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Hunter of the Amazon #4

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:09 am
by lordgriffin
Hello all: Please send any feedback to:
[email protected]

Amazon Hunter
Chapter 6

The journey, for Wonder Woman, was not a pleasant one. Lying over Actaeon’s lap over her friend Sheena’s withers, was not as easy as one might imagine from the American western movies. Diana’s weight on her own abdomen caused the muscles to fatigue, not to mention the humiliation of Actaeon’s hands resting and caressing her bare ass.
Sheena, trapped in zebra form by the British hunter was guided by the bit and bridle and pressure from Actaeon’s knees. She plodded toward a distant mountain range. Diana’s arms dangled beside the zebra’s striped forelegs and she could hear Sheena panting under the weight of two humans on her. The zebra sweated heavily and frankly both Wonder Woman and Sheena, smelled like a horse.
The journey took three days. The curare was slow to wear off.
In the evening, Actaeon would stop and lift the limp woman from the zebra’s withers. Actaeon would lift Wonder Woman in his arms, carry her to a nearby rock or tree, and lower her to the ground. Diana hated feeling his arms against her bare skin. His chest was solid and warm but it felt so good to get off her stomach. Actaeon would then arrange her, making sure her legs were flat before her and spread her arms at her side. Normally her head would flop forward so she was looking down at her own body. Her breasts were tanning now that they were no longer confined behind fabric and they would sway gently with her breathing.
Wonder Woman heard Actaeon remove a comb and curry from his pack, and would hear sounds of grooming as she imagined he was rubbing down Sheena in her zebra form. The smell of horse liniment filled her nostrils. The bastard did not even transform Sheena back into a human form, releasing her to spend the evening grazing.
Actaeon’s legs walked back into her vision, and her heart began to race as she could see him kneel to remove his boots. The shirt fell into her vision on the ground and she watched him bend down removing his pants.
Actaeon walked over. Wonder Woman could not even moan as she felt his arms slide under hers and his powerful youthful back muscles lifted her.
“ can’t…don’t…not again” her mind screamed as she felt Actaeon sit down and lift her over his erect phallus.
With no muscle control Diana’s head tended to flop wherever she was moved, giving her glimpses of the darkening sky; a fire that Actaeon had built; the ground.
Actaeon opened her legs. She felt his fingers on her nether lips spreading her, and he lowered her. She felt the head of his cock spreading her as his fingers held her sex open, her own weight impaling her on the man’s stiff erection. His smooth hands held onto her flanks while under her his fingers spread the labia of her sex. His thick erection spread her slippery folds of skin and the thick muscles of her cunt naturally conformed to the shape of his cock.
The youth gave an animalistic groan, feeling the woman’s slippery warmth sheath his sword and paused, wiggling a bit to make sure she was fully impaled. Diana felt him wrap her arms around him under his own arms and move her legs around his waist where he could rape her. Then he pulled her chin over his shoulder, her head resting like a lover against his neck looking over his shoulder. She was forced to gaze down his smooth back at the brown ground.
She heard him chuckle and whisper into her ear “Ready, darling? At least I did not lean you against an anthill or termite mound.”
Then his hand slipped down to her thighs and lifted her. Actaeon thrust up firmly, meeting Diana’s body as her weight bore her down, his muscular arms lifting her ass and then relaxing to let her slam down on him, hilting each time she fell back onto his cock. As he thrust, her head rocked, and she drooled on his shoulder, the man raping her on the open savannah.
The only sound she could hear were the birds of the wild, and Actaeon’s panting and grunts as the wind caressed the two lovers’ skins. Wonder Woman tried to will herself not to think about this…not to become aroused…but the man’s movements, his flexing and his embraces against her unresisting body only served to further enflame her lusts.
Actaeon nuzzled and kissed at the smooth skin of her neck like a hungry wolf, gently nuzzling her ear as he thrust up into the unwilling woman’s responding body. Gripping her silken mane of black hair he pulled her head back and licked from her throat to her chin, tasting the light sweat as he brought his face to hers and breathlessly said, “You know the best part of this? I can finally just take my pleasure and I do not have to hear a single thing from you.” Then he dipped his head to suckle firmly at her right nipple.
