Idea to celebrate Superman's anniversary in 2028

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I have an idea for a custom video to mark 50 years of Superman the movie and the 90th anniversary of Superman as a character.

Basically were all here because we love superheroines and without Superman, there would be no supergirl so what about a custom story paying homage to Superman The Movie but changing the main character to a Superwoman. I have a script I wrote that we could alI help fund and I'm willing to be flexible on things to include if it fits with the homage I'm trying to convey.

I'm in communication with a couple of production companies who have said the idea is doable but will cost a lot of money over $5000 a price i cant aford on my own.

I know this is early cos it isn't even 2022 yet but I wanted to get out in front with my idea.

If anyone has any suggestions for producers you think should make this movie or an idea for an extra scene or scenario you would like to see then private message me or reply to this post.
Last edited by DanDud88 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 80
Joined: 15 years ago

Claire kent/Superwoman
Lewis Lane
Alexandria “Alexis” Luthor
Unnamed Henchman
Young Teenager Claire Kent
Ma Kent
Pa Kent
Langdon Lang
Britney Fordham
Perry White (voice only)
Jor-EL (voice only)
Lor-El (voice only)
Narrator (voice or scrolling text)
Once there was a planet named Krypton with life similar to our Earth, Where it's people possessed greater intelligence, greater powers, and a greater capacity for good. But Krypton was a doomed planet.
We see an alien planet in space. With title card saying “Krypton”
Jor-El (voice over dialogue): .Are you sure we should send her there, they are a primate species, she'll be alone and an outcast. They will fear her and be jealous of her amazing gifts on earth.
Lor-El (V.O): It is better than our fate to die here. She will look like one of them and though she will never be one of them she will lead by example using her strength and good moral choices using my guidance in messages that I have recorded for her training. All recorded in a crystal that will activate when her powers reach their peak when she reaches puberty. So you see she will never be alone, my dear.
[CGI shot of the planet exploding]

Narrator (or scrolling text): The child was found in a cornfield and raised by a kindly couple, who could not have children of their own. As she aged to maturity she displayed great speed, strength and intelligence beyond any normal girl her age or any of her peers even the adults especially her teachers. She never became sick or broke any bones. Her parents told her to play dumb a bit so she wouldn't get bullied for her showing off her integellece in class and was banned from playing sports even cheerleading by her parents for fear she might hurt someone with her superior strength.

[We then see a title card that says "Smallville Kansas" - Note: Use stock images of Kansas or something. [Title card saying 18 years later]

[We see a farmhouse outside and zoom in on a window cut to a teenage girl aged 18, young Claire kent who is fast asleep under the duvet in her pjs]

[It's all quiet then suddenly she snaps awake clutching her head in pain. She opens up her beautiful blue eyes, and we go into a POV shot of Claire seeing through the wall to the next room.]

Claire: Oh my god I can see through the wall

[She sees her parents in their bedroom woken up by her screaming]

Claire: Owwww my eyes are burning

[suddenly beams of heat come out of her eyes she quickly shuts them tight stopping the rays, but its too late the room is on fire]

Parents: (We hear her Mom worrying, and her Dad concerned as they yell and bang on the door screaming Claire's name).

[Claire then coughs, and her freeze breath cools the fire preventing any significant damage. (Note fire is CGI)]

[Claire's parents finally get into her room pov on smoke coming from chard remains of a dressing table.]

[Ma Kent hugs her while her dad asks her if she's ok]

Claire: What's happening to me? First I could see into your bedroom then the heat came out of my eyes and extreme cold came out when I coughed. This isn't normal.

Pa Kent: [looking at her mom] I think its time.

Claire: Time for what?

Pa Kent: The Truth. You see Claire we adopted you. See, your biological parents weren't exactly from around here.

Claire: Where were they from?

Ma Kent: You see Claire I couldn't have children, but then you came to me and your father from the heavens.

Claire [Confused]: What you trying to say? That the reason I can do all these amazing things is because I'm from another planet?

[Claires parents nod]

Claire: [angry] Why didn't either of you tells me this sooner?

Pa Kent: We were going to tell you sometime after you left school, when we thought you were ready, but it looks like your body wanted you to be prepared now.

Claire: OK then where's my spaceship.

