heroines lose

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I have always liked the idea. Though I prefer lezdom to robot though brainiac is an interesting one
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All have their "ups and downs", one could say...

One aspect of the deflowering would be if the superheroine conceived...would her code allow her obtain an abortion, or would that be anathema to her vow to protect?

I know...I know...philosophy and morality can be a bitch! :nuke:
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I suppose it would matter how the idea was conveyed in the material. It could easily be crude and tasteless, detracting from the story or performance (depending on medium), or merely an unnecessary distraction.

Personally, I would see most heroines as fairly well-adjusted people in most respects, meaning they could probably be expected to have had an average amount of sexual and/or romantic experience in the past. Some of them may even be reformed wild girls. If I were writing the characters, I suspect that Batgirl would have had some sexual experience, all heterosexual, particularly in college, but that would have stopped almost completely now due to concerns about her secret identity. She would be largely disinterested in sex as Barbara, focused on her work and Batgirl, and as Batgirl would never admit to or acknowledge any sexuality more overt than behaving in a vaguely flirtatious manner with certain characters. Supergirl would be a virgin with Kryptonians, but otherwise rather interested in sexuality. But I think Supergirl would want to be human and would be frustrated by all the ways she couldn't be normal. For instance, what human lover could offer full satisfaction to a female Kryptonian? I would think Supergirl would want to experience that, feel like she was missing out on something that could be important, and would keep trying to reach that goal. I wouldn't see Supergirl as a virgin, then. Wonder Woman, to round out the DC big three heroines, I couldn't really say. It might depend on whether we're discussing a version which is hung up on Steve Trevor, as well as how modern an interpretation of the character we're considering. WW is from another culture, founded on that of ancient Greece, where there was greater openness about the human body. But she also seems to have a puritanical streak in many versions. So I can't decide. Hmm.

But my ideas tend to be a bit weird. Umm.
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I pretty much agree; I dont want Superheroines who are prim and proper virgins, but neither do I want them to be raving nymphos, lol! In the erotic Superheroine world we see here, sex is very much part of the mix, including rape and abuse, and Superheroines suffer such abuses often; but its all fantasy and because its fantasy the ordeals the heroines suffer leave no lasting effects, as neither do the beatings they endure; if so, there would be no Superheroines to torment, lol! Im assuming that, like me, other fans of this genre enjoy seeing the Superheroins beaten, defeated, humiliated and abused and this is a large part of what draws us to this fantasy, male and female alike. Im all for the villains using the Superheroines sex and sexuality against her, torturing her to the limits, making the poor thing endure extreme pleasure as well as pain; humiliating her with forced orgasms which bring her to ecstacy, lol! Of course, in the final reel, or there abouts, the brave Superheroine escapes and turns the tbles on her tormentor, eventually, lol, and, again, the use of sex is very welcome as she defeats her foe and then uses him/her to fully gain revenge, lol! I think sex and the use, or abuse, of sex, is very much part of the whole Superheroine fantasy genre.
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An interesting topic, but seriously, "loosing"? ;)
Perhaps another topic might be how you see each of the major heroines (or how you would have it come to pass) loses their V-card.
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For me it all depends how it works into the narrative... And what's the point?

I like for a heroine to be humiliated and how intense would the humiliation be to have her virginity taken that way! I think its best when its a horny henchman, forcing himself on the defensless heroine, stealing that innocense/purity she had so protected...

A predatory lesbian villainess is interesting in its own way, a heroine doesn't even have to be a virgin for that to compromise her virtue..."I've never been touch this way by a woman, how can this be happening??"

And I can't say a robot does much for me but more and more I've been thinking over different scenarios involving alien beasts and how/why they might take advantage of a defeated heroine...there is something hott about an inhuman creature using and invading a heroine's defenseless body, so that'd be most exciting to me right now...though this may just be a phase...
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Last edited by batgirl1969 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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There is something hott about an inhuman force using a heroine's helpless body for its own means...true objectification there...It's not something that is actually attracted to her just something that will use her body as it sees fit/needs...While the squirming heroine is unable to resist and in some cases finds herself turned on in the process, however unintentional...

Ever since I saw the Volitar Justic Girl vid from SHG-media...I've loved the idea of a bound heroine being slowly drained of her own life force by a magic/ray and while her body is helplessly brought to orgasm so much that she starts to crave the energy that is draining her very life force...

