The Dragoness - Fantasy based superheroine Serial

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I've been wanting to put up a story here for a long time but never knew precisely what I wanted to write about. Awhile back I got the idea from somewhere that I'd like to do something involving a Fantasy super heroine in a world with rules that behaved essentially like the dark ages (with elves and dwarves) but also not limited by too much dark realism. I didn't want to lose the camp and I didn't want to sacrifice the fantastical feel for said camp. Eventually I decided I just needed to DO the thing.

So here it is, with a heroine strongly inspired by the character Flemeth in the Dragon Age series in image and a little bit in origin. I got to wondering where a 'witch of the wilds' might have began, what if she served the forces of good rather than a murky grey morality etc. etc. eventually I got to tweaking the finer points of the characters origin. So without further explanatory nonsense I'll just get on posting the prologue, and since my skill in describing people and places are so completely terrible, I've included a quick image I did of what the Dragoness looks like.


The Dragoness

Prologue: A Vessel of the Goddess

A long time ago in a faraway kingdom there lived a small tribe of elves. The race of man was quickly swallowing up the elven woodlands, capturing, killing or enslaving all of the elven peoples they came into contact with. Man still attacked the fair folk with a faith and zealotry neither race were old enough to even recall the driving force behind, and so this tribe was one of the last, near to the Elven Capital where the King and his last son lived, pushed back to the center of the wood with their last remaining colonies too near for comfort.

It was in this neighboring Village there lived a young maiden named Anara. Anara was as gentle a soul as any there had ever been in the elven territories. Raised like many of the working woman as a gatherer, Anara was the least likely of elves that any might expect capable of great deeds either heroic or terrible, but this young woman was different from the others in ways they did not know.

As a young girl Anara had gone much deeper into the woods than any gatherer before her, and there, hidden deep in the forgotten dark Anara found an ancient temple. They were more ruins than temple and though the trees that surrounded that place were dark and foreboding Anara was an innocent and courageous soul, she passed through a slim canyon into a bright lit paradise. Here there were the ruins of an old work. The temple itself had no roof any longer, pieces of marble littered the old structure but for a solid and perfect statue that gleamed still as though untouched.

Anara was still a young creature at the time and she was awed by the figure depicted. The white stone was that of an elven woman with glorious long hair that was interrupted at the crown of her head by two long horns that turned back behind her. She had large powerful wings that were not feathered but segmented like the Dragons of myth, wreathed in a magnificent but simple gown that draped down and covered her feet. She was beautiful to look upon and Anara realized she was looking not at a woman, but of a lost Goddess from the forgotten times… the times of magic, before the world had grown dark and mundane.

Anara hurried home to tell her tribe of her discovery, but there she was laughed at by the men of the tribe who told her that she’d fallen asleep and dreamt the whole thing! ‘Magic no longer existed’ they would say and they assured her there was nowhere in the woods she could have gone that the brave and courageous (and very very male) hunters had not dared to brave!

So Anara had gone again to her temple in the woods, determined to know that she had not imagined that beautiful place but with an awareness that it was odd nobody had ever found it before her. She was therefore both pleased and uncertain to discover her temple had not vanished, it was unchanged as though no one had ever been there, even her footprints were gone from before. Anara closed her eyes, kneeling before the statue and said, “Dear lady, the men of the tribe do not believe me that this place exists… and I do not feel like sharing it with them any longer for they ridiculed me as though I were a foolish girl… but now I know this place exists I would know… is there magic here or am I truly a fool?”

Anara opened her eyes and saw before her a sign of true magic. Her bushel was in front of her, filled to the brim with berries and vegetation from the wood. The magic of the temple had filled it all for her. She smiled wide and bowed to the statue pledging herself to the old Goddess and as she did so she felt a great peace within her and knew she had chosen wisely.

Anara returned to the tribe and spoke nothing of her discovery, for she did not want to be laughed at again and she felt in her heart that the temple was not theirs, nor was never meant for them. Years passed, and Anara stopped gathering, every day she went to her temple and every day her bushel was filled by the magic of the place. She spent her days instead in worship to the nameless Goddess.

Her routine went unbidden until a scheduled visit came by the elven lord Prince Vythan who was seeking a wife to be his queen at the expected passing of his father. The females were walked out and lined up before the prince rather than allowed to do their duties and though Anara’s thoughts were only of her desire to return to the temple, Vythan’s eyes fell upon her and he was instantly smitten. Anara was the most beautiful elven maiden he had ever set eyes upon, with bright golden brown eye, long reddish brown hair full lips and a slim agile body, but it was her keen eyed gaze that did not cow like the other women that took him and he demanded that she be made his queen.

Anara was to be taken to the Capitol the following evening and given a solitary day to say her goodbyes. Her father and friends were delighted for her, they spoke of how fortunate she was, but Anara alone among them was distraught, for how could she leave her home and, more importantly, how could she leave the temple of her Goddess? She did not want to be Vythan’s king! She wanted to be Anara, she wanted to be devoted to her beautiful winged goddess!

That night, after all her goodbyes were said, Anara ran to her temple and fell before the stone praying, “My Goddess! They mean to take me away from here, from you! I do not want to go! I do not want to be this man’s wife! I do not care if he is to be King one day! I am like cattle passed along by my father in exchange for wealth and stature!” She collapsed before the statute then and wept…

“Do not weep my girl,” whispered a silk smooth voice out to her, and to Anara’s great astonishment the statue glowed bright white with light… and then stepped down off the pedestal to kneel down before her, the great wings of the Goddess tucking themselves up against her back, “You are stronger than this and will not be cowed. Rise.”