In the cellar, but all that was in it is in a hope chest under our bed.

Claire: Look just cause I'm stronger and faster than all my peers does not mean I'm a freak Because I'm not a freak! I'm not! (nearly breaking down crying)

Claire's parents hug her.

Claire Kent: What should I do now? Should I go to school?

Ma Kent: You can take the day off just until you get these strange powers under control. And get this information digested.

Claire Kent: Thanks, by the way I just want you to know, im glad it was you 2 who found me.

Ma Kent: Awww sweetie we didn't find you, you found us.

[Cut to a montage of Claire learning her powers setting candles alight with her heat vision and blowing them out with her superbreath]

[She then hears a car pull up]

[iner thought:Gosh its Langdon Lang Captain of the high school football team, my high school crush and friend. Pitty hes dating head cherleader Britney Fordham.]

Langdon: Hi Claire why wernt you in school today? You never take time off from school before, that I can remember. Anyway heres your homework.

Claire: Thanks Langdon (inner thoughts: I wish I could tell him the truth, but he wouldnt believe me) yea something like that. (god I always go to peaces around him I wish I knew he felt the same way about me, I know ill use my new found x-ray vision).

[pov shot of Langdon, now bear chested, (claires inner thoughts: “wooow I always knew hed be in great shape for the captain of the football team”) camera pans down to his privates, Claire smiles cheekaley [more inner thoughts: “and hes well endowed”]

[Note if you need too, to add something for SHIP cut, you can add a fantasy sex scene, where claire practicly tears the clothes of him in a sexual fantatsy in her head]

Langdon [interupting Claires day dream]: Are you ok Claire your giving me the old kent charm smile I love so much.

Claire: Yea im great. Look I was wondering if...

[Suddenly a young blonde teenage girl approaches its Brittany in her cheerleaeding unifrom]
Brittany: I couldnt wait in the car any longer Langdon, come on were gona be late to the movie, oh hi Claire.

[Claire nods]

Langdon: I got to go, can't leave Brittany waiting.. Bye Claire great talking to you as always

[Claire uses her superhearing to over hear...]

Brittany: Why do you hang out with that loser shes a geek.

Langdon: You should give her a chance shes really very nice, shes also smart and always has time to help people in need with homework and stuff. And there's no need to be jealous of her. Were just friends, have been since we were young.

Britney: Me jealous of that freak. Never

[We hear Langon and Brittney drive away]
Claire: Why I outta...

Ma Kent [appearing behind Claire]: Outta what? Don't tell me you been abusing your powers to over hear their conversation?

Claire: I know but guys like Langdon are too good for girls like Brittany. Shes just using him to further her popularity and hearing the things she was saying about me makes me just want to throw her into the sun.

Ma Kent: Yeah, I know, I know.
Claire: And I know I shouldn't...
Ma Kent [total understanding] Yeah, I know, you just discovered that you can do all these amazing things and you think that you will just burst unless you can show of your new powers.
Claire: Yeah Its like I could join the track team and run around whole track twice before the others run even 1 quarter of the way. Or set up a one girl football team on my own id probably win every time, every time! It's like, well Is a bird showing off when it flies?
Ma kent: No but you listen to me. When you first came to us, we were worried people would take you away but when no one claimed you we breathed a sigh of relief because you were stronger and faster than other kids we still thought of you as ours . We love you and want the best for you. Now I cant' pretend to know what its like to be you, with these strange things happing to you but there's one thing I do know, and that is you are here for a *reason*. I don't know the reason, but whatever that reason is its not to score a date with the Captain of the football team. No matter how hunkey you find his physic or well endowed you find his package. Yes I saw where u were looking before. Don't let me find you looking down there again and don't deny it I know thats the type of thing a girl your age would do with that type of ability. I mean I was your age two you know.

Claire [a bit embarresed about being caught]: Thanks for the advice ma.

Ma Kent: Now clean up before dinner

Suddenly Claire hears a pain in her hearing (like a subsonic frequancy)]

Claire: Agh

[She follows the noise back to a hope chest: Where she finds a crystal wrapped in what will be her superhero uniform. As soon as she picks it up, it glows brighter, and she suddenly gets a psychic vision of the Arctic]

Claire: I now know what I must do?

