Xena - Callisto's Boots

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 216
Joined: 1 year ago

Callisto’s Boots
By Vega Taxeca

This story contains graphic sex scenes between women, including some D/s elements.

I do not own Xena – the Warrior Princess, or any of its characters or storylines. It belongs to Renaissance Pictures, Studio USA, Universal Studios and/or related companies. But I do not make any money with this story anyway, so I hope it is okay. No copyright infringement is intended.

This story is set after the season 1 episode “Callisto”, but before the season 2 episode “Return of Callisto”. It starts with Callisto in her prison cell, but then moves away from canon. If you have never watched Xena, some of the characters and character background might seem puzzling.

Callisto yawned. Though she was sure it was only a matter of time, she had not found a way yet to escape her cell, meaning she was still bound to this bloody chair. A shimmering light woke Callisto from her boredom. A scantily clad blonde woman appeared and looked Callisto up and down.
“Nice legs, but I don’t see your usual boots. A pity, they look like so hardcore on you.”
Callisto sneered.
“What brings you to my cell? Aphrodite, I presume.”
“You know me, honey. That’s so rave.”
“There aren’t that many ditzy blondes teleporting around. But I do not care about love, so why don’t you send your brother instead.”
“Pfft, as if Ares would help you against Xena. No, I want to offer you a deal. If you do something for me – something you would surely like anyway –, I would get you out of this prison.”
“I’ll be out of here in no time anyway.”
“Oh, I know. But it would take time. I could get you out right now. And I would have a nice extra gift for you. What would you say about a new pair of boots?”
There was something decidedly sinister hidden behind the sweet smile. Callisto was intrigued.
“Tell me more.”
Aphrodite explained her offer. She ended with a warning.
“But you have to do it alone. If you try to gather your army, Ares will feel it and intervene. He is the God of War, so it is his thing.”
Callisto nodded.
“I understand. Although he would seem my natural ally, he is actually my rival. Our interests clash, whereas yours and mine align quite nicely.”
The Goddess clapped her hands excitedly.

Part 1: On the Road
“You know, Xena, I have thought about us.”
Xena and Gabrielle looked up in shock when they heard the dreaded voice of Callisto, a mortal enemy of the Warrior Princess. They saw her standing on an overhanging branch of one of the tall trees lining the road. Xena’s hand gripped her chakram, but then she waited. After all, Callisto had already proven she could catch and use it.
“How did you escape?”
Callisto laughed.
“As if a prison could hold somebody like us.”
“There is no “us”. What do you want?”
“No “us”? That’s harsh. We are two sides of a coin. Or are we top and bottom?”
Callisto waited a moment to let the thought sink in, before she continued.
“But what do I want? You see, for most of my life, I wanted you dead. I even modeled myself after you to be better able to destroy you. Only recently my feelings have started to change. Instead of killing you, I want to make you think of me every single minute as a reminder of your crimes. However, I also want you to admit your sins and not just as some platitudes said without any real conviction. No, I want you to kneel before me and to apologize. And I want you to demonstrate your sincerity by kissing my boots. Do you like my new shiny boots?”
The bard gasped at this outrageous demand, but Xena’s eyes were inexplicably drawn to her enemy’s footwear. They were black, like her old ones, but sleeker and underlining perfectly the beauty of Callisto’s long, slender legs. Xena felt a shudder run through her body, but seemed outwardly calm when she answered.
“They serve their purpose, I would guess. But why should I believe, that this is anything other than a trap or one of your little games?”
Callisto smiled.
“Oh yes, trust is so important in any relationship. Okay, what can I offer? The last time we met one-on-one, you won. Therefore, it should already help a lot, if you can be sure that I have no army hidden somewhere nearby. You know this area better than anyone. Surely there is a place within a day’s walk where you feel safe you cannot be surprised, maybe a plain or a hilltop where you can watch all the surroundings. Name it and we meet there.”
Xena looked sceptic.
“That’s it? We meet at an open place and I say sorry. No other terms?”
“Actually, there is one condition. I need your word that you will not try to capture me during the meeting or do anything else other than apologizing in the way I already explained. If you still want to send me to jail afterwards, you can try to get me the next day, but not earlier. And of course, it means you won’t bring anybody else to do the dirty work for you. Your sidekick here might join you, but nobody else.”
“Leave Gabrielle out of this.”
“Don’t worry; it’s not her I am interested in. After all, my family was already dead when I met her.”
The Warrior Princess could not completely hide her reaction at this low-blow. Unfortunately, Callisto was correct. Xena had caused the death of her family and yet had never had to stand trial for it. She thought quickly. Would it not serve justice, if she apologized? Maybe it would help Callisto to see the error of her ways and to seek redemption as well. Actually, trying to humiliate Xena instead of killing her could already be seen as progress. Without realizing it, her eyes were drawn again and again to Callisto’s new boots. Subconsciously she was already contemplating how soft the leather would feel under her lips. With a slight nod, the raven-haired warrior came to a decision.
“Two hours northeast from here is a low hill. We will meet on the top. There I will apologize.”
Gabrielle looked surprised.
“Xena, are you sure you can trust her?”
“I’ll have to give her a chance.”
Callisto grinned.
“And I do have your word?”
