Batgirl Seduced

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Batgirl rode her Batgirl-Cycle through the night-darkened streets, determination in her eyes and a predatory grin on her beautiful face. There wasn't much traffic out and about, which was just how she liked it. That made it so much easier to maneuver around Gotham City, and shake off any potential tails.

Not like Batman and Robin and their big, clunky Batmobile, the dominoed daredoll thought to herself. Contrary to popular opinion, she didn't favor motorcycles for their "fringe benefits" on her "sweet spot", but for their agility and maneuverability on the streets.

Tonight, she had a specific target in mind: a high-class apartment at 2535 Veronika Street. She'd learned - after sneaking a peek at some top-secret files in her father's office - that that apartment was currently being rented by a notorious supervillain known only as "The Seducer". Supposedly an international man of mystery who had stolen government and military secrets out from under a dozen countries, only to sell them on the global black market. He had no loyalties save for his own wallet, supposedly.

Right now, the police were reluctant to make a move without the expertise of Batman and Robin (currently in Egypt pursuing a diabolic team-up between Maxie Zeus and King Tut). The Seducer was a seasoned criminal, after all, and he had easily escaped the clutches of police before. To say nothing of the fact that being apprehended by American police could trigger some kind of international incident if other countries after him (or his services) got wind of it.

But she was no mere bluecoat. She was Batgirl, Gotham City's premiere super heroine, and once she got her hands on that two-faced mercenary, he wouldn't know what had hit him.

"This looks like it," she whispered to herself as she pulled up a block away from an enormous apartment building in a more quiet, upper-class part of Gotham. Making as little noise as possible, she stashed the Batgirl-Cycle in a nearby alley and hid it under a tarp.

About ten minutes later, the dominoed daredoll was silently scaling the side of the apartment building with the ever-classic "Bat-Climb". Fortunately, during her climb, no obscure celebrities threw open their windows to chat with her. That would've wrecked her stealthy approach.

Finally, she reached the balcony of the apartment that The Seducer had - supposedly - rented. Before she went inside, however, she smoothly pulled a gadget known as the Bat-Detector from her utility belt. It looked much like a pair of yellow binoculars, but its purpose was quite different; by using the latest in thermal-detection technology, it could scan any area for signs of living beings.

Pressing the Bat-Detector to the eye-slits in her cowl, Batgirl gave the apartment a quick sweep through the balcony window. To her slight disappointment, she realized that the apartment was currently empty. Maybe The Seducer was out meeting a client somewhere.

"... or maybe the intel was just plain wrong," Batgirl muttered to herself. "Oh, well. Only one way to find out."

In a few seconds, she had picked the lock to the balcony door and slipped right into the apartment. She then carefully turned around and slid the door back into place and relocked it, before turning back toward the apartment interior. The lights were all out, but she could just barely make out the fact that she was standing in the living room.

Reaching into another compartment on her utility belt, Batgirl removed and unrolled a map of the apartment layout. It was a pretty big apartment, which meant that there were that many more places she needed to look for clues - or evidence - in.

Better get started. Time's a-wasting, and he could come back any second.

Just as she was about to take out her magnifying glass and penlight, however, a male voice sounded through the apartment, making her freeze instantly.

"We'll, well, well! What's this? A bat in my belfry!"

A moment later, she made out the dark silhouette of a man in the doorway across the room, directly facing her.
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You have my interest. This is nicely set up to be an exciting encounter - and there's lots of implications that make me think this is really going to be my cup of tea... I look forward to more.
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Yeah a nice start. Not totally convinced by the cops not bringing him in or even watching the place, but it's got a great light tone and is shaping up for a decent yarn.
Good luck with it, looking forward to the next installment.
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tallyho wrote:Yeah a nice start. Not totally convinced by the cops not bringing him in or even watching the place, but it's got a great light tone and is shaping up for a decent yarn.
Good luck with it, looking forward to the next installment.