[Cut to a few moments later Claire is standing outside the house looking out towards the open fields (possible green screen) with a coat on and backpack on]

[Ma Kent and dad approach her from behind]

Ma Kent: Claire dinners ready. You ok sweeti.

Claire: Yea but I have to go away, Now.

Pa Kent: Where?

Claire: North, Along way north. The crystal inside the spaceship was calling to me. I don't know how to explain it it was like it was telling me where to go and what to bring.

[Claire's parents hold hands]

Pa Kent: We both knew this day would come

Ma Kent: Never forget us.

Claire: Of course I won't. You're my parents. I'll love you always.

[The three hug, then Claire starts walking away]

[establishing shot tundra sign comes up saying "6 Months later". We see Claire walking across the screen she stops and takes her backpack from her shoulders digs through it and pulls out the crystal]

[She flings it hard, and the screen shakes as a fortress erects itself in front of her, though we only see Claire's reaction to it happening]

[Cut to the next scene as Claire enters the fortress]

Voice: Kayla-El

[Claire looks up and sees a hologram and the scene cuts to it.]

Voice: Kayla-El, My daughter you do not remember me. I am Lor-El. Your Mother.

Lor-El: By now, you will have reached your 18th year as it is measured on Earth. By that reckoning, I will have been dead for some time. You have questions you need answered and it is time for you to ask. Here in this Fortress of Solitude, we shall try to find the answers to your burning questions together. So, my child, ask away.

Claire: You called me Kayla-el is that my name?

Lor-El: Yes, that is the name your father and I gave you.

Claire: How come I can do things that other people can’t.

Lor-El: You are the last survivor of the planet Krypton, a planet that was destroyed many years ago. The earth's sun gives off radiation that gives us Kryptonians the powers you now possess. Even though you have been raised as a human girl, you are nothing like them. Before we go into the history of the place of your birth, let me tell you what it means to be a hero to the weaker planet earth is to be brave, virtuous and virginal. Humankind will be fascinated by you, but you must keep your distance you never mate with a human male. You will become tempted by the opposite sex but remember you are not one of them. Your strength will intimate some earth males and if you attempt sexual intercourse with a human male you might kill them with your strength. You have great powers, only some of which you have as of yet discovered. Now I will teach you about Krypton and how to use your powers responsibly. Now to the history of your original home Krypton.

[We fade away and then back into seeing an establisher of the Tundra a message says "12 Years Later". Time passes, and we see Claire now a grown woman stood tall in the fortress. Wearing her Iconic Superwoman suit. With her arms folded at her waist]

Lor-El: It is now time for you to rejoin your new world, and serve as becon of hope to humanity. Live as one of them, Kayla-El, to discover where your strength and your power are needed. Always hold in your heart the pride of your special heritage. They can be great people, Kayla-El, for deep down they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all and their capacity for good, I have sent them you... My only daughter... And Now your training is complete. If you need anymore advice come and see me and will reach an answer together.

Claire: Thank you, mother, I agree I'm ready to return to the human race.

[Cut a few days later]

Perry White (vo): Lewis Lane meet your new partner Claire Kent

[we see Claire not as superwoman but as a dowdy looking secretary type woman wearing big oversized glasses with her hair up in a bun.]

Perry White (vo): Take her around town and show her the sites before your meeting with the president this afternoon. And before you protest its just till she settles in.

[Perry leaves the room]

Claire: Hi Lewis I’m Claire. Claire Kent.

[She holds her hand out, but Lewis ignores it and looks at her with disdain]
Lewis: So you're new, so I'm telling you this now. There's only one thing you need to know Claire. I am top dog around here so stay out of my way.

[He gets up and bumps her on the shoulder on the walks past. He is momentarily shocked by how solid her shoulder is.]

Claire: ok…… noted.

Lewis: Now if you’ll excuse me. The top dog has an interview with the president. On air force one. One of the perks of being a top reporter.

Claire: Wow that’s great. Good Luck!!

[1 hour later sat at her desk Claire hears a radio report saying air force one is in danger of crashing. Panic and worry cross her face. She gets up rushes to a closet while tearing her shirt open to reveal the S symbol she steps into the closet and emerges as the iconic Superwoman.]

Claire: Here goes nothing

[She superspeeds out the building and we hear a whooshing sound].


