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Interview with a Wonder Woman (Christina Carter Productions)

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:33 pm
by Doctor Outcome
Plot: As the Amazonian princess of power, many people have often wondered what Wonder Woman’s life is like when she’s not in the field risking her life and fighting to make the world a safer place. Some even wonder if she’s ever had time off to be with friends or even had time to date someone. Well today, Wonder Woman is going to get the chance to answer those questions when she meets the lovely Anastasia ‘Anna’ Corstavano, a raven-haired journalist who has been researching the lifestyles of superheroines for quite some time.

Anna is very interested in getting the scoop on Wonder Woman’s life and what she does on her downtime and Wonder Woman is ready and willing to supply Anna with the answers she seeks. However, Anna shows a very keen, if not sensual attraction to Wonder Woman as does Wonder Woman to her and from the looks of it, their meeting could blossom into a beautiful relationship…

(ominous voice):…or not… :evil:
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wwInterview(Mutual Attraction).mp4_snapshot_03.21_[2015.09.03_13.16.46].jpg (39.39 KiB) Viewed 3960 times

-This is without a doubt, another one of Miss Carter’s greatest works that she’s put together. Between this vid, ‘Dr. Ether vs. Wonder Woman’ and ‘Verona, Queen of the Vampires’, I must say that I was thoroughly impressed with the way this vid was put together.

-First, there’s the camerawork that was done. There were good angles and close-up shots of Wonder Woman and Anna Corstavano. Picture was crystal-clear (just like all of Miss Carter’s other works that I’ve reviewed) and they have good crisp sound for the video also.

-The way they started this story off was great. When Miss Carter and Lady Diana meet each other, they were dressed practically the same (I’m like, ‘OMG, is this a Double-Mint commercial?) and you can sense a certain attraction between the two fetish models when they greet and introduce themselves.
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wwInterview Anna meets Wonder Woman (Double-mint Twins).mp4_snapshot_01.11_[2016.01.04_18.20.27].jpg (22.94 KiB) Viewed 3960 times
-Excellent filming location: this story takes place in the flat of Diana Prince, but one would never suspect that she and Wonder Woman are one in the same. But hey, Wonder Woman has ways of making people forget things if need be. Miss Carter even goes into the bathroom to finish applying some makeup before her interview with Anna (not that she needs it, as lovely as she is).

-The interview scene was fabulous and this part is where the sensual tension actually starts to build between Anna and Wonder Woman. Anna asks Wonder Woman all sorts of questions from where she’s from to what she likes to do in her downtime until eventually Anna mentions dating but as a ‘super', Wonder Woman explains that she fears putting innocents in harm’s way which is why she doesn’t date.

-The acting between Miss Carter and Lady Diana in the interview scene is absolutely magnificent. The way they carry themselves in their civilian forms during their conversation was totally convincing and the way they began to express mutual attraction to one another was very erotic. Miss Carter’s Wonder Woman persona was honest and innocent in answering Anna’s questions and when Anna starts to come onto her, you can tell that Wonder Woman was attracted to Anna.

Though I don’t usually root for the villains in the stories, I make an exception here because of Lady Diana’s performance. I knew from the get-go that Lady Diana’s character wasn’t exactly on the up and up, mainly from the way she smiles. I don’t know what it is, but Lady Diana’s smile is so beautiful, so sensual and yet so ominous it’s hard to take your eyes off of her. You can tell just by the way she grins that she’s got something up her sleeve, but yet, she plays it cool and even acts a little bashful at times. I was totally blown away by this performance and I’m beginning to understand more why she gets cast as the role of the villainess: because like any femme fatale, her characters have a way of concealing their true intentions…almost like a Black Widow when it’s preparing to mate…and then kill. (shudders)
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wwInterview (Beware her pretty smile).mp4_snapshot_03.33_[2016.01.04_18.22.13].jpg (21.44 KiB) Viewed 3960 times
But none the less, that’s what I love about Lady Diana’s performance and why I’m thoroughly convinced she’s incapable of being taken down by any superheroine she faces.

