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The Texan Wonder: Back in Training

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:10 am
by sensualbarbarian
The Texan Wonder: Back in Training Part 1

On Earth XXX the Texan Wonder is the only Wonder Woman protecting America and the world from super villains on the one hand and threats to national security on the other. With her powers and sunshine haired beauty, the citizens of the greatest democracy in the world can sleep soundly at night as the mighty southern belle and all America Woman is protecting the free world. 

At least that was the case until recently. Eliza Prince, a former soldier, pilot, CIA agent, bikini model, cowgirl, dancer and gymnast; had it all. In addition to her illustrious career and beauty she was blessed by the Quantum Goddess Allaria with the powers to be an avatar of justice on earth.

However the Texan Wonder’s life as a super heroine was delivered a crushing blow by the notorious Modesty Haze, a sexy British, London born ebony criminal master mind, a trained martial artist and former stripper. It took great strength of will and dedication for the villainess to defeat Eliza. For with Eliza’s super powered enhancements came a terrible weakness. Arousal by a person of colour can drain her powers and strength, enabling villains the ability to capture, defeat or destroy her. 

The Lighting League received the video from Modesty. Eliza’s most recent battle with the villainess was recorded and sent to the superhero community. It was a shocking revelation. The League decided to call a meeting. Seated around the round table were the most influential members of the league. The indestructible Captain Invincible, the mysterious warrior detective known only as Dr Shadow, the powerfully regal Lady England, Princess Azaria of the under sea kingdom of Lemuria, the Intergalatic Space Ranger known as Stardust, Valeria the Jungle Queen, the chauvinistic master of arms called the Weapon Master and finally the masked magic user known only as The Occultist. It was an unspoken fact that in the League not only did women out number the men, but the most powerful women; Lady England and the Texan Wonder were stronger than the most powerful man, namely Captain Invincible. The Lighting League was quite matriarchal in that sense and in a world that was clearly patriarchal, there was a feminist resurgence, and a liberal public and media had always seen the Lighting League as a progressive and positive force, a source of inspiration.

The meeting began promptly after the video was viewed by each member. Lady England spoke.
“As we can see from this video, the Texan Wonder suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of a common criminal. The video has yet to be released to the public as it seems that this Modesty Haze is holding us hostage” she said in her posh British accent.
“We could go in there, guns blazing….” Captain Invincible suggested only to be cut off by Lady England.
“which would be a foolhardy endeavour. Who knows what Modesty might do with the video”.
“Perhaps a magical intervention would help here” the silver haired Princess Azaria intervened flashing her bright blue eyes at the dark hooded man known as the Occultist.
“I could prepare a spell and that could allow us to stealthily enter her lair. Dr Shadow and Valeria would be the perfect candidates to accompany me” he said in a deep yet intelligent sounding voice.
“After destroying the video evidence we can then take down Modesty and her criminal empire” Captain Invincible stated.
“A marvellous plan” Lady England said. “Is everyone in agreement?”
The Lighting League seemed united on this issue, but Dr Shadow had something to say.
“There is one issue however….” he said
“what would that be?” Lady England replied.
“there is the issue of the Texan Wonder….either she leaves or something must be done…..she is potentially a liability to the team”
“As always Dr Shadow you do love your paranoid dramatics” Lady England replied.
“It is well known that super heroines have a universal weakness. Their sexuality and sex drive which can be exploited by villains……this is clearly how Modesty defeated the Texan Wonder…”
“that is a sexist statement!” Lady England said whilst the other heroines scoffed, showing their disgust. “Does that not apply to the male heroes also?”
“With male heroes it is just about a momentary release” the Occultist cut in. “With heroines the sexual enthralment can lead to a permanent state of enslavement.”
“Enslavement? I am sure all of you here know that none can enslave me…..” Lady England responded.
“nevertheless….I know that some of us have had sexual resistance training” Dr Shadow said.
“I recommend that the Texan Wonder be sent to our internal sexual resistance trainer…..Power Cat”
“Are you sure that’s wise?” Valeria the Jungle Queen inquired.
“alas that little tift between them will have to be ignored, they will simply have to get on with it. We need the Texan Wonder back to full power. Before she was beaten by Modesty, she was on the power level of myself and Captain Invincible.”
Everyone agreed on the matter.
“Thats settled then…….we shall schedule some training with the Power Cat…..I am sure Maria will enjoy that…” Lady England smiled. “Meeting is over!”