[Lewis rushes into the office and sees Claire in her chair typing away.]

Lewis: Are you ok? I heard what happen maybe you should be in the hospital for shock.

Lewis: I I. I met this fantastic woman………I mean she held a plane and carried it to the airport. All the while she looked fantastic. I have to know more about her. She was so beautiful.

Claire: Lewis it was probably an illusion or something. I refuse to believe a woman can fly.

Lewis: I know what I saw here look at my phone

Claire: It's a blurry image.

Lewis: I need to see her. How do I get her to come? I'll put myself in danger. The Roof!!

Claire: No……wait…… Don't do anything stupid. Not for this so-called Superwoman.

Lewis: Aaaah. Your right look at me. I'm swooning over some woman who can fly like something from a fairy tale.

Claire: You need to get some rest. Why don't you go home? We can both think and talk about it tomorrow.

Lewis: ok…… I am pretty tired. By the way, I liked that name Superwoman.

[He Leaves the office in a fluster. Claire bites her lip as she ponders her thoughts.]

Claire: Superwoman It's catchy.


Lewis is sat on his couch with a beer trying to wind down.

Lewis: She was so gorgeous, like an angel sent from heaven to save me from death. If only I could meet her.

[tap, tap]

He looks to his window and sees Superwoman floating outside waving to him.

Lewis: Oh god, it's you

Superwoman: I’m sorry am I interrupting? It’s no trouble for me to come back another time.

Lewis - NO!!……no. Please come in I was just surprised. [Opening the window.]

Superwoman: Thanks for letting me stop by, You know Mr Lane. From what I remember from that save of airforce one is that you were a member of the press, the daily planet if I remember right? I realise there must be many questions about me that the world would like the answer too. So I want my story to be told to someone I could trust, and I heard the daily planet, and more importantly you
are just the kind of person to do a story on me.

Lewis: Really me? Claire won't believe this. She thinks I imagined you.

Superwoman: Well you didn't imagine me and whose Claire is she your girlfriend or wife?

Lewis: On no, no, Im single and I'm sort married to my job. Claire is just a colleague I was going to brainstorm a way to contact you with her. I even considered jumping off a building to see if you'd save me.

Superwoman: Well I wouldn't have encouraged that. If you wanted to talk you should have just asked.

Lewis: That easy?

Superwoman: Yep that easy. (Points to her ears) Superhearing. Anyway, can we start the interview please. I might be needed at any moment.

Lewis: Well, ah, let's start with your vital statistics. Um, how old are you?

Superwoman: 30 years old

[POV shoot of Lewis checking out superwoman figure]

Lewis: How tall are you?

Superwoman: (insert here) oh and about my over vitals it's (insert here)

Lewis: Are you married?

Superwoman: Uh, no. No, I'm not.

Lewis: Do you have a boyfriend?

Superwoman: Uh, no I don't, but uh, if I did Mr. Lane you'd be the first to know about it.

Lewis: (pause, almost smirks)

Superwoman: But I guess my strength might initiate some men. Plus I don't think my physiology is compatible with your species.

Lewis: Oh, wait what do you mean by “your species”.

Superwoman: Well Im an alien.

Lewis: Woooow, your an alien, [Lost for words] [Becomes excited] erm ok wooow erm tell me your back story what plant do you come from? Do all your people have powers, what brings you to earth. What other powers do you posses, I mean I saw you fly when you saved me what else can you do.?

Superwoman: Slow down Mr. Lane, first things first yes I'm from another planet, a place called Krypton on the other side of your known galaxy. But I was rocketed here as an infant shortly before its destruction, and this is the only home I have ever known. I wish I could tell you more, but I don't want people to work out who I am and use my background information against me. My powers come from earths sun having a different reaction to my physiology. Oh, and my powers are Heat vision, X-ray vision, super breath and ice breath.

Lewis: Wait a minute did you say x-ray vision does that mean you can see through anything and everything.

Superwoman: Yes except for led.

Lewis: Wooow, erm can you give me a demonstration? [in a I dare you sorta way] For example What colour and type of underwear im I wearing.

Superwoman: Sure red

Lewis [Surprised]: What!?

Superwoman: The colour underwear your wearing and please tell your boxers to stop pointing.