Xena nodded solemnly.
“I promise I’ll only be there to apologize and to kiss your boots.”
Callisto’s grin widened. Her enemy probably had not even realized her slip of tongue.
“Okay, see you there.”
And with those words, the blonde warrior disappeared back into the forest. Gabrielle immediately turned to her friend.
“And I’ll be there as well. Do not even think about leaving me behind.”
Xena nodded.
“I agree.”
The bard was not to be stopped.
“You have to see … wait, you agree?”
Xena smirked at the perplexed look.
“Yeah, I do. If Callisto does plan some kind of trap, you will be safer with me than alone here somewhere. If we were in a city or near the amazons, I might have thought differently, but here in the wild there is no other choice. I know you have improved your fighting skills, but against Callisto or just part of her army you wouldn’t have a chance.”
Gabrielle had seemed willing to protest for a second, but quickly deflated.
“Yeah, I know. But against Callisto, I can assist you. Even if I am no match for her alone, I can watch your back and look out for traps.”
“Okay, but make sure to keep out of range of her. That woman is as dangerous as she is beautiful.”
The bard looked a bit doubtful at this comparison, although she could not deny its accuracy. In the end she simply agreed.
“Yeah, okay.”
“Then let’s get moving. I would like to be there early enough to check out the area.”
Xena held out her arm to help the bard up on the horse behind her. Soon they were on the move.

Part 2: The Apology
Both women stood on the hilltop, with Argo behind them, when Callisto arrived. They had quickly searched the area and found no trap. Now they had to wait for the crazy warrior’s next move. She had left her horse at the foot of the hill, although the incline was not too steep to ride. Callisto stopped ten feet from the two friends, showing a cocky smirk.
“I see you have brought the irritating blonde, but that’s okay. She can record the events in one of her little stories.”
Gabrielle bristled.
“You can be sure that I will record everything you did.”
The blonde warrior smirked.
“Be sure to do justice to my killer bod, not to mention how good I look with these boots.”
Xena rolled her eyes at this exchange, but she could not stop herself from looking longer at those boots than necessary. They really looked great on the beautiful warrior.
“Okay, can we get this over with?”
Callisto’s smirk disappeared.
“I would prefer it, if you at least tried to sound sincere.”
“I am sorry. You are right. So how do you want this done?”
“That’s better. Okay, you will get down on your knees, crawl over to me and kiss both my boots. Then you will apologize and to finish it off, kiss my boots once more.”
Xena looked sceptic.
“That’s it?”
“That’s it, at least for now. To be honest, I have no idea what it will feel like to hear your apology, nor am I sure what I will do afterwards.”
Xena nodded.
“Fair enough.”
The Warrior Princess got slowly down on her knees. Then she began crawling on all four towards her nemesis. Callisto had to fight to keep her glee from her face. The plan was working perfectly. Soon she would own the Warrior Princess. Xena finally reached the other woman. She looked up once to check for any sign of a trick, but the blonde was only looking down at her patiently. She bent towards Callisto’s left boot. A soft sigh escaped her mouth, for she had secretly longed for this since they had met Callisto in the forest. The moment her lips finally touched the leather, pleasure raced through her body. The kiss lasted longer than she had planned. She almost had to force herself to stop and then was quick to press her lips to the other boot. She felt wetness pool in her pussy, but managed to recover and pull back slightly. She looked up at the blonde, enjoying the sight of the beautiful warrior towering over her.
“Callisto, I am very sorry for your loss, a loss I have caused. Please accept my sincerest apology. I do hope I can make it up to you somehow, although I know I cannot replace your loved ones.”
Xena pressed her lips once more to first the left boot and then the right one. She had to reign in her feelings, for she was tempted to keep peppering the boots with more kisses. Each kiss had felt better than the last one. In her almost submissive haze, the dark warrior had not moved otherwise. She still knelt before the blonde. An unreadable emotion had crossed over Callisto’s face, before she finally smirked.
“That actually felt rather good. I would say, you sounded sincere enough, although I might allow you to try it again, if you feel the need. That means, for the moment, I won’t kill you. You may leave now.”
Xena had crawled backwards several feet, before she came to her senses. She stood up and with a simple nod to Callisto turned around. When she reached the bard, she simply nodded towards Argo.
“Let’s go, Gabrielle.”
Both women got on the horse and rode away, with Xena sending one last look towards the blonde warrior. Callisto smirked.
“See you, Xena.”
Under her breath, she added.
“And it will be sooner than you think.”
Then Callisto returned to her horse as well.

Part 3: A Nightly Visitor
They had still been on their climb down the hill, when Gabrielle had started to pepper her friend with questions.
“What was that all about? You seemed a bit out of it. Do you believe Callisto was sincere? Or was it a trap?”
“In that last case, we might still be in danger. Therefore, please be quiet and listen for any signs of movement.”
Reluctantly, the bard followed her advice. Xena knew it was only a temporary relief, but at least it gave her some time to sort through her feelings. The strongest of those feelings was arousal. She had enjoyed kissing those boots in a very sexual way, as if she was a submissive. The Warrior Princess did have a submissive streak, but usually that side only appeared with dominant older women, like Lao Ma or Alti. Callisto was several years younger than Xena, but maybe she was strong enough to dominate Xena, now that she had managed to reign in her craziness. Still, something seemed to be off about their encounter, but Xena could not place her finger on it. Oh well, if there was a problem, she would solve it. Right now, she was just happy it went so well. She would cool down soon, even though her panties were wet at the moment.
