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Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 6:13 am
by Maskripper
theScribbler wrote:
4 years ago

Since you're a backer, I'm curious about your take on this?

I mean, we can see the above is loads of BS, but why are no backers challenging this obvious fraudster? Does not a single one of the backers care?

"Here take my money. Don't make the movie and supply us with the digital download of movie as stipulated in kickstarter of feb 2016 for rewards of $25 or more. Enjoy the white BMW you bought or leased that the money we gave you enabled you to get, drive, and enjoy. While that wasn't why we actually gave you our money, we seem to be OK with this outcome.

10 wallpapers, 10-page comic: never created and never will be. Zero rewards issued in 2016, or 2017, or 2018, or 2019, or 2020! Time after time, year after year, failing to deliver! Time after time, update after update, the only deliverables have been excuses, all we get are excuses. BS excuses and accumulating lies since the kickstarter began, then ended, then dragged on for years after and will drag on for years into the future.

Nevermind about all that. Take your time with everything. If the movie doesn't come out in our lifetime or yours, what of it!? We've all had fun pretending Nightshadow movie was a thing when it never really was a thing. We fell for the con and we're fine with that!"
It's seems like this Logan guy is your arch-enemy. :hmmm:
What is the story behind that?

Well, I actually do care what happens to the project. I'm not a Bruce Wayne millionaire so I care about my investment of 25 bucks in this project.
After the initial excitement....I pretty much forgot about it after a long period without updates.
At least for a while...
I was disappointed as nothing happened and posted a comment on the kickstarter campaign.
Lately with that timeframe of late february I got some hope back that this movie would still happen.
I'm disappointed about the latest statement.
But I haven't abandonend hope completely since their latest "excuse" indicates that there would be another update pretty soon.
I still think I would get anything for my money....but a little hope remains.
It would be REALLY funny if that project would really come to life! Especially for this topic....
Right now I don't think it will be until I get my money back or some real proof of this movie shows up.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 9:58 pm
by Heroine Addict
theScribbler wrote:
4 years ago

Since you're a backer, I'm curious about your take on this?

I mean, we can see the above is loads of BS, but why are no backers challenging this obvious fraudster? Does not a single one of the backers care?

"Here take my money. Don't make the movie and supply us with the digital download of movie as stipulated in kickstarter of feb 2016 for rewards of $25 or more. Enjoy the white BMW you bought or leased that the money we gave you enabled you to get, drive, and enjoy. While that wasn't why we actually gave you our money, we seem to be OK with this outcome.

10 wallpapers, 10-page comic: never created and never will be. Zero rewards issued in 2016, or 2017, or 2018, or 2019, or 2020! Time after time, year after year, failing to deliver! Time after time, update after update, the only deliverables have been excuses, all we get are excuses. BS excuses and accumulating lies since the kickstarter began, then ended, then dragged on for years after and will drag on for years into the future.

Nevermind about all that. Take your time with everything. If the movie doesn't come out in our lifetime or yours, what of it!? We've all had fun pretending Nightshadow movie was a thing when it never really was a thing. We fell for the con and we're fine with that!"
Ah, but you're forgetting that Logan is "blessed". We know this because he put the caption "blessed" on the classic BMW photo. So Kickstarter backers can rest assured that it was God's will for Logan to spend their money on a BMW. He's "blessed", you see. Like a prosperity preacher.

Either that or he was telling us that Brian Blessed is going to be Nighshadow.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 6:20 am
by tallyho
Never a thumb up button when you need one so re the last post👍


Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 8:59 pm
by AvaHeinz
helstar wrote:
4 years ago
You're not entirely right there, Shakeshift. His company/website didn't collapse, I am sure if he would have kept doing clips he would still be in the mix as of now, releasing many videos every month and selling a lot of them.
The problem is that at some point he got bored and/or realized that the next logical 'step' was making a movie with a relatively sizeble budget and a wide distribution. Problem is: that step was clearly too big for him. Wayyyy too big.
It's not easy to find high profiled backers willing to toss a semi-unknown producer like him a big chunk of money, just in the hope to obtain a product that who knows if it will ever be profitable ... or break even.
The competition out there is insane, the top movies have hundreds of millions of budget, top directors/VFX artists, known/iconic actors/comic book characters, where does he stand compared to that ... ? Nowhere.
He probably self-plagiated his own mind and liked the idea to try that (ok, I guess he was totally sure he could do that), but due to his ego he didn't consider that some walls aren't actually just 'walls', but real, proper mountains impossible to climb.
Well, allow me to speak of my experience as a producer and my own opinion.

Making movie is actually like shopping for a car, you shoot a movie according to your budget. And like buying a car, you can buy a European Ferrari if you can spare 100,000 dollars on it, however, if you only have 30,000 budget, you can still get a car. But just not a Ferrari.

A movie is being made with the budget you get, and that is the initial thing you need to look at. Yes, sometime as production went on, you will get over the budget, but it generally means you would still have a half complete product and that overrun should also be included in your budget, so you always allocate more than enough money you think you wanted.

However, in this case, I don't see any work that was actually done by this producer, he asked for 30,000 donation and he have got 43,000 after kick starter skimming the top he should still have around 40,000 USD to make a movie. OF course if he is going for multi-millions dollars budgeted movie with all the CGI stuff flying around or destroying the earth, that would not be enough, but if he is really going after all those effect, he would not have asked for a 30,000 goal. And most likely than not you would already have a serious backing from some rich guy if you are planning to do that in the beginning.

So, basically, what he claim is that after the 43,000 dollars are donated, he "already fulfilled" his pledge by designing the costume, and writing a secure financing for the movie, well, is actually not true. The purpose of his donation drive is not to secure the funding or making the costume itself, but to develop the movie, so unless the process have gone onto "In-Production" or "Post-Production" What he is saying about the costume and finance is the pre-production stage, which mean a movie have yet to happens, and a movie can be in Pre-Production stage indefinitely until it is being made, because you don't have tangible liability for you to finish the project.

It's not the case of him wanting to shoot big and overshot it by a mile, but rather, he simply taking in people money and not work according to the budget he allocated. I can tell you this, I recently made a Full Length Feature film for less than A$10,000, and for him to get $43,000, he should have something out, but he didn't and I am not really sure if he have make anything or plan to make anything.

