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theScribbler wrote:
5 years ago
AvaHeinz wrote:
5 years ago

Problem is, there are time and place for everything, while I do agree Brie Larson about white man dominating the movie critic and minority and female were not generally accepted as mush as white male in Hollywood, but the timing of when she said it is very bad. And when you said something right at the bad time, it still look bad and that is the reason why we got all the troll in this situation.

When you are promoting a movie, any movie, it's best to put your own agenda aside, and talk about what the movie entail, and what the character is like or how to approach your character. That is not a time or place to say there should be more equality or we need to have more people of colour and gender in the movie, when you are promoting a movie, you stick to a movie, otherwise people will think you are using the movie to push your very own agenda, it can be a just clause, but the moment you did that, you lost the right to the audience.

She could have talk about this, in advocate event using the influence form the movie, or using the actress status, that would be more acceptable to audience who just want to see what you have to say about the movie you star in.
From your post, I'm guessing you think Brie's timing is recent. Just so you know, Brie made her speech about 8 months + 2 weeks ago.

She did "talk about this" at an "advocate event." Her "talk about this" was at the Women In Film event during her acceptance speech when she received 2018 Crystal Award for Excellence in Film: The Crystal + Lucy Awards, June 13, 2018. Think of it as a fairly low profile Golden Globes type event: Festive party with food served and awards given, but not televised.

Brie's timing was fine. The event choice where she made speech was fine. It's the manbabies agenda that have revisited this and pulled this 9 months past event out of the past to now, to drum up their wounded pride brigade to hit her now. It's their intentional, dishonest, calculated, mean-spirited timing. But they are very tender snowflakes that feel they don't exist if not playing the aggrieved victims they so long to be.
Hi Mate

I know when she made the speech, it does not really matter, I would doubt she recently have this agenda after starring in Captain Marvel, which by the way, we all knew she is Captain Marvel back in 2017 when they first announce the film. When I say bad timing, I meant her speech about white dude and black critic in women in film event down in LA. That event was supposed to celebrate women in general in film, not white women, nor black Women, nor lesbian(or BGTIQ) in Film. Which mean the tone of the event should be neutral, and not about a particular group of people, male or female.

The problem is not much as to "When" she made the speed, the when part contribute to this troll saga surrounding the film Captain Marvel, the problem as far as I can see is "Where" she made the speech. Again, using my sportsman analogy, it's like Brianna Steward going up on ESPY after winning Best Female Athletes in 2016 and go on an on about how Female Athlete being discriminated against in development when compare to Male counterpart or how Sexual Abuse is a general problem for women (She was sexually molested by her family member ages between 9 to 12). Or om Mitchell goes up to get his Brownlow Medal and then have a go at WAFL being discriminated by the public for being homophobic and sexist against female AFL player. While both Breanna and Tom have that idea and their agenda, but they won't comment on that in a sporting event, because that was the wrong avenue.

I have no problem Breanna Steward, Tom Mitchell and Brie Larson talk about their personal political aim on forum like sexism and discrimination against women, in fact, they were indeed frequent guest (well, at least have some appearance) on such forum, as a matter of fact, Gender Equality and should really invite these people and talk about the problem woman face in the world, but you shouldn't talk about it during a media event that have no relationship with such issue to begin with.

I am all for female equality, but you need to choose which and where and when to put your agenda on the map, otherwise, you will be see as having taking advantage on such event for your own political gain, and it not just manbabies who think that, most female do too, if you ask many feminist (if you know any) they will usually say they despise these "celebrities activist" because they would make the feminist come out being opportunist and raise their agenda whenever they have a chance.

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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
5 years ago ... s-critics/

“I don’t want to hear what a white man has to say about ‘A Wrinkle in Time.’ I want to hear what a woman of color, a biracial woman has to say about the film. I want to hear what teenagers think about the film.”

It's great that she cares about the opinions of people of color. I agree with 90% of what she says. What is wrong with a white man's opinion about A Wrinkle in Time? I understand movies have targeted demographics, but people from all ages and groups see a variety of movies and media. Media is no longer limited to one group. Sure a lot of black people love Tyler Perry, but I also know a lot of people who also enjoy his work. Are their opinions of his movie invalid?
Thumbs up for posting the link to Brie's award speech on video. It shows the humorous moments mixed in with her talk about an issue important to her. Shows the audience receptive nature (it is a Women In Film event afterall). Manbabies would like to convince people it was a demanding, dogmatic speech alla a female Hitler. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I see you pulled your above quote from the variety article. Kind of surprised the article writer didn't transcribe an accurate Brie quote, but poorly paraphrased her.

To your question: What is wrong with a white man's opinion about A Wrinkle in Time? Nothing's wrong with it. But she says she wants a variety of perspectives. Nothing wrong with that either.

Also nothing wrong with Brie noting only 2.5% of Top Reviewers are women of color and advocating for that percentage to go up. She doesn't mean eliminating any white male reviewers, it means raising the percentage of women of color reviewers access, added chairs at the table for them along with the white males and others. aka diversity.

After a movie, TV show, comes out, everyone has access to review it. She's talking about pre-release access: reviewer screenings, press tours. As you can see in her speech, she believes those reviews matter quite a bit.

Not shown in her speech in the video is that she noted progress is already being made. In the article:
The actress also announced that the Sundance Film Festival and the Toronto Film Festival have pledged that 20 percent of their press credentials to minorities to better reflect America.
She concluded her speech urging publicists to revisit their press line and junket invites to “please make sure that these invites and credentials find their way to more underrepresented journalists and critics, many of whom are freelancers.”
At any rate, I made a transcript of the speech shown in the video. This way people can copy and paste exact Brie quotes, and not inaccurate paraphrases. People should watch the video tho, cause there's a lot to be said for real content, context, demeanor and intent. The false strawlady the manbabies are attempting to put out into the world is propaganda; entirely worthless.


Brie Larson's speech when she received 2018 Crystal Award for Excellence in Film. Put on by Woman In Film organization: The Crystal + Lucy Awards, June 13, 2018.