Later that night, she had to admit that cooling down had been easier said than done. She had managed to placate Gabrielle’s curiosity without giving anything away, but had been distracted. She could not stop thinking about Callisto and the arousal she felt at the memory of kissing those boots. With only the flimsiest of excuses did she manage to escape Gabrielle’s questions for a moment. But she really did need some alone time to take care of her arousal. She had never been so turned on in her whole life, not even during actual sex. Quickly she pushed two fingers in her dripping cunt. Her pussy was a hot inferno while she fingerfucked herself to three quick, yet massive orgasms. It was Callisto’s arrogant smirk in her mind while she did so.
Suddenly she heard a noise and stopped. Before she could withdraw her hand, the same woman she had just fantasized about came into view. Just seeing Callisto again and being near those boots turned her on immediately. The blonde warrior smirked when she saw her.
“I see you have been thinking about me, haven’t you?”
Although the remark had been rhetorical, Xena nodded, her cheeks flushed in a mixture of embarrassment and arousal.
“Well, as I said before, I might allow you another go at kissing my boots. But you have to ask nicely and to be willing to service me in return. Can you do that?”
Xena nodded even more vigorously.
“Yes, please, allow me to apologize again. I will service you happily.”
“Really? You will lick my cunt for as long as I want?”
“Yes, please. I’d love to do that.”
“Okay, then get rid of your clothes and kneel before me.”
Xena was naked in record time and knelt obediently before the blonde warrior. Callisto lifted her battle skirt with a smirk, showing that she was bare underneath.
“Now get your tongue working.”
The dark warrior leant closer and let the tip of her tongue glide up Callisto’s thigh. The nearer she got to her target, the stronger became the intoxicating smell of pussy juices. Almost reverently she sampled several droplets that had leaked from the slit. With the knowledge that she would afterwards be allowed to kiss Callisto’s boots, she was eager to please the blonde warrior. With the flat of her tongue, Xena licked up the slit, thereby tasting more of the sexual secretions. By now Callisto held her head in a strong grip, demonstrating her dominance in this situation, and it worked. The Warrior Princess fell deeper and deeper into a sub-space, accepting her submissive role in this interaction. She held her arms behind her back and let herself be guided by the younger warrior.
Stiffening her tongue, Xena began to enter her lover’s netherhole. She was rewarded with a fresh wave of delicious juices. For several minutes the dark warrior fucked the other woman with her tongue. At some point, Callisto became impatient and began to take command. With her strong grip, she rubbed Xena’s face over her pussy, using it effectively as a fuckpad. When she came with a triumphant roar, she made sure to rub her juices all over the passive woman’s face. Satisfied for the moment, she let go of Xena’s hair.
“You may now kiss my boots.”
Xena remembered to thank her lover, before she shuffled back a bit and bent down. Lovingly she pressed her lips on Callisto’s left boot. At the moment of contact, once again a wave of pleasure rushed through her. After having her mouth still filled with the taste of Callisto’s passion, it was enough for her to come violently. Her conqueror looked down on her with a very satisfied smirk. The magic boots of her new ally Aphrodite had been just as effective as she had promised. The Goddess was probably already busy with her own games, but Callisto turned her attention back to her new pet. The Warrior Princess did not know it yet, but her future was to be a sex slave of her former nemesis. It was time to step up the training. She spoke in a menacing voice.
“I haven’t heard your apology yet.”
Xena quickly scrambled back into a kneeling position.
“I am sorry, Callisto, I am so sorry. Sorry for what I have done to you and sorry that I just wasn’t fast enough to recover, but I am just so overwhelmed by your presence.”
“Is that so? Well, I might allow you to make it up to me. You will not just kiss my boots; you will lick them clean from top to soles. You will beg me for this honor, but first you will offer me your body and beg me to fuck you any way I want.”
Xena was almost desperate in her haste to offer herself to the blonde warrior.
“Oh Gods, yes please, take my body as yours. Fuck me, use me, but please allow me to lick your boots.”
“That’s a good pet. Get on all four.”
The dark warrior quickly turned around and presented her behind. Losing all of her usual pride, she even wiggled it in invitation. Callisto enjoyed the sight while she stepped into a leather harness. Once it sat tight, she inserted an eight-inch ivory phallus. Its tail end was inserted into her own vagina, allowing her to get stimulated as well. She was almost as wet from anticipation when she knelt behind her future pet, as said pet was. Callisto dragged the phallus several times along the leaking slit, thereby coating her tool with lubrication. She placed the tip of the phallus into the entrance, but then stopped.
“Beg me, my pet. Beg me one more time.”
Xena was quick to respond.
“Please, Callisto, please fuck me.”
“That’s a good pet.”