I don't think the backer would get any refund unless a legal challenge is pressed ahead.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:06 pm
by Mr. X
I wasn't going to say anything cause I also produce but one thing about his movie sale offer (the entire library for $100) is I have never seen that credit card processor before. Just be careful who you're handing CC info to.

Re: Re:

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 10:05 pm
by helstar
Yes, I believe you, and it's certainly a risky thing. But, well, it's also possible to use paypal, no ? I mean... why would you risk using directly a credit card when you can bypass ? I never use my credit card on the web.... at worst, when paypal or similar type of payments are not accepted, I use my debit card (charged by the same amount I need to pay, and always leave it to zero ! Steal that !).
AvaHeinz wrote:
4 years ago
Well, allow me to speak of my experience as a producer and my own opinion.
What you say does not exclude what I said. A 40k movie, how does that compare to Marvel and DC movies ? It's kind of hopeless.

But if you think he did this just to rip people off, then I say it certainly looks like that... now ! But in the beginning, i think it was more a publicity thing, advertisement, whatever you want to call that. And yes, clearly, it hugely backfired.

I think in the end he could not secure the big investment (honestly I always thought from the very first moment it would have been next to impossible for him to obtain those, for the reasons I said in the post above), so the result is that there is still no movie after all these years.

Re: Re:

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 7:55 am
by AvaHeinz
helstar wrote:
4 years ago
AvaHeinz wrote:
4 years ago
Well, allow me to speak of my experience as a producer and my own opinion.
What you say does not exclude what I said. A 40k movie, how does that compare to Marvel and DC movies ? It's kind of hopeless.

But if you think he did this just to rip people off, then I say it certainly looks like that... now ! But in the beginning, i think it was more a publicity thing, advertisement, whatever you want to call that. And yes, clearly, it hugely backfired.

I think in the end he could not secure the big investment (honestly I always thought from the very first moment it would have been next to impossible for him to obtain those, for the reasons I said in the post above), so the result is that there is still no movie after all these years.
The thing is, it's not how much money he raise that is the problem as far as I see, but how much he asked for from the very beginning.

If he wanted to put himself on DC or Marvel level, he would not be only asking for 30,000 USD from the Kickstarter campaign. You either have spare millions in the bank if you are only asking for 30,000, or you would ask for a higher budget, 30K can't even hire a good CGI artist, let alone making a Hollywood budgeted movie, but if so, then the very point of raising only 30,000 if you already have millions in your bank is kind of pointless. So for me, that figure is suspicious. And that is why I see him not trying to compare to big studio.

So, he wanted to just make a Feature film and not the one that complete with big studio budget, and that amount is more than enough to film a feature and with budget to market itself as well, but he choose to do nothing in that 4 years (I don't know for sure, he may have done something but was not able to release it, I have the same problem before when I done filming a movie and the actress not agree upon the term and we withhold the movie, but you still can talk about it even if you cannot release it, which is what lacking from his end...)

I am not sure if he started this campaign to defraud people. He may really wanted to finance his project when he put that campaign in, but the fact that nothing is showing, not even a storyboard flow suggested that he pocketed the money and done nothing.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:18 am
by helstar
I think he actually used the kickstarter as a double way to advertise the movie 1) to people, letting them know there will be this movie 2) to show to investors a good number of backers and prove them there is a relatively good interest, presenting the main heroine and her finished costume, the other characters, the plot etc. in the hope to obtain said investment. Again, big sad fail. He should just return the money and recover a little bit of credibility, at least.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:02 pm
by Bert
You guys are talking about this guy like he's a regular person who responds and acts like regular people do. Logan is full on narcissist. He only sees the world and other people from the perspective of how they can serve his needs and wants. Logan is never wrong. Logan is always the smartest, most handsome, most athletic person in the room. Logan will lie and cheat at will to further his own ends and never have even a blip of guilt about it, because he deserves those ends.

Maybe there was intent to make a Nightshadow movie, maybe there wasn't. He did produce at least one movie, Legend of the Bull or something. Big sections of it could be found online for a while. The thing is, it was just terrible. Horrible writing, horrible acting, unfunny "humor", it was a disaster. The thing about making a movie is, you need skill to write and produce it. Logan, narcissist that he is, thinks he's a great writer. In one of my earliest interactions with him he said he saw himself primarily as a writer. But he's a terrible writer. Some of his earlier vids, before he started doing mostly customs, tried to tell stories. They were awful, convoluted messes.

The crazy pipe dream Logan was selling, a series of big budget feature films, a comic company, blah, blah, blah, it was just his giant ego run amok. He has none of the skills to pull that stuff off. No investor would look at his "Bull" movie clips and then give him money. Never.

My guess is KickStarter has informed him that he hasn't met the terms of his campaign and needs to refund the money. There's no way he has the money, so he'll do what narcissists do. He'll lie. He'll stall. He'll lie some more.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 6:49 pm
by bbsucks
Mr. X wrote:
4 years ago
I wasn't going to say anything cause I also produce but one thing about his movie sale offer (the entire library for $100) is I have never seen that credit card processor before. Just be careful who you're handing CC info to.
No time for caution. The site is going to shut down any day now! I mean, sure it's been "closing down" for over 5 years, but that just means it's definitely due any second now.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:45 pm
by AvaHeinz
Bert wrote:
4 years ago
You guys are talking about this guy like he's a regular person who responds and acts like regular people do. Logan is full on narcissist. He only sees the world and other people from the perspective of how they can serve his needs and wants. Logan is never wrong. Logan is always the smartest, most handsome, most athletic person in the room. Logan will lie and cheat at will to further his own ends and never have even a blip of guilt about it, because he deserves those ends.

Maybe there was intent to make a Nightshadow movie, maybe there wasn't. He did produce at least one movie, Legend of the Bull or something. Big sections of it could be found online for a while. The thing is, it was just terrible. Horrible writing, horrible acting, unfunny "humor", it was a disaster. The thing about making a movie is, you need skill to write and produce it. Logan, narcissist that he is, thinks he's a great writer. In one of my earliest interactions with him he said he saw himself primarily as a writer. But he's a terrible writer. Some of his earlier vids, before he started doing mostly customs, tried to tell stories. They were awful, convoluted messes.