And to be fair, I'm kinda basing this off the Adam West show first and foremost, and in that series, the police couldn't sign a traffic ticket without calling Batman in on it first. I distinctively remember one episode where Gordon and O'Hara find that Batman's absent and say, in pure horror, "We'll have to solve a case ourselves!"
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Great story! I can't wait for the next chapter!
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Batgirl momentarily felt her throat tighten as she watched the shadowy figure reach out to the side, for the light switch. But then she steeled herself and forced her body into a "heroine stance": hands on hips, chest thrust out, booted feet shoulder-width apart, and chin tilted.

She was Gotham City's premiere super heroine, after all, and she'd be damned if she was going to let some two-bit spy intimidate her!

A moment later, light flooded the apartment. Batgirl squinted, her eyes trying to adjust to the brightness and her muscles tensed for any attack.

When her vision cleared, she found her throat tightening again.

Oh my...

When she'd first seen the (supposed) photograph of the Seducer's face in her father's files, she hadn't really been impressed. Oh, he'd looked handsome in a rugged, ne'er-do-well kind of way, but nothing too special.

Seeing it in person, though, was different. She couldn't put her finger on what, but his face, his jawline, even his close-cropped haircut simply radiated an aura of pure masculinity. Of course, his physique didn't hurt either - he was wearing nothing but a white tank top, a pair of camouflage jeans, and black boots - so she could see almost every detail on his muscled-but-lithe body.

Batgirl then (mentally) slapped herself back into reality. She had a job to do here, and she was not going to go gaga over her quarry like some lovesick teenage girl.

"The Seducer, I presume?" she said in her most authoritative voice.

He made a small bow. "Ah, the lovely Miss Batgirl. Truth be told, I knew that I would probably be facing at least one member of your costumed brood when my next business assignment put me in Gotham City. I was hoping that it would turn out to be you."

"Lucky you," Batgirl sneered as she slowly, warily approached him. "I'll send you a photo once you're behind bars."

He rose from his bow and raised an eyebrow. "But I have committed no crime, Miss. Unless it is now illegal to enjoy your lovely city?"

"No crime, huh?" Batgirl drew closer and closer, one hand hovering over the Batarang pouch on her utility belt at all times. "How about entering the United States under a false identity? Multinational espionage? Sale of state secrets?"

"Ah," the Seducer reacted with a bored - annoyed, even - sigh. He leaned against a dresser, not even looking her way anymore. "I'd have thought that Gotham City's great heroes had better things to do than be government dogs."

Batgirl stopped about four feet away from him, eyes blazing. "Don't try feeding me that line, Seducer. What, are you going to say you're a "freedom fighter" next?"

"Don't be ridiculous." He reached into his pocket, making Batgirl tense until she realized that he had only pulled out a crumpled carton of cigarettes. "I am only a humble man trying to make a living."

Batgirl crossed her arms, cape swirled about her as she watched him light a cigarette. "You can make a living without making enemies out of every government on the planet, you know."

He took the first puff of his cigarette, and shrugged. "Even if that were true, I am afraid it's too late for me now. If I tried to retire, I would inevitably let down my guard one day, and when that happens... well, someone's bullet will be waiting for me."

Batgirl opened her mouth, but before she could fire off another retort, he slid out a fresh cigarette and held it in front of him, like a peace offering.

"No thanks," Batgirl said coldly. "I don't smoke."

He took another puff and gave her a disappointed sort of look. It actually made Batgirl feel a little bad. But only a little.

"Ah, but what is life without a little vice?" he said after a few moments. "Have you never tried one in your life?"

"Never," Batgirl said without hesitation. Well, maybe with a little.

"Then how do you know you won't like it?" He casually blew a stream outwards, his lips curved into an "O" shape.

Batgirl crinkled her nose at his secondhand smoke, but didn't follow her first instinct to step away. She couldn't afford to look weak in front of a supervillain.

"I-I'm a super heroine," Batgirl objected. "I have to live a healthy, virtuous lifestyle, for all the citizens of Gotham to aspire to."

"Really?" He took yet another puff. "That sounds rather dull."

"Y-Yeah, I guess..." Batgirl trailed off. "B-But that doesn't matter! The police might leave you alone for now, but one way or another, I'm going to take you down!"

"Oh?" He stepped a bit closer, and Batgirl stood her ground. "Not even going to wait for Batman and Robin?"

