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Villainess United

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:58 pm
by BlackManta1
Villainess United Part I

Talia Al-Ghul stands in front of a long table in the abandoned main hall of The Legion of Doom

"We have been henchwomen for too long, living and dying under the male villans command, and being stopped by the heroes. The world is now ours to control, and its heroines shall be our play things" Talia said.

The women sitting behind that long table--Roulette, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Chesire, Giganta, Cheetah, Hazard and Pistolera--cheered.

"And now to our first order of buisness, the destruction of the Birds of Prey!" announced Talia with an evil gleam in her eye. Snapping her fingers, a wall panel lit up to show each and every member of that elite superheroine unit: Oracle, Huntress, Black Canary, Lady Black Hawk, and Gypsy.

"But why go after them first, Talia?" asked Poison Ivy, "Why not the JLA?"

"Because Oracle serves as the eyes and ears for all of the superheroes, Ivy," replied Talia, "If we take her down, we will leave the rest of them practically deaf, dumb and blind. However, we must defeat her associates before we can get to Oracle herself. Thus, we take down the Birds of Prey first."

"Oh!" Ivy nodded in agreement.

"Now that we have that out of the way," Talia smiled, "Any takers?"

"I want The Huntress!" declared Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn in unison, "It's a Gotham thing!"

"Enthusiasm, I like it! The both of you can have her," Talia laughed.

"I will take Black Canary!" Cheshire Cat hissed, "I owe her big time for stealing my daughter from me. Besides, I would like to humiliate that bitch by fucking her brains out like she fucked over my life!"

"I shall join you, my friend," Talia declared, "I have long desired to test my martial arts skills and feminine wiles against the great Canary and this is as good a time as any."

Cheetah and Pistolera whispered between themselves before Cheetah offered, "We'll clip Lady Black Hawk's wings. Although that will not be the only thing that I am going to clip from her! Rrrarrh!"

Roulette and Hazard confered for a minute and Roulette added licking her lips, "And we shall use our power over luck to finish off The Gypsy. Although I have plans for her that include a little quality time with us as well."

"Excellent!" Talia grinned from ear to ear, "And Oracle shall be last! Indeed, she shall be made to watch as her protectors fall one by one. Ladies, you have your targets. Do with them what you will. Just make sure that they are no longer the superheroines that they used to be. Meeting adjourned!"

"But before you go, you ladies need more power" Talia said before she turned to enter an adjacent room. There was a man chained up and naked with whip marks all over his body.

"This, my friends, is Prometheus. He put up quite a fight when my people captured him but he went down like the rest. He had a unique device that made him copy the skills of the greatest martial artist around, with it he was quite a tough man to beat. He was persuaded to make just a device for us," Talia grabbed a small chip and put it near Chesire's ear, the knowledge it contained passed through her brain.

"I can now fight like Batman now," Cheshire grinned, "Black Canary won't stand a chance against me. When I get through with her, I'm going to make her my bitch!"

"OUR bitch!" corrected Talia, "But I am glad that you like it. I for one used the last one of my late father's Lazurus Pit to bathe myself and increase my strengh."

Talia walked over to Harley and Ivy, "This is the Venom serum that bane used to make himself strong. I perfected it so that it wont make you crazy." She looked into Harley's mad eyes "Well not CRAZIER. It will also increase your strength so that you will be 10 times more stronger than you are now. It also shall increase your powers, Ivy. I also gave you plenty of toys Harley."

"Good, because we both have a score to settle with The Huntress," Harley snarled.

"In more ways than one," Poison Ivy grabbed her breasts, squeezed them and groaned, "I can't wait to smother Huntress with these Harley, I just can't wait!"

"Me neither, Red," Harley pulled out a starter's pistol, "Especially after she gets a blast out of this little number."

Talia walked over to Pistolera and Cheetah, "You two have plenty of gadgets. I changed Scarcrow's fear gas into different forms. You have Fear, Lust, Anger, Submissiveness, Madness in a gaseous form--all increased to potent levels. You don't have an unlimited amount so use it wisely. I also captured some of Mad Hatter's mind control devices. They may come in handy."

"I have no doubt they will," replied Cheetah, "Lady Black Hawk will not know what hit her once we get through with her, eh Pistolera?"

"Oh, she's going to know what hit her," The blonde twirled her trademark revolver in her hand, "Before and after I sit on her face and make her eat me out!"

Hazard and Roulette stood as Talia approached them, "For you two, I gave you the highest forms of weapons I had. I also gave you Atom's Shrink technology as well. Do with it as you will."

"Don't worry, Talia, we will," replied Roulette as she leaned against Hazard who declared, "And we shall do the same to cute little Gypsy when we get our hands on her won't we, Hazard?"

"Indeed, my love, indeed," Hazard immediately grabbed the back of Roulette's head, yanked it back and french kissed the villainess hard before she pulled away, "Enough for now, I'll save some for our prey."

"MMMMmmm!" Roulette erotically rubbed herself as she pictured the thought of both her and Hazard taking turns "69"-ing Gypsy.

Talia walked over to Cheshire and patted her on the butt, "Its time to go, ladies, happy hunting!"

With that said, Villainess United was off.

Re: Villainess United Part I

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 11:30 pm
by DrDominator9
Nice quick launch. With plenty of peril coming the Birds of Prey's way, especially with the descriptions of all the toys and tricks that the Villainesses United have at their disposal. Bring on the fights! I'm ready!

