Ishtar: "In the Wink of an Eye"

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Ishtar: In the Wink of an Eye

[Thanks to Flirty's earlier suggestion, this is a solo story about Ishtar, the Fuchsia Fox's Zumerian mother. If you're a Star Trek fan, the title will give you a hint what it's about. Be warned it contains some steamy sexual content in chapters 3 and 5, but (you know me by now) nothing dark or nasty.]

Chapter 1--

It was easy to see why the moon had gone uncharted all this time. It lay in a particularly uninteresting star system, orbiting a large gas giant which sucked everything towards it. And with the radio interference the gas giant broadcast, any distress signal would have gone unheard, if anyone but Commander Ishtar of the Zumerian Deep Space Fleet had been searching.

Her starship glided into orbit like a great metal swan settling gracefully into a pond. Ishtar's long, lean body reclined in her command chair with her elegant legs stretched out in front of her, high heels resting on the footrest as she studied the sensor display on the screen above her head. She was to all appearances about 35 or 40 years of age, with long, brunette hair, and dressed in a sapphire blue full-body suit which clung to her exquisite curves like a second skin, while leaving her right leg deliciously bare, as well as her left arm and shoulder.

"Am I reading this correctly, Tammuz?" the Zumerian beauty said. "This moon has a habitable, class M atmosphere, a high oxygen content, liquid water, pleasant surface temperature, but no higher life forms? No signs of civilization?" This close to a gas giant, it bore all the hallmarks of an engineered planet. In that case, whoever built it should still be living there.

"Correct, mistress," the ship's computer responded in a seductive, masculine voice. "Traces of habitations, but they appear to be abandoned."

The woman's eyes narrowed as she took another look at the sensor display. She had missed that, although she wouldn't admit it to a mere machine. But then a single cluster of buildings on a whole moon was easy to miss, especially with no sign of power generation. There was plenty of plant life registering, but no animate life signs at all, human or animal.

Ishtar drew up her right knee, thoughtfully caressing her silky smooth bare leg as she checked again that the distress signal was still pinging away. A couple of hours earlier, she had met up with a pirate ship attacking and boarding a small freighter. She had dealt with the pirate easily of course, and only when all was secure had she learned that the freighter's engineer had been ejected in an escape pod. Evidently it had landed here.

"Very well," Ishtar said, getting briskly to her feet. As she crossed the cabin, a panel slid open, ushering her into her changing room. Glancing over her formidable arsenal, she chose a hip-hugger belt of silver discs which functioned as a sensor/transceiver array. Then she slipped on her power bracelets, which not only greatly enhanced her physical strength, but also projected a force shield, allowed her to fly, and generated both concussion and stun beams. That should be plenty of protection for an uninhabited moon. Letting the door sigh quietly shut behind her, she strode across and activated the quantum transport doorway.

"Maintain standard orbit, Tammuz," she said casually. "Customary security precautions. I shan't be long, I expect."

"By your command, mistress," the seductive male voice acknowledged.

Ishtar stepped through the doorway and into a lush tropical forest. Rising up among the trees and lianas were the white columns and building fronts of quite a substantial town. Several hundred people must have once lived here, but from the looks of it, they were long gone. Plants were growing inside buildings and through cracks in the flagstone pavements. The air was hot and humid. Not a sound broke the silence.

The quantum doorway closed behind her. The beautiful Zumerian commander touched the belt adorning her shapely waist and ran a quick sensor scan. The escape pod lay some fifty meters south-southwest of her position. She set off walking, hips swaying, high heels clicking seductively in the stillness. She had to skirt a pile of rubble where the frontage of one building had collapsed, and at last found the escape pod. There was no one in it.

"Wonderful," Ishtar sighed, planting her hands on her hips and looking around at the dead city. Perspiration had formed a glistening sheen on her exposed skin. The clingy fabric of her body suit hugged every hill and valley of her flawless form. "HELLO!" she called. "HELLOOOOO! I'M HERE TO RESCUE YOU!"

There wasn't even an echo. The empty buildings seemed to suck up the very sound of her voice.

Bzz-zz-zz-zzt! It was a high-pitched, almost musical sound, like the shrill of a mosquito, right in her ear. Ishtar waved it away impatiently with her hand. The stupid man had probably wandered off and fainted somewhere. She would have to mount a systematic search of the whole city.

Fifteen minutes later, after exploring many blind alleys, the Zumerian beauty approached what must surely be the central square of the town. She began to hear a peculiar sound. Broad steps led upward in an easy slope, and at the top she found herself looking over a stone parapet at an enormous rectangular pool in a courtyard below, with two gravity-fed fountains gushing and splashing into it.

Ishtar leaned over the parapet, her shapely caboose thrust out behind her, right leg rising slightly on tiptoe to balance her lissome form as her eyes scanned the courtyard for any trace of the missing engineer. There was no sign of anyone. By now she was ready to give up and conclude that the ship had accidentally launched an empty pod. She swayed backward, planting both feet again.

