Fuchsia Fox: "Girls' Night Out"

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[Note: The opening scene of this story refers to events that happened in "What's Up, Alley Cat?", but this is NOT part of a continuing story arc. So if you're new and this is the first story of mine you've read, there is no need to rush back and read the other story first. Of course I hope that when you've finished this, you'll WANT to. Expect Perils, mild to moderate sexual content, and a special Surprise Guest.]

Chapter 1 -- Washington, D.C., Independence Avenue Police Station...

Detective Harry Caldwell was 55, his thick brown hair more than half gray. Working at his desk in the noisy squad room, he found himself wondering why he didn't retire, as his wife had been pestering him to do for the past five years. The job was nothing but plodding paperwork these days. There was just no excitement in being a cop.

An eerie silence suddenly fell over the squad room. As Caldwell looked up, every single man and woman was rushing to the glass walls that looked out into the hallway. A hushed whisper carried back and forth between them: "It's her! Omigod it's really HER!"

Striding gracefully through the door came the Fuchsia Fox, her short brunette hair waving behind her as if in slow motion! The police officers parted for the sexy superheroine like the Red Sea, their eyes bugging out as they watched her nubile young body stroll past them. Her two-piece reddish purple costume consisted of briefs topped by a V-cut halter whose fox head emblem lovingly followed the contours of her firm round breasts. Her long legs were bare, shod with matching ankle boots. Her arms were adorned with elbow length gloves and gold bracelets.

Envious looks flashed at Caldwell as the lissome lady stopped at his desk and planted her hands on her curvaceous hips. "Lieutenant Caldwell?" she asked in a rich contralto worthy of an angel. "I was wondering if you have any news on Alley Cat. The Keri Keller abduction?"

Caldwell shot to his feet awkwardly, feeling his peter begin to swell up inside his pants and desperately hoping that the Fox wouldn't notice. "Er... It's not looking good," he said, ushering her back into the hallway (the other officers groaned silently, eyes glued to the Fox's tight rear end as she left the room). Caldwell forced himself to look at her beautiful brown eyes so that he wouldn't stare at her gorgeous little boobs. "We have the uh... the three perpetrators here in Interview Room 1... the henchmen, that is. The D.A. is trying to cut a deal, but so far they're not talking."

The Fox glanced apprehensively down the hallway at the room ahead. If Alley Cat's henchmen were refusing to give up any information about her to the police, the heroine felt sure that armed with the allure-enhancing aura of her costume, she could persuade them. Even so, she couldn't pretend that the idea of seeing them again didn't make her pulse race with embarrassment. Those three men had seen her captured and chained, her halter top taken off and her naked breasts on display as the villainess had fondled them. "I'm sure it's against procedure," the Fox said, "but may I speak to them? Alone?"

"Er... well, there's a problem with that..."

At that moment, the door to the Interview room opened, and a short, balding, somewhat portly man wearing an expensive suit and gold rimmed glasses stepped out into the hallway. He smiled when he saw Caldwell and the Fox standing there. "J. Brinkman Nobbs, at your service," he said, taking a folded document out of the inner pocket of his jacket. "This is our notice for the dismissal of charges against my clients. Should I give it to you, or to the D.A.?"

"What do you mean, dismissal?" grumbled Caldwell, snatching the paper. The Fuchsia Fox stared at the lawyer as the detective glanced through it. "You're claiming it was a PRANK?!"

"That's what my clients say," Nobbs said smoothly. "Who would dream of kidnapping a celebrity like Keri Keller? Their employer told them it was a harmless prank on a sorority sister. No one was hurt, were they?"

"Bull!" Caldwell spat. "When the Fox went to rescue Ms. Keller, she was captured, too! And chained up!"

"Oh really?" the lawyer said, grinning at the beautiful young superheroine. "If you have evidence of any mistreatment at my clients' hands... a video disc, for example?... I would be delighted to see it in court." The Fuchsia Fox felt herself blushing. It was obvious that Nobbs knew perfectly well (or had been told of) the embarrassing nature of Alley Cat's treatment of her.

"Keri Keller will testify that it wasn't a prank," said Caldwell.

"Yes, I'm sure she will," Nobbs went on. "If Ms. Keller wishes to initiate civil proceedings against Alley Cat for posting a video of her in her underwear on the Internet, she has my best wishes. But that is irrelevant to the matter at hand. It is the extent of my clients' alleged participation that is the issue here."

"Mr. Nobbs," the Fox said, shifting her weight and folding her arms underneath her exquisite bust, "I find it hard to believe that those three men could afford a lawyer like you. Who hired you?"

"I'm afraid that's confidential," he replied, turning away. "Good day to you."

As they watched Nobbs leave, Caldwell said sourly, "Now that they've lawyered up, I can't let you talk to them, Fox. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, lieutenant," she said, patting his shoulder and then resting her hand in the crook of his elbow. Caldwell suddenly seemed to have a frog in his throat as he escorted her back to the squad room. "Could the case really be dismissed?" the Fox asked.

"Not a chance," the detective said. "But if they convince a jury that Keller was never in any danger, they might cop to a lesser charge instead of Kidnapping. Less than a year. Oh crap, I just remembered!" Caldwell reached across his desk and picked up a square, cream colored envelope. "This came for you yesterday morning. I meant to call Captain Fletcher and have him pass the word, but I hadn't got around to it yet."