Meanwhile Eliza Prince had taken some time off from her super heroics. She was focusing on herself and her internal development hoping that it would heal the damage Modesty had caused her psyche after exposing her weakness. The gorgeous blonde Texan bombshell had decided to practice yoga. She knew a studio in Austin and decided to visit. She had attended some classes with a particular teacher. A man by the name of Rajneesh. He was young, fit and from India, and he had quite the following. Eliza had decided to have a private session with Rajneesh to focus on her specific needs.

The class began with breathe work, an intense sequence of poses and ended with meditation. Eliza found Rajneesh’s voice soothing. She also enjoyed looking at his muscular physique, she did admire a man who worked on his body, especially those who were not gifted with superhuman abilities. Since her defeat at the hands of Modesty Haze, she had herself sexually charged more often. Eliza would masturbate to the experience of her defeat and a part of her longed to get a hold of the video that Modesty had made. Her weakness for interracial domination sex was clear, but she knew that she was at least safe in her current environment, away from the world of super heroics, evil villains and criminal masterminds.

As Eliza opened her eyes she felt her entire body overcome with relaxation.
“Good practice today, i’ll see you next week then” Rajneesh said.
“Look forward to that” Eliza smiled.
“There is one thing I would like to address however” the teacher said. “Before you go let us do some manual stretches for your stiff shoulders”. Eliza agreed with him. She liked being told what to do, especially by a hot yoga teacher.

His arms and hands were strong as he manipulated her body. However she knew that being the Texan Wonder she could easily break free. However she sighed as her back muscles melted into the touch of Rajneesh’s hands. It was releasing in more than one way. When Eliza was on her back for Rajnessh to stretch her hamstrings, she noticed something strange. Normally she would be able to push back on the weight of an ordinary man. As the Texan Wonder, even in this position she could fling Rajneesh through the ceiling. She noticed that this time, she did not have the strength to push back and break free from his hands that firmly held her ankle and foot. At the same time Ranjeesh was admiring her body. She wore bright blue pants and a sports bra. Eliza enjoyed it immensely but a part of her found it inappropriate.

Rajneesh lightly placed his hand on her inner thigh and allowed one of his fingers to softly lie near her clit. Eliza was well and truly aroused. As he cleverly allowed his hand to brush her soft sexual flesh she found it tantalising. He went with the movement of the manual stretching he was performing on her to disguise his intent. But Eliza appreciated his boldness and dominance. She noticed that her powers and strength were weakening as she was gradually becoming more and more aroused. She moaned softly. She knew that her lustful weakness was kicking in because Rajneesh was from India, dark skinned and she loved the idea of a South Asian yoga master molesting her in a powerful way, rendering her helpless.
“I….Ive got to go now…” She said.
“Are you sure…?” He said as he slipped his finger inside the bottom side of her tight pants. He took his finger out and showed Eliza her wetness.
“I think your body says otherwise”
Eliza whimpered as he kissed her and all her powers were drained. Of course Rajneesh had no idea who she was and wasn’t even a super villain. He had no idea that as an ordinary man from India, he was defeating the most powerful super heroine on earth with a mere kiss and the play of his hands.

Her pants were off as his mouth wolfed her blood red clit. That was the end of her as her eyes rolled back. To Eliza, the masterful oral gorging lasted forever as she came multiple times. She wanted him inside, she needed him inside. She never revealed who she was but as she was being erotically stimulated her imagination of being defeated by this ordinary Indian man charged her even more. She pretended in her mind that he was a super villain…..vanquishing her.

His erection curved upwards and as it found its way through her drenched sticky hole it pressed nicely towards her navel. He didn’t need to be huge, he was skilled. He fucked her in missionary and pressed her wrists into the yoga mat. She could tell he could outlast her easily and fuck her forever but her sexual stamina was never good especially when her fantasy was being fulfilled. She came after 3 minutes. Rajneesh slowed down and then gave it to her again. When he came inside her she felt his cock enlarge for a few moment, it stunned her and she instantly climaxed again. He held her in his arms as the mighty super heroine, the Texan Wonder melted in his embrace, her limbs limp. She could not believe she allowed him to cum inside her, but she could not stop it as her mental will was always too incompetent to resist her weakness.

