No Turning Back: Death of Batgirl

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Spier el
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Chapter 1

It was a normal night out on patrol for Batgirl, or at least that's what she thought, she would have never have guessed this would be the night that everything changed forever.

Batgirl was in her usual skin tight purple leotard, matching purple gloves and ankle high purple leather boots, while patrolling the rooftops of Crime Alley when she got the call from the Commissioner, “Batgirl, there has been a break in at the botanical gardens downtown, it looks like Poison Ivy is at it again”. Batgirl spoke excitedly back across the radio “I'm on it commissioner!” It has been weeks since Batgirl has had to deal with a real villain. Strangely Gotham had been quiet, some muggings and stick ups here and there but nothing on the super criminal level. Almost as if they all just picked up and left. In truth they have been plotting and planning their takeover, starting with tonight, starting with Batgirl, if only she truly new what was in store for her.

Batgirl arrived at the botanical gardens knowing very well it was most likely a trap. She entered cautiously through the glass window in the roof where a hole had been blasted through with vines still hanging down from the ceiling. “Definitely Poison Ivy” she said to herself as she leaped down onto the ground. The room was filled with a slight pink mist. There was a sweet smell in the air, and with each breath there was a taste of sugar on her lips the moment she entered the gardens, she couldn't resist but lick them and taste the sweetness. It was something new, different, not something she had come across when confronting Poison Ivy before. Poison Ivy was nowhere in sight, the gardens were actually pretty empty. No sign of life, well at least human life. She heard a slight humming sound coming from deeper in the gardens and decided to head towards it. As she made her way deeper into the gardens, the aroma's sweetness grew as she continued to taste it on her lips like a sweet candy lip gloss. She had a tingling feeling run down her spine with every lick of her lips but she pushed forward, almost out of her own control, she needed to see what the noise was, she needed to find Poison Ivy.

As Batgirl followed the noise, the humming grew louder, almost as if it was all around her, but also right in front of her, at the end of a hallway where it grew the loudest, she came across a door with vines running across it, but as Batgirl came closer they separated to allow her entry. Normally Batgirl would be alarmed at this, but she felt as if it was welcoming her, as a strong gust of the sweet aroma filled her mouth and lungs, she caught herself salivate a little as once more she cleaned her pink lips with her tongue.

Inside the room it was a little darker and the aroma was stronger, sweeter, and in the middle of the room was a large bulb that was slightly vibrating and humming. Batgirl needed to investigate, it was in her nature. As she moved closer to the bulb the aroma grew stronger and thicker, as if the air was made of a cotton candy that she could only slowly navigate through, dissolving on her lips and in her mouth with the sweetest of tastes. Finally she was in front of it. She reached her hand out to touch it but suddenly...


A vine grabbed her hand before she could touch it.


Three more vines grabbed her other hand and two ankles. Ivys voice filled the room“Unh unh unh my little bat, that's not for you...yet” - END CHAPTER ONE

Chapter 2

Batgirl was now being held up by four vines stretching her out in all directions in the center of the room. “What do you think you are doing Ivy!?” Batgirl yelled with anger that left her body the moment she finished her question. A haze quickly engulfed her as if all the energy had been sapped from her muscles. “Feeling a bit weak my little bat?” Ivy gleefully asked as she slowly walked down from the shadows.

Ivy was wearing red 3 inch stiletto heels that wrapped around her feet and ankles like vines with a rose on the top of each foot, black thigh high fishnet stockings with flower designs running up and down her long legs, leading up to her short black, short sleeved, flowing silk dress, with green trim and silky green gloves, bright toxic green lips and a dark forest green eye shadow, that complimented her smooth red hair.

She seductively sauntered down towards the bulb “don't worry it's only from the long term exposure you had to my little baby here” she patted the bulb as she slowly spun herself around it, coming face to face with Batgirl. Batgirl now with an almost exhausted look in her eyes, “you won't get away with th...”Ivy slowly placed her green gloved finger to Batgirls sticky parted lips, “hush Batgirl”. Now leaning closer to Batgirl, removing her finger and coming almost nose to nose with her. Batgirl unable to pull her head away from Ivy's plump toxic green lips that were now mere inches away from Batgirls innocent pink ones. “there's no use fighting Batgirl, what you have been breathing is my most potent of creations.” “it clouds the mind and lowers your will to fight your inhibitions”. “Did you enjoy the sweet taste it left on you lips?” Ivy now leaning closer, Batgirl now feeling the hot breath from Ivy's seductive mouth, knowing what is about to befall her, yet having no energy or will to stop it “The delicious taste it left on your tongue?”, Ivy now with the tip of her lips right against Batgirls. Batgirl now breathing heavier as Ivy whispers “The warm feeling you felt in your pussy?” Ivy stuck her tongue out licking Batgirls parted lips, Batgirl slightly licks back. Ivy's mouth curves into a smile “Oh we are going to have fun tonight” Ivy presses her full green sticky lips against Batgirls and Batgirl unable to resist kisses back before her eyes roll back into her head and she blacks out.


Chapter 3

Batgirl slowly picks her head up and opens her eyes a bit groggy, her surroundings a little fuzzy. “Where...where am I?” She tries to move her hands and realizes she can't. She is sitting in a chair in the middle of a room, her utility belt is missing but she is still in her full costume minus her gloves. She has strange metal boxes clamped around her hands, vines wrapped around her chest and legs, holding her securely to the chair.

“A bit confused my little bat?” comes Ivy's voice from behind her. Batgirl suddenly remembers Ivy and the gardens. “Where have you taken me? What are these things on my hands? What do you plan on doing with me?” Ivy now making her way to the front of Batgirl planting herself across her lap. “Oh Batgirl so many questions, where shall I begin? First I want to ask you a question.” Ivy stands up and backs a few feet away from Batgirl still facing her. “What do you think of my dress? Last time you saw me your brain was a bit cloudy and I don't think you noticed it.” Batgirl with anger in her voice “What do I care about your dress? Why do you have me..” Ivy cutting her off. “You see my dress isn't my normal shade of green, well actually it's black, you know why?” Batgirl frustrated. “Ok I’ll play along, why is your dress black?” Ivy slowly grows a huge green smirk on her face. “Glad you asked, because it will help answer your one question, it's for Batgirl's funeral of course.” Batgirl with a more sarcastic than serious response. “So you plan on killing me? I don't buy it, why go through all this trouble?” Ivy now walking over to a corner out of sight of Batgirl. “I'm not going to kill you, you're going to kill Batgirl yourself.”

