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Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:39 pm
by shevek
And so it begins! It was stated at the beginning of the Heroineburgh Comics #1 update thread that there would be THREE stories in Heroineburgh Comics #1 but that of course was a little bit too ambitious for the length of time involved. Now that we've settled on two 8-page stories per issue (plus a couple pages of photos and character descriptions) we're sure what the two stories for Issue #2 are going to be, and work has begun on the issue, so I'm starting this new thread for Heroineburgh Comics #2.

The stories are:

- Superheroine Savanna interacting with her dad, fighting criminals in her neighborhood of Homewood, and then encountering her evil older sister Stacy, who has transformed, She-Hulk style, into muscular amazon Panthyra, and is under the thrall of a controlling drug dealer,

- A great aerial battle story where Olivia the Quingpin and Crainiac Master of Machines team-up to wreak havoc on the city with an army of destructive flying robots. Our two flying superheroines, Poderosa the Latina superwoman and Jinniyya the Lebanese mistress of the wind come to the rescue among downtown Pittsburgh's skyscrapers, assisted at headquarters by Italian martial artist Vendetta.

Here are Ben's first drawings for the Savanna story. They'll be touched up accordingly (obviously the proportions on Savanna have to be
carefully altered) but this is a good start for the panel art on the first couple of pages. Follow along with us as we post updates on
Heroineburgh Comics #2, hopefully coming out in late spring/early summer!

Splash page of Anna (aka Savanna the Feline Fury) posing sexily on page 1. Yes, Ben made the head too big - he'll fix it, don't worry!
preliminary savanna.jpg
preliminary savanna.jpg (28.44 KiB) Viewed 4320 times
The comic books and action figure shelves of Anna's dad, Daniel Sauvage. We're putting in a few reference to pioneering black comics creators, see if you can spot them.
daniel's comics shelf.jpg
daniel's comics shelf.jpg (259.02 KiB) Viewed 4320 times
Anna's dad Daniel at home. He'll be giving his daughter some important advice.
savanna's dad, daniel.jpg
savanna's dad, daniel.jpg (262.44 KiB) Viewed 4320 times
Anna's family album, including a childhood photo of her and her older sister. Her mom was already portrayed by actress Tracey in Episode 9.
savanna's family.jpg
savanna's family.jpg (326.74 KiB) Viewed 4320 times
This is one of several character pinups that will appear in Issue #2 drawn by Pittsburgh artist Anne Strongman. A powerful superhero landing for our heroine Savanna.
savanna for web.jpg
savanna for web.jpg (1.03 MiB) Viewed 4320 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:47 am
by shevek
After a brief hiatus - including a search for a new job due to coronavirus shutdowns, which was successful - our valiant artist Ben is back on the case with Heroineburgh Comics #2's first story (the Savanna saga) and has a couple of panel updates. We'll be bringing you more of his developments in the upcoming month, as he'll have a lot more free time to draw and we'll also have considerable free time to edit.

Here is Savanna using her feline agility to leap from the rooftops and down to the street level....
savanna leaps into action.jpg
savanna leaps into action.jpg (28.9 KiB) Viewed 4166 times
...where she confronts a hooded thug who is firing off shots in her neighborhood. We'll soon find out why he's doing that!
thug chased by savanna.jpg
thug chased by savanna.jpg (26.22 KiB) Viewed 4166 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:35 pm
by shevek
Ben is starting to really rev up. Here's an image that originally was just going to appear on a TV screen in one of the panels of the Savanna story, but it looked so cool and detailed that it's going to be blown to at least 1/4 page and maybe even 1/2 page splash, once the background of the county jail is drawn in. It's the prison break (as depicted in the live-action Episode 14) with two more super-criminals added, for a total of six fugitives from justice: [top row] Canis, Mesmera and Dyna and [bottom row] Devorra, Chlorina and Serpenta. Our own version of the Sinister Six? The Superior Foes of Heroineburgh? You get to see the raw image first!
91493306_838913916620288_3624226647135223808_n.jpg (657.14 KiB) Viewed 4129 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 8:47 pm
by shevek
The first page of the second issue is starting to come together. It begins with Savanna in her living room, putting on her costume
and having a conversation with her Dad, when of course, suddenly they are interrupted by crime! Ben is still working on completing the background but this is what he has so far.
savanna in her living room.jpg
savanna in her living room.jpg (30.09 KiB) Viewed 4104 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:36 pm
by shevek
A bit of detail fleshing out the character of Daniel Sauvage, Savanna's dad, who is a comic book geek (the character honors the real father of actress Janeka, who is a comic book artist who also became an inker for Marvel).