Transcript of speech captured on video, available at Variety Magazine website. Apologies for any mistakes. Suggest changes if you think I majorly mess up somewhere.

"I'm so grateful to be up here [ha ha, giggling] to receive this award so I cannot thank my family and my team! [<-opener joke] and instead talk about something that's really important to me.

I'd like to bring to light an aspect of our industry that has risen to the surface in the last week. It's an issue that's been bubbling...since like really the whole time, but this issue has a solution that each one of us in this room can participate in.

[In this room = people attending this Women In Film event.]

So...earlier this week USC Annenberg's Inclusive Initiative released findings that 67% of the Top Critics reviewing The 100 Highest Grossing Movies in 2017 were white males. Less than a quarter were white women, and less than 10% were underrepresented men. Only 2.5% of those top critics were women of color.

So you're probably figuring now, like, well, that sure doesn't represent the country that I live in, and that's because that's true! This is a huge disconnect from the US Population breakdown of 30% white men, 30% white women, 20% men of color, and 20% women of color.

So, why does that matter? Why am I up here giving you statistics, when I could be spending this time talking about my publicist! ...

[audience laughter]

Lindsey, who I love and thank you so much...for bringing Jessie up here and making me super emotional while I rattle off percentages of people!

On top of all of this...

Am I saying that I hate white dudes? No...I'm not...

[audience laughter]

But what I'm saying that if you make a movie, that is a love letter to women of color, there is an insanely low chance a woman of color will have the chance to see your movie, and review your movie


And this is also not to mention: other people besides white dudes like Star Wars, and would love the opportunity to do a set visit.

And I'm also saying: I don't hate white dudes, I'm just saying...

We need to be conscious of our bias and do our part to make sure that everyone is in the room.

[audience applause]

It really sucks that reviews matter, but reviews matter.

Good reviews out of festivals give small independent films a fighting chance to be bought and seen, good reviews help films gross money, good reviews slingshot films into awards contenders, a good review can change your life...It changed mine.

[clap from lady stage right]

Our industry has gone thru a major growth...[deviates from speech]

Brie to lady stage right:
Thank you for clapping for my good reviews...
Lady stage right:
I love that movie

[audience laughter]

Ifeellike so excited...urlike yeah...that one time! [laughter]

[back to speech]
Our industry has gone thru a major growth. We are expanding to make films that better reflect the people that buy movie tickets, but they are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that these films were made for. I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn't work for him about A Wrinkle in Time. it wasn't made for him! [This line clearly said with humor]

[audience laughter that swells louder]

I wanna know...

[audience growing laughter and added applause]

what that film meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen...women of color, to teens that are biracial.

And for the THIRD time, I don't hate white dudes!

[audience laughter]

These are just facts, these are not my feelings.

And I'm really sorry, Lindsey! Please don't kill me!

[ audience laughter]

As some of you know, I immediately jumped onto Frances's [McDormand] brilliant words: 'Inclusion Rider.' And this is way before she had bumper stickers for her iPad! Because I know that this means that my work will be shown, digested, discussed by a variety of people, not just a singular perspective. I wanna know what my work means to the world, not a narrow view.

[audience applause whoops and hollers]

Thanks Mom!"

:lynda1: :ss:
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

Be very careful!
Don't B indoctrinated!
Cover your eyes! & ears!
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
5 years ago
The African slavers are just as wrong as the white slaver owners. It does not matter what politics governed those African communities. Morality is not founded by a country. Morality is founded by human rights and civil rights.
I see Tallyho touches this above, I get where you are coming from. I know that a lot of people got a 1 way ticket when they were posted in the Royal Navy's anti slaving squadron based at Fort George? at the mouth of the Gambia. I know that the Royal Navy really came into being to stop Barbary Corsairs (that's african pirates for those of you subjected to a US education) from turning up and dragging towns of people off to auction in Tangiers and Bengahzi etc.

You miss the point however which is that you couldn't enslave white people (though at the time jewish and irish didn't count as white!). Some nasty dickhead in mauritania or seirra leone selling his neighbours is pretty bad, but designating a chunk of humanity as "animal adjacent" and having them as slaves because you can't do it to the dutch family next door is a whole higher level of fucked up.

And yes mods I know this is off topic, I don't intend to promulgate this line of thought.

Let the complaining about the sheer audacity of a gobby 29 year old actress and mansplaining to femina about why she dosen't understand how captain marvel threatens the fabric of society continue!
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lionbadger wrote:
5 years ago
GeekyPornCritic wrote:
5 years ago
The African slavers are just as wrong as the white slaver owners. It does not matter what politics governed those African communities. Morality is not founded by a country. Morality is founded by human rights and civil rights.
I see Tallyho touches this above, I get where you are coming from. I know that a lot of people got a 1 way ticket when they were posted in the Royal Navy's anti slaving squadron based at Fort George? at the mouth of the Gambia. I know that the Royal Navy really came into being to stop Barbary Corsairs (that's african pirates for those of you subjected to a US education) from turning up and dragging towns of people off to auction in Tangiers and Bengahzi etc.

You miss the point however which is that you couldn't enslave white people (though at the time jewish and irish didn't count as white!). Some nasty dickhead in mauritania or seirra leone selling his neighbours is pretty bad, but designating a chunk of humanity as "animal adjacent" and having them as slaves because you can't do it to the dutch family next door is a whole higher level of fucked up.

And yes mods I know this is off topic, I don't intend to promulgate this line of thought.

Let the complaining about the sheer audacity of a gobby 29 year old actress and mansplaining to femina about why she dosen't understand how captain marvel threatens the fabric of society continue!
Hi Mate

Not that I agree or disagree with your point, but you can actually enslave white people back in 13, 14 and 15th century when Ottoman (Muslim for those of you educated in the US) conquer Europe, where most white people (mostly Germanic and Russian) were enslaved by Muslim, that is the reason why most Eastern European country above Turkey (Serb, Hungary and up to Georgia and Chechen in Russia) today are Muslim dominant.

Just so you know :)

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I suppose greek as well

Also, I have similar experience of australians.
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Slavery is a fairly time honored tradition of human rights violations throughout all of history and............