Wonder Woman was furious, but the feel of his teeth on her nipple was like an electric shock through her body. The sound of his cock-slipping deep into her belly, her smooth abdomen pressed up against his warm smooth washboard stomach, it was irresistible and Diana felt her body responding.
Feeling her nipple grow stiff in his mouth only encouraged her rapist, who snuggled her back against his shoulder and renewed his thrusts. Diana’s pussy was now drooling down Actaeon’s cock, the warm slickness making him all the more aroused as he quickened his pace. Diana could feel his muscles tensing as all she could do is lay against him, lifted and released onto his cock. Her breathing was steady while Actaeon’s was ragged like a racehorse. Wonder Woman felt her climax beginning to build in her thighs, a deep longing for the release. She welcomed it. Actaeon thrust up and, as he pushed her down onto his cock, rose almost to his knees as her legs dangled limply behind him. Diana felt him pressing up and in, inside her body. “Just a little more,” she thought with anticipation.
Then she felt Actaeon’s arms pull her close, he thrust up and held her immobile against him. “NO!” Her mind screamed. “NO! Just a LITTLE more…it’s not fair! So close!” But he held her. Deep within her unprotected sex Actaeon’s cock pulsed, the hunter’s snake pulsing its venom into her warm moist cave, thick ropes of his milky seed coating her womb. She felt his hand move behind her, fingers spread to pull her ass closer, belly to belly as the man trembled and groaned. Wonder Woman was left on the edge of her climax, unfulfilled.
Actaeon held her for a few moments more before relaxing back and panting as he smiled with triumph. He pressed his lips to hers, forcing a crushing, dominant kiss on her, his tongue exploring her mouth before breaking the kiss to nuzzle at her nipples. “That was all I had hoped: taking Wonder Woman bare-assed naked on the open savannah without a whimper from her.”
He pulled out of her, and she felt her insides suddenly empty, their combined juices cool on her lower lips. The dry ground before her had a spot where her pussy juices soaked into the dust. The Englishman smiled down at her, placing his bare foot on her cheek a moment and holding her head to the ground under it before finally kneeling by her side. He took a handful of her black mane and wiped his cock clean with it.
Wonder Woman heard him rummage through his pack and he returned with a soft nylon rope. She felt him straighten her legs and then begin binding her ankles. Once she was trussed, he tossed the loose end of the rope over a tree limb, and she was hauled aloft by her feet like a fresh kill.
Hanging like a trophy now, her view was even with Actaeon’s crotch as he stood by her, his cock now limp was coated with her shiny juices. She felt him gently turn her so she was looking away. In the distance she could see a zebra. She supposed it was Sheena grazing, but then she felt Actaeon’s hand on her ass. The thumb pulled her ass cheek apart.
Wonder Woman could not even close her eyes in anger or humiliation. Actaeon smiled as he looked at the soft pucker of Wonder Woman’s anus. Slightly red from his earlier ass fucking of her, he ran a finger over the soft sphincter, and saw it gently flex.
“How many PEOPLE on this PLANET have seen this sight, Wonder Woman?” He chuckled and touched the opening again with the familiarity of ownership. Wonder Woman saw him hang an enema bag, and fill it to the brim with a warm water and sugar solution. She felt him open her ass cheek again and then press the smooth plastic probe past the puckered opening and deeply into her anus.
“I just gave you your protein for the day,” he said smugly, gently pushing her so she swung in the cooling savannah wind, slowly turning first right then left. He released the clamp and she felt her bowels filling. “This will keep you hydrated.”
Actaeon then unrolled his sleeping bag, and set up his tent. The sex, the enema, the uncaring attitude as she hung suspended through the night as he snored softly in his tent would become a routine every night at their stops. Sometimes she was just upside down with her back against the ground. Sometimes she swung to and fro all night.