Sitting on the couch in the living room talking to Savanna.
savanna's dad daniel in the living room.jpg
savanna's dad daniel in the living room.jpg (638.1 KiB) Viewed 4057 times
Savanna throatlifting the thug. Coloring all the jaguar spots on the costume is kind of a pain for Ben, but he does it so well that it looks great. And she has some very nice booty!
savanna throatlifts the thug.jpg
savanna throatlifts the thug.jpg (334.96 KiB) Viewed 4057 times
A higher level of excitement will come soon!

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 1:58 pm
by shevek
After a short lull we have some ongoing developments on Heroineburgh Comics issue #2. Wayne Brown has now started work on his 8-page story, so we'll see the work from both Ben and Wayne that you can compare and contrast.

Ben's coloring, up first.
Savanna on page 1 - the splash page. She poses in her costume, admiring herself while talking to her dad.
savanna splash page.jpg
savanna splash page.jpg (470.44 KiB) Viewed 4010 times
Savanna's acrobatic flip onto the street in chase of the thug.
savanna flips full color.jpg
savanna flips full color.jpg (143.94 KiB) Viewed 4010 times
Prison break of the supervillains.
jail break issue 2.jpg
jail break issue 2.jpg (150.64 KiB) Viewed 4010 times
Savanna throatlifts the thug.
savanna throttles thug.jpg
savanna throttles thug.jpg (128.65 KiB) Viewed 4010 times
Wayne's first page - the beginnings of the Sintilla splash page. Here, Sintilla whacks a bank security guard with her rubber paddles.
Wayne's still working on this but he should catch up to Ben soon!
sintilla attacks security guard.jpg
sintilla attacks security guard.jpg (59.88 KiB) Viewed 4010 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 1:03 pm
by shevek
More work by Ben and Wayne.

Ben's new Savanna logo. He forgot that it's not spelled with an "H" at the end but we'll change it. I love the font and the way it evokes the spirit of a Jungle Girl type of comic!
savannah logo.jpg
savannah logo.jpg (205.63 KiB) Viewed 3971 times
Full page splash of Savanna admiring herself in her costume and showing it off to her dad. We added some great details like the house outside the window, her dad's comic books, action figures and records, an African medallion, and her little baby's crib, plus the heavy metal band from the comic strip on TV. At first, Ben drew Savanna with her eyes closed, but I thought it would look a bit more alluring if her eyes were open and gazing downwards.
savanna splash page revised with open eyes.jpg
savanna splash page revised with open eyes.jpg (867.49 KiB) Viewed 3971 times
Here, Savanna is distracted from dispatching the street criminal, as he points at something behind her which is a bigger threat. What does she see?
savanna - look out behind you.jpg
savanna - look out behind you.jpg (72.26 KiB) Viewed 3984 times
Preliminary sketch by Wayne of basically an entire comics page. Here we have the villains plotting against the heroines in the
corporate office: Olivia Queen the Quingpin, her superstrong henchwoman Dyna, and Crainiac the master of machines, along with
his new flying destructo-bots.
wayne panel destructo-bots in middle.jpg
wayne panel destructo-bots in middle.jpg (79.54 KiB) Viewed 3984 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 2:03 pm
by shevek
Wayne has pulled ahead of Ben in the page count! He's really churning them out now - and it looks fantastic.
Here are our first-ever comic book appearances of Vendetta, the Italian ninja fighter.

Here, Vendetta gets on the microphone to alert the heroines to the trouble downtown (and, no it doesn't involve Antifa kids smashing restaurant windows, which happened last night here). Wayne will flesh out the headquarters scenario, and there'll be a video screen showing live coverage of Crainiac's destructo-bots.
vendetta alerts the heroines.jpg
vendetta alerts the heroines.jpg (36.49 KiB) Viewed 3960 times

Here's the entire page of the combat between Vendetta and the sneaky superthief, Sintilla.
vendetta vs. sintilla fight page.jpg
vendetta vs. sintilla fight page.jpg (174.83 KiB) Viewed 3960 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:36 pm
by shevek
Ben's making progress. Two more finished panels (all they need is lettering).

Savanna throttles the gangster.
savanna lifts thug.jpg
savanna lifts thug.jpg (92.17 KiB) Viewed 3932 times
Savanna talks to the gangster on the ground, as she is about to be attacked from behind!
savanna with criminal on ground.jpg
savanna with criminal on ground.jpg (180.63 KiB) Viewed 3932 times
Corrected Savanna logo!
savanna logo spelled correctly.jpg
savanna logo spelled correctly.jpg (180.69 KiB) Viewed 3932 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 12:52 am
by shevek
Some really good progress this week on Issue 2 from Ben and also from our new artist Howard Bender (who has a history with DC Comics going back to the 80s, drawing Supergirl!!).