Re: Villainess United Part I

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:14 am
by BlackManta1
I'm glad you like the launch. And I'm glad you're looking forward to the rest of my story. The fights will be coming soon. I'm going to try and write them on a weekly basis--but with my work schedule being what it is, I make no guarantees!

Re: Villainess United Part I

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:36 am
by DrDominator9
I didn't mean to rush you. As somebody who lately only occasionally updates his stories, I say take the time you need to get the best stuff on the page. And it doesn't just have to be fights...whatever you've got planned is fine with me.

Re: Villainess United Part I

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:57 am
by the123
nice story.

Re: Villainess United Part I

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 12:25 pm
by BlackManta1
No! No! No! You're not rushing me in the least. I'm just sharing with you the reality of my situation. When I write, I like to add chapters on a weekly or biweekly schedule. Sometimes I can do it and sometimes I can't--but I always try! And I promise you there will be fights and more than that as well.
DrDominator9 wrote:
3 years ago
I didn't mean to rush you. As somebody who lately only occasionally updates his stories, I say take the time you need to get the best stuff on the page. And it doesn't just have to be fights...whatever you've got planned is fine with me.

Re: Villainess United Part I

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 12:26 pm
by BlackManta1
the123 wrote:
3 years ago
nice story.
I'm glad you like the introduction. I hope you like the rest of it when I start to post them over the coming weeks.

Re: Villainess United Part I

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 12:29 pm
by the123
BlackManta1 wrote:
3 years ago
the123 wrote:
3 years ago
nice story.
I'm glad you like the introduction. I hope you like the rest of it when I start to post them over the coming weeks.
i look forward to it thanks.

Re: Villainess United

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:26 am
by BlackManta1
Villainess United Part II

Black Canary Vs. Cheshire and Talia

Black Canary stealthed her way through the warehouse as she stuck to the shadows in an attempt to spot Cheshire. Oracle had received an anonymous tip that the Asian Assasin was meeting there with her employer to get the final details of her next hit: a U.S. Senator. Black Canary received the news from Oracle an hour ago and now that she was in the warehouse, the Blonde Bombshell had lost contact with her wheelchair-bound handler. However, her search did bear fruit as she spotted Cheshire strolling back and forth in the middle of the warehouse clad in her usual green spandex attire as though she was waiting for someone.

Black Canary decided to confront the woman since she knew that she could easily defeat her in a one-on-one fight, "What's the matter, Cheshire, did your date stand you up?"

Cheshire swung to her left to find Black Canary standing not more than a few feet in front of her with her hands on her hips. The Asian Assasin studied the luscious form of her opponent and licked her lips in anticipation. The Blonde Bombshell was donned in her trademark jet black boots, fishnet stockings and one piece spandex tights which revealed every curve of her voluptuous frame.

"No! As a matter of fact, my date came right on time!" Cheshire smiled as she lunged at Black Canary who was ready for the Asian Assasin. Their fight lasted no more than five minutes with Cheshire feverishly attacking the Blonde Bombshell with every martial arts maneuver at her disposal from roundhouse kicks to savate thrusts. Yet, even with the skills of Batman in her arsenal, Cheshire could not penetrate Canary's defenses as the Blonde Bombshell blocked and parried everything she threw at her.

Breathing heavily, Cheshire backed away from her opponent who appeared to be just getting warmed up.

"Is that the best you can do, Cheshire?" Black Canary smiled as she began to move in for the kill.

"No! Not really!"

Suddenly Black Canary stopped her advance, reached behind her and pulled out a small dart from her soft luscious butt, "What in the world?!"

"But that is the best that I can do, Canary!" Talia donned in a blood red body suit with a golden sash wrapped around her waist strolled out from behind some crates with a blowgun in her hand.

Black Canary whirled around to face Talia and took a defensive crouch, "Talia, I should have known. Are you still--still--?" The Blonde Bombshell grabbed her head as though she was concentrating on something before she moaned, "Ohhhhh noooo!" Black Canary immediately grabbed her left breast with her right hand and grabbed her twat through her costume fondling both of them feverishly.

"What's the matter, Canary? I knew you were glad to see us," snarled Cheshire with a wicked grin, "But I didn't know that you were THIS glad! He! He! He!"

The Blonde Bombshell sole response was to throw her head back, roll her eyes and pant longingly as she enjoyed the sudden yet strong orgasm that coursed through her frame! Black Canary had to get off and she had to get off NOW! Dropping to her knees, the Blonde Bombshell was in such a hurry to relieve herself that she didn't even bother to take off her costume. Black Canary moaned, groaned and eventually cried out as she repeatedly came with every orgasmic wave that crashed throughout her body. Soon The Blonde Bombshell was helplessly writhing on the warehouse floor in a small puddle of her own cum which glistened her spandex-clad butt and snatch to a fine wet sheen.

Cheshire stared at Black Canary and then at Talia with more than a little amazement, "Uh, Talia, what was in that dart?!"

"It's something that my father cooked up before he died. A little aphrodesiac with an extremely powerful kick to it," the heir to the Demon's Head smiled, "It's from Ancient Egypt and its designed to induce multiple orgasms within anyone who is injected with it. Simply put, Black Canary is now at our mercy because she is too horny to stop us."

"Good, then I say let's fuck this bitch, leave her here to rot and be done with it!" snarled Cheshire who immediately began to disrobe.

"No, we shall take her with us," declared Talia, "If we fuck her now and leave her behind, we spare Black Canary the humiliation of a lifetime of sexual servitude at our hands. This is an important victory for Villainess United and I see no need for us to waste this moment. Immobilize her, Cheshire, I shall prepare our prey for our journey home."