Hours later Eliza was at home disappointed with herself. Her powers had returned and she had to use her internal energy to prevent herself from getting pregnant. She was always learning new things about the gifts given to her by the quantum Goddess Allaria. Eliza had her Lighting League communicator switched on which tapped into the police communications. As she listened in she noticed one of the local gangs were up to no good. The notorious Voodoo army. She felt that it was about time she donned her costume again. All the meditation and time off had not helped in dealing with her weaknesses. She felt that she should face it in the field. She was confident that she would not succumb again to defeat.
“Just how threatening can some lowly criminal gang be? I have faced the most powerful super villains” she said to herself. It was as if she had tricked herself into forgetting what Modesty did to her.

In a flash of light Eliza transformed into the southern super heroine beauty that is the Texan Wonder. Using her telepathic connection the the translucent saucer she summoned her chariot. As she took to the skies whilst seated in the cockpit she utilised her super human senses that can detect danger. One of the gifts given to her by the Goddess Allaria was the empathic ability to feel energetic emotional energies. It would not take her long to locate the so called Voodoo Army and their hideout.

She discovered that the gang was hanging out in a motel around Austin, Texas. Her local patriotism moved her to act swiftly. Bursting through the windows of the building, diving straight into the hornets nest. The men were all of Haitian and Caribbean origin. The heroine was in full berserker mode. After the battle was over, the Texas Wonder was ready to contact the police as she finished restraining the unconscious men. Eliza felt quite pleased with herself, almost redeemed. Suddenly she heard a clapping noise behind her.
“Im glad you came” a big muscular brute stepped forward.
“I guess you’re the boss of your operations?” The Texan Wonder asked.
“That be right, my name is Duchamps”.
Eliza noticed he had his guard up.
“I see…..yet another gangster looking for broken bones and a jail cell..” she said.
“no gorgeous, I be the man who’ll beat you unconscious” Duchamps replied.
The Texan Wonder had no time for talk. She moved at lighting speed, of course she knew to hold back a little for she could destroy this mere mortal man. As she grabbed his neck, Duchamp was choking. This did not stop her from lifting him off the ground. But quick as a flash Duchamps raised his hand and blew some powder straight into Eliza’s face.
“aaaargh” she screamed, stepping back quickly and clasping her face with her hands, rubbing her eyes.
“What the fuck was that?!” she demanded to know.
“Wow Im surprised it worked…..its magically enhanced by an Oungan back home. Clearly magic can effect you even if its for a little bit”
However even with her blurred sight and the irritation, Duchamps still did not stand a chance. She ran towards him enraged. She threw the brute to the floor.
“ooof…..looks like you have me beat…” Duchamps said whilst laughing.
“and just what are you laughing about? I am about to pummel you into a pulp..” the Texan Wonder replied.
“I just was imagining you as my little blonde slut…”
The words struck her and echoed in her head. She suddenly felt sexually charged. The psychological effects of Modesty’s breaking were in full sway. She felt her strength leave her and she felt a wooziness spread throughout her body. Duchamps was confused as he noticed that he could push back against her and stand up from the floor. Eliza realised that her only hope was to beat him depowered with her natural martial skill.

The Texan Wonder raised her guard. She was determined to go for a knockout. The strikes she launched her easily avoided by Duchamps who unbeknown to the heroine was a former prize boxer in Haiti. He was toying with her and although she had great martial arts training it would be difficult to rely on just striking against such a foe without her super powers. Duchamps landed the first blow to the ribs of the Texan Wonder and another to the solar plexus region of her slender frame. She was winded instantly and her body softened. He looked at her as if confused. He was perplexed that suddenly this super powered blonde avenger that had obliterated his entire gang was now losing this fight to a mere mortal man. She fought on with grit but Duchamps ducked her attempts to connect with his jaw. He was dancing circles around her and eventually he cracked her own jaw and clobbered her on the opposite side of her head. She felt her brain rattle in her skull as she was sent her to the ground. She fell to her knees.
“I don’t get it, why have you become so weak now?” he asked.
“I am not weak!!” the Texan Wonder shouted.
She went for a wrestling tackle on one of his legs. It was a good shoot and her grip was strong. But the depowered heroine found it hard to take him down. He danced on one leg resisting her take down attempt effortlessly and she gradually become more and more tired.
“Time to finish this!” Duchamps said as he struck a sharp deep elbow downwards into her back..
“aaaaargh” she yelled. The blow released her grip. Duchamps then proceeded to pummel the gorgeous Texan Wonder into a straight knock out. She crashed through a table and lay unconscious, bruised and battered. Her super strength was depleted but when she is weakened a certain level of endurance, invulnerability and durability remains. She lay on the flood but she wasn’t half as bloodied as a normal human would be. Her eyes fluttered as she tried to get up but Duchamps mounted her and destroyed her feistiness once and for all with a ground and pound, putting her to sleep. The fight was over. Over time her full power would return to her body and would slowly heal the marks on her face and body. He felt bad to defeat such a beauty with ferocious power, but he knew she was no ordinary woman and he was on the verge of going to prison.