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! Isn't this thread supposed to be about how Brie Larson is a White man hating demigorgon?
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AvaHeinz wrote:
5 years ago
Hi Mate

I know when she made the speech, it does not really matter,
You said "timing." "When" is what "timing" means. Now you say it doesn't matter "when." Makes your prior post have no point.

the choice, judgment, or control of when something should be done.
"one of the secrets of golf is good timing"
a particular point or period of time when something happens.
plural noun: timings
AvaHeinz wrote: I would doubt she recently have this agenda after starring in Captain Marvel, which by the way, we all knew she is Captain Marvel back in 2017 when they first announce the film.
Yes, she's been activist for long while.
AvaHeinz wrote: When I say bad timing, I meant her speech about white dude and black critic in women in film event down in LA. That event was supposed to celebrate women in general in film.
That's not bad timing, that's you saying WHAT (you think) the content of her speech is about. But your missing the big picture. Her speech was about diversity, inclusion, more perspectives, not what you say it's about (a couple mentioned nouns). It's advocating for giving access to more reviewers of diversity. To include more of them.
AvaHeinz wrote: not white women, nor black Women, nor lesbian(or BGTIQ) in Film. Which mean the tone of the event should be neutral, and not about a particular group of people, male or female.
The event was neutral. The audience had men and women and children, and all races in it. No one at the event complained. Quite the contrary. They know what WIF is about.
AvaHeinz wrote: The problem is not much as to "When" she made the speed,
Again, you said "timing" before. That's what timing means.
AvaHeinz wrote: the when part contribute to this troll saga surrounding the film Captain Marvel, the problem as far as I can see is "Where" she made the speech.
"Where" is not timing, it's location. And there was no problem with where she made her speech. WIF expects this kind of advocacy.
AvaHeinz wrote: Again, using my sportsman analogy, it's like Brianna Steward going up on ESPY after winning Best Female Athletes in 2016 and go on an on about how Female Athlete being discriminated against in development when compare to Male counterpart or how Sexual Abuse is a general problem for women (She was sexually molested by her family member ages between 9 to 12). Or om Mitchell goes up to get his Brownlow Medal and then have a go at WAFL being discriminated by the public for being homophobic and sexist against female AFL player. While both Breanna and Tom have that idea and their agenda, but they won't comment on that in a sporting event, because that was the wrong avenue.
What about Caitlyn Jenner ESPY Awards Transgender Rights Speech?

Your analogy is false. While most award acceptance speeches are about thanking people, occasionally someone will take the opportunity to advocate for something. The right leaners don't like when liberals advocate for something liberal, the left leaners don't like it when conservatives advocate for something stupid.

If someone, a liberal let's say, at this year's Oscars advocated for doing the right thing when voting in 2020, it would not be a problem for liberals. Trump and MAGA's hated it!
AvaHeinz wrote: I have no problem Breanna Steward, Tom Mitchell and Brie Larson talk about their personal political aim on forum like sexism and discrimination against women, in fact, they were indeed frequent guest (well, at least have some appearance) on such forum, as a matter of fact, Gender Equality and should really invite these people and talk about the problem woman face in the world, but you shouldn't talk about it during a media event that have no relationship with such issue to begin with.
More of an Industry event than media event, but Variety and HR were there, so yeah, I guess. But in complete accord ("relationship") with what WIF events are about, events with advocacy in mind. The Crystal + Lucy awards, an awards type party and an advocacy event. All their events are.
AvaHeinz wrote: I am all for female equality, but you need to choose which and where and when to put your agenda on the map, otherwise, you will be see as having taking advantage on such event for your own political gain, and it not just manbabies who think that, most female do too,
Don't care who the anti people are. If you go by that, no place or time is right to advocate for anything, let along something one believes in that manbabies and female equivalents are going to cry wounded tears of outrage about.

Women In Film organization doesn't have to choose a where, when, which, to avoid the ire of manbabies. There's nowhere when, which, where, why, the manbabies aren't going to chime in irately against what WIF advocates for. Possibly a number of alt right women are with the manbabies, but they are few, and WIF doesn't need to care about them. WIF will, as they do, move forward as they choose.
AvaHeinz wrote: if you ask many feminist (if you know any) they will usually say they despise these "celebrities activist"
Entirely the opposite is true. It's the right leaning folks that despise celeb activists. Liberals are all for them. Democrats are all for them. Majority of Hollywood is them.
AvaHeinz wrote: because they would make the feminist come out being opportunist and raise their agenda whenever they have a chance.
No, that's not what feminists think. That's what the right leaners think, they say so all the time.

Women In Film is a advocacy group. Here's what they advocate, and why they have events.

From their website...

Women In Film advocates for and advances the careers of women working in the screen industries – to achieve parity and transform culture.

WIF believes that…

Gender parity – defined by equal opportunity, pay and representation – is a requirement of healthy civil society.
Despite progress, systemic bias in the screen industries persists; it manifests in forms both conscious and unconscious.
This bias is intersectional across race, ethnicity, ability, age, class, sexual orientation and gender identity.
This bias informs the decision-making process of both men and women.
Women helping women cultivates the next generation.
Awareness of systemic imbalance is the precedent to Culture Change. Culture Change is the precedent to Policy change.
Parity is only possible when decision-makers change culture and policy, and hold themselves, their teams, and their businesses accountable for its implementation.
Parity is good business. Parity, inclusivity, and equal representation are non-negotiable requirements of sustainable media businesses.

Any WIF event is a fine place and time to have Brie or anyone advocate for related stuff that WIF advocates for. You said "there's a time and place for everything." Brie picked that time and place.

P.S. Everyone will be happy to know I'm not commenting on slavery. I know next to nothing about the history. I will just say: I'm against it. :)
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

Be very careful!
Don't B indoctrinated!
Cover your eyes! & ears!
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Captain Marvel London premiere was tonight! ... ere-120642 ... e-your-day

Debuts next thursday here in the States.
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

Be very careful!
Don't B indoctrinated!
Cover your eyes! & ears!