Ben finished coloring another panel - the one where Savanna and the criminal she is apprehending are about to be interrupted by an unexpected nemesis!
savanna looks back in surprise.jpg
savanna looks back in surprise.jpg (147.57 KiB) Viewed 3839 times
Ben also began work on the character of Cor'Von the drug lord (who will be played in Episode 18 by our great friend, Marvin).
Cor'Von will be the catalyst who creates Savanna's most powerful'll have to wait and see a bit!
corvon sketch.jpg
corvon sketch.jpg (46.31 KiB) Viewed 3839 times
And finally we've unleashed the talent of DC Comics legend Howard Bender, another proud native of Pittsburgh PA (these days, he makes a living as an active caricaturist at all kinds of events). Here is Howard's finished pinup of Italian superheroine Vendetta, standing at the ready to defend her neighborhood of Bloomfield ("Pittsburgh's Little Italy"). As soon as he colors it, the pinup will be ready for inclusion in Issue #2!

(We seriously had to resist asking Howard to put "CHA" on the moon!)
Vendetta pinup b&w - Howard Bender.jpg
Vendetta pinup b&w - Howard Bender.jpg (1.38 MiB) Viewed 3839 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:15 pm
by shevek
More fantastic work from the artists of Heroineburgh Comics #2. Besides what you see here, we also got the finished, colored version of Howard Bender's Vendetta pinup. We won't be showing it here, but once the comic comes out, you'll be able to see it.

Meanwhile, Ben has been working steadily on the Savanna story. Here's some more progress.

Finished panel where Savanna rushes out the door of her father's house, after hearing shots down the street.
Savanna rushes into action - coloring finished.jpg
Savanna rushes into action - coloring finished.jpg (560.84 KiB) Viewed 3816 times
Almost finished colored panel of Cor'Von the drug lord, introducing him to the series (in Episode 18, he will debut in live action portrayed by our friend Marvin). We wanted to put a poster of a prominent Pittsburgh rapper on Cor'Von's wall, so the Wiz Khalifa sign is a place holder while Ben draws up a good likeness of Wiz. I went to the same high school as Wiz Khalifa so we thought that reference made sense.
Cor'Von the drug lord - coloring finished.jpg
Cor'Von the drug lord - coloring finished.jpg (323.42 KiB) Viewed 3816 times
Sketch of Stacy Sauvage (Savanna's ne'er-do-well big sister) as she begs Cor'Von for another hit of his drugs. In this story, she'll be transforming from a dependent, submissive girlfriend of the drug lord into a powerful supervillainess, so this scene is the first step of her journey into becoming Panthyra. More art from Ben soon on that sequence.
Stacy begs for drugs - sketch.jpg
Stacy begs for drugs - sketch.jpg (31.84 KiB) Viewed 3816 times
Finally, Jason Wright has thrown his hat back into the ring after creating the latest "Anti-Heroineburgh" sticker for us a month back (which featured Serpenta, Stellara, Panthyra and Chlorina).

Here is his preliminary sketch for the cover of Heroineburgh Comics #2! The only alteration we're going to make is to ensure that the flight angles of Poderosa and Jinniyya (the flying heroines at the top) are changed enough so that we can clearly see parts of their beautiful legs and boots. That way, they look more like powerful heroines and less like disembodied torsos. :) I also wanted Jinniyya to have one of her fists outstretched in front (the one with the Arabic bracelet) on it so she would look more determined and powerful.

The figures in the background above the downtown buildings are Crainiac's flying destructo-bots which will be featured inside in the story starring Poderosa and Jinniyya.

Otherwise than changing the flight angles, I really like what Jason did, and we're going to run with this layout. The pussycat on Savanna's shoulder is an especially cute touch!
HB2Layout.jpg (431.39 KiB) Viewed 3816 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 2:05 pm
by shevek
In a burst of manic energy, our amazing first-story artist Ben has churned out the entire Panthyra transformation sequence overnight.

Here are the preliminary sketches, which will encompass an entire page. Attention to anyone interested in muscle growth and Hulk-outs: this sequence will appear (in slightly different variations) both in Heroineburgh Comics #2 *and* upcoming Episode 18.

Both are "canon"!

The sequence actually begins with the panel from the previous post where "Stacy begs for drugs" from her dealer boyfriend Cor'Von.
He gives her the meteor pill which she swallows whole and then her "shripping" transformation into Panthyra runs its course!
panthyra transformation panel 1 sketch.jpg
panthyra transformation panel 1 sketch.jpg (15.63 KiB) Viewed 3793 times
panthyra transformation panel 2 sketch.jpg
panthyra transformation panel 2 sketch.jpg (19.91 KiB) Viewed 3793 times
panthyra transformation panel 3 sketch.jpg
panthyra transformation panel 3 sketch.jpg (18.52 KiB) Viewed 3793 times
panthyra transformation panel 4 sketch.jpg
panthyra transformation panel 4 sketch.jpg (20.36 KiB) Viewed 3793 times
panthyra transformation panel 5 sketch.jpg
panthyra transformation panel 5 sketch.jpg (21.06 KiB) Viewed 3793 times
panthyra transformation panel 6 sketch.jpg
panthyra transformation panel 6 sketch.jpg (18.89 KiB) Viewed 3793 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 8:37 pm
by shevek
More progress on Ben's Savanna story for Issue 2.