"With pleasure!" Cheshire strolled over to the writhing Black Canary until she stood directly over the Blonde Bombshell's face. The Asian Assassin immediately dropped to her knees and covered Black Canary's mouth with her green spandex-covered twat. Looking down at the woman who took her daughter from her, Cheshire snarled, "You want to get off, bitch? Then eat me out through my costume. I want you to work for it, Canary!"

By now, Black Canary's mind was reeling so much from the multiple orgasms that had hit her and continued to hit her that her only reply was to stare up at Cheshire frantically before she began to comply with her attacker's wishes. The Blonde Bombshell began to lick, rub and tantalize Cheshire's pussy with her tongue in an effort to bring her to climax despite the green spandex she wore. The Asian Assasin began to fondle her breasts and grind her twat into Black Canary's face in response to the Blonde Bombshell's entreaties.

Enjoying the sight before her eyes; Talia reached into her sash, pulled out a small golden dildo, strolled over to Black Canary's cum-covered spandex clad snatch and parted her fishnet stockings from her black tights to reveal her sopping wet pussy. "This should finish you off, Black Canary, at least until we can get you back to Villainess United where we can have some REAL fun!" Talia activated the vibrating dildo with a flick of the switch and rammed the device deep into Black Canary's twat until it was no longer visible.

The Blonde Bombshell bucked like a bronco at this violation while Cheshire continued to ride Black Canary's face. Talia allowed Black Canary's costume to snap back into place over her snatch as though to seal her doom. The heir to the Demon's Head just stood back with one hand on her hips and pulled out a small communicator, "Talia to Villainess United, come in Villainess United."

"Ivy here, we are about to close in on the Huntress, what do you want?"

"Cheshire and I have bagged--check that, we have just FUCKED the Canary!" Talia announced proudly, "And we are about to bring her back to base."

"Congratulations! Now leave us alone so we can bag our bitch as well! Ivy out!"

Talia turned the communicator off and placed it in her sash as she crawled over to the already orgasmically-induced Black Canary. Placing her mouth fully over the Blonde Bombshell's spandex clad pussy, Talia began to eat out Black Canary. Overwhelmed by Cheshire's twat, the golden dildo vibrating deep inside her pussy and now Talia's mouthing her twat, Black Canary teetered on the verge of madness as Cheshire screamed in ecstasy and came in the Blonde Bombshell's mouth while she eagerly lapped up her attacker's juices. The superheroine was a helpless prisoner of her own ecstasy as she Cheshire and Talia turned Black Canary into their personal bitch!

Before Talia gave herself over completely to her lustful desires for The Blonde Bombshell, she knew that once they got Black Canary back to Villainess United the Blonde Bombshell's life as a superhero was going to end and her new life as a super sex slave was going to begin.

Next: Huntress Vs. Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn

Re: Villainess United

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 1:38 pm
by BlackManta1
Villainess United Part III

Huntress Vs. Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn

Poison Ivy crept down the aisle of office cubicles at Yo-Yo-Dyne Electronics in search of her prey. The Mistress of Plants knew that Huntress had entered the building, saw her in fact, yet was unable to find her once she got inside. That was why she ordered Harley to split up so that they could cover more ground and that was why when she turned a corner she found herself facing at the far end of the aisle The Huntress armed with her trademark crossbow pointed directly at her.

"Give up, Ivy," The Huntress declared confidently, "I've got the drop on you! We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is that you put your hands on your head, get on your knees and lie face down on the floor until I can properly cuff you and cart you off to jail!"

"And what's the hard way?" Poison Ivy sarcastically mused as she seemingly began to obey her would-be captor by slowing raising her hands in the air.

"I take you down--HARD!"

"I guess we'll take the hard way, Huntress!" Harley Quinn leapt out from a cubicle behind The Huntress, grabbed her prey, and pinned the Girl Gladiator's arms to her side as her crossbow fell harmlessly to the floor.

"WHAT?! HARLEY?! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!" The Huntress quickly overcame her shock and attempted to break Harley Quinn's hold.

"Red! Zap her or something! I can't hold her forever!" cried Harley Quinn as she half-panicked, half-enjoyed the feel of the struggling Huntress so close to her body.

Without a word, Poison Ivy pointed her small wrist crossbow at The Huntress and fired a small dart that drilled itself right into her prey's left breast.

"OW!" yelped The Girl Gladiator as she looked down at the dart sticking out of her black spandex-clad chest, "WHAT DID YOU--did you--uhhhh!" The Huntress' voice began to trail off as she shook her head in an effort to clear her thoughts.

"What did you do to her, Red?" inquired Harley as she noticed that The Huntress was no longer fighting her but was instead beginning to lean back into her.

"I nailed her with a little number I cooked up called Hetero-Be-Gone!" Poison Ivy began to sensually strut her way down the aisle towards her partner-in-crime and their prey.

"Hetero-Be-Gone?" quipped Harley still holding onto The Huntress, "What does it do?"

Poison Ivy smiled, "It only does three things, my dear: One, it will make her giggly like a schoolyard girl. Two, it will make herr lose all inhibitions. And three, it will make her into a lesbian. That's why I call it, Hetero-Be-Gone."

Huntress immediately began to giggle as she looked up at Poison Ivy, "Hetero-Be-Gone! *Giggle* That's cute, Ivy *Giggle*real cute! Now are you two *Giggle* going to fuck me *Giggle* or do I have to get *Giggle* my own self off tonight *Giggle*?"