Batgirl now confused. “Why do you keep referring to me in the third person? I am Batgirl, why would I kill myself?” Ivy now coming back in to view of Batgirl carrying the bulb from earlier. “Oh my silly sweet girl, you aren't Batgirl, it may be a name you call yourself, a costume you wear, but what it really is, is something you represent. Good, laws, boredom, restraint. What you are going to do is remove the shackles, have some fun, break the laws, and become Evil.” Batgirl now appalled. “I would never become evil, you're out of your mind.” Ivy now moving closer with the bulb out in front of her. “No Batgirl but soon you will be, and it will all be thanks to this little fella.” Ivy pats the bulb as she holds it like a baby. It begins to spray its mist out.

Batgirl instantly feels the bulbs affects asserting themselves on her. The aroma quickly fills the room and she tastes the sweetness on her lips and tongue instantly. She tries to fight the grogginess but it's no use. All she can do is watch and listen as Poison Ivy gets closer. Ivy now beginning to talk. “Ah I see the effects have already begun, now don't you want it closer to you so you can breath it in more easily?” Batgirl trying to shake her head no. Ivy keeps talking. “you want it so close you can almost taste it can't you? You want to taste it don't you?” Batgirl tries to shake her head but fails, not able to fight the aroma she nods her head as her mouth begins to salivate. Ivy comes closer to her, now standing over her lap. “You want to taste it's nectar don't you?” Batgirl now fighting to keep her head up and make eye contact with Ivy. “You want the sweet taste of it on your tongue, you want it to fill mouth, and you want to swallow it, and it to fill you with it's warm embrace forever don't you?” Batgirl swaying slightly back and forth staring at the bulb, somehow fights whispered words out. “..yes” Ivy's bright green lips come to a complete smile as she looks down at Batgirl. “Open up then dear, time to take your medicine.” Batgirl slowly opens her mouth and leans her head back. Ivy pours the nectar from the bulb into her mouth. It's consistency is like honey as it slowly pours into her mouth and dribbles down her chin. “Thats a good girl, well I guess now a bad girl, now swallow, swallow all of your medicine. Make Ivy proud.” Batgirl takes a gulp and swallows all of the nectar as she looks blankly into Ivy's eyes, nectar spilled on her lips as she begins to slowly lick them clean.


Chapter 4

Batgirls' head is rushing as her body fills with the warmth of the nectar. She feels it filling her stomach and making it's way through her blood and into her brain. So many thoughts rushing, the room is spinning until it finally slows down a little. Ivy is now sitting in front of her backwards on a chair leaning on her hands. “How are we feeling? Do you feel the nectar seeping in yet?” Batgirl smiles weakly and nods. “Good good, that was just your first dose, as we move on it will get better for you.

Are you ready for me to answer another question?” Batgirl nods again. “Ok now to tell you about the boxes on your hands. They actually contain a hot green liquid metal, mixed with a little bit of my concoctions and potions and what have you. What you may or may have not noticed there is a button on the floor by your feet. When you push this button this hot green liquid metal will coat your finger nails and permanently bond to you.” Batgirl now looking confused. “Don't be confused sweetie this is just a step in your transformation. You want to be transformed don't you?” Batgirl slowly and defiantly shakes her head no. “You want some more delicious nectar don't you?” Batgirl opens her mouth eager for more. “Then all you need to do is push the button with your foot.” Ivy swipes her hand and one of the vines holding Batgirls leg releases. “Now push the button darling, you can do it.”

Batgirl moves her foot towards the button but misses, she tries again but can't get to it. Ivy a little frustrated gets up a grabs the bulb. “Maybe we need a little more incentive.” she bring the bulb with her to the seat and sits down. “Now Batgirl if you can push the button I can give you more nectar, you want that don't you?” Batgirl now able to slightly talk, with her eyes locked on the bulb licking her lips. “..yesss..” She picks her foot up again and drops it on the button. Instantly the hot metal fills the tubes holding Batgirl's fingers in placed and bonds the green metal permanently to her finger tips. Batgirl screams out in pain. “AHHHHhhhh” She slumps over from the pain and the boxes are released from her hands. She can now move a little with her hands free, she looks at her fingers. Batgirls finger tips now have shiny green metallic nails where her once well manicured nails existed. Poison Ivy begins to talk. “ Now with those nails you will be able to slow down your prey with a single scratch. I have laced the potions inside your nails with a small paralytic, that will help keep your victims under your claws.” Ivy pushes the bulb towards Batgirl, who is now admiring her new nails, scratching at the air playfully. “Now as promised here is your reward, drink up my beautiful flower in training.” Batgirl grabs the bulb and puts it to her mouth. She gulps down one, two, three gulps before Ivy pulls it away from her mouth. “That's enough for now, come with me, Ivy eyes Batgirl up and down, we have more alterations to make.” Ivy takes her hand, as the remaining vines fall from Batgirls body as they walk off into the next room.