Panthyra's last transformation panel, where she is so hulked-out that she's both ripped *and* stripped.
Ben actually made 7 panels for a six-panel transformation, so we're going to be dropping one of those 7 panels. Not sure which one yet.
panthyra transformation panel 7 ripped and stripped.jpg
panthyra transformation panel 7 ripped and stripped.jpg (170.86 KiB) Viewed 3753 times
Cor'Von brings Panthyra her costume - he says it's his mom's "old disco outfit" from the 70s.
corvon carries the panthyra costume.jpg
corvon carries the panthyra costume.jpg (154.34 KiB) Viewed 3753 times
Savanna closeup from one of the panels.
savanna closeup.jpg
savanna closeup.jpg (63.25 KiB) Viewed 3753 times
Savanna crouching as she lands after leap.
savanna crouching.jpg
savanna crouching.jpg (281.26 KiB) Viewed 3753 times
Savanna in the living room, with her dad. A shot rings out! (sound effect to be added)
savanna in the living room with dad.jpg
savanna in the living room with dad.jpg (306.38 KiB) Viewed 3753 times
A possible layout for Page 2. One of the panels isn't finished yet so things might be moved around slightly.
page 2 experiment layout.jpg
page 2 experiment layout.jpg (85.17 KiB) Viewed 3753 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:29 pm
by shevek
Wayne has been falling a bit behind this week (I'll be checking in with him), but Ben has been barrelling on ahead with the Savanna story. He hasn't gotten to the part yet where Panthyra (aka Stacy Sauvage) is in costume, but he's been doing some great work putting together the panels for the first three pages, and even got the first page's lettering done. Here is some further progress!

Page 1 complete!
page 1 complete.jpg
page 1 complete.jpg (119.33 KiB) Viewed 3718 times
Page 3 in progress. Panel layout looks fine.
page 3 in progress.jpg
page 3 in progress.jpg (141.49 KiB) Viewed 3718 times
Stacy on Cor'Von's bed. Cor'Von is her drug dealer boyfriend.
Stacy in Cor'Von's house.jpg
Stacy in Cor'Von's house.jpg (108.82 KiB) Viewed 3718 times
Cor'Von shows Stacy the glowing meteorite.
corvon shows stacy the meteorite.jpg
corvon shows stacy the meteorite.jpg (66.25 KiB) Viewed 3718 times
Stacy swallows the meteorite pill. (No background added yet)
stacy swallows the meteorite.jpg
stacy swallows the meteorite.jpg (50.38 KiB) Viewed 3718 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 6:30 pm
by shevek
More progress from both Ben and Wayne on Issue 2.

Ben has finished coloring the entire Panthyra transformation sequence which encompasses page 5.
p5 panel 1 i don't think anything's..wait i'm starting to feel.jpg
p5 panel 1 i don't think anything's..wait i'm starting to feel.jpg (272.27 KiB) Viewed 3463 times
p5 panel 2 ooh i can feel my muscles burning.jpg
p5 panel 2 ooh i can feel my muscles burning.jpg (357.04 KiB) Viewed 3463 times
p5 panel 3 oh my god the pain so intense.jpg
p5 panel 3 oh my god the pain so intense.jpg (346.87 KiB) Viewed 3463 times
p5 panel 4 aarggh so much power.jpg
p5 panel 4 aarggh so much power.jpg (395.79 KiB) Viewed 3463 times
Now he's working on page 6 which is a splash page reveal of Panthyra's tight new costume and powerfully muscular body.
Here's the work in progress. One more element (a belt) will be added to her costume for the fight with Savanna on pages 7 and 8.
panthrya splash in progress.jpg
panthrya splash in progress.jpg (67.27 KiB) Viewed 3463 times
Meanwhile, Wayne is doing quite well with the second story, working on Page 13 - here shown in progress.
Crainiac's evil destructo-bots are terrorizing Market Square in Downtown Pittsburgh...then the battle is joined with Serbian warrior goddess Devana and Afghani sound-mistress Darbouka destroyed several of the robots the best way they can...while a young girl and her mother look on in amazement.
page 13 (story 2) in progress.jpg
page 13 (story 2) in progress.jpg (284.03 KiB) Viewed 3463 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 9:19 pm
by shevek
Wayne and Ben both hard at work on the second issue! Wayne filled out the rest of the details on page 13's pencils,
while Ben laid out pages 2 through 5. (Page 1 was already shown - the splash page introducing Savanna)

Much more to come.