The blonde warrior pushed until four inches had entered Xena’s cunt. From there she moved back and forth, creating a slow rhythm to fuck her submissive partner. The Warrior Princess mewled in pleasure at being taken so thoroughly. It did not take long for Callisto to pump all eight inches into the responsive cunt. Xena was beside herself with want. Nobody had ever fucked her so dominantly, taking her with ease. It shattered parts of Xena’s psyche to enjoy her total submission so much. She would never again be able to challenge Callisto’s authority over her. Soon afterwards, the Warrior Princess was overwhelmed by the first of three strong orgasms. Once the blonde warrior was finished with her, Xena needed several minutes to recover, before she was able to crawl over to the other woman. Callisto had sat down on a fallen log, leisurely presenting her right boot.
Xena licked the dirty boot with relish, even the muddy parts, while being wrecked with one climax after the other. The pleasure caused by contacting the magical leather short-circuited her brain. All she could think about was getting more, therefore showing all the signs of an addict. Callisto grinned in triumph. She knew very well the effect of Aphrodite’s gift. Seeing the proof of the strength of her magic increased her respect for the blonde Goddess. Ares’ sister was really the best ally she could have hoped for. When her new pet was finally finished with cleaning the boots, she was almost delirious and ripe for Callisto to strengthen her hold over the dark warrior even more.
“Okay pet, from now on you will offer me your body whenever we meet. If you are lucky, you might be allowed to kiss my boots in return, but remember that those occasions are a gift by your generous mistress.”
“Thank you, Callisto.”
“That’s ‘Thank you, Mistress’.”
“Oh sorry, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.”
“Meet me tomorrow at nine in the inn at Colchios. I will have the room next to yours. There I will continue your training.”
“Thank you, Mistress.”
Xena had a dreamy expression on her face, while the blonde warrior left. It took her several minutes to recover enough to wash her face in a nearby creek and then to put her clothes and armor back on.

Part 4: Meanwhile, back at the Camp
Earlier in the evening, Gabrielle was busy with cleaning their camp. She was still puzzling over Xena’s behavior. Her friend had left a couple of minutes ago to check the perimeter and suggested for the bard not to wait for her return. She cited Callisto’s nearness as a reason for being especially careful, which made sense, but still there was something off with her. At least twice she had mentioned Callisto’s beauty, which was just weird, even though the bard had to agree on this point. Was it possible that Xena was developing feelings for the blonde warrior? She hoped not. Only since they met the amazons had Gabrielle become aware of the possibility of love between women, but since then she had realized that she had feelings for the Warrior Princess. She had not found the nerve yet to tell her about it, even though she was mostly sure that Xena was open to both sexes. Having Callisto get in the way would be a major bummer, especially since it aligned with her fears that Xena preferred the dangerous type.
For a moment, she thought about the two warriors kissing, and although the image had a certain thrill, it made her more depressed than anything. Instead she tried to visualize herself in Xena’s arms, kissing the Warrior Princess. She suddenly remembered that she had a good chance at quality alone time, without the danger of being surprised by her traveling partner, at least if she was quick enough about it. The bard immediately decided to make use of this chance and to go to bed early. Since they had met Callisto, there had been a certain vibe, as if she was aroused just from being near the blonde warrior. No, she did not want to think about Callisto in these circumstances. She wanted to be with Xena. She rolled out their sleeping furs, before she quickly washed her face and hands. As usual when they camped in the wild, she kept her clothes on, though she pulled up her skirt and removed her panties.
Finally ready, Gabrielle conjured up one of her favorite fantasies, Xena emerging stark naked from a lake she had bathed in. Like a predator she stalked towards the furs where Gabrielle was waiting, forcing the bard just with her sheer personality to open her legs in invitation. Her hands had begun to rub over her pussy while she imagined the hungry look on her soon to be lover’s face. There was a sudden change in the air and she smelled a sweet fragrance, more feminine than she would connect with the dark warrior. At the same time, her arousal increased tenfold and she was consumed by primal lust. In her fantasy, Xena now knelt before her open legs, but the image began to blur and change. Instead of the raven-haired warrior, a curly blonde beauty appeared, very pretty, yet still dominant and dangerous. With a salacious smirk, she bent forward. Her eyes bored into Gabrielle’s, all the way down, until her mouth touched the bard’s pussy.
Pleasure exploded in Gabrielle’s mind at the first contact and soon she was being eaten out by an expert. She was no longer sure if it was fantasy or reality, but she just longed for more. She wanted to feel those sensuous lips forever on her pussy. An incredibly agile tongue plundered the depth of her cunt, to be suddenly replaced by soft lips sucking firmly on her clit. The masterful variation between firm and soft, lips and tongue, clit and cunt was too much. Gabrielle exploded in a mind-blowing orgasm, while pleasure engulfed her body and soul. And the woman did not let up, causing one powerful climax after the other, until finally the bard blacked out. When Gabrielle returned to consciousness, her vision was blocked by female genitalia. The woman was sitting on the bard’s face. For the first time, she talked to her.
“Welcome back, sweetie. Start licking. It is like time to return the favor.”
In her sexual haze, Gabrielle did not even think about resisting. Since she had realized she loved women just as much as men (if not more), she had been curious anyway about the taste of another female’s juices. Would it be similar to her own juices? When she licked tentatively along the pussy lips, she found out that the answer was “no”, for it was so much better. At least this woman’s juices tasted like godly nectar, causing an explosion of pleasure erupting from her taste buds. The bard began to suck eagerly on the fleshy lips, close to the source of the divine treat. Gabrielle was a novice in the art of lesbian sex, but she made up for it with her enthusiasm. Gliding up and down, her tongue found every crevice in her lover’s folds. An increased flow of the sweet juices told her she did something right. And she was more than glad about it, because she had suddenly the strong urge to please this stranger, not caring about her identity.