Huge thanks to theScribbler for providing the text of Larson's speech. I hadn't watched it and just assumed that quotes were taken slightly out of context to suit the whiners' purposes. The actual speech shows how far Larson went to avoid man bashing. Having read it, the tempest created by "manbabies" (a pejorative term, to be sure, but it certainly is funny!) over her statements looks far more pathetic than before. It's a sad commentary on the male half of our species that some of us will so readily reach for rhetorical pitchforks in defence of manifestly unfair dominance when all the other side is asking for is a level playing field. That attitude reveals a brittle weakness that must look quite pathetic to those looking in from the outside.
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Amid all the unnecessary carnage I'd almost forgotten this movie was out soon.

lionbadger wrote:
5 years ago
GeekyPornCritic wrote:
5 years ago
The African slavers are just as wrong as the white slaver owners. It does not matter what politics governed those African communities. Morality is not founded by a country. Morality is founded by human rights and civil rights.
I see Tallyho touches this above, I get where you are coming from. I know that a lot of people got a 1 way ticket when they were posted in the Royal Navy's anti slaving squadron based at Fort George? at the mouth of the Gambia. I know that the Royal Navy really came into being to stop Barbary Corsairs (that's african pirates for those of you subjected to a US education) from turning up and dragging towns of people off to auction in Tangiers and Bengahzi etc.

You miss the point however which is that you couldn't enslave white people (though at the time jewish and irish didn't count as white!). Some nasty dickhead in mauritania or seirra leone selling his neighbours is pretty bad, but designating a chunk of humanity as "animal adjacent" and having them as slaves because you can't do it to the dutch family next door is a whole higher level of fucked up.

And yes mods I know this is off topic, I don't intend to promulgate this line of thought.

Let the complaining about the sheer audacity of a gobby 29 year old actress and mansplaining to femina about why she dosen't understand how captain marvel threatens the fabric of society continue!
I did not miss his point. I was stating a matter of fact. Facts that the African American community do not mention. Do white slavers deserve blame for buying slaves? Of course they do. However, we cannot overlook the fact that Black slavers from Africa were also part of the problem. African Americans rarely if ever mention this fact.
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theScribbler wrote:
5 years ago
AvaHeinz wrote:
5 years ago
Hi Mate

I know when she made the speech, it does not really matter,
You said "timing." "When" is what "timing" means. Now you say it doesn't matter "when." Makes your prior post have no point.

the choice, judgment, or control of when something should be done.
"one of the secrets of golf is good timing"
a particular point or period of time when something happens.
plural noun: timings
AvaHeinz wrote: I would doubt she recently have this agenda after starring in Captain Marvel, which by the way, we all knew she is Captain Marvel back in 2017 when they first announce the film.
Yes, she's been activist for long while.
AvaHeinz wrote: When I say bad timing, I meant her speech about white dude and black critic in women in film event down in LA. That event was supposed to celebrate women in general in film.
That's not bad timing, that's you saying WHAT (you think) the content of her speech is about. But your missing the big picture. Her speech was about diversity, inclusion, more perspectives, not what you say it's about (a couple mentioned nouns). It's advocating for giving access to more reviewers of diversity. To include more of them.
AvaHeinz wrote: not white women, nor black Women, nor lesbian(or BGTIQ) in Film. Which mean the tone of the event should be neutral, and not about a particular group of people, male or female.
The event was neutral. The audience had men and women and children, and all races in it. No one at the event complained. Quite the contrary. They know what WIF is about.
AvaHeinz wrote: The problem is not much as to "When" she made the speed,
Again, you said "timing" before. That's what timing means.
AvaHeinz wrote: the when part contribute to this troll saga surrounding the film Captain Marvel, the problem as far as I can see is "Where" she made the speech.
"Where" is not timing, it's location. And there was no problem with where she made her speech. WIF expects this kind of advocacy.
AvaHeinz wrote: Again, using my sportsman analogy, it's like Brianna Steward going up on ESPY after winning Best Female Athletes in 2016 and go on an on about how Female Athlete being discriminated against in development when compare to Male counterpart or how Sexual Abuse is a general problem for women (She was sexually molested by her family member ages between 9 to 12). Or om Mitchell goes up to get his Brownlow Medal and then have a go at WAFL being discriminated by the public for being homophobic and sexist against female AFL player. While both Breanna and Tom have that idea and their agenda, but they won't comment on that in a sporting event, because that was the wrong avenue.
What about Caitlyn Jenner ESPY Awards Transgender Rights Speech?

Your analogy is false. While most award acceptance speeches are about thanking people, occasionally someone will take the opportunity to advocate for something. The right leaners don't like when liberals advocate for something liberal, the left leaners don't like it when conservatives advocate for something stupid.

If someone, a liberal let's say, at this year's Oscars advocated for doing the right thing when voting in 2020, it would not be a problem for liberals. Trump and MAGA's hated it!
AvaHeinz wrote: I have no problem Breanna Steward, Tom Mitchell and Brie Larson talk about their personal political aim on forum like sexism and discrimination against women, in fact, they were indeed frequent guest (well, at least have some appearance) on such forum, as a matter of fact, Gender Equality and should really invite these people and talk about the problem woman face in the world, but you shouldn't talk about it during a media event that have no relationship with such issue to begin with.
More of an Industry event than media event, but Variety and HR were there, so yeah, I guess. But in complete accord ("relationship") with what WIF events are about, events with advocacy in mind. The Crystal + Lucy awards, an awards type party and an advocacy event. All their events are.
AvaHeinz wrote: I am all for female equality, but you need to choose which and where and when to put your agenda on the map, otherwise, you will be see as having taking advantage on such event for your own political gain, and it not just manbabies who think that, most female do too,
Don't care who the anti people are. If you go by that, no place or time is right to advocate for anything, let along something one believes in that manbabies and female equivalents are going to cry wounded tears of outrage about.