Wayne's Page 13 - Devana and Darbouka battle the robots in the downtown market square
116213943_1194525290914966_1197159977497191256_n.jpg (1.34 MiB) Viewed 3438 times
Ben's Pages 2 through 5 - Savanna and Panthyra
Heroineburgh #2 p2 Version 4 backup.jpg
Heroineburgh #2 p2 Version 4 backup.jpg (723.8 KiB) Viewed 3438 times
Heroineburgh #2 p3 Final B backup.jpg
Heroineburgh #2 p3 Final B backup.jpg (806.18 KiB) Viewed 3438 times
Heroineburgh #2 p4 Final A backup.jpg
Heroineburgh #2 p4 Final A backup.jpg (537.2 KiB) Viewed 3438 times
Page Five FinalA Backup.jpg
Page Five FinalA Backup.jpg (405.34 KiB) Viewed 3438 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 3:17 pm
by shevek
So this week Ben and I have been concentrating on perfecting Page 2 and I think we've succeeded.
Here's a little lesson on how to edit a comic book page.

First, Ben put in this lettering job with the balloons. As you can see, this font size (which we used for Heroineburgh Comics #1) is simply too big. The balloons are obtrusive, and they take up too much of the page, obscuring the images. It also just 'looks' too dialogue-heavy, even though it isn't. You can also notice lots of spelling and punctuation errors.
page 2 at 14 point font too big.jpg
page 2 at 14 point font too big.jpg (166.89 KiB) Viewed 3374 times
So then we reduced the font down to 10 point, which is still readable, and everything looked great. Errors fixed as well.
page 2 at 10 point font needs 2 things.jpg
page 2 at 10 point font needs 2 things.jpg (164.39 KiB) Viewed 3374 times
Ben then added the TV station logo to panel 2 (the TV screen) to retain continuity from when we used it in Issue #1 (X-Machina story).
page 2 at 10 point front tv logo needs baby.jpg
page 2 at 10 point front tv logo needs baby.jpg (165.7 KiB) Viewed 3374 times
And finally, since Panel 3 was a bird's eye view of the room which included the bassinet, and Savanna is making direct reference to her baby, I wanted to make sure that the baby was actually in the crib. Here's a closeup of the widdle snookums.
widdle biddle snookums.jpg
widdle biddle snookums.jpg (10.17 KiB) Viewed 3374 times
And here's the completed Page 2 with the baby included. Success!
page 2 at 10 point font with baby complete.jpg
page 2 at 10 point font with baby complete.jpg (165.76 KiB) Viewed 3374 times
Ben also began coloring the second splash page (Page 5) which is Panthyra's costume reveal. He made her look powerful. A formidable foe for Savanna, indeed!
panthrya costume reveal.jpg
panthrya costume reveal.jpg (62.12 KiB) Viewed 3374 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 1:04 am
by shevek
Lots of great output this week from both Ben and Wayne for Issue 2!

First...Ben's work on the Savanna story. Here's a completed splash page of Panthyra fully transformed with Cor'Von looking on in awe..ready for the lettering!
page 6 splash color complete no lettering yet.jpg
page 6 splash color complete no lettering yet.jpg (242.46 KiB) Viewed 3314 times
Now, Ben's sketching out the brutal action scene on Page 7 and 8 where Savanna and Panthyra punch, kick and slash their way through an alley-cat fight. Tne final panel in this post is a close-up of Savanna in serious peril, as Panthyra prepares to snap her like a a twig after knocking her out. Ben does a good job of rendering Savanna's shapely unconscious body..notice he made a note for "no nipples", but we might have to change that. :)

Savanna crouches, surprised by the appearance of her sister who is now a powerful amazonian supervillainess!
page 7 panel sketch.jpg
page 7 panel sketch.jpg (17.87 KiB) Viewed 3314 times
Panthyra strikes swiftly and without mercy!
page 7 panel 2 sketch.jpg
page 7 panel 2 sketch.jpg (209.59 KiB) Viewed 3314 times
Savanna retaliates with a ferocious cat-claw slash to Panthyra's abdomen!
page 7 panel 4 sketch.jpg
page 7 panel 4 sketch.jpg (19.93 KiB) Viewed 3314 times
Panthyra delivers a knockout body blow to her big sister, who is now the smaller Savanna!
page 7 panel 3 sketch.jpg
page 7 panel 3 sketch.jpg (18.21 KiB) Viewed 3314 times
Savanna sprawled out unconscious, about to be snapped in two by her little sister.
pg 8 savanna in peril sketch.jpg
pg 8 savanna in peril sketch.jpg (146.25 KiB) Viewed 3314 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 1:18 am
by shevek
A spurt of great progress from Wayne as well!

Here are six of the 8 pages he's working on for the story, all in various stages of excellent progress!