"Have no fear, Huntress, your fucking is here!" declared Poison Ivy putting her hands on her hips, "But first, my associate would like to soften you up a bit. Harley?"

"I'm all over her Red," declared Harley Quinn as she released her prey, grabbed The Huntress' cape, ripped if off of her back and tossed it aside, "First, let's get a nice look at that ass of yours, sweetheart."

"As you wish *Giggle*," Huntress wiggled her black spandex-clad butt for Harley Quinn to admire her assets. The Clown Girl of Crime grabbed the Huntress' hips and began to ground her pussy into The Girl Gladiator's butt while massaging her prey's voluptuous breasts through her costume.

"OOOOOOoooooooo!!!" The Huntress giggled as she enjoyed the play, "You want me bad *Giggle* don't you, Harley *Giggle*?"

"I want you in the worst way possible, Huntress," Harley declared while affectionately biting her prey upon her neck, "I want you to be our little whore!"

"MMMMMMmmmmm! *Giggle* Sounds super!" Huntress cooed as she allowed Harley's grinding and fondling to completely overwhelm her senses.

"Turn her around, Harley," instructed Poison Ivy who now sported a dark green strap-on dildo that appeared to be a large cucumber, "I am ready to turn our prey into our personal whore--PERMANENTLY!"

The Huntress giggled and squealed with joy as she saw Poison Ivy approach her with a strap-on dildo. Without waiting for Harley Quinn to initiate the action, The Huntress immediately pulled the dart out of her breast, tossed it aside, spun around until she was facing The Clown Girl of Crime and promptly french-kissed her captor. Harley Quinn, at first was taken by surprise, but then began to enjoy the kiss as she wrapped her arms around The Huntress' waist, pulled her close and held the Girl Gladiator in place.

The Huntress did not help her situation any when she began to play with Harley's breasts while slowly swaying her hips from side to side as an open invitation for Poison Ivy to fuck her.

When Ivy got close, The Mistress of Plants grabbed The Huntress's left hip with one hand while she used her nail on her right index finger to cut a small hole between the butt cheeks of The Huntress' black spandex-clad shorts. Once her opening was made, Poison Ivy grasped both of the Huntress' hips and with a savage scream penetrated The Huntress' sopping wet pussy.

The Huntress eyes opened wide with surprise as Harley tightened her grip upon The Girl Gladiator. Harley Quinn had the Huntress exactly where she wanted her and felt no desire to let her go. Meanwhile, Poison Ivy continued to drill the Huntress from the rear over and over and over again as she grunted, snarled and banged her hips into the Huntress' exposed butt. The Huntress was literally sandwiched between the two members of Villainess United as Harley kissed her and fondled first her breasts then her pussy from the front, while Ivy raped her repeatedly from the rear. Every cry the heroine would have made was stifled by Harley's deep kiss and every grunt that could be heard came from Ivy's hard but pleasurable work. The only thing The Huntress could do was match her movements to those of her captors, provide them with easy access to violate her and enjoy the ride.

Meanwhile, deep inside The Huntress' pussy, the cucumber dildo began squirting a juicy gel directly into her womb that literally caused The Girl Gladiator to swoon and moisten her pussy even more than it already was. Once Ivy stopped bumping and grinding her way into The Huntresss' cunt; the Mistress of Plants snapped her fingers, the cucumber dildo dislodged itself from Ivy's strap and began to push its way deep into The Huntress' pussy until it disappeared from view.

The Huntress forcefully broke her kiss with Harley, dropped to her knees, drove her hand into her exposed pussy and began to stroke it until she cut loose with an orgasmic scream that allowed her to wet her black spandex-clad stomach, pussy and butt with her overflowing juices. Afterwards, The Huntress dropped to the floor and began to writhe around in orgasmic ecstasy as the dildo lodged deep inside of her compelled her to climax again and again. The Huntress just closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and helplessly fumbled around on the floor like a fish out of water in a puddle of her own sticky cum.

Harley walked over to Ivy and leaned up against her partner, "Hey, Red, what happened to your little friend?"

"It's inside of her now, Harley," quipped Poison Ivy, "It's changing her into what we want her to be."

"Our own little whore?" asked Harley Quinn.

"And Villainess United's own little fucktoy!" declared Ivy emphatically as she pulled forth a communicator from beneath one of the leaves that covered her body.

"Ivy to Villainess United, come in Villainess United."

"Cheetah here, we arrre about to get the drrrop on Lady Black Hawk, what do you want?"

"The Black Canary is down and the Huntress has fallen before us!" Poison Ivy announced proudly, "We are about to bring her back to base."

"Wonderrrful news! Now if you don't mind, we have to pluck Lady Black Hawk's feathers! Cheetah out!"

Poison Ivy replaced the communicator, turned to Harley Quinn, wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her close, "A victory such as this one deserves a little celebration don't you think?"

"MMMMmmmmmm! I'm with you, Red," Harley Quinn kissed Poison Ivy on the lips but then turned her attention to the helpless Huntress still writhing on the floor trying desperately to relieve herself from the multiple orgasms she was feeling, "But what about her?"

"She is having her fun, Harley," Poison Ivy cast a quick glance down at the Huntress before she returned her attention to Harley's voluptuous breasts, her wide hips and her full, ruby red lips, "Let's you and I have ours!"

With that said, Posion Ivy passionately kissed Harley Quinn with everything she had as the pair stood over the defeated Huntress whose brain was slowly being turned into mush by the cucumber dildo throbbing, drilling and pulsating deep within her pussy.