I also wonder though, is it hotter to have a young innocent, even naive heroine, like freshly 18 taken and deflowered...or an older more experienced heroine who has protected her virginity for years to be used and violated...??
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The whole virginity thing is interesting, however I find it much more erotic that the heroine has some knowledge of sexuality and has had sex with someone special before. The reason I enjoy this is because when a villain/monster/force is pursuing sexual conquest she is more aware of what entity wants to do with her sacred body. This makes her willingness to fight against it prompt from the very start. The shame of what it would be like to have her body betray her.

If someone is a virgin they don't know what to expect, or what is even going on, so much of the time it would be strange experiences followed by confusion. I like the heroine to KNOW what will happen if she does not fight will all her might. To me the unknown is a mystery, but the known is proven to be something unwanted.

Just my two cents :)
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Batgirl strapped to all sorts of devious devices...Vibed, dildo action, bound.....all while her Father, Commissioner Gordon watches. He's held captive...she failed in her 'rescue effort'.

As the assault on her body continues, ANY villain enters to deflower her....Again, all while Daddy looks on. Just at her moment of overwhelming sexual release, she's unmasked!

OHhhhhhh what a scene that would be. hehehehehe!
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GMan2 wrote:Batgirl strapped to all sorts of devious devices...Vibed, dildo action, bound.....all while her Father, Commissioner Gordon watches. He's held captive...she failed in her 'rescue effort'.

As the assault on her body continues, ANY villain enters to deflower her....Again, all while Daddy looks on. Just at her moment of overwhelming sexual release, she's unmasked!

OHhhhhhh what a scene that would be. hehehehehe!
Having Batgirl being forced to perform ON Commissioner Gordon, and having her be unmasked as Daddy achieves release....now THAT would be quite a finale!


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Ohh, what a wicked little web we weave talking about such subjects. I just may have to come back and write some story devious like this to see how it plays out...
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In the erotic Superheroine world we see here, sex is very much part of the mix, including rape and abuse, and Superheroines suffer such abuses often; but its all fantasy and because its fantasy the ordeals the heroines suffer leave no lasting effects, as neither do the beatings they endure; if so, there would be no Superheroines to torment, lol!
I prefer my fantasies not set in a world where Heroines always lose. But each story to be it's own universe where this battle is that Heroine's finale battle.
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For me, it always depends on the heroine involved.

If the heroine's powers are linked to her virtue, there is a huge incentive for me to have my villains power down my heroine by removing that virtue. That said, I only really enjoy the temporary loses of her powers in cases like this. Though I find it extremely tantalizing to take advantage of weaken a super heroine; turning her permanently into an average citizen and then taken advantage of her then...is well…regular domination porn to me.

Now this may sound a bit vindictive of me toward a heroine, but if a she actually flaunts at how must more virtuous she is compared to other heroines, there is a bigger incentive for me to prove just how wrong that heroine is. I would pair that heroine with a villain snarky enough to "drop her down a few pegs". I might even have the "less virtuous" heroine somewhat responsible for the arrogant one's capture or have the less virtuous one eventually save the arrogant one in the end.

There are times, however, where I have invested a lot of time, effort, and myself into a character's innocence. In these cases, I would not take that innocence away lightly. I would say the event would have to be a key turning point in a series (like putting Barbara Gordon though the events of "Batman: The Killing Joke"). Unfortunately, too often, we writers will use some "Batman-esk" event during the origin of the heroine, like a brutal attack or an assault, to turn an average citizen to our heroine. I've certainly used this plot device in many of my stories. But there is nothing wrong with a heroine wanting to be heroine because they had a strong mentor or had a huge sense of justice to begin with. That way, we still have the heroine's virtue to take later in a series…if we are still inclined to do so.

I've mentioned similar thoughts to others before, but we as writers will put our heroines through Hell, but sometimes they neglect to bring them back. And unless we are doing one-shot stories (which is a possibility), the heroine should really be impacted by her previous encounters (at least in the continuum we have our story in). The events either forces them to doubt themselves or the events make them a stronger heroine. I personally like the latter. I feel heroes are heroes because they endure the things that the average person cannot or chooses not to.

But I also think that over the years, I have grown more violent in my peril. In the process, I think I've lost some of the erotic kinkiness that I enjoyed fantasizing over in the beginning. I mean, the act of unmasking can be so sensual when handled properly. In many ways, an unmasking is a powerful metaphor for taking away a heroine's virtue. You strip away her facade and leave her raw and vulnerable. You violate the heroine completely, reduce her to her basic being, and take away the protections that she hid behind previously. She is forever changed by the encounter.


ps...Brainiac vs. Supergirl sounds great. Maybe have Kara lured in by "safe" Brainiac V, only to find out that he was taken over by an earlier version of himself. Yummy!
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Mr. X always does some really awesome stuff with the heroines losing to bugs, or some other sort of alien creature. :D

One of my favorites, and I can't even remember the characters name anymore, but she was a female Ultra Woman (Not the Supergirl character)....Princess something??? But she looked like a female version of the old TV Ultra Man show. But she always found herself in some friggin awesome bug battles....and always losing. hehehe. Wish Mr. X would do some more stories with her. She was always one of my faves.