Page 9 starts out with the sneaky Sintilla smacking a bank guard silly with her rubber paddles as she flees the scene with the loot.
page 9 colored no lettering.jpg
page 9 colored no lettering.jpg (110.25 KiB) Viewed 3312 times
Page 10 features the full fight between Sintilla and Vendetta in the alley....Vendetta recovers the stolen loot, but Sintilla disappears in a flash! (one of her powers)
page 10 almost colored.jpg
page 10 almost colored.jpg (150.03 KiB) Viewed 3312 times
Page 11 where Olivia Queen (Quingpin), her musclebound henchwoman Dyna, and the mechanical genius Crainiac discuss the plans for unleashing destructive flying robots in the Downtown area to test the mettle of the superheroines.
page 11 almost colored.jpg
page 11 almost colored.jpg (128.76 KiB) Viewed 3312 times
Page 12 where the robots depart their secret roost in the top of the Quexxon Building, Vendetta calls out the League alarm from her monitor stations, and the flying superheroines Poderosa and Jinniyya suddenly find themselves in the middle of the aerial carnage.
page 12 almost colored.jpg
page 12 almost colored.jpg (134.54 KiB) Viewed 3312 times
Page 14 where the aerial combat between the heroines and the destructo-bots takes a turn for the better, as Jinniyya uses her wind powers and Poderosa deploys her super speed to save the day.
page 14 almost colored.jpg
page 14 almost colored.jpg (137.2 KiB) Viewed 3312 times
Page 16 featuring three panels in the aftermath of the fight: 1) Poderosa brings the remains of one of the robots back to the Heroine League lab for X-Machina and Cybrina to analyze. 2) Captain Peggy is called to the mayor's office to account for the damage that the heroines did to the Downtown buildings during the melee. and 3) Drake and Crainiac talk about their next moves against the League, while Vaporia waits patiently for them, smoking her signature vapes.
page 16 almost colored.jpg
page 16 almost colored.jpg (124.36 KiB) Viewed 3312 times
More exciting adventures to come from our artists as the book begins to be lettered!

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 1:04 pm
by shevek is the colored cover for Heroineburgh Comics #2 by Jason! (He told me he was inspired a bit by Adam Hughes)

This is not quite the final version. We are making at least the following adjustments:

1) Rounding out the left side of Jinniyya's face and cheek so it looks a bit more natural and shapely. And adding portions of her left arm, since we are showing both of Poderosa's arms.

2) Jason forgot to put the black "V" logo on Vendetta's left breast, so we are adding that.

3) A bit of electrical ductwork or graffiti on the wall behind Vendetta to make the scene look more gritty.

Once these changes are made, the cover will be finalized, and I'll get a copy of it in high-resolution form.

What do you think?
Heroineburgh#2Cover.jpg (1.79 MiB) Viewed 3287 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:55 pm
by shevek
Hi everyone! I know a good number of you watch Youtube, so here's a heads up for tonight!

Tonight Wed Aug 26 at 8:30 pm Eastern Standard Time...Dave Murdoch of the estimable comic book store Inner Circle Comics and Games (Idaho Falls, ID) will be interviewing the "Comicsburgh" team on his livestream.

The Pittsburgh-based comic book creators will include:
- myself, creator of Heroineburgh Comics and the Heroineburgh video series.
- Marvin Wynn, creator of The Edge Comics (now working on their 10th issue, and a re-mastered #1) and the actor who will debut as
drug-dealing villain "Cor'Von" in Episode 18 this fall.

You can watch it in realtime and participate in the chat. The discussion will be mostly about comics, but you are also welcome to ask any questions about the Heroineburgh video series, as I'm sure that Dave will bring that topic up quite a bit. After all, we are a live-action comic book!

Here's the link for Inner Circle Comics and Games channel. Hope to see you there! (or watch it later on the flipside) ... t2hi2nvIWw

118358258_2731485580474005_7489775500784821457_o.jpg (362.25 KiB) Viewed 3218 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 2:02 am
by shevek
Ben continues to work on the Savanna / Panthyra battle on page 7 and 8.
Here's the evolution of another battle panel. Savanna's body is too small so he's going to make her larger,
but here is the slashing action which dominates the scene. And then he starts to color her complicated costume, as usual.
savanna slashes at panthyra.jpg
savanna slashes at panthyra.jpg (300.45 KiB) Viewed 3173 times
savanna slashes at panthyra partially colored.jpg
savanna slashes at panthyra partially colored.jpg (164.16 KiB) Viewed 3173 times
Meanwhile, Wayne is very close to finishing page 9. He just needs to consolidate the lettering in a couple of the word balloons
and it's ready.
page 9 preliminary needs lettering fixes.jpg
page 9 preliminary needs lettering fixes.jpg (411.09 KiB) Viewed 3173 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:41 pm
by shevek
Just a bit more progress this week on the comic but it's a doozy.

