CYOA Megatropolis story

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Philo Hunter
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Good hello all! I think I'd like to try writing a CYOA story with everyone's help (thanks to Omega Woman for the inspiration). I'm working on a massive one that won't be done till next year some time, but would like to get a shorter one done before then and I'd like everyone's help. My plan is to keep the Inkle file for it linked to here as I'm writing and ask people to give me input as to what to put in it.

So before I even start the file I'd like to conduct a little poll on WHO the heroine from the story should be. I want to use one of the heroines from my "Heroines Perilous World" stories (which can be found on Amazon). I'll list some of them out here with a short description (Champion Girl won't be on the list since she is the main character in the one I'm working on), keep in mind that even if a heroine loses out she might still appear in the story. The idea is for this story to be a non-canonical story where you the reader chooses the heroines defeat. Post a reply with which heroine you want to see leading the story, and the first one to get 4 votes (or whomever has the most by Monday) wins. I'll start the story after that and we'll go from there!

Archbaroness: (2 vote) The purple clad leader and founder of the Megatropolis Amazons. Known as much for her long career fighting crime as she is known for her beauty (and large bust size).
Lab Rat: (1 Vote) The Megatropolis Amazons resident tech genius. She's a small, mousy women who's super intelligence is powered by orgasms. A life long lesbian, she has the bad habit of secretly capturing women and using them as human toys to help fuel her super powered mind. Normally a support member the heroine will occasionally leave the safety of Freedom Tower (the Amazons base of operations) in a robotic suit of power armor.
Brickhouse: This red skinned women ripples with a superhuman amount of muscles. She acts as the teams main muscle, proffering to punch her way through any obstacle. Her skin is impervious to almost all blades or needles, and thus her greatest weakness is gas.
Psychia: (1 vote) A potent telepath, this sexy Latina is another support member of the Megatropolis Amazons. Acting as the teams intelligence agent and dispatcher she rarely leaves Freedom Tower. Her teammates think this is because she is afraid of field work, but they are wrong. Before taking up the mantle of Psychia she was a heroine who had developed a near addiction to being defeated and sexually humiliated by her foes. She now avoids field work to try and break herself of this awful addiction.
Bovine Justice: (1 vote) Although not a member of the Megatropolis Amazons, this heroine frequently works close with them. She is one of the many heroines with an active Power Gene that came along with physical mutations as well as power: she has small bovine horns on her head. She has another physical abnormality, but she keeps it secret: she is always lactating. Worse than that her milk can give normal people super strength for a short time, as well as increased sexual stamina. Embracing her physical abnormalities this heroine chose the mantel of Bovine Justice, wearing a cow hid bikini complete with a collar that contains the Bell of Bovine Justice (the ring of which is rumored to remove the desire to do wrong in all that hear it).
Lady Centurion: (1 vote) An Italian heroine freshly arrived the shores of America, this heroine fights crime armed with her Gladius and a desire to prove herself to her fellow American heroines. Unlike the rest of Megatropolis' heroines she works closely with the Mayors office, frequently acting as his administrations spokesperson.

Post your vote below!
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I vote for Lab Rat. Let my vote be carried on the wings of eagles! All hail my vote!
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Decisions, decisions... I like the conceit going on for Bovine, that has obvious and enjoyable peril scenes written all over it that I would be interested in seeing, and I like Lab Rat if only because she invokes the use of 'power armour' and I am a sucker for anything that includes 'power armour'.

However I gotta go for either Archbaroness - because she has the highest point to fall from - or Lady Centurion - because she looks like she might be the coolest... and, lets face it, because she is called Lady Centurion. Don't suppose I can slam a vote down for both? It would help this process along some, cause you might be waiting a while for one of them to hit four posts. If not then... I gotta go with Lady Centurion. Tough call, though.

Sorry Liar, I'm sure the eagles are on their way.
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Trow a vote for Psychia. Powers seem like they have the best weakness.
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Votes added! I added both of your void, no reason to have to choose just one. Hopefully that will help things move along faster, and everyone else should feel I guess to vote for two or three of them. If no one has gotten to 4 by Monday the one with the highest votes will win.
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Hmm... this section of the forum has far fewer posters than I thought it did. I'd settle for a tie breaking vote for one of the heroines already voted for.
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Bovine Justice and Archbaroness...if I can vote for two.

looking forward to the stories that come out of this.