And I love that idea Zeta....a 'safe' Brainiac V....then discovering he has a 'virus' and had rebooted to an earlier 'evil' version of himself. Yea....that could be interesting.
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Uggh! Count me out when it comes to alien bugs and deflowering.

But having a heroine lose her precious virginity to a male villain is a standard favorite for me and the majority of fans, I would suspect. The way it's written, of course, is everything.

My question is: does Supergirl get her virginity back when she heals? And, in some stories I've read, WW gets the healing ray back at Themyscira and also gets her chance to be "virtuous" again. What do we think about that, gang?
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Absolutely, the 'healing part' NEEDS to happen. I've read that in some stories as well. The heroine lost a previous battle, but has since 'healed' and returns...but only to lose again. Moans, screams, and cries of pleasure, pain, distress shriek out into the cold darkness as our beloved heroine is deflowered once again.

Oh yeah.....Healing HAS TO HAPPEN! hehehe
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DrDominator9 wrote: My question is: does Supergirl get her virginity back when she heals?
This is a great question.

I believe that artificial healing could restore it. So healing rays, temporal anomalies, and magic would work if my stories. But I'd be reluctant to use the natural healing factor. For me, doing so would imply that losing your virginity was an unnatural act. I would be saying that when a heroine reaches a certain level of sexual maturity, that achievement should be treated as an injury or damage instead.

I would also struggle with the idea of whether the heroine would able to have children. Would her body somehow see her child as damage too? Eek!
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Zeta Clark wrote: For me, doing so would imply that losing your virginity was an unnatural act.

But being bound, unconscious, powerless to resist your attacker....wouldn't that be deemed an 'unnatural act'? :hmmm: Your sentence there just had me thinking all types of weird crap. LOL! Yes, sex for a virgin would be a 'natural act'. If it is consensual. But rape I'd think would not be a natural act. Also, think of a female Wolverine type character. One who naturally heals. In that instance, natural healing fits the character.

So I guess it could go on to be how a particular character is introduced at the onset of the story/adventure. Even a well established one can be reintroduced with a new healing ability. But I too like the idea, especially for those characters, to have healings done with some sort of ray...or machinery. Just something not natural.

That whole question though, does prove to be very interesting! :tongue:
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GMan2 wrote:
But being bound, unconscious, powerless to resist your attacker....wouldn't that be deemed an 'unnatural act'? :hmmm: Your sentence there just had me thinking all types of weird crap. LOL! Yes, sex for a virgin would be a 'natural act'. If it is consensual. But rape I'd think would not be a natural act. Also, think of a female Wolverine type character. One who naturally heals. In that instance, natural healing fits the character.

So I guess it could go on to be how a particular character is introduced at the onset of the story/adventure. Even a well established one can be reintroduced with a new healing ability. But I too like the idea, especially for those characters, to have healings done with some sort of ray...or machinery. Just something not natural.

That whole question though, does prove to be very interesting! :tongue:
Yeah, my reply does sound like an endorsement for the peril and rape of superheroines, as if it is natural for heroines to go though that. On the contrary, I find the act of peril to be unnatural, and rape certainly more so. Ultimately, the intent of my reply was to say that losing one's virginity was natural (despite how natural or unnatural it is taken away).

Hehe, I think you were reading my mind a little. I rewrote last night's reply 20 times before I finally hit "Submit". Oddly enough, I removed a sizable section where I had mentioned healing factor characters. In fact, I brought up a story I wrote where the villains took advantage of my heroine's healing factor by robbing her of her virginity multiple times (which restored itself in a matter of minutes).

Her body basically restored her back to a default biological point. Though I didn't bring it up in that story, it affectively prevented her from aging too. Now that I think of it, she couldn't cut her hair or nails either, because they would just grow back because of her healing factor. I thought it would make a interesting discussion, but I ended up taking out the entire section to focus on just Supergirl.

But it really does come down to what you said though. With any story we write, it depends on the character and how they are introduced.