The last day was up steep mountain trails. Diana began to move her fingers and toes as she lay slung across the saddle horn. Actaeon nudged his heels into Sheena’s flanks as he urged her on. “Come on Sheena…get up there, gel…that’s a gel,” he clucked at her.
Finally, they entered across a small bridge into a Roman villa overlooking the Mediterranean Sea from what must have been 10,000 feet. Diana felt the cool sea breeze across her breasts and bare body as Actaeon lifted her. The courtyard had a beautiful sculpted fountain. Cool water gushed over rearing horses, the sculpture made of solid marble. There must have been twenty out-buildings including the main manor with its red tiled roof and white walls.
Cultivated olive and citrus trees grew in full bloom with a rich perfume. Sheep and goats ran by, tended by a shepherd. A stable full of horses gazed on as two beautiful naked slave women arrived. Actaeon touched the titanium necklace and Sheena transformed back into her human form, panting heavily, her body coated in a heavy slippery sweat.
Actaeon passed Wonder Woman over to the two slave women. She could see Actaeon walk over and slip his arm around Sheena, his head bending down to suckle and lick at her bare nipple. Dipping the woman backwards, the young man placed a hard kiss on her lips. Sheena’s arms came up to hold the young hunter and return the kiss. Diana heard Actaeon say, “Good girl Sheena. You make as good a mare as you do a woman. He released her. “Now go get cleaned up, you deserve it.”
Diana felt herself carried, and placed into a pool of warm water. Feminine hands with sponges began to clean her and groom her, shampooing and brushing her hair. A strange man walked into her vision. He carried a black bag. The man drew up a syringe, and injected Diana. It was a strange sensation. Right after he pressed the plunger Diana could feel a warm feeling running up her arm, through her body and up her neck.
Suddenly Diana sat up, pushing away the two women, covering her breasts and retreating to the far side of the pool.
The man placed up a hand. “I’m a doctor. I just gave you the antidote to the curare. You’ll want to eat and drink. You have the day before the master summons you; he’s rather busy with Sheena at the moment.”
Diana calmed down some. Looking about, her eyes settle on a man with smooth black hair, Aryan features, and piercing brown eyes “A doctor…?”
The man nodded with a smirk, “Hans Mengele.”
“Dr. Mengele?”
The man put up a hand, “My father. The Arabs here gave him shelter after the Second World War. I am the product of one of his subjects and his lust, Helena Kosmatos. I believe you knew her as Fury.”
Diana’s eyes widened. “My adopted sister…she went into retirement after WWII!”
Hans shook his head “No, that was what the cover story was. She was captured and brought here, where my father broke her will and forced himself on her until I was produced. Unfortunately, she did not survive my father’s experiments. I do not condone my father’s actions, Diana, and I do not practice his abominable experiments.”
Diana looked away then back angrily, “Then why are you here?”
Hans chuckled. “I had to be raised somehow, and while I do not commit physical torture, I rather like having my fill of women slaves, and I can ease their suffering. Mr. Davies pays me well and I have all the comforts. I help him so he does not damage his property, and let’s face it, my father’s name would NOT look good on a resume.”
Diana shoved the other women away. Both were Middle Eastern with soft olive skin and pert nipples. Long black hair streamed around their shoulders in the clear hot water and their emerald eyes smoldered when they regarded Diana. “What is YOUR excuse,” she asked them. “Why do you stay with this monster?”
Both women took offense “He is our HUSBAND, you infidel. You should feel lucky and honored to be in his house!”
“Muslim,” Diana thought, probably from an under-developed country, raised from birth to consider their selves chattel. Diana had spoken with some of the more educated ones, a diplomat’s wife. Proudly she had told Diana that she had not had to leave her husband’s house in seven years. To her it was a testimony to her husband’s ability to care for her, but to Diana it was brain washing, an attempt to control her and keep her captive, all done in the name of culture.
The women poured scented oils into the water, the heavy fragrance of roses from what Diana could tell. They moved up with soaps to wash Diana and she pushed them away. “LEAVE ME ALONE, harlots!”