Suddenly the small hairs on the back of her neck rose as she felt a presence very close behind her, stalking her. There was a very light feeling of pressure on the gentle swell of her right buttock, as if someone were stroking her fanny! Ishtar's lips parted with pure astonishment at the very thought of a male taking such a liberty. The pressure grew more firm on her bare cheek, drifting inwards towards her crack until... a sharp pain suddenly jabbed her flesh as her mystery assailant PINCHED her!

With a feminine squeak of outrage, Ishtar spun around, leveling her power bracelets, prepared to blast the impertinent fondler into a new day of the week! But there was no one there! She was all alone on the parapet!


Chapter 2 --

Bzzzt-bzz-zzz-zzz-zzzt! Once again Ishtar heard that buzzing, singing sound, first on one side, then on the other. Mystery solved! It must have been some biting insect. And there was a green vine growing in the masonry nearby; probably she had backed into that by mistake and imagined it felt like someone fondling her butt. The heat and humidity, along with the emptiness of this place, were getting on her nerves.

Well, she could do something about that! Heels clicking, Ishtar hurried down the steps to the pool. It was a good twenty yards wide and at least thirty long. The fact that it wasn't overflowing meant that there had to be an outlet valve somewhere. The water itself was crystal clear; she could see a carpet of undisturbed leaves on the bottom.

Quickly the brunette beauty removed her shoes, then unfastened her belt and lay it down on the wide stone rim of the pool. Next came her power bracelets. Secure in the knowledge that there was no one to see her, Ishtar undid the bodice of her body suit and allowed the garment to fall to her narrow waist. Letting out a sigh of pleasure, she touched and fondled the naked skin of her torso and breasts, so soft and moist and slippery from the perspiration that had accumulated. Moments later, she shed the suit entirely and slipped naked into the cool water, gasping with delight as its marvelous wetness engulfed her, reaching every single part of her body.

The pool proved to be about four feet deep. Pushing off from the rim, Ishtar thrust out her slender limbs and swam with easy strokes toward the two fountains near the center. Diving like a mermaid, white tail and legs momentarily flashing in the air, the lissome lady by-passed the first one and swam submerged until she broke the surface near the second. There was a sort of platform there, upon which the Zumerian beauty sat with her legs curled, her lovely torso jutting clear of the surface from the waist up as the fountain cascaded deliciously over her rosy flesh, rushing water swirling in between her legs and tickling her shaved pussy. Oooooh it felt heavenly!

But little did Ishtar realize that interested eyes were secretly watching her skinny dipping. While she sat under the shower with her own eyes closed with rapture, the hidden voyeur smiled. And while she bathed, unseen hands were silently snatching her bracelets and her belt from the rim of the pool... plucking her body suit from where she had left it, and finally picking up her ankle boots, carrying all her garments away into the forest.

Oblivious to all this, after a while the Zumerian beauty slipped back into the water, turning on her back and floating lazily, her long legs drifting out behind her. Indolently her slim arms took slow, gentle strokes as she aimlessly crossed the pool again, enjoying its cool freshness. She looked up and it seemed to her dulled senses that the tumbling water gushing from the fountains had turned to crystal, the water droplets falling slowly and gently like snowflakes, as if time itself were holding its breath! This place was like paradise... absolute para--

Suddenly Ishtar saw the man kneeling on the rim of the fountain and looking straight down at her, his hands extended and evidently enjoying what he saw! With a squeal of alarm, the Zumerian commander spun around and sank under the water, nearly drowning before her helplessly flailing limbs righted her again. She broke the surface, wiping streaming water from her eyes while simultaneously trying to cup her hands over her jiggling breasts.

"What do you think you're doing spying on me naked?" she demanded in outrage, her entire body feeling hot all over with humiliation. "Do you realize what the penalty is for intruding upon the privacy of the Commander of the Zumerian Fleet? I'll have you put in security confinement! I'll have you flayed with stun-whips! I'll... I'll..."

She ran down to a halt as she realized that the man hadn't moved, hadn't smiled, hadn't spoken. Was he paralyzed by the awesome vision of her female nakedness? Judging by his appearance, he was obviously the missing engineer, his work suit pulled down from his gorgeously well-muscled shoulders and chest, the sleeves tied around his waist. Cautiously Ishtar glided over to the edge of the pool, clammering out onto the rim. He didn't turn to look at her. He was still frozen in the same pose, hands bringing a drink toward his lips.

Ishtar leaned towards him, timidly keeping one hand covering her shaved snatch lest he be faking to catch her off guard. "Hello? Are you all right?" She waved her other hand in front of his face. He didn't so much as blink. Or wait... he WAS blinking. His eyelids were closing very, very slowly, then opening again. It dawned on her that the man was moving, just with glacial slowness, as if it would take him the better part of an hour to finish drinking that handful of water. What was going on here?

Peals of impish feminine laughter suddenly filled the courtyard. "He can't see you, you know," a woman's voice said. "I would have thought that someone as intelligent as you would have realized that by now."

