'd advise you tell me before I'm forced to get rough with you."
"Young lady, Diana Prince is right here and she is my prisoner," announced the Sandman. "...and I was hoping you'd like it rough...Nap, Snooze, put this young woman to bed!"
Nap and Snooze charged across the room attack Wonder Girl, but their charge was quickly blunted by the super-strength of the young amazon. The skinny Snooze arrived first, but Wonder Girl was able to quickly step to the side and grab the henchman by the arm. Using his momentum forward, our heroine spun Snooze around before throwing him head first into the wall, where he crashed with a dull thud. Nap advanced close enough to throw a wild punch at the amazon. Wonder Girl ducked down to avoid the swing and grabbed the chubby criminal by his ankles. With a violent jerk of her powerful arms, Nap had his legs pulled out from under him as he fell back into the floor with a loud crash. Both henchmen were dazed and struggling to regain their bearings after a brief, but memorable, encounter with Wonder Girl. With Nap and Snooze out of commission for the next few moments, tending to their injuries, Wonder Girl laughed aloud at her easy victory.
"Hmmm..., that's the best you have to offer, Doctor?," boasted the smug costumed crimefighter. "I'll have to admit that I expected something more from you, Sandman. Now, tell me what you've done with Diana Prince before I give you the same treatment I gave your sleepy stooges."
"Why, Ms. Prince is in the next room," the Sandman noted calmly, "and you will be joining her shortly."
Wonder Girl was still confident after thrashing the Sandman's nightshirted flunkies, but the Sandman calm demeanor was a bit unnerving. Surely he had a trick up his sleeve, as evidenced by the sleeping gas emittng, booby-trapped book he used to subdue Diana. Wonder Girl walked forward to meet the nefarious supervillian for he was the only obstacle standing between her and the door leading to the room in which Diana was held captive. The young heroine in her revealing tight tank top and tiny blue briefs sneered as she stood before the sinister Sandman.
"Step aside, Sandman," ordered Wonder Girl firmly, with her arms crossed and resting nicely on her buxom chest.
"If I were you, Girl Wonder, or whatever they call you," replied the Sandman with a sly grin emerging from his lips, "I'd be more concerned with what was behind me than what's in front of you."
Nurse Sandi had entered the room, waiting for Wonder Girl to turn toward the door Sandman was standing in front before making her entrance. Advancing from behind the young superheroine, Sandi silently tiptoed on her stockinged feet carrying a blanket out to the side much like a matador in a bullfight. Sandi strode by the groaning henchmen, still dazed from the amazonian assault, to stand directly behind the unaware Wonder Girl.
"That's the oldest trick in the book, Sandman," Wonder Girl spat back, growing impatient as she stared down the notorious supervillain. "I may be new to the superheroine game, but I'm not dumb enough to fall for that."
"Very well," giggled the Sandman, "Sandi...NOW!"
The wicked nurse threw the blanket onto the unsuspecting Wonder Girl. Sandi draped the blanket over her shoulders, where it covered her shoulders and folded arms, draping down to her waist.
"Wha...?!?!," Wonder Girl gasped, "What's this?!?"
The Sandman and his villainous gal pal laughed aloud as Wonder Girl tried to unfold her arms and cast the blanket aside. As the blanket wrapped around her shapely torso, she realized the fabric was constricting around her, hugging her in a cotton embrace as it handcuffed her like a straight jacket.
"Ughhh!!....Constricting...Can't...Can't Move," grunted the struggling Wonder Girl as she twisted from side to side in an attempt to free herself from the binding blanket. "Wha...What is this...thing?"
"My cozy comforter, Wonder Bod," Sandman cackled, "wraps you up all nice and toasty for those cold winter nights."
"I'll...I'," Wonder Girl squirmed about under the covers of the Sandman's straight jacket, almost stumbling to the floor as she thrashed about in panic.
"Didja tell her the best part, Sandman?," squeaked the evil Nurse Sandi, holding a remote control in her hand. "It's an electric blanket!."
Sandi pressed the switch on the remote to unleash a low voltage shock into the wrapped Wonder Girl. While the electric jolt wasn't enough to render the amazon unconscious, it did prove to be quite painful.
"ARGGHHHH!!!!," cried the now electrically charged Wonder Girl. The blast straightened her up for a brief moment, but buckled the young heroine to one knee as the shock subsided.
As the Sandman and Sandi enjoy a hearty laugh at Wonder Girl's discomfort, the amazon took a deep breath and put her fear aside for a moment. Deeply focusing her awesome strength, while being egged on by the villains laughter, Wonder Girl released a loud grunt as she tried to extend her powerful arms under the confining comforter. With her eyes closed and her great powers focused, she shook and strained with all her might. A loud exhale by the bound superheroine was followed by the sound of fabric ripping. The cozy comforter gave way as Wonder Girl busted out of the blanket. A final thrust of her braceleted arms as she rose sent the blanket falling to the floor and Wonder Girl was free.
"Nice try, Sandman," breathed the winded Wonder Girl, as she spun to keep both the Sandman and his sexy assistant in full view. "It'll take more than a baby blanket to stop Wonder Girl."
"Sa..Sa..Sandman, she's free!," exclaimed the startled Sandi with a look of fretful panic on her lovely face.
"It wasn't wise to make me angry, balloon bod," cracked the cocky Wonder Girl, confident she had withstood the Sandman's best shot.
While Wonder Girl cracked wise, the Sandman reached down for his leather doctor's bag and opened it slowly as the heroine's attention was focused on his beautiful nurse. The Sandman's actions did not go unnoticed as WOnder Girl spied him reaching for the bag from the corner of her eye.
"Not so fast, Sandman," snapped Wonder Girl, spinning to face the Sandman. "Keep those hands where I can see them and keep them out of that bag of tricks."
"An impressive display of strength, color me impressed," Sandman coldly noted with a hand still tucking inside his leather bag, "but its past your bedtime, young lady."
With that remark, the Sandman flipped a yellow ball, about the size of a tennis ball, at the feet of the brave amazon heroine. As the ball struck the ground, right between Wonder Girl's booted feet, a loud "POP" was heard and smoke spewed from the sides. Wonder Girl held her hands in front of her face in anticipation of the blast, but the small explosive charge upon impact released a shower of a fine white powder mixed with shiny glittery sparkles. The powder blast shot upward and rained down upon the unprepared heroine. A faint dazed smile crossed Wonder Girl's lovely young face as the powder and sparkles danced down onto her face. A drowsy grin and a cute little giggle as her movements grew sluggish. Being exposed to Sandman's sleeping sand looked like quite a pleasant experience as her smile widened as her eyes fluttered. Wonder Girl nearly stumbled as her curvy tight body grew limp, swaying in a dreamy haze. One last flutter of her eyes was followed by a soft gasp. Wonder Girl was sweetly surrendering to sweet sleep. With a peaceful smile on her face, the sexy amazon slowly crumbled to the floor as she was too weak to stand. With traces of powder and slivery sparkles clinging to her form-fitting costume, Dru looked every bit the part of the beautiful dreamer.
"Sweet dreams, Wonder Girl," purred the triumphant Sandman as he gazed at the defeated superheroine sprawled out in sweet slumber. "A visit from the Sandman for a quick forty-winks."
Nap and Snooze stood up and staggered over to their boss for further instructions. They both rubbed her heads and groaned after the thrashing they received from the pretty little costumed college girl.
"Boys, make yourselves useful for once and take Ms. Wonder Girl into the exam room to join Diana Prince," ordered the Sandman, disgusted at their feeble attempt to stop the invading heroine.
The henchmen simply nodded, knowing they had disappointed the great villain, and scooped up the sleeping superheroine. As Nap cradled Wonder Girl under her arms, Snooze lifted her up by her ankles to carry the young amazon away.
"Stop, hold her there for a moment," Sandman commanded, reaching into his doctor's bag. "Let me fit her with this. We can't have someone as powerful as this waking up unexpectedly."
Sandman retrieved a small clear respirator mask from his pouch and strapped it over Wonder Girl's nose and mouth. The cotton soaked with chloroform inside the mask would keep the young heroine in dreamland for a couple of hours.
"Strap her to the gurney in the exam room," Sandman ordered as the henchmen carried Wonder Girl through the doorway and into the examination room. "Once she's secured, we'll continue our little chat with Ms. Prince. In fact, Ms. Prince is about due for another stethoscopic examination."
"Oh, Sandman," gushed the sexy Nurse Sandi, "Strap her down, you kinky devil!"

