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Dial "V" for Villainess- nominate your heroines

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:52 am
by franco99
Please read the disclaimer before starting the story

** I hope its not bad form to start another story while another is in progress, but here goes. This story will involve a superherione team called the Supreme League of Superheroines. I'm going to introduce the villainesses in the first chapter of the story, but make no mention of any specific heroines that make up the Supreme League. I'd like the readers to suggest the heroines they'd like to see as members. If you're good enough to offer a heroine to the story, please give a description of the heroine's appearance, costume, and the powers she posseses. I always wanted to try a more interactive type of story with the readers of this forum **


The Supreme League of Superheroines tried a novel scheme to add another member to their ranks. They would hold an open audition for all prospects and weed the field down to one new superheroine that would be accepted as a full member of their elite crime-fighting team. This audition would be broadcast by a cable television network where all aspects of the tryout would be chronicled. Once the superheroine team selected a final eight finalists, there would be a series of tests and challenges to test the mettle of the prospective heroines. Each week, a dramatic "Survivor" type of elimination would occur where the current members of the Supreme League would vote to select the girl that would be cut from the competition that week. Once the eight finalists had been paired down to one winner, that winner would join the Supreme League of Superheroines and fight crime alongside the most famous superheroine team in the world.
Open auditions for the show were held in eight major cities in the United States. Thousands of prospective and wannabe superheroines lined up to see if they had what it took to join the Supreme League. The initial tryouts consisted of a very brief interview where each girl could demonstrate her abilities and describe what they could offer to this elite team of superheroines. The one condition all potential contestants had to abide by was that they had to conceal their true identity. This was essential as if the eventual winner revealed her name and face in the initial audition, her identity could be compromised once she joined the League. All were encouraged to wear a mask of some sort, adopt a superheroine name, and arrive in costume.
At the Metropolis open audition, held at the downtown sports arena to accomodate the large number of contestants expected to arrive, two thousand masked women lined up outiside for their chance to wow the judges. It was a mass of spandex and nylon as girls of all shapes and sizes arrived and patiently waited. Two of those girls, looking much less glamourous than most of the wannabe superheroines in line, stood next to one another and engaged in a bit of small talk.
Tamara O'Neill was a 22 year old student studying ancient civilizations at Metropolis State College. She was a rather bland looking girl that took little time to improve her appearance. Tamara was 5'8, but looked much shorter as she tended to slouch. Her brown hair was flat and stringy and her body, hidden under a baggy sweatshirt and loose fitting jeans, was slim and unremarkable. Tamara didn't even take the time to create much of a costume as she only tied a bandit-style eyemask over her face to protect her identity. Otherwise, she wore the normal drab clothes she wore around campus as a student. The talent Tamara possessed came from the power of a medallion, which resembled a golden circular telephone dial, that she wore on a necklace around her neck.
While traveling to Mexico as a part of a Metropolis St. College sponsored archealogy dig of some recently discovered Aztec remains, Tamara found this strange disc and soon realized the power it gave her. By manipulating the disc with her hand and concentrating on what she wanted to become, Tamara could magically transform temporarily into any form she desired. At first, she only used the disc to make herself more attractive and to dress in a manner that fit current fashions of the time. Tamara would ask an attractive man to describe the perfect woman and then later reappear, through the use of the magic medallion and deep concentration, as the exact woman he decribed. As a girl that rarely attracted the notice of the opposite sex, Tamara could at least spend time with the guys she desired for a short period of time before transforming back into her rather plain self.
One of the men she spoke with mentioned how his perfect woman was the fictional comic-book superheroine, FemFlash, a heroine in a red bodysuit that could run at super sonic speeds. Tamara made a mental picture of this heroine and focused on her look and superpowers as she turned the medallion which rested on a necklace. She emerged looking just like the drawings of FemFlash, complete with the red spandex bodysuit with yellow lightning bolts. Much to her surprise, she also possessed the same superpower, supersonic speed, as the FemFlash. After racing about the city at high-speed for a few brief moments, Tamara O'Neill finally realized the full potential of the magical medallion she possessed. She could not only look like the woman she imagined or wear the outfits she thought of, Tamara could take on just about any superpower that popped into her head.
A friend and fellow student at Metropolis State accompanied Tamara to the open Supreme League of Superheroines auditions. Darcy Forrester was a plump, short blonde who could best be described as a career student. Now 26 years old, Darcy switched majors as often as most college students changed socks. Whatever interested her at a particular time would become her new major. As a result, she was nowhere close to receiving a degree. Darcy was at least somewhat enthusiastic about the audtions. Possessing no power other than knowing a little something about everything, Darcy adopted the heroine name of Encyclopedia. Clad in a brown leotard, that didn't exactly flatter her chunky frame, with a large letter "E" sewn into the chest, white tights, and brown eyemask, Darcy at least tried to look the part of a superheroine.
As expected, the tryouts did not go well for Tamara and Darcy. The panel of experts, three of the show's male executive producers, laughed Darcy off the stage, saying she didn't have possess any noteworthy powers and didn't have the "body type" they were looking for. Is having extensive knowledge about a wide variety of academic disciplines a superpower? Tamara, usually terribly shy and self-conscious, was so nervous during her interview that she couldn't concentrate on which heroine she wanted to become. The inability to focus rendered the power of the medallion useless as she stood before the panel shaking and twisting the disc around her neck with no effect. The executive producers were angry at Tamara had "lied" to them about her power and essentially wasted their time. They rudely demanded that she leave so they could devote their time to more qualified applicants. The parting remark that stung Tamara the most was the accusation that she was a complete fraud.
Humilated and on the verge of tears, Tamara and Darcy walked back to their off-campus apartments near the college. Tamara had never revealed the power of the medallion she owned until today. As they made the two mile trek back to the college, our disgraced contestants shared their tales of woe.
"Not the right 'body type,' Darcy sniffed. "Why didn't they just call me fat and get it over with?"
"They didn't mince words with me," Tamara countered. "They just called me a liar and a fraud and told me to get the F out of there."
"Well, transforming into anyone you want with the use of a magic medallion is pretty far-fetched, a magical Aztec medallion, no less," Darcy giggled. "I'm your friend and I thought you were a liar."
"But I can transform into anyone...," Tamara insisted, "I CAN look like whoever I imagine, wear the outifts I imagine, and adopt any superpower I imagine."
"I imagine you're crazy, Tamara," snorted Darcy as she was growing tired of this insanity.
"Crazy? Give me a description of any woman, costume, and superpower and I'll prove it to you," Tamara challenged.
"O.K., just so you'll shut up," Darcy spat in an attempt to humor her friend. "A 5'10 girl with long blonde hair and the face and body of Pamela Anderson...a pink polka dot bikini...and the ability to fly. Now prove it!"
Tamara closed her eyes and lightly grasped the medallion in her right hand. Locking in deep concentration, she turned the disc in her hand for a few seconds before a spectacular flash of light enveloped her body. Once the brilliant flash faded, Tamara appeared exactly as Darcy described. She stood as a 5'10 Pamela Anderson in a pink polka dot bikini. With a smug look of satisfaction, Pamela, eh, Tamara jumped up into the air and flew to the height of 30 feet. Drifting down to the ground before her stunned friend, the transformed Tamara landed softly with the confidence that her the magic of her medallion was intact.
"Ohmigoddd....," stammered a visibly shaken Darcy. "If you can do what you what you just showed me, then why didn't you show this to the judges at the audition?"
"Because I got so nervous in front of them that I couldn't focus on what I wanted to become," Tamara explained. "If I can't concentrate on exactly what I want to become, the medallion is worthless."
"Why don't you go back to those auditions and show them what you can really do, Tamara?," pleaded Darcy.
"After the way they laughed at us and threw us out like garbage, you want me to go back and beg them for another chance?," Tamara scoffed in her pink bikini. "Never, in fact, I should use my magic medallion to teach those three jerks a lesson."
"What type of 'lesson' did you have in mind?," inquired a concerned Darcy.
"Hmmm....a good lesson?," Tamara thought aloud. "How 'bout going back and besting every one of the more 'worthy' contestants at the audition?"
"Or what about besting every one of the members of the Supreme League of Superheroines?," Darcy offered in a calm, yet sinister, tone.
"Challenging the Supreme League? Are you nuts?," scoffed Tamara.
"Well," reasoned Darcy, "you can become any person with any power you desire as long as you focus and play with that medalion thingy, right?"
"Then you can become any villainess you desire," continued Darcy, "with the ability to create the perfect superpower that exposes the vulnerabilities of each of the League members. You could defeat everyone of them."
"That sounds great, but I don't know every vulnerability of the Supreme League members," said a downcast Tamara.
"Ah, but I do, Tamara," Darcy stated with an evil laugh. "With my encyclopedic memory, I can tell you the exact power to use against each of them to ensure their defeat and capture. In fact, once we capture the League members, I'll know how to keep them captive and helpless and in our clutches. Once we've abducted the entire Supreme League of Superheroines, then we'll see who's laughing?"
"Yeah, and we'll see who the real frauds are," added an overjoyed Tamara, still in the form of a bikini-clad Pam Anderson.
"Humiliating the Supreme League and whomever they add to the team as a part of this stupid contest will be the sweetest revenge," Darcy exclaimed grandly, "and every defeat will be broadcast to millions on television."
"We'll ruin their little T.V. show," laughed Tamara, "and imagine the ransom we could demand for the return of the world's most famous superheroine team!"
"I like the why you're thinking, girl," Darcy gushed. "Gaining the ultimate revenge and getting filthy rich in the process...I love it."
Tamara refocused her concentration and fidgeted with the medallion so she could return to her normal form as Tamara O'Neill for the walk home.
"How long can you maintain the form and powers you choose?," asked Darcy.
"It depends," Tamara explained, "around twenty minutes, usually. Sometimes the effect dissipates faster when I use superpowers. I can remain a superpowered heroine for about ten minutes."
"That's more than enough time," Darcy reasoned. "Let's get back home to plan the capture of the Supreme League of Superheroines. They'll fall one by one..."
The girls regained a bounce in their step and practically ran all the way home. A plan this potentially satisfying would have to begin as soon as possible.


Just a reminder

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:56 am
by franco99
Don't confine your contributions to heroines only. If there is a villainess you'd like to see Tamara become, offer those as well.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:05 pm
by superpics4les

You are absolutely brilliant! I've been trying to find a way to get more of our characters out there and I think you've hit it my friend! Stay tuned! I've got some marvelous stuff for you! 8)

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 1:08 am
by SGWriter
Franco, personally I would love to see Supergirl as a member of the Sumpere Leauge. However if you wanted only orginal characters that's cool too.

I'll try to have a contestant idea soon.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 1:42 am
by superpics4les
Here's my first submission:

Name: The Blue Gryphon
Real Name: Mary Louise Griffin
Occupation: Librarian/Archaeologist/Superheroine

Powers: Enhanced strength, speed and virtual invulnerability; ability through the use of The Eye of The Gryphon to absorb and manipulate blue spectral energy in a variety of ways such as eye blasts, plasma bolts and energy fields. Also has high speed flight capability by her wings coupled with energy use.