Anara’s eyes were wide with amazement, astonished to the point of stillness, she rose only as the glowing figure took her shoulders and stood her up, “Goddess…” she whispered, “My Goddess? You… you are here?”

The animated stone wasted no time, it took Anara’s hands and lead her from the pillar where it once stood, “I am Mythala,” the Goddess spoke, “Purest Goddess of Light and Flame, aspect of might and valor, icon of feminine power and virtue, matriarch of truth.” Anara’s lips were parted in open wonder, her stillness was broken only when the statue’s fingers rose to rest upon her cheek, “I have heard your pleas, my most loyal servant.”

“M-Mythala?” Anara’s lips quivered, her heart racing in her chest. The appearance of her Goddess having driven her to something between terror and true joy, “I-I do not mean to bother you with my mortal concerns…”

“Hush,” the Goddess smiled and her marble thumb stroked Anara’s cheek, “You have asked of me only after years of selfless worship, and I shall answer. You would not be wed to this man you do not love, and I shall not let it be that my champion be parted from me.”

“Your champion my Godde…MMPH!” Anara’s question was cut short as the stone depiction of Mythala wrapped its arms around her and pulled her close, locking lips with the elven maiden. Expecting it to be cold, Anara was surprised to find the embrace surprisingly warm, inviting, and the soft lips of her Goddess were like smooth butter she swiftly melted into. Anara’s eyes fluttered and then closed, she surrendered to the bliss, her Goddess was taking her, choosing her…

You shall be my champion Anara, the Goddess’s words slipped into her mind as they made out in the temple courtyard, Go forth and make your destiny in my name. Spread my message, show might and valor in your dealings, speak only the truth, become master of light and flame, embrace yourself as a woman, strong and virtuous. Let no man or woman choose your destiny. Do these things and you shall never be bound by another's will.

I will, Anara swore, I shall be wed only to you my Patron Mythala… On her declaration Anara felt herself slowly risen into the air, her eyes were closed or she might have seen the brilliant light that engulfed her. It filled the temple clearing illuminating the night for miles before it faded.

Once the light was gone, Anara felt her feet touch the earth on strange footwear that were not her usual sandals but she was more concerned to find her Goddess vanished, even the statue was gone, “Mythala!?” She cried.

I am here my Champion, she heard the voice within her, All of my power is now yours to command. Come forth to the pond and witness your splendor. Anara did not understand until she walked to the nearby fish pond and looked down into her reflection in the moonlight with a gasp.

Anara was gone! Through new golden eyes she saw a woman with a strong toned muscular structure accentuated with wide hips and breasts more comparable to the Human mortals than those of the slim elvan. Her elven ears now poked through the sides of a shimmering waist length mane of white hair, two long dark horns just as those of Mythala’s statue had grown out the back of her skull. She wore no gown like her goddess but a form fitting black and white body armor that shone as brightly as her hair from breast to the tip of her long heeled boots. There were gleaming silver scaled armor rising from the front of her boots and along her forearms ending in a pair of clawed weapons that fitted snugly over the fingers of arm length black gloves. She was… magnificent. In her surprise and excitement she did not realize that the bodysuit was left open from crotch to ass, only a scaled armored covering over her virgin sex that was connected to her abdomen by a circular clasp with the emblem of a dragon upon it, her round ass was left completely exposed.

“I… I am beautiful?” She murmured.

You have always been, her Goddess told her, now you are Magnificent.

Now go forth… Dragoness!
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This is an incredible story you've written. I do hope you write more of Dragoness. You really do justice to heroines of different ages.
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The Dragoness

Part one - The Herald of things to come?

The sun was rising by the time Anara returned to her tribe, the Prince and his men had already come to claim his would be bride. Anara’s approach slowed as she realized that the King’s men had her family dragged out into the tribe center shouting at them and gesturing emphatically. The Dragoness altered her path and with nimble swiftness came around behind their own pine home, pushing her back against it so that she could hear what was going on.

“You’re daughter tradesmen!” Prince Vythan’s high cruel voice rung out the loudest, “I will not ask you again! Where are you hiding her from me!”

“Please my lord,” she heard her father plead, “Anara was here only last night! I do not know where she has gone, perhaps she thought to go out gathering early? S-so much is changing so swiftly I’m certain she is only…” The was a sharp sound as something impacting another and she heard her father grunt.

“Silence gnave!” Vythan roared, “I will not hear the insolent lies on your tongue any longer! Men have this man’s pine burned to…”

“That is more than enough ‘Prince’ Vythan!” Anara, who had gone ghastly pale seconds ago to hear her father struck stepped from around the tree and stormed toward the grouping of men. “Stand your men down or I shall have them all shown with as much respect as you have shown my father!”

Anara’s divine appearance had the desired effect upon them. Prince Vythan’s mouth dropped agape as did his men at the strong sensual specimen before them. His men each stepped back as she advanced to kneel down before her parents, “Father,” she lifted him by the shoulders effortlessly to stand him up, “Take mother back into the house, I will deal with these men.”

Her father looked to her and though she looked very different, he recognized the beautiful features of his daughter, “Anara?” he wheezed uncertainly.