Look for Part III, coming soon....

Re: The Sandman Scheme While the Wonder Duo Dreams

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:18 am
by franco99
The Sandman Schemes While the Wonder Duo Dreams. Part III

With Wonder Girl brought down by the Sandman's dreamweaver sleeping sand bomb, Nap and Snooze cradled the unconscious young heroine into the examination room to join the other captive, Diana Prince. Being the first to re-enter the room, the dim-witted henchmen made a stunning discovery. Diana Prince, who was straped to the exam chair and under the influence of the hypnotic sleepwalker sand from the Sandman's sinister stethoscope, was gone. The straps had been pulled from the chair and the pride of the IADC had disappeared.
"Sandman, Get in here!," cried Nap. "The agent...Diana Prince...she's GONE!"
The Sandman and Nurse Sandi scampered into the exam room to see what Nap was screaming about. They looked squarely at the chair and shook their heads with disbelief. Diana Prince was nowhere to be found.
"Hmmm, Ms. Prince must have escaped while we were dealing with Wonder Girl," Sandman reasoned calmly. "Unfortunately, the sleepwalker sand only places its subject under my control for a limited amount of time. Perhaps I underestimated that IADC agent. I didn't think she'd be able to free herself from my control and break out of the straps in the time we were gone."
"Gosh, Sandman," Sandi gasped, "since Wonder Girl showed up unexpectedly, do you think Wonder Woman rescued her? Wonder Woman seems to turn up quite often when Diana Prince is on the case. She's like, like, her guardian angel."
"I must admit, Sandi, I thought Wonder Woman would be making an appearance since her junior partner had already found us," Sandman noted. "But if Wonder Woman had been here, I sincerely doubt she would have left Wonder Girl behind."
"If Wonder Girl knows who we are and with Diana Prince gone," exclaimed the panicked Sandi, "doesn't that mean that Wonder Woman and the rest of the IADC will be all over us before sundown?"
"This is an unexpected and most disturbing development," sneered the angered Sandman. "Nap, the building to see if Ms. Prince is hiding anywhere. Sandi, it looks like we have to step up our plans with Ms. Jennifer Sampson. With the post-hypnotic suggestion I planted in her feeble little brain, I'll make my next appointment with her a house call. It looks like the plundering of her rather large bank account will have to take place tonight. Ms. Sampson is staying under heavy guard at the Winfield Hotel not far from here."
"But what about Wonder Girl?," asked Sandi. "What are we going to do with her?"
"I was hoping to place her under my power as a little extra muscle while here in Gotham, especially if we run into Wonder Woman," Sandman stated, "but with time running out on my visit to America...we'll prepare Wonder Girl for the sleep chamber."
"Wow, Sandman, that's positively inhumane," Sandi giggled fiendishly.
"Why thank you, my lovely," smiled the Sandman, tenderly stroking Sandi's chin
"Sandman, Sandman," interrupted Snooze as he and Nap returned to the exam room, "we looked everywhere, Diana Prince is gone."