Women In Film organization doesn't have to choose a where, when, which, to avoid the ire of manbabies. There's nowhere when, which, where, why, the manbabies aren't going to chime in irately against what WIF advocates for. Possibly a number of alt right women are with the manbabies, but they are few, and WIF doesn't need to care about them. WIF will, as they do, move forward as they choose.
AvaHeinz wrote: if you ask many feminist (if you know any) they will usually say they despise these "celebrities activist"
Entirely the opposite is true. It's the right leaning folks that despise celeb activists. Liberals are all for them. Democrats are all for them. Majority of Hollywood is them.
AvaHeinz wrote: because they would make the feminist come out being opportunist and raise their agenda whenever they have a chance.
No, that's not what feminists think. That's what the right leaners think, they say so all the time.

Women In Film is a advocacy group. Here's what they advocate, and why they have events.

From their website...

Women In Film advocates for and advances the careers of women working in the screen industries – to achieve parity and transform culture.

WIF believes that…

Gender parity – defined by equal opportunity, pay and representation – is a requirement of healthy civil society.
Despite progress, systemic bias in the screen industries persists; it manifests in forms both conscious and unconscious.
This bias is intersectional across race, ethnicity, ability, age, class, sexual orientation and gender identity.
This bias informs the decision-making process of both men and women.
Women helping women cultivates the next generation.
Awareness of systemic imbalance is the precedent to Culture Change. Culture Change is the precedent to Policy change.
Parity is only possible when decision-makers change culture and policy, and hold themselves, their teams, and their businesses accountable for its implementation.
Parity is good business. Parity, inclusivity, and equal representation are non-negotiable requirements of sustainable media businesses.

Any WIF event is a fine place and time to have Brie or anyone advocate for related stuff that WIF advocates for. You said "there's a time and place for everything." Brie picked that time and place.

P.S. Everyone will be happy to know I'm not commenting on slavery. I know next to nothing about the history. I will just say: I'm against it. :)
Hi Mate

Guess we have to agree to disagree, as I said, I will concede your point is valid, but what you think may not be the same as what I think, and certainly, I have not met enough people to be able to represent all of them, so as much as I disagree with what your point is, I still respect it, I meant, that's being a different opinion, and we should allow different opinion.

But I just want to say one thing, what Brie said in WIF award and what Caitlyn Jenner said on EPSY are two different thing, one is Caitlyn talking about something that happened to her, how being a Transgender woman impact on her life (If I remember correctly, her speech almost all focus on her, and only have an instant of talking about other when she uses 2 example, I could be wrong as that happened almost 3 years ago), the other is Brie Larson talk about how Black and Women being underrepresent in Hollywood during an industry dinner.

As I said, you might think EPSY or WIF or Olympic Game may be an avenue to express one political agenda, that's totally okay, I thought otherwise, so again, we have to agree to disagree on this.

have a nice day

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lionbadger wrote:
5 years ago
You miss the point however which is that you couldn't enslave white people (though at the time jewish and irish didn't count as white!).
Not to pick on you, just to bring it around a bit... at the time women didn't count either. And women (including white women) are still enslaved today, though it's more commonly labeled human trafficking these days.

As for the idea of inappropriate advocacy -- I understand why some people don't want to hear someone advocate against an injustice during an awards ceremony, but I hope no one's distaste for it extends to supporting organized efforts to eliminate it.

Who is going to see Captain Marvel? What are the reasons to watch her movie?
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I'm planning on seeing it but it's not like I feel that I need to be there on its opening night like I feel about Avengers: Endgame. Frankly, my lukewarm reaction to CM has nothing to do with the politics surrounding the film but rather its less than thrilling trailers. They haven't done it for me from the start.

As for reasons to see the movie, it feels like CM's role in the MCU is going to be an important aspect going forward so it's probably best to be in on the ground floor in that regard. The other reason I'm a bit more intrigued than before about going is that the advance non-spoiler reviews have been quite positive about things like the buddy-cop relationship on-screen between Danvers and Fury and that it apparently has a very powerful display of space that hasn't been shown in the trailers... and that there's more humor than has been let on, always a fun part of Marvel films in the past.
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
5 years ago
Who is going to see Captain Marvel? What are the reasons to watch her movie?
I'm planning on seeing it but it's not like I feel that I need to be there on its opening night like I feel about Avengers: Endgame. Frankly, my lukewarm reaction to CM has nothing to do with the politics surrounding the film but rather its less than thrilling trailers. They haven't done it for me from the start.

As for reasons to see the movie, it feels like CM's role in the MCU is going to be an important aspect going forward so it's probably best to be in on the ground floor in that regard. The other reason I'm a bit more intrigued than before about going is that the advance non-spoiler reviews have been quite positive about things like the buddy-cop relationship on-screen between Danvers and Fury and that it apparently has a very powerful display of space that hasn't been shown in the trailers... and that there's more humor than has been let on, always a fun part of Marvel films in the past.
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I'm going to see it because I am desperate for any bit of Phil Coulson on the big screen.

Overall my expectations are pretty low. I expect disposable same-powers-but-evil villains and a climactic battle that's another sterile safe-place-to-blow-shit-up green screen orgasm. And because it's a prequel I expect nothing to matter. I know we've gotten hints about Endgame going back in time, but I bet this flick is still compartmentalized. If it was essential to the Avengers narrative they'd have pitched it that way by now.

This mashup makes me hope that they didn't just shoot a period piece but injected a little period style into it too:

With a vengeance.
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OMG that trailer was fantastic... I really kind of sort of wish they'd just gone ahead and done something like that for one of the official trailers since it really is supposed to be a suedo 90's action romp style film.

Even the 'Higher. Further. Faster' tagline I've always been a bit lukewarm on myself makes and sounds a lot more in place when you frame it in that 90's mindset.
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The brand new eighth reboot of Carol Danvers (since 2012's Captain Marvel).

Note the entire planet declaring a holiday in the superhero's honor, and the scene about pro-active diversity & inclusion in the press corps.
braver and mightier.jpg
braver and mightier.jpg (817.76 KiB) Viewed 4428 times
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carol danvers day.jpg (574.14 KiB) Viewed 4428 times
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Could you possibly whine about this a little MORE, Shevek? I don't think they heard you crying up in the cheap seats yet.
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I don't see any whining. I'm being succinct, showing merely what's being presented by Marvel Comics. I'm going to see Alita Battle Angel tonight.