Weaknesses: Inability to affect or counteract purple spectral energy wavelengths; most forms of powerful hypnosis or KO drugs, powerless if separated from the Eye of The Gryphon (blue spectral nexus locused in a blue topaz jewel, found by Griffin on an archaelogical expedition) for more than an hour. If separated, Griffin must be reunited with it within 24 hours or she will physically become comatose and eventually die.

Hero Machine picture attached. Let me know if she will be welcome in the Supreme League of Superheroines!

Here's a villainess and 2 henchgirls for you too. See what you think. 8)

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:46 pm
by SGWriter
Okay came up with a contestent for the show, don't know if you'd want to use her Franco.

Name: Falconette
Real Name: Amy Cross
Occupation: College Student
Home: Seattle

Powers: Enhanced strength, flight, speed, enhanced vision and limted invulnerability; Amy gets her powers through her magical cape.

Weaknesses: Falconette is vuleranble to chloroform or knockout gas. This will weaken her but not remove her powers. The only way to strip Falconette of her powers is to remove her cape. Falconette can also be a little headstrong at times, leaping before she looks.

How she acquired powers: Amy bought the cape at an antique show. She didn't know that is possed magical ablities till she put it on. After learning about her abilities Amy created a super-powered personal around her favorite animal, Falcons.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:19 pm
by SGWriter
Okay got another one for ya Franco, this one is a possible villian for your gals.

Name: Amp
Real Name: Jessica Miller PHD

Powers: Ability to absorb and control electricty. She can fire off bolts of lighting, absorb electrical energy, and limited flight ability. Can perform acts thanks to her Electrical Converter and costume.

Weakness: Amp's powers come from her Electrical converter. This large device on her belt sucks up electrical energy form any source. Her suit then helps stores and project the energy. If the suit is damaged or her converter, no powers.

Additional Info: Jessica use to be a leading professor in energy especially electrical research, however after years of limited reconigtion and lack of funds Jessica decided to take matters into her own hands. Now she acts as the criminal Amp to fund her research into electrical manipulation.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:24 pm
by bessex
Techno girl read my story about her for her powers and she also have anti gravity metal to let her fly also.

The story begins...a test run

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 7:14 am
by franco99
In Metro Center, the downtown shopping hub of Metropolis, a large banner hangs above the entrance of Gigantic Records & Video to announce a special event to occur that evening.
"Meet Blue Gryphon, member of Supreme League of Superheroines, tonight 6 p.m."
Crowds began to assemble out front to hopefully get a picture or maybe even an autograph from a real live superheroine. Among that crowd of well-wishers were a pair of ladies hoping to collect more than a few moments of Blue Gryphon's time, they were hoping to collect the Blue Gryphon herself.
Parked in a new mini-van in an alley adjacent to Gigantic Records, Tamara O'Neill and Darcy Forrester discussed their plan and waited patiently for their quarry to arrive.
"Blue Gryphon is a heroine that harnesses blue spectral energy to gain her super powers," read Darcy as she poured over the scribblings in her notebook. "The main way to counter blue spectral energy is to combat it with purple spectral energy. You need to create a villainess that harnesses some form of purple spectral energy to defeat her."
"Blue spectral? Purple spectral?," gasped a confused Tamara, "I don't even know what that is, let alone how to create a villainess that can create it."
"Let's keep it simple," explained Darcy in a somewhat patronizing tone, "Blue Gryphon has a blue gem attached at her belt that gives her this blue spectral energy and, hench, her super powers. Focus on a villainess that uses a purple gem that creates purple spectral energy and she'll be defenseless."
"Yeah, I can try, but Blue Gryphon is skilled in fighting and this whole thing is new to me," Tamara countered with concern as the confrontation grew near. "I'm taking on a full-fledged Supreme League member to start."
"Listen, I have some back-up gadgets to help deal with heroines that have energy based powers," answered Darcy. "You'll have a secret ally on the ground in case you run into trouble."
A somewhat relieved Tamara exhaled deeply and tried her best to relax in the back of the new van she and Darcy had purchased. A bizarre midnight robbery of the Metropolis Savings and Loan had been reported only a week before where some super-powered spandex-clad superwoman ripped the vault door off the hinges, emptied the vault, and escaped the scene with great speed, flying off before the authorities arrived. The few eyewitnesses were of little help to the police as they described a female, blonde in a red leotard, that flew in and flew out of the building in a matter of seconds. She appeared only as a blur to those who saw the scene. The robber was indeed Tamara, with the use of her transforming magical medallion, and the robbery was to fund the heroine-napping scheme they had hatched. A new van was one purchase as were some high-tech gadgets created by Darcy and her friends in the engineering, physics, and chemistry departments of Metropolis State. The stolen millions also allowed them to secure the basement area of an apartment building near campus that would serve as a "containment" area for the captive heroines.
As Tamara and Darcy waited, the raven-haired beauty Blue Gryphon was in full costume on her way to the scheduled appearance at Gigantic Records. She flew high above the city, alone with her thoughts. Flying was not only a great rush to the senses, but it also allowed the solidute to think clearly in a normally crowded city. Blue Gryphon was a stunning, shapely vision in her black spandex bodysuit with thigh-high blue boots. A single bar style goggles covered her eyes and a blue belt with the Eye of Gryphon, the source of her blue spectral energy powers, attached to the center hugged her trim waist. The most outstanding feature of Blue Gryphon's appearance was the large pair of Griffin wings that extended from her back and gave the sexy young heroine the power of flight.
As Blue Gryphon flew above the teeming masses of Metropolis, she couldn't help but think how the Supreme League of Superheroines had lost its focus in recent months. Instead of focusing on fighting crime, they seemed to become more image-conscious by involving themselves in promoting reality television shows and making public appearances. In her alter ego of Mary Louise Griffin, part-time librarian and accomplished archeologist, she was used to making contributions behind-the-scenes and making a real difference in the world. Prior to this television show nonsense, the only public appearances Blue Gryphon made were to combat nefarious villains and rescuing people. Thanks to an aggressive public relations firm that had sunken its claws into the Supreme League and a few heroines that were more interested in becoming celebrities than actually helping anyone, autograph signings like the one at Gigantic Records became more common. As much as Mary hated the direction the Supreme League had taken, she couldn't refuse these appearances as Blue Gryphon. She had always seen herself as a role model and wanted to use these opportunities, as cheesy as they were, to set an example for the young people of Metropolis.
Blue Gryphon hovered above the scene that was the crowd waiting for the her arrival at Gigantic Records. It didn't take long before she was spotted and cheered loudly by the hundreds of fans that clustered below. Blue Gryphon managed and uneasy smile and began a slow descent down, wearing a pageant contestant smile and a wrist-turning wave. The sound of the crowd responding to Blue Gryphon's appearance altered the waiting Tamara and Darcy in the alley just a few feet away. Darcy took a quick look at the few gadgets she had brought with her and took a quick inventory of what was on-hand as she stared at Tamara in an effort to get her to move. Tamara knew what that stare meant and knew what she needed to do. She was to depart and, with the use of her magical medallion, turn herself into a villianess with the power to defeat Blue Gryphon. Tamara knew of Blue Gryphon's exploits and was frightened at the prospect of challenging such an experienced superheroine. After taking a deep breath, Tamara mustered her courage and exited the van to walk over to a darkened corner of the alley. Closing her eyes and concentrating on what Darcy had told her, she thought of a flying purple costumed villainess with a gem that would give her the use of purple spectral energy. As she focused her thoughts, Tamara ran her fingers over the medallion she wore around her neck.