The crazy pipe dream Logan was selling, a series of big budget feature films, a comic company, blah, blah, blah, it was just his giant ego run amok. He has none of the skills to pull that stuff off. No investor would look at his "Bull" movie clips and then give him money. Never.

My guess is KickStarter has informed him that he hasn't met the terms of his campaign and needs to refund the money. There's no way he has the money, so he'll do what narcissists do. He'll lie. He'll stall. He'll lie some more.
Seems like you know him a lot, like privately.....

Anyway, I do not know him at all as he (Assuming it is a he) is way before my time, I didn't know the ins and outs of his story so I cannot comment on what he did or did not do, I can just comment on the stuff that I see, and this isn't right from a producer point of view. I would really want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but its not hard to see that in his other thread where he sell off everything he have for $100, that is the what he is doing to raise money so he can refund the people.

I would imagine the money is not going to refund unless people start legal action.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:46 pm
by Visitor
I've seen brick and mortar stores go out of business for years. It's a lot cheaper when it's online. Why stop when the main cost is the server to handle downloads.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:27 am
by Bert
AvaHeinz wrote:
4 years ago
Seems like you know him a lot, like privately.....
No, just many, many forum interactions over several years.

Re: Re:

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 3:23 am
by theScribbler
AvaHeinz wrote:
4 years ago
I don't think the backer would get any refund unless a legal challenge is pressed ahead.
Agree that all the backers won't get refunded unless there's legal action. My understanding is the time window to file lawsuits for fraud is 3 years, but as he's been continuing the same fraud since it's initial start in february 2016, he has thus maintained the fraud as ongoing, so currently time window extends to next three years from now, three years from his last update as recent as Feb 29, 2020. And he could still extend this with more lying updates (like the following).

NIghtshadow Kickstarter - Quick Refunds Update - Feb 29, 2020

Altho I don't think a lawsuit is necessary. I do think that loads of backers, backers in large numbers, should complain and state their case directly to Kickstarter Co.

Kickstarter Help and Contact Page
AvaHeinz wrote:
4 years ago
...basically, what he claim is that after the 43,000 dollars are donated, he "already fulfilled" his pledge by designing the costume, and writing a secure financing for the movie, well, is actually not true. The purpose of his donation drive is not to secure the funding or making the costume itself, but to develop the movie...

It's not the case of him wanting to shoot big and overshot it by a mile, but rather, he simply taking in people money and not work according to the budget he allocated. I can tell you this, I recently made a Full Length Feature film for less than A$10,000, and for him to get $43,000, he should have something out, but he didn't and I am not really sure if he have make anything or plan to make anything.
Except that the purpose of his kickstarter donation drive WAS stated to be for funds to make the costume. Well, not just one costume, but a unspecified number of 'primary?' costumes. And also some unspecified props and weapons.

The false info he uttered at the time was that there were already big investors for big budget movie (he floated figures of $100 million or more in this forum, but he deleted most of his posts on this forum afterwards), but Logan couldn't get the supposed investor money in supposedly fast enough time around Feb 2016, and the kickstarter was launched to get funds for stuff Logan claimed he needed right away to keep on schedule for film production in 2016 (never happened), to "keep our film on schedule for an April 2017 release date" (never happened).

Was complete BS at the time and he knew it. Was just a big scam prepetrated via Kickstarter (and not an honest campaign about a big or any size movie by any stretch of the imagination). And it worked (so it seemed, altho if you add up the amounts contributed by backers who pledged for the various rewards, you'll find that only amounts to $25,687.00! Curious.)

NIghtshadow Kickstarter - Campaign Page

Nightshadow Kickstarter - Project Details - feb 2016.png
Nightshadow Kickstarter - Project Details - feb 2016.png (224.87 KiB) Viewed 4976 times
Project Details

Nightshadow is a Comic Book Style feature film that is currently in preproduction, set to be filmed within the next few months (Spring-Summer 2016). While we are getting investors in place for the production of the film, the timeline is extremely truncated, so we need to raise immediate funds for the cost of the primary costumes, weapons, and props for the film.

That's where you, our Kickstarter Supporters, come in. Costume Designers need to purchase their materials, hire extra employees, and use the designated budget to create the wardrobe for the main characters NOW!

You can read the full extended synopsis of Nightshadow on our website.
Except there were no big budget investors (then or now), timeline wasn't extremely truncated (then or now, cause no investors), no need to raise immediate funds at the time (or any time) other than Logan really wanted that BMW.

Nightshadow Kickstarter - speil abt costumes.png
Nightshadow Kickstarter - speil abt costumes.png (90.62 KiB) Viewed 4976 times
As you can imagine, the custom wardrobe for fantasy films like this isn't cheap. Each costume's cost can range anywhere between $5,000 to $12,000. Some costumes cost more than this due to more moving parts, parts lighting up, retractable parts, ventilation systems, specialized molding, etc. A single costume of this type can go all the way up to $30,000 for just one.

There are an initial 6 superheroes and villains within Nightshadow that will need custom-made costumes. Feature films also require multiple costumes to be created. There are typically multiple hero costumes and stunt costumes.

This is where YOU come in. The $30,000 is just a starting point to get some of the important costumes and props started- the ones that will take longer to create and need to begin ASAP (yesterday). As you can see, the Costume Designers on our project team have already started working on the project because they believe in the quality of the project, the potential, the script, and the overall positive impact it will have on society!
The $30,000 was the starting point to buy or lease the BMW. No costumes really needed to be made ASAP (as production never happened, lead actress not even cast). The Costume Designers did meet with Logan, the smooth conman, and started work cause I imagine he probably made a good conman impression and implied he would pay them. All in all, seems one cheap example/sample/test costume was made; the expensive quality ones of $5,000 or more, no evidence of those, as far as anyone can tell. Which makes sense as the Nightshadow actress was not cast, so they had no measurements for her, who knows whose measurements were used for sample. No costumes with moving part, parts lighting up, retractable parts, ventilation systems, etc. Again, production was never going to happen so no need to make those costumes, would just eat into BMW budget.

