Aurelia - Gwardian Goddess : Fatal Encounter

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Here's another older Aurelia story. My apology in advance, as I have not reread it to edit / correct. Hopefully it is not fraught with typos and the like. As always, I welcome your feedback. :)

Aurelia - Fatal Encounter

"I know what you are." Said the stranger, as he shut door behind him and latched the lock shut.

"Oh you do, do you ... and just what might that be?", Aurelia asked back, teasingly.

"I know that you are a vampire.", the muscular gent responded.

"If you know that, then why are you risking being with me?" Aurelia asked, then added, "And for the record, I am NOT a vampire."

"Deny it all you want, but I know what you are. As for why I am willing to take the risk, there are a couple of reasons. The first of which, is due to your undeniably stunning good looks. I mean, what man wouldn't love to get some with a woman that looks like you do."

"Careful darling, or I might just begin to feel flattered." Aurelia said, feigning sincerity.

"Before I tell you reason number two, answer me this ... why are YOU so wantonly careless in putting yourself in risky situations with men you know nothing about?"

"Darling, number one, I enjoy being with men because I am but a "wanton" nymphomaniac, and number two, I fail to see what is so risky about being with you."

"Well, to address your point number two, what is so risky about being with me is that I know what you are.", he said with a seductive tone to is voice, as me moved towards Aurelia, brushing the back of his hand against her cheek in a gentle, playful way.

With Aurelia already feeling particularly amorous due to going through yet another of her frequent oestrus cycles, though his hand brushed merely against her cheek, her body reacted with the hardening of her nipples and moistness filling between her legs.

Not waiting for the stranger to take the initiative any further, Aurelia moved intimately close to him, taking his left hand with her right and placing his hand upon her right breast. The caressing touch of his hand caused her nipple to harden further and noticeably protrude through the tight but thin material of her form fitting tank top.

Excited by her initiative, the man quickly grabbed Aurelia by the shoulders and spun her around so that her back was to him. He then wrapped his arms around her, taking her breasts in each hand. Holding her tightly, he lifted her off of the ground and moved her forward before tossing her onto her stomach onto the bed in front of her.

"My number two reason for risking being with you is that I know you don't mind it rough, and believe me, I like to be rough with little whores like you!"

The harshness of his words did nothing to strike fear into Aurelia. On the contrary, his rough actions and harsh words only served to further heighten her already increasing excitement.

Grabbing her by the hips, the man lifted her partially up, allowing him to reach around to the front of her tight fitting jeans, to unfasten the closure. Wasting no time, he then grabbed Aurelia's pants by their waistline and pulled them down past her knees, exposing her sexy little black thong in between her perfectly rounded butt cheeks.

Flush with excitement, Aurelia paid verbal homage to his aggressively rough assertiveness, "My, my, you do like to be rough, don't you?"

With a sly smile unseen by Aurelia, he answered, "You have no idea, whore."

"Darling, the name calling does nothing for me. You may want to tone that down, just a touch.", Aurelia playfully jested.

"Shut the fuck up, vampire whore!", he retorted, followed by a harsh, swift slap on her right butt cheek.
Aurelia was taken aback, having not expected anything of the sort. She was also surprised by how much his slap stung, though the pain of it did nothing to quell her still rising arousal.

Having undone his own pants and removed his manhood from being held within, the man grabbed the string of Aurelia's thong and moved it aside, and he hurriedly inserted his thick, long, hard penis effortlessly into Aurelia's wet, lubricated pussy.

Aurelia was next surprised by the feel of how deeply inside of her the man flowed, as it felt as though she was filled as deeply as one could go.

With the man holding her hips tightly, he began to thrust in and out of her violently, without any pretence of being gentle. The rough nature of his fucking left Aurelia gasping with each thrust into her.