Hans chuckled, “Not wise, Wonder Woman. Those women can make your life a living hell while you’re here.”
Diana watched the two women sneer at her as they moved to climb out of the pool, their smooth asses as olive as the rest of them. The skin looked as if it had been pampered and oiled, the soft vaginal lips squeezing gently between the young supple thighs.
“I do not care,” Diana replied, retrieving some soap and the clothes to wash her self, and shampoo her hair. “I don’t suppose you would LEAVE,” she snapped to Hans.
Hans rose up, closing his bag. “If that is your wish, but I would like to examine you further.”
“I bet you would.” She gave him an icy stare, adding, “Now GET OUT.”
Once the so-called “doctor” had left Diana looked around the large room. The pool was only about four or five feet deep, but it was the size of an Olympic pool. She could feel the water had been brought to a wonderfully hot temperature, the heat coming from below, Roman style. Actaeon’s ego seemed to have no end. At the far end lay a massage table with fresh oils. If the young British man expected to extend an olive branch he was sorely mistaken. He had raped her and he WOULD pay, and she could not so easily be bought off with an appearance of lavishness. The pool was open to the air, but there were bars on the windows and she had no doubt the exit was locked.
Wonder Woman took time bathing herself. She had felt dirty and slimy ever since Actaeon had raped her, and no matter how hard she scrubbed she could still feel his grimy hands on her body, his…SEED in her…” Diana turned away and beat the side of the pool in frustration. All those YEARS of celibacy, of saving herself, of being obedient to the Amazon way, it was all seemingly for naught. She had even denied herself Steve Trevor’s love back in the 1940s. If she had chosen ANYONE it would have been him. To be taken so callously by a mere 19-year-old spoiled rich boy. For now she could do nothing about it, she would have to…SERVE him. Well if he thought he would get the perfect obedient little toy, he would find out he was much mistaken. He may take the body but she would not let him take her spirit!
After over an hour, Diana exited the water. There were no clothes but a very thick terrycloth robe. She donned the robe and walked across the room, her bare feet leaving wet foot prints. As she suspected the exit was not only locked, but also guarded. A doorway led inside to an anteroom where Actaeon’s two wives waited with cosmetics and hair brushes.
“I do not require…” Diana started to speak.
The older one interrupted “If your hair is not brushed out and set, it will be a lot harder to do in the morning. Frankly, infidel, I would enjoy ripping out every root of that arrogant mane, but the master has ordered us to see to your comfort. However, TOMORROW the orders will change, the choice is yours.”
Diana considered and then sat, feeling the two svelte women beginning to brush her hair and adding scented conditioners. While she was groomed like a trophy, a tray was brought that had the local flat bread, called hubbus, fresh honeycomb -- no doubt the rich brat had hives on site -- dates, strawberries, papayas, oranges, grapes and raisins. There was a rich red wine, as well as clear cool water, fresh goat’s cheese, onions, tomatoes, and some freshly steamed rice. Diana had not eaten in three days and her stomach growled. There was a conspicuous absence of any meat. Diana decided to eat freely, almost forgetting the two women who applied the conditioners and combed out her shimmering black hair.
Feeling much better and refreshed, Diana looked around. There was a beautiful view of the Mediterranean, the tile floor was warm under her bare feet, and she clung to her robe.
“Do you want anything else?” The older woman distaste was obvious.
“Do you have a name?” Diana asked.
“I am Abal. It means Wild Rose, and this is my sister Ulfah. It means intimacy.”
Wonder Woman nodded “I am…”
“We do not care,” came the short reply. “Do you require anything else?”
Diana stiffened. “No.”
The two departed when a guard let them out.
The rest of the day Diana spent examining her rooms, there was a bedroom with a simple bed, clean white linen sheets and a Quran beside the bed. There were books, in English: fiction, history, even a few scientific textbooks. Otherwise, she was a prisoner. No one came to bother her, though when she asked the guard for some more wine and food, it was brought: but again no meat. When night fell, she found herself exhausted, likely by design. Doffing her terrycloth robe, she slipped between the sheets and was soon asleep.