Ishtar spun around. A young woman was standing there, her hair like gold, her trim body dressed in a gauzy off the shoulder dress of green silk which flattered her willowy form. The pleated hemline was asymetrical, trailing on the ground behind her and to her left, but climbing high like a miniskirt to her right, showing off her flawless right leg in all its perfection.

"What have you done to him?" the Zumerian demanded.

The girl giggled. "I've done nothing. It's you and I who are changed. We're accelerated far beyond his ability to see. It's something in the water, a trace radioactive element. Oh it's harmless enough. And drinking it doesn't do anything; you have to bathe in it, particularly where it comes out the fountain. As you so obligingly did."

Ishtar was suddenly aware that they were not alone. About twenty scantily clad, beautiful young girls were standing around the edge of the clearing, whispering and laughing among themselves. They were clad in flimsy, feminine clothing of all colors of the rainbow, all different except that they one thing in common -- they didn't exactly hide very much of their nubile young bodies. As she watched, they circled the engineer, openly admiring his muscular manly frame, reaching out teasingly toward his body, while he stood there oblivious to it all except perhaps (as Ishtar so vividly remembered her own experience) as the buzz of insects in his ears or an almost subliminal touch.

Nymphs, thought Ishtar. They were exactly like water nymphs from the old stories.

"Well, whoever you are," she said out loud, moving briskly toward the spot where she had left her clothes, "I don't have time for this. I must get back to my ship and..." The Zumerian beauty broke off as she realized that all her things were gone! Without her weapons, she suddenly felt extremely vulnerable!

"My name is Deela," the golden-haired goddess smiled. "I'm the Queen of this place. And I've just captured you. Isn't it delicious?"
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Chapter 3 --

The twenty maidens pounced. Ishtar was overpowered in a twinkling by dozens of soft, female hands, seizing her, touching her all over. "No! Let go of me! You can't--" the beauty protested, unable to resist as some of the girls took off their own skimpy garments and used the silky fabric to tie her wrists and ankles. They carried her to the wide stone rim of the pool and spread her legs, securing her there, spread-eagled and helpless. Then they moved back and formed a circle.

"All of our men perished centuries ago," Deela explained, "from the same meteor strike that contaminated our water. Now there is only the twenty of us left. For what it's worth, we seem to be virtually immortal." Sensuously she strolled over to the engineer, who was still taking that long, extremely slow sip of water. "Every now then a space traveler happens by. We watch him for hours in secret, and if he's good-looking enough, we entice him into the water, to accelerate him to our level so that we can have our way with him." Behind her and around her, the girls giggled.

"Unfortunately the poor things never seem to last very long," the Queen sighed. "We tend to wear them out."

Ishtar squirmed in her silken bonds, feeling her round booty rub up and down against the stone rim of the pool.

Deela walked over to her. "But on those rare occasions when a woman comes along... well that's very special!" The golden-haired goddess undid her dress and let it fall from her body. Naked, she climbed onto the rim slowly, keeping eye contact with her captive as she moved forward on her knees.

"I'm Ishtar," the Zumerian protested, struggling desperately. "You can't hold me prisoner like this!"

"Oh no?" Deela sighed, her hands caressing Ishtar's smooth legs, sliding the length of her creamy thighs. Tingling electric sensations rippled through her velvet skin as the nymph Queen's fingers slipped into the vulnerable area in between her legs, lightly tracing her female opening. Girls on either side reached up with their hands, cupping Ishtar's firm, sweet breasts, stroking her hard nipples.

"N-n-no! No! Please don't..." the Zumerian moaned. It wasn't that she objected to sex with another woman. It was just that she was normally the one on top. To be dominated like this and taken against her will was... it was...

Deela lowered her face in between Ishtar's thighs, putting her hot mouth over her succulent pussy and gently... very gently tonguing her womanhood. The captive moaned helplessly as she felt her clit get hard, the moist contact of her breath teasing her, driving her wild with arousal. Deela made herself comfortable down there, spreading Ishtar's thighs wider and nuzzling her slit with her nose, savoring the musky smell of her sex, while the girls above played with her breasts, silken hands softly stroking her arms and upper body.

"Gah!! No please..." Ishtar gasped, her legs quivering, body shaking with the beginnings of a climax as Deela licked her slippery wet cooz, lips gently sucking her wetness. "Oh gods no... don't... please dont..." One of the girls leaned down, kissing her on the mouth, and Ishtar couldn't help kissing back hungrily, wantonly, moaning with lust as their tongues intertwined.

Another girl was kneading and squeezing her breasts with soft hands. A mouth enveloped her nipple, white teeth gently raking the hard, erect point. Tantalizingly, Deela pulled away from her pussy, leaving her hanging on the very edge of her orgasm. "Oh gods don't..." Ishtar begged. "Don't stop... please don't stop... please..."

The girls moved back, giving the Queen room as she climbed on top of Ishtar, pressing their smooth, delicious bodies together in a sensuous carnal embrace. Ishtar tugged helplessly against her restraints, longing to reach up, to touch her captor's body in turn. Deela kissed her breasts, her hands stroking her captive's thighs, moving down over the feminine curve of her hips. Ishtar felt a surge of heat through her body, robbing her of all self-control as fingers crept once more between her legs, pushing aside the petals of her flower and into her pussy.