BTW that Nerdist trailer was seriously hilarious. If they had only marketed it like that, and had her fighting Natasha Henstridge.....
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shevek wrote:
5 years ago
The brand new eighth reboot of Carol Danvers (since 2012's Captain Marvel).
You don't really have to call it a reboot, cause it's not really. And it isn't like Captain Marvel is the only series that keeps reverting to #1's. They basically 'reboot' just about everything outside the tentpoles in between every big 'marvel event' series as it is.... I'd consider it more like an 'eighth season' than a reboot.

Also they are being given first chance to ask a question cause its for the local high school... not cause they are being proactive of minority press.
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I like that watching Battle Angel Alita is the "I don't like Brie Larson" version of sitting in the garden eating mud.
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Dogfish wrote:
5 years ago
I like that watching Battle Angel Alita is the "I don't like Brie Larson" version of sitting in the garden eating mud.
I don't mind, I want Alita to get its sequel. It's first act was never its best... so if a few doofus's want to protest supporting one superheroine flick with another female lead action flick, its an equal sum.
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Femina wrote:
5 years ago
shevek wrote:
5 years ago
The brand new eighth reboot of Carol Danvers (since 2012's Captain Marvel).
You don't really have to call it a reboot, cause it's not really. And it isn't like Captain Marvel is the only series that keeps reverting to #1's. They basically 'reboot' just about everything outside the tentpoles in between every big 'marvel event' series as it is.... I'd consider it more like an 'eighth season' than a reboot.
Also they are being given first chance to ask a question cause its for the local high school... not cause they are being proactive of minority press.
Popular comics don't reboot so quickly (after 6 to 12 issues), they keep going to 50 issues or longer, like the Ms. Marvel one did, or any number of other series (e.g. Green Lantern).

As we've discussed before, continuously setting comics back to #1 is the way the company maintains interest in the product in a failing industry, especially among collectors. And of course Captain Marvel isn't the only series that has rebooted since 2012, but it's the series with the *most* reboots, at least double that of any other series.

Whether or not it's for the local high school, the optics and the reference are clear. The reporters are drawn as generically as possible to contrast with the two kids who get to interview Carol first. It's very zeitgeisty and I think it's on purpose.

From what I've heard, watching Alita is the *exact opposite* of eating mud, so that's a really bad analogy. We'll see after I check it out. I'm guessing I'll probably have the same kind of good reaction to it that I've been having to the Orville.

Update: Pittsburgh Captain Marvel Challenge is still under 50% of its goal with a week left.
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Femina wrote:
5 years ago
Dogfish wrote:
5 years ago
I like that watching Battle Angel Alita is the "I don't like Brie Larson" version of sitting in the garden eating mud.
I don't mind, I want Alita to get its sequel. It's first act was never its best... so if a few doofus's want to protest supporting one superheroine flick with another female lead action flick, its an equal sum.
This goes back to what I mentioned earlier though about Trojan Horsing people into doing good things by exploiting tribalism. Alita is everything these folks hate, but it's 'on their side' so it must be supported at all costs.
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Dogfish wrote:
5 years ago
Femina wrote:
5 years ago
Dogfish wrote:
5 years ago
I like that watching Battle Angel Alita is the "I don't like Brie Larson" version of sitting in the garden eating mud.
I don't mind, I want Alita to get its sequel. It's first act was never its best... so if a few doofus's want to protest supporting one superheroine flick with another female lead action flick, its an equal sum.
This goes back to what I mentioned earlier though about Trojan Horsing people into doing good things by exploiting tribalism. Alita is everything these folks hate, but it's 'on their side' so it must be supported at all costs.
Nevertheless, if it succeeds we get a sequel, and one with much better source material than the first film had to utilize. To me, that matters more than if the people watching it are idiots or not... the tribalism exists right now, can't wish it away. In the meantime, 30 years after her conception, Alita gets her chance to shine.
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Dogfish wrote:
5 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
5 years ago
So we can expect Rotten Tomatoes to have a high score from self assigned critics and low scores from the fans just like Discovery and DW.
What sort of fans obsessively go to review aggregate sites to shit on movies?

No part of being a fan means giving something a zero.
The same thing happens with video games, you should see the reddit/sub reddit for Anthem right now, it's as divided as a debate about American politics. Basically people who don't enjoy the game feel like other people aren't allowed to enjoy it and go to a review site and smear it with 0/10 reviews. It's one of the reasons you can't trust metacritic for anything now when it used to be a decent site for game reviews.

Also it seems that Alita may be one of Cameron's few "busts," which is a shame because it was a damned good film(it was one of my favorite anime), though it is always tough to try to cram an entire series into a 2 hour movie. Last I saw it was projecting a $200 million loss vs. budget. :no:
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RedMountain wrote:
5 years ago
Dogfish wrote:
5 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
5 years ago
So we can expect Rotten Tomatoes to have a high score from self assigned critics and low scores from the fans just like Discovery and DW.
What sort of fans obsessively go to review aggregate sites to shit on movies?

No part of being a fan means giving something a zero.
The same thing happens with video games, you should see the reddit/sub reddit for Anthem right now, it's as divided as a debate about American politics. Basically people who don't enjoy the game feel like other people aren't allowed to enjoy it and go to a review site and smear it with 0/10 reviews. It's one of the reasons you can't trust metacritic for anything now when it used to be a decent site for game reviews.
There's a loooooot that goes into whats making Anthem such a conflux of opinions right now, not all of them Anthem's fault. People like to forget that all the games they are championing over Anthem basically began in the same possition that Anthem is in. For as much as Destiny has a large fanbase now, Destiny got even WORST opening scores than Anthem did, and Warframe (the game everyone points to as THE looter shooter) was pretty terrible when it released.