Nightshadow Kickstarter - Risks and Challenges feb 2016.png
Nightshadow Kickstarter - Risks and Challenges feb 2016.png (69 KiB) Viewed 4976 times
Risks and challenges

Timing is everything. The purpose of this Kickstarter is to receive funding for the costumes for the Nightshadow feature film while taking what we receive above and beyond that budget and using it to KICKSTART Cross the Line Comics, LLC.

We need to get the costumers started on physical fabrication of the costumes as soon as possible to keep our film on schedule for an April 2017 release date.

Once we receive our funding, we will still be crunched for time. We have to keep moving as quickly as possible to achieve our other deadlines. With your support, we can do this!
Except that timing wasn't everything (at least regarding this never-to-be-made movie) and Logan didn't really need costumers to get started as soon as possible since production in 2016 wasn't going to happen and April 2017 release date wasn't going to happen. No "crunched for time" regarding movie, no movie-making deadlines to achieve. But with backers support, what Logan really means by "we can do this!" is: "I, Logan, I am the 'we' that can defraud people on kickstarter out of enough money to buy or lease my dream BMW (Big Movie-fakeout Wheels)."

A Superheroine Actress Posts About Logan and his BMW


Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:28 pm
by Heroine Addict
theScribbler wrote:
4 years ago

Except that timing wasn't everything (at least regarding this never-to-be-made movie) and Logan didn't really need costumers to get started as soon as possible since production in 2016 wasn't going to happen and April 2017 release date wasn't going to happen. No "crunched for time" regarding movie, no movie-making deadlines to achieve. But with backers support, what Logan really means by "we can do this!" is: "I, Logan, I am the 'we' that can defraud people on kickstarter out of enough money to buy or lease my dream BMW (Big Movie-fakeout Wheels)."

A Superheroine Actress Posts About Logan and his BMW


Well, we know Logan uses the "Royal We" all the time, but at least he was still able to string-along some cast and crew members in 2016. Some of whom probably bought into Logan's delusional shit and worked for peanuts on CtL videos in the hope it would lead to a movie credit. So there may have been a tiny grain of truth in "we" back then.

Is anyone still in the Loganverse anymore? The girls walked. I heard that Mario quit. Is Matt still hanging around Logan? Is Cross the Line just a brandname for Logan's one-man scams now?

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:27 am
by Shakeshift
Get a lawyer from a legal defense group who will do the work for almost-free, start litigation against the crowd-sourcing company with the stipulation that you wish to begin legal proceedings against "Logan", and request all of his financial information on file so you can pursue your lawsuit independently of Kickstarter.

Trust me, Kickstarter will immediately turn over all information and help you. Especially if you make it clear it's him you're after. ESPECIALLY if it's because of a crowdsourced project that he collected money for but didn't complete.

Once they turn over all the personal information and financial data like his real name, mailing address, and his bank account data, I'm not saying that you should make that information readily accessible to the public... but that is definitely an option that someone could definitely pursue. Hit them back where it hurts. Hit them in their smug sense of superiority and the umbrella of anonymous cover that they constantly cower behind. Fight fire with fire.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:57 pm
by Imagineer
The IMDb trail is stone cold, and if the car isn't gone it's an out-of-warranty BMW convertible -- I'll take Crippling Costs for $200, Alex.
There's nothing to pursue. We can muse about possible truths, but there is no utility in nailing it down.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:20 am
by naycherboy
This has escalated to being a real issue...why are people not using Logan's real name in discussions? It's relatively well known in this circle, I would think

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 12:16 pm
by tallyho
Is this the sequel to his other epic film,' 5 o' Clock Shadow'?

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 6:55 pm
by theScribbler
naycherboy wrote:
4 years ago
This has escalated to being a real issue...why are people not using Logan's real name in discussions? It's relatively well known in this circle, I would think
What's his real name?

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:09 pm
by tallyho
^^^^Send to Scribbler via PM rather than post here please

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:24 am
by thesuperheroines
Hey all you beautiful people!!
Logan and I wanted to reach out to you to clear the air, catch you up and share a little about this dream team. We hope you are all staying happy and healthy. <3

With love and light,
Ashley and Logan :)

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 4:40 am
by Maskripper
^ Thanks for posting the video! (and mentioning me 2 times)
Ohhh, that will get interesting to see how some folks will react to this video
As the (seemingly?) only backer of this project ...who posted in this topic.... I am pretty relaxed about this project right now.
Ok, of course I'm not extremely happy that there isn't anything to show/present so far after all this time......but I'm still counting on you guys to produce some "proof" (refund/pictures of the costume or so) in the near future!
That could end the scam-discussion pretty quick.
I am hoping for some updates/progress in the next weeks/months.
And it's wise choice that Ashley has the account on this site and is in the video. :hmmm:
(most) Men are actually way more careful/polite when they talk to/about a woman.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:25 am
by thesuperheroines
Maskripper wrote:
4 years ago
^...but I'm still counting on you guys to produce some "proof" (refund/pictures of the costume or so) in the near future!
That could end the scam-discussion pretty quick.
I am hoping for some updates/progress in the next weeks/months.
hey, thanks again for supporting the project! I thought everyone saw the prototype for the costume (it was done years ago right after the Kickstarter was funded)... here’s a photo of us: Ashley wearing it to Wonder-Con back in 2018. This is a stunt suit, not a hero suit so keep that in mind. It’s also the first version of many and the one in the film will be epic!

As for refunds, we are working on that process now. Obviously that won’t be handled on a forum like this— but keep an eye out for an email coming up to verify mailing address or PayPal email. We will get those refunds out shortly.

Have a great evening! :)

Edit: a 2nd photo was also included. Also, Ashley didn’t want to wear the mask and hood for 8 hours so... she didn’t. Lol

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:34 am
by Maskripper
thesuperheroines wrote:
4 years ago

hey, thanks again for supporting the project! I thought everyone saw the prototype for the costume (it was done years ago right after the Kickstarter was funded)... here’s a photo of us: Ashley wearing it to Wonder-Con back in 2018. This is a stunt suit, not a hero suit so keep that in mind. It’s also the first version of many and the one in the film will be epic!
Wow, I TOTALLY missed that! Never seen pictures with that costume.....
Thanks for posting!
It does looks great ....and Ashley makes a promising heroine in it for sure. :thumbup:
Are there any pictures of the mask/cowl yet?
As my username may imply.....I am highly interested in that as well ;)

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:21 am
by Bert
"We're trying to dismantle the hypocrisy of Hollywood."