"For me?" the Fox said, breaking the seal. "I've been invited to a dinner party!"

"No kidding?" said Caldwell, looking over her shoulder. "And at the Watergate, too! You must have impressed the right people."

The invitation called it "A Gala Night", and the stunning superheroine caught herself actually thinking that it might be a fun to turn up. But then she noticed the date, which happened to be this Friday, the same night she had promised Liz and Sharon a girls night out to make up for ditching them.

"Too bad I have another commitment that night," she said out loud to Caldwell. "I suppose I'll have to call and give them my regrets." Actually, she was glad to have an excuse, since she generally regarded events like this as unwanted extravagance. Since she didn't come from the Washington area originally, she didn't even know the sponsor, apparently some society biddy named Catherine Alessandro.
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Chapter 2 --

That Friday night, Jennifer Traylor was dressed in a short, very clingy turquoise tee-dress with a U-shaped neckline to show off the heart necklace her boyfriend had given her for Valentine's Day. Her short brunette hair danced with every movement she made. Sharon, although actually a brunette like Jennifer, had recently tinted her shoulder-length tresses to a "dirty" blond. She wore a red strapless dress with a lacy ruffled skirt. Liz, a black girl whose creamy skin was about the same lovely chocolate mocha tint as Halle Berry's, was wearing a shimmering pale gold dress with only one strap over her left shoulder. Each of the girls had a similar lean, athletic build, although Sharon might be a bit curvier and Liz a little more ballasted up top.

It was a little rainy that night, but not enough to dampen their spirits. After dinner at Appleby's, the three girls piled into Sharon's Fiat and drove out to a nightclub Liz knew in Annapolis ("Naval Academy cadets!" she had gushed. "Lonely Naval Academy cadets!"). They got a table in full view of the door, where they could see and be seen. Jennifer, fingering Martin's necklace, gently deflected all offers of drinks and dances, but thanks to their sexy dresses, Sharon and Liz were both kept hopping.

In general, the dress code seemed to be a sort of "casual chic". The guys mostly wore slacks and polo shirts, maybe a sport coat. Because she spent a lot of time at the table by herself, Jennifer noticed one dude who stood out, even though he was trying hard not to. He was wearing dark jeans and a white muscle shirt with a rising sun on it. He had a pair of really nice arms, a rugged face, and an attractive mane of shaggy brown hair, but when Jennifer caught his eye, he smiled briefly and then looked away. It was kind of creepy the way he wasn't hitting on any of the women, just sitting alone nursing his drink as if he were waiting for something.

Around a quarter to eleven, Jennifer paid a visit to the powder room, and took advantage of the relative quiet to check in with Martin, who was standing an alert this weekend back at Fort Myer and couldn't leave the army post.

"Whacha doing, hon?" she said when he answered the phone. "Am I interrupting anything?"

"Not a thing, angel," he replied, with a sigh of pure boredom. "All quiet on the home front. You girls having fun?"

"Fair to middling," she answered coyly. "We'll probably call it a night pretty soon."

"Good. Er... I've got to know. What are you wearing? Is it that little black dress?"

Jennifer described her outfit to him. "Nnnnngh," she heard him groan. "The tight blue dress? The one the hugs your curves like it's painted on?"

"Down, boy," she giggled, blushing. "You're cooped up all weekend with a bunch of men, remember? Wouldn't want you to get overexcited." She paused. "I'll try to call again before I go to bed, if we're not too late. I love you."

As Jennifer hung up, Liz joined her and together they went back to their table. Sharon wasn't there. They looked all over, and finally spotted Sharon's red dress and dirty blond hair in a booth in the corner, where she was sitting sandwiched between two guys. Liz shot Jennifer an exasperated look. Granted the girl had just broken up with her boyfriend Ron, but you had to be careful who you let pick you up in a strange neighborhood.

It was a semi-circular booth set back into the far corner of the room. "This is Chuck," Sharon said, introducing her new friends, "and Scott."

The guys were good looking, muscular types, and Liz warmed to them. Jennifer however, folded her arms across her bust. "It's getting late, Sharon. We really should be getting back."

"What have you got to do in the morning?" Sharon replied. "Your boyfriend is working all weekend!"

"I need my beauty sleep," Jennifer quipped. "Come on, let's go. Please?"

Sharon had just started to slide across the vinyl seat when the guy named Chuck spoke up. "You can't run out on us now! Just one drink? Five minutes! What do you say?"

Against her better judgment, Jennifer shrugged. The guys got up to let her and Liz sit down. As soon as they did so, there was a click and the entire booth spun around like a giant lazy susan. Before they knew what was happening, the girls found themselves in a closed compartment facing a blank wall, and a white, sweet-smelling gas was being pumped into the space. This wasn't chloroform, it was a drug called halothane, although none of the girls realized it because they were unconscious almost immediately. Even as they started to stand, their knees collapsed and they sagged backward against their seats.

Another click, and the entire booth moved downward like an elevator car. Two men moved in, to shift the sleeping girls so that their faces could be seen. A woman silhouetted against the light from the corridor studied them. "They will have to do," she sighed, betraying an Oriental accent. "Remove their clothing and place them in their cells."