Chapter 5

Poison Ivy and Batgirl now walk into another room with a makeup table along the back wall. It's a well lit area with what looks like to be more a beauty salon, with a chair that leans into a sink, large rows of makeup, and bottles of products. Ivy takes Batgirl by the hand over to a pair of chairs sitting side by side and sits her down. “Now sit down my pretty little bat, now onto your next phase, we have planted the seed in you and sprouted you some roots, now we have to add some color to help attract some prey.” Ivy goes over to the makeup tables and looks through a bunch of different little tubes until she finds the right one. “Ah here is the one for you.” She hands a bright forest green tube to Batgirl. Batgirl just looks at it and looks back at Ivy. “It's lip gloss silly, but not just any lip gloss, this formula when applied will seep into your skin and filled your lips with a powerful sleep toxin. With each coat it will make it more potent and forever change your lips from this innocent girlish pink, to a voluptuous forest green. No man will resist your kiss.” Batgirl smiles and looks at Poison Ivy. “Nectar?” Poison Ivy a bit annoyed. “Yes and when we are done here I will give you some more nectar.” Batgirl giggles and opens up the lip gloss. Batgirl hesitantly begins to slowly apply the lip gloss to her innocent mouth. The second it touches her lips, she feels a small tingle, her lips begin to shimmer with a shiny green sticky coating as she rubs them together. She giggles again, puckers her lips, and re-applys the gooey green gloss to her now permanently changed mouth.

Poison Ivy sits in the chair next to Batgirl and takes a hold of her right leg. She begins rubbing her leg and making her way down to her small Purple ankle high boot. She watches Batgirl as she continually applies the bright green lip gloss over and over each time rubbing her lips together and giggling from the sensation it gives her. “That's good my dear, keep coating your lips, I will tell you when to stop, we need to make them nice and pretty.” Ivy begins to unzip Batgirls ankle boot and slowly slides it off her foot. She drops it over her shoulder like it were a piece unwanted garbage. She begins rubbing her bare foot and moving her hand up Batgirls calf and thigh. Batgirl just looks over at Ivy and blushes and keeps coating her lips. Ivy moves onto Batgirls left leg and slowly down to the left boot. She slowly unzips the boot ans tosses it on the ground. This time she takes both of Batgirls feet and begins to kiss them. Batgirl begins giggling, as it tickles at first. Ivy puts them in her mouth and rubs her tongue along each toe. She slowly removes Batgirls feet from her mouth and slides her hands up Batgirls thighs rubbing her hands on her skin tight leotard. Batgirl begins rocking her hips with Ivy's hands and keeps coating on the gooey lip gloss, more aggressively now. Ivy comes up to Batgirls face and takes the lip gloss from her hands. “That should be enough for now.” She drops the lip gloss on the floor.
Ivy leans in between Batgirls thighs and moves her hands up to her hips and onto her breasts. She slowly rubs both nipples with her thumbs and her hands, then makes her way up to Batgirls face towards the back of her head. She leans in to kiss Batgirl but stops inches away and whispers “Do you want to be a bad girl Batgirl?” Ivy slides her hand down over Batgirls breasts, her stomach, and finally onto her pussy. Batgirl heavily breathing moans “Yes”. Ivy begins to rub Batgirls pussy through her leotard as Batgirl breathes heavily into Ivy's mouth. Ivy asks again “Do you want to be a bad girl?” Batgirl moans “Yes...Yesss...Yess.” Ivy whispers “Tell me you want to be bad.” Batgirl trys talking over her heavy breathes “ I want...I want to be...I want to....I want to be a BAD GIRLLL!” Ivy stops right before Batgirl cums. “Good that's what I wanted to hear. Batgirl begins grabbing at Ivys hand to try to get her to finish her off, but becomes sexually frustrated when Ivy refuses. Batgirl begs her now with her permanently green lips wet and sobbing “please, please let me finish” “No we are far from finished, we still have some changes to make.


Chapter 6

Ivy stands up and directs Batgirl over to the chair leaning over a sink. She pushes Batgirl into the chair. Batgirl is upset she didn't get to finish. Ivy pulls out the bulb from behind Batgirl. “Will this make you happy for now?” Batgirl instantly goes from frown to smile and grabs the bulb and begins drinking feeling it soak into her insides and warm her entire body. It makes her completely forget about everything around her. “That's enough for now, you will get more later” Ivy says as she pulls the bulb away from Batgirl's green now extra shiny lips, covered in nectar,. “Now onto our next restraint that needs to be removed.” Ivy points to Batgirls cowl. Batgirl out of a sense of instinct grabs at her mask in defense. “Come now my young seed, we need you to blossom into a beautiful flower and we can't do that if you can't get any sunlight.” Batgirl defensively quivers. “ but my mask I don't know..I...I feel like I shouldn't remove it for some reason. I don't understand.” Ivy grabs Batgirls chin with her left hand, the green silk fabric stroking Batgirls face towards Ivy's. Ivy lifts up her right hand and blows her hypnotic pheromones into Batgirls face. Batgirl instantly softens her face and begins to sway to the sound of Ivy's voice “I thought the nectar would be strong enough but I guess your old life has too many roots in you. No matter old tricks will have to do for this part I suppose.” she blows more pheromones into Batgirls face. “ You want to make me happy don't you?” Batgirl groggily answers “yes” “You want me to make you happy don't you?” Batgirl answers again, sounding outside of her own body “ yes, I want to be happy.” Ivy smiles “Ok honey we are almost there we just need you to take off your silly mask, ok?”

Batgirl in a haze nods “yes, almost there.” Batgirl slowly slides her fingers under her mask and pulls it off to reveal her long brown hair that was hidden by her red wig and her full complete face finally showing Ivy her secret identity. Ivy after a fit a laughter, finally settles down. Barbara blushes and hid her face. Ivy grabbed her hands and slowly pulled them away from her face “ Oh Barbara you really are beautiful, especially now with your full green lips, it really goes with your eyes. Daddy would be so proud on how pretty you are turning out to be.” Barbara smiled, Ivy continued “ but we aren't done yet now I really did like your hair red and I think I have just the solution.” Ivy grabbed a bottle from the makeup table and the bulb. “This should do the trick, now lie back, finish this and let us fix up that beautiful hair.” Barbara laid her head back in the chair over the sink, and began finishing the bulb nectar, as Ivy began to rub in the hair die. “Now this just isn't any old hair dye, like everything else today this will permanently change the chemicals in your hair. The chemicals will sink deep into your roots and alter your cells. You will finally have the beautiful red hair you have pretended to have all of these years, but your hair will also release the same pheromones I used to help persuade you to remove your mask.” Barbara finished the nectar the same time Ivy finished with her hair.

