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Another mainstream thread to our genre

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 5:11 pm
by Dazzle1
The Guardian a liberal nauseating anti fetish newspaper had to related article to our love.

The first was are there two many superhero movies? In the mainstream yes because most are pretty bad, much higher percentage than the bad ones we like to talk about

The second was ethical porn, which we all are on the same side. But they did feature Madison Young who would make a good superheroine victim

Re: Another mainstream thread to our genre

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 6:01 pm
by theScribbler

Re: Another mainstream thread to our genre

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 6:06 pm
by Dazzle1

Re: Another mainstream thread to our genre

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 12:15 pm
by Heroine Addict
Both articles: ... ain-marvel ... -trade-sex

The links to the SH Peril genre are pretty tenuous, though.

Re: Another mainstream thread to our genre

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 2:07 pm
by Mr. X
I can't even tell the difference anymore between the prude right or the brown social justice left. Both are out banning things. Just two conservatives.

Re: Another mainstream thread to our genre

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:33 pm
by AdKav81
You'd have to have a pretty delicate sensibility to find any of these articles a 'threat'. One is an opinion piece arguing that the superhero craze in the general public might be reaching saturation point. I doubt the popularity in the genre is sustainable, every genre that has a period of intense popularity eventually has a decline. Westerns in the 40/50s, sci-fi in the 70/80's etc... Why should superheros be any different?

The second is a fairy balanced, if shallow look at 'ethical' porn. Something that the general public knows very little about. Are they not allowed to talk about it? And most of the opinions gathered are positive on the matter. What's the problem?

Re: Another mainstream thread to our genre

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:22 am
by jlocke
And now this Public Service Announcement from Chris Rock:
phpBB [video]

A couple quotes from the "liberal nauseating anti fetish newspaper":
Even if she is turned on by a fantasy that traduces your political beliefs (and her own), sexual fantasy is a sacred thing; you can’t argue it away, and nor should you want to. And the key argument, that it causes male violence, I don’t buy;

Into the Freedom Bunkers my Fellow Patriots! The Feminazi's are storming the gates! allows you to explore what you’re into. You have a right not to be ashamed...When you force anything into the darkness, you make it much easier for bad things to happen, and much harder for good things to happen. The answer is not to shut down. The answer is to open up.”
Truly chilling words.

Re: Another mainstream thread to our genre

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 5:50 pm
by Camvoy Productions
Being judgmental is a fetish people get off on more than any form of sexual or sensual activity imaginable.

Re: Another mainstream thread to our genre

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:24 pm
by Ninja J.
After having actually read the article I really didn't find anything wrong with anything said in it. I thought it was pretty fair so I'm not sure what the problem is. I actually left the article feeling hopeful. Seems like many feminists now are becoming more open to the porn industry and the people working in it. I think many feminists shoot themselves in the foot when then take the approach that a woman shouldn't be in porn or work at Hooters, shouldn't do this or that. Albeit coming from an ignorant male standpoint, whenever I hear "women shouldn't" that's usually the farthest from the feminist movement one could be in my opinion.

I thought it was fascinating how the religious right and ultrafeminist left were often viewed as one in the same, which the article addressed. I also found it interesting the generation gap between women is prevalent. What's viewed as "pornography" or "slutty" by older women is more accepted by younger women of today. I don't believe younger women view the same things wrong as older feminists do. Ironically, I think going against older feminist beliefs is actually a step forward for feminism.

Re: Another mainstream thread to our genre

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:42 pm
by Camvoy Productions
Whether man or woman, no one likes being told what they can or cannot do for themselves by other people.