Duchamps knew it was a good time to escape as he feared that other superheroes would be after him. Although he would have relished the opportunity to conquer the Texan Wonder in another way, he knew it was too risky to stay for some sexy fun. He left with haste and the Texan Wonder continued to sleep.

After an hour the other men came around. They could not believe their luck when they saw the defeated Texan Wonder. It was clear what their intentions were for the blonde heroine. Suddenly a portal opened up inside the room and the black hooded and cloaked Occultist appeared. With a wave of his hand he echoed some incantations in an ancient tongue. He transported the men to another location, far from the motel. The sorcerer went to the Texan Wonder’s aid and helped revive her. As she sat herself up she noticed her colleague and felt slightly embarrassed.
“Eliza it is time we addressed this problem. The League has decided that you go for intense sexual and mental resistance training with Power Cat” he said.
The proud heroine felt the sting of those words.
“why would I need such training?” she asked defensively.
“Is it not clear from today’s performance with the Voodoo army that your weaknesses can be exploited easily?”
“I am ok, he just got lucky”
“lucky? You are the lucky one, and also that the super villain community does not know your weakness. You are lucky that Modesty has not publicised it”
The Texan Wonder scowled at the Occultist, walked away from him, jumped out of the window into the cockpit of the invisible Saucer. She soared into the clouds in moments. The Occultist sighed, realising that Eliza’s arrogance as an A list super heroine would make her difficult to convince.
“Sooner or later her constant defeats will either lead her to destruction or to the realisation that she needs to comply with the Lighting League’s requests” he thought to himself.

To be continued

Re: The Texan Wonder: Back in Training

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:34 am
by valugi
Very good chapter, I'm glad you continued with the story, looking forward to the next one.

Re: The Texan Wonder: Back in Training

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 2:28 am
by sensualbarbarian
The Texan Wonder: Back in Training part 2

His name was the Dark Yogi, and the Texan Wonder had faced him before. A super villain from India who is a master of the mystic arts and practices a forbidden style of yogic sorcery. The practice gave him supernatural abilities and tantric powers that enabled him to seduce anyone he chooses. The last time they met the Texan Wonder narrowly escaped his grasp. Since then, Eliza had longed to get her revenge. After her beating by Duchamps she was focused on redeeming herself in the eyes of her comrades at the League. She chose a tough opponent. Normally she would be able to defeat someone of the Dark Yogi’s power level. Even his tantric erotic powers would not effect her. But her weakness and lust for interracial domination however would instantly lead her to defeat and enslavement.

Eliza did not care. Modesty’s breaking her had brought all her lust to the surface but she wanted to badly to win and show that she had the mental will to over come it. But perhaps deep down in her subconscious she wanted to be defeated by this Dark Yogi?

The Texan Wonder had received intelligence from her contacts that the Dark Yogi had a new temple for the training of his disciples and warriors.
“This villain will think twice before building an army” the heroine thought to herself as she flew the translucent saucer to the location in the mountains of Nepal. Using her vehicle’s transporter device she teleported herself inside the Dark Yogi’s temple. She made sure she was away from the sight of any guards. She could smell the scent of incense and her ears caught the strange cacophony of men chanting and men grunting and struggling.
“Clearly those are his henchmen, soon to be members of his army, this is definitely a training facility” she said to herself.
She walked quietly, treading carefully with her red and star spangled cow girl boots. Suddenly the floor began to rumble and in an instant it gave way. She fell down a winding serpent like slide. She could have used her power to stop her descent but the heroine wanted to see where it led to.