Ivy now led Barbara out of the room and into a changing room of sorts. There were many pieces of clothing lying around. Ivy began gathering different outfits while Barbara watched as the effects of the nectar bonded with her nervous system permanently. Ivy finally gathered all the finishing pieces and came back over to Barbara. “Now to finally do away with your old life remove this old shell and prepare to be planted and regrown anew.” Barbara slowly unzipped her Bat suit, sliding the purple leotard over her shoulders and slowly sliding it down past her hips, and off of each foot one at a time. Ivy came up to her when she finally removed the last piece. “Now before we dress you for your new life lets christen the death of your old life.” Ivy began by kissing Barbara as she positioned her to sit down. She slowly starting kissing her feet and rubbing her legs. She moved her way up to Barbaras' bare pussy, now with her skilled evil tongue she began rolling it over Barbaras' clit, biting and nibbling to Barbaras satisfaction. Barbara began panting and moaning. Ivy looked up at Barbara and they locked eyes as Ivy pushed Barbara to climax and her whole body shook like an earthquake. Ivy smiled as her mouth filled with the sweet taste of the nectar that now flowed through Barbaras veins. Ivy made her way up to Barbaras face and they began to share a sticky kiss and swap the nectar back and forth between their forceful tongues on each others green lips.

Later that night....

Ivy and Barbara were now lying next to one another. Barbara suddenly got up. Ivy confused “Where are you going darling?” Barbara a bit giddy, “ You'll see, just give me a minute” She ran behind one of the changing rooms. She came out few minutes later adorning her new costume. “What do you think?”

Barbara was now dressed in black slightly above the knee high boots, with green thigh high stockings sticking out from them. She had a red silky skirt with green leaves along the trim, a silky green corset with a black flower design running up the sides of it, on her hands were fishnet gloves with the finger tips missing so her new green nails could be seen, around her mid forearm they turned into silky green shoulder length gloves. On her head she had a small mixture of flowers and on her face to match her now seductive green lips she wore two separate above the eye, green masks.

Ivy smiled with overjoy at what she had created and summoned her new Venus Flytrap over to her. Venus fell to her knees, placed her head between Ivy's thighs and began to lick her new mistress tossing away her old life of good, laws, boredom, and restraint and preparing for her new life of no more shackles, lots more fun, breaking all the laws, and being EVIL.

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This was a nice slow unwinding story. Could have used a bit more resistance up front but other than that, a fun tale. Thanks.
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Cool story, I quite enjoyed that. Writing in the present tense really adds intimacy to the story and I think it added nicely to the tension as well - you really made a decent show of how good it can be for these things. The only thing I would say as a constructive criticism is that you could have done with a tad more paragraphing to make it easier to spot who was speaking. Also, I really like it when people play characters like Ivy the way you did.
Lost in the night, and there is no morning.
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Holy crap. One of the best BG and one of the best Poison Ivy stories I've ever read.

Please tell me there's a sequel coming...
Spier el
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Thanks guys, was my first story and really appreciate the notes. Actually have a few planned in the No Turning Back series universe. Hopefully the rest can satisfy too. Next one up is Stephanie Brown Robin vs Harley Quinn.
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Wow. Just wow. One of those lovely ladies would've been enough to capture my attention. But both of them?

Excuse me while I pinch myself to make sure that this isn't all a dream.






Okay, I think it's all real. Thank the Lord.


Cut it out, you!

Really, REALLY looking forward to the next one. How long do you suppose it'll take?

(Also, I've gotten a little story of my own posted just now. Take a look if you want.)
Spier el
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This took about a total of 7 hours, hopefully if I get the time and motivation I'll do he next part in a week or two. Just read yours and left my feedback.
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(Hope you got at least a little motivation from my own story! I've already got another one planned out.)
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I am so excited for the next part of this story.
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Hopefully Supergirl and Lex or someone equally dastardly will be coming one day down the line.
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Before I start this I would like to thank speir el for permitting me to leech off of their creative mind. This is mainly just a correction of grammar and and paragraph structure.. There have been a few minor tweaks and additions made here and there, but for the most part it remains unchanged. So with that being said, here we go.

Chapter 1

It was a normal night out on patrol for Batgirl, or at least that's what she thought, she would have never have guessed this would be the night that everything changed forever.

Batgirl was in her usual skin tight purple leotard, matching gloves, and ankle high purple leather boots, patrolling the rooftops of Gotham City when she got the call from Commissioner Gordon, “Batgirl, there has been a break in at the botanical gardens downtown, it looks like Poison Ivy is at it once again”.

Batgirl spoke excitedly back across the radio “I'm on it, Commissioner!” It has been weeks since Batgirl has had to deal with a real villain. Strangely, Gotham had been quiet, some muggings and stick ups here and there but nothing on the super criminal level. Almost as if they all just picked up and left. In truth, they have been plotting and planning their takeover, starting with tonight, starting with Batgirl. If only she truly knew what was in store for her.

Batgirl arrived at the botanical gardens knowing very well it was most likely a trap. She entered cautiously through the glass window in the roof where a hole had been blasted through with vines still hanging down from the ceiling. “Definitely Poison Ivy” she said to herself as she leaped down onto the ground.

The room was filled with a slight pink mist. There was a sweet smell in the air, and with each breath there was a taste of sugar on her lips the moment she entered the gardens, she couldn't resist but lick them and taste the sweetness. It was something new, different, not something she had come across when confronting Poison Ivy before. Poison Ivy was nowhere in sight. The gardens were actually pretty empty. No sign of life, well at least human life.

She heard a slight humming sound coming from deeper in the gardens and decided to head towards it. As she made her way deeper into the gardens, the aroma's sweetness grew as she continued to taste it on her lips like a sweet candy lip gloss. She had a tingling feeling run down her spine with every lick of her lips but she pushed forward, almost out of her own control. She needed to see what the noise was, she needed to find Poison Ivy.

