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Silver Sable (Marvel)

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:37 am
by shevek
With the announcement of the upcoming Silver Sable/Black Cat, now is the time to also talk about the newest Silver Sable comic.

Silver Sablinova (Silver Sable) is one of the sexiest heroines in the Marvel Universe, but she has been neglected for a while.
She was originally introduced in Amazing Spiderman as an enemy assassin for hire and ruler of the tiny Balkan nation Symkaria (apparently, a neighbor of Latveria). Then between 1992-1995 she had her own book for 36 issues - quite a run for a Marvel female character until you consider that there were a ton of incredibly sexy female superheroes headlining books in the bad-girl 90s (Witchblade, Avengelyne, The Magdalena, etc.) so she fit right into that mode. She had a group of mercenaries she worked with called The Wild Pack who were elite soldiers but also occasionaly contained superhuman agents like Sandman, Prowler, Will O' Wisp and Rocket Racer.

Now she's back, if only for the briefest of moments. As part of their "Legacy" series bringing back some older original characters
and giving them slight updates, Marvel has issued a one-shot of Silver Sable and the Wild Pack. (Although the Wild Pack here doesn't consist of anyone other than her handler, Juliet). Back in the day, some of Silver's missions involved capturing fugitive Nazis. And so this issue takes advantage of the current SJW 'punch a Nazi' climate to create an Aryan Nazi woman and her sidekick which Silver is compelled to fight within the course of killing an ancient. dying Nazi nurse from WWII.

This could have been very annoying, except for the fact that the art is incredible, and the writing is actually halfway decent.
The writing was done by Christa Faust, who is a crime-noir novelist with piercings and tattoos, so she's more like a cool 40something chick you'd see at a smaller punk rock show than some kind of whiny Tumblrina milkshake-drinker like Heather Antos and her ilk. The action is constant and rather violent (Sable gets bitten by a shark, stabbed, almost falls to her death, and gets her costume torn).

And the cover by Mahmoud Asrar (the artist behind Dynamo 5..I loved his sexy depiction of the superstrong goth heroine Scrap) is sheer delight, almost a throwback to the 90s art style but with more of a noirish spy-movie twist.

See Asrar's art below, as well as a few covers from the old 1990s series. (Note: I'm having trouble downloading art using the attachments function: bear with me please).

At the end of the issue, the editors leave it up to the fans: "Get to work! If you want to see more Silver Sable & the Wild Pack, write to [email protected], mark your letter OK to print, and tell us how much you loved our blast from the past."

If this says anything about how much I enjoyed this book, note that this is the first time I have bought a newly published Marvel floppy since I re-started collecting comics in 2014 (I've bought lots of old 90s comics, and plenty of TPBs, but no new single issues). I'm not saying quite yet that the abhorrent SJW era of Marvel is done yet - even though Axel Alonso just got fired, and C.B. Cebulski just took over) but with books like this Silver Sable one-shot (and a couple other things, like the recent She-Hulk one shot where she reclaimed the 'She-Hulk' name at last) I will give Marvel more than a glance these days.

Pick up the Silver Sable comic and let us know what you think! It's about time this hot heroine got a nice peril parody too.




silversable1.jpg (30.72 KiB) Viewed 900 times

Re: Silver Sable (Marvel)

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 1:58 pm
by Leadpoison
Think I've got that SS number 1 in a box somewhere. Can't believe she's been allowed to have sex appeal in this new comic!