As she fell through the chute’s exit she landed on her feet like a cat. She noticed that she was in a traditional Indian wrestling ring. The arena was covered in sand and mud. Above her she could see him, the Dark Yogi, sitting on a chair as if to spectate an event. The southern belle powerhouse sighed as she wondered what sick deranged plan the villain had for her.
“Greetings Texan Wonder! You honour me again with your presence!
“Look I don’t have time for this, just come down so I can give you a beating” she replied.
The villain laughed.
“what do you think of my new training facility. Just think soon I will have an army of dark yogis”
“not before I tear this place down and destroy you and your would be army”
“hmm that definitely would cause a problem. Why don’t you meet some of my students?”
Suddenly a door opened and a group of eight men charged towards the heroine. Like the Dark Yogi they wore nothing but red coloured yogi pants.
“Oh God, what’s with those nasty looking thongs” she joked. As soon as the men closed in on her she launched a strike to the ground. Her power was so great it blew them back as if they were leaves in the wind, and like Autumn leaves they lay on the ground, brittle bodies that crumbled before the heroine’s might.

“Not bad Texan Wonder…..I have always enjoyed the feistiness and sass of super heroines in the west” he commended. “Let us see how you do against my most powerful student”
“bring it on!” she challenged him.
Another door opened and out stepped a huge hulking beast of a man. He must have been 7 foot tall, and was enormously fat! He wore the same thong like attire and had a turban.
“Meet Gurvir, I know that you blonde white women like it big, and dark…” the Dark Yogi laughed.
“oh please……” she responded.
“many of you western women come to India in search of enlightenment. As a guru I have tended to many female tourists from your land, many a white woman has become enslaved by my power” he boasted
“yes I have heard of you crimes… are a disgusting piece of shit” she replied.
“well enjoy Gurvir, I have something to attend to but my students are here to watch and learn” She noticed that the arena was surrounded by a crowd of thonged men. As they cheered, the Texan Wonder watched as the Dark Yogi vacated the area. Gurvir attacked immediately with a charging clothes line. The heroine ducked with easy. She moved with poise and elegance, like a dancing warrior. Her cowgirl boot leg cut through the air with a round house kick that sent her flabby skinned opponent to the sandy ground. He charged like a rhino at the blonde belle, but she tossed him overhead like nothing. When Gurvir tried again she gave him a combo that send him to the ground again. This fight was going her way and she turned to the crowd with confidence.
“After him, it will be your turn!”
But as she said those words she felt Gurvir’s cheeky hand spank her star spangled pants causing her lean firm butt cheeks to jiggle. She turned to face him again overcome with anger. He laughed in a high pitch giggle which caused her to go red with madness. She kicked him in the face causing him to groan and roll to the side his body covered in mud and sand. The crowd began hurling insults in their language at the blonde heroine. She ignored them and focused again on Gurvir who was struggling to get to his feet.
Suddenly she felt it. That powerful draining weakness overcome her. But how?
“uuugh why am I feeling like this? Dammit! It was the spank…..” she said to herself. The spank from a dark skinned foreign villain turned her on, instantly and the damage caused by Modesty had clearly intensified the experience. However it was faster this time. Her super powers disappeared instantly. After losing to both Modesty and Duchamps it was clear. With each defeat, her weakening by a villain of colour would be even faster and more powerful. She was in trouble. Escaping the arena would be difficult. She had no choice but to stay and fight using her depowered state. However Eliza had lost confidence in her natural skills after losing fair and square to both Modesty and Duchamps.

Gurvir slowly stood to his feet and charged at Eliza once again. This time she lacked the speed but also felt frozen to the ground, paralysed almost by her lack of confidence. The burly Indian wrestler rammed the Texan Wonder to the soiled floor, her beautiful red, blue and white costume now covered in mud and sand. The crowd went silent in shock and Gurvir himself was startled by his successful blow. The crowd then started chanting Gurvir’s name as he jumped into the air and belly splashed the lean long body of the Texan Wonder.
“uuuuuugggghhhhhhh!” the wind was knocked right out of her. He used his weight to crush her into the ground, and it was simply too mighty for her in her depowered state.
“uuugh…..I…..I can’t……breathe” she groaned as if Gurvir understood or even cared at all. Eliza felt the heat smother her. She was slowly suffocating under the his folds of skin and great bulk. Gurvir’s stomach and chest lay strongly upon her torso and face, he pinned her hands to the ground, her hips and legs squirmed and jumped pathetically.
“mmm, mmmm…..mmm” she struggled. But Gurvir pressed her harder and further into the ground. The air was gone and the Texan Wonder was knocked out. The wrestler stood and placed his bare foot upon the fallen heroine, her body splayed out, dirtied and messy. The crowd cheered.
Gurvir spoke to the crowd, talking in Punjabi. The crowd responded as if they were asking him to do something. He removed the Texan Wonder’s cowgirl boots and threw them to the crowd as trophies. He grabbed her bare feet and put her in a figure eight leg lock. The excruciating pain was enough to wake her from her slumber.
“aaaaargh! Nooooo! Pleaaaase…no more!” Eliza screamed.
“You submit no!” Gurvir said. “SUBMIT!” as if that was the only word he knew in English.
“uuuugh……I…..I …….YES…….I SUBMIT TO YOU” she yielded and collapsed back again as he released her. Curling into the ball, holding her ankles and feet in pain. The once proud heroine groaned.