As Blue Gryphon landed among the fawning crowd, a figure emerged from the alley adjacent to Gigantic Records. Hovering a few feet above the street, a sexy young woman in a dark purple sleeveless leotard and light purple tights appeared. The eyemask, elbow-length gloves, and ankle-high boots she wore were the same shade of light purple as her tights. A yellow belt around her waist contained a brilliantly shining purple gem. It appeared Tamara had thought a bit too deeply about the color purple as her long flowing hair was also purple. Trying to project confidence (and her shapely, curvy bod she created for herself certainly helped in that department), Tamara hovered with a hands-on-hips heroic pose.
"Oh Blue Gryphon, it appears some of us can fly without the use of those unsightly wings," Tamara announced, "Let me introduce myself, I'm Purple Poison and I've been sent to capture you."
Blue Gryphon spun around in stunned silence as she now stood with her feet planted firmly on the ground. Purple Poison's appearance had the same effect of the crowd, as they grew quiet with the unexpected appearance of this unknown villainess.
From the mini-van nearby, Darcy could only laugh at the lame choice of character name, but she could afford to laugh as it appeared Tamara had focused her powers on creating the villainess she described.
"Purple Poison, huh?," Darcy snickered to herself. "Well, if that gem is any indication, Tamara has created the purple spectral energy villainess I wanted."
Blue Gryphon wasn't quite sure what to make of the flying purple fox that was threatening her. She thought this might a some sort of stunt created by those weasels at the public relations firm or the slimy television producers. Mary Louise certainly wouldn't put that past them, especially one where they didn't let her in on the surprise. After seeing some waves of dark purple energy emitting from the light purple gloves of Purple Poison, Blue Gryphon realized that this indeed was no stunt.
These waves of energy formed into small spheres of purple energy, about the size of a softball, in her hands and Purple Poison cast her hands out to shoot these spheres at the dumbfounded Blue Gryphon.
The purple spheres struck Blue Gryphon's chest and exploded in a blast of purple light. The concussion of the energy blast were enough to buckle Blue Gryphon's knees and send her tumbling to the ground.
"Uggghhhh.....," Blue Gryphon screamed as she collapsed. She realized this Purple villainess was indeed poison, poison to her in the form of purple spectral energy. The small dose of energy was enough to stun our heroine, but not enough to render her unconscious. Blue Gryphon quickly saw that threat before her and knew she'd be better taking this battle to the air. Picking herself up, Blue Gryphon extended her wings and shot upward before another, and possible more harmful, purple energy assault could be directed at her.
Tamara, now in the sexy form of Purple Poison, chased the fleeing heroine and prepared for a longer-lasting stream of purple spectral energy to finish the Blue Gryphon. The winged heroine, however, was suckering this purple villainess into position for an energy blast of her own. Blue Gryphon zig-zagged in the air as the novice Purple Poison shot blast after blast of energy at her. As a veteran of many showdowns with more experienced villains, her evasive flying techniques were effective in dodging the purple energy streams being shot at her. After thanking her lucky stars at her opponent didn't have better aim, Blue Gryphon stopped suddenly in her climb upward and focused her blue spectral energy to prepare a blast from her goggles at the fast approaching purple villainess. Before Purple Poison could focus another energy stream from her hands, a blast of blue energy from Blue Gryphon's goggles struck her flush in the face. The blast blinded her for the moment and was quite painful. Tamara didn't expect Blue Gryphon to be able to muster a counter-offensive so quickly and she certainly didn't expect those energy blasts to hurt quite so much. Surprised and in pain, Purple Poison placed her hands over her eyes and began to descend quickly back toward earth. Seeing that her attacker was helpless, Blue Gryphon flew down to finish the job in subduing the unknown Purple Poison.
Purple Poison, once the initial pain and blindness subsided slightly, realized she was in big trouble as she fell quickly to the street below. If she couldn't collect herself quickly, she'd be nothing more than a purple stain on the sidewalk. Fighting through the fear and pain, Tamara was able to focus her mind into staying aloft and maintaining flight. Struggling as she did, Purple Poison was but ten feet from the ground before being able to float in a weak holding pattern just a few feet from the van Darcy still occupied. Tamara was able to save herself from the fall, but the inexperienced villainess was defenseless in case Blue Gryphon struck again with another energy blast.
Witnessing the scene above was a disgusted Darcy. Just when it appeared that Tamara's creation, Purple Poison, had Blue Gryphon on the run and was a mere purple spectral energy blast away from defeating the heroine, Blue Gryphon turned the tables on her and sent Purple Poison spiraling back down to earth. Darcy grabbed a weapon from her arsenal inside the van and exited to meet with the stunned Purple Poison. She also placed the same eyemask she wore to the open auditions over her face to conceal her identity.
Tamara was gasping for air as the combination of fear and pain overwhelmed her senses. Realizing that she was seconds from smashing into the street at high speed, Tamara was almost frozen as she hovered just above the ground. All Tamara wanted to do was to feel the earth under her feet as she softly landed as Darcy approached.
"You incompentent fool," shouted Darcy as she now wore a large shoulder harnessed weapon that resembled a bazooka over her right shoulder, "quickly, give me the purple stone."
Blue Gryphon was on a controlled descent, following the falling Purple Poison. While she prepared for another blue spectal energy pulse to knock out this new villainess, she realized her opponent was hurt and almost certain to crash into the crowd below. Her purpose now was to try to save her adversary, since Blue Gryphon never tried to kill anyone, and protect the mass of fans.
Tamara was to discombobulated to respond to Darcy's command. The last few moments had being too stressful and painful to recognize anything beyond her own self-preservation. Seeing that Tamara was unable to act, Darcy dashed over and plucked the purple gem from Purple Poison's belt and placed it in a compartment inside the large bazooka on her shoulder.
Blue Gryphon was too focused on the defeated Purple Poison to fully notice the actions of the dastardly Darcy. She was relieved to see that Purple Poison had landed safely and the crowd below was no longer in danger. After exhaling, Blue Gryphon noticed that a pudgy blonde standing beside the stunned Purple Poison had a large bazooka on her shoulder trained on her. Blue Gryphon noticed this detail a moment too late.
With Blue Gryphon still in flight, just ten feet above the street, Darcy squeezed the trigger of her weapon and shot a gob of sticky purple goop in her direction at fairly close range. The gummy goo hit Blue Gryphon's face and chest, splattering to coat her head and upper body. Blue Gryphon's natural reaction to bring her hands to her face in protection worked against her as the purple gel that coated her face was sticky enough to glue her hands to her face. Her ability to focus a blue spectal energy assault was stymied as her goggles and gloved hands were gooped together. If the blinding, gummy glob wasn't enough, Blue Gryphon felt a drowsy numbness falling over her body. The purple goop felt as if it was draining the energy from her rapidly.
"MMrgghhh!!!!," Blue Gryphon could be heard to shout under the purple goop. The muffled scream grew softer as she became sleepy from something contained in this goo. Blue Gryphon's wings fluttered as she tried in vain to escape, but she no longer had the strength to maintain flight. Her wings slowly stopped as she landed on the street, only to collapse like a sack of potatoes under her own weight. Now completely subdued and out cold, Blue Gryphon lay in restless slumber under the purple goop still clinging to her face and chest.
"What!?! What happened!?!?," exclaimed a shocked Tamara/Purple Poison, who was regaining her senses to notice the scene around her.
"Well, no thanks to you," spat an angry Darcy, "I blasted Blue Gryphon with an energy dampening gel our friends in the chemistry lab were working on. More of a glue than a gel, really. Exposure to the purple spectral energy from the purple gem you created made it the perfect weapon to use. It incapacitates on contact and draws the energy from the body until the victim is unconscious. Now let's get her in the van and get out of here before the police arrive."
Tamara, still in her Purple Poison guise, scooped up the gooped Blue Gryphon and joined Darcy in a dash to the van. Darcy jumped behind the wheel and screeched out of the alley, narrowly missing those in the crowd around Gigantic Records. The speeding van disappeared quickly down a side street in the direction of Metropolis State College.

Two hours later, in the basement of the apartment rented by Tamara and Darcy, Blue Gryphon awoke and tried to make sense of the events that led to her capture. The purple energy dampening goop that subdued her was now gone, but she saw that she was laying inside a purple sphere of energy that was around three feet in circumference. While Blue Gryphon was awake, the purple force field around her was keeping her weak and drowsy and made the use of her blue spectral powers impossible. She weakly grasped at the edges of the sphere and found that they felt as firm as steel to her touch. A scan of her surroundings revealed that she was in a dingy basement of some sort and a stream of purple spectral energy was being funneled through a hologram to project the purple energy sphere that now encased the Blue Gryphon. As the weakened Blue Gryphon awoke, Darcy and Tamara, back in her normal form, entered the room.
"I see our guest is awake," joked Darcy as she watched Blue Gryphon struggle under the waves of purple spectral energy.
"Who...who are you?," grunted Blue Gryphon as she tried in vain to stand, "Wh..what with me?"
"I'll take the second question first," laughed Darcy, "I want to keep you as our captive in an sphere of purple spectral energy. As you can see, we did our homework and knew this was the perfect containment capsule for you. Now, the who we are...well, we were humiliated in our audtions to join your team on that stupid T.V. show."
"Wh...what...does that...have to do...with me?," stuttered a drained Blue Gryphon.
"Kidnapping the entire Supreme League of Superheroines will show those jerks from the T.V. show that we're the equal of any of you spandex-clad superbabes," Tamara shouted through gritted teeth. "Once the League and some of the more 'worthy' contestants fall to us, the television folks can get some fine footage of all of you captive in our basement."
"The Supe...Supreme League...will," Blue Gryphon bravely continued. "We've...never...failed...before."
"Well, the Supreme League has never faced us and our secret weapon," giggled Tamara as she ran her hand over the magical medallion over her chest.
"Now play nice or we'll remove the source of your power, the Eye of Gryphon," Darcy added with delight. "Be happy we only want to keep you captive...I know what taking your blue stone away will do over a prolonged period. The purple spectral energy prison will be enough to keep you out of trouble."
Blue Gryphon could hardly keep her head up under the radiation of purple energy that zapped all her power. Whoever these girls were, they certainly knew her weakness. Despite the overwhelming odds, Blue Gryphon was confident the Supreme League would be there to save her soon.
Tamara and Darcy shared a hearty laugh as they left the basement. Their solidarity was tested as soon as they left Blue Gryphon to her purple energy nightmare.
"Listen, Tamara, I'm beginning to think you might be the weak link in this partnership," steamed Darcy. "If it wasn't for me, Purple Poison would be in a jail cell right now. How could you be defeated so easily?"
"Hey, let's remember where the real power in this little partnership comes from," countered Tamara as she clutched the medallion around her neck. "Maybe your lame plan was the problem."
"That 'lame' plan is why Blue Gryphon is laying helpless as a kitten in our energy trap, Tamara," scoffed Darcy as she planted her finger in Tamara's chest. "Remember, it was ME that came to your rescue."
As the college-aged villainesses argued, the front page of the Metropolis Daily News announced that the eight finalists in the reality show to choose one member to join the elite Supreme League of Superheroines would be meeting at a reception at the Le Grande Hotel in downtown Metropolis. This would be the first episode of the reality show as the viewers would meet and get to know the contestants vying for a spot on the Supreme League. As the argument continued, Darcy's eyes focused on that newsworthy story and quickly brought this disagreement to a halt.
"Listen, we're in this," Darcy reasoned, "besides, we have a reception to plan for."
"You're right, Darc," Tamara smiled, "one of the finalist will get a reception she'll never forget..."


Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:12 pm
by M12
I'm not sure but we have know finalist of this reality show. If I were Darcy or Tamara or coworker I would kidnap this finalist and take his or her place.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 8:28 pm
by superpics4les
Nice story so far Franco, as always! Looking forward to more of your excellent work! By the way, great trap, TrapMaster! 8)

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:17 pm
by SGWriter
Indeed awsome trap Franco. I do love energy draining traps, leaving the heroine helpless and weak.

Also I think you should have Batwoman and Flamebird be members of the Supmere Leauge. They're great chacters and you write them excellently.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 7:25 pm
by superpics4les
I second pz's motion, Franco! Batwoman and Flamebird should be charter members of the Supreme League of Superheroines! =D> =D> =D>

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 5:04 pm
by SGWriter
Okay got a new member for you Franco, hope she works.

Name: Aqua Marine
Real Name: Teilla K'Sah
Nick Name: Tea (Say it like, TEE)
Occupation: 1st LT Zetan Marine Corps
Home: Zetan Prime (40-50 Light Years Away)

Powers: Superior Strength, Regentiative abilites, can spend extreme time underwater, limited pshyic abilites, stragtetic thinker.

Weaknesses: Tea's people are highly vuleranble to electrcitiy. Their nervous systems aren't designed to handle the stress and thus any shock larger than say a static charge will weaken them severly. A more pressing weakness is Tea's need to reenter water. Her people are ampibhous. Although they can spend up to a week above the water, the longer they are out, the weaker they become. If a Zetan does not return to water after a weeks time, they expire.

Background: Tea was sent to earth as part of an officer exchange program. The U.S. arranged for Tea to be part of the Leauge for a short while. However the longer she stayed the more she came to like earth and requested a perment assignment. However her government refused and ordered her to return. That is when Tea requested poltical asysum. After a raid by Zetan troops to recover her, Tea was reqused by the Leauge. Now she lives on earth and is a member of the Leauge.

*Note the multicolored object on her right breast is her service medals and marks*

planting a mole...