"Ohhhhh that's sooooo good," Ishtar sighed, as those talented digits wiggled into her cooz, girl juice gushing out between her legs as the finger burrowed further and further... her body was throbbing with desire, her legs were trembling, her hips bucking up and down against her captor's hand until suddenly her body seemed to explode like a tidal wave. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" she squealed, fireworks erupting in her head as her orgasm rocked her from head to toe.

"Oh gods," she gasped, "oh gods oh gods..."

Queen Deela climbed off of her. "That was rather nice, wasn't it?" she purred, sitting with her legs spread while her fingers, already slippery with Ishtar's girl cum, stroked her own throbbing slit. Two of the girls knelt at her feet, waiting in attendance as she got herself off. "Oooooooohhhhhh!" she sighed as she came.

The other maidens had released the captive Zumerian and left her panting on her back in ecstasy while they paired off, chasing one another like birds in courtship round the clearing and finally succumbing to their carnal desires. Ishtar slowly sat up, feeling somewhat shaky. She noticed with a start that the male engineer was no longer beside the fountain. She finally spotted his back a good distance away at the top of the stairs that she had descended earlier. It hadn't seemed like she had been occupied for that long. She was suddenly stricken by the impulse to follow him.

"What have you done with my clothing?" she demanded. "I want it back."

"But my dear," said Deela carelessly, arranging her flimsy green dress around her. "on this planet, the only thing that counts is what I want. You think I don't know about you Zumerians? Give you back your dreary devices and you'll summon your doorway again and escape me. I can't have that. Your things are safely hidden where you'll never get to them."

"You have no right to keep me like this," Ishtar insisted.

Deela looked around at her court of maidens, who were all busy boinking one another except for her two personal attendants, and even they were engaged in kissing and fondling, pretty much oblivious to anything else. "Who's keeping you?" the Queen said with a giggle. "You are free to go wherever you like." She laid back and stretched like a cat.

"Give it a few hours, my dear. You'll see. You won't want to go back to your dreary old life. You'll want to stay here forever and ever, I promise you." With a musical laugh, she suddenly jumped up and jogged off into the forest, her skirt dancing behind her.


Chapter 4 --

Ishtar didn't know how long she sat on the rim of the fountain, her legs curled underneath her, feeling dejected and dispirited by her predicament. If she could only get her clothing and weapons back, she could summon her quantum doorway and return to her ship, where she felt sure she could find a way to reverse this acceleration effect. But without her things, she was stranded here, weaponless and outnumbered by Deela and her maidens.

It suddenly dawned on the Zumerian beauty that to have any chance of overpowering Deela and forcing her to return her things, she needed an ally. And the only one around here was... "Oh no," she whispered in despair, shaking her long brunette tresses in denial. "Don't tell me I need to rely on a man..."

But unfortunately, it was true. She needed someone's help, and the shipwrecked engineer was the only one available. Bitterly she got to her feet and looked around to see where he had gone. Deela's maidens had curled up in various places in the shade, in some cases their nubile young bodies intertwining with passion, and fallen asleep. Ishtar realized that this was a side-effect of the acceleration process. Their bodies moved faster, and so tired faster. She herself felt as if she had been awake for hours.

Ishtar snatched up one of the girls' discarded dresses. It was a flimsy thing of lacy white fabric, rather like a babydoll nightie, with cups that hugged her breasts, tied in front by a ribbon. The skirt twirled around her smooth, creamy thighs, and hung open in the front, but it was better than running around in the altogether. With a sigh, she tripped lightly up the steps to the overlook, searching for the errant man.

Up there she found the square was lined with what once had been shops. Ishtar was momentarily distracted by the hopes that she might find some kind of weapon here, but no such luck. The shops mainly seemed to be stocked with trinkets, those whose shelves hadn't collapsed from disuse years ago. There was some indication that Deela and her girls had wantonly destroyed some of them, out of spite or out of boredom.

She did find the male engineer. He had found a piece of quilted material somewhere and spread it on the grass in the shade of one of the buildings. He was lying there now, his back propped up against the wall, having removed his boots and the rest of his coverall. Dressed only in his boxer shorts, his body tanned and muscular, he looked even more ruggedly tempting than he had at the fountain. Ishtar, her own nubile body so inadequately clad, felt an unexpected surge of sexual attraction for him. Her skin tingled with pleasure at the sight of him, her breasts felt heavy, longing to press submissively against that broad, manly chest. In between her legs, her pussy felt moist and tender...

But just then she noticed something else which wiped all thought of sex from her mind. The man had collected a cache of food, which now lay on the quilt close at hand. There were huge bunches of sweet, juicy grapes; thick, ripe bananas; and several plump peach-like fruits the size of softballs, some of which he had already split open to remove the pits and now lay in halves exposing the succulent rosy flesh of their womb-like cores.