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mvo34 wrote:Bovine Justice and Archbaroness...if I can vote for two.

looking forward to the stories that come out of this.

Added your votes! Looks like the story will be The Defeat of Archbaroness! Don't worry though, I'll figure out a way to get the rest of the heroines worked into at least one scene. I'll get started on the file tonight and get the link posted tomorrow sometime. I believe I'll only need to post the link once and it will stay the same as I make changes and add options... See you all soon!
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Okay everyone, here is the link to the story (I'll also add it to the first post as well):


I've added the introductory section leading up to the first major choice (stay in Freedom Tower or head out on Patrol). You the reader can't see it but Archbaroness has a horny meter and a power meter that will affect whether or not certain choices appear. At this point all of the choices are simply setting up what you begin with. Eventually no matter your choices Archbaroness' day will end in defeat (making this story non-canonical as far as the rest of my books are concerned). How much power and how horny she is will just help determine how long she can go before she is defeated. Also not that Inkle lets me put in a lot of choice dependent things. So, for example, if you make it to the morning meeting the things you hear there will unlock choices later on (such as the request from the mayor)

My stories are Erotica first and superhero story second, so there will be plenty of sex (and most of her defeats will result in sex of some kind). I don't like the combat to get too rough and I don't write snuff stuff, just as a heads up to readers. But I wanted to do this here to get some feedback about what people into this kink like and don't like so I appreciate any feedback or requests you want to post. I plan on trying to get one "area" written and posted every week. And expect stuff to get tweaked and edited as I work on it. Once the book is done I plan on publishing it on Amazon. I may or may not have to take the link down when I do that, so enjoy it when it's up (which will probably be for a while).

So, where do you guys want me to start adding to first? Freedom Tower or out on patrol?
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Sweet pea! Good luck with it, I hope it all goes well and smoothly. It's looking good so far.

I don't mind where you start your focus - I will probably hold back until there's a fair amount of it to play/read through.
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Cool! When I post new stuff I'll be sure to make clear where in the story it is. I'm doing this publicly like this to get some feedback from people into this kink. If you have anything you want to see, a way you want the story to go please feel free to throw the suggestions at me! The worst that could happen is I don't work it into the story, but hopefully I'll be able to run with some ideas!

And my goal is to get one story thread written and posted once a week, although I'm sure I won't always be able to keep to that goal. Unless someone requests otherwise I intend on flushing out Freedom Tower first. But like I said, tell me what you want to see!
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Okay, I managed to get a bunch of work done today. Everything inside of Freedom Tower is done (although if anyone notices anything weird or any typos please let me know). I want to stress that only the stuff actually taking place inside Freedom Tower is done, anything that will take you OUT of the building is yet to be done.

Links/choices will appear that take you out of Freedom Tower, but they are all dead ends for now. I need to put these in now to help build the structure of the book. They also show up as big red reminders on my end that I’ve created dead ends, which helps me find them (just so you know why they are there right now).

A few more sex scenes were added (hint, visit the Armory and the Training facility), and the stuff in the armory can lead to the first few endings. Some endings will be unique and some, like being sold into white slavery, will have a few ways throughout the book to get to them. I look at these kinds of books as having re-readability in the journey to the ends, not being for the endings themselves.

Also as a heads up you can’t have any infinite loops on Inkle (if you want it made into an ebook, which I do). Therefore you might noticed that if you go somewhere, like say the Training Facility , you won’t be able to go back there. This is, as I said, to avoid any infinite loops. Don’t worry if you feel you missed something, it’s written so you can get plenty of totally different read throughs.

Unless anyone posts a specific request I’ll probably start trying to fill in the content you can get to directly from Freedom Tower (like “saving” Champion Girl/going to IntelliTek tower/visiting City Hall). And I want to, once again, encourage everyone to leave feedback. Let me know what you liked/want else you want to see!
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Changes for 11/13/14:

- I connected a lot of choices inside Freedom Tower that lead to things already written but that I had missed. The story is probably about third done now and worth exploring if you were waiting for it to be usable.
- Created entry for heading out on patrol.
-Finished the visit to the Police Station. No sex scenes here, but it reveals certain areas that you might have missed out on if you didn’t go to the morning briefing. Also adds to the horny meter.
- Started fleshing out the Financial District. Two villains here each with a couple of sex scenes/defeats. First big string of entries where your power and horny meter mater a lot as far as the choices you can see are. As of right now everything with Pussy Whip/Saving Champion Girl is complete. A couple of similar sex scenes, one of them rather dark (for me at least). There’s a copuple of permanent defeats that lead to an ending in there. I will work on getting the Gasser done over the next 24 hours (plenty of knock gas and maybe some breast growth in there, hopefully those sex scenes will be more varied).

