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The Defeat of Little Red (Visual Novel Game)

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 10:08 pm
by Philo Hunter

Hey all, I've been working on a Patreon supported visual novel game set in my Heroines Perilous World setting. It's still REALLY early in development, but I thought I would throw out some links here to spread the word.

Here's some links to the most recent version of the game (thanks to the Hypnopics Collective for hosting the files) ... ...

The game is being created using Ren'py. For those that have never tried out one of those games here's a quick beginners guide: The above files provide all you need to play it. Just unzip it and find the .exe and enjoy! The game its self plays kind of like a choose your own adventure, with occasional choices that you make. It's hard to see, but along the bottom of the screen are a number of options, the most helpful of which is the "skip" button. It lets you skip forward through scenes you've been through before till you get to a choice. Super helpful when replaying and getting through scenes you've already been through.

If you like the game so far and want to support its development I'd love it if you went over to my Patreon page and pledged some finacial support. It can be found here:

At this point I'm using 100% of the funds I raise to buy new files for the 3d Rendering program I use to make the illustrations. For now the game is free, but eventually later versions will only be available to my patreon supporters.

Re: The Defeat of Little Red (Visual Novel Game)

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:36 am
by Void
Looks very cool. I love ideas like this, with the interactive, game-like quality to how the story unfolds. It's ambitious, given how much time each image must take, but I hope it manages to come together.

The rendering is sweet as well - I love the more athletic physique on the heroine.

Good luck with it!

Re: The Defeat of Little Red (Visual Novel Game)

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 2:18 pm
by Philo Hunter
I actually just got an huge upgrade on my home PC, so my rendering time was like cut in half! I spend most of my days at home writing, so its easy to just keep pulling renders in the background of all that. Hopefully that will mean that the game will fill out pretty fast.

I'm pleased with her body type too, she different from what I normally do.

Re: The Defeat of Little Red (Visual Novel Game)

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 3:44 pm
by LadySapphire
This is pretty cool. Nice work Philo!

Re: The Defeat of Little Red (Visual Novel Game)

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:37 pm
by Philo Hunter
Thanks! Hopefully I'll be able to get an another update up in a week or so. I want to add in at least one new section as well as be doing a little bit to flesh out all the sections already in there.

Re: The Defeat of Little Red (Visual Novel Game)

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 4:39 pm
by Philo Hunter
Alright everyone, the newest version of the game is ready for play testing!

You can find the PC version HERE: ...
You can find the Mac Version HERE: ...
((A special thanks to the Hypnopics Collective for hosting the files))

Here's the change log for this version:

- Added in all the typo/spelling corrections people have caught and told me about. Slight tweaks to some of the introductory dialog.
- Added in the first run through of a new section, with a hulking red sewer mutant. Eventually there will be options to be taken down or choose to go down into the sewer and face more of them. But that will require purchasing some new files.
- Added a new set of choices to The Gasser’s section.
- Added in a new choice during the IntelliTek ending.

As some of you may notice, there isn't any changes to the white slavery ending. I had something planned for that that I worked on for a few days, but the files I had for what I was attempted looked awful. The idea will have to wait till I have the funds for some new sets.

And as always I want to hear any suggestions you have and please point out anything that needs fixing/tweaking. AND if you're feeling kind you can always head to to financially support the project and get pretty frequent updates.

Re: The Defeat of Little Red (Visual Novel Game)

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 5:56 pm
by Philo Hunter
Hey, some people in other parts of internet land are having a hard time getting the download to work. If you give it a try can you post whether it downloaded or not, and if it didn't what browser your using?

Re: The Defeat of Little Red (Visual Novel Game)

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 6:57 pm
by Philo Hunter
Hey all, just wanted to throw the link up to the Patreon page for the game and point out that I've changed around the supported levels. Here's the link:

I've decided that the game is always going to be free, even when completed. But if you back me at the $10 a month level you get a free erotica ebook each month. My plan is to try and match the genre of the books to the genre of the game I'm working on, so backing me at that level will be a great way to support the game AND get some of my Heroines Perilous World Ebooks!

Also I'm hard at work on the next update and will hopefully have it up soon. It's a big one and probably comes close to doubling the content in the game.

Re: The Defeat of Little Red (Visual Novel Game)

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 12:00 am
by Philo Hunter
Alright everyone, after a lot of work there is an updated version of the game!

Image ... ...

Here is what’s new in this edition:

- Added in all the typo/spelling corrections people caught and told me about. Also made some minor tweaks to dialog/a picture or two for “realism” (such as making it so the IntelliTek scientist doesn’t pick her up by the neck).

- Added in a new villain, Brain Master! He has mind control powers and we get to see them in action, but the first run through of his encounters ends pretty fast with the heroine Lab Rat saving Little Red.

- Which means I’ve added in the first “saved by” encounter! When saved by Lab Rat you can go back to Freedom Tower with here where there are actually already TWO encounters fleshed out there (The run through The Gasser led to Lab Rat so I just continued that path and did a second encounter with her). If I did the coding right you won’t be able to run into her twice in one play through, but the game is meant to be highly replay-able the closer it gets to being finished.

- Added a new event to The Gasser. Starting from the first string of choices you can now choose to throw a breast growth grenade. I tried to make this encounter feel different, both visually and dialog wise, from the breast growth encounter with The Gasser that’s already in the game. Hopefully you’ll all find it enjoyable.

- The Gasser also now has lead ins for Lab Rat to save Little Red, as mentioned above. And again, if my coding is right these options won’t show up if you’ve already encountered Lab Rat.

- There is a new string of events for the Sewer Monster, who has also been relabeled as an Underman to bring him more in line with pre-established stories and a new playable character in my Predator and Prey card game (the newest update isn’t with the villain isn’t out yet, still ironing out rules via play testing).

- Added in a new section to the IntelliTek ending area. You can now test out a bimbofication drug on her!

So, moving forward I will be adding to almost every established section. The African ending is on hold till I can find/buy some new files. What I have right now doesn’t really work/look good for any of the things I want to do.

I’ve also done everything I originally had planned for the IntelliTek ending. I’m okay with leaving it how it is, but I’m also okay with adding to it. What do you all think? Any suggestions for things to add? To tweak?

And as always let me know about an error you run across including typos. And if you have any suggestions throw them my way, I’m open to tweaking dialog and individual pictures to slowly make the game all the more better.