Diana Prince was gone. Unaware of the sister Drusilla's prediciment, Diana only knew that she was fortunate to escape the clutches of the Sandman. The European supervillain's sleeping sand tricks had left her memory a bit fuzzy, but the IADC agent remembered awakening in the exam room after a forced nap. Diana was fearful that she may have revealed too much to the Sandman under the influence of his hypnotic sleepwalker sand. She was quite familiar with the Sandman's tactics and arsenal of various sleeping potions from her research of the IADC database. Did she tell the Sandman of the IADC's surveillance of his operation? Even worse, did Diana reveal that she was the world fmous amazon superheroine Wonder Woman? With her mind clouded from the mesmerizing powder, she couldn't be sure of what she told the Sandman.
After shaking away the cobwebs and waking from the Sandman's stethoscope spray, Diana awoke to find the exam room they left her in empty. As she tried to stand, she felt her wrists bound to the arms of the chair. Still possessing super-strength, Diana ripped her arms free from the leather straps with relative ease and fled the scene. After scanning the hallway for the Sandman and criminal crew, finding it empty, Diana tiptoed out to the front door. Still in her tank top and shorts in her guise as Diana Prince, she ran down the block to find the same isolated alley her sister had used to make her startling and sexy transformation into Wonder Girl. Realizing this situation called for more than a civilian IADC agent, Diana twirled with the grace of a ballerina. After a couple of spins, a familiar flash of light engulfed her and Diana emerged in her signature satin tights, looking as stunning as ever as Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman's long mane of black hair flowed luxuriously down past her shoulders. Her powerful, yet voluptuous, body was displayed exquisitly in her revealing red bustier with the golden wings of eagle spread across her busty chest. Tight shiny spandex blue briefs adorned with white stars fit snuggly over her beautiful bottom. Her golden tiera on her forehead and golden belt around her waist gave her the sparkle for Fort Knox. Shiny tan tights fit nicely over her long, luxurious legs and red go-go boots with a white stripe running down the front completed her sexy look. Armed with her silver bracelets made of genuine feminum metal and her magic lasso, Wonder Woman was ready for her confrontation with the Sandman and his sinister crew. The lovely amazon radiated beauty with her youthful glow and revealing costume. Wonder Woman exited the alley to return to Dr. Somnambula office, completely unaware of the peril her sister, Wonder Girl, was facing.

Back in Sandman's exam room, his alter-ego, Dr. Somnambula, placed an urgent call to Ms. Jennifer Sampson at the Winfield Hotel. Insisting that he see her immediately for a 'check-up,' Jennifer quickly agreed and gave her security force the word that Dr. Somnambula was to be given full clearance. Just as the Sandman had hoped, Ms. Sampson remembered to include her business manager in this little meeting. If Dr. Somnambula was going to join her traveling entourage, the manager would have to be present to put him on the payroll as Jennifer's personal physician. The house call would commence in less than an hour, so the Sandman and his cohorts would have to deal with Wonder Girl quickly.
Hidden behind the retractable wall in the examination room was a series of clear tubes, tubes standing seven feet high and three feet wide, large enough to contain a human being. These hyperbolic chambers were the latest advance in Sandman's sleep pathology research. When trapped inside these cruel chambers, a freezing cold mist engulfed the captive, placing the victim in a cryogenic state. Much like being trapped in suspended animation, the unfortunate person in the clear plastic tube would sleep for a thousand years.
The slumbering Wonder Girl was loaded gingerly into the chamber, placed inside as the front half of the chamber was pulled open. Once inside, Wonder Girl was stood up and held in place by nylon restraints, strapped across her shoulders, waist, thighs, and ankles. As the chamber was closed and sealed shut, Wonder Girl began to lightly stir, awakening from a pleasant slumber. The young amazon heroine's head bobbed as her eyes fluttered. Wonder Girl awoke to feel the tight restraints pinning her nubile body to the back of the sleep chamber. She looked up to see the Sandman and Nurse Sandi standing before her, seeing them clearly through a wall of thick plexi-glass.
"'s the meaning...of...this?," garbled the groggy Wonder Girl. "Where...where am I?"
"You're in my hyperbolic sleep chamber, Girl Wonder," proclaimed the Sandman. "It is where you will sleep for a thousand years...or at least until you are found and released by a cryogenics experts, either way, I'll be long gone."
"A thousand years?," Wonder Girl exclaimed, regaining her bearings from the sleepy fog she was placed under. "I'll be out of these straps and out of this contraption in a minute. You really think nylon straps and plexiglass can contain Wonder Girl?"
"Well, no, but you'd better work quickly," boasted the Sandman, signaling the evil Nurse sandi to activate the lever on the wall beside the young amazon's sleep chamber. "I didn't think you'd awaken so quickly, but my mind numbing cold sleepy mist works fast."
As Nurse Sandi pulled the lever down in grand fashion, the air vents on the floor of Wonder Girl's containment tube hissed loudly and belched out a light blue fog cold mist. Feeling the freezing and numbing sensation hit her feet and ankles and seeing the blue cloud rising quickly, Wonder Girl tried to use her super-strength to pull free. Unforunately for our sexy amazon warrior, the cryogenic gas worked quickly. As the cold mist moved upward, the stinging cold paralyzed Wonder Girl and left her frozen in place. Still snuggly strapped, the hyperbolic sleep chamber held a most beautiful prize, the famed Wonder Girl. As the sleepy blue mist filled the plexiglass chamber, Wonder Girl's eyes closed softly. She was suspended in a state of extended sleep, frozen and helpess.
"A most pleasant dreams, Wonder Girl," cooed the Sandman. "We hate to leave you now, but you need your rest. Plus I have an appointment with a new patient. Until we meet again..."
As the cold air cycled through the chamber, Wonder Girl slept peacefully. The retractable wall in front the of the sleeping chambers was closed shut, precluding the chance of anyone stumbling upon the slumbering Wonder Girl by accident. Sandman snapped his fingers to signal his group to assemble.
"Nap, Snooze, exit through the rear door and bring the mattress van around to the front," Sandman ordered. "We'll soon be off to collect our fortune once a brainwashed Jennifer Sampson signs over her assets to me. Next stop...the Winfield Hotel."
Nap and Snooze scrambled away as commanded, leaving Sandman and Nurse Sandi to leave through the front door. Aware that the authorities might be closing in on them, Sandman cautiously approached the front door. That very front door soon came crashing back onto him with a loud crash. Knocked back onto the floor, he looked up to see the towering figure of the world renowed Wonder Woman standing above him. As usual, Wonder Woman employed the direct approach, making a grand entrance by kicking the front door from the hinges. Sandi, who was trailing behind her boss by a few feet simply froze when confronted by the glamourous amazon. Sandman's eyes grew big as he recognized the super-powered beauty that had driven him to the floor.
"Sandman, your sleepy game is up," Wonder Woman announced, favoring the heroic hands-on-hips pose. "You and your gang will have plenty of time to nap at the State Pen."
Thinking quickly, the Sandman grabbed his leather doctor's bag, which had been knocked from his hands, and fled back into the hallway leading to the examination room. Taking a cue from her leader, the startled Sandi raced back on Sandman's heels. A confident Wonder Woman took long strides to chase the villainous duo, not moving too quickly as she now had the villains cornered. As she approached the familiar doorway to the exam room, Wonder Woman wondered if they would simply surrender or if she'd have the pleasure to administering a old fashion beat-down on the Sandman and company. After the way they treated Diana Prince, Wonder Woman was hoping for the latter.

