A Serious question - The MAIN PROP in Forced Orgasm Peril

The Dark Side Of Superheroine Peril Discussion - 18 and older.
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Staff Sargeant
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Ok . . .1st Off I am in NO way a professional when it comes to knowing all the facts involved in this type of genre, I just want to find out from other fans, and even those that produce these films that there has been & still is one MAIN PROP that seems to be used NO MATTER WHO THE HEROINE MIGHT BE, or who is producing a heroine peril video that involves defeat to a heroine by forced Orgasms.

WHY is it usually always WHITE ? ? ?
film contrast, standout against the Panties/costume, or lack of any costume . . . .?
When you look at all the other elements involved in most forcing the heroine to orgasm, I don't see the fit, you tell me am I just to damn picky, or what. :weep:

I have collected & seen my share of these videos, and will definitely admit I am very IMPRESSED impressed at the lengths that the producers are going to to make the sets look OUTSTANDING, Dungeons, devious retraining devices, extensive Rope tying , Gags that fit the scenario , & yet one prop always OK I will say MOST of the time is used!

There are hundreds if not thousands of different types of these Pleasure Toys/Dedicated Accessories/Machines,(you can fill in your own PRONOUN if you like
doing a Google search I found some that well SHIT look downright DEMONIC, & who knows they just might be, :hmmm:

Still what is about the WHITE HITACHI . . . .Is it a cost thing, Comfort subject, Dependable/Reliability Factor/
This strikes me as something that could be better implemented to really sell that whole scene, & it is becoming very predictable, to a point where almost droll

Of course you need something that achieves the end goal :tongue:
A devious Villain in my concept usually has a devious device to help him defeat the heroines, something for example maybe like these for example:

I mean hell you want evil looking what about this(I know its not even a Vibrator, (this is just to give better visualization of the point I am trying to mention in this post, come on admit it, downright DEVILISH LOOKING isn't it :evil:
of course I do not want to rob the actresses that are being (we shall just say) DEFEATED that would deny the actress some benefits of portaying the character to the fullest , After all they are entitled to their pleasures too :yahoo:

or even maybe that sleek Powerful look:

I mean I am not saying that you have to totally fanatical & go out get some gas powered thing like this
Image SHIT We don't want the Heroine to DIE For real

I being one who will state yes I have my share from some of the great producers who supply us with what we the fans are requesting over & over. they do what I consider Absolutly AWESOME work, attention to detail is becoming more & more , that along with adding in the FX are making these truly outstanding movies in my opinion
I would love to mention them all, but like everyone I have my FAVORITES at this time
Christina Carter
Diana Knight
Jim Weathers
Randy Moore
Kendra James just to name a small few form those that are working relentlessly to give us what we want, to you & all the other companies , I just want to say thank you for all your dedication & Hard work

So can someone fill in some of the details as to why good old [[[WHITE]]] Hitachi seems to be in the Majority of these Films

:unsure: I can't be the only one that wants to know Can I :no:

P.S. I do hope that I have not offended anyone by bringing this subject up for that is not at all my intention, I am just very curious to the point where I have tried with my own little editing & Rendering skills to create such scenes, further visual concepts to arrive soon

thanks & Hope to hear your thoughts
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Mr. X
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"So can someone fill in some of the details as to why good old [[[WHITE]]] Hitachi seems to be in the Majority of these Films"
Cheap, readily available, when your relatives comes visit and accidentally find it you can explain it away as for your back.
Staff Sargeant
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hmm that is one possibility, but the producers that I know I am pretty sure that their relatives are aware of the work they do lol, but thanks for input.
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This is a very good question. My guess is that Mr. X is right up to a point. It's the most commonly-available model around, so it's probably cheap and easy to acquire.

Also, I'm guessing that most producer don't really think it's that important. The effect is what matters, not the look of the vibrator. I mean, would the added expense of purchasing one of those other, better-looking, more expensive devices be made up for in increased sales? I very much doubt it.

Having said that, I'd be willing to bet that any one of the producers / performers you named would be more than happy to create a custom video for you with the vibrator of your choice, as long as you were willing to pay for it. :)
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just for the heck of it I decided to go to the source am patiently waiting hopefully for some replies form those very same ladies, I know that it might take some time as they are very very busy, , but what better way to find out if there is any hidden reasons, beyond that which have been mentioned by Mr X & TIEn TEEZ
who knows maybe there's matters like comfort, so I hope to hear from them & If I do I will share what they might have to say :)

thank you both for your comments & thoughts
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Mr. X
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You're right its also probably lack of imagination or caring on the producers part since the device isn't actually that important and as TIEnTEEZ said its the effect that's important and not the device.

One thing I would add is for some models I worked with they were put off on sexual toys thinking that it was used on another girl. The standard massager doesn't give that impression but a specific built device would. For example the girl might thing "Ok where has THAT been in the past? Is the producer using this on himself?" etc etc.

I'm sure its more of an issue that the producer didn't think about it.
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True very good point Mr. X I never thought of it that way, there is probably a lot of things that I don't take into consideration, another very good point
thanks Mr X

this doesn't seem to be much of a topic either that or I just haven't got it in the right area for responses for I know there are 1,000 of these fans out there & in here lol
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I can comment on this. The Hitachi is famously powerful. If the producer wants a chance at actually forcing an orgasm, the Hitachi is the way to go. That said, I do wish they would mix it up with some more interesting designs. As you said there are literally thousands.
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Staff Sargeant
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ok well that is a good enough reason I guess, thanks for the info, Sadly I haven't heard form any of the producers that I sent emails out to to hear there point of view or reasons, that's cool their busy making more of these great movies :)
it does still kind of bug me, great sets, great costumes, acting or responding or both, & then poof , there it is Mr Whitey lol

Glad to se that I am not alone on this, was starting to think maybe I am stating something that is just well not Relevant lol
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