“It is I,” Anara nodded, “I have been greatly changed, but now is not the time to explain, hurry inside while I speak with the Prince.” Bruised and battered, her father agreed and limped through the doorway of their pine with her mother in tow. Anara turned back to the prince, “As for you,” her eyes narrowed at him and his four soldiers, “beating on a helpless man! Is this what the Elves have been reduced to? Cornered in our own Kingdom by the enemy and we fight amongst ourselves over potential suitors?” She flicked the shimmering white mane of hair over her shoulders, “Run home Princeling, I am not for you!”

Prince Vythan’s shock was slowly dissipating and while he was impressed by Anara’s… change of appearance… he was not frightened enough to back down. Quite the opposite, where before she looked at him with eyes that did not cow, Anara dared now to situate herself as the dominant force in the clearing, her body was strong where before it was weak, her breasts were large like the human woman, her wide hips were enticing. She was magnificent, female perfection. He’d thought to teach Anara to lower her eyes from her male betters before, but this was a woman to truly tame! This was a creature to break! He grew hard merely looking at her. “You are subject to my father’s Kingdom Anara…”

“Anara is who I was,” the elven demigoddess cut him off and frightened them all back a step with an advancing movement of her own, “You may call me the Dragoness, and subject to no Kingdom or law but that of my Goddess Mythala who has made me her champion!” Anara gasped a bit to have heard the words from her mouth. They were not quite as she’d intended… to so brazenly place herself in the position of the heretic, she realized she’d spoken the truth and felt a firm awareness answer that theory from within herself. She could no longer tell a mistruth at all.

The men gasped at her proclamation as well, it was unfathomable to their ears. “You decry the true gods to speak this blasphemy!?” One of them shouted, “My lord Vythan I beg you let me silence this heretic!”

Anara felt a twinge of concern. She did not want to harm anyone… and she was never a hunter or great warrior among her people. If things came to a fight she was not certain what would happen, but already the choice was being taken from her, “Kneel her before me Captain,” Prince Vythan grinned, “we shall baptize this ‘Dragoness’ with my cock and bring her back to the proper gods?”

“By your command!” the four soldiers saluted. Oh no! Anara thought. She stumbled back a step while the first soldier rushed at her and threw her arm out, palm first to ward him off, to all of their astonishment a great torrent of white flame erupted forth, throwing the soldier backwards and over Prince Vythan’s head where he rolled to a thankfully unlit, somewhat smouldering and groaning heap. The men shouted their surprise and the Captain shouted, “She is a Witch!”

The Captain and his two remaining soldiers attacked her with more zealotry. Rushing her from three angles at once. Anara was filled with confidence after defeating the first man though and interrupted their barrage by going on the offensive, sprinting at the soldier attacking head on and effortlessly sidestepping him rending his armor with her clawed gauntlet as though the plate mail were paper and the chain-butter.

The Dragoness danced suddenly in a balletic display of grace and instinct Anara had never been capable of before. Not desiring to do any of the soldiers any actual harm she slipped back and forth through their guard, rolling between them when they tried to box her in, slashing with her weapons whenever she had the opportunity but careful never to strike a fatal wound, the melee was short, and ended when a particularly accurate slash by Anara completely removed the clasps of the Captains chest plate leaving his chest bare and naked.

The soldiers recoiled falling all over themselves to retreat back to their Prince’s side their ornate armor in tatters, yet surprisingly devoid of blood. “Enough of this foolishness!” The Prince declared, he was an elf stronger by half than any of his men, quicker and deadlier with a dagger than anyone in the kingdom and trained by the very best masters, “I will tame this Witch myself!”

Vytahn drew his blades and advanced. He was three steps away before the Dragoness lashed out with quickness that made his attempts to defend himself seem sluggish, her claws shattering his knives each in a single strike. Before the prince could even quantify this she caught him up by the scruff of his neck and lifted him high into the air until his legs were kicking feebly at the air.

“I am no Witch!” Anara hissed at him and his men, emboldened by her victory, she did not care if they thought her blasphemous. She was not to be frightened by men like these, “I am Dragoness! I am the speaker of Truth! Paragon of strength and valor! Mistress of light and flame! Female made form!” She pulled the squirming princeling close and snarled the last to his frightened face, “I am a woman apart Prince Vythan, the herald of change to come and if you are very intelligent you will give up any demands or claims to me as your puppet Queen.” She tossed him away until he rolled to a stop at the feet of his Captain who hastened to help him up. “I am Mythala’s warrior Vythan, no one else may command me. Be gone and do not return for me.”

“My Prince?” The Captain gasped uncertain of what to do. It could be no clearer to him that the five of them were no match for this terrifying beauty. She stood before them now with her legs spread apart and her fists planted in her hips, audacious as no woman he had ever looked upon with her exposed shoulders and neckline! He was distressed only that he did not possess the strength to make her pay for such defiance!

“Pull back!” Vythan called with only the vaguest quiver in his voice, leading his men quickly away. He had never felt such strength before. Far from terrifying him to his very soul, Vythan was perhaps more possessed than ever to claim Anara as his! The Dragoness possessed the strength of ten elves! He could not imagine a woman given such a gift! That kind of power belonged to the monarchy! It belonged with the first born males of the Kingdom! He would make it so! Somehow, someday he would make the Dragoness his. This he swore to the true gods… but not today and not now. This is only a strategic retreat, he promised himself, the Dragoness will be mine!

“Yes run you brigands,” Anara smirked dropping her heroic posture and dusting her palms off upon each other before she turned back to her families pine calling for her father. She had much to explain to them, not the least of which being that there would obviously be no dowry, but she was the Dragoness and feared no reprisal for this.