Jennifer woke up in a dimly lit room, lying on her left side on a hard wooden bench. As the girl sat up, rubbing the soreness from her neck, she realized that her dress had been taken off, leaving her in nothing but her flimsy white satin bra and panties. As Jennifer swung her bare feet around and placed them on the cold concrete floor, she saw that she was in a ten by ten cage, one wall of concrete and the other three of aluminum chain-link. The only light seemed to come from two bare bulbs dangling from the ceiling of the corridor outside.

She got up and padded to the door of her cage, noticing that the waist of her panties was riding lower than normal, as if the men who had undressed her had enjoyed themselves by taking a peek while she was knocked out and defenseless. The very idea made her feel incredibly vulnerable. She flushed as she tugged the skimpy garment more securely into place.

There were four cells in all. Sharon was lying in the cage to her left, still unconscious and likewise clad in nothing but her strapless black lace bra and panties. Liz was lying in the cell diagonally across the corridor, where Jennifer couldn't see her very well. The cell directly across from her contained an Asian girl, wearing plain white cotton underwear. She was huddled silently against the far corner of her cage, her green eyes staring unblinkingly.

Jennifer trembled with an overwhelming feeling of helplessness, clutching at Martin's heart necklace for comfort. Whoever had taken their clothing also had her handbag, and with it her Fuchsia Fox costume and her bracelets of Ishtar! All she could do was pray that they didn't look inside it and find out just WHO they had managed to capture!
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Nicely done again Mr. C.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

I am here to help one and all enjoy this site, so if you have any questions or feel you are being trolled please contact me (Hit the 'CONTACT' little speech bubble below my Avatar).
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i´m curious to see next episode, and discovered who planned it all
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You're about to discover who the villain is very soon now....

Chapter 3 --

Sharon and Liz came around, asking questions for which Jennifer had no good answers. "Leave it to Liz," Sharon complained, hooking her fingers in the metal mesh of her cage, "to pick a nightclub that was a front for a white slavery ring!"

"How was I supposed to know?" the black girl retorted, cupping her hands in front of her pink Victoria's Secret underwear as though she were as embarrassed to be seen in it as she would have been stark naked. "I've been here three or four times, and never heard of anybody being Kidnapped!"

"What are we going to do?" Sharon moaned, rattling the door of her cage.

"Let's not lose our heads, all right?" Jennifer said firmly. "Maybe someone will rescue us." She was thinking of the dude in the muscle shirt, who in retrospect seemed to have private detective written all over him.

Just then they heard a door slam, and seconds later Chuck and Scott came strolling down the corridor. They unlocked the door to Liz's cage and carried her away, kicking and struggling. The Asian girl with the green eyes watched blankly, but didn't move.

"What are they doing with her?" Sharon whimpered when they were gone. Jennifer was afraid to hazard a guess.

A few minutes later, Scott came back alone. Standing at the door of Jennifer's cage, he brandished an electric stun wand. "Are you gonna give me a hard time, babe, or do I use this?"

Jennifer could see one very slim chance. She gave him a single terrified squeak, emphatically shaking her head no. The man unlocked the door and swung it open. Letting his right hand with the stun wand drop to his side, he stepped inside, reaching for Jennifer's arm with the other hand. Trembling, the girl lowered her hands and thrust out her bust as she timidly crept forward. Scott smiled as his eyes drifted to her supple breasts.

Suddenly Jennifer grabbed hold of his left wrist and spun around, catching him in an arm lock. Scott dropped his stun wand in surprise as he was flipped over the girl's shoulder and into the cage. In a flash, she was outside, slamming the door and locking it. She hastily pulled the key and backed away as the man slammed against the chain-link mesh.

"You witch!" he grumbled. "You're gonna get it for this! You'd better let me out right now!"

Sharon had her hands over her face, horrified. Scott began calling for help, and Jennifer had no idea how long she had before Chuck or some other man responded. Sharon looked too petrified to move. "I'm sorry," Jennifer gasped, making a quick decision. "I'll... I'll go get help!" And then she ran down the corridor, in the opposite direction from the way Liz had been taken.


The corridor turned right into a dead end. There was a frail plywood door to the right and a much sturdier, iron-reinforced and bolted door straight ahead. Jennifer threw her entire 110 pounds against the bolt and pulled open the door, revealing a concrete stairwell going up. She almost cried out with relief at the sight of street lamps and the smell of city air. It was the way out!

Behind her, Scott stopped yelling. Other voices were speaking angrily now. Jennifer made sure the outside door was wide open and retraced her steps, slipping through the other door, which turned out to be a small storage room full of barrels and cardboard boxes. She leaned against the thin door, stroking the necklace Martin had given her and hardly daring to breathe as she heard footsteps run past and up the stairs. She counted at least four sets. "She's out!" a man's voice called. "Come on!" Then the footsteps receded.

Jennifer began to rummage through the boxes. The first held an assortment of women's clothing. Right on top were a pair of gold high heels that looked very much like Liz's, and Liz's shimmery dress! She tried another box, and soon found her own things, including her handbag with her Fuchsia Fox costume!