Next: Lady Black Hawk Vs. Cheetah and Pistolera

Re: Villainess United

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:07 am
by BlackManta1
Villainess United Part IV

Lady Blackhawk Vs. Cheetah and Pistolera

The last thing Lady Blackhawk expected to do during her invetigation of a disturbance at the city park that night was to get involved in a showdown reminiscent of the Old West. Her opponent standing not more than twenty feet from her was a pistol-packing blonde donned in skin-tight green spandex tights, a white blouse and a cowboy hat.

"Are you ready, Lady Blackhawk?" Pistolera grinned as she got down into a gunslinger's crouch and allowed her hand to inch closer to her holster strapped to her hip.

"Lady, I don't know who you are--" began Lady Blackhawk who also took a similar stance as she moved her hand to her holster so that she could reach her World War II-era service revolver.

"The name's Pistolera!" snarled the villainess, "A name that you will not soon forget! But when I get through with you, Lady Blackhawk, you're going to be calling me by a different name."

"Oh, yeah, what's that?" Lady Blackhawk's eyes narrowed as she was about to draw forth her revolver and gun Pistolera down.

"Mistress!" snapped Pistolera, "DRAW!"

Lady Blackhawk froze a half-second in surprise and confusion at Pistolera's answer. Unfortunately, it was a half-second too late. By the time Lady Blackhawk was able to slip her revolver from its holster, Pistolera had drawn forth her revolver and in one clear shot blasted Lady Blackhawk's pistol right out of her hand.

Wincing in pain at Pistolera's expert shot, Lady Blackhawk caressed her right hand in an attempt to get some feeling back into it, "Why you--."

"Shut up and lie down on the grass like a nice little bitch!" commanded Pistolera as she walked towards her prey with her pistol still levelled directly at Lady Blackhawk, "Or the next time I pull this trigger, I'll put a hole in your head!"

Reluctantly, Lady Blackhawk dropped to her knees and laid face down in the grass expecting that her opponent was probably going to handcuff her and pistol whip her while she was helpless. Much to her surprise, Lady Blackhawk heard Pistolera say, "Uh-Uh, bitch, lie face up! I want to see the look on your face when you get fucked!"

Lady Blackhawk did as she was told and was doubly surprised to see Cheetach standing over her with her hands on her hips along with Pistolera still pointing the business end of her revolver at her.

"Cheetah?" Lady Blackhawk began to get a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach, "Wha--what are you doing here?"

"This. Rrrarghhh!" roared Cheetah as she dived atop Lady Blackhawk, grabbed her wrists and pinned her arms to the ground, "I see that you like to wearrr skirrrts, Lady Blackhawk, good! That will make this so much easierrr!"


Lady Blackhawk never got the chance to complete her thought as Cheetah's tail whipped under Lady Blackhawk's black leather skirt and drilled itself past her black leather panties and deep into her moist pussy!

With her eyes wide with surprise, Lady Blackhawk arched her back and cried out in pain at this sexual violation. However her scream was silenced when Pistolera's green-spandex clad butt covered her mouth and nose.

"I've waited a long time to do this, Lady Blackhawk," Pistolera settled herself atop her prey's face as she holstered her gun and began to fondle Lady Blackhawk's voluptuous breasts through her black leather blouse.

"Mmmmmfffff!" was the only response Lady Blackhawk gave to Pistolera's sexual attack as she tried to buck and fight off the two women who sat atop her body--but her efforts were in vain.

"There will be no screaming for you, my little bitch." Pistolera grinded her butt into Lady Blackhawk's face while she twisted her prey's nipples, "You can fight us all you want now! Because either way you look at, you're either going to pass out from my booty smother or Cheetah's going to screw you into unconsciousness. Face it, hero, you're coming with us--that is, if you don't CUM first! Hee! Hee! Hee!"

Cheetah continued to use her tail like a jackhammer as she repeatedly drilled Lady Blackhawk's pussy, sometimes moving it in slowly, sometimes moving it out quickly, sometimes whipping it around inside of her prey's cunt, sometimes lashing her clitoris unmercifully. The Cheetah was unrelenting in her attack as she forced the World War II heroine to orgasm and cum over and over and over again until the very skirt Lady Blackhawk wore stuck to her legs due to the juices she unleashed.

Lady Blackhawk for her part could do little but thrash arould like a fish out of water and take this violation from her captors. Cheetah's repeated assaults on her pussy drove her to a point of unexpected bliss that she had never known. Pistolera's booty smother did not help Lady Blackhawk either as her oxygen was slowly being replaced by the pungent smells of Pistolera's sex. Between the two villainesses, Lady Blackhawk knew that she was done for as she slowly but surely began to lose consciousness.

While Pistolera continued to ride Lady Blackhawk's face, the villainess reached into her blouse pocket and pulled out a small communicator, "Pistolera to Villainess United, come in Villainess United."

"Roulette here, we almost have Gypsy cornered, what do you want?"

"The Black Canary has been beaten, the Huntress is down, and I am happy to report that Lady Blackhawk is officially our personal bitch!" Pistolera declared smugly, "We are going to bring her back to base once I am through smothering her and Cheetah is through fucking her."

"Excellent! Now you'll have to excuse us, we have to give Gypsy a run of some bad luck! Roulette out!"

Pistolera placed the communicator back into her blouse pocket and smiled at her ally, "Cheetah?"

"Yess?" Cheetah looked up at Pistolera with an evil grin.