"I-I don't need their help to handle one measly little mercenary," Batgirl said, hands fisted on her hips as she looked him in the eye. He was taller than her, but by less than an inch - good odds for a physical fight.

But why was her heart suddenly beating so fast? All he was doing was standing near her...

"I'll ask you again, Miss," he said, his voice unimaginably soft now. It reminded her of honey on silk, and it sent butterflies-a-fluttering in the pit of her stomach. Her legs, all of a sudden, felt like jelly. "Won't you please try just one?"

Batgirl looked down at the offered cigarette, just inches away from her hand. Her entire body trembled violently as an electric thrill ran up her spine, straight into her skull.

I shouldn't.

But just this once?

He's a supervillain!

And you can kick his ass after calling his bluff.

I-I'm a super heroine!

Doesn't mean you can't kick back and have some fun every once in a while.


Besides, Dad smokes, and look how he turned out...

"O-Okay..." Batgirl said numbly. "Maybe just one..."

With a trembling, gloved hand, she reached out and gripped the cigarette. He smiled at that, and it sent a warm shudder through her.

Slowly, the heroine brought the cigarette's filter end to her lips. When he offered the lighter, she took it with a shy smile, flicked it on, and applied the flame to the cigarette's other end.

Batgirl had never smoked before, but she had - in both of her identities - seen countless policemen, criminals, and civilians do it, so she had a good idea of what to do. Carefully, she sucked in a little smoke at a time, not wanting to wind up a coughing, spluttering mess like Veronika had back in ninth grade when she'd smoked for the first time.

She held the smoke in her mouth, letting it cool. After a few seconds, she removed the cigarette from her mouth, and inhaled the smoke into her virgin lungs.

The feeling that went down her throat wasn't exactly pleasant, but she had experienced far worse in her career as a crimefighter. Soon, it became a vaguely tickling sensation that actually felt somewhat pleasurable. Pleasurable enough for her brain to begin relaxing, as if it were wrapped in a warm, snug cocoon.

She felt tingles running up and down her arms, through her chest, and down south in her most private of areas. It surprised her a bit, but given how good she was feeling, maybe it shouldn't have been surprising at all.

When she finally breathed the smoke out, she couldn't help but expel a long, throaty moan.

"Brava!" the Seducer applauded her as she began taking her second drag. "Brava!"
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Woo! Written very well and I'm really enjoying it - this totally is my cup of tea. Glad you came back to it! Does this continue, or is it to be a cliff-hanger style ending?
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Thank you very much for the kind words.

No, this won't be a cliffhanger story (those will all go under the Two-Minute Cliffhangers thread). I have a definite ending in mind for this one.
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Please MORE! I love this story....Really well written, original, I can’t wait to see what will happen next…Like told the Seducer : BRAVA!
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Thank you for this most excellently told story.
I do have one question.
You said:
Omega Woman wrote:this won't be a cliffhanger story (those will all go under the Two-Minute Cliffhangers thread).
Please forgive my ignorance but where can I find the Two-Minute Cliffhangers thread?
I just started reading the story section while waiting for movies to render and i really like your writing style.
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Location: In front of a computer. wrote:Thank you for this most excellently told story.
I do have one question.
You said:
Omega Woman wrote:this won't be a cliffhanger story (those will all go under the Two-Minute Cliffhangers thread).
Please forgive my ignorance but where can I find the Two-Minute Cliffhangers thread?
I just started reading the story section while waiting for movies to render and i really like your writing style.
It's also in the Stories forum. On the first page, still. I've got three installments in so far - not sure when I'll write the fourth.

Thank you for the kind words. It's always humbling to find a fan of such renown and influence.
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Omega Woman wrote: It's always humbling to find a fan of such renown and influence.
You are too kind and give me far too much credit. LOL
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

But in all seriousness Your writing was entertaining and i just wanted to let you know it was appreciated.
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Somehow I'd missed the November update (I think because it came the week of my Birthday and I was pissed as a rat), but a really good bit of work, nice job.
Roll on the next update. :thumbup:
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"So, this is your first time with our lady tobacco, Batgirl?" the Seducer said, now standing well inside Batgirl's comfort zone. Not that Batgirl could really bring herself to care about that right now.