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 5:46 am
by franco99
Now that Tamara O'Neill and her friend Darcy Forrester had captured one Supreme League member, Blue Gryphon, they took their new white mini-van down to Le Grande Hotel for the gala reception for the eight finalists in the reality television contest to join the Supreme League of Superheroines. The news of Blue Gryphon's defeat and disappearance had reached the news and cast an understandable pall over the procedings. The Supreme League of Superheroine members that were scheduled to be on hand for this televised party had to cancel, joining in the search for their defeated teammate and the capture of a new supervillainess, Purple Poison.
As Tamara and Darcy arrived, they saw the lobby was flooded with reporters and members of the television crew filming the event. Each of the eight finalists were surrounded by cameras and scribes asking them questions about their abilities, powers, and beauty secrets. From what could be seen of the contestants, it seemed the television producers had chosen the most attractive candidates in the sexiest spandex costumes. The brightly colored costumes paled in comparison to the lovely masked faces and well-toned hardbodies of the eight finalists. Our spandex-clad cuties definately stood out in this mass of reporters and crew members.
"It looks more like a modeling convention than a contest of superheroines," scoffed a disgusted Tamara to no one in particular. "Figures those T.V. creeps only chose the prettiest girls in the sexiest costumes."
The eight contestants were led from place to place in the lobby by a team of producer's assistants, all wearing tan polo shirts and beige khaki pants. They were directing the wannabe heroines to different cameras and news agencies to maximize their exposure for the purposes of the show.
Darcy came to the party well prepared, wearing the same uniform as the assistants and bearing the same lamented pass worn by all connected to the reality Supreme League show. Tamara was in her usual drab t-shirt and jeans with only a large medallion around her neck to make her stand out in the crowd.
"Be waiting outside the conference room on the first floor and concentrate on the villainess we talked about," Darcy whispered to Tamara as they walked through the main entrance on the hotel. "I'll select the contestant to meet you there."
Tamara walked away and went by the conference rooms as directed. Darcy scanned the room for the best finalist to select for the next stage of their plan. Finding a heroine that seemed shy and somewhat subdued would be ideal, although any of the available spandex-clad girls would do just as nicely. Looking among the crowds around each of the sexy finalists, one girl did stand out. The college-aged contestant Darcy spied had long brown hair and had her identity concealed by a blue eye mask. She wore a sleeved leotard that was blue on her shoulders and arms with the rest in white. Matching blue gloves and a blue cape gave the costume a seamless look. Blue go-go boots and shiny tan pantyhose were worn on her long luscious gams. A bird's head logo, a Falcon's head, was affixed to her chest where the blue and the white of the leotard met. The lovely young woman fidgeted with her golden belt as she spoke to the assembly of reporters and cameramen. She looked uncomfortable in her revealing costume and seemed ill at ease with all the attention she was receiving.
"Bingo," Darcy thought to herself as she walked forward toward the heroine in the blue cape, "This girl will work perfectly...just shy enough coast under the radar."
Darcy, in her tan shirt and bland beige khakis, walked forward with a clipboard in hand and grabbed the arm of the young woman in blue and white spandex to pull her from the reporters.
"Excuse me, Miss, I need you in a different spot," Darcy interrupted with an authoritative tone. "What's your name, honey?"
"Hmmm...I'm Falconette," stuttered the surprised contestant. "What's this about?"
"The contest is starting right now, eh, Falconette," Darcy continued. "Your first test is awaiting...follow me."
Darcy led Falconette out of the crowded lobby and into an empty conference room. Our faux assistant Darcy asked the young heroine to sit down and proceded to rattle off a series of questions from the clipboard she read from.
"O.K., tell me you name and powers," Darcy demanded.
" this being filmed as part of the show?," Falconette asked.
"This is a reality show, love, what do you think?," Darcy smirked.
Falconette smiled and took a deep breath. She put her best face forward and flashed her winniing smile. Our heroine sat up straight and thrust her ample chest forward. Falconette was ready for her close up.
"My name is Falconette," the college-aged masked beauty announced in her most heroic voice, "and I have the power of flight along with super strength and speed."
"Very impressive," noted Darcy as she still looked intently at her clipboard, "Can you tell me you real name and the source of these great powers?"
" know I can't answer those questions," Falconette smiled smugly as she was confident that she was being tested by a trick question. "Revealing our true identities and the sources of our powers is strictly prohibited."
"Very good," Darcy nodded, "That was a trick question and you answered it perfectly. Now on to your first test...a confrontation with a supervillainess."
"Confrontation?!? Supervillainess!?!," announced the wide-eyed heroine. "What does that mean?"
"Relax, Falconette," Darcy responded in a reassuring voice, "We have an actress dressed in a supervillainess costume. You two will face off in the customary heroine-villainess banter. You will be graded on your verbal skills, body language, and confidence in a face-to-face meeting with an evil-doer."
"I see," laughed Falconette, "I thought you might have brought a real supervillainess in here to fight me."
"No," said Darcy, joining in the laughter, "Your battle skills will be tested a little later. I'm going to find our actress in the hallway and bring her in."
Darcy walked to the door and signaled Tamara to enter the conference room with a quick wave. Falconette wore a face of stern concentration as she tried to mentally prepare for this first contest of the competition.
"Falconette, meet your foil," announced Darcy in a grand fashion, "this is Hypnotic Woman."
"Hypnotic Woman" entered the room as a tall, statuesque beauty in an extremely tight yellow spandex bodysuit. Tamara had created an exquisite package for herself with the form, manner, and body of a fashion model. Hypnotic Woman wore her short blonde hair in a bob and a black eyemask to conceal her identity. Black gloves were pulled halfway up her forearm and black boots came up to the middle of her ankles. A black belt fit snuggly on her waist and a black letter "H" was worn as her logo at the center of her chest.
Falconette gulped at the sight of this stunning beauty before her. Sending in this lovely an actress was a ploy, she reasoned, to take her off her game. Falconette stood up, trying to regroup and soldier forward, and placed her hands on her hips in her best heroic pose. Our lovely heroine knew the cameras were rolling, confidence and body language would be key elements in her performance. Falconette was also a sexy vision in her spandex costume and cape and she wasn't about to be upstaged by any actress.
"Hypnotic Woman," Falconette said bravely, "your days of tormenting Metropolis are over."
Hypnotics Woman moved toward the heroine in a slinky slow sexy walk with her eyes locked on the confident looking Falconette. Tamara clearly enjoyed the lovely form she had chosen for herself and her confidence showed in her sexy shimmy that was more of a performance than a walk.
"Falconette, you made the rookie mistake of confronting me alone," announced Hypnotic Woman as she now stood mere inches from the foxy finalist. "Take a look into my eyes, young lady."
"The mistake, Hypnotic Woman, was yours," stated Falconette grandly. "Your hypnosis won't work on me."
Falconette averted her eyes from the stare Hypnotic Woman had locked on her. The heroine looked down toward the large bosom of the actress before her and fixed a look on the "H" logo. As planned, the "H" on Hypnotic Woman's chest began to spin quickly, creating a circular blur of yellow and black. Falconette's eyes, more intent on avoiding the stare of her advisary, were glued to the hypnotic spiral of the spinning "H." Our college-aged heroine's expression went from confident to dazed as the spiral of yellow and black swirled before her eyes and transfixed her. The hypnotic wheel on Hypnotic Woman's chest had worked its magic perfectly and Falconette's face grew blank and vacant as she fell under the spell of the villainess Tamara had concocted.
"Look deeply in the spiral, Falconette," breathed Hypnotic Woman in a soothing voice. "Surrender your will to the sprial...surrender your will to me..."
Falconette eyes were half open in a stunned stupor. Her mouth was slightly agape in her surprise. She was easy prey for Hypnotic Woman's powers. The spinning colors of yellow and black continued before Falconette and she couldn't take her gaze off the mesmerizing show on Hypnotic Woman's chest.
"Falconette, darling," continued Tamara the costumed villainess, "Can you hear me? Have you surrendered your mind and will to me? Who is your master?"
" will...and mind are yours," responded the zonked-out Falconette in a monotone voice. "Hypnotic Woman is my master."
"Very good, Falconette," Hypnotic Woman cooed as the "H" logo stopped spinning on her chest. "Now take a seat, we have a few questions for you."
Falconette responded silently as she moved in a wooden, stiff manner over to her chair. She sat in a dazed state of consciousness and awaited the next command of her master.
"Falconette...what is your real name?," asked a still soothing Hypnotic Woman, "and where are you from? Any occupation we should know about?"
In an unchanged face of deep induced meditation, Falconette didn't hestitate in revealing her deepest secrets.
"My name is Amy Brown...," answered Falconette in a flat mesmerized voice, "I'm a college student from Seattle."
"Very good, hun," Tamara continued, "Now tell me about your powers..."
"The cape I wear gives me the power of flight and increased speed and strength," revealed the mind controlled heroine. "I also have the unmatched eye sight of a bird of prey...hench, the Falconette."
"Will removing your cape diminish your powers? Do you have any other weaknesses?"
"Removing my cape will leave me powerless," replied the mesmerized Falconette. "I'm also vulnerable to chloroform, sleeping gas, and hypnosis."
"Vulnerable to hypnosis?," joked Hypnotic Woman, "You don't say..."
"Ask our lovely young costumed captive to remove her eyemask and reveal her face to us," added Darcy who stopped jotting down the information Falconette had offered and reached into her pocket for a small digital camera.
"Falconette, remove you mask, if you will," demanded Hypnotic Woman/Tamara.
Falconette's blue gloved right hand reached up to her face and slowly pulled the blue eyemask from her face. Her hand fell, clutching the mask, and revealing the lovely, freshly scrubbed, girl-next-door good looks she possessed. With her face exposed, Darcy snapped a couple of quick snapshots to record the moment for future use.
Realizing that their work was done, Tamara and Darcy went about cleaning up the scene. Hypnotic Woman ordered Falconette to put her mask back on and to sit silently until receiving further instructions. The evil duo checked Darcy's notes and checked to see if the pictures of Falconette's unmasked face were clear enough to positively identify her in the future. Once they were satisfied that their dastardly work was done, Hypnotic Woman attracted Falconette's attention for her last set of commands.
"Falconette, dear, when I clap my hands, you will awaken and remember nothing from our meeting except that you performed beautifully in your first test of the competition," Hypnotic Woman ordered. "Also, once you hear the phrase 'the Falcon has landed,' you will revert back into a hypnotized state and you will be under the control of the person uttering that phrase. Do you understand?"
Falconette, still wearing the stunned look of being freshly brainwashed, silently nodded. With that nod, Hypnotic Woman clapped her hands and Falconette snapped her head forward as if she had just awaken from a deep slumber. The young heroine was now fully awake and no longer under the control of the captivating Hypnotic Woman.
"So, how did I do?," asked a perky and confident Falconette.
"Outstanding, Falconette," beamed a glowing Darcy, "your confrontation skills and body language were excellent."
"Yeah, you looked and sounded like a regular Supreme League member to me, honey," added the costumed actress posing as Hypnotic Woman.
"Let's get you back to the reception, Falconette," Darcy interjected. "I'm sure they'll all looking for you by now."
"O.K., sounds great," smiled Falconette, who seemed very pleased with her state of affairs. "Thanks. To both you girls."
"No problem," responded Hypnotic Woman, "it was our pleasure."
Darcy opened the door of the conference room to let Falconette out, but didn't follow her back into the lobby. Once the helpful heroine departed, Tamara reverted back into her normal self and the two villainesses made a quick dash back to the white mini-van outside. The vehicle, parked in the back parking garage, seemingly attracted little notice as Tamara and Darcy jumped inside and sped off. The white mini-van, however, did attract more attention than Darcy and Tamara had anticipated.