Releasing her left hip with his left hand, the man grabbed the back of Aurelia's flowing black hair and wrapped it around his hand, pulling it taut. Lost in the growing pleasure of his manhood sliding in and out against her pussy lips, Aurelia did not notice her hair being grabbed until all at once, the man pulled back violently on her hair, causing her head to spring back to where she felt tremendous pain with her neck being bent back as far as it could possibly go.

The man kept pulling back even further, causing Aurelia's torso to lift up, lest her neck be broken.

With her back now held up against his stomach, the man reached around her body with his right hand and slid it to the hem of her shirt, pulling her shirt up to expose her breasts. He then latched onto her right breast, squeezing it as hard as he could.

With the pain surprising her, Aurelia let out a whimper. The man did not let up, though, continuing to thrust in and out of her as fast and as hard as he could, all the while continuing to pull her head back as far as he could by her hair, while squeezing down as hard upon her boob as he could with his other hand.

"You little vampire whore, thinking it was me taking the risk. You stupid cunt! It was YOU that was taking a risk!"

Aurelia ignored his words, instead dealing with the mixture of pain and pleasure, which was proving to be the right concoction to set her body quickly into an unexpected orgasm. Despite her uncontrollable quivers that were more like convulsions, the man did not let up, continuing to thrust into her over and over again as though his mission was to hurt her with every thrust. At the same time, he tightened his grip upon her right boob to such an extent that his finger nails began to pierce through her skin, causing a trickle of blood to flow down her skin.

Wanting to protest, as the pain of her skin being pierced was more than she bargained for, Aurelia found herself unable to actually speak because of the ongoing pounding she was enduring and her body's ongoing orgasmic convulsions that were resulting. All she could get out was a pained yelping with every thrust that came with an increasing vigour as the pressure of his hold continued to increase.

All of a sudden, his thrusting stopped with him pressing tighter and tighter against her, as he let off an explosion of his juices inside of her. Aurelia could not remember feeling anything like this, ever before. As he ejaculated into her, she could feel his juices beyond warmth. It was almost like his seed was spraying inside of her like a hot acid, causing an internal burning that left her alarmingly concerned.

"What the fuck!?" she finally blurted out, as the burn seemed to grow and grow.

The man let out a maniacal laugh, as he continued to pump and ejaculate with a volume that was beyond anything normal.

Suddenly, the man pulled out of Aurelia and released his grip on her, causing her to fall back down onto her stomach, on the hard mattress below. He violently roller her over onto her back and then aimed his ejaculate to spray out onto her stomach.

Like hot acid, his cum caused the skin on Aurelia's stomach to sizzle and burn, as if it were acid that he was spraying onto her. At the same time, the stinging sensation she felt from his juices inside of her was intensifying and seemingly spreading quickly, flowing beyond her vagina throughout her body.

With the burning sensation intensifying and with the pain taking over, she painfully asked, "What have you done to me?"

The man had already pulled his pants back up and was in the process of doing them up when he answered with more laughter, "I did say I like being rough with little whores like you."

Not satisfied with his answer, Aurelia demanded more explanation, "It isn't that it is rough, but the burning, what is it? What did you do to me?"

Again the man laughed. "Not only do I know that you are a vampire, but I know that you are a breeder of vampires. The burning you feel, well, think of me as a depository of acid that burns away all your reproductive abilities. The burning you are feeling is the dissolving of your reproductive abilities. Of your innards. My dear, making more vampires is something that is now behind you"

"What the fuck? What are you?"

"I am the risk you shouldn't have taken. I mean, not only are you not going to have anymore little vampire babies, but I am the risk that is going to kill you."

With the burning sensation continuing to take hold of her, Aurelia's eyes fell back into her as her body continued to convulse, though now in pain, not orgasmic pleasure.

Walking around the foot of the bed, the man surveyed her body, allowing his left hand to lightly run up her partially naked body as he moved. "This is a shame, really. I mean, you truly are the most exquisite looking creature I have ever had the immense pleasure of dissolving."