At the sight of food, Ishtar suddenly realized that she was ravenous. Her body's metabolic rate must be many times normal in this accelerated condition. If she didn't eat soon, she'd probably faint. She dropped weakly to her knees on the quilt, picking up a big bunch of grapes with the intention of only taking a few.

"Excuse me, but I'm about to drop dead from hunger, literally," she said politely. "Do you mind if I share your...?" Her voice trailed off. Stupid! He couldn't see her or hear her anyway, except maybe a buzzing sound. She might as well help herself.

In only that few moments, Ishtar had already polished off the entire bunch of grapes. She picked up one of the peaches and bit into it, moaning with ecstasy at the rich, sweet juice that spurted from the flesh and ran down her chin. She wolfed it down hungrily, then another and another, licking the sticky nectar from her fingers...

She froze. The man was looking straight at her, his slow-moving eyes focused on her imperfectly clad body! Ishtar blushed as she tucked the skirt of her nightie more securely over her naked snatch. Had he somehow seen her? No -- she watched as an almost comically surprised expression appeared slowly on his face, and she realized that from his point of view he had only seen his food rising into the air and disappearing as if by magic. His head was turning now, agonizingly slowly, as he looked around to see who was playing a trick on him.

Ishtar leaned forward, hands lightly grazing his brawny shoulders. "Sir? I'm right here!" She glanced at the name tag on his discarded overall. "Jayik? Jayik, I have a ship, I can get us out of here, but you must help me. The first thing we must do is get to the fountain, to get you accelerated. Then I can explain everything to you. You must listen to me..."

"That won't work, you know," said another female voice. Ishtar spun around, thinking that Deela had caught her, but it wasn't the nymph queen. It was one of her maidens, a girl with long jet-black hair, dressed in loose tunic of translucent pink silk which danced alluringly around her knees and whose bodice kept slipping seductively off her left shoulder.

"My name is Riley," she said, plopping down next to Ishtar and snatching up a banana from the man's horde. "I was once a space traveler like yourself. I came here... oh, I don't know how long ago. You can't keep track of time accelerated like this. It feels like years."

"You have a spaceship?" Ishtar gasped.

Riley nodded, gesturing vaguely with the banana. "It's somewhere over there in the forest. Don't bother looking for it. Deela and her girls smashed the controls."

"But Jayik is an engineer," Ishtar pleaded. "He could fix it. Or-- You could show me where Deela hid my clothes! Then I could--"

"Won't work," the girl replied. "She hides things in a special place and covers it in with a heavy slab of rock. It takes three of four girls to budge it. Just the two of us couldn't manage. We'd need a man's strength."

"Then we need him," the brunette fumed, resentful of being dependent upon a male for anything. "If only we could--"

"--Talk to him?" Riley laughed. "How are you going to do that? You sound like an insect to him. When he talks, he sounds liiiiiiiiike thiiiiiiissssss... How are you going to communicate?"

"Deela said you sometimes entice men into the fountain..."

"Oh that!" the ebon-haired girl giggled. "That's subliminal. You can't command him, like you're trying to do. You have to coax, wheedle, seduce. It's easier when you catch him when he's asleep, appeal to his libido. Make him have a wet dream and you can lead him by the nose anywhere you want. I'll show you how, if you like..."

Suddenly she grinned slyly, making a loose circle with the fingers of her left hand and slowly, suggestively rubbing the shaft of that big, thick banana back and forth through the circle, an action which sent a shiver of sexual arousal through Ishtar's loins. "You want to fool around some while we're waiting? Get in the mood?"
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Very nice. Pretty explicit for your work, Centurian, but I'm sure not complaining. Also, it has a lazy, meandering pace that's unique in SH peril stories.

I'm interested to see how Ishtar will find a way to slow down her metabolism. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
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Thank you so much! It gets even more explicit in chapter 5...

Chapter 5 --

Ishtar woke up with a guilty start, finding herself curled up with Riley's body entwined intimately about hers. The ebon-haired girl had told her that accelerated people had to sleep ten or eleven hours of subjective time out of every twenty-four, but she still felt weak for allowing nap-time to surprise her. Riley's banana had really hit the spot, but now she felt hungry again. She slipped out of the girl's arms without waking her.

The moon had turned on its axis so far that the huge gas giant, rather than dominating the sky, only showed a sliver on the horizon, so that it felt like a moonlit night on Zumeria. In the distance, she could hear faint squeals from Deela and her girls, playing near the fountain. But up here on the square, the male engineer was lying on his quilt, fast asleep.

Good! Ishtar crept closer to him, forgetting that she needn't bother to be stealthy. Jayik was lying on his back, slumbering peacefully. Nearby sat a pail full of water which he must have fetched earlier, presumably from the fountain since there didn't seem to be any other source. She dipped the tail of her dress in it, lightly sprinkling his face and chest with it, carefully so as not to awaken him. It wouldn't be enough to accelerate him to her level, but some of it might trickle into his subconscious. Every little bit would help.