Great discussion so far,
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I like your concept, Zeta, that losing one's virginity is a natural act and not something that needs to be healed. It's a one time event in a heroine's life.

Of course, in stories we write, we often do a reboot and so the heroine is pure once again at the start of it. But when I write a continuing series, I suppose I wouldn't have Supergirl "heal" and have her hymen reestablished. You convinced me.

As for WW and a "healing ray" I think the same rule would apply. As a natural act, it's not something that would be able to be "healed." However, I'm not a doctor but, suppose someone had a broken eardrum. Certainly not a natural act that, but wouldn't a hymen be just as restorable as a broken eardrum? They're both membranes acting as barriers, so to speak.

Hmmm. Something to consider.
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Of course, if you are looking for the "Cherry Forever" aspect, look no further than X-23 and her healing factor.
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I would say it depends on the heroine as well (or in our cases the heroine archetype). A story involving Supergirl would probably involve virtuosity/deflowering, but if you're creating a story around Black Widow, Black Canary, even Power Girl...you have to imagine they either know their way around it or have experienced sex in some form before. Which of course lends to a different kind of horror - they know what to expect/they've never been penetrated by something that big before/they've never been penetrated there (ie anal) before. Stuff like that.

Going back to my fetish about partners fighting crime, it can be interesting as well. Electra Woman might know what's about to happen when she and Dyna Girl are about to be taken, but Dyna Girl might be experiencing it for the first time. So you have that great big where she'll say something like "Stay strong, Dyna Girl...this...may not be pleasant!". Same deal with Wonder Woman/Wonder Girl (although in that case it's probably both of them being virginal...Wondy might do the noble "Let the girl go!" heroine act). And of course the old Batman and Robin show did that as well as have Batman making the occasional reference to the Boy Wonder's emerging libido when it came to the opposite sex.

So ultimately I have no problem with it if it's true to the character and it isn't the central thrust (pardon the pun) of the story. It should be part of it, but I have no interest in just reading The De-Flowering of (insert your heroine here).
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I think my heroines are danger sluts. They get off on the excitement of the hunt and the closer they ride to the edge the hotter they get. This way they are not just passive punching bags getting wailed on. In my mind they have sought out the adventure and are, in a perverse way, active participants in there own sexual adventure.

That's why they stick around episode after episode.
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I can't say I'm a fan of "slutty" superheroines or superheroines that act like porn stars.

They are paragons of law and order and don't have time for the kinky antics of the villains that antagonize them.

I much prefer the arrogant and haughty "You can't do this to ME!" type superheroines, like Wonder Woman and maybe a few others. It's amusing to see them brought down a bit in the world.
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LadyJane wrote:For me it all depends how it works into the narrative... And what's the point?

I like for a heroine to be humiliated and how intense would the humiliation be to have her virginity taken that way! I think its best when its a horny henchman, forcing himself on the defensless heroine, stealing that innocense/purity she had so protected...

A predatory lesbian villainess is interesting in its own way, a heroine doesn't even have to be a virgin for that to compromise her virtue..."I've never been touch this way by a woman, how can this be happening??"

And I can't say a robot does much for me but more and more I've been thinking over different scenarios involving alien beasts and how/why they might take advantage of a defeated heroine...there is something hott about an inhuman creature using and invading a heroine's defenseless body, so that'd be most exciting to me right now...though this may just be a phase...
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I think losing virtue and virginity is quite an good experience for viewer like me. Deflowering a heroine is the highest level of torturing. In Japanese giga series heroines are always taken virginity by bad guys and when I see it, I really feel great.
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I think the reason why this idea is so interesting is because it is something truly ireversbile. Somebody posted a story here with WW getting caught by drug dealers, stripped naked, and then hearing one of them issue orders to have her shaved with a laser. It was a really powerful moment, because that was something they were going to take from her permanently.

As for this particular idea, I like it a lot as well, but I cannot really decide which option is more dismal: for a heroine to lose her virtue to a villain/villainess who wants and enjoys making her suffer, or to a machine that simply follows what it is programmed to do.

There is a third option. I remember reading a s.f.-horror story many years ago in which I discovered it. There is the option of a sentient being that is neutral with respect to the heroine (like a machine) but which acts out of instinct, out of the desire to breed. For example, the superheroine fights the extragalactic insectoid roach thingy, she is defeated by it and the alien impregnates her before moving away.
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Last edited by batgirl1969 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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In the Hydrogirl sequel, I’m planning on her to be revealed to have been a virgin before getting raped in Hydrogirl: Soaking and Wet. So, ya
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