"Mm-hmmmm," Batgirl half-replied and half-moaned, taking puff after puff of that wonderful smoke into her shapely body. It just felt so good. Oh, every piece of education she'd ever gotten as a child had taught her that smoking was the worst, most unwholesome thing an upstanding young lady like herself could do, but that just made it seem more exciting.

The purple-clad vigilante was dimly aware of how, by now, her nipples were beginning to shoot to attention beneath her thin costume top. It was a little painful, but it was the delightful kind of painful. And it brought deep, unbidden questions to the forefront of her mind.

Oooh... good God, I need someone - something - so, so badly...

Batgirl only managed to grab hold of herself when she realized that her thighs were now rubbing together of their own accord. She shook her head, and glared at the Seducer with all of the venom she had left.

He only smiled at her. A smug but warm kind of smile that made her just a little weak in the knees. Batgirl took another puff of her cigarette, considered tossing it aside, and quickly decided against it a few seconds later.

"Now, I'm no psychologist," the Seducer drawled as he watched her smoke. "But I'd almost say that smoking is something of a turn-on for you."

His words sparked a bit of anger and defiance in Batgirl. Only a little, though.

"That's ridiculous," the purple-clad crimefighter scoffed. She took yet another puff. "Now, I've accepted your stupid little challenge, and proved myself more than equal to it. Are you ready to come quietly?"

He ignored her, and pressed on with his previous statement. "It feels good, doesn't it, Batgirl? A rebellion, however tiny, against the norms and customs of your humdrum life serving law and order."

Batgirl frowned at those words, but offered no retort. She told herself that it was because they were so inane that they didn't deserve a reply.

"All work and no play," the Seducer went on. "Makes Batgirl a bored girl. When was the last time you even had a glass of wine?"

L-Last year, Batgirl thought. At Dad's Christmas party. I... I think...

"Really," the Seducer murmured as he moved one hand closer, until it was resting on one of Batgirl's proud breasts. "Is it any wonder that even this little act of vice has made you so... horny?"

Batgirl felt something like an electric shock go through her brain, riling up all of her emotions. For a split-second, every instinct screamed at her to break the pervert's arm in three places, and maybe kick his balls inside-out with her booted foot while she was at it.

However, before she could act on those instincts, the Seducer began a slow, teasing motion with his thumb and forefinger, gently stroking Batgirl's tit. In a matter of seconds, Batgirl's rage quelled itself, and the familiar feeling of pleasure - now seemingly amplified a hundred times - took its place.

"Oooooooh..." Batgirl groaned as she fell under the hypnotic scent of the cigarette smoke once more.

"There there, now," the Seducer cooed as he continued his expert ministrations. "You're a brave, upstanding young woman, but you still have a woman's needs..."

M-Must stop him... Batgirl thought desperately. B-B-But feels so good...!

With a smile on his face, the Seducer grew bolder in his attacks, moving his other hand to Batgirl's firm rear and treating it to a series of skillful gropes. He was rewarded with several more moans of pure bliss from the heroine, who had now firmly closed her eyes to better savor the sheer ecstasy rippling through her toned, sexy body.

D-Dammit... I haven't gotten any in almost a year now... am I that starved for a little action...?

The answer, apparently, was yes. When the Seducer placed a teasing index finger on the young heroine's rapidly-stiffening clit, Batgirl made no move to stop him. Indeed, Batgirl's clit was now so prominently pushing up against her costume's purple fabric that it rivaled her erect nipples.

"Ngh... ooooh..." Batgirl moaned, sucking in a sharp breath. For support, she looked to the trusty cigarette in her gloved hand, only to realize that it was now nothing but ash.

"Want another one?" the Seducer asked politely. Before Batgirl could answer, he had already presented her with a fresh cigarette from the pack. And before she had quite realized it, she had already taken it and slid it between her luscious lips.

Batgirl just stood there, her insides giddy as a schoolgirl on the night of the big dance as the Seducer clicked on his lighter once more. The new cigarette had barely been lit before she puffed on it greedily, determined to get every bit out of that wonderful, wonderful tobacco.