Diana awakened with a start. Abal and Ulfah were there. They now sported gold anklets, and decorative gold and silver inlaid bands around their upper arms. Each had silk sleeves from wrist to shoulder, that were so sheer you could easily see their arms. The sleeves were fastened to their upper bodies by elaborate jade and gold necklaces. Their breasts were bare, though each wore a black leather harness that crossed on their chest under their breasts to hold their bare breasts up. On their legs were similar sheer silk leggings that were snug at their ankles, held up by a belt of solid gold coins that jingled when they walked. These left their ass and cunts bare. The garments were purely decorative, designed to show off a woman’s body while offering them no modesty whatsoever. Diana hoped she would not have to wear something that humiliating. It was an insult to women.
Abal spoke first. “Get UP, you lazy arrogant western trash. You are not the master of THIS house and it is time you started earning your keep.” Ulfah did not speak but she looked no more sympathetic to Diana. Diana arose, noting her robe was now gone.
Abal nodded to the bath. “Bathe. You have 10 minutes.”
Diana did not argue this time and quickly bathed. Out the window she could see stars and day beginning to break. Diana guessed it might be about 4 a.m., maybe 5. When she came out of the bath, the two women were waiting for her with scented body powders.
Diana balked, “I told you I do not need that.”
Abal raised her hand to slap the arrogant westerner and Diana’s eyes flashed with delight as she hissed, “Try it, sister,” through her teeth. She may not have her mystical strength, but she was still an Amazon warrior.
Abal froze and lowered her hand. “If you do not comply, I will call the guard. I assure you, Master has enough to have you subdued. I would enjoy preparing you like a sheep.” Her nose wrinkled in distaste but her eyes challenged Diana’s brightly.
Diana looked away, disappointed. A fight would have worked out her frustration, and she could probably have taken out at least a few of the guards. But eventually five or six would best her without the added strength of her girdle. “FINE...then just DO it.”
Ulfah moved up and began smoothing the velvet talc over Wonder Woman’s hips and stomach. The scent was rose again. Ulfah said, “We do not like having to be near you either.” Her voice was softer than Abal’s.
Once Diana was cleaned, groomed and powdered, Ulfah moved with a smug grin and went to a closet. Opening it up, she retrieved a uniform for Wonder Woman.
Both Arabic women giggled in immense satisfaction as Wonder Woman’s jaw dropped open. There before her hung a French maid’s uniform, onyx black with a black skirt and white ruffles around the short sleeves and the plunging neckline. It looked to be sized for a girl of about eight years old.
“You DON’T expect me to wear THAT…it’s too small it will never fit!”
Abal’s smile faded, “I am told to remind you, you agreed to SERVE, and to ask if you are now going back on your word? As for the size…” Ulfah took two fingers to the dress and tugged. The fabric stretched with some effort and when released snapped back. “…rubber.”
Diana could not hide the full body blush. The obvious delight of the two other women only further served to steel her resolve. In her mind she thought “You little twerp, I will make you PAY for this.”
It took a lot of effort, and Diana could hear the cry of the Imam in the distant village as he did the morning call to prayers. She looked in the mirror. What looked back at her was the biggest humiliation yet.
The rubber French maid’s uniform was absolutely form-fitting. It was stiff enough to not tear but not so thick that she could not feel through it or that it did not move with her skin. Her midsection was covered, but the one-piece rubber outfit was predictably crotch-less, and the black rubber short skirt only came down far enough to end at the top of her ass, leaving her completely exposed. A set of rubber fishnet stockings hugged her legs and attached to the bottom of the rubber dress under the skirt. This gave the impression of garters, and kept the rubber dress from riding up on her smooth belly. The outfit was completed with a set of 4-inch open-toed heels that would make her seemingly tiptoe when she walked.
On her upper body the plunging neck line had a “frill” of white rubber, and plunged so low as to form a shelf under her breasts. Instead of concealing her breasts, the rubber squeezed up from underneath to push them out and together.