"Is she done yet?!" Pistolera moaned with a shred of disappointment in her voice, "Because she hasn't done anything for me. Oh sure, she's given me plenty of mouth, but no tongue to speak of. How about you?"

"Rrrarrh!" Cheetah growled with some disgust, "She's prretty tight at my end! And not much fun at all! But I know how we can have some fun."

"Oh, you do? How--?"

Before Pistolera could complete her sentence, Cheetah released Lady Blackhawk's wrists, grabbed the back of Pistolera's head and pulled the Gunslinger into a deep passionate kiss while she continued to fuck Lady Blackhawk unmercifully.

Once they broke their kiss, Cheetah hissed almost breathlessly, "Will that get you off?"

Pistolera licked her lips, "It's a start!"

Cheetah and Pistolera locked themselves into another wet kiss as they silently continued their assault on Lady Blackhawk unaware that their prey had now slipped into unconsciousness. Between Cheetah's cum-covered tail dominating her pussy and the smell of Pistolera's sex from her booty smother robbing her of oxygen, Lady Blackhawk was completely overwhelmed as her near-lifeless body surrendered itself as a fuck-toy for Villainess United.

Next: Gypsy Vs. Roulette and Hazard

Re: Villainess United

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 3:28 pm
by BlackManta1
Villainess United Part V

Gypsy Vs. Roulette and Hazard

Gypsy was running across a rooftop as Roulette fired her energy gun at the fleeing Bird of Prey. For the past ten minutes, Roulette kept missing her target because Gypsy was not only dodging the blasts but also using her mastery over chance and luck to screw up Roulette's aim.

"You always do have to use your big GUNS to solve everything, don't you my dear?" Hazard caught up to Roulette after following her lover at a leisurely pace and kissed Roulette's left ear.

"Well they always worked," snapped Roulette completely disgusted with her weapon's poor performance.

"May I suggest using a little finesse?" Hazard smiled with an evil grin as she reached into the front pocket of her red gambler's uniform and produced a pair of dice.

"Sure." Roulette shrugged her shoulders.

Hazard rolled the dice on the deck of the roof until they came to an abrupt stop. One die showed a "5" and the other showed a "2" staring face up.

"Snake-Eyes, Gypsy!" Hazard cried at the retreating heroine, "You lose!"

Gypsy was about to escape to another rooftop when she passed a red bricked chimney that just exploded as she ran by it. The flying bricks and the force of the small explosion knocked the hapless Gypsy off of her feet and sent her flying into an air conditioning unit where she crashed hard against it with a loud thud.

"Aww, poor Gypsy, what happened, sweetheart?" cooed Roulette as she sauntered over to their fallen prey, "Did you run into a piece of bad luck?"

"Just look at her, Roulette," Hazard squeezed her breasts as she approached the fallen brunette, "Isn't she severely fuckable?"

"She most certainly is," conceded Roulette as she licked her lips, "Whoops! Looks like she's trying to get away again."

Dazed and confused, Gypsy sought to get her bearings as she tried to rise to her feet.

"Not this time!" Hazard grabbed Gypsy's right arm and twisted it behind her back as she dragged the young woman to her feet, "I'm just dying to play with our little fucktoy before we bring her back to Villainess United."

"Agreed," Roulette yanked Gypsy's golden head scarf from around her head, seized her left arm and twisted it behind her back. Once she did so, Roulette bound Gypsy's arms behind her back while Hazard none too gently squeezed Gypsy's breasts through her black spandex-clad bodysuit.

"Eeek!" cried Gypsy at this sexual assault, "What are you doing to me?"

"Trying out the appetizer, my little fucktoy!" Hazard gave Gypsy a long lick of her tongue up the side of her cheek, "Before I have the main course! You see, Gypsy, I have been wanting to fuck you for the longest time! Ever since you were in the JLA really, but now that you are a part of the Birds of Prey, Roulette and I will not only get the chance to fuck you whenever we want but your friends as well."

"NOOOOO!" cried Gypsy as she fought against her restraints, "YOU CAN'T DO THIS! YOU CAN--MMMFFF!"

Hazard stuffed one of her handkerchiefs down Gypsy's throat, "Shut up, Gypsy! Don't you know that fucktoys should be fucked and not heard?"

Roulette laughed maniacally, "Indeed, my dear, and now it is your turn to experience what I get from Hazard every night! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do--though I doubt you will."

Gypsy's eyes went wide with horror as she struggled to break her bonds and get free of the two women. Roulette and Hazard each grabbed one of Gypsy's arms, dragged her to another air conditioning unit and bent her over it.

Roulette climbed on top of the unit, pulled out a glowing red strap-on dildo, flipped back the lower portion of her red Asian dress, and tied the dildo on tight before she crawled on all fours over to the mouth of the helpless Gypsy.

Without even removing her own costume or Gypsy's black spandex-clad bodysuit, Hazard gently caressed her hands all over Gypsy's ass as though she was worshipping a beautiful work of art before she squeezed the young woman's butt cheeks so hard that Gypsy squealed!

"Did you like that, Gypsy?" panted Hazard who was clearly getting hot as she grabbed both of her victim's hips, "If you did, you're going to like this even more." Calling up to her partner in crime, Hazard declared, "Roulette, I can't wait to strip this bitch or put on my strap-on! I'm going to take her now!"

"Be my guest," Roulette got into position and removed the impromptu gag from Gypsy's mouth.

"NO!" cried Gypsy before Roulette replaced the gag with the dildo which she repeatedly began to ram down Gypsy's throat.