In all the commotion both Dragoness and the Princes forces missed a solitary cloaked figure observing the tussle from the safety and camouflage of the treetops. A lone rough human man watched the entire display with awe and trepidation. He belonged to a small band of marauders who plagued the Elven tribes dependent of any true allegiance save their own.

Having been commanded to scout the situation in the tribe for the rest of the raiders, he’d watched as the Prince’s men accosted his own people with violence and then the unbelievable sight of the demigoddess that came to the innocent mans rescue. A more truly majestic, beautiful… and sexy creature he’d never before witnessed, nor one as mighty and powerful… but unlike the stuffy Prince and his arrogant soldiers, Riff was a scruffy realist in a dirty world that played by dirty rules… and even so impressed by the Dragoness’s splendor, he was watching her for any advantage to be had… any weakness, and having a better overall vantage of the battle than the soldiers so spotted one potential avenue. All through the battle he could not help but notice that her grace and quickness only partially masked a lack of training or practice… and that Anara’s sealed bodice opened at the curve of her ass, baring soft pale elven skin to the cool evening air.

“When the front gates are sealed,” Riff murmured to himself with a self satisfied smirk, “take the back entrance.”
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Staff Sargeant
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This prologue and first chapter were very good, looking forward to the next, as our heroine seems to have problems, I also hope to see women villains in this story, we could have a sacerdortisa the main goddess, can be a good
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Have no fear! There shall be a female villain! Prince Vythan has a mystic of sorts whom he will be conferring with.
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The Dragoness

Part Two - A Great Revelation

The following months proved immensely successful for the Dragoness Anara. Her father was at first greatly displeased by his daughter’s new station. As were many of the men in the tribe as the girl who was once a gentle gatherer began making big changes in the way the elves did things. The first day she was challenged by the hunters over her decision that all the women in the tribe were to be allowed to become hunters if they so wished. There was a great hunt of which Anara brought home twice as much meat as any two hunters.

The other elves slowly began listening to her, the young girls and women in particular looked up to her with awe, seeing her as the icon and idol of future dreams. The Lord of the tribe saw this and demanded she cease her activities or that they would duel. Duel they did and by months end Anara was elected the spokesperson for their tribe and her decrees were, if not unilaterally accepted, given great weight and respect while Anara’s own mother was set to replace the dishonored fool as Lady of the tribe.

Finally the time came for Anara to spread her message. Setting out to begin a circuit around the remaining eleven tribes. It was no easy task but with the power of Mythala at her call, the word began to spread even where she did not walk, warnings to more traditional tribes that the Dragoness’s wave of feminism and change was coming, promises to those tribes already desiring great change… So it came to pass that Anara was nearly halfway across the Elven Kingdom (a feat that might have been greatly impressive in the human world but by Elven standards was not so far as one might think) when she received word that one of the villages taken with her new philosophy had been hit by human bandits!

“It was so awful my Lady!” cried the scout whom was near to tears, the Dragoness had to bend down and lift her to her feet to keep her from groveling, “th...they captured all of the hunters and tied them to posts where a wicked woman with a strange weapon beat them and… and…” she shuddered, “They were all taken away to be sold to the humans as slaves!”

“This shall not stand,” the Dragoness’s brow set furiously, “These men have hounded our borders for too long, it is time that they learn that these lands are protected!”

“Yes you must destroy them my lady Dragoness!” the scout nodded vigerously, “They have not left, and you must act swiftly. They set next for your homeland! I saw them depart when I fled, but they move slowly, labored with many men and the pens with their slaves. If you hurry you may overtake them in time!”

“I will depart at once,” Anara promised the girl, she rested her hand on the poor things cheek, “Do not be afraid, ready the tribes defences on the chance they have sent forces here, and if you should come to serious trouble, ring the alarm bell and I shall come to your aid swift and sure!”

The Dragoness was gone before the young elven girl could nod her head, rushing with speed and grace through the woodlands, pouncing over the treetops and running at speeds not even elf had ever before attained… I only hope I am not too late! The Dragoness fretted.

A day away by a mortal elvens fleet feet, The Verdun Tribe suffered the great assault. So terrible was the situation in the Elven Kingdom outside the capitol, that the human kingdoms no longer sent militants to attack the tribes. All that was necessary were mercenary groups, rough men and a few women who periodically raided the elven tribes, capturing the fair folk to be made servant to the will of Men.

The Iron Banner was one such mercenary outfit… one in great favor with the Kingdoms for their incredible success rate and indeed the very same whose man had months ago observed the Dragoness’s incredible defiance of the elven Prince. Cromwell, self proclaimed ‘Captain’ of the outfit clomped through the charred and pitted remains of one particularly resistant Pine residence, and out the other side into a squared of region in the town center near the pedestal where these people had erected a respectable wooden statue of the creature Riff had warned him about.

He paused in the outside air to admire the female form of the horned idol, certainly such a creature would be a mighty prize… but as yet he was inclined to believe Riff’s tales mere flights of fancy, and he turned his attention towards more immediate matters.

There were dozens of wooden posts erected in the town center surrounding the statue where the elven hunters and warriors had been taken. They were each bound to the poles at their legs and their arms criss crossed above their heads. These men were of particular interest to his trainer, a darkly beautiful woman in tight fitting black leather armor who prowled amongst them, her whip fascinated at her side for the time being was no longer slick with blood. The women, some of which had fought with these men like the last village he’d encountered, were with the men satisfying their earthly desires.