Her shoulders were bare…though the rubber connected under the arm so that a 4-inch wide band of rubber encircled her mid bicep, giving the impression of a short sleeve with a ruff of white leather around the lower part of each “sleeve”
From behind, the back was exposed to her hips. An 8-inch band of thin black rubber encircled her midsection and gave a place for the short rubber skirt to attach.
To accessorize the outfit, Diana was wearing a maid’s black and white lace tiara: a nasty mockery of her own, and a feather duster. Anyone who saw her would see all of her womanly charms on display. She now wished she had been allowed to wear the harem dancer’s outfit.
Carrying a leather-riding crop, Abal walked up and admired the American woman. “Much more befitting your station,” she declared. Ulfah brought up a silver tea service on a gorgeous silver tray. Upon it was a pot of hot Chai, some honeycomb and candied dates, the flat bread, fresh of course, and strips of freshly-seared lamb, beside four eggs over easy.
Diana’s mouth watered as Abal whacked Diana’s flank with her riding crop. “Put the feather duster under your arm and take the master’s breakfast to him with Ulfah and then do as she says!”
Diana swung on the other women “How would you like to EAT that crop? You hit me with it again and, by Hera, I will shove that thing down your throat.”
The young woman’s eyes widened and she took a step back but she was shaken. “H…heretic you...dare in invoke a false...”
Diana advanced on the other woman standing right before her. The two women locked eyes. Abal looked cowed while Diana looked about ready to attack. Slowly, deliberately Diana took the feather duster, tucked it under her arm and said with all the dignity she could muster, “Give me the tray.”
Abal took the tray from Ulfah and passed it into Wonder Woman’s hands. With her head high and as much dignity as she could muster, Diana looked at Ulfal and said “Heel,” then walked toward the door.
Walking across the compound, Diana was inwardly holding back tears. As she walked, her perfectly tucked ass moved as poetry in motion. The cool air washed over her privates as her high heels made her take small tiptoe steps as if hurrying to do her master’s bidding. Her ass cheeks swung one way then the other as she walked and she noticed more than one erection in the male guards’ breeches. The only thought keeping her from bursting out in tears was, “Ohh you WILL pay Actaeon.”
The two women arrived at a huge ornately carved door. The door itself was made from Lebanon cedar and depicted scenes from Eden: animals laying down, a naked man with a naked woman making love. All of it was magnificently hand-carved. Ulfah knocked and from within Diana could hear sounds of grunting and groaning. Without awaiting an answer, Ulfah opened the door.
The inside was a decadent playground: marble floors with soft Persian rugs, with the marble having veins of gold, silver, and copper running through it. In the center of the room was a huge down feather mattress bed, with hot red silk sheets. Marble statues and works of art, silks and scented burners adorned the room. Around the front half of the bed was a heated pool, and in the center of the bed was Actaeon Davies on his knees. Before him was Sheena on all fours as the young man was taking her doggy style.
Diana’s mouth hung open as she watched the power and energy with which the young Englishman was going at her friend. Sheena was posed on her hands and knees with her head back, panting. Actaeon’s cock was opening and spreading her friend’s cunt as he pressed up against her, molding his flat lower stomach to Sheena’s ass. He then pulled back only to lunge again, making Sheena’s ass cheeks wobble from the impact of flesh on flesh. Actaeon still wore the necklace made from the claws and fangs of Sheena’s lion around his neck and he grunted with a particularly firm thrust into the Jungle Queen.
Diana felt a touch on her shoulder and her amazement was broken. She looked to see Ulfah pointing to a breakfast table right beside Actaeon’s bed. As Diana approached with the silver tray neither Actaeon nor Sheena took the slightest notice. From behind, Diana could see the English teen’s firm balls swing as he pulled back and lunged savagely into Sheena’s spread vaginal lips.
Sheena responded, arching her back and grunting like a lioness as her lover/rapist from behind hilted himself.