"YES!" snarled Hazard as she slapped Gypsy's soft succulent ass so hard that the young woman jumped, "Now shutup, little fucktoy! What did I say about fucktoys being fucked and not heard?"

And at that point; Hazard threw off her jacket, rammed her red-spandex clad pussy deep between Gypsy's black-spandex clad buttcheeks and rubbed up against them with the ferocity of a tigress in heat.

"YES! YES! YES!" cried Hazard as she threw her head back while she dry-humped Gypsy as spandex met spandex with very little friction in between, "You have--such a--nice ass--Gyp-sy--OH YES!"

Roulette continued to piston her dildo up and down Gypsy's throat as she threw her own head back, grabbed her prey's head, and enjoyed the thrusting motion and contact of Gypsy's face ramming into her snatch.

The only thing Gypsy could do was cry and take it until she felt the dildo's head open up in her mouth and squirt a thick cum-like goo down her throat. Gypsy looked up at Roulette through tear filled eyes as if to ask what was happening inside of her mouth.

Roulette took a moment to look down and noticed that the dildo which had been glowing inside Gypsy's mouth was no longer doing so. The villainess smiled at the helpless heroine, "If you are wondering what you just swallowed, Gypsy, it's Hazard's cum along with mine mixed in with a psychotropic drug designed to turn you into a sweet little lesbian with an insatiable need to fuck!" Roulette reached down and gently stroked the side of Gypsy's face, "Just--like--us!"

"I'M CUMMMIINNNGGG!!!" cried Hazard as she came in her own red tights while smearing cum all over Gypsy's spandex clad ass as well. The villainess cut loose with a scream of orgasmic joy as she viciously came and collapsed atop Gypsy's butt allowing her wet, sticky cum to completely cover both women's pussy, legs and ass.

Gypsy just shook her head in disbelief at all that was happening to her and shut her eyes as exhaustion began to set in.

"Sleep, little fucktoy, sleep," cooed Roulette as she removed the no longer glowing red dildo from the exhausted Gypsy's mouth, "When you awake, the drugged cum you drank will take effect, and you will be nothing more than our willing little fucktoy! Pleasant dreams, Gypsy!"

The exhausted Gypsy did not even feel the weight of Hazard across her lower back and ass as she drifted off to sleep. The heroine knew she was beaten and she simply did not care anymore.

Roulette reached into her dress pocket and pulled out a communicator,

"Roulette to Villainess United, come in Villainess United."

"Talia here, we have returned to base with Black Canary, what do you want?"

"We need pick up!" Roulette replied somewhat exasperated, "Gypsy has gotten her ass handed to her--almost literally! But Hazard wore herself out on our prey and I'm too tired to carry either one of them back to base. How about an evac?"

"The Nighthawk is on its way, Roulette. Good work!" Talia replied, "This is a great night for Villaness United, my friend. We have just beaten all of the Birds of Prey. By this time tomorrow, they shall be serving us and fucking us at our leisure!"

"Except for Oracle," declared Roulette as she removed her strap-on dildo and rose to her feet.

"Except for Oracle," conceded Talia, "Although, as far as she is concerned, I am planning on saving the best for last!"

Next: Oracle Vs. Villainess United

Re: Villainess United

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:36 pm
by BlackManta1
Villainess United Part VI

Oracle Vs. Villainess United

For over six hours, Oracle stared into her computer screen in an effort to discover the whereabouts of her agents and friends--Black Canary, Huntress, Lady Blackhawk and Gypsy. She had lost contact with her co-horts in superheroism and had neither received an audio or visual transmission from them.

However, all of that was about to change when her computer screen lit up to show a live broadcast on a split screen that made her gasp.

On the screen, Black Canary, now sporting pig-tails and donned in a hot pink bikini was on her knees eating out a completely naked Cheshire Cat who was leaning back on her bed and allowing her prisoner greater access to her pussy. The Blonde Bombshell looked up from her work with a cum-covered mouth and asked, "Am I doing well, Mistress?"

"Yes! You are doing very well, Canary-Fuck, now continue!" commanded Cheshire as she grabbed Black Canary's head and pushed it back down into her snatch again.

The Blonde Bombshell contentedly swayed her butt from side to side as she continued to eat out The Asian Assassin who closed her eyes and gritted her teeth right before she came.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD?!" cried Oracle too shocked to believe what she was seeing, let alone to look away.

Another split screen appeared on her computer to reveal a live broadcast that compelled Oracle to shake her head in disbelief.

On this screen, Huntress was pinned spread-eagle against a trellis by several vines lashed across her wrists and ankles in a garden. The Girl Gladiator wore a pony-tail and donned a lycra purple bikini that appeared to be nearly too small for her breasts and pussy. Huntress was giggling madly as Harley Quinn walked into view.

"Are you*Giggle* going to *Giggle* fuck me, *Giggle* Harley? Please *Giggle* say yes! *Giggle* Puh-leeeze!" pleaded the Huntress as Harley Quinn strolled directly up to her.

"Well, toots, I was planning to just feel you up!" replied Harley nonchalantly, "But since you asked so nicely, WHY NOT?!"

Harley Quinn grabbed Huntress' hair and pulled her into a passionate kiss while her other hand slipped beneath the lower half of The Girl Gladiator's bikini and into her already moistening pussy.

"NOOO!" cried Oracle as the image before her began to sear itself into her mind. However, her horror was far from over as another screen appeared to reveal Lady Blackhawk sporting pig-tails similar to Black Canary but wearing a jet black bikini top and thong. The World War II heroine was slithering on the floor like a snake towards a topless Pistolera who was donned only in her green spandex-clad tights.