As Batgirl followed the noise, the humming grew louder, almost as if it was all around her, but also right in front of her, at the end of a hallway where it grew the loudest, she came across a door with vines running across it, but as Batgirl came closer they separated to allow her entry.

Normally, Batgirl would be alarmed at this, but she felt as if it was welcoming her. As a strong gust of the sweet aroma filled her mouth and lungs, she caught herself salivate a little as once more she cleaned her pink lips with her tongue. Inside the room it was a little darker and the aroma was stronger, sweeter, and in the middle of the room was a large bulb that was slightly vibrating and humming.

Batgirl needed to investigate, it was in her nature. As she moved closer to the bulb the aroma grew stronger and thicker, as if the air was made of a cotton candy that she could only slowly navigate through, dissolving on her lips and in her mouth with the sweetest of tastes. Finally she was in front of it. She reached her hand out to touch it but suddenly...


A vine grabbed her hand before she could touch it.


Three more vines grabbed her other hand and two ankles. Poison Ivy's voice filled the room. “Unh unh unh my little bat, that's not for you...yet”

Chapter 2

Batgirl was now being held up by four vines stretching her out in all directions in the center of the room. “What do you think you are doing!?” Batgirl yelled with anger that left her body the moment she finished her question. A haze quickly engulfed her as if all the energy had been sapped from her muscles.

“Aww, feeling a bit tired, my little bat?” Ivy gleefully asked as she slowly walked down from the shadows. She was wearing red 3 inch stiletto heels that wrapped around her feet and ankles like vines with a rose on the top of each foot, black thigh high fishnet stockings with flower designs running up and down her long legs, leading up to her short black, short sleeved, flowing silk dress, with green trim and silky green gloves, bright toxic green lips and a dark forest green eye shadow, that complimented her smooth red hair.

She seductively sauntered down towards the bulb. “Don't worry, It's only from the long term exposure you had to my little baby here”. She patted the bulb as she slowly spun herself around it, coming face to face with Batgirl. Batgirl now with an almost exhausted look in her eyes,

“You won't get away with th...”.

Ivy slowly placed her green gloved finger to Batgirls sticky parted lips, “Hush now, dear Batgirl”. Now leaning closer to Batgirl, removing her finger and coming almost nose to nose with her. Batgirl unable to pull her head away from Ivy's plump toxic green lips that were now mere inches away from Batgirls innocent pink ones.

“There's no use fighting Batgirl. What you have been breathing is my most potent of creations. It clouds the mind and lowers your will to fight your inhibitions," Ivy was looking into Batgirl's eyes. She sees emotions of fear, anger, and curiosity.

“Did you enjoy the sweet taste it left on you lips?” Ivy says, now leaning closer. Batgirl, now feeling the hot breath from Ivy's seductive mouth, knowing what is about to befall her, yet having no energy or will to stop it. “The delicious taste it left on your tongue?”, Ivy now with the tip of her lips right against Batgirl's. Batgirl now breathing heavier as Ivy whispers “The warm feeling you felt in your pussy?”

Ivy stuck her tongue out licking Batgirl's parted lips, Batgirl slightly licks back. Ivy's mouth curves into a smile “Oh we are going to have fun tonight” Ivy presses her full green sticky lips against Batgirl's. Batgirl, unable to resist, kisses back before her eyes roll back into her head and she blacks out.

Chapter 3

Batgirl slowly picks her head up and opens her eyes a bit groggy, her surroundings a little fuzzy. “Where...where am I?” She tries to move her hands and realizes she can't. She is sitting in a chair in the middle of a room, her utility belt is missing but she is still in her full costume minus her gloves. She has strange metal boxes clamped around her hands, vines wrapped around her chest and legs, holding her securely to the chair.

“A bit confused, my little bat?” comes Ivy's voice from behind her. Batgirl suddenly remembers Ivy and the gardens.

“Where have you taken me? What are these things on my hands? What do you plan on doing with me?”

Ivy now making her way to the front of Batgirl planting herself across her lap. “Oh Batgirl, so many questions. Where shall I begin? First, I want to ask you a question.”

Ivy stands up and backs a few feet away from Batgirl still facing her. She poses with her one hand on her hip. “What do you think of my dress? Last time you saw me your brain was a bit cloudy and I don't think you noticed it.”

Batgirl with anger in her voice “What do I care about your dress? Why do you have me..”

Ivy cutting her off. “You see my dress isn't my normal shade of green; well actually it's black. Do you know why?”

Batgirl frustrated. “Ok, I’ll play along. Why is your dress black?”

Ivy slowly grows a huge green smirk on her face. “Glad you asked, because it will help answer your one question. It's for Batgirl's funeral of course.”

Batgirl responded with a more sarcastic than serious response. “So you plan on killing me? I don't buy it. Why go through all the trouble of capturing me if you were just going to kill me?”

Ivy now walking over to a corner out of sight of Batgirl. “I'm not going to kill you; you're going to kill Batgirl yourself.”

Batgirl now confused. “Why do you keep referring to me in the third person? I am Batgirl. Why would I kill myself?”

Ivy, now coming back into view of Batgirl, carrying the bulb from earlier. “Oh my silly sweet girl, you aren't really Batgirl. It may be a name you call yourself, a costume you wear, but what it really is, is something you represent. Good, laws, boredom, restraint. What you are going to do is remove the shackles, have some fun, break the laws, and be a little naughty.”

Batgirl now appalled. “You're out of your gourd. I would never join you or any of the other scum I fight on a daily basis.” Ivy now moving closer with the bulb out in front of her. “Not now, but soon you will and it will all be thanks to this little fella.” Ivy pats the bulb as she holds it like a baby. It begins to spray its mist out.

Batgirl instantly feels the bulbs affects asserting themselves on her. The aroma quickly fills the room and she tastes the sweetness on her lips and tongue instantly. She tries to fight the grogginess but it's no use. All she can do is watch and listen as Poison Ivy gets closer.

Ivy now beginning to talk. “Ah, I see the effects have already begun. Now don't you want it closer to you so you can breath it in more easily?” Batgirl trying to shake her head no.