“Malina,” Cromwell called out to her as he approached, wincing at the state of the shirtless elven men around him. He’d never seen such a pathetic lot as these elves. Their women were soft and luxurious to touch but the men seemed to him just as soft, just as slim and vulnerable. No human man would ever let himself be bound like this certainly! “Status report.”

“Very very profitable my dear Captain,” Malina cooed in her sultry way. She came up to him, pausing as she came up alongside one of the captives. She rested her palm against the elf’s chest, his head snapped up from its hanging posture and he strained pathetically to pull away, “These are excellent specimens. Strong… somewhat willful but I’ll have that dealt with after the next phase.” She stepped around behind the pole he was bound to and wrapped her arms around him, slidding her left hand down beneath his loincloth while her right traced the space around his nipple.

“Ngh! Ungh! Nooo!” the elven man gasped, “St-stop it! What do you think you’re… gah!”

“I’m just getting ready to study their stamina,” Malina ignored the elfs protests, keeping up her torment as she spoke with the Captain, “as you can see they are responsive, elves of all type are magnificently sensitive creatures… The lightest brush,” she licked the side of his neck.

“Gah! Ahh! UUUNNNGHHH!” the elf cried out spasming helplessly in her wicked grasp. Malina giggled in her unnerving way before she lifted her hand up from under his loin cloth. His motions weakened and calmed. Soon the elf was hanging limp once again and whimpering like a woman. Cromwell sneered at the creature.

“As you can see,” Malina wiped most of the man’s cum off on his own chest before sauntering over to the Captain, “not much stamina… but that’s just part of the fun for people who like to play with elves. The poor dears can’t withstand much but what they lack in longevity they make up for with quantity. I could bring this one to climax ten more times before I was just tormenting him… and I will,” she grinned, “torment him that is.”

“Excellent as always Malina,” the Captain nodded. Impressed. Unnerving as it was to witness, at least Malina was informative. He took a step back to stare up at the statue. The goddess… whatever she was, was supposedly elven. He wondered if she would be just as susceptible as these hunters.

“Thinking of her boss?” Malina noticed his gaze. She stepped up beside him to look up at the statue, “big breasted elf, I’d kill to have a subject like that on my tables…”

“You’ll have no such thing,” Captain Cromwell silenced her sharply, “If this heavenly creature actually exists, she belongs to me understand?” Malina nodded submissively. She had only meant it as an observation and dared not speak again least she earn a punishment. Obviously the Captain would have first dibs training a specimen so lovely. He clearly relished the thought, she caught him smiling up at the Dragoness’s statute, “Gods Malina,” he sighed, “What I would give to show this idealistic ‘goddess’ a Elf’s… no… a woman’s true place!”

“Then show me!” a strong female voice rung out over the square drawing the Captain’s gaze and that of the rest of his men. It was the Dragoness in true form. Flawlessly sculpted, her body was both strong and feminine together. Her white and black bodysuit shimmered like fine silk thick like leather and yet clung to her like no material he’d ever seen. She was beautiful, mystifying, and her expression was fury and death...

The Captain should have been intimidated, there was no question the Dragoness cut an intimidating figure, as it was, the sight of her made him hard, “You want some of this to?” he asked with a laugh indicating the men tied to the poles, he motioned for Malina to retreat and he began to walk toward her, “we’re more than happy to oblige.”

“You are a horror!” Anara snarled, her expression made no attempt to mask her righteous rage. The sight of her tribesmen in such a state had her sick with anger! She thrust a finger out at him, “Your men bested my tribesmen and behave now like cowards in your treatment of them! Beset by ten I have proven myself stronger than any of them! I challenge you,” she declared, “to fight me like a man!”

She had him, they both knew it. He had a reputation to keep among his men, to be challenged by a woman was humiliating enough, to refuse was worse, damn her… and he would lose, he knew that from what he had been told by Riggs. This woman was strong and powerful… perhaps he could hope that Riggs insane theories were true… but if he failed to defeat her, he would be finished as this raider’s Captain.

He glared across the battlefield at her, observing as her expression became insufferably smug and knowledgeable of what he already knew as well, taken to posing just like her statue, with her legs apart, her hands at her hips and her horned head angled up just enough to stare down her nose at him. His men were all watching unsure of what to do… It was the smug bitches smile! He was going to make her pay! Just for that damn smirk, “Boys, she may be some freakish elven Demi-god… but she is still only a woman!” he held his hand up and away slightly, “Show her how unworthy she is to make such a challenge! TAKE HER!”

Anara’s surge of rage faltered, her smirk turned to an ‘oh’ of confusion and surprise. How dare he! she thought incensed, you cowardly bastard! The powerful woman took up an immediate combat stance.

The Dragoness was unquestionably the strongest, most powerfully built elvan woman in the world, she was quick like her brethren as well, but could even she be a match for the sheer number of her enemies? These men had honed their muscles to a knife edge, for all her strength and power Anara was a novice combatant… It would prove her downfall.

Her fists were a flurry of motion. First one, then two and three of her adversaries fell, her magic ignighted an entire row of them with the white flame which she’d learned could light without burning. Nonleathally causing the pain of fire and putting those foes out of the fight. They were tenacious however, and demanded her attention so that she did not even sense the Raider known as Riggs as he sauntered up behind her, dropping to a knee, throwing an uppercut where she was most vulnerable. Ramming his fist into her naked ass...

