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Members update - Blunder Woman - Reprogrammed Ep 12

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:04 am
by Jpeger
Welcome welcome once again, wonderful readers and supporters. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope everyone’s holidays were as lovely as mine. I stayed home and worked on dirty comix all week!! I am back with another episode for you to enjoy, hopefully!!

Now that Huntrezz is captured, Blunder woman and Blunder girl can now focus their attention on the doctor’s next target, Harla Quinn!!

Will Harla be as easy to capture as the Blunder Sister‘s other victims? What will the doctor do to transform Huntrezz into a mindless slave? Will any of them ever escape the grasp of the evil doctor, or will this insidious plot continue until every superheroine is under his control? The answer to these and many new questions begin to unfold in this newest and most exciting Blunder woman adventure: Reprogrammed, Episode 12 posts for members now!

For members: ... Episode-12

Thanks for reading!
