The Competition Rant

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Camvoy Productions
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I admit, one of the things that's always annoyed me about being in this genre is the idea of competition. That idea that I'm somehow competing with all these other people who are doing their thing while I do mine. I'm pretty sure if that were true, I'd be wanting them to be failures compared to me. I just don't have that kind of spirit though.

There are some great producers out there and it's hard for me to go, "I hope they don't do good." The people who are doing well in superheroine peril/erotica, I hope they continue to do so. There's a chance they're able to provide something for the customers that I might not. It's my responsibility to simply do better and continue to see a lot of these others (including those I looked up to prior to joining the ranks, so to speak) as inspiration to better our own product.

So...I don't know, maybe I'm not looking at this properly. When I put up something about customs, but also others doing the same, I find myself going, "awesome, more options for the people...maybe I'll even get lucky and snag a few more myself while they're able to keep going with theirs." If that's not the way I'm supposed to look at it, then so be it. Regardless of what anyone else in this industry thinks of me (which can be good or bad depending on who you ask and what their mood is), I continue to root for everyone to continue onward and keep doing good, or even better. Meanwhile, I'll continue to focus on what I'm doing and if I can keep up, then great.

So a big thanks to the customers and talents that I've been able to work with (especially the real professional ones) who have helped this crazy little engine, Camvoy Productions keep running. I know this is a bit verbose and pretty sure this wouldn't fit in a standard Twitter post, but I just wanted to share this.

To my fellow producers, including the ones who like me, the ones who don't and the ones that run conventions, keep doing what you do.
Email about customs - [email protected]
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I agree with you 100%. This should not be a competition. I'm happy to see there is at least one other producer who feels the same way as there is a lot of negativity and attacks between producers in this genre. Keep doing what you're doing-- if they take a stab at you or say something negative to/about you, it just means you're important to them and you're doing something right. Anyway, was happy to read this post... happy filming! :)
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It's my understanding that competition is good for the marketplace. It expands the offerings to the consumer, creates a kind of synergy between the products while enlarging the overall market for the goods in question. And when the products goad each other on to greater quality everyone wins. So, yes, people, let's keep the positive energy flowing.
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DrDominator9 wrote:It's my understanding that competition is good for the marketplace. It expands the offerings to the consumer, creates a kind of synergy between the products while enlarging the overall market for the goods in question. And when the products goad each other on to greater quality everyone wins. So, yes, people, let's keep the positive energy flowing.
I don't think that competition in the sense that you are referring to was in question. It was more about producers who attack other producers (usually on their own threads) for the sake of being hateful. That's the main issue some producers here have been facing. It's been less a community and more a battlegrounds.

But I do agree we should be raising the bar for each other and our customers. Everybody wins.
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Sorry this makes absolutely no sense to me. The best I can gather is you advertised for customs and some other producer did the same?
Are you referring to something in particular?
Camvoy Productions
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No, not at all. The idea of competing with others is something I've been asked about from time to time, including recently. I did get involved in a rather philosophical discussion about all this with someone not related to the industry. If anything inspired this, it would be that. And seriously, when I do see someone posting about accepting customs, I always hope they do well. I also hope to do well with my own, but that's for me to worry about. So far, I've done okay with that whenever I've received an order, which makes me feel fortunate.
Email about customs - [email protected]
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I thought everyone (producers) were doing well. If some are not doing well, I highly doubt it's cause other producers are wishing they fail. I wouldn't worry about it, just keep having fun doing it. Long as it's fun, you can't really be failing.
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

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Competition is good as long as - speaking in soccer terms - all are on the ground with leg cramps in extra time instead of doing a diver in the 90th minute to cheat a penalty kick of the win. Couldn't resist posting that silly line a day before Brazil 2014 ;)

But from what I as an outsider recognize, it seems pretty fair. Fantastic actresses like Stella or Coco appear on a few different producers' websites, most producers found their niche within the niche, yet still the production quality rises each time a new video is released
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Competition in anything makes people better. I know that while I'm not trying to match what the bigger producers are putting out in terms of content or number of releases I do watch and check out the new stuff in hopes of maybe upping my game. I find however that I'm more in competition with myself vs anyone else. As long as I feel I'm progressing in my videos whether its storylines,props,costumes etc thats what keeps me motivated. I truly believe that all producers want everyone to have success. It's a big pool were all swimming in
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What's that saying? A rising tide raises all ships, or something. Competition is essential for overall quality right?

Then again, wtf do I know? Never produced a movie in my life. I have bought a SHITLOAD from just about everybody though. And loved every one.
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