"Just relax, Batgirl," the Seducer smirked as he quickly moved around behind her. He moved his mouth close to her face, letting his hot breath tickle her exposed cheek. "Tonight will be a night you'll never forget."

Batgirl felt her heart do a triple backflip, though on the outside, she struggled to maintain her composure. Smoking women couldn't afford to look silly. "Wh-What do you mean?"

"Tonight," the Seducer said confidently as he groped both of her tits from behind. "Is the night when all of your fantasies come true."

Batgirl just gasped at that, sucking in a big lungful of smoke. She coughed a little, but quickly recomposed herself. "Y-You mean...?"

The Seducer took an educated guess at what she had on her mind. "Yes, even that one. Especially that one."

"M-My greatest sexual fantasy...?" Batgirl blurted out. What little rationality she had left pleaded with her to not spill that deepest, darkest secret of hers, but her mouth had become a rushing river, incapable of being stopped and incapable of being dammed.

"Oh," the Seducer chuckled, feeling his own cock springing forward to attention in his pants. Fittingly enough, the bulge came right into contact with Batgirl's butt cheek. "Oh, yes."

The supervillain whirled Batgirl around, looking deep into her glazed eyes. Batgirl just giggled, her pretty lips spreading into a silly, lust-struck grin. Then, those lips curved together.

"M-My greatest sexual fantasy," Batgirl whispered, cheeks slowly turning red. "Y-You promise not to tell?"

"I promise," the Seducer said.

"W-Well," Batgirl stammered, quickly glancing down at her booted feet. What she was about to say, she had never told anyone. Not even her diary. "I-I've always... wanted a good screw from a super villain..."

The Seducer's smile only grew wider. "Indeed?"

By now, his cock was tenting his pants so hard that it was downright painful. Unwilling to wait any longer, he quickly pulled off his pants, and removed his boxers for good measure.

His enormous cock sprang free, standing almost parallel to the floor. He smirked at Batgirl, who only looked down at his crotch in pure shock, those lovely lips now arranged in a perfect "O".


And with a loud thud, Batgirl dropped to her knees. The whole time, her beautiful, jewel-like eyes remained glued to his member. And fittingly enough, at her new height, her wide-open mouth was almost perfectly level with his cock.

"Tonight is your lucky night, Batgirl," the Seducer purred aggressively. "Because you're about to be screwed like never before by a genuine super-villain!"
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Steamy! I love it!
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Another good update.
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Very hot...And still very well write…The erotic tension don’t stop growing, I love the way the Seducer guides Batgirl ! Can’t wait to read the next chapter!
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Holy Forbidden Fruit! What the hell am I doing?! Batgirl thought to herself as she gingerly took the Seducer's member into her gloved hand. I'm Gotham's premier super heroine! can't have sex with a supervillain!

And yet, the more she tried to dissuade herself, the more her mouth watered. That sweet, forbidden tang to her actions energized her, and her libido, like the most powerful aphrodisiac in the world. Even now, her thighs were furiously rubbing against one another, while the private area between them grew hotter and hotter and wetter and wetter.

"Impressive, isn't it?" the Seducer said gently, arms crossed over his chest. "Don't worry. You're not the first one to goggle at it."

That sent Batgirl's mind racing again. She wasn't his first? No, of course not, she realized a moment later. He wasn't called the Seducer for nothing. How many young women just like her had been snared by his masculine wiles in the past? Dozens? Hundreds?

Suddenly, his reputation in the espionage world began to make much more sense.

But though she had worked all of it out, it did nothing to stop her hungry mouth from drawing closer and closer to that big cock. She wanted it. She needed it. Needed it bad.

Forgive me, Batman, Batgirl half-whispered and half-wailed inside her head. Sometimes, a woman's needs come first!

With that, she wrapped her lips around his dick and began to lick and suck. It had been quite a while since she'd last given oral sex, but she wasn't a novice at it, and the best techniques quickly came flooding back into her slightly rusty mind. Of course, it was a big help that his dick was cleaner than any she'd ever taken in. No unwashed taste to make her gag - in fact, it was almost like sucking on a piece of candy.