Remembering what her lover had done, she searched for her clit. When she found it, she closed her lips around it and began to suck. It took only a couple of minutes and the other woman came with a satisfied moan. Gabrielle was almost drowned in the sweet cum, a divine nectar she could not get enough of. Like a madwoman, she kept licking and sucking to find more of these love juices. When she had brought her lover to climax again, the woman bent forward to reach the bard’s core. Soon they were embraced in a sixty-nine position, the novice and the woman of her dream. After Gabrielle had climaxed again, the other woman changed her tactics. Bringing a hand into play, she started to pump two fingers in Gabrielle’s vagina. By now the bard was moaning constantly. She did not know what was better – the orgasms she received or the taste of those godly juices. Finally, they stopped, when Gabrielle needed a break.
“Please, I need a moment. One more orgasm and I might black out again.”
The other woman giggled.
“Already worn out, sweetie? Well, why don’t you worship this, until your juices are flowing again?”
She made a gesture indicating her perfect body, before she continued.
“And then we can work on training your stamina. I want you to be able to come as often as I command.”
A thrill ran through the bard’s body at the idea of being at the mercy of this sublime being. She would gladly pay tribute to every lithe limb. Soon she was covering the soft skin of both her feet with kisses, switching between left and right. She had never seen such smooth skin under the feet of an adult, not even the slightest callus could be detected. Had she not been in such a haze, she might have realized that no mere mortal could have such perfect feet. Instead, she was busy sucking on the slender toes. Only after spending several minutes with lavish foot service, did she release the pink painted toes. In a mixture of kissing, licking, and nibbling, did she make her way up those long shapely legs. Each touch of her lips and tongue with the soft skin caused pleasure to wash through her. The sweet smell of this woman invaded her senses. When she reached the point where both thighs met, she made a quick detour to the pussy to lap at her well of juices.
The taste of the divine nectar upped her arousal for more than a notch. Still, she managed to move on. Of course, those two fleshy mounds of feminine perfection had a pull of their own. It was an interesting dichotomy, first licking along hard abs, stronger than expected, to then feel the soft creamy mounds under her lips. She circled the beautiful tits with her tongue, until she finally zeroed in on the peaks. Enveloping one rock hard nipple with her lips, she began to suckle for several minutes before she moved to the other breast to repeat the process. She drew lovely noises, moans, and sighs, from her lover, but finally decided – although reluctantly – that there was more body to worship.
She kissed the left shoulder and then followed the arm to its end, where she sucked on those long fingers, one by one. She kissed her way back up and then licked through the armpit, but there was no hint of any saltiness. The other arm was next, getting the same routine. For a second, Gabrielle hovered over her lover, just taking in her incredible beauty. It was too much and the bard could no longer resist. She bent down and pressed her lips to the perfect Cupid’s bow of the other woman’s mouth, still completely unaware of the irony of this description. After all, the woman was none other than the Goddess Aphrodite, mother of said Cupid.
Gabrielle felt hands gripping her hair while she explored the depth of her lover’s mouth. She was almost overwhelmed with ecstasy while their tongues wrestled. Slowly but surely the other woman took control of their kiss, once again dominating their interaction. Finally, the bard had to stop. Her lungs were almost bursting from lack of oxygen. The blonde woman smiled knowingly. Her next words immediately got Gabrielle’s attention.
“Good job, sweetie, but now it is time to concentrate the worship again on the center of your universe. Suck my pussy!”
“With pleasure.”
The bard’s words were the absolute truth. The moment her lips touched the pussy lips, ecstatic waves of pleasure flooded her mind. Soon she used her tongue to drill enthusiastically into the succulent cunt, enjoying the sweet taste. Her lover wrapped her legs around Gabrielle’s head, pulling her in even deeper. For one perfect moment in time, nothing else existed in the world but Gabrielle’s want, no absolute need, to please this divine being. Deep in her subconscious she understood that this was what she was born for, servicing beauty incarnate. Her head bopped up and down while she pumped her tongue into the velvety love channel. The sculpted thighs encasing her were the end of her world, nothing else mattered. At this moment, she desired nothing but to please the owner of her world.
Gabrielle almost laughed with happiness when the velvety walls holding her tongue suddenly contracted, heralding the climax of her lover and the flood of juices it caused. The bard slurped up as much as possible of the heavenly nectar, feeling her desire increase with each drop she gathered. Her lover not letting go of her head was enough of a command for Gabrielle to keep going. She kept pumping her tongue into the tight vagina, until her neck and mouth ached and the other woman had come again. The bard then switched to the clit and sucked greedily on the little nub. Two more orgasms were enough to satisfy even her greedy lover for the moment. The other woman opened her legs and pulled Gabrielle forward to meet her mouth for an enthusiastic kiss. Finally, she let go of the bard and ordered her to kneel on the bed.