"Gods of air and space be with me," Ishtar whispered, bracing herself for the distasteful task ahead. It was humiliating enough to be dependent upon a man to rescue her when SHE was supposed to be the one rescuing HIM, much less having to tease him into helping her by using sex. But if it had to be done, she might as well get it over with. Leaning forward on her knees, she let her hands gently brush his marvelously well-toned abs, fingers slipping into the waistband of his shorts. Carefully she worked the loose garment down over his hips, exposing his cock, nestled like a dormant dragon in between his thighs.

Holding her breath and moving slowly and deliberately, she touched Jayik's six-pack, letting her fingertips of both hands wander upward, light as a feather, along the skin of that hard, ridged surface, over his ribcage, softly caressing his pecs, letting her fingers gently run in circles around his nipples. She smiled as she felt his body stir under her feminine contact, chest expanding as a deep, ragged breath hissed through his teeth, while further down, his trouser snake sluggishly stirred to life.

Delicately biting her lip, Ishtar took his manhood in her left hand, playing with it. With her right hand she burrowed between his thighs to cup around his balls, feeling the loose, velvet skin on their underside. Now she could feel his penis gradually growing stiff between her fingers as she massaged his testicles. That did it! She felt his sausage expanding slowly like a balloon in her hands. It was huge! Shifting position slightly, she leaned in closer, touching her lips to its hard, hot shaft, its musky male aroma strong in her nostrils. It was fully rigid now against her face, her lips were moving along its length, sucking and licking. He let out a long groan of pleasure, his body shifting like molasses, abs slowly tensing, leg muscles flexing as he turned fitfully in his sleep.

Ishtar was surprised by a surge of arousal within herself, a tide of warmth spreading through her body and stirring her blood. She was actually getting into this, enjoying her feeling of female superiority, that her slightest touch could affect a man's body so much and send him into ecstasy. Her mouth closed over the knob of his cock, full lips stroking down his length as his pole filled her throat, then pulling back up again in a deliberate bobbing motion, drawing an even louder moan from him. A thrill of excitement made her skin tingle, her pussy feel moist and wanton. With one hand she reached over to recklessly touch her breasts, kneading her soft orbs and caressing her nipples as she stepped up the rhythm.

She gasped suddenly as soft hands unexpectedly lifted up her skirt from behind. "Shhhh! Don't stop," hissed Riley as the she snugged into position behind her, spreading Ishtar's legs and reaching between them. The Zumerian felt her heart pounding in her ears as the dark-haired girl's sensitive fingers touched her shaved pussy, pushing apart the damp petals of her flower and stroking her swollen clit. With her mouth full, all Ishtar could do was moan as she felt her control of the situation being taken away from her.

By this time Jayik's hips were pushing up and down in his sleep, gently thrusting back. All of a sudden he climaxed and started pumping thick, hot semen into her mouth. "Mmmmmmmm!!!!" Ishtar groaned, her body tingling all over with filthy pleasure as she sucked on his monster, unable to stop herself, taking it all and gulping it down. Goosebumps popped out all over her skin as Riley untied the ribbon on the front of her dress, pulling the flimsy white garment off of her.

Now Jayik was reaching up for her, acting out of sheer instinct. Ishtar felt far too weak in the knees to resist, all feeling of superiority fled as he rolled her over onto the grass, his face in between her breasts. "No... don't..." she protested, but it was a feeble, helpless protest as she felt his strong male body pinning her down, spreading her legs and mounting her like an animal. She trembled as his iron-hard schlong slowly dove between her legs and rammed home, filling her wet pussy to the brim. "Please... please... OH GODS!!!!"

She realized that to him, her voice was only the buzz of an insect, her struggles only the breath of the wind. There was nothing she could do but lay there defenseless underneath him as his monster cock pumped in and out of her soaking tunnel. The rhythm of his strokes was slow and deliberate, his marvelous hardness like an insatiable, everlasting machine. Ishtar gasped with pleasure, their two bodies joined as one in primitive copulation, his rigid shaft grinding relentlessly against her clit with each stroke until there was nothing in the world but that wonderful thing inside her, no thought in the world but wanting this to go on forever... Without warning her body climaxed; she let go an inarticulate animal scream as he pulled out and squirted what seemed like an endless stream of jism over the silken skin of her belly.

Ishtar lay there, panting from post-coitus exhaustion. What had happened? Had he somehow speeded up to her level, or had she slowed down to his? Or had his subconscious dreaming state merely guided him to do what came naturally, even though he couldn't see her? Jayik hadn't even woken up; he settled back into sleep, one arm draped possessively over her body. She squirmed out from under him to find Riley waiting for her.

"Well how was it?" the dark-haired girl asked with a smirk, still holding the white nightie she had been wearing.

"It was... it was... well it was pretty amazing actually," Ishtar admitted, reaching for the garment. "But he's still asleep. I wasn't able to communicate anything to him."

"Of course not," said Riley, teasingly keeping the dress out of her reach. "You let yourself get lost in the moment. I didn't think you'd manage it the first time."

Ishtar flushed. "You might have at least warned me."