Actaeon held Sheena’s hips and thrust with a wild abandon. Diana had never been THIS close to two people actively engaged in sex. Actaeon’s thick cock was parting Sheena’s sex as a clear fluid drooled down her inner thighs. The blonde beauty’s flesh moved to stretch or squeeze as it maintained a glove-like contact with the male organ.
Diana stared at them as she set the tray down. Actaeon grasped Sheena’s blond hair like a set of reins and pulled the woman back on his cock. His other hand slipped under Sheena’s smooth belly. Standing less than a foot away, Diana witnessed Actaeon hold her friend in place and heard him release an animalistic grunt of lust. Sheena grunted loudly as well, holding still as the male behind her pumped his seed right into her body. They remained like that, for perhaps 30 seconds while Actaeon drained his lust into the older woman. Both had a light sweat on them. After that, Actaeon sighed and released Sheena.
Sheena did not immediately pull off but left herself impaled on Actaeon’s softening erection, her ass high in the air but she lowered her chest to the bed…catching her breath.
Actaeon opened his eyes and turned his head, admiring Diana as he felt his cock start to harden again still within the defeated jungle queen. “Well, well, well. Hello there, Diana. Enjoying the show?”
Diana did not know what embarrassed her more, getting caught watching, or the fact that Actaeon looking at her was arousing the man enough to rape her friend once more.
Sheena for her part was not happy. The look of humiliation on her face was obvious. This had not been something she would have done given a fully free choice, but Dana didn’t know if she was humiliated from the act or the fact she had been driven to climax by the act. Sheena just contented herself with just trying to catch her breath.
Diana began to move away, but Actaeon had other ideas. “No, no, no! Come around in front here, I want to look at you…..”
Diana felt torn; she could see Sheena’s surprise. Sheena could feel the man behind her stiffening again, still within her cunt. The way Actaeon leaned over Sheena caused Christian’s claws to tease Sheena’s skin.
Diana considered the scenario: there was the guard, the fact that Actaeon knew her identity, and the harsh fact that Queen Zanda had and would likely KEEP her girdle and the powers of Wonder Woman if Diana refused the beckoning wave of the young Englishman.
Slowly, unwillingly Diana moved to the head of the bed and stood there, her arms at her side, her head down.
Actaeon moaned in his arousal…his length re-hardening fully so he could renew his thrusts into the helpless Jungle Queen. This time Actaeon used his hand to pin Sheena’s head to the pillow. Actaeon stared directly at Diana in her French maid’s uniform while he took the blonde posed before him.
Wonder Woman had to stand there watching as Actaeon’s eyes roamed her body. First his lusting gaze looked between her legs to the smooth vaginal lips, then up to her pert breasts. Then back to her legs. The evil teen did not even care about her face or the woman he was currently riding. Diana could see that behind Actaeon’s eyes, he was fantasizing about her, while thrusting up and into Sheena.
Sheena, for her part, could not believe the sensation. As much as she had been forced to do this, she had never before felt any male climax and then, without even pulling out, be ready to perform again. His cock stabbed into her again and again and she felt the pleasant stretch of it. Curling her fingers into the red sheets, she began to growl loudly, “GODS!” Actaeon was not being cruel, the cock of the man who had her felt warm, and exciting. She felt his warm body against hers, together. “That’s it wench…call out for your God”
Wonder Woman stood there riveted to the spot for another 10 minutes before hearing Actaeon and Sheena groan out again. Now between Sheena’s thighs flowed not just her own clear fluids but Actaeon’s milky white seed. It dripped from around his length.
Actaeon smiled and gently caressed his prize, letting her lie down and stretch out on the bed beneath him, a warm glow and smile on her face. He whispered to her, “That was not so bad was it? Worth one lion?” Actaeon gently stroked Sheena’s hair back and kissed her deeply. The Jungle Queen returned the kiss just as passionately.
Diana started to move as Actaeon finally pulled his length out of the other woman. Their combined juices formed a strand that connected the tip of Actaeon’s cock to Sheena’s bare cunt lips.
