Let's compare customs!

General discussions about superheroines!
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There was recently a conversation under a video on the heroine movies site where someone suggested that they'd like to know what customs people have done, for folks who have done a few. I think the motivation was "if I liked one or two of the videos, maybe I'd like some of the others." I think there was also some interest expressed in people who had placed orders sharing their experiences since it's kind of a fun process that some people like to talk about.

I didn't want to have the conversation in that thread on that site, since it was a post for a specific video, but thought it might fun here.

So this is that thread! Feel free to post what you've had made, why, and how it went! (Keep it professional, though, please).

And with that, here's the stuff I've done, with some commentary about what I was going for and my takeaways from some of them. This is super long, but about 10 years worth of stuff. (And it was really fun to reminisce, so I rambled).

Alex David Stuff:
- Viper 3: The Trial - https://shg-media.com/ProductDetail.asp ... 4520787987
This was the second custom I ordered, but the first one that came out. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing at this point. My motivation for this one was basically that Alex David had done a few videos with Selene Drake as this character and I thought they were great and it'd be fun to see another one where I got to drive some of the ideas. Because I had no idea what I was doing, I don't know that the trial stuff ended up working too well. It was very wordy. But at the end of the day, I do like the way this turned out since Selene is great and there are so many individual moments in this where she looks amazing, and sells the peril. And while uniforms are a big part of turning the girl into a superheroine, I personally love a scene where it's stripped off of her. There are 2 in this and they're both awesome. And the final shot where she's laying on the ground post-town square orgy is perfect.

- Liberty Star: Pleasure and Pain - https://shg-media.com/ProductDetail.asp ... 3525863704
This one was really interesting. Alex David was both the producer and star of it. It's the only time I've workshopped an idea with the actress. Alex was phenomenal in this process and did a great job of clearly communicating her boundaries and suggesting alternatives to things that achieved the same end goal without crossing her lines. Which was really interesting. As an average dude who will never star in porn, there's a lot of stuff I'd never think about without this experience. When you learn where and why people set boundaries, it's kind of illuminating and I still to this day see people commenting on videos who have not had this experience and kind of wish it was more common. But it was fun, as someone who likes to know how the sausage is made. As for the actual video, I still like the premise and may revisit it at some point. There are two villains. Pain, who just deals out physical damage. And Pleasure, who goes after seduction and sexual humiliation. The idea was that they'd each have their moment with the heroine, then combine forces at the end to meet out a destructive combination of brutish painful sexual humiliation that ultimately spells the heroine's defeat. I thought it turned out well, but feel like I've learned a lot about what I like/don't like, and how to write to achieve those results that I do kind of want to revisit this villain concept at some point.

- The Jade Knight - https://shg-media.com/ProductDetail.asp ... 5317930992
The idea behind this one was to create an original character to be used for multiple videos. This was kind of a long play. Make a fun video with some sexy bits in it, then drive towards an ultimate defeat across multiple videos. So the whole point of this one was to establish who she is, have her struggle with a villain, but come out on top.

- Jade Resurrected - https://shg-media.com/ProductDetail.asp ... 5429889722
Continuing the long play here, the purpose of this one was to give Jade a losing ending after winning in the first one, but do so in a way that allows her to continue fighting. A bit of a snag on this one as Olive moved out of town and wasn't as available anymore and had extra travel/lodging fees. And kind of a prerequisite of doing a series with multiple videos was to keep costs down with local people. But I figured if James Bond can switch actors, so can we! So we switched to Coco (who was not accepting work when we were casting the first one) and I could not have been happier with that. She looked so good in this particular costume. Still might be my favorite actress/costume combo of any custom I've had made.

- Jade Mastered - https://shg-media.com/ProductDetail.asp ... 1545668022
Continuing the saga, once again with Coco. She was defeated and captured and brought into the org she escaped from for reprogramming. The idea behind this one was to break her will/mind a bit and leave her permanently mentally damaged in a way that could be fun to play with in the future. But then ultimately allow her to get free and escape, for future installments. I have regrets about the outfit I put her in for this one, especially since the last one was so good. There was a story reason for doing it the way it was done that makes sense, but I think it could have been a bit hotter if I chose a different direction for outfit, in hindsight. I do like the way this one turned out. I think both the male actors did a particularly phenomenal job (both with the lines that were supposed to be serious and evil, as well as some of the lines that were supposed to be kind of hammy and stupid. I didn't distinguish them in the script, but they seemed to pick up on it and get it). And Coco is brilliant as always. When she breaks in the end and starts begging the villains to fuck her while kind of writhing on the floor was better in execution than it was on paper and whenever that happens, that's all Coco and Alex/the team.