Gurvir slowly walked towards the fallen heroine. He unfastened his thong and release his long well hung dark coloured phallus. It was obvious what he intended to do and the crowd cheered. Eliza was too weak and beaten to defend herself. She was in shock.
“I….Ive lost…….he beat….me…..cant fight……Im such a loser” She whispered to herself over and over.

Suddenly multiple puffs of smoke appeared throughout the hall and arena. As the smoke cleared warrior women of oriental appearances stood in its place. They were scantily dressed and wore masks across their mouths like ninjas. They wielded swords and other martial arts weapons. The group of feminine martial arts amazons were known as the Guardians of Niim. Mystic female warriors who protect the Earth using magic and their fighting abilities. They trained in an otherworldly art form known as Mystic dancing. And indeed they moved like swans, gliding across a pond as they quickly dispatched the Dark Yogi’s disciples.

One of the dark haired oriental beauties was clad in silver nipple studs and thong, a silver mask and had a sword in katana blade in her hand.
“Gold Swan, Mantis blade, Shadow blade! Take down the brute!” she commanded
Another woman somersaulted out of nowhere she wore a red mask across her mouth and had golden nipple studs and a golden thong, hold tightly Sais. A green costumed woman with a helmet and visor also appeared with daggers. The last one who answered the call was dressed in black attire and carrying two swords. All of the Guardians were barefoot to enable free movement, and to honour the traditions of eastern martial arts. The three ninja females put away their weapons and attacked Gurvir. The way they moved showed not only prowess and skill but also that they had super powers. One of them could teleport, whilst another moved with insect like agility. In no time the naked Gurvir was beaten to a pulp.

The silver coloured warrior walked towards the fallen Texan Wonder who was unconscious.
“Angel Swan, isn’t that the Texan Wonder” said one of the warriors clad in a skimpy outfit that displayed the flag of Singapore.
“Thats right Singapore Swan…..lets contact the Lighting League…”

To be continued.

Re: The Texan Wonder: Back in Training

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 8:54 pm
by valugi
Chapter 02 was also very good, the heroine will now have no way to reject the training

Re: The Texan Wonder: Back in Training

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:29 am
by sensualbarbarian
I shall eventually be writing a story for the Asian superheroine characters :)

Re: The Texan Wonder: Back in Training

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2022 10:15 pm
by sensualbarbarian
The Texan Wonder: Back in Training Part 3

After resisting it for long enough, Eliza Prince, the Texan Wonder; finally agreed to the Lighting League’s request for her to undergo mental and sexual resistance training.

After some questioning by a number of the League’s top heroes and heroines, Eliza explained her predicament and gave detailed descriptions and reports of her regular defeats since Modesty Haze broke her will. She explained how her weakness was due to her lust and desire for interracial sex and kinky domination by a man or woman of colour.
“Having my blonde white sassy ass handed to me by the suitable villain just gets me every time” she explained in her report. Sexy race play was always her demise and drained her of her super powers, and although temporarily, it is often enough time for a villain to beat her physically and break her mentally. The League hoped that the training would give the heroine protective enhancements to resist arousal. 