"Cross The Line is going to be a household name."

"We're in real estate, tech, fashion, beveridges, entertainment, comic books..."

They sat in a room and created 250 deep characters for their comic book universe.

They're going to have a streaming platform with their content.

Legend of the Bull was not released "for specific reasons."

"Everyone wants 'name' actors, and that's just not how we want to do it."

They didn't even have scripts for Mystic Dragon vids. Just ad-libbed them on the spot.

"We're pretty big into astrology."

"I didn't make the projects...uh, all of them..." Oops, she let that slip out.

"He just wants people to have his work..." - re: the $100 deal.

"That should be left in the past because it was a really different situation."

"The world will know Logan Cross."

"I wish we could talk more about what's coming out, but I can't."

No time now. Opinions to follow.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:21 pm
by Bert
To people who weren't around during the Logan years, this all probably seems weird. Why are these posters so against Logan Cross? I'm saying there are extremely compelling reasons for the animosity. Most of the action took place on a different forum, and Logan was successful in getting all of those threads removed, so the evidence is gone. Basically, Logan was very active on the forum and revealed the kind of person he is over and over again. He lied. A lot. He had a wildly inflated view of himself and his contribution to the genre. He fought with people constantly and would never admit to being wrong no matter how obvious it was. He bragged about how he could beat up any of the people he worked with. He bragged about how he had raised the standards of SHIP films. He bragged about his stature in the movie business and in the music video business. Almost all of that was bullshit.

This carried on for a couple years. His own actresses, former ones, posted telling people not to trust him. He hit on almost all the talent and was sleeping with several of them. One time he attacked the honor of an actress by saying she was fooling around. It was him she was fooling around with. Then this whole Nightshadow thing started. How much of that is real and how much is fiction is impossible to know. But Logan shut down his porn site, probably because he didn't want potential investors finding vids starring his johnson online. Then he said he was shutting down his main site. This was I think 3 or 4 years ago. He was selling his entire catalog for $3,500 at that time. He had big money investors ponying up millions to finance his Nightshadow movie. A big name star was going to headline the movie. It would have a $100 million dollar budget. But then the site didn't close. The updates on Nightshadow stopped. After a few months, another announcement. The site was about to close! take advantage of last minute deals. Nightshadow is about to start production. But the site didn't close. A few months later, same thing again. And again. And again. And again.

Now to the present. There is a reason Logan is putting on this little charm offensive. I don't know what the reason is, but there's a reason and it probably involves tapping this community for money again. That would explain the lip service about Kickstarter refunds, and the 45 minute video. Watch this space, because soon we'll start getting the pitch.

Obviously, people are free to take the content of this video at face value. But be aware, the bad feelings that this guy inspires in others is extremely well deserved.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 2:27 pm
by Heroine Addict
Now 2020 Logan tells us he's planning to shoot Nightshadow with an unknown cast on considerably less than a Hollywood blockbuster budget?

So what should we make of these videos in which 2016 Logan tells everyone about an A-list cast and a budget of at least $100,000,000?

To be fair, I never doubted Logan's ability to make a low-budget Nightshadow with a no-name cast. It's just that promising the Kickstarter guys something grand and then (maybe) delivering something considerably more modest is pretty much the definition of a bait and switch.

Set the countdown clock for these Kickstarter update videos to disappear from Logan's YouTube channel.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:27 pm
by Maskripper
Heroine Addict wrote:
4 years ago

So what should we make of these videos in which 2016 Logan tells everyone about an A-list cast and a budget of at least $100,000,000?

? 100 Mio? I guess you added some 0.
That was never the plan, in my opinion. When you get 40.000$ with a kickstarter would you get the "rest" of the 100 million? ;-)
And an A-list cast with a such a rather tiny production company? This isn't Warner Brothers.
I never expected any of that as a backer.
I would be happy if he gets 1 million, and perhaps a C actor/actress that was in some TV show someone saw.
*EDIT* OK, he said it at some early point in the kickstarter campaign. I was wrong about it.
However I was and still am not expecting such a costly project.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:03 pm
by tallyho
He actually said $100 mil himself either in a vid or a post.

That's kinda why we are all a bit skeptical.

It was mentioned prior to this thread as we made fun of it.

I like his vids but not the way he behaves towards people


Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 4:11 am
by theScribbler
Bert wrote:
4 years ago
To people who weren't around during the Logan years, this all probably seems weird. Why are these posters so against Logan Cross? I'm saying there are extremely compelling reasons for the animosity. Most of the action took place on a different forum, and Logan was successful in getting all of those threads removed, so the evidence is gone. Basically, Logan was very active on the forum and revealed the kind of person he is over and over again. He lied. A lot. He had a wildly inflated view of himself and his contribution to the genre. He fought with people constantly and would never admit to being wrong no matter how obvious it was. He bragged about how he could beat up any of the people he worked with. He bragged about how he had raised the standards of SHIP films. He bragged about his stature in the movie business and in the music video business. Almost all of that was bullshit.

This carried on for a couple years. His own actresses, former ones, posted telling people not to trust him. He hit on almost all the talent and was sleeping with several of them. One time he attacked the honor of an actress by saying she was fooling around. It was him she was fooling around with. Then this whole Nightshadow thing started. How much of that is real and how much is fiction is impossible to know. But Logan shut down his porn site, probably because he didn't want potential investors finding vids starring his johnson online. Then he said he was shutting down his main site. This was I think 3 or 4 years ago. He was selling his entire catalog for $3,500 at that time. He had big money investors ponying up millions to finance his Nightshadow movie. A big name star was going to headline the movie. It would have a $100 million dollar budget. But then the site didn't close. The updates on Nightshadow stopped. After a few months, another announcement. The site was about to close! take advantage of last minute deals. Nightshadow is about to start production. But the site didn't close. A few months later, same thing again. And again. And again. And again.

Now to the present. There is a reason Logan is putting on this little charm offensive. I don't know what the reason is, but there's a reason and it probably involves tapping this community for money again. That would explain the lip service about Kickstarter refunds, and the 45 minute video. Watch this space, because soon we'll start getting the pitch.