Quickly stripping off her bra, Jennifer pulled on her halter top, making sure to tuck her necklace under the strap so it wouldn't be seen. Slipping into her briefs, ankle boots, and gloves, she couldn't help feeling that the worst was over. All she needed was a few more seconds to put on her bracelets of Ishtar, and there would be no stopping her!

Without warning, the door flew open and the man in the muscle shirt walked in on her! "Well, hello!" he said. Although he looked out of breath as if he were on the run from someone, his face lit up with pleasure when he caught sight of the beautiful superheroine, and he flashed her a disarming smile. Jennifer couldn't help giving him a bewildered smile in return.

But while he dawdled in the doorway, his pursuers caught up with him. A pair of hands caught him by the neck and yanked him back into the hallway. A second man reached in and grabbed Jennifer, his strong arms latching firmly around her slim waist! He was an Oriental, bare-chested, his lower body covered by loose trousers of green silk.

"Eek!" Desperately the Fox made a grab for her bracelets of Ishtar, but being caught by surprise, she had allowed herself to be pulled out of reach. As the man hauled her away, she tried striking at him with her elbow, bracing her high heels against door frame, anything to keep from being separated from her invincible weapons!

It was no use. Without her powers, the man was more than a match for her in brute strength. As he dragged her helplessly out into the corridor, a second man joined in, and together they seized the Fox's wrists and immobilized her. "Get your hands off of me!" Jennifer protested as she struggled completely ineffectually. The guy in the muscle shirt had apparently been knocked unconscious, and was being held up between two more thugs.

"And who is this one?" said a cool female voice from some distance down the corridor. She was Asian as well, slightly taller than average. Her costume was a green sleeveless leotard with a deeply plunging V down the front, laced to securely hold in place her more than ample bosom. Her legs were bare, shod with soft green shoes almost like slippers. She was wearing a green cape that fell to her knees, and a headdress with Chinese writing on it that did nothing to obscure her beautiful features. Around either wrist was a large metallic armband.

The lackey on Jennifer's left bobbed his head in a respectful bow. "If you please, Madame Mantis. She is called the Fuchsia Fox." He grinned slightly as he reached over with his free hand to squeeze the helpless heroine's firm little derriere. "Although she is rumored to be much tougher than this."

"Touch me again and I'll show you how tough I am!" the Fox blurted sulkily, squirming uselessly in the men's clutches. All four of the henchmen snickered rather nastily at the captive girl's clearly empty boast, as if they would be happy to put her to the test.

"Such spirit," the woman called Madame Mantis said, apparently to herself. She walked forward slowly, placing each foot with graceful deliberation. when she was close enough, she reached over and gently stroked the side of Jennifer's face with her fingers. "And so beautiful! She may be exactly what I have been searching for."

As she touched her again, a sensation almost like an electric shock jumped from the woman's armbands into Jennifer's skin. For a moment, every single muscle in the Fox's flawless young body seemed to quiver and spasm, and then, just like a light switching off, the superheroine passed out, sagging limp and helpless into the arms of the two goons who had captured her.
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a new villain and I'm curious to know what will happen in the next chapter
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Chapter 4 --

The henchman was carrying the Fuchsia Fox's slender body draped across his arms like a sleeping baby. Another opened the cage previously occupied by Liz, and he gently laid her on the bench. The man in the muscle shirt, in contrast, was dragged down the hallway between two other minions and unceremoniously dumped into Jennifer's unoccupied cell.

"That's the Fuchsia Fox!" Sharon whimpered, pressing up against the door of her cage. "What have you done to her?" Even the girl with the green eyes seemed to show interest.

Madame Mantis paused on her way past. For the first time, she condescended to directly address someone. "You should be happy for her. She is about to be married!" She smiled slightly, seeming to enjoy Sharon's shocked expression, then she spoke to her four Oriental henchmen (Chuck and Scott were presumably still out searching for Jennifer). "Get these other two dressed! We have no more time to waste!"

And then she sedately strode away down the corridor, her green cape trailing behind her.


The walls of the rectangular room were plastered eggshell white, and along one wall was hung a tapestry depicting a hideous demon with monstrous wings, black skin, and blazing red eyes. On the floor was an Oriental tile pattern at the center of which was a circle with lightning bolts emanating from its hub. There was a big pair of double doors at the far of the room. At the near end, two smaller doors led to the left and the right.

Five chairs were arranged in a row. Liz and Sharon, now dressed in white silk kimonos, were sitting in the first two. The next chair was empty. The girl with the green eyes (also dressed in white) and the man in the muscle shirt occupied the last two. The women's hands were tied in front of them with silk ropes, the man's were handcuffed. Ropes were looped around all four of them, securing them to the chairs. The four Oriental thugs were standing behind them watchfully with drawn swords.

Two additional minions entered through the door on the left, hustling the Fuchsia Fox ignominiously in between them, her hands tied tightly behind her. They sat her in the empty chair, sneered at her, and joined the other guards.

"Fox!" Liz blurted out. "Oh no! However did they manage to capture YOU?"

The sexy superheroine squirmed in her seat, tugging against her bonds with an air of acute embarrassment. "Um... it's kind of..."