More Wonderous Action in Part IV....

Re: The Sandman Scheme While the Wonder Duo Dreams

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:18 am
by franco99
The Sandman Schemes While the Wonder Duo Dreams. Part IV.

With the Sandman and Sandi retreating back into the examination room, Wonder Woman followed behind cautiously. From her research on the Sandman's methods as Diana Prince, she expected the European supervillain to have another trick up his sleeve. Wonder Woman was quite familiar with the exam room, having spent some uncomfortable moments there, tied to a chair and drugged by the Sandman's infamous hypnotic sleepwalker sand. At the very least, however, the powerful amazon was confident that she had the Sandman and his shapely henchwoman cornered. As long as Wonder Woman kept her wits about her, the Sandman wouldn't be able to spring any of his sinister sleepy surprises on her.
Wonder Woman arrived just after the panicked Sandman and Sandi and the villains froze up against the wall as the star-spangled superheroine entered the exam room.
"Going somewhere, Sandman?," Wonder Woman asked, ever confident and striking a sexy heroic pose. "I realize how rude it is of me to drop by without calling."
"What do you want, Wonder Woman?," Sandman replied with a shaking voice. "You don't have anything on me. I haven't done anything."
"Really?," snapped a skeptical Wonder Woman, "Kidnapping an IADC agent is nothing?"
"Entering without a warrant?," Sandman spat back. "We are still in America, aren't we?"
Wonder Woman's patience was running short as she strode purposefully toward the Sandman. The villain backed up against the wall as the heroine closed in on him. Grabbed him by the lapels of his lab coat, Wonder Woman lifted the Sandman off the ground in a demonstrative show of dominance.
"A warrant? Let's just say I have probable cause," Wonder Woman sneered, looking upward into the frightened face of the sniveling villain.
The Sandman could only squirm as he was pinned to the wall by the superstrength of the shapely amazon. Nurse Sandi watched in amazement at the show of strength and tried to run away while Wonder Woman was busy dealing with the Sandman.
"Stay where I can see you, miss," ordered Wonder Woman, casting an evil eye on the fleeing floozy just before she reached the exit.
"Unhand me, you tempermental tart," the Sandman groaned as Wonder Woman pushed her clenched fists a bit harder into his chest. "You've got nothing on me."
"Well, we'll see about that," crowed Wonder Woman, keeping the Sandman pinned to the wall with one arm as she reached for her golden magic lasso. "Once I slip this lasso around you, you will be forced to tell me the truth. Then, we'll see what you and you criminal band are up to here in Gotham City. Your game is up, Sandman."
With lasso in hand, Wonder Woman lowered the Sandman back onto the floor. Ready to secure the notorious European supervillain with her magic lariat, a sly knowing smile crossed the Sandman's face.
"The game isn't up yet, Wonder Woman," hissed the Sandman in an evil tone, "not while I still have one card left to play."
Wonder Woman looked baffled at the cryptic comment as Nurse Sandi, standing by the opposite doorway, pressed the button that activated the retractable sliding wall. As the wall behind the Sandman slid open to reveal the hyperbolic sleep chambers hidden behind it, Wonder Woman saw her sister, Wonder Girl, trapped inside a clear tube and surrounded by a misty blue fog. Our heroine frozen in shock at the sight of her younger sister held captive in one of the Sandman's terrible tubes. Wonder Woman had no idea Wonder Girl was even involved in this caper, let alone already captured by the nefarious Sandman.
"Wo...Wonder Girl?!?," stammered a scared Wonder Woman. "What have you done to her?"
"Wonder Girl bursted in here much like you did, uninvited and unannounced," explained the Sandman. "After a short nap, courtesy of one of my dreamweaver sleeping sand bombs, I placed her in one of my hyperbolic crygenic sleep chambers. She is quite alright, for now, but will remain sound asleep until I choose to awaken her."
"If you've harmed one hair on her...," threatened Wonder Woman, visibly worried while still seething with rage.
"Like I told you, Wonder Girl is fine," Sandman contined. "She is in something similar to a state of suspended animation."
"Well, what's to stop me from wringing your neck and then prying that tube open with my bare hands?," Wonder Woman hissed, her beautiful blue eyes alight with anger.
"Nothing, I suppose," noted the Sandman calmly. "However, I must warn you that should you simply pry the tube open, the cryogenic process dropped Wonder Girl's body temperature low enough that exposure to the mild temperature in this room could prove quite disasterous. To go from being frozen to thawed in seconds would likely result in a complete shutdown of your partner's vital organs."
"You fiendish quack," muttered a defeated, but still defiant, Wonder Woman.
"And should you feel compelled to 'wring my neck,' remember that only I can bring Wonder Girl back from this icy sleepy state," continued the Sandman. "Now, stop all this foolishness and do as I say. Wonder Girl's very life depends on it."
"what is it you want me to do?," Wonder Woman asked sheepishly, relaxing her posture, realizing that the European supervillain truly had the upper hand.
"Notice that I have several of these hyperbolic chambers empty, still waiting for the perfect subject," the Sandman pointed out, gesturing to the row of tubes standing along the wall. "I believe one has your name on it, Wonder Woman."
"That's suicide!," shouted Wonder Woman. "Release Wonder Girl at once...perhaps I'll have to persuade you to safely bring Wonder Girl out of her frozen state through force...and I'm warning you, I can be quite persuasive."
Wonder Woman grabbed the Sandman by the lapels again, just to let the puny male know she meant business. As she exerted her strength again to intimidate the villain, a ruckus in the hallway caught her attention. Nap and Snooze, tired of waiting outside in the mattress van, came rambling back inside to see what was keeping the Sandman and Sandi. As they approached the doorway to see Sandi, the henchmen shot a look inside to see their boss being manhandled by Wonder Woman.
"Hey, what's taking you so long?...," announced Nap.
"Holy stars and stripes, it's Wonder Woman!," yelled Snooze.
Wonder Woman turned her head to see what all the noise was about. Aware that his henchmen or sweet Sandi might have a sleepy trick up their sleeves, the sexy superheroine made the mistake of taking her eyes off the Sandman. With her attention focused elsewhere, the Sandman casually slid his hand into the front pocket of his lab coat to retrieve a small aerosol can stashed inside. For emergency purposes, Sandman kept a small dose of his Insta-Sleep spray close. With the small aerosol can in the palm of his hand, the Sandman could hardly contain the smile crossing his face as Wonder Woman turned back around to face him. What the amazon heroine saw, albeit briefly, was a grinning Sandman aiming the nozzle of the can right under her nose.
"Nighty night, Wonder Woman," preened the giddy Sandman as he saw the shock on Wonder Woman's face while he pressed down on the nozzle of the can.
The hiss of compressed air was heard as the narcotic sleepy fumes were released into Wonder Woman's face. The heroine's face was clenched as the blast of air hit, even blowing her long dark hair back. Wonder Woman's eyes fluttered open briefly as she grew woozy from the knockout spray, sluggishly releasing her grip on the Sandman's lab coat. The towering amazon swayed like a punch drunk boxer as her arms dropped to her sides and her legs grew unsteady. When her eyes slammed shut, Wonder Woman collapsed to the floor like a fallen tree. The dazed look on her face was changed to the relaxed look of peaceful slumber.
"Nice work, boys," complimented the smiling Sandman. "That was just the diversion I needed to get to my can of Insta-Sleep spray."
"Ah, yeah, right," stammered a confused Snooze, "a diversion...always glad to be of service, boss."
"Well, if you want to be of service," demanded the Sandman, realizing it was better to be lucky than good, "then you and Nap will load Wonder Woman into one of the hyperbolic chambers...put her in the one right next to her partner, Wonder Girl."
Nap and Snooze came forward as ordered and lifted the knocked out superheroine off the floor and up to the chamber area.