This is Ben's final splash page for the climactic scene in the first story (Savanna vs Panthyra) of Issue #2.

You can see he's not quite finished yet with the costume details, but you can definitely get the idea.
This is comic book peril at its finest, with the vengeful Panthyra using her incredible strength (a feat we could not pull off in the live videos!) to lift the unconscious Savanna into the air, ready to smash her sister on the pavement.

What will happen next - oh my! (said in George Takei voice)
panthyra lifts savanna, unfinished.jpg
panthyra lifts savanna, unfinished.jpg (467.9 KiB) Viewed 3145 times
And now, we also have a nice bonus: something only members of this forum are going to get to see. We had a very nice art submission (an action portrait of Arogya in front of her hospital) that is going to appear in the Issue #2 letter column..concept
by Aru (from NYC) and drawn by Zanfadar (whom some may remember from the Super Heroine Central art pages).

We're not going to show that piece here (that's reserved for comic buyers only) but we can show the much sexier depictions of Arogya that were too racy to appear in the comic. Having watched our videos with both actresses who play Arogya - Nupur and Shani - Aru has pitted them against each other as the Battle of the Arogyas, fighting for supremacy in the costume. A battle which Nupur (the current Arogya) eventually wins. Here is the Heroineburgh fan art by Aru and Zanfadar - enjoy!

The power of Arogya is transferred (somehow...not sure how that works!) to Nupur.
Pose 4660 1.jpg
Pose 4660 1.jpg (319.42 KiB) Viewed 3145 times
Nupur and Shani, both posing in the Arogya costume.
Pose 4661 1.jpg
Pose 4661 1.jpg (283.65 KiB) Viewed 3145 times
Nupur knocks out Shani in a fierce punching match!
Pose 4662 1.jpg
Pose 4662 1.jpg (282.99 KiB) Viewed 3145 times
Nupur cradle carries Shani from the scene of the battle, becoming the one and only remaining Arogya the Healer.
Pose 4663.jpg
Pose 4663.jpg (316.02 KiB) Viewed 3145 times
Remember, this fan art won't appear in the comic - you only see it here!

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:24 pm
by shevek
Two more panels in progress by Ben!
He's been doing some great backgrounds, too. I just told him to put a bit of detail on the trashcans because they stand out
as voids in the scene.

Savanna crouches in anticipation of a frontal attack by Panthyra!
p7 panel 3 savanna vs panthyra.jpg
p7 panel 3 savanna vs panthyra.jpg (363.03 KiB) Viewed 3104 times
Savanna slashes at Panthyra, opening wounds in her abdomen and causing her face to bleed!
p7 panel 4 savanna slashes panthyra.jpg
p7 panel 4 savanna slashes panthyra.jpg (311.75 KiB) Viewed 3104 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:17 am
by shevek
Ben sent me all 8 of his finished pages, but Wayne is still working on his 8 pages.

It's interesting to see the process. This is page 12 - don't take it as final gospel, obviously, since there are a ton of spelling
errors that I need to correct, plus Poderosa's costume color scheme is still wrong (she has blue gloves and a white mask)
but overall, this does capture the feel of how Wayne's pages will look when they are finished.
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Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 12:54 am
by shevek
More of Wayne's pages which are close to being done but not lettered yet.
There are some minor things (like Poderosa's costume color scheme) which need to be changed.
As well as a whole bunch of details on the final page that haven't been added yet, but were indicated in the script.
Wayne's getting there, though, and should be done soon. Can't wait to put this together in a few weeks!

Quingpin, Dyna and Crainiac plan their attack on the city center using the flying destructo-bots.
page 11 no lettering.jpg
page 11 no lettering.jpg (394.58 KiB) Viewed 2646 times
The destructo-bots invade Market Square Downtown! Darbouka and Devana are on the scene to begin the heroines' defense.
page 13 no lettering.jpg
page 13 no lettering.jpg (596.82 KiB) Viewed 2646 times
The aerial assault is in full swing as Poderosa and Jinniyya battle the flying robots in the skies.
page 14 no lettering.jpg
page 14 no lettering.jpg (592.95 KiB) Viewed 2646 times
The heroines win the battle both in the air and on the ground, and survey the damage in the square. Darbouka signs an autograph.
page 15 no lettering.jpg
page 15 no lettering.jpg (586.24 KiB) Viewed 2646 times
In the aftermath of the battle, the heroines analyze the robot parts in their lab at headquarters. Mayor Paduno and Police Captain
Peggy confer about the heroines' damage at City Hall. And Vaporia waits patiently on guard as Drake & Crainiac plot their next move
against the heroines.
page 16 no lettering.jpg
page 16 no lettering.jpg (477.14 KiB) Viewed 2646 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:54 am
by shevek
Very pleased to announce there is serious progress with the lettering for Wayne's pages, most of which I showed above in the previous post. Yesterday, Wayne and I got together in person to letter about half the pages, and the other half we are going to complete this Tue or Wed. With almost all coloring done (just a few white spaces to be filled in here and there), that hopefully means I should have his eight pages by the end of next week!