BUT its more than just what the game is that's creating the negativity, it's also who published the game... I mean, I don't know if I'd say it's comparable to what's going on with the pre-criticism by people over Captain Marvel though? Most people were at least hoping Anthem would just release to be as great as it could be and only turned HARD when it wasn't flawless... Captain Marvel hasn't had a chance to even show off what it is yet.
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Femina wrote:
5 years ago
RedMountain wrote:
5 years ago
Dogfish wrote:
5 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
5 years ago
So we can expect Rotten Tomatoes to have a high score from self assigned critics and low scores from the fans just like Discovery and DW.
What sort of fans obsessively go to review aggregate sites to shit on movies?

No part of being a fan means giving something a zero.
The same thing happens with video games, you should see the reddit/sub reddit for Anthem right now, it's as divided as a debate about American politics. Basically people who don't enjoy the game feel like other people aren't allowed to enjoy it and go to a review site and smear it with 0/10 reviews. It's one of the reasons you can't trust metacritic for anything now when it used to be a decent site for game reviews.
There's a loooooot that goes into whats making Anthem such a conflux of opinions right now, not all of them Anthem's fault. People like to forget that all the games they are championing over Anthem basically began in the same possition that Anthem is in. For as much as Destiny has a large fanbase now, Destiny got even WORST opening scores than Anthem did, and Warframe (the game everyone points to as THE looter shooter) was pretty terrible when it released.

BUT its more than just what the game is that's creating the negativity, it's also who published the game... I mean, I don't know if I'd say it's comparable to what's going on with the pre-criticism by people over Captain Marvel though? Most people were at least hoping Anthem would just release to be as great as it could be and only turned HARD when it wasn't flawless... Captain Marvel hasn't had a chance to even show off what it is yet.
Getting off topic for a moment, I personally have been enjoying Anthem, but I'm on the closer to 40 side of 35 and only have a few hours a night to play the game, not like a lot of the people complaining who raced through it in 2 days and/or played 80 hours the first week it was out. I love the game play and the story so far, but the game has serious flaws. You did mention those other games and that is partially why I think the reaction to Anthem has been so strong. Bioware literally had all of this evidence in front of them of what not to do and somehow they still made a loot based game with lackluster loot and very little "end game" content. That and the game's overall poor optimization and clutter of menus and ridiculously long loading screens for a game made in 2019, and I can see where some would be upset. Some are taking it overboard, but the game is honestly quite lackluster when you look at intangibles. Pretty much every other looter shooter in the last decade spare Borderlands has released to lukewarm reaction and EA/Bioware had all of that info and example out in front of them and still fell into the same traps, though Bioware has at least been super quick in reacting and trying to fix things, which gives me hope, though given how fast EA pulled the plug on Andromeda, which was torpedoed by overreacting fans too jaded to look past the original trilogy and ignore a few bugs at launch, I don't have much hope Bioware will get the chance to fully fix Anthem.

I was also just using Anthem as a more recent example. Pretty much every major game that comes out, you'll see the review sites manipulated by angry fans trying to tell other people how they can spend their money, while the vast majority of youtubers these days tap into outrage culture and the click generating power of negativity.
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RedMountain wrote:
5 years ago
I was also just using Anthem as a more recent example. Pretty much every major game that comes out, you'll see the review sites manipulated by angry fans trying to tell other people how they can spend their money, while the vast majority of youtubers these days tap into outrage culture and the click generating power of negativity.
And there's that word again :P. Those people AREN'T fans of Anthem... though you might get away with saying they were maybe fans of Bioware.

But yes, and again it's a lot of stuff on youtube saying this and that... but again, at least the people shitting on Anthem have had a chance to play it and decide if they like it or not, Captain Marvel apparently doesn't even deserve to be experienced at all according to a lot of these people.
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Uh...what? (Note: If you're interested in more information on the Disney Kim Possible movie I made a thread in the Superhero Movie subforum).

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Yeah I'm trying to bring it back around to the relevant topic xD
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GeekyPornCritic wrote:
5 years ago
Who is going to see Captain Marvel? What are the reasons to watch her movie?
to establish a foundation point so Rouge can steal her powers and give us a really great origin story for a stand alone Rouge movie...... just have to wait for Fox to screw the pooch and have Disney take over the IP and give it the Avengers treatment./.....
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Wait for fox to screw the pooch?

Knights of Gotham is Buck Rogers AICM £5
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Disney bought Fox NoG.
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James Woods is a Manbaby. His tweets: Manbabie's approved. Cause you know, it's a lie: no studio hates any of it's audience.
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Yeah. Shevek the progressive is touting James Woods to make his point. Maybe Trump's opinions might help as well.
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I love that tweet

10 years to make a movie with a girl as the lead and suddenly "the studio hates boys!"

Seems an entire rational response

Well, with almost 70 reviews in at RT, Captain Marvel is showing a 91% approval rating. Closer inspection shows that while most critics "like" the movie, it isn't generating many raves. Lots of 3.5 out of 5 numbers and the like. The consensus seems to be that it's decent, and sets up the character fairly well for the next Avengers flick, but isn't particularly great.
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Bert wrote:
5 years ago
Well, with almost 70 reviews in at RT, Captain Marvel is showing a 91% approval rating. Closer inspection shows that while most critics "like" the movie, it isn't generating many raves. Lots of 3.5 out of 5 numbers and the like. The consensus seems to be that it's decent, and sets up the character fairly well for the next Avengers flick, but isn't particularly great.
An observation most of the main steam publications as opposed to the Mary Sue (the publication)or left wing aka the Atlantic give it mixed reviews. and why is the Mary Sue considered an expert critic?

Second they (RT) seems scared to put the fan rating up.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
5 years ago
Bert wrote:
5 years ago
Well, with almost 70 reviews in at RT, Captain Marvel is showing a 91% approval rating. Closer inspection shows that while most critics "like" the movie, it isn't generating many raves. Lots of 3.5 out of 5 numbers and the like. The consensus seems to be that it's decent, and sets up the character fairly well for the next Avengers flick, but isn't particularly great.
An observation most of the main steam publications as opposed to the Mary Sue (the publication)or left wing aka the Atlantic give it mixed reviews. and why is the Mary Sue considered an expert critic?