The training began in the gymnasium with Power Cat AKA Maria Rodriguez, an American heroine known for her successful capture of Mexican drug lords. She possessed cat like agility and animal strength but she was never as powerful as the Texan Wonder. In the past, Maria was frustrated that Eliza got to be the Sentinel of America and not her. She wondered if it was racism. Her secret hatred of Eliza was rooted in her suspicion...a suspicion that she was the one who spread a number of bad rumours about her. One was that Power Cat was having sexual relations with Dr Shadow. 
“Hi Eliza, hows it going” she said 
“All is good and I’m looking forward to the training” Eliza said with joy. She was dressed in full Texan Wonder attire whilst Power Cat wore her usual red coloured bra and panties with long crimson boots. Her eyes were covered by a red mask and hood with feline ears.
“Ok Texan Wonder, as I am….err.. of the relevant ethnic background during this training I will....I shall.....attempt to arouse you” 
“ok” the Texan Wonder replied nervously 
“Your goal is to resist” Maria said.  
“I suppose there’s no way out of this Maria?”
“Definitely not” she said “Dr Shadow and Lady England both called for this, and you are a founding member, like myself. We need to be held accountable and to show an example to the younger and newer members” 
“I agree. So how do we go about this”? Eliza asked 
“Hmmm I think we should focus on your erogenous zones”. 
“Errrr ok. I understand”
“And that’s only because we need to build a resistance to your weakness, it has nothing to do with sexual enjoyment” Maria clarified. 
“Of course” Eliza replied 
Power Cat however always had a deep dark desire for the blonde heroine. 

As the Texan Wonder already knew, she was to take part in a number of tests to get her baseline endurance, sexual resistance strength and mental will power level.

Test number 1 

The test began by Power Cat getting a feel for the Texan Wonder’s super powers. The Power Cat was strong and she quickly put the Texan Wonder in a bear hug. The gorgeous southern powerhouse broke free using her super strength sending Maria flying back sending her flat on her back. 
“Ok we know that you are strong” Power Cat said as she stood up slowly. 
“I’m sorry was that too much” Eliza asked with concern
“It’s ok...let’s continue. For the test I need to sexually stimulate you”
Eliza frowned as Power Cat clasped her hands around her breasts. With her feline grip she began squeezing the lovely jugs of justice. The heroine could feel her hands quite firmly even through the fabric of her blue, red and white top.
“Now breathe, if you get weaker just....focus” her mentor said.
“Ugh it’s getting difficult already…..” the Texan Wonder replied
“Focus and breeeath”
“I’m trying....Ugh...must resist. So....aroused, already….getting.....weaker” Eliza admitted.
“Ok let’s try the bear hug again” Power Cat said
She wrapped her powerful arms around her. This time they felt like anacondas.
“Uuuugh can’t get free, like vices” Eliza said. “But I have got energy in the tank...must....get....freeee!” Again she managed to break the hold sending Power Cat even further back. 
“Wow you are still very strong” Maria said.
The Texan Wonder was panting, and breathing hard. “Sure” she said “ but still aroused....ugh...let me cool down and take a break so we can continue with me at full power”
“Eliza...we need to build your’re very weak willed” 
“NO I AM NOT, I’M THE TEXAN WONDER!” she shouted 
“Ok ok, go rest for a bit” Maria said. “What a high and mighty slut” she said to herself. 