Lurking in the shadows of the parking garage were two familiar figures in yellow and red spandex leotards. In their civilian alter ego's, they are known as high school gym teacher Jessica Hansen and her niece, high school student Christine Hansen. In their clinging spandex costumes, they were better known as the crime fighting dynamic duo of Batwoman and Flamebird. In full costumed splendour, Supreme League cornerstones Batwoman and Flamebird, had located the suspicious white van that was last seen speeding off from the scene of Blue Gryphon's capture. Looking stunning as always, with Batwoman in her yellow spandex and cowl and Flamebird in red, our heroines tried to stay out of sight as they investigated the disappearance of a fellow League member.
"It looks like a lot of those mini-vans, Batwoman," Flamebird offered as they spied the van from the shadows of the garage. "Its a popular model and a popular color."
"Yeah, but the exact model and color as the van used to cart off Blue Gryphon with no license at the Supreme League Superheroine contest gala," countered Batwoman. "It doesn't seem like a coincidence. In fact, it's the only clue we have. I'll bet if we follow that van, it will lead us right to where this Purple Poison and her partner are holding Blue Gryphon."
"It looked like two normal girls running back to the van," questioned Flamebird, the Girl Wonder. "I didn't see any Purple Poison villainess and it didn't look like they took anything...or anyone."
"I'm not sure what were dealing with or what they were doing here," whispered Batwoman, "but we'll go wherever that van does, just to check it out That's why I placed a Bat-Tracking device under the bumper."
"Well, what are we waiting for?," shouted an excited Flamebird. "To the Batcycle..."
"Let's go," Batwoman joined in, "to the Batcycle."
Batwoman climbed aboard the suped-up Bat-Cycle as Flamebird jumping into the adjoining sidecar. Watching their long legs, in shimmering shiny tan pantyhose, climbing into the ultra modern motorcycle, was a treat to behold. The sexy dynamic duo raced out of the parking garage and on the trail of Tamara and Darcy's new white mini-van.

The white van had also attracted the attention of another interested party, a party not as pure in motive as the lovely Batwoman and her teen sidekick, Flamebird. On the other side of the garage, hidden behind a large airport shuttle van, a sinister figure surveyed the entire scene. This figure, a red-haired woman cloaked in a long black overcoat and matching large floppy hat, had recognized the van from the news coverage of Blue Gryphon's disappearance and wanted to investigate just who these new villainesses were. Our red-headed vixen was joined by a man and a woman in matching attire.
"Just when we get a line on whoever kidnapped Blue Gryphon," the mystery redhead noticed, "Batwoman and Flamebird get involved. I think we'll have a surprise for all of them once we arrive."


Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:17 am
by superpics4les
Stupendous! I love where this is going Franco, and I also love that Batwoman and Flamebird are on the case! I knew that if no one else could locate Blue Gryphon, BW could! Eagerly anticipating the next episode! I know MH probably loved Hypnotic Woman too! Excellent work! 8)

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:34 pm
by SGWriter
Awsome Franco! Loved how Tamara and Darcy dupped Falconette. Also like the introduction of this new lady, I wonder who she could be? Eaggerly awaiting the next update.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:30 am
by BatMad
I love Falconette's design.. and thanks for the unmasking!
Any de-booting to come..?


Angelic Kitten

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:56 am
by Kitten
Angelic Kitten is a heroine i've used around the internet that i hope might be useful for your story.

Superheroine ID: Angelic Kitten
Real Name: Katherine Chin
Nick Name: Angel or Kitten in heroine persona. Kat, Kate, Kathy, Katie in secret ID.
Occupation: Liberal Arts Major (Dance) understudy for a minor off broadway play, no money involved unless she works, but she's doing it more for the experience than the money at this point
Home City: New York, Chinatown area, though she does travel (maybe as part of a student exchange program?)

Physical attributes - 5'6, 128lbs., Brown eyes, and Long straight black hair (often tied into a pony tail) [she has on occassion cut her hair to suit a 'part' though it's normally drops to mid back]

Powers: Mistress of Martial Arts, Cat like reflexs allow her to execute a flurries of attacks while remaining nimble enough avoid counter attacks. Cat like senses, make her difficult to surprise, Heightened sense of Night Vision, Hearing, and slightly better smell. If she knows she is engaging a particularly difficult to hurt opponent, she will carry and use 'cat claws'. While not immune to hypnotism and the like, her martial training improves her mental fortitude making her more difficult to control in this fashion.

Weaknesses: Angelic Kitten's cat like reflexs and senses are bestowed upon her from her Cat's head talisman, which she wears discretely on a black neck choker. With out it, she is notabley less formidable, though not helpless. She is still an atheletic girl, well versed in martial combat. Her senses are sharpened, which is a double edged sword, she can be easily blinded by bright lights while prowling in the dark, and sonic attacks are notably more bothersome to her. A blank assault, like gassing the entire room, solves the issue of trying to strike such a nimble target, as is taking her by suprise. She is nimble, she's not superstrong, so once captured she's not too hard to keep captive.

Background: Kat's Aunt was the original Angelic Kitten. Heroics denied her a social life and apparent heir to carry on the tradition. She has since decided to retire and pass on Cat's Head Talisman to her neice. Knowing the dangers of the profession, Kat's aunt has insisted that she take the heroics game slowly for her own safety. Kat has slowly been training against the local gangs and thugs that in habit Chinatown. Her only notable failure was against a similiarly powered villain known as Tom Cat. For this story, i would suggest, that perhaps Kat feels she has finished her 'apprenticeship' and is ready for more challenging work, seeking out this audition.

Hope you can do something with her, if youve got any questions about her please drop me a note, she's a heroine i've been using for a while so she has some depth and history if you want to use it.

Milk and Cream,

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 7:04 pm
by SGWriter
Okay Franco I've got a new contestant for ya...

Name: Infra-Red
Secret Identity: Mara Higgins
Occupation: Computer Programmer

Powers: Ability to create and control fire, heat-vision, flight, limited enhanced strength, increased speed, invulnerable to heat, flames, smoke.

Weaknesses: Extreme cold will severely weaken Infra-Red. She’ll lose her ability to create and control flames or use her other related powers. A lack of oxygen in the air will also prevent her from using her powers since her body requires O2 to produce flames. Her resistance to smoke and fumes means conventional KO gas or Chloroform will not affect Mara, however if it were injected or absorbed through the skin she’d be affected.

Source of Powers: Mara was born with this ability. Over the years she has learned how to use the powers for good and been a local heroine.