- Jade Destroyed - [N/A]
This doesn't exist. Kind of seeing that this series would not continue, I toyed with writing up one big final permanent defeat for Jade. I wasn't going to kill her, but try to find a way to say "she made a heroic effort to fight the bad guys and survived much adversity and hardship like a true champion, but they ultimately beat her in the end" just because that's not a thing that ever happens on ongoing series' and this whole niche is about seeing things mainstream will never give us. I don't think Alex does customs anymore so I could potentially make it with someone else, but that feels a bit weird. I might just leave it unmade.

TBFE Stuff:
- No Hope - https://shg-media.com/ProductDetail.asp ... 3523928396
This was the first custom I ordered. Second one released. There were a few things I wanted to do with this one. First, I wanted to find someone we didn't see in many heroine movies. At that time, that was Olive. She'd been in 1 TBFE movie at the time, but that was it. Second, I had a fairly simple premise. Supergirl fights a big bad villain she has no hope of defeating. He demolishes her and leaves her KOed. Then an ordinary dude appears who would normally never have a shot in hell of beating her and reaps the benefits of the other villain's work. I think I also requested the use of the environment for some of the action, but that was my entire direction. The TBFE team took that and did the rest. They actually added in the whole element where Supergirl and the normal criminal almost had a playful existing relationship where he'd been caught by her a lot, and they weren't necessarily hostile with each other about it just since their roles and the power dynamic was so clearly defined. This added so much weight to when he finally got to take advantage of her and now several years later, I think of that as the best part of this one (in addition to Olive just being really sexy, obviously).

This one plays to a theme that I think is consistent in a lot of the things I do. And that is consequences of defeat. We see heroines defeated in the mainstream. Not as often as we'd all like, but it does happen. And then it usually doesn't matter. Wonder Woman will get KOed... for like 5 seconds and then she'll wake up and win. It was cool for those 5 seconds, but then it just didn't matter in the end. So I like to push into the idea of applying consequences to that defeat. In this case, she gets KOed, and that allows a civilian to come along and have his way with her. Simple. Fun!

- Marvelous - https://shg-media.com/ProductDetail.asp ... 2533421221
This was a really ambitious one for me that I'm still really proud of. This is a video adaptation of a couple Marvelous Girl stories by DM Shadow (that I'm not actually sure are available anymore). It's mostly based on one particular story, with some elements of another one splashed in, as well as some small additions by me. I wrote this one out as a full proper script and dictated everything that happened in this movie, which is by far my preferred way to do customs now (since you get exactly what you want when you ask for exactly what you want). But it's really hard to do when you're not an experienced writer and sometimes you don't even know exactly what you want. Being able to use the written story that I knew I liked as a framework is the only way I would have been able to do this at the time. And doing that adaptation was legitimately fun. I've toyed with the idea of doing one of Steven Bell's Ms. Marvelous stories in the future, but I'd feel weird doing it without his permission and I don't think I have a way to contact him to get it, so I probably won't do it.

But apart from basing it on the story, I also played around with this idea of a heroine narrator. Obviously a big part of written stories is you often get insight into how the heroine is feeling as these things happen, which really highlights the mental unraveling of non-death destruction. And the stories all offered insight into Marvelous Girl's thought process so I wanted to try to incorporate that into this. It took a few revisions to get there, but with Allen's help, we eventually settled on this idea of a post-defeat confessional. This ends with her ultimately vowing to get revenge, which leads to the second part of the movie (post-narration) of her trying to get it and ultimately failing (which is based on a later story of DMs... using different characters that I remapped to the ones in this video). I will say, Mia Malkova isn't necessarily my favorite actress in the genre (not saying anything bad about her. I'm just closer to neutral, usually). But we had to pick based on who fit the physical appearance of the character in the story as well as who could potentially pull off a more demanding acting challenge. And Mia knocked it out of the park to absolute perfection. She absolutely made this thing.

Final note. I've shared this feedback with Allen as well, but when Mia is ultimately beaten via orgasm at the very end, the way he added in the Street Fighter-esque overlapping repeat of the final exasperated grunt by our heroine is so good. That's a thing that I did not ask for but I like it way more than I feel like I even should. I think it plays to that whole idea of "heroines are getting knocked out and getting back up all the time. How do we know when they're completely beaten?" thing I was talking about earlier. Well... that's how they do it in fighting games. I think it's a cool way to do it in a movie, too. Not the only thing one can do, but an effective tool.

- Hell - https://shg-media.com/ProductDetail.asp ... 5541082489
This one started with a really simple premise. Coco. She had been in the first run of redwing movies with TBFE and some stuff for Rye, then she quit doing heroine movies for a while. This was right before I started ordering customs. She was my absolute favorite at the time and I wanted to get her in a movie so bad. Well, she came back, and I immediately got to work on a custom for her. I didn't even care what it was going to be. Just as long as she was in it.