Ivy keeps talking. “You can almost taste it, can't you? Don't you want to taste it?” Batgirl tries to shake her head but fails, not able to fight the aroma. She nods her head as her mouth begins to salivate. Ivy comes closer to her, now standing over her lap. “You want to taste it's nectar don't you?”

Batgirl now fighting to keep her head up and make eye contact with Ivy. “You want the sweet taste of it on your tongue. You want it to fill mouth. You want to swallow it and for it to fill you with it's warm embrace forever, don't you?”

Batgirl swaying slightly back and forth staring at the bulb, somehow fights whispered words out. “...Yes”

Ivy's bright green lips come to a complete smile as she looks down at Batgirl. “Open up then dear, time to take your medicine.” Batgirl shakily opens her mouth and her head slowly leans back. She is trying to fight the movement, but she can't.

Ivy smiles and pours the nectar from the bulb into her mouth. It's consistency is like honey as it slowly pours into her mouth and dribbles down her chin. “Thats a good girl. Now swallow. Swallow all of your medicine. Make Ivy proud.” Batgirl takes a gulp and swallows all of the nectar as she looks blankly into Ivy's eyes. Nectar spilled on her lips as she begins to slowly lick them clean.

Chapter 4

Batgirl's head is rushing as her body fills with the warmth of the nectar. She feels it filling her stomach and making it's way through her blood and into her brain. So many thoughts rushing in. The room is spinning like a merry-go-round, until it finally slows down a little.

Poison Ivy is now sitting in front of her. She is sitting on a chair which has its back to Batgirl. Each of her legs are spread onto a side of the chair. She leans forward onto her hands in a relaxed yet sensual manner. “How are we feeling? Do you feel the nectar seeping in yet?” Batgirl smiles weakly and nods. “Good, good, that was just your first dose. As we move on it will get better for you,"

"Are you ready for me to answer another question?” Batgirl nods again. “Ok now to tell you about the boxes on your hands. They actually contain a hot green liquid metal, mixed with a little bit of my concoctions and potions and what have you. What you may or may have not noticed there is a button on the floor by your feet. When you push this button this hot green liquid metal will coat your fingernails and permanently bond to you.”

Batgirl now looking confused. “Don't be confused sweetie this is just a step in your transformation. You want to be transformed don't you?” Batgirl slowly and defiantly shakes her head no. “You want some more delicious nectar don't you?” Batgirl opens her mouth eager for more. “Then all you need to do is push the button with your foot.” Ivy swipes her hand and one of the vines holding Batgirls leg releases. “Now push the button darling, you can do it.”

Batgirl moves her foot towards the button but misses, she tries again but can't get to it. Ivy a little frustrated gets up a grabs the bulb. “Maybe we need a little more incentive.” she bring the bulb with her to the seat and sits down. “Now Batgirl if you can push the button, I can give you more nectar, you want that don't you?”

Batgirl now able to slightly talk, with her eyes locked on the bulb licking her lips. “..yes..” She picks her foot up again and drops it on the button. Instantly the hot metal fills the tubes holding Batgirl's fingers in placed and bonds the green metal permanently to her fingertips. Batgirl screams out in pain. “AHHHHhhhh” She slumps over from the pain and the boxes are released from her hands. She can now move a little with her hands free, she looks at her fingers. Batgirls finger tips now have shiny green metallic nails where her once well manicured nails existed.

Poison Ivy begins to talk. “Now with those nails you will be able to slow down your prey with a single scratch. I have laced the potions inside your nails with a small paralytic, that will help keep your victims under your claws.” Ivy pushes the bulb towards Batgirl, who is now admiring her new nails, scratching at the air playfully. “Now as promised here is your reward, drink up my beautiful flower in training.”

Batgirl grabs the bulb and puts it to her mouth. She gulps down one, two, three gulps before Ivy pulls it away from her mouth. “That's enough for now, come with me, Ivy eyes Batgirl up and down, we have more alterations to make.” Ivy takes her hand, as the remaining vines fall from Batgirls body as they walk off into the next room.

Chapter 5

Poison Ivy and Batgirl now walk into another room with a makeup table along the back wall. It's a well lit area with what looks like to be more a beauty salon, with a chair that leans into a sink, large rows of makeup, and bottles of products. Ivy takes Batgirl by the hand over to a pair of chairs sitting side by side and sits her down.

“Sit down, my pretty little bat. Now onto your next phase. We have planted the seed in you and sprouted you some roots. Now we have to add some color to help attract some prey.” Ivy goes over to the makeup tables and looks through a bunch of different little tubes until she finds the right one.

“Ah here is the one for you.” She hands a bright forest green tube to Batgirl. Batgirl just looks at it and looks back at Ivy. “It's lip gloss, silly, but not just any lip gloss. This formula, when applied, will seep into your skin and fill your lips with a powerful sleep toxin. With each coat it will make it more potent and forever change your lips from this innocent girlish pink, to a voluptuous forest green. No man will be able to resist your kiss.”

Batgirl smiles and looks at Poison Ivy. “Nectar?”

Poison Ivy a bit annoyed. “Yes, and when we are done here, I will give you some more nectar.” Batgirl giggles and opens up the lip gloss. Batgirl hesitantly begins to slowly apply the lip gloss to her innocent mouth. The second it touches her lips, she feels a small tingle. Her lips begin to shimmer with a shiny green sticky coating as she rubs them together. She giggles again, puckers her lips, and re-applies the gooey green gloss to her now permanently changed mouth.

Poison Ivy sits in the chair next to Batgirl and takes a hold of her right leg. She begins rubbing her leg and making her way down to her purple ankle high boot. She watches Batgirl as she continually applies the bright green lip gloss over and over. Each time rubbing her lips together and giggling from the sensation it gives her. “That's good my dear. Keep coating your lips. I’ll tell you when to stop. We want to make you nice and pretty.”