"Yeah, that's my fault. Sorry about that," drawled the man in the muscle shirt, leaning forward a little. "Jack Burton. I was hired to find Sue Ling, here." He nodded towards the girl with the green eyes. "She's been missing for seven days. I saw these two ladies and their friend get taken and figured it was time to make my move." He shook his head. "Didn't count on a chick with a bioelectric sting, though."

"Omigod JayTee!" Sharon squeaked, suddenly reminded of Jennifer. "Do you think she's all right?"

The Fox had never been more grateful for the image alteration aura generated by her costume. Early in her career, she had actually worn a mask for a couple of weeks, because she couldn't believe that no one would recognize her. But here was all the proof she needed, if it never crossed the minds of her two best friends that the Fuchsia Fox and Jennifer Traylor could be one and the same girl.

"She's safe," she told them reassuringly. "I put her in a taxi and sent her to safety."

"So that means the police will be breaking down the doors any minute now?" said Liz.

"Er... well..." The answer to that question was even MORE embarrassing! Jennifer was saved from the necessity of making up an excuse by the opening of the big pair of double doors. Madame Mantis came walking placidly into the room, her cape draped around her shoulders and nearly encircling her, so that the only thing that showed through the gap was her spectacular cleavage.

"In the Year of the Dragon," she recited as with serene step she approached her five prisoners, "on the Day of the Vermilion Bird, at the Hour of Tao Shi, tempt not the wrath of Lei Kung, the Duke of Thunder." She paused only to glance upward reverently at the demon depicted on the canvas, and continued.

"The fairest and most superlative maiden in all the land he takes for his bride, she and beautiful handmaidens three. They are cast into the Pit of Despair to appease the appetite of Lei Kung. Do this and all which you desire shall be yours." The villainess stopped in front of the Fox's chair. "Do you recognize yourself in this recitation, oh Superlative Maiden?"

"Not that I don't appreciate the compliment and everything," Jennifer said, her shoulders back and her head held high, "but I'm not a maiden. Haven't been for years."

Madame Mantis gave her a little smile. "I doubt the god will appreciate your impertinence. I will enjoy watching as Lei Kung savagely ravishes that sauciness out of you, leaving you his tamed and submissive slave." She brushed aside her cape and raised her arms, an action which did interesting things to the lacings of her extreme decolletage.

Jack couldn't help staring at the villainess' tits as they threatened to pop loose. He leaned over to Sue Ling. "She struck me as the kind of chick who would get off on watching."

Madame Mantis ignored him, turning around to face the double doors. "The Hour when the star Tao Shi crosses the Celestial Meridian approaches! Behold the Pit of Despair!" With a rumbling sound, the circle in the center of the floor tiles split apart and slid back, revealing a pit approximately ten feet in diameter. A pale reddish glow seemed to be coming from inside. Groaning noises echoed, as if something big were moving around down there. A shadowy tentacle showed itself briefly.

The girls stirred uncomfortably in their seats, frantically tugging at their ropes. Jack grimaced as he rattled his handcuffs. "Any of you ladies happen to have a bobby pin on ya?"

At Madame Mantis' imperious gesture, two of her minions marched forward, hauling the Fox to her feet. The villainess drew a dagger from her belt and pressed it to the sexy superheroine's beautiful throat. "It is normally customary to cut the throats of sacrificial victims. But in your case I think I shall leave you alive, to better savor your union with your bridegroom."

Jennifer struggled in vain against the men holding her scantily-clad body captive. Her mask of bravado slipped as she stared fearfully at the pit. "Don't I even get wined and dined first?"

"Chose your next witticism carefully, Fuchsia Fox. It way well be your last."
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Very interesting plot Centurion, can't wait to see more.
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Another good chapter in fuchsia Fox only awaiting the next
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Chapter 5 --

"Oh Mighty Lei Kung!" Madame Mantis shouted. "I bow before your greatness! Accept my humble offering, and grant my desire!" The two minions nudged the Fox toward the pit.

For Jennifer, the psychological struggle not to give in to hopelessness was every bit as real as the physical struggle against her ropes and the two strong men holding her prisoner. She didn't see how she was going to get out of this one! She was powerless, her bracelets of Ishtar still in the storage room where she couldn't possibly get to them!

Even though without the bracelets she knew she had no connection to the goddess, she found herself chanting silently, "Please Ishtar! Please help me! Please..."

Jennifer and her escort were twelve feet from the rim of the pit. Eleven. She was totally astonished to hear, for the second time in her life, a voice in her head say, "Do not despair, my daughter."

This time there was no visual component. "Ishtar?" she thought back. "What? How...?"

"Jennifer, listen to me. The costume and the bracelets are linked by a telephrenologic z-particle shunt. Do you understand what I'm saying?" It was curious how, now that Jennifer knew that Ishtar was a Zumerian space commander and not truly an ancient Babylonian goddess, her speech pattern had changed. But this was no time to dwell on that.

"I... I think so." Desperately she concentrated on the bracelets, visualizing them, picturing them perfectly in her mind, willing them to come to her.

Seven feet from the the rim of the pit. Jennifer groaned. IT WASN'T WORKING!