He must've just showered, Batgirl thought. Lucky me.

The young heroine kept on pumping his dick for several more minutes, loving it more and more. She stroked his shaft, licked his balls, and brought out every technique in the book - and then some. All the while, he praised her with more and more ragged breathing.

Finally, he couldn't hold it in anymore. With a joyous cry, he came, pulling out at the last second and squirting his seed all over his face. Primarily between her eyes.

Batgirl fell back on her shapely butt, dazed and a little cross-eyed as she tried to look at the spot where he'd sprayed her. She gave a giddy little giggle, dabbed a bit off with her index finger, and placed it in her mouth.

"Your technique is exceptional," the Seducer smiled. Those words alone made Batgirl's heart melt, turned her insides all mushy and tingly. "Ready to practice it some more?"

Batgirl gave him a come-hither look beneath her mask, and made a throaty purr that she would never have thought herself capable of half an hour ago. "You'd better believe it."

Without any more prompting, she practically threw herself at him and gobbled down his cock eagerly. She slurped and licked and played with his balls, eagerly awaiting that creamy white payoff with every second. In-between, she made all sorts of cute little mewing and squealing noises that she felt he'd like.

And like them he did. It wasn't long before he came again, but this time, he sprayed his cum all over the front of her costume, instead. She loved that, of course - the desecration of the once-sacred Bat-emblem over her chest just heightened her arousal. Tonight, she was going to break ALL of the rules.

When he made the gesture, she immediately got to her feet. He smiled, and handed her yet another cigarette, which he courteously lit for her. While she smoked and savored that rich tobacco once more, he returned to her succulent breasts, teasing and massaging them with greater passion than ever before. He squeezed and flicked and ran his thumbs over her nipples, pleasuring her chest until it felt as if both her boobs had doubled in size.

Finally, as Batgirl saw the last of her latest cigarette burning down, she looked at him with the most adorable pout she could muster.

"I can't take it anymore," she hissed under her breath. "I need you in me. NOW."

He shot her another one of his grins, and pushed a finger beneath her chin. "Well, who am I to deny such a beautiful young lady? Turn around, please."

Batgirl did as told, more excited than ever before. Her deepest, darkest fantasy was about to come true, and there wasn't a thing she could - or wanted - to do to stop it.

She gasped a little in surprise when he roughly seized her ass, but her smiled returned when he shoved her down onto the carpeted floor, on all fours. She could sense him moving around behind her, angling to penetrate, and that made her juices flow faster and faster. Yes, she was well lubed now, and she suspected that she could take the biggest dick in the world with only a little bit of difficulty.

With slow but deliberate action, the Seducer reached into her utility belt and groped around until he found what he was looking for - a batarang. With the bladed instrument, he gently cut open a seam in the crotch of Batgirl's purple catsuit. Batgirl shuddered a little when she felt the cool air on her moist privates, and bit her lip in anticipation.

She could feel the body heat from his penis, drawing closer and closer to her womanhood. Any second now, it would-


No, not would.

It did.

He felt bigger, better, stronger in her than she would've imagined in her wildest dreams. But then, she mused to herself, that was the thing about wildest dreams. The reality would either fall short of them, or soar above and beyond.

"Oh! Oh! OHHHHHHHH!!!"

This, fortunately, was the latter.

"You're... ngh, quite... tight...!" the Seducer ground out, loving how the heroine's cute little snatch clamped around his dick like a warm, fleshy vise. With every pump, he could've sworn that it hugged him just a little tighter.

"So why don't you-ngh!-loosen me up?" Batgirl smirked, shooting a daring glance at him over her shoulder.

And loosen her up, he did. In every respect. Within minutes, the Seducer had her clawing at the floor while kicking her booted feet all the way. He humped her twat with that perfect blend of ruthlessness and sensitivity that even Barbara Gordon's best boyfriends had never been able to achieve. In minutes, she was begging for him to never stop. That cock was doing whatever it pleased inside her greedy little snatch, and she loved it.

In what felt like no time at all, the dominoed daredoll raised her head and gave the first cry of true defeat.