Obviously, people are free to take the content of this video at face value. But be aware, the bad feelings that this guy inspires in others is extremely well deserved.
The above is very well-written and entirely accurate. Not too long and not too short. Well done.

Am struggling a bit with the all-over-the-place, disjointed, rambling, L&A video. Typical Logan content (a lie-fest ala Trump, tho more subdued this time, Logan was not so subdued before, must be Ash influence). Logan and Ash doing bad improv. Remarkably unconvincing when people who don't know stuff or know so very little, make up stuff as tho they do. Like kids really. So many lies abound. Amateurs. Wannabes. The spin about why the budget will be low and why they won't have A-listers, is precious in its feebleness, cause it's the feebleness that's transparent, not them. Some of it so dumb it's kind of uncanny. Watched about half. Will watch the rest of these pretenders later I guess. And yeah, significant back-pedaling, yet trying to pretend some stature still at same time ('stature' like Bert said).

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 8:51 am
by Bert
Well, Logan "household name" Cross has managed to rack up 10 views per day with his 45 minute orgy of self-congratulation, so I guess it's only a matter of weeks before Marvel is begging him to direct a massive film for them. Of course Logan will refuse - how do you dismantle the hypocrisy of Hollywood from a Marvel director's chair. No, he'll create his own Logan Cross Universe, populated with 250 deep characters they invented one day around the kitchen table. Not just a series of blockbuster movies, you understand, but a comic book company, real estate, tech, fashion, beveridges, the Logan Cross Universe will be a vertically integrated wonderland of immersive Nightshadowness. And astrology, lots of astrology.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 6:50 pm
by sugarcoater
To Bert's point about giving some background on this guy, just check out the lead post in the thread for the $100 deal. "The site was meant to auto-close last month but I had an 'oh, dammit, oh well' moment when I saw the site auto-renew... so it will not renew again, thus, this is the final month, although I may manually close it sooner based on travel and other circumstances."

The very idea that he was going to close down the site earlier than before the end of the month is absurd. As if he would try to limit his sales? But it is such a trite and cheap way to attempt to convince people to hurry up and buy. To reiterate what has been mentioned already here, it's the "going out of business" store that never actually goes out of business. The shear dishonesty in trying to rush people to buy because his site "may manually close...sooner" is the epitome of this guy--anything to make another buck.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:16 am
by Imagineer
He made a lot of genre videos. Can't take that away from him.
But he doesn't make them anymore.
He's been trying to make a superhero feature film since he stopped making genre videos.
But feature films are hard. Really hard.
He shot two features.
But they've been in the can a long time and haven't been released.
The website launched with the Kickstarter campaign is down.
Indeed, there's a stated intent to undo the campaign.
The YouTube channel is dormant.
At the moment, unlisted videos linked here are the only visible output.
Feature films are hard. Really hard.
Some great ideas from talented and skilled folks struggle for years until the time is right.
And some never get made, intentions be damned.

If they release a film, whether theatrically, through Amazon Prime Video, or some other accessible platform, I'll check it out.

I trust any release announcement will be brief, or at least that the essential details will be extracted and posted here by an intrepid member of the community.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:59 pm
by Blx
I can't believe people are stil hung up on this thing.

Move on. Don't invest your time and energy in this.

If it comes out, we'll see. Until then, just forget it and focus on the more important things in life. Especially in times like these.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 8:31 pm
by Heroine Addict
Blx wrote:
4 years ago
I can't believe people are stil hung up on this thing.

Move on. Don't invest your time and energy in this.

If it comes out, we'll see. Until then, just forget it and focus on the more important things in life. Especially in times like these.
I'm inclined to agree. At this stage, this thread seems to be the last remaining place on teh interwebz where anyone is still discussing Nightshadow or anything to do with Logan Cross. Let's face it, how many serious filmmakers would make a 45-minute response video addressing a thread on a niche fetish forum? He cares so much about what we say because we appear to be the only people who are saying anything about his work anymore.

I'm happy to let it lie until Logan or one of his associates reappears with yet another "last chance" offer or crowdfunding campaign. Or maybe Nightshadow will actually be produced and released in some form. If so, I'll review the fuck out of that. Until then, it's probably the right move to let him fade even further into obscurity.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:07 pm
by Imagineer
Blx wrote:
4 years ago
I can't believe people are stil hung up on this thing.
They hadn't been for three days. I thought I'd put a cap on it two days ago. But you just couldn't let it go, could you? ;)
...focus on the more important things in life. Especially in times like these.
NO WAY. This whole site is about distracting from more important things in life, and that's ESPECIALLY important to do in times like these.

I mean, sure, if you're reading this on your phone when you're supposed to be reviewing an inpatient's chart, maybe put the phone down until the end of your shift. (And then wipe it down.)

But if you're killing time, this is way better for you than watching another video about the COVID-19 situation.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:47 am
by theScribbler
I'm gonna have to disagree. I mean, what we're discussing here is important, and I think will contribute ideas, information, thoughts and inspiration for the upcoming...

10-page Nightshadow comic book!

No, not the 10-page Nightshadow comic kickstarter backers were supposed to get over three and a half years ago, June 2016.

Not the one that Logan name-dropped artist Eddie Nunez would be doing. (And Eddie would probably have done it, if Logan had asked him to do it and paid him. What would that have cost to do, 10-pages, maybe $200 to $300 a page.)

cheapest pledge for comic book.png
cheapest pledge for comic book.png (43.09 KiB) Viewed 4151 times

No, I'm talking about the 10-page NIghtshadow comic I'm planning to do. And post here. Sure, it won't be as good as Eddie Nunez art, but I can manage something decent. Granted, my Nightshadow may look a bit different, or maybe not. Still designing. Might have alternate world Nightshadows in it. Maybe every character in it will be named Nightshadow!

Logan's not gonna give me his script for the comic (look at me pretending there's a script!)), but I think I can come up with something. Still formulating ideas. Maybe some of you have ideas of what you want to see in it. I wonder which will come out sooner: my Nightshadow comic or Logan's! :cap:

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:07 am
by theScribbler

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 9:45 pm
by RedMountain
Blx wrote:
4 years ago
I can't believe people are stil hung up on this thing.