Five feet. Ishtar's voice continued soothingly. "You must concentrate. Leikung is a parasitical creature imprisoned in a closed dimensional spiral. Every 144 years, he has this chance to break free, provided he has a physical connection to this plane. If he escapes, he will ravage your planet." The voice paused wryly. "So no pressure."

Two feet. One foot. The Fox's high heels teetered on the very edge. The three girls, watching horror-stricken, screamed.

There was a loud crash as Jack Burton's chair toppled over backwards and hit the tiled floor. "Fu--" he hissed. His legs were now sticking straight up as, with a metallic SNICK!, two knife blades slotted into place from sheathes on either of his boots. From this position, he was able to push the looped rope over his shoulders and roll free of his chair. He rose to his knees holding one of his knives, just in time to deflect a blow from one of Madame Mantis' sword-armed minions.

As the sword thudded into the back of Sue Ling's chair, Jack brought up his leg and kicked out. The henchman abandoned the weapon for an unarmed martial arts stance. Burton spun and threw the knife, catching one of the minions guarding the Fuchsia Fox on his left shoulder, forcing him to let go of her.

The other guard, however, gave the shapely superheroine a shove in the small of her back, sending her tumbling helplessly into the pit!


Immediately there was a silent flash of pure white light that rippled briefly across Jennifer's body like a flare. As her ropes burned through and fell off, the Fuchsia Fox raised her arms and hovered above the pit, grinning with the sheer joy of seeing her bracelets back in place on her wrists, once more making her invincible!

The stunning superlady paused in mid-air, one lovely knee slightly bent in a prim pose as she glowered down at Madame Mantis and her six minions like a displeased goddess. Her willowy frame looked both silkily alluring and devastatingly superior. The Fox lightly touched down on the rim of the pit, fists clenched and arms akimbo, her pretty face set with the cockiest expression in her repertoire. Her attitude brooked no opposition. The henchmen, realizing by instinct that they were outnumbered one to six, rolled their tongues back in, dropped their weapons, and ran.

Jack, who most unfortunately had missed all this because he was facing the other way, saw the henchmen flee and relaxed from the defensive crouch he had assumed. "That's right!" he drawled, nodding in satisfaction. "Don't want to get old Jack Burton riled up, do ya?"

"NO!" Madame Mantis shouted. "I will not have this!" Aiming her armband at the Fuchsia Fox, she fired off her paralyzing bioelectric sting, which had no effect against the Fox's impenetrable force shield. Seeing that her first attack had been futile, she charged at the sassy superbabe physically, slashing at her with the dagger she still held in her hand.

Jennifer side-stepped easily, blocking the blow with her forearm. The villainess tumbled and would have fallen head first into the pit if the Fox hadn't caught the back of her leotard at the last possible moment. The Oriental beauty teetered precariously for a second, the laces of her decolletage nearly parting from the strain before the heroine pulled her to safety.

"Get your hands off of me!" Madame Mantis snapped, as the Fox disarmed her and tied her arms behind her with her own cape. "I insist you release me at once!"

"Yeah, give it to me later, why don't you?" Jennifer said dismissively. "Everyone all right?"

Jack had already cut Sue Ling free with his other knife, and was now working on Liz and Sharon. "Keep your tights on, lady! I'm working as fast as I can with both hands cuffed."

Sue Ling suddenly gasped in horror. "FOX! LOOK OUT!"

Jennifer felt something cold and slimy touch the bare skin of her right calf. Before she could do more than register the fact, two tentacles had snaked around both exquisite legs and yanked her into the pit.
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by the way we still have more fight, as Fuchsia Fox will escape this trap
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Chapter 6 --

The Fox tumbled into darkness. There was another voice in her head now, a clammy voice like the breath of a thunderstorm on a sweltering hot summer day, carrying with it the miasma of evil. Beauty? the voice whispered, like oil on a sidewalk. Softness? Innocence? How I love them all! How I love to destroy them! Come to me, my beauty. Let me feast upon your tender living flesh!

"N-no!" the Fox pleaded, as the tentacles enwrapped her body so that she couldn't move, ignoring her super powers as if they didn't exist. "Please don't..."

Something caught her arms in an unbreakable grip and against her will, the Fox found herself bent over with her tail thrust into the air. Effortlessly the sucking tentacles parted her legs as smaller tendrils caressed the bare skin of her creamy thighs, moving relentlessly upward towards her briefs. A snake-like protrusion insinuated itself underneath her costumes, sliding inside and stroking her unprotected cleft. "Please don't!" the heroine cried, almost sobbing with frustration as she struggled. "No! Please..."

So juicy! Lei Kung whispered as his fingers roughly probed her. Hovering over her, he was an amorphous head, with blazing eyes and mouth full of tusks. So tasty! So sweet!

"S-s-so... sweet..." the Fox echoed. Her struggles became less urgent as if the very touch of the monster were sapping her will to resist.

"You must fight it, Jennifer," said Ishtar's voice, seeming to come faintly from miles away. "It's a parasite, remember? It's pumping your bloodstream full of endorphins and estrogens. You have to fight it!"

"C-can't..." the Fox moaned, as the creature's voice gloated. Suddenly it withdrew its fingers and flipped her roughly over face up with her arms and legs spread wide. But you don't deserve a good clean plundering yet, do you my beauty? You're a dirty girl, aren't you? A slut!