"Oh! Oh! I... I'm CUMMING!!!"

Just thinking about those words made her feel like a low-rent porn star, but she didn't care. She would say them again and again if she had to.

He fucked her good over the next hour, making her come several more times and drawing her deeper and deeper under her spell. Then, finally, he came, shooting yet another hot payload straight into her unprotected pussy.

Good thing I'm on the Bat-Pill! the comparatively more rational part of her mind thought. I do not need a Bat-toddler running around at this age!

"You're a goddess, Batgirl," he said warmly. "An absolute goddess."

His voice took on a slightly harder edge next.

"But... are you ready for the final test?"

Batgirl sensed his cock still hovering around the lower half of her body, and had a pretty good idea of what he wanted next. That most forbidden of sexual positions, according to her pastor. That most delightful of sexual positions, according to her new instincts.

"Do it," she growled low and throatily.

And do it he did. Batgirl's asshole proved, if anything, an even better fuck than her pussy had. It was good enough for her to come three times in the next hour, and produced two more orgasms for him as well.

That would've been enough for one night - maybe one week - for most normal people, but they weren't normal. The two of them fucked long and hard for the rest of the night, in almost every position imaginable. Their respective staminas were superhumanly impressive, and their passions almost seemed to fuel one another.

Of course, the cigarettes that he kept giving her in-between their repositionings didn't hurt, either.

In no time at all, the night passed into day, and Batgirl found herself awakening in a bed that wasn't her own. Completely nude.

For a moment, fear overtook her entirely as she groped at her unmasked face. But as the memories came rushing back to her, she found herself calming down. Of course, her Secret ID had been a concern for her back when she was a full-time super heroine, but was that what she was anymore?

Somehow, she didn't think so.

The shapely young woman then saw a sheet of paper on the nearby nightstand. A letter for her. It was written with impeccable handwriting, and she intuitively knew that the Seducer must have been its author. No other man.
To my Dearest Little Bat,

What a night we had beneath the stars! Were the choice mine, I would have taken you on as a permanent companion, so that we may make love whenever we so chose. But alas! My life is a dangerous one with no mercy for mistakes, and if I were to bring you along, either you would make a mistake or I would. It is the inevitable byproduct of attraction as powerful as ours was.

You are free to do as you like from here on out, and perhaps we will see each other again. Were I a stupider and cruder man, I might threaten to blackmail you with knowledge that your secret identity is in fact Barbara Gordon, daughter of Police Commissioner Gordon, but I know - as you must know - that you could never raise your hand against me again. And besides, the idea I have just outlined makes my stomach turn.

So what will you do then? Return to your life of humdrum crimefighting? Give it up for a life of pleasure? Attempt to strike some balance between the two? I have no idea, but I wish you luck in any case.
With a muddled comprehension, she read the letter once, twice, thrice. Then, slowly and with just a little bit of shame - but much more joy and a definite air of liberation - she rose from the bed and collected the scattered pieces of her costume. As she'd expected, the Seducer was nowhere to be found. Nor any trace of incriminating evidence.

Somehow, she couldn't quite bring herself to care.

Once dressed as best as she could, she carefully folded the letter up and stored it into a pouch on her utility belt. As she headed for the balcony, intending to leave the same way she'd come in, she caught sight of something on its edge.

A lighter. And a pack of cigarettes.

With a grin, the dominoed daredoll tucked those "souvenirs" of her misadventure into the same pouch on her belt that held the letter. And in moments, she was shrinking away into the shadows as the sun rose, thinking of both the Seducer and of getting home.

She had a feeling that Batgirl would be getting into many, many more misadventures from this point on.

Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Awesome story!
Elder Member
Elder Member
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Excellent story and fine finish!!
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Excellent story. Succinct, delightfully raunchy and wonderfully written. Loved it, OW.
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Millenium Member
Millenium Member
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I'm glad I finally got round this one, great job!
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Millenium Member
Millenium Member
Posts: 2462
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Wow...great story, love the description of how tight her pussy is and that she did in fact end up taking it hard and long and deep in her would love to read more from you....
Veteran Member
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Wonderful story. Love how she slowly submits to his control.
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