-Anna pretends to do some clumsy things, mainly so she can get closer to Wonder Woman: she drops her pen and bends over to retrieve it and the way Wonder Woman is eyeing her ‘badonkadonk’ as she bends over really made my day. It isn’t until Anna loses her footing and falls into Wonder Woman’s lap and arms do things really get taken up a notch.
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wwInterview (Fallen for you).mp4_snapshot_04.00_[2015.09.03_13.21.22].jpg (30 KiB) Viewed 3960 times
-And here is something that I never thought I’d see Miss Carter and Lady Diana do in a million years together:
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wwInterview (Passionate kisses).mp4_snapshot_04.08_[2016.01.04_19.21.13].jpg (30.49 KiB) Viewed 3960 times
My heart was pounding so fast, I thought it would explode out of my chest. I mean, this was something I had waited most of my life to see the two of them do together. Any other time when these two meet, they are practically trying to annihilate each other. Like I said in my earlier review of ‘Wonder-Revenge’ from D! Productions, Miss Carter and Lady Diana usually act as if they hate each other when they square off in front of the camera, but here, that takes a temporary backseat when their lips touch and they begin to make out with one another. I just couldn’t stop watching that part because you could feel the love between the two and the music playing in the background made the scene all the more sensual.
*I’d give anything to see these two lovelies lock lips again! :yes:

-However, the story goes back to its ‘sworn enemies’ roots when during a sensual massage, Anna knocks poor Wonder Woman out with a karate chop to the neck and while she’s out, Anna proceeds to strip the unconscious Amazon out of her attire. Miss Carter does a great job of remaining still in that scene.

-Wonder Woman is later in her outfit and Anna, who has shed her civilian attire and now dressed in black leather calling herself the Baroness, prepares for a throwdown and Lady Diana’s character is like some super-human female Wesker-type! Poor Miss Carter couldn’t land a punch on her at first and after being subdued, she facesits our Amazonian heroine! That was very sensual to watch. Later, Wonder Woman faces an embarrassing and humiliating one-sided beatdown at the Baroness’ hands…it was just too painful to watch almost.

-There’s some great dialogue in the story also, particularly that ‘pre-ass kicking sequence’ between Lady Diana and Miss Carter:

Wonder Woman: Who are you?!

Anna: I’m the new villainess in town, but you may call me…the Baroness.

Wonder Woman (gets into fighting stance): Well then Baroness, allow me to show you the jail-cell where you’ll be staying.

I loved the exchange between them later when Baroness threatens Paradise Island with nuclear destruction via missiles from her spaceship if Wonder Woman doesn’t comply with being her submissive:

Wonder Woman: You’re lying!
Baroness (evilly): Try me. I’ll barbecue those Amazon lesbians faster than you could ever imagine.

That was bone chilling! Again, this scene is proof alone as to why Lady Diana is the best at playing the villainess.

-Other excellent fetishes include breast worship, foot worship, more making out between Miss Carter and Lady Diana and forced orgasms between the two beauties also.
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wwInterview (Sensual attraction).mp4_snapshot_20.46_[2016.01.04_19.01.58].jpg (26.23 KiB) Viewed 3960 times
-A somewhat happy, happy, joy, joy ending here also folks! Though the ending feels a tad bit ambiguous here the writers played with the outcome of the story, so the closing left me with a big smile on my face!


-Hmm…just one. When Anna is stripping Wonder Woman out of her interview attire, they never explained how she wound up in her Wonder Woman costume since Anna had her totally in the nude. However, this one continuity slip-up isn’t enough to detract from the vid’s awesomeness!

Final Outcome:

What else can I say except that this was yet another wonderfully produced story courtesy of Miss Carter. The best part of the story is that Miss Carter played with the outcome and didn’t let Wonder Woman get bested so easily in the story and the adversary that she faced was not only sensual and seductive, but presented herself as a worthy challenge for Wonder Woman to face. The Baroness is unlike any other adversary Wonder Woman has engaged and the fact that she was played by Lady Diana makes the story all the more sweet. I really enjoyed seeing the Anna Corstavano character and I’m curious to know what this character would be like if she had her own spin-off. Something tells me that Anna would be an excellent anti-heroine…she could be Wonder Woman’s Catwoman so to speak. Either way, Miss Carter, Lady Diana and company did a wonderful job with this production.

Final Score for ‘Interview with a Wonder Woman’: 15 out of 10! As a reviewcologist, I highly recommend that you see this vid…right now. It’s the perfect prescription for sensuality!