Mere moments later, Wonder Woman too was strapped upright in the containment tube right next to her sister. Her head was down with her chin resting upon her ample bosom. The familiar blue mist was cycling through the tube as now Wonder Woman was a victim of the cryogenic freeze. The Wonder Duo were both sentenced to solitary confinment in their sleeping chambers, left to sleep for a thousand years. The Sandman, with the lovely Nurse Sandi on his arm, gazed at the helpess, captive amazons with great pride before signalling his henchmen to hit the lever to put the retractable wall back into place. Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl would be hidden away to sleep in the sinister Sandman's deep freeze.
"This little Wonder Woman episode has made me dreadfully late for my appointment with Ms. Jennifer Sampson," the Sandman sighed, "but now we can be assured that Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl are no longer a problem as I carry out my plan."
"Gee, Sandman," wondered Sandi, "what's going to happen with the two Wonder chicks?"
"Not really my concern, sweet Sandi," reasoned the cold-hearted Sandman, "they will be fine until someone stumbles upon them, whenever that will be. All we need to know is that neither of them will be around to interfere with the bilking of Ms. Sampson's fortune."
"That's cold, Sandman," Sandi said, jokingly scolding her boss. "But not as cold as Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl...imagine being locked in that freezer in only your underwear."
The two villains shared a laugh as Nap and Snooze honked the horn on the mattress van waiting out front. Sandman and Sandi departed, leaving the office behind for one last time as they headed off to the penthouse suite at the Winfield Hotel. Jennifer Sampson was waiting patiently for the good doctor. This was to be one house call no one would soon forget.

The adventure continues in Part V...

Re: The Sandman Scheme While the Wonder Duo Dreams

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:19 am
by franco99
The Sandman Schemes as the Wonder Duo Dreams. Part V.