Ivy begins to unzip Batgirl’s ankle boot and slowly slides it off her foot. She chucks it over her shoulder like it were a piece unwanted garbage. She begins rubbing her bare foot and moving her hand up Batgirl’s calf and thigh. Batgirl just looks over at Ivy and blushes and keeps coating her lips.

Ivy moves onto Batgirls left leg and eventually down to the left boot. She slowly unzips the boot and tosses it away. This time she takes both of Batgirl’s feet and begins to kiss them. Batgirl begins giggling, as it tickles at first. Ivy puts them in her mouth and rubs her tongue along each toe. She slowly removes Batgirls feet from her mouth and slides her hands up Batgirl’s thighs rubbing her hands on her skin tight leotard.

Batgirl begins rocking her hips with Ivy's hands and keeps coating on the gooey lip gloss, more aggressively now. Ivy comes up to Batgirl’s face and takes the lip gloss from her hands. “That should be enough for now.” She drops the lip gloss on the floor.

Ivy leans in between Batgirls thighs and moves her hands up to her hips and onto her breasts. She slowly rubs both nipples with her thumbs and her hands, then makes her way up to Batgirl's face towards the back of her head. She leans in to kiss Batgirl, but stops inches away and whispers “Do you want to be a bad girl, Batgirl?” Ivy slides her hand down over Batgirls breasts, her stomach, and finally onto her pussy.

Batgirl heavily breathing moans “Yes”. Ivy begins to rub Batgirls pussy through her leotard as Batgirl breathes heavily into Ivy's mouth.

Ivy asks again “Do you want to be a bad girl?”

Batgirl moans “Yes...Yesss...Yess.”

Ivy whispers, “Tell me you want to be bad.”

Batgirl tries talking over her heavy breathes “ I want...I want to be...I want to....I want to be a BAD GIRL!”

Ivy stops right before Batgirl cums. “Good, that's what I wanted to hear.” Batgirl begins grabbing at Ivy’s hand to try to get her to finish her off, but becomes sexually frustrated when Ivy refuses. Batgirl begs and sobs with her permanently green lips. “Please, please let me finish.”

Ivy looking down at her. “No, we are far from finished. We still have some changes to make.”

Chapter 6

Ivy stands up and directs Batgirl over to the chair leaning over a sink. She pushes Batgirl into the chair. Batgirl is upset she didn't get to finish. Ivy pulls out the bulb from behind Batgirl. “Will this make you happy for now?”

Batgirl instantly goes from frown to smile and grabs the bulb and begins drinking feeling it soak into her insides and warm her entire body. It makes her completely forget about everything around her. “That's enough for now, you will get more later” Ivy says as she pulls the bulb away from Batgirl's green now extra shiny lips, covered in nectar.

“Now onto our next restraint that needs to be removed.” Ivy points to Batgirl's cowl. Batgirl out of a sense of instinct grabs at her mask in defense. “Come now my young seed, we need you to blossom into a beautiful flower and we can't do that if you can't get any sunlight.” Batgirl defensively quivers.

“But my mask... I don't know..I...I feel like I shouldn't take it off for some reason. I don't understand.” Ivy grabs Batgirl's chin with her left hand, the green silk fabric stroking Batgirl's face towards Ivy's. Ivy lifts up her right hand and blows her hypnotic pheromones into Batgirl's face. Batgirl instantly softens her face and begins to sway to the sound of Ivy's voice

“I thought the nectar would be strong enough, but I guess your old life has too many roots in you. No matter, old tricks will have to do for this part, I suppose.” She blows more pheromones into Batgirl's face. “You want to make me happy don't you?”

Batgirl groggily answers “Yes”.

“You want me to make you happy don't you?” Ivy asks as she begins stroking Batgirl's neck.

Batgirl answers again, sounding outside of her own body “Yes, I want you to be happy.”

Ivy smiles “Ok honey, we are almost there we just need you to take off your silly mask, ok?”

Batgirl in a haze nods “Yes, a-almost there.” Batgirl slowly slides her fingers under her mask and pulls it off to reveal her long brown hair that was hidden by her red wig. Her true face finally revealed. Her secret identity, Barbara Gordon, daughter of Commissioner Gordon.

After a fit of laughter, Ivy finally settles down. Barbara blushes and hides her face. Ivy grabbed Barbara's hands and slowly pulled them away from her face “Oh Barbara, you really are beautiful, especially now with your full green lips, it really goes with your eyes. Daddy would be so proud on how pretty you are turning out to be,” Barbara smiled. Ivy continued "but we aren't done yet now I really did like your hair red and I think I have just the solution.”

Ivy grabbed a bottle from the makeup table and the bulb. “This should do the trick, now lie back, finish this and let us fix up that beautiful hair.” Barbara laid her head back in the chair over the sink, and began finishing the bulb nectar, as Ivy began to rub in the hair dye.

“Now this just isn't any old hair dye, like everything else today this will permanently change the chemicals in your hair. The chemicals will sink deep into your roots and alter your cells. You will finally have the beautiful red hair you have pretended to have all of these years, but your hair will also release the same pheromones I used to help persuade you to remove your mask.” Barbara finished the nectar the same time Ivy finished with her hair.

Ivy now led Barbara out of the room and into a changing room of sorts. There were many pieces of clothing lying around. Ivy began gathering different outfits while Barbara watched as the effects of the nectar bonded with her nervous system permanently. Ivy finally gathered all the finishing pieces and came back over to Barbara. “Now to finally do away with your old life remove this old shell and prepare to be planted and regrown anew.”

Barbara slowly unzipped her Batsuit, sliding the purple leotard over her shoulders and slowly sliding it down past her hips, and off of each foot one at a time. Ivy came up to her when she finally removed the last piece.

“Now before we dress you for your new life, let us christen the death of your old life.” Ivy began by kissing Barbara as she positioned her to sit down. She slowly starting kissing her feet and rubbing her legs.

She moved her way up to Barbara's bare pussy, now with her skilled evil tongue she began rolling it over Barbaras' clit, biting and nibbling to Barbara's satisfaction. Barbara began panting and moaning. Ivy looked up at Barbara and they locked eyes as Ivy pushed Barbara to climax and her whole body shook like an earthquake.