Batwoman & Flamebird...a split decision

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 5:18 am
by franco99
Twilight casts a shadowy brilliance over the streets on this Metropolis evening as Batwoman and Flamebird arrive via the Bat-Cycle at the parked white mini-van they were tracking. The mystery van was parked in front of the apartment building that served as the lair for novice supervillainesses Tamara and Darcy. The shine was the setting sun was no match for the radiance of Supreme League members visiting from Gotham, Batwoman and Flamebird. The cowled and caped raven-haired Batwoman, in her yellow leotard and red gloves and boots dismounted her motorcycle with uncommon grace. Flamebird, the young blonde beauty, bounced forth with youthful enthusiasm from the sidecar, looking spectacular in her red leotard. They had found the mystery vehicle seen at the scene of Blue Gryphon's capture and prepared to investigate the area.
"Do you think that purple villainess and her cohort would park the van right in front of their location?," asked Flamebird. "Do you think they're that stupid?"
"Perhaps," whispered Batwoman, "this could be a diversion to throw us off or they might be leading us into a trap."
"A trap?," gulped Flamebird in mock surprise. "How would they know we were following them?"
"I doubt they know we were tracking them," reasoned Batwoman, "but there is only one way to find out if they're in this building. I'll check the front of the building for an way inside while you check the back. We'll keep in contact via the wrist Bat-Communicators"
"Gotcha," smiled Flamebird, "and I'll set my wrist Bat-communicator for vibrate this time."
"Good idea," Batwoman remarked sarsactically, "We don't want a repeat of that Web Woman incident."
"Geez, will you ever let that go?," sighed the Teen Wonder. "Yes, the speaker gave away my whereabouts in her lair AND I got captured AND you had to come rescue me...blah...blah...blah."
"Well, getting webbed by Web Woman's web gun and getting a dose of her Spider gas should have been reason enough to remember..." lectured the senior superheroine.
"Anyway, I got it," scoffed Flamebird, "and I'll activate the GPS tracker on my other bracelet in case we get separated."
"Fine, just remember that any little mistake can be lethal," Batwoman replied coldly. "Now, we know very little about this Purple Poison and her powers seem considerable. Buzz me if you see anything. Don't try to take her on alone."
"Do you think we can get through one investigation without a lecture, Batwoman?," huffed Flamebird like a petulant child.
"Flamebird, I may be overprotective," answered Batwoman with a matronly tone, "but its only because I worry about you and peril is always around the corner in our line of work."
"I know," responded a calmed Teen Wonder, "but if this is our line of work, the pay sure isn't very good."
Batwoman grinned and giggled as she gave her niece and crimefighting sidekick a quick hug. They shared a smile as they adjusted the thin metal bracelets on their wrists, the Bat-Communicator and the GPS tracking device. The tone turned from jovial to serious as the dynamic duo parted ways to find a way into this apartment building. Batwoman scanned the front as Flamebird raced to the back of the building.
Watching the scene of Batwoman and Flamebird's arrival was the mysterious redhead and her two companions from a hotel airporter van parked only two buildings away on the block. Upon seeing the dynamic duo split, the trio disembarked from the van, still clad in overcoats and hats, as they followed Gotham's sexy superheroines through the streets of Metropolis. They made a quick and quiet path toward Tamara and Darcy's lair.
Flamebird was looking around the back of the apartment building, cautiously looking for a way inside while trying to detect any dangers that may be awaiting her. The Teen Wonder tiptoed about as to not interrupt the silence of this seemingly abandoned dwelling. The silence was shattered by a woman's voice that was unfamiliar to Flamebird.
"Ah, the famous Flamebird, the Teen Wonder, one part of Gotham's famed dynamic duo," announced the voice. "Fancy meeting you here in Metropolis."
A startled Flamebird turned quickly toward the source of the sound and shot a shocked glance at the crazy costumed red-headed woman that stood before her. Our mystery redhead was a shapely, sexy vision clad in a tight spandex bodysuit. She appeared to be in her early 30's with shoulder length auburn hair. Her bodysuit was a crazy quilt of bright colors and bizarre patterns. Bright green and yellow stripes ran down the right side of her lovely frame as red polka dots with a purple background covered the left. A dual colored domino mask covered her eyes, red over her left eye and green over her right. Red gloves covered her hands and red bootie type slippers covered her feet. The redhead stood confidently with hands on hips and a knowing smirk across her face.
"Who are you?!?!," stammered a surprised Flamebird.
"I'm surprised you didn't recognize me. I've tangled with one of your Supreme League friend, Supreme Girl, on a few occasions," the crazy costumed beauty laughed. "I'm the Puppet Mistress, one of Metropolis' most notorious villainesses."
Flamebird stood frozen as she tried to make sense of this situation. She certainly recalled hearing of Puppet Mistress' crime sprees in the past and know she had even given the mighty Supreme Girl a great deal of trouble before eventually being brought to justice. Flamebird saw that the Puppet Mistress was confident and quite prepared for her arrival as she pondered her next move. Somehow, contacting Batwoman via the wrist Bat-Communicator didn't occur to the Teen Wonder.
"What do you want?," demanded Flamebird as she tried to mask her fear with false bravado, croutching into a fighting stance.
"Well, I came to meet the flying purple villainess that captured Blue Gryphon," Puppet Mistress calmly stated, "but running into you was an unexpected bonus. You and your partner will make marvelous marionettes for my collection."
"Marionettes? For your collection?," spat Flamebird whose fear was now turning to anger, "Step forward, Red, and I'll add you to the collection of villains I've put behind bars."
"Step forward? Not likely, Teen Wonder," smirked Puppet Mistress, "but I brought a couple of friends who'd gladly step forward... Meet my associates, Punch and Judy."
Emerging from behind the Puppet Mistress was a young man and woman, wearing costumes identical to that worn by their boss. The young man, Punch, was fairly short, clean shaven, with short black hair. The young woman, Judy, was a pretty petite blonde who wore her hair in Dyna-Girl like pigtails. They both appeared to be in their early 20's and they both emerged from the shadows grinning with pistols in each hand, pointed directly at Flamebird.
This wasn't the first time Flamebird had had a gun pointed at her. She remained in a fighting stance, defiantly gritting her teeth as she stared down her confronters. The Teen Wonder was scared, to be certain, but she knew enough about the Puppet Mistress to know she wasn't a cold blooded murderer. It was at this time, Flamebird decided to bluff.
"So what are you going to do?," snapped Flamebird with a mocking tone. "Shoot me?"
"Shoot you? Not exactly, Flamebird," answered Puppet Mistress. "Its more like I'm going to...string you..."
With that, Punch and Judy fired their pistols at Flamebird. Instead of the loud bang of gunfire, the hissing sound of wire shooting forth blasted through the calm air. Four strands of a fishing line type string from the pistols came shooting at Flamebird. Before our teen heroine could react, the string had wrapped around the yellow gloved wrists and nylon clad ankles of Flamebird. Flamebird stood in shocked amazement as she saw the strands wrap snuggly about her wrists and ankles. After wrapping our heroine up quite nicely, the string from the pistols pulled taut as Flamebird was unable to move her arms and legs, bound in wiry bondage. The Teen Wonder tugged with all her might, but the string was simply too strong to snap. She attempted to kick and punch her way out of this trapping wire, but she could only manage slight movement as her wrists and ankles were wrapped to strings still attached to Punch and Judy's puppet pistols.
"Arghhh..," grunted a struggling Flamebird, "What is...the meaning...of this? What is...this stuff?"
"You been caught in my patented puppet strings, Teen Wonder," laughed Puppet Mistress. "Like a puppet on a string, my mighty marionette."
"Holy hamstrung," strained Flamebird, "can't arms...legs...trapped."
"Trapped? That's the point," Puppet Mistress snickered as she stepped forward to face the teen sensation in red spandex. The crazy costumed villainess pulled what appeared to be the head of a puppet from her belt, a silly clown's face. The small object, roughly the size of a golf ball, was held up to the face of the squirming young captive heroine as she could see the face of a white-faced open-mouthed little clown. Unable to move her hands to defend herself or to signal Batwoman via her wrist Bat-Communicator, Flamebird closed her eyes as she had a good idea what was to happen next.
"You'll be much easier to spirit away once I give you a dose of my Mannequinizing gas," hissed the sinister villainess as she squeezed the puppet head, forcing a stream of purple gas from the clown's mouth into Flamebird's face.
The purple gas was thick and smelled of sulpher as it flooded the Teen Wonder's face. She could manage a quick cough before feeling a wave of numbness work its way down her shapely sexy bod. In a matter of split seconds, Flamebird was frozen in place with the grimace of preparing for the gassing locked on her face. The paralyzing purple gas had worked perfectly on our strung superbabe. Our sexy superstatue stood rigid like a department store mannequin as Puppet Mistress signaled her criminal cohorts, Punch and Judy, to join her.
"Nice work, my precious puppeteers," Puppet Mistress cooed as she lavished loving praise on her partners. "The Mannequinizing gas will wear off strap one of my mind-control collars around her neck before she awakens and load her into the van."
Punch and Judy only nodded as Judy pulled a brightly multi-colored collar from her belt. Judy secured the Puppet Mistress' mind control control around the frozen Flamebird's neck as Punch unwrapped the puppet strings from around the helpless heroine's ankles and wrists. The young henchman and henchwoman scooped up the immobilized Teen Wonder and carted her off to the van.
As Punch and Judy carried the paralyzed and collared Flamebird away, the Puppet Mistress walked forward to spy on the whereabouts of the beautiful Batwoman. The villainess walked forward slowly with a small cannister of sticky ensnaring silly string and a smaller cannister of Mannequinizing gas in her red gloved mitts in case of any surprise appearances by Batwoman. Puppet Mistress had seen Batwoman out front of the apartment building when she arrived and advanced slowly in that direction. Once she reached the front, there was no sign of Batwoman or anyone else for that matter. Only an open ground-floor window looked out of the ordinary. Puppet Mistress managed a sly smile as Batwoman had made her way inside the building and gave her an easy entrance to exploit.
"A caged bat is easier to trap," thought the evil Puppet Mistress, "and she may locate this Purple Poison for me..."

Batwoman had found a window she could pry open and entered the building during her sidekick's encounter with the Puppet Mistress. The window led to an empty ground-floor apartment bedroom. From the looks of things, the building had been unoccupied for quite some time. Batwoman was almost ready to signal Flamebird to join her as the dwelling appeared empty when she heard female voices coming from the basement. Signaling Flamebird would be too risky and too noisy as Batwoman tread lightly to the hallway and the door that led to the basement. The voices grew clearer as Batwoman got closer to the door. If this was indeed the purple villainess that kidnapped Blue Gryphon, Batwoman thought she'd have the element of surprise as she stormed the basement.
Inside the basement, Tamara and Darcy chatted about ways to manipulate the hypnotized Falconette when a flashing light was activated above the basement door. The evil duo stopped their conversation and gasped as they intruder alarm had been activated.
"Hmmm...," whispered Darcy, "it looks like we have company. Tamara, hun, change into something more comfortable as we have guests to entertain."
Tamara nodded and rang nimble fingers over the medallion on her chest. She closed her eyes and went into a trance of deep concentration as she prepared for another shape-shifting change. Whoever was about to enter their lair would be meeting a villainess culled from Tamara's boundless imagination.


Batwoman baffled and a potential partnership

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 7:22 am
by franco99
Teacher Jessica Hansen, posed at the top of the stairs leading to the basement of this apartment building in her crime fighting alter-ego, Batwoman, pushed the door slightly open to spy who or what might be lurking below. From her limited view, Batwoman could see the chubby Darcy standing before a purple energy field, an bubble of purple spectral energy. Inside the spectral prison was the subdued superheroine, Blue Gryphon. Only a slight stirring by Blue Gryphon indicated that she wasn't asleep, but terribly weak and unable to stand. Blue Gryphon was lying on her side as her head and limbs hung limp as if they were too heavy to lift.
"Jackpot. Blue Gryphon! This is the place," Batwoman thought as she looked at the sliver of the basement through the small opening of the door. "But where is Purple Poison? Where is she hiding?"
Batwoman opened the door slowly to get a better look, but the creaking of the old metal hinges made a loud screeching sound that alerted anyone within earshot to her prescene in the building. Realizing she had given away her position and had no choice but to strike quickly, Batwoman grabbed her Bat-a-rang from her utility belt and raced down the stairs toward Darcy.
"Freeze! Don't move!," Batwoman shouted as she reached the basement floor and stood before Darcy with her Bat-a-rang posed for a quick throw in her right hand.
"Well, well, well," Darcy snickered, not the least bit threatened by Batwoman's appearance or the boomerang weapon aimed at her head, "if it isn't Batwoman of the great Supreme League of Superheroines."
Batwoman had an uneasy feeling as she saw the confidence Darcy exhibited in their confrontation. This girl wasn't surprised by Batwoman's advance and not afraid being bonked with her Bat-a-rang. Purple Poison still wasn't visible on the scene and she might be lurking about. If Batwoman was nervous, she wasn't about to reveal that to the hefty blonde before her.
"Tell me where Purple Poison is now!," Batwoman demanded. "And release Blue Gryphon before I'm forced to get rough."
"Purple Poison is a figment of the imagination, Batwoman," Darcy giggled, "...and before you decide to 'get rough,' you might want to consider the welfare of your teammate, Blue Gryphon."
"What do you mean?"
"Well," Darcy continued, "Blue Gryphon is contained in a prism of purple spectral energy. The concentration is enough to keep her docile and weak, but not enough to do any permenant damage. If you try anything stupid, we might need to increase the amount of purple spectral energy to potentially fatal doses."
"We? Who is this we? Purple Poison?," gasped a stunned Batwoman, trying to grasp the situation as her mind raced. Would any action endanger the captive Blue Gryphon? Where was Purple Poison? A figment of the imagination? These questions shot through her brain as she relaxed her posture and placed her hands at her sides in a less threatening stance.
"The 'we' Batwoman...let me introduce you to the we," Darcy announced as she signaled Tamara to step forward.
Tamara entered in her latest guise, a sterling silver figure that looked more cyborg than human. Her skin was shiny silver than sparkled as if it had been freshly polished. Like most of her shift-shifting creations, she was cover model beautiful with a busty, well-curved body. The only items that weren't metallic and well-shined was her long dark black hair and a red leotard with a silver "M" logo on her chest.
"Batwoman," Tamara declared, "I'm Metallic Girl."
"Metallic Girl?," a confused Batwoman muttered. "I've never heard of you."
"How insulting," Metallic Girl responded coldly, "I've heard of you."
"What do you want with Blue Gryphon?," Batwoman asked shakily.
"Just to keep her under wraps for awhile," Metallic Girl replied calmly. "...As we plan to do with you."
"I won't give in to you," Batwoman said defiantly. "And I won't bargain with Blue Gryphon's safety."
"No need to bargain, Batwoman," Metallic Girl continued. "Now, as Metallic Girl, I can control any object made of your utility belt or your wrist get my drift..."
"You're going to use my own weapons against me?," Batwoman asked with a quivering voice of concern.
"I could," Metallic Girl answered, "but it wouldn't be as much fun as transforming my metallic bod into a magnet for that up close and personal touch."
Metallic Girl's silver skin gave off a quick brilliant flash of light and Batwoman felt herself being pulled forward as if a gale force wind was blowing behind her. Unable to stop herself or resist this powerful magnetic force, Batwoman was dragged forward directly into Metallic Girl's shapely sexy frame. With a metallic clank, the metal bracelets and metal belt buckle of her utility belt connected with the magnetized supervillainess. Pinned against the body of her adversary, with her wrists stuck to Metallic Girl's hips and her belt buckle pressed against Metallic Girl's stomach, Batwoman kicked about as only her legs were free to move. A smiling Metallic Girl wrapped her silver arms around the magnetized Batwoman in a tight embrace.
"See," laughed Metallic Girl, "I told you this way was more up close and personal."
"," struggled Batwoman in the grasp of the human magnet, kicking as best she could. Her kicks had no effect of the shapely steel legs of the silver supervillainess. Squirming in Metallic Girl's clutches, Batwoman realized she was helpless. Her panic only increased her struggle.
As if on cue, Darcy approached the captive caped crusader from behind with a rag soaked in chloroform. Batwoman's bobbing head in the face of a giggling Metallic Girl didn't sense the prescene behind her. From behind, Darcy slapped the chloro rag over Batwoman's nose and mouth. Still struggling, Batwoman could only manage a stifled mummer under the KO cloth being held to her face. Try as she might to raise her hands, they were pinned to Metallic Girl's bod and under the python like wrap of Metallic Girl's arms.
"MMMMMRrrfffff...." Batwoman moaned under the cloth as her voice trailed off under the influence of the KO inducing chemical concoction in the rag across her mouth. The chloroform worked quickly and efficiently as our yellow leotarded heroine stopped squirming and surrendered to sleep. Batwoman's eyes under her cowl fluttered and then slowly closed as her body grew limp. Metallic Girl removed her arms from around the KO'ed Batwoman and demagnetized her metallic body. Batwoman collapsed to the ground as she had been freed from the villainess' grasp.
"Quickly, remove her utility belt and bracelets before she wakes up," ordered Darcy. "I'll get her cage ready."
Moments later, the sleeping Batwoman was placed inside a small 8X8 plastic bubble which resembled a large balloon. The bubble was made of a thin clear plastic that looked like the plastic wrap found in any kitchen. She slumbered in a restless sleep without her crime-fighting gadgets in her utility belt. Her belt would be stored safely out of reach. Tamara, now transformed back into her normal self, and Darcy stood before the caged and KO'ed pride of Gotham City, Batwoman.
"You sure she can breathe in there?," asked Tamara.
"Yeah, my friends in the chemistry department tell me this plastic allows oxygen in and carbon dioxide out," Darcy answered as she gazed with a quizzical look at the plastic prison and the superprisoner.
"Won't she tear right through that thin stuff once she wakes up?," Tamara continued with her line of questioning.
"No, despite appearances, its quite strong. Anyway, if she tries to escape, it will trigger the sleeping gas jets positioned under the balloon."
As Tamara and Darcy watched the sleeping Batwoman in her plastic cell, they failed to notice the appearance of a masked redheaded woman in a colorful spandex bodystocking walking down the basement stairs.
"Ladies, do you mind if I come in?," Puppet Mistress asked politely.
Darcy and Tamara spun around in startled surprise as they looked at one of Metropolis' most notorious supervillainesses entering their lair.
"Puppet Mistress!," exclaimed Tamara, "What do you want with us?"
"I've seen your work and I'm quite impressed," Puppet Mistress said as she gestured toward the captive Blue Gryphon and Batwoman, contained in separate holding devices. "I think the three of us would work quite well together..."


Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:19 am
by SGWriter
Awsome update Franco :twisted: Looks like Tarama and Darcy have a new partner. Also loved the trap for Batwoman a little chloroform is always good. I can't wait for the next update, really I can't! :D

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:17 pm
by superpics4les
Man! It looks like Batwoman, Flamebird and Blue Gryphon are in serious trouble! With the arrival of an experienced supervillainess like Puppet Mistress, these heroines are really in for it! I just wonder how long their supervillainous egos will mesh together before they turn on each other! Only time will tell! Nice update, TrapMaster! Gotta see more!! 8)

....A Supreme Bargain

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:00 pm
by franco99
After capturing Flamebird, the Puppet Mistress entered the basement lair of Tamara and Darcy to make a proposal to the novice supervillainesses...a partnership.
"Work with you?," scoffed an indignant Tamara, "Why do you want to work with us? What do you get out of it?"
"I was in attendance at the Metropolis auditions for that silly Supreme League of Superheroines T.V. show, in disguise, of course," stated Puppet Mistress. "I saw you both there and I know of the wonderful power of your medallion."
"But it didn't work during the audition," Tamara reasoned.
"Yes, but after witnessing your humiliation there and seeing a bit of your work with Batwoman, I can see that it does work," Puppet Mistress continued. "I didn't put it all together until I walked in and saw your face."
"Well, maybe it does work," Tamara replied, "so why should we work with you? We have all the power we need."
"What if I can deliver the most powerful and famous of the Supreme League member to you?," Puppet Mistress bargained. "What if I can deliver Supreme Girl into you clutches?"
"I'd say let me see Supreme Girl," Darcy interjected, "and maybe we'll consider working with you. She has always seemed to defeat you in the past if memory serves."
"Yes, Supreme Girl has foiled my plans in the past," Puppet Mistress added sadly, "but I haven't had a partner with the power contained in that little medallion."
"I still don't see what you get out of this partnership," interrupted Tamara.
"With the Supreme League under wraps in this little basement, I'm free to plunder Metropolis as I please and avenge past humiliations at the hands of the cursed League," commented Puppet Mistress. "So...if I deliver Supreme Girl to you, do we have a deal?"
Tamara and Darcy traded curious glances. Both were a little confused and quite suspicious of the motives of this redheaded supervixen. However, if she'd be able to abduct the most dangerous Supreme League member, Supreme Girl, this partnership might be quite beneficial.
"If you grab Supreme Girl and bring her to us," Darcy said seriously, "then we have a deal. We'll work with you."
"Fantastic, it will be great working with you," grinned Puppet Mistress. "But I do need to ask for one little favor before we begin..."
"What would that be?," inquired a wary Tamara.
"You mentioned in the audition that you were college students, correct?," Puppet Mistress asked. "Students at Metropolis St. University?"
"Yeah, we both are," said Darcy. "So what?"
"Would either of you have access to the secure area in the chemistry building on the Metropolis St. campus?"
"I know where it is," Darcy added, "but you have to have government clearance to get in there."
"Well, what if the famous Flamebird, sidekick of your caped captive, Batwoman, were to ask to gain access to this lab?"
"I imagine she'd get in, as a Supreme League member," scoffed Darcy, "but why would she go in there for us?"
"Let me show you," Puppet Mistress said as she pulled a small walkie-talkie from her belt. "Punch, Judy...bring Flamebird down, won't you? You probably forgot that if Batwoman was around, Flamebird would surely be close. I've managed to capture her out front of your lair and I've secured one of my mind-control collars around her neck. Flamebird will be a most willing accomplish in whatever plan I hatch."
"Gosh," gasped Tamara, "I didn't even think to look for Flamebird once Batwoman entered. But answer this for me, what do you need out of that lab?"
"If I'm going to kidnap the great defender of Metropolis, Supreme Girl, I'll need their supply of a few special space rocks stored in there," giggled Puppet Mistress.
"Kryponite!" interrupted Darcy with excitement. "There is a small supply of kryponite stored there if those geeks in the chemistry department are right."
"Exactly, if you and Flamebird can get that for me," Puppet Mistress calmly stated, "then the trap I have planned for Supreme Girl will not fail."
The noise of shuffling feet could be heard upstairs as Punch and Judy led the mesmerized Flamebird into the basement. Flamebird looked outstanding with her short blonde hair and spandex-encased bod, as usual, but she wore a multi-colored collar around her neck like a choker and she wore the blank vacant stunned facial expression of a heroine under the influence of powerful hypnosis.
"Ah, our guests have arrived," Puppet Mistress stated grandly as if she were presenting a celebrity at a dinner party. "Ladies, meet my associates, Punch and Judy, and our newest friend, Flamebird."
Tamara and Darcy stood stunned with the sight of seeing the famous Teen Wonder, Flamebird, zonked by the mind-collar collar of the Puppet Mistress. Here stood one of the Supreme League's star members, standing before them in their lair complaint as a kitten.
"Flamebird, darling, would you be so kind as to accompany these two young ladies down to the lab area in the chemistry department of Metropolis St. U. to pick up a little kryptonite for me?"
"Yes, mistress, anything you desire," replied the wooden Flamebird in a soft monotone voice.
"Oh, you are a sweetie," Puppet Mistress joked as she playfully brushed Flamebird's blonde hair back with her gloved hand and ran the hand down the heroine's lovely face. "You are my favorite new toy."
"Well, when are you going to spring this 'trap' for Supreme Girl?," asked Darcy.
"Tomorrow afternoon, so we cannot dilly-dally, ladies," Puppet Mistress said as her tone turned serious. "We need to get that kryponite tonight. With Flamebird help, that shouldn't be a problem."
"Okay, what are we waiting for?," Darcy burst forth with enthusiasm. "There is a guard there 24 hours, but the doors of the building will be locked up by 9."
"Great, let's go," added Puppet Mistress. "By the way, what are your names? I don't believe we've been formally introduced."


Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:33 pm
by superpics4les
Again, nice plot Franco! This is getting good! By the way, is Supreme Girl from Krypton also or were her powers the result of some crazy happenstance? Just curious :-D 8)