The mattress van arrived out front of the luxurious Winfield Hotel in downtown Gotham. Jennifer Sampson usually spent her evenings hitting the hottest clubs in town and making fascinating copy for the tabloid journalists and entertainment shows. On this night, however, Jennifer sat alone in her room waiting for the one doctor that had made any progress in curing her stubborn case of insomnia, Dr. Somnambula. The henchmen waited outside in the van as the Sandman and Nurse Sandi made their way up to the top floor of the hotel. Jennifer had alerted her security people to allow Dr. Somnambula full access to her room once he arrived and the bodyguards escorted the Doctor and his sexy blonde nurse right to her door. The Sandman held his leather doctor's bag in hand as Sandi cradled a bouquet of roses in her arms.
"Ms. Sampson, are you there?," the Sandman asked softly as he lightly tapped on the door. "Its Dr. Somnambula."
"You're late," shouted the voice behind the door, drawing louder as the pop diva came forward to answer. "I do not like to be kept waiting."
Jennifer wore a cross look on her cute face as she answered the door, giving the doctor and his nurse a cold reception. She looked the picture of sweet innocence in her baby doll pajamas that was cut short enough to reveal her considerable assets.
"I must apologize, Ms. Sampson," the Sandman cooed in a soothing voice. "I was held up at the office by an unexpected visitor."
"Well, it wouldn't have hurt to call," huffed the spoiled celebrity.
"Again, I'm so sorry," apologized the Sandman. "May we come in?"
"Alright," scoffed Jennifer, abruptly turning her back on the doctor and nurse and walking back from the foyer into the living room area.
The Sandman entered with Nurse Sandi in tow, grabbing the flowers from Sandi and shut the door behind them. Jennifer's suite was large and luxurious and clearly impressed the villain. He hurried up to catch Jennifer, grabbing her softly by the arm, and began to apologize profusely.
"I know how valuable your time is Ms. Sampson," the Sandman gushed. "I brought your these flowers as a simple token..."
"Oh, doctor," Jennifer purred, "that's very sweet. Forgive me for being so moody, I've been on edge because I haven't been sleeping." Jennifer was not foolish enough to pitch a fit when she was trying to convince Dr. Somnambula to join her as her personal physician."
"Completely understandable, my dear," commented the rational doctor. "Is your business manager here as well?"
"Yes, she's freshing up in the bathroom," replied Jennifer.
The Sandman extended the bouquet of roses to Ms. Sampson, still holding them at the stems as Jennifer leaned in to take in the sweet flower aroma.
"Doctor, I just love the smell of freshly cut roses," Jennifer sighed. "How did you know these were my favorites?"
The Sandman wore a knowing smile as he squeezed the stems together tightly, releasing a blast of his hypnotic sleepwalking sand. Jennifer let loose a surprised gasp as the white powder shot forth under her nose. Her eyes shot open briefly in shock and a curious look of confusion crossed her lovely face. The sinister hypnotic sand had struck its target and Jennifer Sampson soon looked mesmerized and half-asleep with her eyes barely open. The pop diva stood rigidly as she fell back under the Sandman's control once again. The Sandman's stethoscope sleepy sand was loaded into clear tube and was hidden in the bouquet of roses. A hard squeeze of the tube released the hypnotic powder. The European supervillain knew he wanted Ms. Sampson completely under his command before the business manager arrived on the scene.
"Ms. Sampson, please take a seat on the couch," the Sandman ordered as he lightly brushed away the powdery residue left on her nose and upper lip. "Sit silently and drift off into a deep slumber."
The hypnotized celebrity beauty simply nodded and was led by the arm to the couch by Nurse Sandi. Jennifer moved robotically as she sat down before leaning back and falling into a deep trance. The Sandman silently nodded to Nurse Sandi as he heard the door of the bathroom open, signalling the arrival of the business manager.
Walking into what constituted a living room area of the suite, Mindi Micheals had arrived. Looking smart in a conservative business suit and glasses, the attractive 38 year old brunette strode over to meet this Dr. Somnambula that she'd heard so much about.
"What's wrong with Jennifer?," boomed the surprised Ms. Micheals. "She looks like a zombie sitting there."
"Simple relaxation therapy, Miss," the Sandman explained. "Relaxation is the key to curing chronic insomnia."
The skeptical Mindi Micheals crossed her arms and cast a wary eye on the doctor and his scantilly-clad nurse. She was quite aware that many had tried to worm their way into Jennifer Sampson's confidence and take advantage of her gullible nature.
"You must be Dr. Somnambula," Mindi said somewhat sternly, "and Jennifer has requested that you be added to the payroll as her personal physician."
"Yes, I am Dr. Somnambula," the Sandman said calmly, "and since you have failed to introduce yourself, I can see that you're not in favor of hiring me."
"I'm Mindi Micheals, Jennifer Sampson's business manager," Mindi replied with a cross tone, "and if I had a dime for every snake oil salesman and scammer playboy that tried to get on the payroll, I'd be a wealthy woman."
"I do understand your position, Ms. Micheals," responded the Sandman, "and I was going to tell Ms. Sampson that I cannot leave my practice to join her on the road."
"I can't tell you how glad I am to hear that, doctor," Mindi said with a sigh of relief, "but I have some concerns about your surprise visit tonight...and what you gave Jennifer to leave her zonked out like that."
"She is perfectly fine, Ms. Micheals," the Sandman assured the skeptic while pointing to his nurse. "Nurse Sandi, please bring me my bag...I need my stethoscope to continue my examination."
"I hate to be rude, doctor, but I'd prefer that you two leave at once," insisted Mindi as her eyes followed the voluptuous Sandi as the nurse retrieved the leather bag and handed it to the doctor.
"I'm afraid I can't do that, Ms. Micheals," hissed the sinister Sandman, pulling the stethoscope from the bag and placing it around his neck.
"Really?," scoffed an indignant Mindi Micheals. "If you won't leave, I'll have security throw you two out."
"Nurse Sandi, prepare Ms. Micheals for a stethoscopic exam," ordered the Sandman in an evil tone.
Sandi grabbed Mindi from behind, wrapping her up tightly in her arms. The nubile nurse looked like a delicate flower, but she was quite strong and Mindi could only squirm in her powerful hug. The Sandman acted quickly, knowing the surprise of the bearhug would only stun the business manager briefly. He couldn't afford to have Mindi scream for help from the burly bodyguards waiting outside the door. Ms. Micheals thrashed about, kicking her legs and shaking her head violently from side to side. Despite dealing with a moving target, the Sandman drew the business end of his stethoscope forward and blasted a shower of sleepy sand into Mindi's unexpecting face.
"You look a bit tired from the tour, Ms. Micheals," the Sandman cooed as he activated the button to spray his hypnotic sleepwalker sand. "I believe a nap is just what the doctor ordered."
Nurse Sandi struggled to contain this squirming wildcat, but Mindi's struggles stopped as soon as the sleepy powder struck just under her nose. Sandi could feel Ms. Micheals grow woozy and weak in her grasp as the business manager fell under the Sandman's spell. The familiar drowsy look was worn on Mindi's powdered face. Nurse Sandi released the mind controlled manager as Mindi's body too grew rigid, joining Jennifer as one of the Sandman's sleepwalkers. Standing at attention, Ms. Micheals half opened eyes looked off into space as she awaited the Sandman's next command.
"Ms. Micheals, join Ms. Sampson on the couch, if you will," ordered the Sandman as he reached into his bag for the paperwork he had prepared.
Nurse Sandi led the mesmerized manager to the couch and sat her down next to the entranced Jennifer. The two women sat helplessly enraptured by the Sandman's brainwashing sand and they were about to do the Sandman's bidding.
The Sandman set the document down on the coffee table in front of the couch as he ordered Mindi to retrieve her cell phone in the pocket of her sportsjacket. He ordered her to place a call to the First Bank of Gotham and transfer 60 million dollars of Ms. Sampson's money into an offshore account in the Cayman Islands. Using Mindi Micheals cell phone, which would be traced by the bank, and her voice on the phone, the wire transfer of the money was approved. Mouthing the words the Sandman breathed into her ears, the mind controlled Mindi ordered the transfer to the specific account and explained it was for tax purposes. Once the call was complete, the Sandman produced a pen from his coat pocket and ordered Jennifer and Mindi to sign the document he had prepared. The document, authorizing the transfer of funds, was signed by both ladies before falling back into a deep sleep as commanded by the Sandman.
"This makes the exchange nice and legal," crowed the Sandman, grabbing the signed document in his hands as he walked over to the fax machine stationed next to a desk in an adjoining room. "Once I fax this over, the First Bank of Gotham will O.K. the transfer and we are 60 million dollars richer."
"What are we going to do with these two?," asked Sandi.
"Leave them here as they are no longer of service to us," the Sandman replied. "Once my sleepwalker sand wears off and they realize the money is gone, I will have made a hasty withdrawl from the little Caribbean bank account I set up. You see, Sandi, it took some research to trace Ms. Sampson bank accounts and to set up a dummy account in the Caymans."
"And I can't wait to hit the beach there," cooed Sandi. "Once we make the withdrawl, I've got a couple of bikinis I can't wait for you to see me in."
"A well earned vacation in the tropics, my dear," smiled the Sandman, "A day's evil deeds well done."