Gabrielle could not wait what would happen next. She loved to be at the mercy of the beautiful blonde. She wiggled her ass in invitation when the other woman knelt behind her. As an answer, she felt first one, then two fingers explore her cunt. Soon those fingers were buried in her vagina, causing Gabrielle to groan with pleasure. Those groans turned into shouts of encouragement, when her lover began to fuck her in earnest. Deep strokes were mixed with hard, rhythmic pumping. The woman seemed to know Gabrielle’s cunt better than the bard herself. She managed to hit every sensitive spot inside the love channel with ease. In and out she pumped her fingers. Within minutes, Gabrielle was overwhelmed by another strong orgasm, but her lover did not stop. One climax led to another, reducing the bard into a whimpering mass, only aware of a primal need to receive pleasure. At some point it was too much and Gabrielle lost consciousness. She fell to her side, with drool running down her chin and juices leaking from her pussy. The blonde looked down at her with sinister satisfaction.
“Sleep well, sweetie. Soon you will be mine.”
The woman vanished from sight, leaving behind only some glittering sparks in the air.

Part 5: Return-Visits
The next day they had traveled towards the small town of Colchios. Gabrielle was less talkative than usual, for her thoughts were occupied with that mysterious, but incredibly erotic dream she had had during the night. She still felt sore in certain intimate places, as if she had masturbated during her sleep. She was feeling glad that she did not have to ride today, even walking felt a bit uncomfortable. Luckily for her, Xena was setting a more leisurely pace than usual, almost as if she knew the bard needed it. Or as if she felt sore as well. Gabrielle giggled at the thought of the stoic Warrior Princess, trying to hide the after effects of a wild night of sex. Of course, the idea was ridiculous, but it helped keeping her in a good mood. For the rest of the day, her thoughts became quite steamy.
When they reached Colchios, they secured a room at the inn right away. Once they were alone, Xena turned to her friend.
“Tomorrow we can go to the market, but for tonight please stay in our room. I am still concerned about you running accidently into Callisto. She might still be around. Meanwhile I will leave to meet another warrior. It might be late before I return. We will be busy getting reacquainted.”
Gabrielle pouted for a second, but then she remembered the fun she did have last night after falling asleep during masturbation. She coughed before she answered in an almost even tone.
“Okay, if you think that is best. I will probably be busy working on some of my stories.”
In her mind, she already went through her favorite fantasies, to decide on the best one as background for fucking herself. They ate some of their travel rations, before Xena announced she would leave. All through the day, her need to kiss Callisto’s boots had become stronger. Only with a hard struggle inside her mind she found the resolve to stop this mess with the blonde warrior. She would walk over to her room, tell her, that they should never see each other again and return to her soulmate Gabrielle. On her knock she heard the invite and entered Callisto’s room. She was just about to deliver her speech, when her eyes fell on the other woman’s boots and words failed her. Callisto sat leisurely on a chair and just grinned knowingly. Pleasure almost overwhelmed the Warrior Princess and her eyes were glued to those shiny boots. A set of commands had her moving immediately.
“Close the door! Then get naked and on your knees!”
Xena jumped to obey as quickly as possible. Any rebellious thoughts she might have formed during the day immediately vanished the moment she laid eyes on Callisto’s boots. Now her juices began to flow just from being near them. The blonde warrior opened her legs teasingly, showing that she was not wearing any underwear under her battle skirt. Other than her evil grin, she did not show how much she enjoyed her triumph. It was time to reel in her victim completely. The final phase of the degradation of the Warrior Princess had begun. With her next commands, she would cement Xena’s new status as her sex slave.
“You are learning fast, my pet. Now you will beg me for permission to service me. Then, when I am satisfied with your performance, you will beg me to fuck you. And maybe, if you are lucky, I might allow you to lick my boots later tonight.”
Xena’s eyes lit up at this prospect.
“Thank you, Mistress, for your generosity. Please, may I service you? May I pump my tongue in your beautiful cunt?”
“Who is asking?”
“Your slave, Mistress, just your lowly slave.”
“As long as you understand your position, you may crawl to me. And then, start licking.”
“Thank you, Mistress.”
Xena followed the command and soon she was happily sucking on the blonde’s cunt. She felt delighted when she managed to make her Mistress come and a gush of juices washed over her face. Greedily she drank as much as possible. Callisto cleaned her crotch with Xena’s long hair. Then she pushed her away with enough force to topple over.
“Not bad for the start. Now start begging again.”
Of course, the Warrior Princess remembered Callisto’s earlier words.
“Please, Mistress! Please, fuck me! Please use my body!”
“You are starting to understand your position, slave. Get up and bend over the table, ass in the air. But remember, you are not allowed to come without permission.”
“Thank you, Mistress! Of course, I will obey.”
On a sign of her Mistress, Xena took up position as commanded. Bent over the table, she got a good grip of the other edge. She placed her feet about half a yard apart, to allow her Mistress easy access to her pussy. With evil satisfaction, Callisto pulled a harness from her bag and strapped it around her hips and thighs. Next, she picked up an eight-inch dildo and buckled it into the contraption so that the end was inserted into her own pussy. Stepping up behind Xena, she kicked her legs even further apart. The dark warrior moaned, because pleasure raced through her body. The kicks had caused contact between her skin and Callisto’s boots and even though it lasted only for a fraction of a second, it had the same effect as an overdose of an aphrodisiac on her body. The blonde warrior took up position between Xena’s legs, before she addressed her new pet.