In the meantime, the final piece of the puzzle is being solved: Marcel's long-awaited back cover pinup of Poderosa. This morning he sent me the pencils. He decided to draw her twice so that her character would be more emphasized, since the pinup is going to be printed in a slightly smaller version than his previous one with Jinniyya. So we see Poderosa in two poses, instead of a background of "downtown Pittsburgh". No complaints there.

Here's my assessment: Poderosa's in-flight figure is excellent. Well-proportioned and very sexy. The only thing I want to change is to give her the bigger "80s rocker hair" (think Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders) that she has in the episodes, rather than the tighter "helmet" hairdo he gave her. Otherwise than that, it's complete.

The closeup he drew is perfect as it is. I'm not worried about how the hair looks in that, because her face is gorgeous and really captures the beautiful smile of the actress, Christina. I also love how he placed her gloved fist right next to her smile. Not sure if that was intentional, but the symbolism (to me, at least) indicates that she has a sunny and upbeat personality but can be powerful and forceful whenever it's called for. To me, that's the perfect way a heroine should be depicted, especially one which draws influences from Bronze Age and 1980s comic books, and so it's highly commendable.

What do you think?
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Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:04 pm
by shevek
We are so close - oh so close - to completing all the art for Heroineburgh Comics #2, and thus being able to start laying it out.
I only need *one* more completed art page from Wayne, we have everything from Ben, we have 18 comic strips from Wayne and Ben, we have four pinups from Howard, Anne, Ben and Marcel, and now that the FX cut for Episode 18 is approved (we only need one more final editing pass this week) we also have a couple of fully effected photo stills as well. We even have a fan letter complete with a piece of great fan art of the heroine Arogya. All told, it's still going to be able to squeeze easily into 24 very packed pages!

For now, here's one totally completed page from Ben, one *almost* completed page from Wayne, and an inked version of Marcel's pinup, just to show the quality and variety of what's in store for the second issue. Can't wait!!

A two-page literal catfight between Savanna the Feline Fury and her evil sister, the powerful Panthyra in their home neighborhood of Homewood (in Pittsburgh's East End area). This is page 9 of H-Burgh #2 by Ben!
Heroineburgh Comics #2 page 9.jpg
Heroineburgh Comics #2 page 9.jpg (736.4 KiB) Viewed 2427 times
The wrap-up of a three-page between four members of the Heroine League and a swarm of destructive flying robots, built by Crainiac
and unleashed by the Quingpin (oil baroness Olivia Queen). It's missing *one* dialogue balloon in the first panel where Devana is supposed to be talking while smashing the robot with her bo staff. But otherwise than that, it's complete page 17 of H-Burgh #2 by Wayne....all happening in and around Market Square in downtown Pittsburgh, PA!
Heroineburgh Comics #2 page 17 incorrect.jpg
Heroineburgh Comics #2 page 17 incorrect.jpg (10.96 MiB) Viewed 2427 times
Marcel's inked version of his Poderosa pinup. Because it will be a smaller size, he decided to go with both a full-body shot and a closeup profile of Christina's gorgeous smiling face. It'll be fully colored soon, and will really pop out on the back cover!
poderosa marcel inks.jpg
poderosa marcel inks.jpg (237.92 KiB) Viewed 2427 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:48 pm
by shevek
Holy moly, Batman! Marcel's fully colored and complete back cover.
We now have everything we need to do layout. This will happen in about a week and a half after the two upcoming Episode 19 shoots.
In the meantime, Heroineburgh Comics #1 is now up to 94 stores!
Poderosa Marcel small back cover social media.jpg
Poderosa Marcel small back cover social media.jpg (199.64 KiB) Viewed 2393 times

Re: Heroineburgh Comics #2 continuous update thread

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:13 am
by shevek
First test copies of Heroineburgh Comics #2 rolled out from the printer!
Getting the first large batch printed within a week..first for local stores, and then across the country to over 90 stores, as we did with Issue 1.

Here's a photo of the front cover by Jason, and the back cover pinups by Marcel, Howard, Anne & Ben.

If you would like to be one of the very first to have a copy of Issue #2, simply Paypal $10 to info@heroineburgh with your mailing
address and we'll mail one out (PO Boxes are fine).

And if you'd like to get a copy of Issue #1 as well to catch up, Paypal $15 for a special deal on the two issues combined. Sorry, we don't do digital.

For overseas orders, you'll have to add $5 more to the total - it's pretty expensive these days to mail out of the country, but we're not going to make you break the bank, either.

Very excited about this new issue which is now 24 pages!
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