High Definition always available, do you want SD? size 720?

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Good afternoon,

I have a question for you and I would love some feedback, please :yahoo:

I have for the longest time always offered all my adventures in HD (High Definition) size 1280. And I have been wondering if some of you would rather have the choice to also find my adventures in SD (standard definition) 720 (IPad size) ?

It would take me some time to convert the files and upload them, so I just want to know if it's worth my time and if anyone here might be interested?

Personally I like HD but I do have a very fast internet connection BUT I know that NOT everyone does. I had a slowwww connection for a long time, So I feel you when large files take forever to download...

Is HD too big ? or take too long for you to download? Are you OK to wait or DO you want smaller files in SD?
And also one more question. Are you ALL able to see my video previews quickly enough?

I know they are big and take a while to load but I enjoy giving you a full preview of every adventures.

Let me know your feelings on this. Please give me some feedback!!
Thank you SO MUCH!!!
Hot Kisses,
Anastasia - http://www.AnastasiaClips.com
Lots of Love, Your Wonder Amazon

Super Heroine Clips:

Movies VOD - http://www.HeroineCentral.com
Official Site - http://www.AnastasiaPierce.com
DVD Store - http://www.AnastasiaStore.com
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No complaints here. I think the size of the downloads is less of an issue if the host and connection are stable, and most clip stores should be rock solid. But then it's been a while since I've had to deal with slow internet so I might have forgotten how bad it is. :)
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Thank you SO MUCH for e-mailing me and direct messaging me regarding my question about offering SD on top of HD and if you could see my preview.

The verdict is out of 12 people - Everyone who took the time to contact me confirmed that they are 100% good with the way things are. They want HD and they like my extensive previews . Soooo for that reason. I am NOT changing a thing. Just keeping on track this way.

Thanks again so much to everyone who took the time to write me. Very helpful and very kind of you!!
Have a great weekend!!
Lots of Love, Your Wonder Amazon

Super Heroine Clips:

Movies VOD - http://www.HeroineCentral.com
Official Site - http://www.AnastasiaPierce.com
DVD Store - http://www.AnastasiaStore.com
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Mr. X
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I used to think there were people with low band widths that wanted the SD or low rez versions but the days of modems are over.
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We actually have quite a high number of SD-only downloads from videos purchased from our site. We decided to offer the SD version with the HD version years ago due to viewers in certain countries or situations with very low-speed internet. I know that if we didn't make that adjustment, we would have lost out on quite a number of viewers. For what it's worth...
Elder Member
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To be honest, I only want HD. If that's 720 or 1080, that doesn't really matter.

However, what I do think is important is the file size. While I love HD vids, if a vid is more than 2 GB, I don't feel it's worth it. I have limited amount of space and I can't have vids with 2GB on my HD constantly. I heard the new Divapocalypse is 2.3 GB. Way too much. Either compress it better or cut it up.

So yeah, I want HD, but I also want small file sizes so good compression is appreciated. Filesize is basically video length x bitrate, so please don't have high bitrates.
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Blx wrote:Filesize is basically video length x bitrate, so please don't have high bitrates.
Another example of not being able to please everybody. We offered lower bitrates to appease certain customers who wanted smaller file sizes-- then we got complaints from select individuals that our bit rates weren't high enough (this was a long time ago)... it's about finding that happy medium-- I think we may start offering films on Blu-Ray soon lol
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