“OH!” Anara rose to her tiptoes, she felt her enemies knuckles sink deep up inside her anus. The sudden pain was mingled with faint warmth that spread around her thighs. It was always said the Elvan were too sensitive. Her hands began to fall in futile desire to protect her exposed weakness but even as her hands fell she felt a second blow, and then a third and a fourth. The mighty maiden cried out a little louder with each blow, the final of which was punctuated as Riggs extended his middle finger, sinking it up to the second knuckle.

“NOOOOOOOOOO!” The Dragoness fell to her knees and for too long a time she could hardly think about anything but the pain and spreading warmth. The muscle toned warrior’s fair skin blushed deep crimson. The Captain’s men descended upon her, their arms seizing her from every direction.

“Ah!” the brawny beauty squealed at feeling so many hands upon her at once, her arms were grappled by no less than three men each, securing her at bicep, forearm and wrist respectively. She strained against them in futile protest… she possessed the strength of ten elves… but men were strong as three elves each, and the spreading warmth within her was followed by a faint numbness. “I-It’s no- uhhh, no use!” fretted the ailing demi-goddess, and the still young icon of truth bleated, “growing… weak!?”

Unaccustomed to such sensations of helplessness Anara strained against her attackers as they began to drag her back up onto her feet. She felt arms upon her breasts, touching her thighs and massaging her asscheaks, “Mmm mmm mmmnoooo!”

Powerless, Anara felt herself drawn just slightly backwards against a man’s chest, “Listen how she moans,” she heard somebody say, “she likes it!” Her desire to be free was staunched, stifled and seemingly restrained by their many fondling hands. No matter how hard she pulled or which way she tried to lurch it made no difference. Escape, it seemed, was impossible.

“No! Stop! That’s N... nunnghhhh…. true!” the heroine lamented, “This cannot be happening! I am Dragoness!.” She had been so sure of herself, so sure of her divine powers. It never once occurred to her the Captain would refuse her challenge, nor that his men could overpower her. How could he? She was a demi-goddess and he a lowly gnave! To be taken so, by so many of these brigands, to feel so many of their hands gliding across her heavenly body! She wept for her city and for herself.

Slowly she was guided up the marketplace to where the Commander stood watching with a predatory leer but she was ignorant to this. She could think only of the hands upon her. Men rubbed her thighs, pinched her nipples through her bodysuit, licked at the back of her neck, toyed at the entrance where her crotch plate protected her temple, they even stroked and massaged her muscular arms possessively.

It all felt so… good. Her masculine foes seemed so impossibly strong and powerful... This unprecedented feeling of utter and complete helplessness was incredibly strong and intoxicating. Anara was growing accustomed to being strongest person in the room, always the powerful one, always the victor… but not here. Here her strength was for naught, she was powerless. For the first time she was being defeated!

It was all too much for the sensitive Dragoness. Her thighs began to quiver, her hips to buck and gyrate, her struggling groans became higher and higher in pitch, sounding fainter and womanly all while her labia twitched and spasmed, the pressure building to much within her.

She was at her limit when they finally tossed her forward. She expected to fall flat on her face but instead she was stopped short as their Captain wrapped his arms around her, taking an ass cheek in each of his strong hands, “The most powerful woman has no right to challenge me.” he said squeezing her ass, “Now cum you bitch!”

He thrust his hip forward, the bulge at his crotch touching against her strong thighs was all it took. Anara’s back arched as far as she was capable in his grasp and with a great, “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” she complied to her conquerors demand, cumming hard, spraying bright white cum that glimmered with a faint light into the very article designed to protect her womanhood!

The climax lasted almost fifteen seconds before Anara went completely limp, her eyes going fluttery. The men cheered to witness their helpless and completely dominated foe wrapped in their champion’s arms. For a great revelation had been made this day. The Dragoness was not invulnerable. The ease at which they had taken such a powerful woman had them all pumped and ready for what was to come.
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another great chapter, the heroine realized it was not invincible, looking forward to the next chapter
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The Dragoness

Part Three - Dragonfall

Captain Cromwell lifted the shuddering woman up into his arms up and cradle carried her to the nearest evacuated pine. She was light and pleasing to the task, squirming just weakly enough as to present no challenge, the strange unworldly material of her costume brushing against him was soft as her skin. He took his captive into one of the bedrooms before throwing the helpless Dragoness onto the mattress. “You came quickly Elven nymph,” he sniggered at the woman. “Do you always cum on command or am I just special?”

“Uh… C...ngh… coward,” Anara gasped out between shuddering spasms for breath. Spirits she could still feel their arms on her as though they were holding her down! She had to fight to concentrate even just enough to taunt the man, “You knew that you could not defeat me… honorably.”

“Heh,” he chuckled, unzipping his pants, “I’ll admit you put me through a wringer there, almost had me sweating.” His pants fell to the floor and he sauntered over, erect cock swinging. He considered forcing her to strip but there was a lot appealing in the Demi-god’s shimmering bodysuit. The costume was tailored for her, it seemed to be sculpted perfectly around her athletic form, hinting at the firm strong woman beneath but sealing her body and curves in just the right way. If he wanted to feel her skin he could just as easily play with her arms and chest. “But then I reminded myself that you are merely a woman,” he shot her a toothy grin and dropped down onto the bed beside her, “and we proved it here today. You can hardly abide the touch of a man,” he reached out with his left arm, draping the tips of his fingers down into the crevice between her legs, gently tugging the scaled crotch guard, marveling at the sharp feminine gasp that his action drew from his victim.