Second they (RT) seems scared to put the fan rating up.
Well you really shouldn't until normal people can review it? Right now its only available for critics to review outside of fringe cases. Open up the fan rating right now and you'll have the same trolls who were abusing the 'want to see' rating hungrily monopolizing that avenue for hatred at least as long as it takes for actual people to start putting in ACTUAL reasonable thoughts and opinions. (yes, I called anyone who used the 'want to see' rating to bash a film they've never seen as hateful and unreasonable. Click the 'don't want to see' button all you like on your own time, but the instant it becomes a CAMPAIGN, it's hate, plain and simple)

Honestly it kinda sounds like its a middling Marvel Film from the reviews coming in? Okay? Avengers 2/Thor 2 etc... lets face it, they aren't great... but you still watched it, and probably would again. I'm gonna say it right here, the Ant Man films aren't fantastic films either, Ant-Man is a great character he saves those films from otherwise complete mediocrity... as well as a few 'scale' jokes... but its just as possible for a film to be rescued from mediocre characters with some other aspect of brilliance. There's just no way to know till you've seen it.

To be completely frankly REASONABLY honest. I AM a bit disappointed about what I'm hearing about this film in the reviews... BUT (nothing before But matters in a conversation you know, but people only ever respond to the first thing they see regardless) I also see no red flags that this film is going to BAD or a sign of THE DOWNFALL OF MARVEL!! as so many doomsayers have been doing.

I think expectations are whats hurting this film, I never EXPECTED this film to somehow be the greatest MCU film of all time or anything and to have expected such a thing would never have been a fair expectation in the first place. I expect to be reasonably entertained... and the only time I wasn't reasonably entertained in a Marvel Film was when Black Widow got damseled in Age of Ultron just so that the hulk could come to her rescue... so once... and that was just one scene in a whole film that while disapointing in its own right, was entertaining enough on the whole not to have ruined my evening.

Nevertheless, this film will not be fairly judged. The fact that it's Marvel's first female lead film simply cannot be divorced from anyone's minds. If its a mediocre outing, it will become Marvel's WORST mediocre outing solely by nature of the extra pressure society has placed on it via the sheer burning passions of controversy and gender politicking... Nobody REALLY shits on Thor 2 as much as it deserves to be shit on, (It's actually as close to a bad film as Marvel has ever done... and Thor is a boring ass character in it... in fact Thor had no character really whatsoever until Thor 3... and now he's Marvel's best character, I won't mind if Carol is 'the boring part' of this film as long as the film is entertaining partially for this reason. All it takes is for the right person to get a hold of the character in a future film to 'find their place' in the MCU NOBODY is better proof of this than Thor)

Regardless of all of this, I suspect people WILL shit on Captain Marvel simply because it suits their politics to do so far more commonly than over the films actual merits (or lack thereof). The proof will be in the pudding, but I feel strongly this film will at least be better than Thor 2, and I feel strongly at this juncture that a food portion of people will label it as worse than Thor 2.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
5 years ago
and why is the Mary Sue considered an expert critic?
Seriously? Do you seriously not see what The Mary Sue's place is in journalism?
Does this come back to a belief that the only journalism is that with no point of view?
Second they (RT) seems scared to put the fan rating up.
This was explained earlier in the thread.

Good grief.
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Imagineer wrote:
5 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
5 years ago
and why is the Mary Sue considered an expert critic?
Seriously? Do you seriously not see what The Mary Sue's place is in journalism?
Does this come back to a belief that the only journalism is that with no point of view?
Second they (RT) seems scared to put the fan rating up.
This was explained earlier in the thread.

Good grief.
Fans have been able to see it.

Mary Sue is a man bashing 3rd wave feminist blog. You may as well put Geeks and Games , internet harpy, Prateon as well.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
5 years ago
Imagineer wrote:
5 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
5 years ago
and why is the Mary Sue considered an expert critic?
Seriously? Do you seriously not see what The Mary Sue's place is in journalism?
Does this come back to a belief that the only journalism is that with no point of view?
Second they (RT) seems scared to put the fan rating up.
This was explained earlier in the thread.

Good grief.
Fans have been able to see it.
It releases friday, the fans that have seen it are fringe cases. Open the 'fan reactions' right now and you'll get two reviews from people who saw the film..... and a zillion negative reviews from the zealots who haven't seen it, many of whom have no intention to. It'll open up friday.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
5 years ago
Mary Sue is a man bashing 3rd wave feminist blog.
It's a respected imprint of a culturally-significant point of view.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
5 years ago
...and why is the Mary Sue considered an expert critic?
Who said this?
What difference does it make?
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This guy's youtube review seems to come from an honest place. Not that I know I'll feel the same when I see CM. Probably good that my expectations are lowered now. OK, so it's not as good as Wonder Woman which I liked a lot. As long as CM is not crap like Transformer movies, I'll still feel good about seeing it.

:lynda1: :ss:
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it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

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I can understand folks being a little bit disappointed if it's not a brilliant film. The third phase of MCU movies have been the best now by far, Black Panther, Thor Ragnarok, Civil War, Infinity War, these are all among the best superhero flicks ever made, and Marvel was making it look like they could pop movies that good out at will. I mean Infinity War might not be the best movie ever made, in fact I'm fairly certain it isn't, but it's one of the hardest movies to get right, and they smashed it clean out of the park. When a movie studio can deliver something like that, and make it look like it isn't even really straining itself, then expectations get very high.

Expectations change perceptions. If folks are expecting something as good as Black Panther or Infinity War, then they get something as good as maybe Aquaman, they're going to be disappointed. If folks are expecting something as bad as Justice League or Batman vs Superman and they get something as good as Aquaman, they're going to be overjoyed.

And if Captain Marvel falls a little short, fair enough. There's only one good Thor movie out of three, the Iron Man movies are bang average, Avengers 2 is not great and the Ant-Man movies are cute but sort of nothingburgers. The idea that the MCU fails because one movie isn't amazing is ridonkulous because there has already been maybe half a dozen bad MCU movies.