That being said, I do really like this idea. Again, the whole idea of consequences. In this case, I do kill her. I don't normally like death endings, but in this case, it's not the end. And there's a series of Giga movies called Public Execution that I thought was really cool, so I kind of liked the idea of parading her up in front of an audience and showing them all her demise as they morbidly get off on it. But then she wakes up in hell! Which is the domain of the villain she was fighting on earth who only beat her by appealing to her heroic sense of virtue (sacrificing herself to avoid further death and destruction of other normal people). But in the villain's domain, he doesn't need to resort to trickery and can dominate our heroine at will. Which he does, basically just for the hell of it. Not necessarily a strong narrative written in that or a point to it other than it's fun to watch. And Coco is the master at portraying a heroine getting dominated.

- No Hope 2 - https://shg-media.com/ProductDetail.asp ... f56e4ec933
Another simple idea, here. Three main motivations here. First, I wanted to cast someone who hadn't been in a bunch of things. This ended up being Halsey Rae, who wasn't new to heroine peril, but new to TBFE and that style of video. Second, I wanted to revisit the idea that I really liked in No Hope 1, which was a heroine being beaten by a bigger villain, and then normal every day people taking advantage of that. Kind of a bonus here, I thought it was a fun play on the concept of "no hope." In the first one it highlighted that the heroine was hopeless against the villain. In this one, it was the lack of hope of escaping the room that ultimately drove our every day people to go in on the subdued heroine (which isn't that profound or anything, but I thought it was fun). But then the third thing I wanted to here. One of the final shots. The hand reaching up to pull the kryptonite off of her chest, then right before she can, her final strength giving out and her arm falling away, pronouncing her final defeat. There was a shot in an old SHL (I think) movie featuring ultra girl where this kind of thing played out and it stuck with me for years. So that was fun.

- Almighty Girl - https://shg-media.com/ProductDetail.asp ... d41441cc9a
This was a weird one. There are parts of it that I think are awesome, from some specific scenes to the performance to the production. But I think I botched some stuff on my request. Kind of riding the high of Pleasure and Pain, I liked the idea of setting up a really cool villain premise. Like, WHY are these villains able to get the better of the heroine when other people can't? In this case, I think my explanation became too convoluted and complicated. I'm also not overly fond of the costume. I specifically targeted something we could tear up but nothing looked the way I wanted it to, either fully intact, or shredded. But hey, if you read the script and order and say "where did you specify what you wanted it all to look like," it's just not there. I didn't ask.

One thing I did ask for that people might find a little funny, is I wanted to kind of loosely reference a scene from the original live action TMNT movie. Where they're sitting around and talking about Rafael, interspersed with shots of him getting his ass kicked by foot soldiers. This of course ends by him crashing through the skyline in front of everyone and smashing a table as he's KOed. I wrote the back and forth where the guy at the bar was talking about the heroine, fan-boying over her, contrasting with scenes of her being destroyed, which worked kind of well. But in hindsight, I think I should have written a bit where the villain and heroine crash in to where he is to see the final moment of defeat. That wouldn't have worked with some of the other stuff, but I think it's weird that I started the idea then didn't finish it. The movie ends with this notion of "if you fuck her, you'll have power over her. I had to sacrifice myself to get the better of her, but now I'm sharing her with all of you, to make sure she can never stand up to anyone again" orgy thing. Again, a bit overcomplicated, but it's a cool ass scene where they all feast upon her. And fun ending where friend guy finds what became of her, later.

- Uncovered - https://shg-media.com/ProductDetail.asp ... 0cb08923df
This was a really fun one and a great turnaround from my previous ask. Again, I wanted to try someone new. This time, NEW new, like never before seen in a movie. There was a long search in which TBFE was extremely helpful, eventually sending costume footage and a few line reads with Rita. Even after giving the thumbs up, I was still a little scared about her. But when the final product came out, I could not have been happier. She does such a brilliant performance in ways that maybe aren't even completely apparent. So much of my customer direction in this movie was about the style of her reactions. The way the beating saps her of her strength. The way she drapes in the villains arms or hangs loosely as he holds her up by her costume. The way she conveys powerlessness as the villain grabs her hair and whacks her face back and forth. The way she hangs off of the chair. Not a ton of scripted dialog from me in this one but a ton of stuff like that, and she absolutely nailed it. To the point where I almost regret putting in my normal "consequences" crap at the end where being unmasked allows her to be hunted and ganged up on by a bunch of villains. Not that I dislike that scene or think it was done poorly. Just knowing the strength of the first part, I feel like there could have been a version that took advantage of that and ended more in that vain. I always like sex and nudity in these movies, but I think a fully clothed fighting ending would have been more powerful.