This trap..brought to you by Puppet Mistress

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:50 pm
by franco99
The next afternoon was sunny and warm in Metropolis and Supreme Girl found herself in the downtown television studios of the Action Channel, the cable network producing the Supreme League of Superheroines contest/reality show. Supreme Girl, the superpowered alien visitor from the planet Krypton, truly hated this aspect of her role as a Supreme League member. This T.V. show, the entertainment lawyers, the publicists, etc. were a waste of time and were interfering with their mission as superheroines. Supreme Girl was by far the most powerful of all the Supreme League members. She possessed super-strength, super-speed, and the power of flight. Supreme Girl was invincible to any form of attack, expect one. Kryptonite, a radioactive green element coming from her home planet, had the ability to weaken, disable, or even kill Supreme Girl if exposed to her long enough in large enough doses.
Supreme Girl was in full costume inside the studio ready to film a commercial for the upcoming Supreme League show. The strikingly beautiful heroine with long, honey-blonde locks wore a tight sleeved royal blue leotard with the signature "S" logo across her large chest. Supreme Girl also wore a long red cape, a short red skirt, red ankle-length boots trimmed in yellow, and a "V" shaped yellow belt on her waist. She was tall for an earth-woman, standing 5'10, with long, lovely legs to match. Her petite, long frame only highlighted an expectionally large bust. As if having super powers wasn't good enough, Supreme Girl was also unbelievably beautiful, a real blonde bombshell.
Supreme Girl stood alone in the studio that was dimly lit as the technical crew filming this commercial had yet to arrive. She wore a dark blue blazer over her costume per the director's instructions as she waited patently for the director to arrive. Supreme Girl hadn't been told exactly what she'd be doing in this commercial, but the only props in the studio were a large blue screen hung up behind an old-style public phone booth, a 10 ft. high, 2 ft. wide box-type of phone booth with a door that folded open and closed. She tapped her red booted foot on the floor as her pateince was growing short. Supreme Girl was bored and had many matters to attend to. Juggling the between the demands of a normal civilain life as her alter-ego and the demands of a world-famous superheroine, time was always in short supply.
"Geez," Supreme Girl thought to herself, "I spend two hours in makeup and the crew hasn't even arrived yet. Now the director is fashoinably long does it take to shoot a stupid television commercial?"
The silence of the large, dark studio was broken as a slender, pretty African-American woman entered, looking quite nice in a black turtleneck sweater and tight beige slacks. The woman, with long black hair with brown highlights, walked forward toward Supreme Girl and extended her hand in a welcoming gesture.
"Supreme Girl, its so good to finally meet you," the lady offered, "I'm Desiree Watkins, the director of this commercial. I see you've already got the blue suit jacket I requested you wear."
"Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Watkins," Supreme Girl responded graciously. "The wardrobe people people got it for me. Tell me, how long does it take to shoot one of these things?"
"They usually take all day," Desiree commented matter-of-factly. "Everything has to be perfect, but your part of the commercial is pretty brief and it shouldn't take too long to film."
"All day!?!," huffed a disappointed Supreme Girl. "Well, can we get started as soon as possible?"
"Certainly," smiled Desiree, "the crew is arriving now and will be setting up in a few minutes. While we wait, let's go over the script and rehearse a couple of times. That will make this go much faster."
"Sounds good," Supreme Girl commented calmly, "What are we doing? I haven't seen any script."
"Well, the concept is rather simple," explained the director, "we're going to poke fun at the old superhero 'changing in phone booth' scenario. We're going to do a tight shot of your chest as you rip open the jacket to expose that "S" we all know so well to start. Then the audience will see you inside the phone booth, ready to rip the door off and jump into action, when the phone rings. You'll answer the phone with a surprised 'hello?' and then explain that 'yes, I know the show is on, but I have to go save the world right now.' That's all you have to do. I told you it was a brief clip, part of a montage with other Supreme League members."
"I see," Supreme Girl said, "Sounds simple enough."
"As I said," continued Desiree, "the crew will be here in a few minutes. You can get in the phone booth now and run lines with me until they arrive. If you have the concept and your lines down, the shoot won't take too long."
Supreme Girl nodded and opened the door of the phone booth to step inside. She pushed the door closed and awaited her director's instructions.
"Pull the jacket open and stick out your chest, really show off that "S" logo," ordered Desiree.
Supreme Girl pulled jacket open and jutted out her chest as directed.
"Perfect, if I had a chest like that, I'd be showing it off too," giggled Desiree. "Now, act is if your going to open the door and jump into the fray, then turn around with surprise as the phone rings."
Supreme Girl wore a mask of grim determination and struck a heroic pose in the tight space as ordered. Her surprise at the phone ringing was not an act as she was actually surprised to hear the phone ring. Playing along, Supreme Girl grabbed the receiver and brought it to her ear.
"Hello?," asked the acting Supreme Girl.
Before she could hear the next line from her director, Desiree, Supreme Girl heard a hissing sound come from the mouthpiece of the phone receiver, just under her nose and mouth. Before she could react, the tiny holes of the mouthpiece began to spew thick plumes of green gas into the air and directly into the face of the unsuspecting superheroine. Supreme Girl coughed quickly before realizing she had walked right into a trap. Supreme Girl could immediately identify the green gas as its narcotic fumes began to attack her senses and weaken her immediately.
"Ohh...**cough**...Kryptonite...**cough, cough**...knockout...gassss," Supreme Girl gagged as the knockout gas flooded her face and made her woozy.
Kryptonite poisoning worked quickly on Supreme Girl and she collapsed in a heap, dropping the phone receiver, propped up in a sitting position in the small, confining space. Supreme Girl could no longer speak, but only manage small fits of coughing as her body betrayed her. Desiree could see the blonde heroine fall, slumping forward, as the green gas continued to spew from the phone receiver, now dangling on its cord. Through the clear glass panes of the phone booth, Supreme Girl could be seen briefly, subdued by the kryptonite KO gas attack, as the green plumes of gas filled the booth. The sight of the suddenly slumbering Supreme Girl was gone as the gas completely covered all parts of the enclosed space.
Desiree watched the scene occur with a strange detactment, neither concerned nor surprised. She calmly walked over to the booth, now completely filled with green gas, and depressed a small button on the folding door. A trap door under the booth fell open, as did the KO'ed heroine Supreme Girl. Supreme Girl's limp body fell 10-12 feet down into back of an awaiting panel truck in the underground garage area below. Her expression of relaxed slumber was not distrubed by the sudden fall as she landed on her back in the back of the truck, padded with mattresses. Supreme Girl's head and shapely bod bounced twice on the padding as she landed when the truck below sped away. Supreme Girl, Krypto-KO gassed, was now the helpless and in the clutches of her captor.
Desiree looked curiously at the booth as the vacuum of the trap door opening flushed a good bit of the gas out. A light green haze lingered as Desiree lurched her neck forward to look down to see where the trap door led. As she bent her neck forward, one could see the multi-colored mind-control collar of the Puppet Mistress exposed under her black turtleneck.


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:59 am
by superpics4les
Another brilliant trap masterfully sprung by the TrapMaster! Nice job, Franco! Looking forward to the next installment! 8)

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:25 am
by SGWriter
Excellent! Franco you are the master. :-D I'm seriously wondering how the Leauge will get out of this.

A partnership cemented

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:53 am
by franco99
Supreme Girl stirred slightly after the kryptonite KO gassing from the trick telephone. She now joined her Supreme League teammates, Blue Gryphon and Batwoman, as captives in the basement lair of Tamara and Darcy. The blue leotarded and red skirted heroine was propped up in a standing position, suspended by ropes tied to her arms and legs. She looked like a life-sized marionette, a favored bondage technique of the Puppet Mistress. Still weakened by the exposure to krypton-gas, Supreme Girl moved slugglishly. Before she could assess her situation, the light tugging at the roping that suspended her caused a light showering of green powder. Any movement of the ropes triggered a release of this green powder from above, krptonite dust to be exact. The groggy Supreme Girl's head sank and her limbs grew limp as the continued exposure to kryptonite made her weaker, returning her to an unconscious state. The world's most powerful heroine, Supreme Girl, had been subdued as promised by the nefarious Puppet Mistress.
"See," Puppet Mistress announced to a shocked Tamara and Darcy, "Supreme Girl delivered as I promised."
"Unbelievable," gasped Tamara, in her plain alter ego, "but why don't you put one of those mind-control thingies on her neck?"
"We've tangled before, Supreme Girl and I," Puppet Mistress answered, "and they don't work on her. Probably something to do with her alien physiology"
Puppet Mistress in her skin-tight garish multi-colored jester style bodysuit was joined by her associates, Punch and Judy. Tamara and Darcy stood stunned as they saw Supreme Girl bound in their basement, helpless as a kitten.
"So, do we have a deal?," Puppet Mistress inquired. "Together, we can take down the Supreme League and the wannabes on that T.V. show. We'll be the real stars of the show as they fall before our combined powers."
Tamara and Darcy looked at one another with quizzical looks. They weren't sure if they could trust someone with Puppet Mistress' reputation, but she had certainly proved her worth by taking down the most powerul Supreme League member, Supreme Girl herself.
"O.K.," muttered a cautious Darcy, "we have a deal. We'll work with you."
"Outstanding," shouted an excited Puppet Mistress, "This calls for a celebration. Let's toast our partnership and toast the demise of the Supreme League of Superheroines."
Puppet Mistress gestured to the pig-tailed henchwoman, Judy, and the girl in the matching multi-colored bodysuit produced a bottle of champagne. The bottle was handed to the Puppet Mistress who began to remove the metal foil over the cork.
"Uh, thanks, but neither of us drink," stammered a nervous Tamara.
"Ah, this is a celebration," Puppet Mistress replied, "and besides, a sip or two can't hurt."
Tamara and Darcy nodded as Puppet Mistress removed the foil and began to pull at the cork of the champagne bottle. As Puppet Mistress tugged at the cork, she moved the bottle away from her body and pointed it in the direction of Tamara and Darcy as they stood before her. Puppet Mistress released the cork, which opened with a loud pop. Instead of the expected spray of foamy champagne, purple gas shot forth from the bottle and into the faces of Tamara and Darcy. Puppet Mistress held the bottle away from her and moved the bottle from side to side to make sure both novice villainesses got a faceful of the purple paralyzing Mannequinizing gas.
Tamara and Darcy never knew what hit them. Before they could react, the purple gas had enveloped their faces and the paralyzing agent had frozen them in place. Puppet Mistress smiled broadly as she saw the stunned duo fall for her latest trick. As the purple gas cleared, Tamara and Darcy stood frozen with the same expressions they wore before the champagne bottle was opened. With her prey completely paralyzed, Puppet Mistress set the rigged bottle down and signaled for Punch and Judy to jump into action.
"Mind control collars for the both of them," Puppet Mistress ordered.
Punch and Judy pulled a pair of multi-collared collars out and secured them around the necks of the paralyzed Tamara and Darcy. Puppet Mistress stood with arms folded about her chest, admiring her evil handiwork as she now had the perfect tool to take down the Supreme League, a villainess that can adopt any superpower she wishes.
"Why place them under your mind control?," Punch asked. "Do you think they were untrustworthy?"
"Tamara's powers were too great to take any chances, Punch," Puppet Mistress responded. "And besides, I doubt they have the heart to see this plan to the very end. I saw a bit too much mercy and pity in their eyes."
"I can see placing Tamara under your control," Judy inquired, "but why bother with the chubby one?"
"She has her uses...we wouldn't have the kryptonite so effective in capturing and containing Supreme Girl without Darcy," Puppet Mistress replied.
The mind-controlled Flamebird stood as commanded off to the side. Her mind control collar was covered by the yellow cape tied at her neck. The Teen Wonder was signaled by her mistress, Puppet Mistress, to join her and Punch and Judy at the center of the room.
"Punch and Judy, remove Batwoman from her containment cell and place a mind-control collar on her," Puppet Mistress ordered. "Batwoman and Flamebird will return to the Supreme League headquarters to report the whereabouts of the kidnapped Blue Gryphon and Supreme Girl."
"Are you crazy?," demanded the pig-tailed Judy. "You want the Supreme League to find us?"
"Exactly, dear Judy," Puppet Mistress giggled, "Batwoman and Flamebird will deliver the members I select right into our trap. While they're gone, we'll have more than enough time to prepare. With Tamara under my control, we'll have the perfect ally..."


Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:15 pm
by superpics4les
Great work, Franco! I kinda thought Tamara and Darcy would be no match for Puppet Mistress! I wondered when she'd just simply take over! Really looking forward to more! 8)

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:05 pm
by nitpicker
Excellent work as always. Can't wait for the next installment.


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 1:52 pm
by SGWriter
Ah the double cross, classic. Also loved SG's bonds Franco :-D nothing like a little kryptonite dusting now and again.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:14 am
by bessex
Hope cyber girl will be there to be tied up or something twisted

Re: Dial "V" for Villainess- nominate your heroines

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:21 am
by imyoursub
are you gonna finish this? pleeease?