"N-no..." Two cold, clammy tentacles wormed their way around the Fox's lean torso, leaving sticky, slimy trails as they rubbed and fondled her two perky breasts. Jennifer shivered with sexual arousal as her nipples grew to hard little points, and her lips made involuntary sucking motions. Far above her, she could see the lip of the pit, with a hazy figure looking down at her. Far away... "Please... don't..."

All at once, one of the tentacles touched something metal hanging around Jennifer's neck. What is this? Lei Kung thundered. A heart? A token of love? Away with it!

As the little tendril started to wrap around Martin's necklace, Jennifer found the strength to fight back. Hot anger flooded her mind, pushing aside the invading parasite. "Leave it alone!" she growled, drawing back and punching the tentacle as hard as she could.

Lei Kung howled, arms thrashing and attempting to coil around the beautiful superheroine. The Fox kicked out with her long, gorgeous legs and broke free of its clutches. She brought her fist down with a mighty thud, right in between the creature's eyes. It backed away, trying to retreat, but she followed, pounding it again and again.

A massive tusk thrust upwards in her direction, but the stunning superlady sidestepped and brought both fists around in a wallop that shattered the fang and sent shrapnel flying. The monster screamed in agony.

At this point, some inner sense told her that time was running out. The Fox shot upwards out of the creature's reach. As she cleared the rim of the pit again, there was Jack Burton, peering curiously down into its depths. "I'd say you sure cleaned his clock," he said.

"Thanks," the Fox breathed, alighting next to him. "The celestial alignment is nearly passed. I'm guessing as long as he doesn't feed from a person on this side, he won't be able to pass through the gate. But we'd better close up the floor again, just to be on the safe side."


The Annapolis police took Madame Mantis into custody, shut down the nightclub and took the remaining employees in for questioning. Chuck and Scott returned from their fruitless search for Jennifer just in time to be arrested. Sharon's, Liz' and Sue Ling's statements were taken, and they were given back their clothing.

"I'll make sure JayTee gets these," Sharon said, indicating the paper bag the police had given her, which held Jennifer's dress, shoes and handbag. "Are you sure she's all right?"

"I'm positive," said the Fox, with a slight smile. They were all standing in the parking lot next to Sharon's Fiat. "She'll probably be home before you."

"It's lucky for us you happened by," said Liz. "How did Jenn bump into you so fast?"

Faced with a direct question, the Fox could only lie through her teeth. "I had heard rumors about this place, and I was investigating. I was waiting right outside the back door."

"Well, I reckon that about covers it," Jack Burton drawled. "One wild and crazy story to pass down to your grandkids. Not that any of 'em will believe a word of it."

"Thanks for your help," the Fox said, shaking his hand.

"Any chance we'll see you again?" Sharon asked him hopefully.

"You never can tell," he said, swaggering towards his truck (which curiously had the words "Pork Chop Express" painted on the cab). "Some dark night when you're back's against the wall, and the Devil has you by the throat and he won't take No for an answer... well don't be a bit surprised if you look around and good old Jack Burton has your six, and kicks that old Devil right in the balls."

He flipped them a lazy salute as he climbed into the cab of his truck and drove away.

>>>>>>>>>>>THE END
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great end centurion one of the best sagas of fox
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I appreciate it! I'm working on an idea now about a race against time between the Fox and two supervillains to find a powerful artifact hidden in a vault underneath one of the monuments in Washington D.C. The drawback is that so far it's a pure action story with minimal sexual content (unless you think the Fox dealing with and being gawked at by ordinary people in a museum is sexy). What I need is to come up with some fresh perils to put my darling lady in.
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Centurion wrote:I appreciate it! I'm working on an idea now about a race against time between the Fox and two supervillains to find a powerful artifact hidden in a vault underneath one of the monuments in Washington D.C. The drawback is that so far it's a pure action story with minimal sexual content (unless you think the Fox dealing with and being gawked at by ordinary people in a museum is sexy). What I need is to come up with some fresh perils to put my darling lady in.
Could have the Fox trapped by the two villains and stripped and put in one of the display cases at the monument with the threat she'll be stuck there and found by the public in the morning when the monument opens. Perhaps all 3 arrive at the same place a the same time and the 2 villains team up to double team her, get in some groping and teasing before locking her in the case and then one villain turns on the other.
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RedMountain wrote:Could have the Fox trapped by the two villains and stripped and put in one of the display cases at the monument with the threat she'll be stuck there and found by the public in the morning when the monument opens. Perhaps all 3 arrive at the same place a the same time and the 2 villains team up to double team her, get in some groping and teasing before locking her in the case and then one villain turns on the other.
Uhhhh No. If you hadn't noticed, I don't do porn or fetish. I have nothing against the guys who do, but that's not my style. Besides, the chase happens in broad daylight, so the fights take place right there in front of the tourists.
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I think everything's Red M is suggesting is along the lines of what you have done before - a bit of groping and the threat of exposure - I don't see anything that he has proposed as porn per se. From your note about it being mostly peril with minimal sexual content the implications were that you wanted some elements of what he had suggested ie mild sexual content. If you want more peril then why suggest the 'problem' is that its mostly peril at the moment?
Think me and RM have misunderstood you.
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I admit there is sometimes a fine line between porn and peril. For me it's like the line between embarrassing the heroine and humiliating her. I do my best not to cross that line. From what I read, being "stripped and put in one of the display cases" seemed to cross the line. That type of suggestion is fine, it's just not quite what I'm looking for.
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Sorry I didn't mean to sound offensive, I meant something similar to your story where the villain takes off her top(after cutting it in half) and ties her wrists with it leaving her exposed. I should have been a bit more clear, I didn't mean to suggest full nudity. Honestly I can't stand it when a heroine is stripped of her entire costume as she's no longer a heroine. Just a thought if it was taking place at night and they all arrived in a museum looking for the artifact, would be an interesting trap with her stuck in the case, that's all. Of course she would escape before anyone found her like that! :)
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I read it as you meant I think , RM. The key word is 'threat' which I think C missed or misinterpreted. But no matter all cleared up now.
Forgot to say , good story Mr C. Think its more of a complete ending than some of your more recent stuff (nothing wrong with them but feel this is better/more satisfying).
Liked the BTILC reference, keep it up!
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RedMountain wrote:Sorry I didn't mean to sound offensive, I meant something similar to your story where the villain takes off her top(after cutting it in half) and ties her wrists with it leaving her exposed. I should have been a bit more clear, I didn't mean to suggest full nudity. Honestly I can't stand it when a heroine is stripped of her entire costume as she's no longer a heroine. Just a thought if it was taking place at night and they all arrived in a museum looking for the artifact, would be an interesting trap with her stuck in the case, that's all. Of course she would escape before anyone found her like that! :)
Please forgive me if I read "stripped" as implying totally nude. You have the right idea... a peril situation that still has mildly embarrassing sexual content. But like you said, what you describe sounds a lot like what I did to her in "Exposed". I'm trying to think of something fresh that I haven't done before. (Do you realize this will be my TWELVETH FF story?)