- Uncovered 2 - https://shg-media.com/ProductDetail.asp ... 59918c9bce
I liked Uncovered so much that I immediately wanted to turn around and do more. The villain left her beaten and she ended up humiliated by the unmasking. So, to quote that annoying guy on the heroinemovies site, "what happens next?" The answer is clearly that she tries to get some revenge, fails miserably because he's better than her, and she is once again exposed and captured on film. Sadly, Rita was unavailable at that point, so we had to swap actresses. On the bright side, Kayla was coming onto the scene and she has since become my all time favorite heroine peril actress. So. I guess she'll do! Again, the direction on this one was a lot of physical reactions to convey the loss of strength and gradual involuntary submission in a beat down. This time, stripped of her costume and mostly nude through much of the fight. I know that's a bit controversial as people say the second the costume is off, they're not a heroine. I kind of agree, but also think if you leave them with a mask, boots, and gloves and stuff, it still seems like enough of a costume. And the symbolic stripping of that costume is just too good to pass up. Anyway, Kayla did amazing in the role and did so much body movement work that is so good, in my opinion. I think of the three Uncovered movies, this one is my favorite. The mostly nude beatdown is very good stuff.

- Uncovered 3 - https://shg-media.com/ProductDetail.asp ... 939d96ca1f
And keeping things going. This one was fun because it was the third video in a series where the character and villain were already established. I normally feel like you need to show the heroine being somewhat competent before showing them losing to a villain, otherwise it's not a heroine being defeated, it's just a girl in a cosplay outfit. But in this case, everything had already been established. Excelsia was on a downward spiral with this villain and in this movie, I had the freedom to just completely focus on bottoming her out. The ultimate humiliation and defeat and everything that comes with it. Super fun to write. The team delivered everything I wanted to see. A fantastic end-cap to the 3 Uncovered customs which, for my biased money, are hard to beat in this genre.

- Shattered Steel - https://shg-media.com/ProductDetail.asp ... 46ebedb0ab
And now for the most simple premise of all. Did anyone see The Lair by TBFE? It starred Kayla as Supergirl in the little white t-shirt and tight blue skirt costume. It was kind of a silly satirical spoofy movie but holy shit did Kayla look amazing in that costume. So... that was the premise here. Put her in that costume and do a serious movie. Who cares what else? In hindsight, I should have cared a little more. I think the final product was good but there are a few regrets. For starters, my villain premise and opening scene was a bit too long. The premise is basically No Hope 3 but I used more words to set it up than I did in those other two for essentially the same concept. Second, I forgot to really make her seem like supergirl. She doesn't do anything heroic and I think that was a mistake. But otherwise, it's just Kayla in a really sexy costume getting utterly destroyed by a bunch of dudes. While I think I could have better used the opportunity, you still can't really go wrong with that. Also, she gets peed on. We don't do that to a lot of our heroines in this genre. Those gentlemen do not like her. I think they effectively express that in the movie and leave her in a pretty pathetic state.

- Marvelous 2?
Coming... eventually! More Kayla. A reimagining of the origin story of Marvelous girl, playing on some of the themes of the villains from that original movie, but a new story. Kind of a what-if universe, if you will. What-if Marvelous Girl got her start in heroine-ing by arresting a couple superpowered baddies on her first night and they immediately turned it around and combined their powers to end her career before it even takes off? Guess we'll have to see what that might be like!
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https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/19223 ... re-hd-1080

I had a great time with these people; they are a Brazilian company that had never done superheroine before, so I was the first to do it with them.

They performed an excellent job on my scripts, and I had approximately 12 customs done with them, each one as good as the last. Unfortunately, they no longer appear to be working on anything, but I have other people to submit scripts to.

as well as stunning models that excelled in their roles

this is one of my favourite story's a hero called Night Babe who is on the hunt for some thugs and believes they went into the building.She inquires of the woman ty at the desk,but she saw no one,as Night Babe looks about, Ty use a special stick that slowly drains her abilities.

Ty plays with her and gradually strips her naked.night babe struggles and tries to stop her, but she uses the stick to keep her weak and powerless.Ty then has her way with her, taking pictures with her and looking for rope. Night babe attempts to pull her down, but Ty overpowers her and ties her to a chair, torturing her a little more before taking her stuff and leaving her.
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Man, you’ve commissioned an impressive number of films, bbsucks. I really appreciate these write ups! The Uncovered series in particular seems like my jam.

I’ve got a few ideas for customs and I’m curious what the process is like. Both of the stories I have require unique costumes. What was it like getting the costumes ordered/made? Did all these films cost around the same? If not, which ones cost more?
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