Move on. Don't invest your time and energy in this.

If it comes out, we'll see. Until then, just forget it and focus on the more important things in life. Especially in times like these.
Amen, I thought this entire thread was ridiculous when it first started...there's beating a dead horse/holding a grudge and then there's this odd obsession with the guy here. Little creepy actually how much enjoyment some seem to get about continually necro'ing a dead topic.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:10 am
by Mr. X
I agree. I thought maybe this thread would have died a while ago. I can understand warning people of someone with possible shady practices however this constant dwelling on the guy is creepy.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 6:53 am
by theScribbler
Well, first, in order to not upset the delicate natures of Mr. X and RedMountain, I invite them to not read this further and go do something else. Many cool threads out there. Enjoy a movie. Their choice of course.

Anyway, been hanging back from posting in this thread for over a week, just to see how long it takes for a thread to become so-called 'buried,' or become the 'last [thread]' in the Superheroine Lounge sub-forum list of Topics. But was taking too long, so I've stopped waiting

The Topics list page shows 50 threads. On first page, the top 2 threads are pinned so will always be on top. Below them, #3 thread is the most recent thread: either a new thread, or a prior thread bumped up to position #3 by someone replying in it.

This Nightshadow thread dropped to #15 on April 10 2020, 4:27 pm PST, and was still there until bumped up by this post!. Was #3 on March 30, 2020 9:10 pm, when a poster posted a reply in it then, but thereafter dropped about one position per day. IMO never 'buried' as just a little scroll down on a desktop revealed it at position #15. And it's certainly never been the last thread (#50) all year so far. Takes a long time for a thread to fall to bottom of first page, from #3 to #50. The current #50 thread (at time of writing; topic: Happy New Year) was last bumped (replied in) on Jan 2 2020 (3 months 11 days) by theScribbler (!).

This set up leads me to the Logan Ash goofy tagteam liars club duo's 45 min video post of March 20, 2020, 11:24 pm. This set up is relevant as it speaks to the the very first lie out of Logan's mouth in the mountain of lies video. What!? Logan lied? Unheard of!!!! Who'da thought!? Yep, right out of the gate.

While not a big deal lie, a pointless one really, purposeless, it shows immediately that contrary to his claims of "I've gone through my own spiritual journey over the last 3 years," Logan's gone thru no such journey. Logan is a pathological liar by nature. An actual spiritual journey maybe could change that, but it will NEVER happen.

The Flash has the Speed Force, Logan "Steve D." Cross has the Lying Force. The Lying Force is strong with this one.

Here are Logan Cross' first words uttered, straight out of his mouth, in the 45 min video...

yeah, it's been it's been quite fun so yeah, I was
going back, I don't even know where our
thread is, its buried now, oh, there it is...

Ash interlude
[boring food info]

...oh no, it's all the way down here, like the last post or
whatever, was a month ago

And now the truth...
1. Logan knew where thread was cause the video is about this thread and Logan Ash prepped their talking points (lies) prior to finally recording their mountains of lies on video.

2. Thread was not 'buried now,' it was #3. tallyho had posted on March 20, 2020, 4.09 pm, which kept thread at #3, a position it had held all day cause of other posters posting in it. Then Logan Ash posted their mountains of lies video at 11:24 pm. same day and less than 8 hours later.

3. 'oh there it is,' what a faker! Bad acting! Definitely a part they rehearsed.

4. Thread was not 'all the way down here, like the last post' (he meant thread). Nope, it was not last, was not #50, was #3.

5. Not sure what he means 'was a month ago.' Was at #3 with multiple replies keeping it there, prior to Logan's video post. Maybe he was trying to say he last saw the thread a month ago, but that's not true. Their video improv about thread was rehearsed prior to recording video, same day.

So what's the reason or purpose for Logan Ash, the meh pretenders, to pretend they only started looking for the thread just after the start of recording their video (what the f is that about!?). And to pretend to go to bottom of page to find it when it was the #3 thread. Was this the lying duo's attempt to make it seem to viewers the thread was not often read by forum members. That's probably it. Logan Ash are all about lies and false impressions.

The whole point of these pretenders making the video in the first place was to discuss this thread's contents. The pretenders clearly rehearsed their bad improv, went over their talking points before recording the video, had hours to practice. This duo loves to lie. Adores lying. Worships lying. Living the lie. Well, it's their life.

Well, that's enough for now. Future post may cover the 'creepy' comments, Logan's bizarro necro'ing of dead topic Nightshadow movie, and other lies from video, etc. Plenty of time for that.

In the meantime, I sure hope the Nightshadow comic I'm working on turns out better than Cross the Line's Nightshadow comic. You know, the 10-page comic Logan promised backers in 2016, four years ago. Yep, Scribbler's Nightshadow comic, a Scribbler original character! Destined to be somewhat better, if only cause it's actually gonna exist (digital version only I'm afraid, I don't have a big comic book publishing company like Logan has!? Curses!)! Then backers of the kickstarter can compare mine to the one they didn't get from Logan. Granted, I'm no great artist like Eddie Nunez, but I think my comic's one saving grace is my Nightshadow won't be wearing that other one's costume!

OK. Just one more thing about the Logan Ash Video...

On the odd chance that Logan Ash believe their lies, I challenge them to post that same 45 minute video as Update #21 on their Nightshadow Kickstarter page, so all the backers can watch it. I mean, it's loaded with information (lies and spin really, but I could be wrong! I'm not tho) that the Nightshadow backers would love to know I'm sure. It's got lots of behind the scenes Nightshadow going ons info (kidding! as nothing really going on with it) that the kickstarter backers deserve to hear about more than anyone else (none of the Hollywood trades have reported on it, cause mums the word, zero hype for this movie). The video's an up-to-date presentation on what's up with Logan Ash, the team behind Nightshadow movie and what they're pretending to be doing (stuff like big comic book universe with zero comics in four years). It seems weird that it's just posted for us here. There are hardly any Nightshadow movie backers here. Just one I know of. But I'm guessing they won't do that. They know the video is packed with lies, and they be too cowardly to link to it on the Kickstarter!