Outside the Winfield Hotel, Nap and Snooze waited patiently for their boss and his shapely henchgirl to return. Sitting in the front seats of the mattress van, they passed the time by fantasizing about what they would do with their share of the money.
"When we get to the Caymans," announced Nap, sitting behind the wheel of the van, "I was thinking of buying a villa right by the beach."
"Yeah, not a bad idea," agreed Snooze, sitting in the passenger seat. "Lay low for awhile and spend some time with all those pretty tourists on the beach."
"Now you're talking," Nap boomed, "the sun, the sand, the women..."
The conversation was rudely interrupted by the loud screeching sound of metal bending. Just as the noise surprised the dopey henchmen, the doors of the mattress van were ripped from the hinges. Standing there with the driver's side door in her hands was none other than the mighty Wonder Woman. Joining her on the other side, grasping a door of her own was the sensational Wonder Girl.
"What!?! Wonder Woman!," cried the panicked Nap, staring down the statuesque senior partner.
"...and Wonder Girl!," added an equally shocked Snooze, looked with amazement at the young superheroine on the passenger's side.
"What? How? How did soon," stammered Nap, not believing that Wonder Woman and her shapely sidekick had escaped so quickly.
"Looks like you're a bit tongue tied, my nightshirted friend," Wonder Woman joked, "but it's you and your pal that will have to do some explaining."
"Yeah, like telling us what the Sandman is doing here at the Winfield Hotel," shouted Wonder Girl from the other side of the van.
"What makes you think we'll tell you anything, Wonder Babe?," scoffed Snooze, still seated in the passenger's seat.
"You must not be familair with our work," replied Wonder Girl, as she pulled her magic lasso from her belt, "or our magic lassoes."
Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl pulled the henchmen from the van and secured them swiftly with their golden lariats. Compelled to tell the truth, the common criminals reluctantly revealed the details of the Sandman's plot. They learned his intentions of placing Jennifer Sampson and her business mamanger under his control to approve a large cash transfer into one of the Sandman's hidden bank accounts. Upon learning that the Sandman and Nurse Sandi were in the penthouse suite of Jennifer Sampson, the Wonder Duo gagged and hogtied the henchmen. Once manhandled, silenced, and bound, Nap and Snooze were tucked away out of sight in the back of the mattress van. Our heroines couldn't afford to have these henchmen alerting the Sandman of their arrival and the Sandman was good enough to leave enough rope and cloth in his vehicle to finish this job.
"It all makes sense now," Wonder Woman thought aloud, "Dr. Somnambula was seen in the company of Jennifer Sampson's personal assistant days ago."
"Jennifer Sampson!?!," Wonder Girl said with a sour look on her face. "I hate her music."
"I didn't know you were a music critic, Wonder Girl," sneered the condesending Wonder Woman. "Despite your taste in music, let's head upstairs and pay Jennifer Sampson a visit."
"Yeah, and let's give the Sandman and that nasty nurse a most unpleasant nightmare," Wonder Girl added as she ground her fist into an open hand.