Test number 2 

“Rested enough ?” 
“Yes fully recovered “ 
Eliza could usually recover from sexual attacks if given enough time, thus restoring her strength. Cold showers, meditation or looking at pictures of Turkeys and/or imagining Hilary and Bill Clinton naked would help quell the fire. 
“I’m ready for round 2” she declared confidently.
Maria grabbed her breasts again in a mauling fashion. This time she crawled her fingers inside, establishing contact with her skin underneath her patriotically themed bra. Power Cat immediately started some tantalising nipple play. She was very skilled in this area. She was really relishing the opportunity to finally get her lustful paws on the blonde avenger, and for more than one reason....
“Ooooh feeels so good” 
“Fight it….Texan Wonder....remember our training” 
“I....I’m trying”
Maria started squeezing her pink nipples. She crushed both of her hard pebbles between her index fingers and thumbs. 
“Uuuugh must fight....” Eliza moaned.  
Power Cat devilishly pulled away the curtain on one side of the heroine’s bra exposing her right side. Before Eliza knew it, the Cats mouth was sucking on it, lapping it with her tongue and biting her nipple…..very hard.
“No no I can’t focus....feeling so weak...and tired….uuuugh” the Texan Wonder yielded.
Maria released. She was happy to see Eliza’s confident upright pose reduced to a weakened slouch. 
“Ok let’s try ready?”
“I....I suppose so” the Texan Wonder said feebly.
Maria grabbed the Texan Wonder from behind and squeezed once again. 
“Villains love bear hugging us so you need to strengthen your resolve Eliza”
“I’ll win....I’ll pass this test....” she said struggling. Slowly Power Cats vice like grip was starting to break. Maria was amazed at her resolve and strength. How did Modesty Haze defeat her she wondered? She read Dr Shadows file and remembered. The Latin heroine beauty then whispered into the Texan Wonder’s ear....
“You slut….”
Eliza’s eyes widened and she gasped.
“Uuuugh can’t focus, those words coming from such a latin Fox!” 
“Powers draining....ugh”
“Losing my will breaking...I can’t...”
Eliza slowly fainted as her eyes rolled back in defeat. Power Cat dropped the blonde heroines body to the floor after having the air squeezed out of her by the bearhug. She lay completely unconscious and defeated. Her over sexed body collapsed to Power Cats skill. Five minutes past and slowly the blonde heroine awoke.
“Oh so woozy, feel a bit weak but my body felt so good...I almost had an orgasm” 
“Well you failed the tests Eliza. You’re gonna have to undergo three months of mental and sexual resistance training. We cannot let you back into the field” 
“I suppose that’s necessary. Then I can finally defeat that bitch Modesty”. 
“At the Moment how do you feel?”
“Like on the same power level of Modesty ?”
“No still stronger..perhaps closer to yours now”
“So we are equal now?”
And with that knowledge the Power Cat unleashed her fury. She struck the Texan Wonder in the chest, following it with a kick. 
“You bitch….you spread rumours about me, didn’t you?” Maria screamed 
Maria grabbed her by her Golden hair and threw her to the floor. She unleashed a fury of blows upon her. Eliza struggled to protect herself.
“Texan wonder? Bullshit! You’re the Weak we are equal in power level after you was aroused, I’m the better fighter and stronger than you, you was never on my level”! 
The Cat kept Eliza pinned on the floor. Our heroine mustered some strength to get to her feet but before she could, the Latin Cat  exposed her own breasts. 
“Look at them slut, they arouse you don’t they?!”
“Uuuugh not again....your gorgeous latin tits are desirable” 
“You’re such a dumb slut! This is for telling people that I was fucking Dr Shadow!” 
The Texan Wonder knew that she was in a predicament. She was already weak from the two tests. Now she lay on the floor struggling against her foe, her fellow comrade. Her words and exposed breasts were arousing her further, sending her into the sexual abyss of erotic delirium. What was worse was the fact that Eliza did in fact spread those rumours years ago, and now was drawing pleasure from the prospect of being dominated by Power Cat as punishment. The rumours however were true. Maria never wanted the other members to find out, it was her private little tryst and secret to keep.
“This is my revenge Texan slut!!” 
Maria ripped off Eliza’s pants, bent down and started eating her pink clit. She licked and sucked hard with her animal strength. 
“Uuuuuuuuuugh” the Texan Wonder came hard and her body exploded with immense sensitivity. 
The Cat continued munching her muff. Then she took her two fingers and shoved them inside her wet pinkness without warning. The two fingers eventually became three splitting her apart. She caressed the heroine’s weak juicy insides with such ferocity all the while eating her clit meat. The southern blonde caucasian beauty came again and again with multiple orgasms. They shattered her will and broke her body’s resistance completely and utterly. 
“Say it bitch you’re a slut!” The Power Cat demanded 
“Yes I’m a slut!! I’m your slut, I’ll never spread rumours about you again, forgive me.....I’ve learnt my lesson” Eliza pleaded
“I own you now! “ 
“Uuuugh nooo” 
And the mighty Texan Wonder collapsed into a defeated unconscious state. 

When Dr Shadow and captain invincible arrived they saw Power Cats brown skinned bare foot in Texan Wonders mouth. Eliza was sucking on it in a semi conscious state. After that climax, her mind and body were very suggestible. 
“Clean her up and get her out of my sight. We’ve resolved our differences. Tomorrow we start her training….for the next 3 months she belongs to me” the Cat commanded as she walked past the two men. They looked at each other and then at the Texan Wonder’s defeated body. A bulge emerged in their tight costumed pants.

The Texan Wonder would be punished for the next three months as Power Cat’s student. But the training would eventually pay off. Will the blonde Southern Belle get her revenge on Modesty Haze?


Re: The Texan Wonder: Back in Training

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 7:10 am
by LozGuiltyPleasure
Love it so far! I've always fantasised about having this weakness