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TBFE's Redwing 2 Review (2014)

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 4:15 pm
by javcritic
Running Time: 35 min, 59 sec
Redwing 2 stars Coco as the titular role who after waking up from her previous and devastating defeat from arch enemy Deathwing finds that she is still at his hideout and is planned to be initiated into his villainous trio (featuring his obedient apprentice Lady Death Played by Stella) but in good Redwing fashion she is courageously persistent to not join, but how long can her persistence last? Lets find out!

And the first thing that jumped out at me about this film was the soundtrack, being perfectly underused in the first redwing instead here it is much more pivotal/important to the film's effectiveness and feels extremely professional and like alot of talent has been put behind it, it gives an overwhelming sense of depth to what Redwing is going through and is something the first film never touched upon in turn gave me tons more appreciation for her character as a whole because of it.

Another great positive is the quick-witted and sharp writing, keeping a great balance with the dark imagery/setup and really adding alot to Redwing's character, adding even more charm and appeal to her character aswell as building upon the thought provoking/titillating themes of the first again only adding more layers to the redwing character and the personal struggle she is going through.

The directing as always gives us some really great shots of Coco aswell as Stella (Which is no surprise) aswell as giving us the usual inventive/titillating shots we've grown to love.

The fighting is great and very eye-catching if not a little messy at times yet when mixed in with the expertly well crafted dialogue between the two clashing forces it becomes much more than just that and instead becomes something that is extremely attention grabbing and often very riveting.

The cinematography as said before brings across a potently dark and brooking feeling throughout that is extremely effective and really lets us know that this is a completely different entity than the first redwing.

The acting is solid, Coco feels much stronger in her performance than she did in the first and Stella is almost unrecognizable in her performance (which Is something I really have to applaud her for) bringing across a really twisted and villainous side to her character while also being sensuous and also giving us some glimpses of weakness and vulnerability in her character too.

Another great thing about Coco is how aware she is of how she looks in every frame, knowing exactly what looks good and what doesn't without even having to be behind the camera and knows exactly how to move her body in the best way to titillate us as much as she can and with the help of the already skilfully provocative camera work it gives some effectively majestic shots throughout,

And then as the story evolves and progresses it only grows more intense and without saying a word really provokes alot of thought and messages/themes potently throughout, aswell as titillating us in the erotic sense brilliantly too,

Then we are given our finale and it's enthralling to say the least, while still not relying on the adult themes too much they are instead perfectly foreshadowed before finally being unleashed upon us and because of this already intense build-up it becomes a considerably more exhilarating experience, building upon this intense groundwork and coupled with the new and potent ideas they are consistently throwing at you it makes this sequence completely enthralling and impossible to not to be completely glued to the screen while watching.

So all in all this film takes every issue I had with the first film and not only masterfully solves it but also abundantly builds upon these aspects aswell : giving Coco an even better platform to fully display her acting skills, having a heavier reliance on its masterful soundtrack to affect the overall feel of the film and adds even more depth to Redwings already thought-provoking character arc and struggle, so with that being said I definitely have to recommend this film.


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