“Ungh… please,” Anara whimpered. She gripped his wrist with one hand and tried to pull his hand away, but she was still too weak, her limbs too heavy, her muscles still ached from straining against his men, and her body still trembled from her previous climax. Her only comfort was that the crotch plate did not seem to want to come free for her captor.

“It must be so humbling,” he continued to taunt her, ignoring the armor for a moment. He ran his hand up and down the inside of her thigh before he took her arm and gently began to massage her bicep, “The body of a goddess,” He enjoyed the way she quivered, this once mighty creature, “the plaything of a man.”

“No… No I-I’m… so...” Anara could barely even shake her head in denial. Why was she so weak? His hands spread out over her, testing her sensitive areas but lingering most commonly over her breasts and her powerful muscles. Her biceps and deltoids, kneading and fondling her abdominal muscles as commonly as her bosom. It was beyond humbling, it was humiliating. She was the Dragoness! The strongest, most powerful woman to ever walk the woods… yet it seemed to make no difference any longer. She felt weaker than mortal! He did not necessarily know that however? Anara knew she must look utterly pathetic underneath him as she was, but maybe she could still bluff her way out of this? She opened her mouth to say something impressive, “Uhhh, you’ve made me so weak,” she bleated, “I cannot fight you at all…”

‘What!’ She thought, terrified ‘Why did I say that?’ Even as the thoughts sprung to her mind she felt the answer as though written in her very bones. She was the Speaker of Truth… she could not tell a lie, even one to save her own life!

“Is that so?” Cromwell chuckled, an amused chuckling sound like nails on rock. He didn’t know why she would express her situation quite so brazenly but he enjoyed her words all the same, “Not like I couldn’t tell that for myself,” he pinched the material over her nipple just to hear her shriek, “How does it feel?”

After struggling with his men outside, the heroine’s stamina was depleted. She was too weak to resist him and now they both knew it. She almost wished he would just rape her and get it over with rather than be forced to deal with the humiliation of this degrading show! It wasn’t good enough that he’d defeated her, now he had to torment her! “Oh I… I feel… helpless,” the Dragoness found herself saying, “How… are you doing this… to… me?”

In truth Cromwell didn’t know. He merely assumed that she wanted to serve him as much as he wanted her to service. To that end his fingers worked tirelessly, taunting and teasing her powerful body into helpless submission, exploiting his knowledge of the elven's extreme sensitivity, simply running his fingers over her upper arm was enough to elicit a gasp, “I’ve never played with a more responsive woman,” he teased.

“Nugh-mmnnnn-ungh-gah!” the brawny damsil was now writhing beneath him, somewhere amid the teasing he’d stepped over her so that his knees were on either side of her hips and thighs, his sack resting just over her crotch piece. She could see with rising trepidation his hardening member, but it was nothing to the sensations she felt laying powerless beneath him, the helpless subject of his artful hands, her body grew numb and hot, “P-pleaasssee j-just take m-me and g-get it… g-get it… ohhhver… unghhhh… so warm... I-I’m g-gonna…”

“Cum.” He commanded her. Anara’s hips rose up, incidentally pressing the bulge of his sack against her crotch piece, which in turn pressed the cold metal down against the nub of her clit, it was too much for her. With a great moan her powerful body jerked and she sprayed still more luminescent cum against her protection.

Anara then fell back against the mattress sweating and huffing, her fair skin was beat read, she wished to the gods she could just disappear and be somewhere else. He had taken her a second time! The worst for Anara though was the shame of failing her calling! She, the herald of her Goddess Mythala! Anara sought desperately for some method to weaken this man’s victory over her and all that she symbolized. The intention had been to defeat him and honor the symbolism of feminine strength and unity among her people that Mythala represented… but each time the bandit leader humiliated her while she wore her battle gear, he was not merely demeaning her, but everything she stood for… Changing appearance would have to be enough… for how could she not surrender her own pride when the very symbol of righteousness, courage and feminism in the Elven territories was being threatened!

“Please…” Anara whimpered, she thrust her chest forward purposefully, enticingly, willing to sacrifice herself to preserve any further loss of dignity of her symbolic nature, “St-strip me. I-I want… I w-want…”

“No,” he leaned over her and put his finger to her lips, quieting her instantly, “I’m not going to fuck you like an animal Dragoness, that would only demean this accomplishment.” his smirk sent a shiver down her spine, his expression made it all to clear this was no act of mercy, “nor would I free you of your ultimate shame.” He traced her lips with his index finger while they trembled, “I could strip you here and fuck a naked elf… but it’s so much more rewarding to dominate the very symbol of your heroism.”

‘No! Oh no!’ Anara uttered a sharp gasp that somehow managed to sound as excited as it was horrified. She covered the dragon emblem over her crotch piece with both hands. Entire body trembling Anara shook her head in denial, ‘he can’t! Mythla protect me! I cannot stop him!’

“That frightens you Dragoness?” the terrible man sniggered. He rubbed his palms up and down the outsides of her arms, and down over her hands where they cupped her precious symbol, then down along the insides of her thighs. She was brought to whimpering almost instantly, “much more frightening to you that I might tease, humiliate and reveal the champion of the elves for what she is?” He tugged down his trousers then took her legs and pulled her towards him just enough. He then took her hands by the wrists and threw them aside before he rhythmically began pumping his member up and down along the dragon symbol.