Aurelia had now set her mind to concentrate on what was going on in her body. Despite her supernatural ability to regenerate, though, his acidic seed was proving to be a challenge to overcome. With her regenerative ability kicking in full force, it seemed as though at best, the spread of his acidic seed was only being slowed. Aurelia's supernatural regenerative abilities were being put to a potentially fatal test.

"Yes my poor, dear little vampiress, my sperm is a lethal acid and I have been hired by certain, let us say, people, to work my magic upon the unearthly of this world." After a slight pause, he continued, "Despite your nearly mythical good looks, in the end, you are just as unearthly as the rest of the monstrous abominations that I have killed and just like them, you needed to be stopped."

Having mostly lost the ability to simply draw out a person's life force due to being repeatedly infected by the vampire virus over the centuries, although not a vampire, Aurelia had certainly become very much vampire like. Accordingly, inside her closed mouth, unbeknownst to the man, her fangs had protruded and were ready to plunge.

As the man's hand moved over Aurelia's breast making its way toward her neck, though her eyes were still closed, she was keenly aware of his presence. Despite the pain she was in, like a lioness springing her attack upon unsuspecting prey, with her right hand she grabbed the man's forearm. Her left hand reached up from her body to further solidify her grip upon the man's arm.

As she was quickly bringing his arm to her mouth, she asked, "What about your blood, is that like acid too?" Not waiting for an answer, she brought her fangs to bear, biting down upon his wrist, she quickly began to ingest his life force rich blood to help further augment her regenerative power.

Immediately, the man began his struggle to break free of Aurelia's bite. When pulling his hand away did not work, he began to punch violently at her head. After the first few punches failed to free himself of her bite, the man focussed the aim of his punch directly on the back of her neck. This time, the brute force of it completely dazed Aurelia, allowing him to pull free.

Seeing his opportunity to counter attack the still dazed vampiress, he grabbed her by her waist and then with a powerful heave, threw her across the room, causing her to crash back first into the wall beyond causing her to fall to the floor in a heap.

The pain Aurelia was still feeling inside of her from the foe's acidic sperm was now supplanted by the pounding in her head and now aching bones from being thrown clear across the room into the wall. She laid prone on the floor trying to regain her faculties.

Before she could, however, the man grabbed Aurelia by her hair and pulled her into a standing position. He then pushed her against the wall and with both hands reached out and grabbed her neck and began to choke her.

Aurelia grabbed his wrists with her hands in an attempt to pull his hands from her neck. Struggle as she may, though, she was unable to break his grip from her neck. As she continued to try, the man pulled her forward and then thrust her back against the wall, causing the back of her head to slam violently against the wall. He repeated this several times, but seemingly unfazed, Aurelia would not give up trying to pull his hands from her neck.

As he was about to yet again pull her head forward to again slam against the wall, Aurelia thrust her knee upward into the man's groin. He cringed in pain, but didn't let go. Aurelia brought her other knee up for another direct hit in the man's groin, but again he did not release her neck.

On the contrary, he once again pulled forward and then slammed Aurelia's head back into the wall behind her. Violently, he repeated this over and over. Each impact was having a progressive effect, causing Aurelia's vision to increasingly blur until finally, she faded to black.

Realizing that he had finally knocked Aurelia unconscious, the man allowed her to fall to the ground. Not releasing her neck, though, he kept hold of her as he simply laid her down and climbed on top of her, continuing to choke the now helpless vampiress.

As he continued to choke her, she let out a snort and then the last of the air seemed to seep from her lungs. The man kept choking her, to be sure she was done.

He became sure of his victory over the vampiress as her skin tone changed from a beautiful tan to an increasingly shrivelled shade of grey. Underneath his hands, he could feel her soft, supple skin beginning to feel crusty and hard.

Convinced that he had now successfully killed the vampiress, the man finally released his hold upon her neck. Slapping her greyed face, he was surprised at how hard, almost rock like she had become.