Ivy smiled as her mouth filled with the sweet taste of the nectar that now flowed through Barbara's veins. Ivy made her way up to Barbara’s face and they began to share a sticky kiss and swap the nectar back and forth between their forceful tongues on each others green lips.

Later that night....

Ivy and Barbara were now lying next to one another. Barbara suddenly got up. Ivy confused “Where are you going darling?”

Barbara a bit giddy, “You'll see, just give me a minute.” She ran behind one of the changing rooms. She came out few minutes later adorning her new costume. “What do you think?”

Barbara was now dressed in black slightly above the knee high boots, with green thigh high stockings sticking out from them. She had a red silky skirt with green leaves along the trim, a silky green corset with a black flower design running up the sides of it. On her hands were fishnet gloves with the fingertips missing so her new green nails could be seen. Around her mid forearm they turned into silky green shoulder length gloves. On her head she had a small mixture of flowers and on her face to match her now seductive green lips. She wore two separate above the eye, green masks.

Ivy smiled with overjoy at what she had created and summoned her new Venus Flytrap over to her. Venus fell to her knees, placed her head between Ivy's thighs and began to lick her new mistress tossing away her old life of good, laws, boredom, and restraint and preparing for her new life of no more shackles, lots more fun, breaking all the laws, and being EVIL.
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I was really turned off thy the title "Death of Batgirl" I have always maintained that I dislike teasing, and well your writing is VERy good, Your descriptions outstanding, and your plot and logic very reasonable..but like the Title...the story was 9for me) a complete tease..nothing actually HAPPENED.

I come to the dungeon because I can actually find stories like this (granted not quite so well written) everywhere...when I come here I kinda want to see actual "things" to happen. To include but not limited to, actual sex, crimes, and where appropriate, actual death.

So much as the writing was good, I personally did not like where you took it.
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I like the refreshed layout for the story - it really sharpens it up. I appreciate that you took the time to clean it up, and it makes such a difference.

I have to disagree with the judgement that nothing happens... Even if you limit your definition of 'things happening' to crime, sex, and death, there's plenty of all three at play in this story. Personally I'm a bigger fan of the heroine's death being a death of what she was, rather than a literal death. In this case the heroine's identity as batgirl is perverted into something else via highly sexualised manipulation by the villain(ess), and I really enjoy peril like this.
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Void wrote:I like the refreshed layout for the story - it really sharpens it up. I appreciate that you took the time to clean it up, and it makes such a difference.

I have to disagree with the judgement that nothing happens... Even if you limit your definition of 'things happening' to crime, sex, and death, there's plenty of all three at play in this story. Personally I'm a bigger fan of the heroine's death being a death of what she was, rather than a literal death. In this case the heroine's identity as batgirl is perverted into something else via highly sexualised manipulation by the villain(ess), and I really enjoy peril like this.

Well to your points I say this (in reverse order) You prefer death of what the heroine is..yep thats why I said my view point was a personal to your point that "nothing happens" you assert LOTS of things happen. I submit that when a clock moves..."lots of things happen" I personally come to an adult see an ADULT work.... and I come to the DUNGEONS to see more..EXPLICIT work, So while there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the story, it did not suit MY tastes because it had all the explicitness of a 14 year old with his first deck of nude cards...Nicely save content wise and mostly (to me) teasing me with what COULD have happned, but really ivy didn't do more then give BG a good case of cooties (so far as sexaulity is concerned)
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Personally I enjoy this type of story more than the kind lord griffin is talking about. I don't like when all a story is is "Big Boobed Heroine Gets Molested Then Dies". I do come here for explicit and mature content. However, the key word here is mature. While you say that this story has the "explicitness of a 14 year old with his first deck of nude cards", I would argue the complete opposite. Because this story doesn't go all in, it makes it more mature and much more enticing than other entries on this forum.

Also the sexuality is not the key here. It is just a component. The true thing BG loses in this story is identity. This story isn't about her change in sexuality. It's about Poison Ivy taking innocence of character and twisting it into something darker. The implicit nature of this story comes less from the actions taken and more from the actions implied. It is about change and the implications change carries with it. I can understand how this could not be your cup of tea. Everyone has different wants and needs. Just remember, it is always more interesting to look under the face of a clock, than to just glance at it.
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Well said, Liar, you articulate that very well and I have to agree with you. It is a matter of taste, of course, and there is no right or wrong way to look at these things. The story isn't very explicit and that's a fair reason to mark the story down if you come here looking for explicit stories, so fair play to LG - specially for qualifying that it wasn't to his personal tastes. I respect if LG is frustrated about stories getting *really* close to what he wants, offering the potential to have exactly the peril he wants, only to stop short of going all the way - I sometimes feel that way about stories, though not in the context of explicitness. I do like my peril to be fairly committed stuff, but for me that entails less about explicit scenes and more about the heroine being really affected by the dark road she is dragged down - whatever that road is.

This story is *certainly* an adult story, and it is a good example of the kinds of stories that I personally come here looking for. Some of those stories have explicit content; some don't - but they are all very mature, adult stories of a heroine's ordeal. I like a truly adult story that knows where the hammer is and knows exactly how to use it, but doesn't grab it out of the tool box unless it has to. Much more preferable to stories that only use the hammer and nothing else.

Each to their own, I suppose. I appreciate where LG is coming from.
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A few points of Clarification.

First off I do not take offense, but I happen to really HATE the whole "big breasted sex and kill them' my own personal opinion is there is MUCH better things that can be done other then KILL the woman...

However point of clarification. Thanks for what you said Void, and you hit REALLY close to home. I can point to literally tens of THOUSANDS of these "mature" stories that tease tease tease with no actual "action" happening.

There is nothing WRONG with what Liar likes..but, Gods I come to the dungeon to AVOID that kind of "Tease" where can fans such as MYSELF go where I don't have to wallow thru 500 stories of that type to find one that comes close....It's notthe content of the story, it's teh desire to go somewhere where I can find more that *I* like
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