Finally I want to remind everyone that once this is done I will be publishing it as an e-book on Amazon. Once that happens I’ll have to take down the links to it, so enjoy them while they are up!
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Here's the work in progress cover!

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-The Financial District is fully flushed out and written now. The only “dead ends” in it are things that lead to areas not written yet (such as Archbaroness being sold to IntelliTek). There’s also a breast growth scene in with The Gasser for those into that.
-I’ve tried to keep things internally logical within the story you are reading. Brickhouse can save you at certain points when facing The Gasser, that is unless you have already seen or been told she is in The Curb. It used to bug me as a child when CYOA books wouldn’t have internal logic. This is a way for me to be able to use a character in more than one place as well as trying to keep the logic right. Remember, there is a lot of stuff besides what choices you get. Certain sections will only have certain paragraphs or sentences if your power or horny meter is so high or if you’ve been some where.
-I don’t know if it will possible but I had to create a “good” ending. Inkle will break if there is an infinite loop or just no ending. Like I said, I don’t know if it will possible to get to the good ending, I haven’t done the math, but it might be. Once The Curb gets put up it (might?) be possible to find it. If anyone finds themselves back in the streets of Megatropolis with the option “The streets of Megatropolis are as clean enough for today!” please let me know!

I’m not sure yet what I’ll work on next. It looks like I’ve got The Curb, IntelliTek, and the Mayors office left. If anyone has any requests feel free to post them. I also got a better version of the cover better, but I think I won’t share that till the book is up for sale.
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It's great, is there a way hear Gasser approach but not be able to get out of the way of the gas bomb? I've tried almost all the combinations I can think of and I either don't hear him or do and can get out of the way.

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mvo34 wrote:It's great, is there a way hear Gasser approach but not be able to get out of the way of the gas bomb? I've tried almost all the combinations I can think of and I either don't hear him or do and can get out of the way.


There isn't right now but I can add one in. I think it's set up so you dodge the gas bomb if your power is high enough. I can change it so the you can hear him and still get caught! I'll work on it tomorrow.

This brings up a good point I've been struggling on. Would you like to still see the "bad" options that tend to disappear if your power is high enough?

Ugh. Inkle is being stupid and the link broke. I'll post a new one up when it gives me one.
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Files working again! Here's the new link (and I updated the link on the top)
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mvo34 wrote:It's great, is there a way hear Gasser approach but not be able to get out of the way of the gas bomb? I've tried almost all the combinations I can think of and I either don't hear him or do and can get out of the way.

Okay, there WAS a way, but going back over things it seemed unlikely that you would end up with power high enough to avoid his initial attack but get hit with the grenade. I think what I am going to do is go back through everything and make it so the options that would appear only if you have low power (that is, the "bad" options) appear all the time. So I'll make it so low power doesn't change options, only having higher power does.

Bam, done! There are still a few places where your "horny" meter forces what decision gets made though. That's not something I'm willing to change, I like the idea that as her mind gets more muddles she is forced to make bad decisions.
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ok cool, that was going to be something else I thought about asking for...a story map at the end. When you release it to amazon (or where ever). You have tons of options, which is awesome, but one can only go through it so many times getting the same resaults before you stop looking.

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I wish there was a way to create some kind of story map through Inkle, but sadly I don't know of one. And when they convert it to Inkle the only stuff that ends up in the file that isn't part of the story is the front page copyright information, so even if I wanted to I really couldn't.

Part of the fun is supposed to be re-reading it. This one has a pretty long intro, and I think in the future I'll try to avoid that. I do plan on doing a whole series of these. The Defeat of Champion Girl is actually half done already. Once this one is up I might ask you all to help me alpha test that as well. That one doesn't have anything as complex as the Power/horny meter. It's a much simpler A leads to B leads to C story.

Any ways, I want to get this one done and off to the digital printers before returning to that other project. I'm going to get back to writing, I'm a little over half done with City Hall! Writing some fight scenes right now, admittedly not my strong suit but hopefully they will do.
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Sorry, the link changed again. This is the one that will work for the time being till it wigs out again.
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Okay, City hall is all done!