“I will not bother to lubricate my fake-dick. I know that my slave is wet enough, since a slave is living for moments like this.”
Xena thanked her benefactor. Moments later she felt the massive tool enter her vagina and as predicted it glided in easily. More and more she accepted the total dominance of her Mistress. Coupled with the effect of being touched by the boots, she was ready to be taken. With full force, Callisto hammered the phallus into her pet’s cunt. The Warrior Princess would have plenty of bruises the next day, but Callisto did not care. She knew her slave would love the brutal treatment anyway, seeing it as a showing of strength which would justify her total submission. Soon Xena would be completely broken, leaving only a shell of the once formidable woman. The rest would be an obedient sex slave, living only to please her Mistress. It was time to close the deal. Addressing the groaning woman, she began to assault her with commands and insults.
“You are such a worthless slut, slave. You just want to be taken by your Mistress. Admit it, this is what you crave. You want to be owned by your Mistress. You want to be her slave forever! Beg for it!”
“Oh yes, please, Mistress! Take me. Make me yours. I need you.”
The strongest orgasm of her life overwhelmed Xena, while the blonde simply kept fucking her.
Meanwhile in the other room, Gabrielle had been busy as well. The moment the bard had been sure that Xena was out of earshot, she had stripped of all her clothes. This night, she wanted free access to all parts of her body, while she would replay last night’s dream in her mind. It would be perfect masturbation fodder. She was not even aware, that for the first time since she started to think of women sexually, she wanted to consciously choose to fantasize about somebody other than Xena. In her dream last night, she had felt such an overwhelming pleasure, that she just had to try to replicate some of it. Reclining on the bed, she closed her eyes to concentrate fully on the images in her mind. She started with her tongue pushed deeply into the blonde’s pussy, tasting her delicious nectar. It just felt right to imagine herself on her knees, servicing the other woman. Gabrielle had just started to play with her pussy, when she suddenly heard a voice.
“You have been calling, sweetie?”
The bard opened her eyes in surprise, to see the woman of her dreams sitting on the headboard right next to her.
“Is this… are you real?”
“Less talking, more servicing. You wanted to lick my pussy. I allow it. Get to work. Just because I am immortal as a Goddess does not mean that I am willing to wait.”
Gabrielle’s mind reeled, but she quickly followed her orders anyway. Turning around on the bed, she knelt between the Goddess’ open thighs. The moment she bent forward and her lips touched the divine skin, pleasure raced through her veins and body. Aroused beyond believe, Gabrielle could not have stopped herself from servicing the Goddess, even if her life would have depended on it. The divine pleasure cemented her role as Aphrodite’s plaything in her subconscious, slowly turning the once head-strong bard into a willing sex slave. Only her mind did not understand it yet, that she was now controlled by her libido, which the Goddess of Love could switch on and off with just a thought. Of course, Gabrielle was much too busy servicing the blonde to do any thinking. She just tried to please the other woman as good as possible, with her tongue now buried deep inside the delicious love tunnel.
Gabrielle’s own pussy had become a raging inferno, but she understood instinctively that pleasing the Goddess had priority over her own lust. She could just try her best at oral stimulation and hope that the Goddess would deem her worthy of returning the favor. Her head bopped up and down while she pumped her tongue into the blonde’s core. Just like in her dream (had it been just a dream?), the taste was delicious and turned her on even more. After almost a candle mark of sexual service, the Goddess had come twice, but still wanted more. With surprisingly strong hands she pulled the bard’s face into her crotch. Still, understanding the human psyche, she addressed her new toy.
“Keep licking, but use one hand to play with your own cunt. You may come as a reward, once you have managed to bring me another orgasm.”
Not being able to answer verbally, Gabrielle nodded quickly, but kept licking. The hand she pushed into her own pussy found it wet and ready. She touched herself only lightly, for she knew that she had to service her Goddess first. The bard teased her clit free of its hood and then caressed it in slow circles. Cream was leaking from her pussy, while she worked her tongue through her lover’s folds. Slowly she worked it into the entrance, before starting to push with more force. Soon she was tongue-fucking the Goddess with happy abandon. Deeper and deeper, she pumped into the tight cunt, until Aphrodite came and rewarded the bard with a fresh flow of delicious juices. Their taste was enough to push the human over the edge as well. Just when she climaxed, loud shouting could be heard from beyond their room.
Gabrielle looked up in shock.
“Was that Xena?”
The Goddess smirked.
“Yes, that’s how she sounds when she comes especially hard.”
“But …”
The bard was at a loss of words.
“Let me show you.”
With a sprinkling of lights, they disappeared only to reappear in the next room. Aphrodite turned the bard around and showed her the bed, where Callisto had just pulled out of the dark warrior, only to start penetrating her asshole. Those two were so busy fucking; they did not openly register the newcomers. Gabrielle’s eyes went wide while she felt the Goddess embrace her from behind. It took her a moment, before she was able to find words.
“Xena and Callisto? When did this happen? How did this happen?”
“They have majorly the hots for each other. Had for a long time, actually.”
“Are you sure?” Gabrielle asked.