Actaeon stood, Diana could see his cock was uncircumcised, and he pulled back the foreskin to urinate in a chamber pot, giving Sheena a playful swat on her ass cheek as she climbed down.
Once he had relieved himself, Actaeon nodded to Wonder Woman as Sheena took her place on her knees and took Actaeon’s wet cock in two fingers, and guided it into her mouth to suckle. “My chamber pots need cleaning, maid” he said with a delighted smile.
Diana stopped suddenly. “What? What do you mean…you’re not going to have her...” she nodded to Sheena who was even now nursing on Actaeon’s length.
Actaeon frowned “Not going to what? Have her suck my cock clean? You expect me to go all day with my cock filthy?” He gently stroked Sheena’s cheek with the back of his hand while her head bobbed and her tongue pushed back his foreskin to lick up and swallow their combined juices.
Diana felt incredible fury. He felt his cock was...SOILED from a woman. How did he think they saw a male’s filthy SEED. Diana looked down at the soiled chamber pot. “Surely you do not expect me to…to take your WASTE and…dispose…”
Actaeon admired Sheena for another moment before giving her leave to rise. He took some of the seared lamb and ate it “Shall we see what’s on TV?”
Taking a remote from his nightstand, he pointed it at the wall. A TV lowered and CNN came on. A male news anchor was announcing something, his voice grave.
“…and in breaking news, The Libyan dictator Moamar Quaddafy is dead. Reports say the insurgents, who were on the brink of defeat, were given help by the United States government, after the president’s promise not to get involved. The help came in the form of the American Freedom fighter Wonder Woman, allegedly seen in this very low quality video.”
The screen cut to a very blurry video of a red white and blue streak entering the Libyan dictators residence. Despite the quality, a golden rope could clearly be seen strangulating the leader.
The anchor cut back in, “Secretary of State Obama, named to the president’s Cabinet after his defeat in the presidential election, has flatly denied the allegations, and states it was staged in order to defame the President’s policies.
“In another surprise,” the anchor continued, “the Libyan Revolutionary council voted unanimously to accept aid from the African country of Zambouli, and have signed trade agreements. As you may know, the long time protector of Zambouli and of the environment, Sheena Jungle Queen was on hand for a comment.”
The screen cut to Sheena wearing her jungle outfit but instead of her Titanium necklace, she was wearing the necklace that now hung around Actaeon’s neck.
Sheena stated, “I do not think my friend Wonder Woman would participate in such an illegal act, but I assure you if her involvement is found to be true, we shall seek international law to condemn this. In the meantime, we are glad to extend every courtesy to the Libyans.”
Diana stared at the naked Sheena who was now looking quite guilty at Actaeon’s feet as the Englishman munched a date. His cock now shimmered with Sheena’s saliva as it hung limp between his legs.
Actaeon took some honey and smiled, “Now I am sure I can find some MUCH clearer footage….and we can just tell Queen Zanda she can keep the outfit….or…you can get busy with your chores.” He smiled at Diana with cold eyes.
Her hands curled into fists of frustration and then she retrieved the chamber pot. She saw Acton offer Sheena a bit of the seared lamb, which she ate from his hand. Then he invited her to sit and eat with him, her thighs still plastered with his male seed.
As she moved to dump the repulsive contents, Diana heard Actaeon chuckle, “Not just mine…ALL the rooms, this is a VERY authentic Roman villa. You will find no flush toilets here. And do not forget to scrub them with soap and water, maid.”

End of Chapter 3

Dear Reader: On my last chapter I received zero email feedback. I have heard from a few friends that it was liked, but this is really something I value, so good OR bad, I would appreciate your input. I also like inspiration in the form of requests from my readers. If you enjoy my writing or think I can improve, or have suggested scenes you’d like to see, PLEASE send your comments to: [email protected]

Re: Hunter of the Amazon #4

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:27 pm
by DrDominator9
I really enjoyed the various levels of WW's humiliation in this chapter. In fact the whole series shows her continually having to deal with an ever-declining self-image as she suffers slight after slight after slight to her person and her heritage. Nice work.