Most of the dead end links right now are ones that lead to things dealing with IntelliTek (mostly the "sold to IntelliTek" option), so that's what I'll start working on next.
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Nope I agree, I like replaying through them as well, but even then I'm never sure if I'm getting all of the paths. Oh and when you mentioned about having Brickhouse come up to save Archbaroness being weird, you could make it Bovine Justice (if you aren't using her already). She's not a member of the team and could be just doing her own thing when she comes across you.

Wonderful City Hall stuff, especially the ending...I did find two typos through posted below.

“That,” Archbaroness said as she took a seat across from the Mayor and Lady Centurion, “is highly irregular. As a free agent working within Megatropolis she should be working with the Amazons or the Megatropolis Police Department. (I’ve recently spoken with them and I can assure you they are as unhappy about the situation as I am. I can’t tell her to stop working directly with you but I can advise against it.”

After Archbaroness is set up servicing the Mayor just the way he likes Rosalyn sinks to the bottom of the bead so she can go back to eating out Archbaroness. She comes up for breath, licking her lips, and says, “this job is so worth it for all the perks.”

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Thank you Matt for pointing out the typos, that is always appreciated! Inkle was being a bag of dicks today and I had to delete and renter in the entire City Hall section. I managed to catch the first one (the parentheses were part of something telling me to make an entry only show up sometimes). I went and fixed the other one just now!
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Okay everyone, it took longer than I expected do to getting sick but the IntelliTek section is fully written and posted! It ended up having a lot more complex back and forth between choices if you go there to answer their request for help. My first tentacle monster sex scene is also hidden somewhere in there!

Note that There is only one thread that actually leads to running into an Underman. This is partially because a BIG chunk of “the Defeat of Champion Girl” will be her ‘battling’ these creatures.

Also, I’m pretty sure I connected all the loose ends that lead into IntelliTek (the sold to IntelliTek options) but if you find one I missed please let me know!

So I have a big question for everyone that’s given the story a go. How do you feel about the invisible power and horny meters? Do you feel they hinder the reading experience or add to it? It would take a TON of work to take them out of this story, but if it’s not something people like I might not add them into future installments of the series.

Also mvo34 you mentioned using Bovine Justice instead of Brickhouse when being saved from The Gasser. I thought about that but I like Brickhouse finally getting some revenge for what happens in “The Megatropolis Amazons Vs Cape Crusher Part Four” (spoiler: she got gassed a lot). I also didn’t want to use Bovine Justice in a way that didn’t lead to any peril for her. Right now she just didn’t fit anywhere in the story. But don’t worry, if you’re interested in her I will be writing a trilogy of novellas centering on her once I finish the last volume of the Cape Crusher story. And she’ll have at least one appearance in “The Defeat of Champion Girl” which is already half written. I need to go back through what I have and edit it heavily. I’ll probably post that on here to get some early feedback as I work on it once this story is published!

And I just want to add, again, that I appreciate any and all feedback. Everything from typos to “I’d like to see this thing happen to this heroine.”
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Half of The Curb is finished! Everything is done when facing The Red dragon Syndicate. That means all that remains to get done in the story is the other half, facing the Sugar Skull gang. I’ll be trying to get that done as soon as possible so I can start the process of getting the story turned into a file that can be uploaded to Amazon. Once I begin the process of uploading it to Amazon I will have to take the link down, so enjoy the story for free while you can! And again, any last minute feedback is appreciated.
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Alright everyone, it is finished! I just have to submit it to Inkle and get the epub to upload to Amazon. Once I have started the actual publishing process I will be taking the links down. To take advantage of the best tools on amazon they require that your stuff be exclusive to them. Once it’s up I’ll post the link to it’s sale page for anyone who wants to buy it, either because they enjoyed it and or missed out on the time it was up for free.

But fear not, for I will almost immediately be starting work on The Defeat of Champion Girl! Parts of it are already written, so expect the first bit of uploads to go faster than this one went (although there is about twice as much content planned for it). Look for the new thread soon!
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Hey, this turned out pretty well. It definitely convinces me that interactive stories work really well in this genre. Well done for making it happen, and in a pretty short time-frame to boot! Functionally I think it hangs together very well, and I think, given the tone you're going for, it all works pretty well. Extra kudos to you for the system in the background of strength and libido governing how events play out - I have no idea how you made that work. I'm really sold on this format for these stories... I'm determined to have a go at it myself one day.