Looking at her arm laid out to her side, the man stomped on her hand, which shattered beneath the weight of his heavy boot. Amused by this, the man then stomped onto her exposed, but greyed chest. The force of the impact sounded like cracking bone, as her whole chest cracked and then imploded upon itself, collapsing into a pile of what looked like tiny sandy gravel.

Content that he had succeeded, the man turned and left, leaving a pile of pulverized debris that was once the beautiful goddess Aurelia. Apparently, the immortal goddess, mother of vampires on earth, seemed to be defeated, left as a crumpled pile of debris, seemingly well beyond any regenerative power that once resided inside of her.

The room sat vacant and still for several hours when all of a sudden, the shattered debris that was once Aurelia began to slowly gather together forming what looked to be a pile of silica sand. Slowly, this pile of debris began to twist creating a swirling dust cloud. After several minutes of ever increasing swirling velocity, the cloud of debris suddenly cleared.

In place of the pile of debris was Aurelia laying naked on the floor, seemingly unscathed, but unconscious.

A few more minutes passed and then with a deep inhale, air was drawn into Aurelia's lungs. Aurelia then let out a fit of uncontrollable coughing, as she regained consciousness.

Clearly weak, Aurelia rolled over and pushed herself into an upright sitting position. Surveying the room, she noticed her clothes, now dirty and worn looking. Nevertheless, she clothed herself and began to walk toward the door. Suddenly, she fell to her knees and puked, the dry heaving variety. Regaining her composure, she then arose back to her feet and left the room.

Miraculously, the goddess Aurelia had somehow survived, reborn to fight on another day.

The End
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Hmmm, are my Aurelia stories just that bad or do we have a big collection of very shy people here? lol
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Just caught up with your stories from the first one to this one. They're an odd mix of being totally my thing and not at all my thing, but on the whole I enjoyed them. I can certainly offer some humble constructive criticism, but I'll save that for a pm - and then only if you want to hear it.

There are a lot of positives, though. The writing holds up well. It's always clear, coherent and consistent to read. There are a lot of ideas at play which I really really like, and I really enjoy how much creation went into the world as a whole. I also get the sense that you totally enjoyed writing them and that it was very much your thing, and that enthusiasm was almost contagious as I read it. I found myself oddly enjoying the whole zombies overwhelming the heroine and draining her blood thing in the first story, which is kudos to you because that's really not my bag at all. Similarly like the compelling element in the second story. Something about the subtle power-shift and the heroine gradually losing her position as being fully in control of the situation, turned on a light for me.

Overall I'll keep an eye out for whatever you do next.
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Void wrote:Just caught up with your stories from the first one to this one. They're an odd mix of being totally my thing and not at all my thing, but on the whole I enjoyed them. I can certainly offer some humble constructive criticism, but I'll save that for a pm - and then only if you want to hear it.

There are a lot of positives, though. The writing holds up well. It's always clear, coherent and consistent to read. There are a lot of ideas at play which I really really like, and I really enjoy how much creation went into the world as a whole. I also get the sense that you totally enjoyed writing them and that it was very much your thing, and that enthusiasm was almost contagious as I read it. I found myself oddly enjoying the whole zombies overwhelming the heroine and draining her blood thing in the first story, which is kudos to you because that's really not my bag at all. Similarly like the compelling element in the second story. Something about the subtle power-shift and the heroine gradually losing her position as being fully in control of the situation, turned on a light for me.

Overall I'll keep an eye out for whatever you do next.
I can't wait to read your pm of constructive criticism. Don't hold back, for as petite as I am, I like to think I have thick skin. :-)
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Only just got around to looking at this.
As Void says the writing is good and the sexual descriptions are very well done. For me though it lacked a bit of explanation as to who the man was,how he tracked her down, how did they meet etc
I enjoyed it but it had the feel of a chapter in a story rather than a story in itself. I appreciate it was one of your earlier efforts, and you have clearly grown as a writer as evidenced by the better character development you show in your Whi -Fi story. But it's still a good effort and piqued my curiosity enough to indulge it, but I personally prefer a little more detail in terms of the personalities/motives. Nice job in all though
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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tallyho wrote:Only just got around to looking at this.
As Void says the writing is good and the sexual descriptions are very well done. For me though it lacked a bit of explanation as to who the man was,how he tracked her down, how did they meet etc
I enjoyed it but it had the feel of a chapter in a story rather than a story in itself. I appreciate it was one of your earlier efforts, and you have clearly grown as a writer as evidenced by the better character development you show in your Whi -Fi story. But it's still a good effort and piqued my curiosity enough to indulge it, but I personally prefer a little more detail in terms of the personalities/motives. Nice job in all though
Thanks tallyho!