“Positive. The way Callisto modelled herself after Xena says it all, doesn’t it? And Xena? Anything in leather with a bad attitude is a turn on for her. But with Callisto I think it is even more than that. I think they love each other. The hate in between gives just some extra spice. And why not? Look at them. Aren’t they beautiful together? And don’t tell me, you aren’t turned on yourself from watching.”
Gabrielle gulped.
Gabrielle’s first reaction had been jealousy. She had secretly been in love with Xena for quite some time now and loathed seeing her with Callisto. But Aphrodite’s insistent commentary made her look closer and she had to admit that the goddess was right. Those two looked great together and watching them was thrilling. Aphrodite’s hand wandered to the bard’s pussy. She felt some wetness there, but added small bursts of her magic to make sure the bard got aroused from watching her soulmate being fucked by Callisto. Since Gabrielle was not aware of these machinations, she would believe it to be the natural reaction of her body. This would help to severe the bond between the soulmates and leave the bard as easy pickings for the scheming Goddess. Aphrodite began to spin her web of seduction even closer and whispered in her victim’s ear.
“They are hot, aren’t they? Look at Xena’s breasts, how they bounce with each push from her lover.”
Gabrielle was almost mesmerized as she watched the dancing mounds of her friend. Together with the soft voice and the fingers playing with her pussy, she felt the heat rise.
Aphrodite continued.
“And look at her blissful face. She feels pure happiness at being fucked by her Mistress.”
The bard could not deny it, but still had a question.
“Her Mistress?”
The Goddess increased the intensity of her magic.
“Oh yes, your friend not just loves Callisto. She submits to her willingly. Watch how she takes the phallus pumping into her asshole. Only a complete bottom would let herself be sodomized so willingly. It’s what she has secretly longed for all those years: To find a strong Mistress capable of dominating her. It is a longing you understand, don’t you?”
Gabrielle gulped. Her eyes were now glued to where the fake-dick pushed inside the asshole. In her mind she imagined it to be her own ass that was taken by the Goddess. It was too much and she came with a shriek.
“Then it is time for you to submit to your Goddess.”
With one thought, both watchers disappeared in a sprinkling of lights and then rematerialized in the other room. Moments later, Gabrielle was pushed back onto the bed, with the Goddess towering above her.
“Submit! Beg to be mine forever and I will fuck you through eternity!”
“Please take me! Make me cum, please! I am yours!”
“Then it is sealed.”
Aphrodite entered her new pet with two fingers. It was the beginning of a night filled with sex.
Epilogue: Sharing the Toys
Callisto spent the next three days fucking her new toy into complete submission. Nothing was left of the proud Warrior Princess. Xena had become a willing sex slave, happily accepting any abuse her Mistress rained down on her. Tonight, though would be different. Aphrodite had suggested to meet for the night and to share their new toys. While the blonde warrior was mostly concentrated on Xena, she was not blind and had noticed the bard’s beauty. Especially those abs were a sight to behold. Therefore, she would not mind to fuck her as well and on the other hand she was by now sure enough about her hold over the Warrior Princess. She knew she could play with her for many years to come and leasing her out to another Mistress had a nice humiliating quality anyway.
When Callisto entered the other room, with her new pet crawling behind her, she stopped for a moment at the sight. Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, was fisting the bard on the bed! Sure, the Goddess did not have the biggest hands in the world, but it was still a sight Callisto would have never expected to see. Yet, here it was, Aphrodite’s arm moving back and forth, penetrating the cunt of the bard deeply. Never one to pass up a chance to humiliate her new pet, she turned to Xena.
“Look, slave! That is true love.”
Xena’s eyes widened, but she was so well trained by now, she simply obeyed and watched.
“Does it turn you on to watch a slave being fisted by her owner?”
“Yes, Mistress, very much.”
“I thought so, since you are such a slut. Would you want to be fisted as well?”
The Warrior Princess was by now well trained and knew how to answer.
“If it pleases my Mistress, then yes this slave would like it.”
“Good answer. And yes, it will please me to hand you over for a fisting by Aphrodite, for in return she will lend me her toy.”
Xena seemed a bit disappointed.
“Mistress will not fist me?”
“Not tonight. Tonight, I will fuck the bard. But if you are an obedient little slave, you might be rewarded with my fist at some point as well.”
“Thank you, Mistress! You are so generous.”
While they were talking, the bard had come with a loud cry, a sound Callisto had heard many times during the last days, although before it had never been this loud, since she had not been in the same room. The blonde shook her head, since her ears were ringing. It would be difficult to top this, but she would try to make Gabrielle shout even louder. Soon Callisto had ordered her pet onto the other bed, where the Goddess joint her. She watched a moment, when Aphrodite began to fuck the Warrior Princess, before she turned to the waiting bard. For a split second, Callisto considered to use her boots on Gabrielle, to gain some direct control of her as well. But she immediately decided against it. Aphrodite had been a great ally these last few weeks and always been true to her word. There was no need to possibly alienate her or even risk the wrath of the goddess. They were besties now after all, even sharing their sex toys. Okay, their sex toys were actually human, but it was true none the less. Their sole purpose now was to be used to bring orgasms to their respective owner. At this thought, Callisto grinned. Life was fucking good. She decided to go for Gabrielle’s asshole first.

The end
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