The Sandman and Sandi calmly walked out of Ms. Sampson's suite and passed her vast security force as they went to the elevator. Once the elevator doors closed, the villainous duo headed back down to the lobby where they'd make a hasty retreat out of town. The trip down was interrupted with an unexpected stop on the 8th floor. As the elevator doors opened, the Sandman and Nurse Sandi saw the last two people they ever expected to see again. Standing in front of the elevator was Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl, standing proudly with hands on hips and beaming radiant smiles that could light up downtown Gotham.
"Surprise!," shouted the giddy Wonder Girl, grabbing the sliding door to prevent them from closing.
"Wonder Woman! Wonder Girl!," cried the shocked Sandman. "How is this possible?"
"You really should have paid your electric bill, Dr. Somnambula," explained Wonder Woman. "Since you'd only be staying in that phony office for a month, you thought you'd get off cheap by not paying for the electricity."
"...and once the power was shut off," Wonder Girl added, "the pumps that produced that freezing sleep fog stopped and thawed the two of us out."
"...and once thawed, our amazon strength cracked those plastic tubes like eggshells," continued Wonder Woman.
"Impossible!," shouted the exasperated Sandman, "There is no way you two thawed out so quickly."
Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl shared a knowing glance and a quick smile, the European villain should have know more about their amazon powers. Even in his surprise, the Sandman watched the Wonder Duo gloat a bit and reached for his leather bag of sleepy potions and powders. If he could subdue them swiftly, then he and Sandi could still make their escape even if they were cornered in the elevator.
As the Sandman reached for his bag, Wonder Woman reacted swiftly. She reached for her magic lasso and tightly ensnared the Sandman, wrappng his arms to his sides and forcing him to drop the bag. The lassoed villain saw stunned, looking a bit like his hypnotized sleepwalkers, as the power of the lasso overtook him.
With Sandman wrapped up, Nurse Sandi walked forward to Wonder Girl with her arms up as a sign of surrender. Sandi was not a skilled villainess, but she was a survivor.
"Please, Wonder Girl," pleaded Sandi, stepped forward from the elevator, "don't hurt me. I'll come quietly and cooperate in any way I can."
"I'd say that's the best decision you've made in a while," commented Wonder Girl, as she grabbed the left arm of the henchgirl to lead her downstairs to the police.
Sandi shot a quick look at the pompous Wonder Girl, seeing the inexperienced heroine grab her arm as Wonder Woman was to lead the lassoed Sandman away. Reaching in her hair with her right hand, Sandi retrieved something that looked like a hair pin. Pinched between Sandi's thumb and forefinger, a small vial of Sandman's sleepy knockout sand was ready to spray the unexpecting Wonder Girl. If the henchgirl could knock Wonder Girl out quickly, Sandi could likely take a run at escaping. Sandi, still smiling as she looked to Wonder Girl at her side, brought the vial in her fingers up slowly for the surprise attack. Sandi's suspicious moments did not escape the notice of Wonder Woman, as she kept a close eyes on the henchgirl. As Sandi squeezed the vial to spray Wonder Girl with the sleepy sand, Wonder Woman jumped in between them and exhaled her powerful breath into Sandi's face. Wonder Woman's quick reaction to Sandi's trick worked quite well as Wonder Woman blew the sleepy sand back into Sandi's face, sending the wicked girl off to dreamland. Sandi's expression changed from an evil grin to drowsy as her eyes rolled back in surprise as her eyelids fell shut. The evil nurse collapsed in Wonder Girl's arms, unaware that Sandi was seconds away from sending her to sleep. As the surprised Wonder Girl cradled the KO'ed henchgirl, Wonder Woman gave her a knowing look.
"I'd like to think that you saw that one coming, Wonder Girl," preached Wonder Woman. "If you had lassoed her like I did with the Sandman, I wouldn't have had to step on your behalf."
"Talk about bad breath, Wonder Woman," gasped an amazed Wonder Girl, still carrying the slumbering Sandi, "right back into her face...never did see that coming."
"And you wonder why I worry about you on your own," said Wonder Woman with a matronly tone. "Let's get these two downstairs, the police are waiting."

The Gotham City Police had arrived to collect the Sandman and his sinister crew of criminals. Once the villains were turned in to the proper authorities, the Wonder Duo went upstairs to check on the condition of Jennifer Sampson and her business manager. While a bit woozy from the Sandman's mind-numbing sleeping sand, Jennifer and Mandi were non the worse for wear. Mindi was able to freeze the cash transfer from Jennifer's account and keep the money out of Sandman's secret off-shore Cayman account.
"Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl, I can't thank you enough for all you've done," Mindi said greatfully. "That Dr. Somnambula was able to place us under his control so easily..."
"Not to worry, Ms. Micheals," Wonder Girl noted, "The Sandman's charms are seductive and his arsenal of potions make him a formitable foe. A lot of experienced superheroes and heroines have fallen prey to his sleep-enducing sand."
"Well, he almost waltzed out of here with 60 million dollars," lamented Mindi.
"The key word is 'almost,'" added Wonder Woman, "and no thanks is necessary. The IADC was watching the Sandman closely to see what sinister plot he planned to hatch here in America. Turns out that Ms. Sampson vast fortune was his target."
"Where's Jennifer?," wondered Mindi. "I'm sure she'd love to thank you personally. Plus, she'd just be sick if she missed a chance to meet Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl."
The Wonder Duo and Mindi looked acroos the large suite to see Jennifer Sampson spawled out on the couch, peacefully napping after such an exciting evening.
"Hmmm, looks like we're the best cure for insomnia," joked Wonder Girl. "Now that you mention it, our lives are pretty boring."
Mindi, Wonder Woman, and Wonder Girl shared a good laugh as Jennifer remained fast asleep, oblivious to the world.


Re: The Sandman Scheme While the Wonder Duo Dreams

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:51 pm
by superpics4les
Nice little story, Franco! Good read and very entertaining! My complements! 8)

Re: The Sandman Scheme While the Wonder Duo Dreams

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:15 pm
by SGWriter
Excellent story Franco one of my new favorites!

Re: The Sandman Scheme While the Wonder Duo Dreams

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:55 pm
by lytespeed
Yet another gem Franco!

Re: The Sandman Scheme While the Wonder Duo Dreams

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:52 pm
by Carolina41

Re: The Sandman Scheme While the Wonder Duo Dreams

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:04 pm
by tmon
Excellent Story. :D :D :D Thanks for sharing.