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 4:30 pm
by Jacques
Hi, I know that I should have done this but I could not help myself. After reading Mr. Scribbler's and Bert's comments, I took look at his Facebook page. I was appalled to say the least. It is a very good insight to his character.

Re: Found Night Shadow Actress! Really! Not Kidding!!

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2022 8:56 am
by kaiserdanielus
Hi everyone,

I know this thread is 2 years old but my name is mentioned here, so I figured I’d chime in. I’m Kai Freyleue, the guy who made the other Night Shadow movie that was first brought up in this thread. It’s actually a student film I made with my friends when I was a college freshman in 2013, although we didn’t completely finish the editing process until I graduated 3 years later. It was a very ambitious project for me at that particular time in my life, being feature-length as opposed to the short films my college peers were producing. I was also highly inexperienced and hadn’t the foggiest idea what I was getting myself into, but I really wanted to make my first real movie, so I simply went ahead with it despite being woefully unprepared for the challenges I would face.

The actress mentioned in the first post is Christina Kirkman. If any of you folks watched All That in the early 2000s, that name might sound familiar: she was the winner of the Funniest Kid in America competition and starred on the show for its final 2 seasons. It turned out she went to the same college as me, so I reached out to her and straight-up offered her the leading role. And I’m very glad I did because she was a real treat to work with! Since she’d had real acting experience in Hollywood, she was incredibly professional and took her role seriously. She was also very funny and a lot of fun to be around. If any of you are filmmakers looking to cast a great actress who isn’t a huge star yet, I recommend Christina with the utmost enthusiasm. I’d work with her again in a flash.

It was a learning experience for all of us. At the time, I was only 19 and knew very little about even the basics of professional filmmaking. I had only taken a few classes on the subject at that point, and in my developing teenage mind, I thought that basically made me an expert. Luckily, my cinematographer Deigh Kelin (still a very close friend of mine) was far more experienced than I was and took the reins a lot of the time. I took on way too many roles for myself, being a producer, director, and even an actor in the film. Having been a seasoned veteran in my high school’s drama productions, I was (and still am) far more in my element performing onstage and had trouble adjusting to the differences between stage and film acting. It really shows in the movie: I’m quite clearly uncomfortable on camera all throughout the film. In addition, I really didn’t know how to direct either, so it was a bit awkward for some of the other actors looking for more specifics in their direction. However, they all behaved very professionally. They were very patient, understanding, and supportive, even on the occasions when I got frustrated because things weren’t going the way I’d hoped they would. I hope each and every one of the actors and crew members involved knows how grateful I am for all their support!

When I wrote the script in my senior year of high school, I had just finished reading a book about the Columbine massacre and was inspired to create a film about a school shooting. I took influence mostly from Columbine, but also included references to other infamous school shootings in the script. For example, a deliberately anachronistic Easter egg in this movie is that despite the film taking place in 1999 around the same time as Columbine, the drama students are reading an excerpt from a play written by Seung-hui Cho when he was in high school in the early 2000s. This was also around the time when the Marvel superhero movies were starting to become enormously popular, which influenced my decision to include a masked “superhero” of sorts. I understand that school shootings are an incredibly sensitive topic in this day and age, and this is part of why it took so long to complete and even longer to actually put it out there. I was worried that my approach to this subject wasn’t sensitive enough to a very real and very nightmarish problem in our world and wouldn’t be received well. And so, it sat dormant in Google Drive for many years until recently, when Deigh and I decided that since we all put so much hard work into it, it should at least be available for people to watch. When we discovered this thread talking about Night Shadow and Christina, we said “Holy shit, someone’s actually talking about our movie!” and we knew we had to chime in.

If you want to watch the movie, you can check it out here: I’ll have to warn you though, there are a lot of incredibly cringe-inducing moments and a lot I would have done differently had I done it today. While Christina and some of the other actors were experienced professionals, much of the cast just consisted of my friends and family members, most of whom didn’t really have a background in acting. This is a high school movie made by actual high school/college kids, so keep that in mind as you watch. We used an extremely unorthodox, fragmented and nonlinear editing style to cut around mistakes and oversights during production, so that’s why the editing choices may seem very confusing at times. Deigh once described it as “emotional progression” rather than a linear progression.

We also changed the script a significant amount during production. In particular, my character was not originally written as the gigantic asshole he comes off as in the movie, but over time, we noticed that I had a lot of “wow, that’s kind of a mean thing to say/do” moments, so we decided to make him more and more arrogant, selfish, and even a bit misogynistic as we proceeded, rewriting several scenes and adding new ones that weren’t in the script. You will really hate Mike if you watch this movie. You will wonder why so many people want to hang out with this selfish narcissist, and how on Earth he managed to score any dates at all, let alone with these two awesome girls (major props to the actresses, Christina and Andi, for pulling it off!) Hell, I wrote the damn movie and I don’t even understand it.

With all that said though, despite the film’s flaws, it also has a lot of character. It’s far from perfect, but there are so many beautiful moments that I’m actually really proud of, and it’s very different from most of the student films you’ll see out there. Of course, I couldn’t have done any of this without my creative partner Deigh. The movie has a very unique style of cinematography, courtesy of Deigh’s brilliant mind and inspired by late 90s music videos. We shot it almost entirely on a GoPro (with the exception of the VHS camera used for certain scenes), and had it not taken us forever and a half to complete the editing process, we actually would have beaten Hardcore Henry to the status of being the first feature film to be shot on a GoPro. Oh well. Tortoise and the Hare I guess, right?

If you choose to watch it, I hope you enjoy it and keep what I’ve said in mind. I’m sorry the Nightshadow movie you were all hoping to see doesn’t appear to be coming anytime soon, and I’m very sorry this Logan guy is apparently such a gigantic douche. I don’t know anything about this movie but man, from what you’ve all said, he seems like a real swindler. I promise neither I nor anyone else who was involved in my film is remotely that awful!

My film is not a studio-budget superhero movie, nor will it ever be released theatrically worldwide, but, you know….at least it’s a real movie that you can watch. I hope my Night Shadow does something for you that the other Nightshadow failed to do! Just writing about it has brought up so many memories, both pleasant and stressful. Now I’m feeling nostalgic.

Hope you all have a lovely day. Cheers!