Yes, it IS more of just a chapter sort of thing, rather than a story in and of itself. So many of my writings are more like a joined in progress chapter sort of thing, in the chronicles of Aurelia, rather than properly hashed out stories in and of themselves. In writing these past writings, often times I was just so lazy in wanting to just get right into the plight that moistens me up, rather than being bogged with proper story background and character development, etc. Obviously, if I were to re-write things so that each chapter were to stand on its own, I'd have to pay much more attention to "properly" writing up the story, rather then simply sharing incomplete "scenarios" from the much larger story.

I am glad that, despite its shortcomings, you enjoyed it! If you enjoy the character of Aurelia, I am pretty much always open to collaborative writing. If this is something you (or anybody else, for that matter) is interested in, please do feel free to contact me, either here via pm or via email ( [email protected] )
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I like the way you phrase that about being more interested in scenarios than the full story that surrounds them. I really used to struggle to motivate myself to do any more than just the scenario that interested me when I would first begin a story, and my interest would just totally fizzle out as I tried to work more around that. It's something I still battle with... It is so easy to have an awesome premise for a scene that I would love to do - only for it to lose all momentum when my attention shifts to the rest of the story that the scene would need. There's a project for a totally different genre that's just not got off the ground for me for this exact reason. You can probably get away with it with these stories, though... I think a lot of readers will be happy to fill in the structure of the story with their imagination and just skip between the 'juicy' scenes.

I'm interested by the idea of collaborating on a story - it's something that I've never done before, and I don't really know how it could work, but I do see quite a few stories these days that were 'collaborated' on. Perhaps someone can enlighten me, but it sounds a bit like one person directs the ideas and the other person puts it into writing? Or do you do some kind of turn about writing chapters?

I also second what T said about understanding motives... I like to have some idea what is going on for a character, especially if it's the main one.
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I do not get mush feed back on MY stories, so I TRY to give deed back to others,

I agree with Taly and the others, You do write descriptions VERY well, and I think you have the makings of a plot for an original character, who needs to be developed more. What absolutely killed it for me? once again we have another "miraculously, somehow she survived"

Another story of extremes, no one can think of something to do besides kill her, and once again they fail.....this and other sights are absolutely flooded with this plot....
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lordgriffin wrote:Hello:

I do not get mush feed back on MY stories, so I TRY to give deed back to others,

I agree with Taly and the others, You do write descriptions VERY well, and I think you have the makings of a plot for an original character, who needs to be developed more. What absolutely killed it for me? once again we have another "miraculously, somehow she survived"

Another story of extremes, no one can think of something to do besides kill her, and once again they fail.....this and other sights are absolutely flooded with this plot....
I appreciate your comments. She IS an original character and I have a rather intricate backstory for her, but I haven't written it all up into one ongoing story (yet). Some day I hope to, as I think Aurelia is really cool.

I get what you are saying about miraculous survival, but keep in mind (although I didn't set it up in this short little indulgent snippet) Aurelia is basically like a goddess that is seemingly immortal. When things get too sticky, I needed a way for her to survive and I came up with the turning to dust sort of thing tying in to already established vampire-ish folklore, but with the twist that it simply reforms her like a sort of rebirth. Sorry you don't like that immortality angle. I try not to use it often.

Anyway, regardless, I appreciate your comments. Thank you.
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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