(Lewis is caught entirely off guard and Suddenly becomes quite bashful.)

[We see from Superwoman pov Lewis is sat in his underwear.]

Lewis: I thought you were joking about having X-ray vision.

Superwoman: Well I wasn't, I never lie Lewis. Please don't worry. I am honourable, and I only did it because you asked and I won't do it again unless you ask again.

[Lewis gives a smile. His bash-fullness still going strong.]

Superwoman: Oh Just so you know I think you're in excellent shape for a reporter.

Lewis: Thanks I like to work out. And for someone not from this planet by our standards you're a babe.

Superwoman: Thank you Mr. Lane.

Lewis: Erm can you bend steel bars?

Superwoman: Yes I can, easy as pie.

Lewis: Wow. I'd love to see that.

Superwoman smiles mischievously and walks to a cupboard in his room pulling out a metal pipe.

Superwoman: May I?

[He nods curiously and effortlessly she bends the bar a few times before putting it back into shape. Smiling and sitting down again.]
(Superwoman smiles)

Lewis: Cool. Anything else?

Superwoman: I can fly.

Lewis: I saw. What’s that like and How fast do you fly?

Superwoman: Hard to describe and I don't know, I never timed myself before.

Lewis: Well do you always fly solo?

Superwoman: Is that your way of asking me to take you for a flight

Lewis: Hell yea

[Superwoman takes lewis's hand cut to several green screen shots of them flying.

Lewis inner monologue] Woow I cant believe I'm flying with a real life alien she's beautiful like a godess or a glamorous playboy supermodel. Does she know how much I want to fuck her and get with her superbod, she could have any man she wants.

[We see lewis trying to peer down superwoman's cleavage as they are flying]

[Cut back to Lewis's apartment.]

Superwoman: Well that was fun but we forgot to time me

we see lewis is silently in a trance staring at superwoman totally admired in her beautify.

Lewis [snapping out of it]: Wait before you go I have one last question. What should I call you?

Superwoman: Well I wear an S on my chest which is a sign for hope where I come from and its also my family crest but id like it to stand for Superwoman

Lewis: OK Superwoman.

[Superwoman leaves the same way she came]

[Note: the following scene is in case you need a sex scene to add something for SHIP cut]
[Cut to a different apartment Superwoman walks in a sits on a chair with a smile on her face she starts taking of her costum lies on the couch and starts Masterbating the scene changes to back at Lewises apartment as we are now in Claires fantasy]

Lewis: Well for someone not from this planet by our standards you're a babe.

Superwoman: Thanks and you should see me with out my uniform on.

[Superwoman starts to strip of her unifrom, then rips of lewis's clothes, she and lewis make love]
[cut to the real world where Claire still masterbating has an orgasm]

[Next Day]
Perry White: This is excellent work Lane another Pulitzer prize winner.

Claire: How you do it? I mean I can't believe you got her to come to yours and give an interview.

Lewis: Some of us are just plain lucky kent.

[We see someone else reading the paper a woman called Alexis Luthor]
Alexis: I can't believe that this bimbo comes flying in when I'm about to commit the crime of the century. Let's see if I can get her attention.

[We see Claire back at the newspaper office typing away at her computer, she hears a sonic noise, and a woman's voice rings in her ears says]

Alexis: There's only one person who can hear this and that you superwoman I suggest you come and find me or millions will die.

Claire: What!

Alexis: I have a particularly strong concoction ready to flood into to the water supply. Something that will make people quite sick and I will release it unless you come to me. Now.

[Claire looks around nervously and gets up and leaves the room rushing and changing into superwoman.]


[We see Alexis Luther sat behind a desk sat in a chair waiting for Superwoman]

Alexis [to her henchman]: [Name of henchman] get In here

[The Henchman comes in with a metal pole.]

Henchman: You realy want me to hit her boss. I don't usually hit women.

Alexis: Yes but remember she looks like a human woman but she's actually an alien being here to stop my genius plan. Look just stand over there and hide and when I tell you to, just hit her.

[Superwoman storms into the room]

Alexis: Aaaah here she is.

[We see Alex's grab a gun from under a table and attempt to shoot superwoman whose bulietss bounce of her body.]

Superwoman: My turn.