For me personally I'd like to see the peril scenes last longer, with more details, but then I get why you don't linger on anything for too long in such a fast-paced adventure. I did like the various perils and villains you offered.

There's tiny things here and there that may need a little more editing, but that's to be expected with such a large body of work with no editor besides yourself - I've combed through my first story hundreds of times for errors, and I still find some even now. That being said, it reads well!

Well done.
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Thanks Void! Editing is definitely my biggest weak point. My girlfriend, who recently started writing erotica of her own, is starting to edit my normal releases but the CYOA are just too much for her to work into her busy schedule.

I super appreciate the feedback by the way. The next one (which I'll start working on once this one is working its way through publication on Amazon) will be a bit different, but in a way that will leave more room for the scenes of peril to be longer. Right now it's outlined to NOT have the power/horny meter behind the scenes and simply funnel to a defeat no matter what you do. Where as THIS story had the chance to actually win battles and go back and choose other destinations I wasn't planning on doing that for the next one. Do you think those changes will be detrimental to the story? To help make up for the required re-reading I plan on making the first entry REALLY short with very little exposition before the choices start.

Inkle is REALLY easy, although it can be frustrating until you get the hang of it. The biggest thin is you have to copy paste things in one paragraph at a time. Doing the Power and Horny meter were really easy. You can make tags to attach to any paragraph, such as "Visited The Curb". You can then re-use that tag on future options, such as "only show this choice if NOT visited 'The Curb' ". You can also have certain passages show up only if passed/not passed those tags. The coolest thing is if you add a +1/-1 next to the tag it tallys it. So depending on your initial choices in the beginning of this story it set up how much power/horny you had. I think if you didn't masturbate it was Power 10 but horny 3, and masturbating got rid of the horny's but also decreased the power. I would subtract power from anything that used her powers or led to an orgasm, and few things added to it. and the horny meter went up when she was sexed in any way without orgasm. Mostly they were used to determine what choices showed up.

It's possible to SHOW the tallys in the story. The fantasy (as in dragons and shit) one I'm writing with my girlfriend has a gold tally and in the story when ever she has the chance to buy anything the main character looks in her purse and it displays something like "She saw she had 10 gold coins". I COULD have done that for the power and horny meter here, but it seemed like it would have really taken the reader out of the story. There IS a way to have different words show up depending on a tally count (like horny/ravenous/uncontrollable depending on what her horny count is) but the coding for that was a little beyond me understanding.

And Void (and everyone else) if there are any specific villains/kinds of peril you think you want to see in the next one post it when I start the thread. I'll try my best to work them in there if I can/if something not to close isn't used somewhere else (I have a TON of stories outlined and in the process of being finished, including a short story anthology that will hopefully be out in the next month or so).
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Philo Hunter wrote: Where as THIS story had the chance to actually win battles and go back and choose other destinations I wasn't planning on doing that for the next one. Do you think those changes will be detrimental to the story?

I think it depends what you're trying to do. If you want to tell a specific tale and take the reader along that path, then I think that's the best. If you want it to be more a sandbox type thing where the reader has more control to move around the environment like a game I would keep it as you have it. Either way I think it would work pretty well.

For me - and this may well be a minority view - the ability to 'win' each encounter creates a greater sense of risk or peril when the heroine loses.

Good luck with it all, though. Sounds like you're keeping busy!
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Oh man, can't believe I never saw it that way! Being able to "win" DOES make the peril more perilous! Okay, I will definitely be working that more into the next one. Maybe to help facilitate that I'll work the power meter and maybe the horny meter as well...

And yup, I keep VERY busy, this is my "day" job, although I'm still pretty early in my "career".
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So, the story as is is totally unworkable as an ebook. I am going to have to go in and rework a good much of it. The biggest issue seems to be how the story loops back to the city streets. To work as an ebook the story can't have loops like that, it needs to have endings pretty frequently.

So I am going to have to make it so from the city streets you are just funneled into endings, which means the horny meter and power meter will probably be taken out (they also seemed to have been causing problems). This means the end product will not feel like a game and will be a series of shorter reads. That seems to be the limitations I am working on.