"How much fun would that have been?" said Queen Deela, perched on the rim of the overlook with her maidens, from where they had watched the whole thing. They all started laughing and applauding, shaking their dainty fists and making "woo-woo!" noises. Ishtar felt heat rising up her body, exposed and naked in front of an audience. Instinctively she reached for the little white dress Riley was holding, but the dark-haired girl flitted away with it, trotting over to join the others.

Ishtar stood there aghast. Riley hadn't been an ally at all; she had only pretended in order to trick her into humiliating herself for the amusement of Deela and her court! The beautiful Zumerian could only stand there in the face of their jeers and belittling, hands cupped over her pussy and burning with shame, the man's sticky jism still splattered over her belly.


Chapter 6 --

As punishment for trying to escape, Ishtar wasn't allowed any clothing. She managed to stitch together a kind of bikini made out of broad green palm leaves, which made her feel like a jungle girl although it itched in certain unmentionable places and had a deplorable tendency to come undone at the most inopportune times.

There had to be some way out of this, something she had missed! Morosely the beautiful castaway took to wandering the streets of the city, looking inside shops and the lobbies of buildings, hoping for some idea to jump out at her. From time to time she would catch glimpses of Riley or some other of the maidens, who would flirt and tease and try to tempt her into some dalliance. It wasn't easy to say no. For some reason, Ishtar felt horny all the time now. It was probably another side-effect of the acceleration. No wonder Deela had said that she would never want to leave! She ate, and slept, and ate again through that long night, retracing her steps back toward the spot where she had first arrived.

When at last the gas giant rose above the horizon, bringing "daylight" back to the moon, it found Ishtar asleep in the branches of a tree six feet off the ground. She had climbed up there to get at those peach-like fruits, and as she had eaten, she had simply snuggled against the bole and nodded off. Now, rubbing the drowsiness from her eyes, she looked around and saw Jayik just below her, caught in mid-stride as he made his snail-like way past.

In deference to the tropical climate, he had stripped down to nothing but his boots and his boxer shorts. Ishtar felt a quiver of lust ripple through her luscious, almost naked body at the sight of him -- his shaggy brown mane; his rugged face dotted with unshaved stubble; his bronze, sculpted muscles gleaming with sweat...

"Uhnnnnnnn!" she moaned, biting her lip, feeling like a cat in heat, her pussy itching to be scratched. Trying to creep closer, Ishtar nearly fell out of the tree, catching herself on another branch in the nick of time. As she hung like that, feet braced on one limb, arms stretched above her supporting her by the other, unfortunately her palm-leaf bra chose that moment to come undone.

The moment the garment left contact with her accelerated body, it slowed down abruptly like a penny dropping through molasses. She watched it fall, slowly, slowly, until it landed on Jayik's face. She watched his arm, as leisurely as a sloth's, reach up ploddingly to catch it. His eyes traveled slowly upward, looking straight at the half-naked Zumerian beauty hanging just above his head, with her marvelous round breasts thrust out and dangling like two ripe, delicious fruits just waiting to be plucked and enjoyed.

"Please, oh please," Ishtar whispered, sweat breaking out on her forehead as she waited, not entirely certain what she was praying for... for him to walk on by or for him to grab her tits and have his way with her again.

But after some time, his unseeing eyes moved away from her and he continued his glacial way past the tree, still carrying her palm-leaf bra. Ishtar breathed a sigh of relief and pushed herself back onto the sturdier of the two branches, massaging her aching muscles as she wistfully watched him walk, leaving behind the tree full of fruit. Idly she wondered... if he wasn't hunting for food, what HAD he come all this way for?

Her brown eyes darted ahead. No doubt about it; he was heading straight for... the escape pod! Gods, she felt so STUPID! She had forgotten all about it! The communications equipment was probably designed to broadcast a standard distress beacon, but she should certainly be able to modify it enough to transmit a binary message to her ship! Ishtar leaped down from the tree and took off running, in her excitement forgetting all about her state of undress. She zipped past the slowly plodding engineer and scrambled over a chunk of fallen masonry.

The pod was only big enough for three people to sit inside. The Zumerian slipped into the seat and frantically began taking apart the comm panels. After some trial and error, taking about an hour of subjective time, she programmed a simple message to Tammuz, instructing him to open the quantum transport doorway. She heard a deep hum as the doorway appeared.

Ishtar glanced back the way she had come. Jayik was just entering the clearing a dozen yards away or so. He would see the glowing doorway appear and wonder what it meant. She allowed herself a superior smile and stepped through...

...Or tried to. She bounced! "No!" she whimpered, her dainty fists hammering at the impenetrable quantum barrier. "It couldn't..." She stopped to think. The doorway was programmed to only admit passengers it recognized, so that insects, parasites, toxic gases and so on wouldn't come through and contaminate the ship. Obviously her accelerated body wasn't registering on the sensors. What could she do?