“Ngh...unhhh…” the helpless maiden moaned, “Ughh… oh Mythala… Mythala… Pro… protect…” She was powerless, utterly helpless, she prayed that no other would ever see how pathetic she was in this moment. To weak to fight for what she believed. Divested of her powers, unable to protect the worship of Mythala! Her body tensed and loosened in pattern with each pass of his filthy man part over her. This filthy bandit who dared to assert himself over a true heroine! The rogue that was conquering a Goddess. “Ungh! N-no noooohhhhh,” she felt herself rising once again, so soon after the last, “Ungh… so hot… Ungh… Can’t fight… tainting Mythala’s emblem... stop… oh… c-cummming UNHGHHGHHH I’M CUUUUMMINNNNNNG!”

Once again she came. More powerfully than before, her hip pressed up against his dick for a full twenty seconds before, gasping, she fell back against the bed, going utterly limp. Her thighs were damp, the bed under her ass was starting to soak through. The Dragoness was humbled, the paragon of female virtue and strength subdued…

“I barely even touched you that time,” He interrupted her fading thoughts, just the act of soiling her iconography was enough to push her over the limit it seemed. Cromwell was getting very excited about this one, “You’re loving this aren’t you?”

“Oh- I… I don’t… know… I… I must… y-your so strong...” She tried to deny his words as best she could even as her body twitched and spasmed beneath him, traitorous mouth spewing truth that stood counter to what she needed, which was time to regroup and regain her strength. She could not pretend his efforts were not overwhelming her, something was terribly wrong with her, she was weak, she was so hot her skin was afire… but she could not, WOULD not allow this cretin to continue to subjugate and humiliate her!

“Un-unghhhh,” Anara groaned. Her fists clenched and muscles flexed as she summoned as much focus and strength as she had left. “But I cannot… W-won’t let you…” she gasped and struggled to rise. It was a titanic struggle, but one she was certain she could win… She was the Dragoness! She was Mythala’s chosen! She was the very icon of strength! It did not matter, Cromwell laid a palm down on her chest and with minimal pressure forced her back down flat on her back. “Nn-noooughh…” the mighty maiden cried out. Her struggle lasted a few more moments before her body relaxed. Completely spent.

“Can’t…” she whimpered, “I can’t… I am… so… weak...” she was helpless… she was a goddess and he was a dog… but it meant nothing, her strength meant nothing. ‘I… I am,’ she realized, ‘I am going to be subjugated… humiliated… and I have no choice but to let him! I can’t stop him!’

“Weak as a kitten,” the slaver chuckled, standing up on his knees for a moment to look down on Anara, admiring the demi-goddess’s helpless state, marveling that something so strong could be reduced to this… he was certain it could never happen to a man, “Even the mightiest women are soft.” He rubbed his hands together, “Now that you're all worn out with foreplay,” he descended back down upon her, running his cock up and down the insides of her thighs, fondling the contours of her muscular curves and his head fell down beside her ear where he whispered, “I can claim my prize.” He pressed his lips to hers.

Already suffering a sensory overload, the kiss completely overwhelmed Anara. The Dragoness’s eyes bulged, what pitiful resistance she could manage intensified but only just, ‘It… it’s no use,’ Anara thought as her eye’s rolled up into her head, the forced kiss stealing the last of her resolve, ‘I can’t fight it anymore… all my strength, all of my power, everything that I am… is his…

The Captain seized his claim on the heroine, breaking lip contact, he reached down with two fingers and tapped the metal covering just over her pussy and said, “Cum!”

Anara offered the last resistance she had left to give… she shuddered as her legs fell open, creaming herself harder than she had ever cum in her life. This time, a faint clicking sound followed her climax, and the crotch plate fell away leaving her nethers now as naked to him as her ass cheeks. She had just enough time to feel soul rending fear over this revelation, and the cool evening air brushing over her soft mound like soft velvet, tickling her into utter ecstasy before exhaustion and eroticism at last stole consciousness from her...
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All i can say is for god sake PLEASE top teasing. I predict a 99% probability of her getting away with nothing of any real consequence happening
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lordgriffin wrote:All i can say is for god sake PLEASE top teasing. I predict a 99% probability of her getting away with nothing of any real consequence happening
Hmmm, not sure what to say? I'm personally more into the defeat/capture/humiliation aspect of these stories, so while there will be some rapey rapey happening periodically allong the way, I can't say for sure if you're looking in the right place if you'd like more sex than anything else? The tease is what I like :P so it is what probably 80% of the peril my heroine faces will consist of. So while I hope that doesn't mean you don't want to read it, I can certainly understand if its not your cup of tea?
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Viridian the story is getting better, I look forward to the next chapter, about the colleague who spoke up he is looking for another kind of story.
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ViridianIV wrote:
lordgriffin wrote:All i can say is for god sake PLEASE top teasing. I predict a 99% probability of her getting away with nothing of any real consequence happening
Hmmm, not sure what to say? I'm personally more into the defeat/capture/humiliation aspect of these stories, so while there will be some rapey rapey happening periodically allong the way, I can't say for sure if you're looking in the right place if you'd like more sex than anything else? The tease is what I like :P so it is what probably 80% of the peril my heroine faces will consist of. So while I hope that doesn't mean you don't want to read it, I can certainly understand if its not your cup of tea?


I meant my last pose to be about 75% a there is a lot of anticipa....................................tion. I like what your writing just fine.... the other 25% is, MOST people will find some campy reason for the heroine to escape....on a personal level I am HOPING you won;t do that.... But you still doing an outstanding story and thank you for writing :)
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