For example, I have a standoff situation in mind. The villain threatens to set off a bomb hidden somewhere in the crowded museum unless the Fox lets him escape. It suddenly occurs to me that there are interesting things the villan can make her to do to ensure that she doesn't follow him right away... something that skates right along the rim of humiliating without going over. Because the villain has to be careful. If he pushes her too far, the heroine could just say, "Screw this," and take her chances with the bomb.

Anyway, I pretty much have the story sorted out. I just need a Big Finish, which is proving more difficult to come up with than I thought.
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tallyho wrote:Liked the BTILC reference, keep it up!
Originally it was going to be a white slavery ring. The girls would be paraded in front of men who would bid on them. But with one thing and another I decided that was too much like porn and I wanted something more perilous. In the scene where the Fox got caught changing, the way I originally wrote it felt like it crossed the humiliation line. I thought it might take some of the sting out of her capture if it wasn't her fault, if the only reason she got caught was because some third party gave away where she was hiding. Somebody like... Jack Burton! He just popped into my head, and the rest of the story fell into place. I even changed Sharon to a dirty blond like Kim Cattrall. I remembered one reader comment had asked for a big-busted villainess, so in place of Lo Pan, Madame Mantis was born. It's just too bad that I couldn't work the Three Storms into the story someplace.

Great story, Centurion! I too liked the appearance of Ol' Jack Burton. So much so I dug up BTILC and watched it again for the first time in years. Fun movie. So thanks for that as well.
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Centurion wrote:
RedMountain wrote:Sorry I didn't mean to sound offensive, I meant something similar to your story where the villain takes off her top(after cutting it in half) and ties her wrists with it leaving her exposed. I should have been a bit more clear, I didn't mean to suggest full nudity. Honestly I can't stand it when a heroine is stripped of her entire costume as she's no longer a heroine. Just a thought if it was taking place at night and they all arrived in a museum looking for the artifact, would be an interesting trap with her stuck in the case, that's all. Of course she would escape before anyone found her like that! :)
Please forgive me if I read "stripped" as implying totally nude. You have the right idea... a peril situation that still has mildly embarrassing sexual content. But like you said, what you describe sounds a lot like what I did to her in "Exposed". I'm trying to think of something fresh that I haven't done before. (Do you realize this will be my TWELVETH FF story?)

For example, I have a standoff situation in mind. The villain threatens to set off a bomb hidden somewhere in the crowded museum unless the Fox lets him escape. It suddenly occurs to me that there are interesting things the villan can make her to do to ensure that she doesn't follow him right away... something that skates right along the rim of humiliating without going over. Because the villain has to be careful. If he pushes her too far, the heroine could just say, "Screw this," and take her chances with the bomb.

Anyway, I pretty much have the story sorted out. I just need a Big Finish, which is proving more difficult to come up with than I thought.
Yes, that would be an interesting situation, he could force her to tie herself up or something else that leaves her vulnerable so he could escape! :twisted: Also don't worry, no offense was taken! Looking forward to your next work!
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Thank you for the kind words, Delta! The story I described above may be ready by next week. I don't watch a lot of television these days, so when I get a good idea, I can generally finish the story pretty quickly. But I don't like to start posting until it's completely finished, because you never know when inspiration will run out on you! ;)
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