But I have a question for everyone. The story will pretty much now have to end after every fight. If I keep in "good" endings that will mean you can get a story, many stories, where there is little or no sex. Would that frustrate or titillate you as a reader? I am really, really, really interested in hearing some thoughts on this.
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Actually had a lot of fun reading through all the paths today.

I think having a few 'win' paths is important to keep the peril element, otherwise the story feels too forced and one dimensional.

I actually liked the Horny/Power meter effect of the story, and will be sad to see it go in the final product.

With the meters, it does make it feel more like an interactive game, than a one dimensional story.

I took a look at the Champion Girl story, and noticed that she seemed to be following a story much like Archbaroness. Was hoping to find a better description for Champion girl, but blond and a small bustline were all i was able to gleam

I had cooked a draft render of Archbaroness, to see if Philo was interested in working together, but he has already decline.

Regardless, the draft was done, I figure i might as well put it out to share.


(Used descriptions in the story, and existing cover to work out the render.)
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Cool fan art! It's pretty spot on, although I picture her being a lot more muscular and full figured in my head. and I'd NEVER write her in heels. I know it's a fetish a lot of people enjoy, but I just can't believe a heroine fighting in them unless there is a good in story explanation for it. What program did you do it in? Where's that top from? I'd be interested in finding that file for my own use if it works with genesis models.

Lets see, I think I CAN keep the power/horny meter in the story. I'm going to try and see if it will compile, the thing is keeping them in kind of requires "good" endings. I am going to try and rework the options so it's more clear what choices lead to "good" endings and which don't. But there can't be any looping back to continue the story after getting a good ending.

Yeah, Champion Girl will need lots of work and I appreciate any feedback (although I am trying to get this one totally done before returing to that second one). I think it probably does need a longer introduction to flesh out her character, but part of me wants to avoid a huge block of text that you have to go through each read. As a reader would that bug you or would you just quickly learn to skip past it to the first choices?
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Funny comment about the heels, i actually had to a few with out that i passedon cause i thought the heels looked better. Low heels are okay to fight in. They're great for stomping on bad guy toes, and if they're low they're not going to kill your ankles the way high heel ones will.

'Muscular' was never really conveyed in the story only a figure mortals could really aspire too. Had to suppress to give her gloves or braceless or something. Trade the tiara for ears, and she could pass for a playboy bunny.

Victoria Four Model, so, it's not going to work over on the newer Genesis models.

Zero description on Champion girl btw, from a reader's perspective that can be vexing.
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Philo Hunter
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Yeah, the Champion Girl Story is barely started and needs to be totally thrown out now that I know what I need to do to make a story publishable. I had planned on there being more descriptions of her in the first few choices, but I have to totally rework the structure and start from scratch.

I'll make sure I go back in and try to make clear that Archbaroness is well muscled. I'm appreciating all the feedback, it helps a ton. As for the heels I guess I just disagree. I only have a hand full of characters that will use them and personally I detest seeing them on heroines both in and out of porn stuff.
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Boots were never mentioned so I used artistic liscensing.
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Philo Hunter
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It's okay, that's the point of using as little description as needed in an erotica. It allows the reader to fill in the gaps with their mental image of whatever get's their crank going.
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What a great concept and idea...I really like the choose your own adventure format!

I would love to see one done purely from a villain's perspective - I.e choosing a heroine target, how you defeat them, destroy their reputation, destroy them, or turn them to your will. The concept has so many possibilities!
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Philo Hunter
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I could totally do that down the line!

As a heads up I'm about 2/3 done reformatting it in a separate file (not the one linked). Hopefully that can compile and I can get it published soon and start working on new projects. As it is written right now it still has the power/horny meter but there is no looping and a TON of endings, about half of them "good".
Neophyte Lvl 4
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awesome, looking forward to the finalized story

How much of it will be new material, compared to stuff that's already in the story you linked earlier?
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Philo Hunter
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It's in the process of publishing now! So the old link is down now. As soon as it's published I'll post the link to it on amazon.

There isn't really any "new" material. What I had to do is change every instance of the story looping back around. So every time you could return to Freedom Tower or the streets of Megatropolis had to be turned into an ending. So a lot of those new endings have new writing, but it's only a few paragraphs here or there. There's nothing substantial, no new sex scenes or anything. I DID catch a lot of typos, so there is that.
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Philo Hunter
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The book is published and up for purchase for anyone that wants it! It's enrolled in the Kindle Select program so if you have an unlimited account you can get it for free.
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