[Superwoman uses her heat vision to melt the gun, which Alexa drops on the floor.]
Alexis [to henchman]: Now [name of henchman].

[The henchman comes out of nowhere and tries to hit Superwoman with the pipe but breaks into 2.

Superwoman: Don't go to peieces over me.

[Uses her superbreath to blow the henchman againtst a wall]

Superwoman [To Alexis]: Enough games

[Superwoman superspeeds over to Alexis and lifts her into the air.]

Superwoman: Where is the poison?

Alexis: Don’t panic. It’s all part of the game. I have hidden somewhere in this room a remote that can easily terminate the process. Can you find it?

[Superwoman drops Alexis and turns around the room, Identifying one box]

Superwoman: Tell you what I’ll try the only Lead lined box in the room first.

[She opens the Box but is suddenly hit by Kryptonite from inside. Draining her powers.]

Alexis: Good Idea. Find anything nice. This here is Kryptonite. It took me lots of money to find it, and my scientists say it can completely drain you of your powers. Is that true?

[Alexis walks over to the weakened heroine and strikes her. She falls to the ground.]

Alexis: Oh turns out it can.

[She take the kryptonite which has been fashioned into a crude necklace and hangs it round Superwoman neck.]

Alexis [to her henchman who eventualy gets up of the floor]: Take her out of my sight.

The henchman takes her away and throws her into a cell. We hear Superwoman pleading with t he henchman to let her go and he shouldn't trust Alexis.


[Alexis is drinking champagne.]

Alexis: You know I thought that would be harder. The worlds most powerful woman ends up falling for that cheap trick. [Name of Henchman] does that make me the worlds most powerful woman?

Henchman: Dunno boss. Can you bend steel?

Alexis: I'll give you that one, thats a fair point. But no, no one should have that much power. We can't have gods walking among men, can we?

Henchman: No I guess not.

Alexis: With my billions of dollars of money, I earned my power through blood sweat tears and hard work. I should rule the world, Especially now with her out the way.

Henchman: But you didn't earn that money through hard work you married old billionaires and got them to leave you there money in there wills when they died.

Alexis: Shut up [name of henchman]! It's not like they needed the money where they were going.
Call the media. See if they can get word to the president that I want a 10 figure sum in my account, or I release the Missiles I hacked with my superior brain power. Oh and do me a favour. Kill the bint.

Henchman: But boss you paid someone to hack those missiles for you

Alexis: I thought I told you to shut up.


He leaves conflicted to where Superwoman lies on the floor of her cell. He picks up the Kryptonite from her neck, but before removing pasionatly kisses her then removes the necklace. Superwoman begins to breathe much more freely.

Superwoman: Wah…… why?

Henchman: I didn't think youd let me kiss you. I’m sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing. But now I think I know what the right thing is. You need to go……stop her. Please.

Superwoman: What’s your name?

Henchman: [Name of henchman]

Superwoman: Well [Name of Henchman]…… I thank you for what you did.


[She walks back into the lair, and Alexis sits. Looking disappointed.]

Alexis: Did my dumb muscle bottle it?

Superwoman: You’re going to jail for a long time Alexis.

[Alexis Smiles.]

Alexis: We'll see. She launches the missile by pressing a button.

Superwoman flies off after the missiles.

INT Office

[Claire sits at her desk typing. More noise on the radio about the thwarted bio attack and Alexis Arrest. Claire smiles]
Claire [typing at her computer]: And then Superwoman saved the day again. No one knows who she is, but we know she stands for True, Justice and the American way.
[Lewis walks past]
Claire: did you want to go to a movie or something this weekend?
Lewis: Sorry Claire im erm not interested.
Claire [to herself] if only you knew
Lewis: What was that?
Claire: I said I bet you won't say no to superwoman.
Lewis: Yea but your not superwoman.
[Cut to a close up of Caires face she nudges her glasses down and winks at the camera
[We hear the classic Superman theme as we see Superwoman fly past the screen smiling ala the ending of the superman movies].

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Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Great effort to write out a whole script! Would superwoman be dark haired and be wearing the bodysuit and briefs like superman?
I hope you can get something comissioned!
Posts: 80
Joined: 15 years ago

HeroineFantasies no she will be dressed like Supergirl and have a skirt
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