The solution was simple. Her body pattern would still be in the buffer from her lastest use. All she had to do was instruct Tammuz to digitize that and send it through, and it would reverse the acceleration effect immediately. Back to the escape pod. It took another half hour of subjective time to properly encode that message. When she returned, Jayik was nearly upon her, stopping to gape in astonishment at the doorway. Ishtar smiled; she was about to show him something to REALLY astonish him!

The digitized beam came through the quantum doorway. Ishtar could feel it affecting her, slowing her body's metabolism back in its proper time frame, where she would be fully visible to Jayik. She smugly planted her hands on her hips in anticipation of being revealed to him in all her glory.

Jayik grinned. "Well HELLO there!"

Ishtar gasped as she felt a fresh breeze wafting over her nude breasts, having forgotten in her excitement about the precarious state of her clothing. Her palm-leaf loincloth picked that moment to come undone and drop to the ground at her feet. The man simply stood there grinning, staring so hard at her slit that it was almost as if she were still accelerated, but unfortunately she wasn't.

"What in Marduk's name are you gawking at?" she squeaked, flushing all over with humiliation. "Give me that... that..." She snatched her palm-leaf bra out of his hands and spread one "cup" over in front of her snatch, clutching the other to her breasts. "If you were a gentleman you'd close your eyes or look the other way or something, you... you pervert!"

"Sorry," he said, turning his back to her while savoring the memory of her gorgeous shaved pussy and not sounding AT ALL sorry about it. "You just caught me by surprise is all."

"You wait right here!" Ishtar commanded. "Don't you dare move!" She stepped through the quantum doorway into the safety of her ship.

Ishtar took a long, hot shower and put on a fresh body suit. Paying a visit to her armory, she emerged again with a phaser gunbelt around her slim waist and portable tricorder strapped to her left wrist. Armed with the tricorder, it was the work of only fifteen minutes to zero in on the cache where Queen Deela had hidden her things. Her phaser pistol reduced the slab of stone guarding it to rubble so that the mighty Zumerian could reclaim her property. All this time, she heard angry frustrated buzzing all around her and felt hands trying to pluck at her weapons, but she had anticipated that. Her gunbelt also doubled as a repulsion field to keep them at a distance. Deela and her maidens were helpless to stop her.

The Zumerian beauty took aim at the fountain with her phaser pistol. If she fused the feed pipes shut, the fountain would stop. That would mean no more contaminated water bubbling up, no one else falling into this trap. She paused. It would also mean that Deela and the girls would eventually perish from dehydration, since there was no other source of water. She couldn't do that to them. Besides, when you thought about it, this was a rather sterile excuse for a "paradise", just the sort of punishment that Deela deserved. She would just leave a marker buoy in orbit, warning any travelers of the danger.

Ishtar was once again reclining her command chair, programming the course of her starship, when Jayik emerged from the guest quarters, showered, shaved and dressed in clean clothes. "I want to thank you again for rescuing me, Commander Ishtar," he said. "That was a really dull place to be stranded all alone."

"Think nothing of it," she said modestly, swinging her long legs around to face him. "It's what I do." As her eyes ran over his body, she felt a lingering trace of horniness from the accleration effect on her body, making her pulse beat stronger. Now that she was back on her ship, back in control, she could admit to herself that it hadn't been completely bad being trapped and at the mercy of her animal cravings. Now that they were on her ship...

"Some parts of it weren't bad," Jayik was saying, echoing her own thoughts. "But there's something about being all alone that gets to you... You'd never believe some of things I thought I heard and thought I saw in that place." He laughed. "And some of the dreams I had..."

"Really?" Ishtar stood up as her command chair pulled back out of the way to make room for a big, plush bed that was extruding from one wall of the cabin. Softly she lowered herself onto the mattress and stretched out her long, lean body. "Why don't you tell me about them?" she said coyly, patting the mattress beside her invitingly.

>>>> THE END
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An interesting solution to how to slow down Ishtar's metabolism in the end, and a very enjoyable work. My one objection was how you seemed to fudge the difference between Ishtar's and the engineer's metabolism. As fun as the sex scene was I was thinking throughout it that really was not possible and that diminished it a bit for me. It's just one opinion but there it is.
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DrDominator9 wrote:An interesting solution to how to slow down Ishtar's metabolism in the end, and a very enjoyable work. My one objection was how you seemed to fudge the difference between Ishtar's and the engineer's metabolism. As fun as the sex scene was I was thinking throughout it that really was not possible and that diminished it a bit for me. It's just one opinion but there it is.
That's true. She did sprinkle some of the water on his head and shoulders, and I should have implied that he had been washing his face with it. I was thinking it might have accelerated his awareness a wee bit if not his physical body, and his dreaming state would take care of the rest. But I admit that it's not a perfect solution. If that's the only complaint you had, I'm happy! :)
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I read it, but with the heroine escaping, as you might expect..just not my thing. i really wish i could find a site that had some writers that actually wrote more of the antagonist suceeding
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The way I see it, if the antagonist succeeds, it generally means no more superheroine (one way or another), and that means I have to create a new character if I want to write another story. The reader is perfectly free to imagine what might have happened if Ishtar had been stranded there forever. I would just rather not, myself. ;)
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