The Gunslinger turned her back to Lady Blackhawk and commanded, "Worship my ass, Lady-Fuck!"

"Yes, Mistress!" Lady Blackhawk breathlessly gasped as she rose to her knees, lovingly rubbed and caressed Pistolera's spandex-clad butt with her hands and planted multiple kisses on the Gunslinger's ass with pure affection. To please her mistress, Lady Blackhawk even went so far as to lick Pistolera's ass with her tongue.

The Gun Slinger closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of Lady Blackhawk's touch but was awakened from her reverie when her fuck toy asked her a question.


"Yes, Lady-fuck?" Pistolera was a little annoyed by this unexpected interruption.

"When I am finished pleasing you, can you give me another booty smother?" pleaded Lady Blackhawk with needy eyes.

"That depends on how well you do, fuck toy, continue!" The Gunslinger closed her eyes again, rhythmically swayed her hips and moved her hand beneath her tights and into her pussy.

"Yes, mistress!" Lady Blackhawk redoubled her efforts so that she could receive the one thing she always wanted from her mistress--the smell of Pistolera's sex from another booty smother!

Tears began to well up in Oracle's eyes as she saw her team, The Birds of Prey, turned from kick-ass crime fighters into submissive sex slaves. Still, she tried to hold out hope that Gypsy had been spared until the fourth and final screen appeared on her computer.

On this screen, Gypsy was sporting a pony-tail and donned in a shiny silvery two piece bikini. The young woman was stretched out across the lap of a topless Roulette who held a small vibrating dildo in her hand.

"It's time for your regular fucking, Gypsy-fuck!" Roulette pulled back the lower half of Gypsy's bikini to expose her pussy.

"Yes, mistress!" The young woman raised herself on her toes and hiked her butt in the air to give Roulette better access to her target.

"Thank you, my dear, you are an obedient little fuck toy!" Roulette rammed the vibrating dildo into Gypsy's pussy without ceremony.

"I live--UGGGH!--to serve, mistress!" responded Gypsy as she settled back onto Roulette's lap and enjoyed the throbbing sensation of the dildo deep within her body.

"This can't be happening! THIS JUST CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" cried Oracle as she could no longer hold back her tears.

"Oh, but it is!" came a voice from behind Oracle.

The superheroine turned around to find Talia, Poison Ivy, Cheetah and Hazard confidently strolling up to her. All of the ladies held a vibrating dildo in their hand except for Cheetah who had her claws extended and ready.

Oracle gasped, "How--How did you?"

"Black Canary told me," smiled Talia maliciously.

"Huntress backed her up," added Poison Ivy with feigned innocence.

"Lady Blackhawk was just dying to tell me where you were," snarled Cheetah nastily.

"And Gypsy just couldn't step telling me," concluded Hazard with a shy grin.

"You see, Oracle, we are here to celebrate an ending and a beginning," Talia placed one of her hands on her hips as she smiled down at the eyes and ears of the superheroine community.

"The end of The Birds of Prey," added Poison Ivy as she snapped her fingers commanding two vines to slither through the floor beneath Oracle's wheelchair and entangle the wheels.

"And the beginning of Villainess United," added Hazard who pulled her dice out of her pocket and rolled them onto a nearby table where they came up Snake Eyes once again. Hazard just looked at Oracle and sadly shook her head.

"However, there is one last Bird of Prey that we want to turn into our little fuck toy!" smiled Cheetah as she bared her teeth.

"And that last Bird of Prey is you, Oracle!" concluded Talia with a pleasant smile, "Any last words? Or shall we fuck you now!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" cried Oracle as Cheetah grabbed her by the neck, yanked her out of her chair and slammed her down upon the floor of her apartment.

Talia grabbed Oracle by her red hair, yanked her head back and rammed her dildo down Oracle's throat. Cheetah straddled Oracle and plopped herself down upon her prey's stomach. Ripping through Oracle's dark blue blouse, Cheetah viciously fondled both of her victim's breasts beneath Oracle's midnight blue bra. Hazard unbuckled Oracle's faded jeans, pulled her pants and blue panties down to her knees, and rammed her dildo deep into Oracle's pussy causing her victim to buck and flail almost uncontrollably. While Poison Ivy administered the coup de grace by finding and ramming her dildo deep into Oracle's ass!

Oracle punched and thrashed helplessly under the sexual attack of these four supervillainesses but in the back of her mind she knew she was finished without her friends to save her.

As Talia continued to move her dildo up and down Oracle's throat, the villainess cooed, "Settle down, Oracle, take it easy. It will all be over soon, I promise. When we get through with you, you're going to be just another fuck toy for Villainess United. And I promise you, my dear, that you are going to enjoy your new lot in life."

Oracle's only answer was a stifled, defiant scream before she succumbed to Villainess United.

The End

Re: Villainess United

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 11:01 am
by Bronson881
Very good story. I loved it.

Re: Villainess United

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 8:12 am
by BlackManta1
Bronson881, I'm glad you liked it. I'm sorry it has taken me such a long time to respond to your compliment but I've been recovering from COVID. I'm feeling better now and I am just getting back into the swing of things.

Re: Villainess United

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:44 am
by Bronson881
Sorry you had COVID but glad you have recovered. I have taken the vaccine last month.

Re: Villainess United

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:05 pm
by BlackManta1
Good for you! Believe me when I say that I would not wish this COVID nightmare on my worst enemy.